



1.﹣﹣﹣Could you____me your bike,Tom?

﹣﹣﹣OK.And you can_____it for a week.()

A.lend;keep B.borrow;lend C.lend;borrow D.borrow;keep

2.Mr.Green put up his tent right now as soon as he arrived on the island.()

A.on time B.at once C.for a whileD.from now on

3.﹣﹣﹣I have problems in solving the task.What should I do?

﹣﹣﹣You can turn to your teacher.()

A.tell the teacher to do it

B.think it over

C.ask the teacher for help

D.give it up

4.Our friendship becomes better and better as time goes by.()

A.leaves B.loses C.runs D.passes

5.My aunt had a pig of a day yesterday.She lost her purse and mobile phone in the street.()A.a lucky day B.a busy day

C.an unhappy dayD.a wonderful day

6.﹣﹣﹣Bill won the first prize in yesterday's singing competition.

﹣﹣﹣Really?His parents must be proud ofhim.()

A.take pride in B.take care of

C.be afraid of D.be strict with

7.Emily got the first place in the Spelling Bee.We all admire her spelling ability()A.a competition to spell words

B.a competition to give speeches

C.a competition to tell stories

D.a competition to sing songs

8.Little Tom was in seventh heaven when he got a fashion bicycle for his birthday()A.disappointed B.angry C.upset D.happy

9.Qingshuijiang River is the longest riverin the southeast of Guizhou province.()A.longer than any river

B.longer than any other rivers

C.a longest one of all rivers

D.longer than another river

10."What would you like to be when you become an adult?"The teacher asked me.()A.become a high school student

B.become a person

C.are growing

D.grow up

11.I had a pig of a daylast Saturday.I lost my watch.()

A.an unpleasant day B.a nice day

C.a relaxing day D.a lucky day

12.You speak too fast,Mr Lee.Most of us can't follow you.()

A.look B.listen C.know D.understand

13.You are supposed tobow when you meet someone from Korea.()

A.must B.should C.would D.can

14.Though she is eighty years old,she is in good health.()

A.unhealthy B.ill C.healthy D.strong

15.When her parents weren't at home,she took care of your sister.()

A.look for B.cared for C.look over D.look after

16.We are proud of our motherland.()

A.take pride in B.took pride in

C.are pride in D.be proud in

17.If you work hard,you will realize your dream.()

A.make your dream come true

B.come true your dream

C.come your dream true

D.achieves your dream

18.There are many trees on both sides of the street.()

A.every side B.all sides C.each sides D.each side

19.﹣﹣﹣Do you have a QQ friend?

﹣﹣﹣Yes,I heard from my QQ friend in New York recently.()

A.now B.long long ago

C.not long ago

20.He is one of the most celebrated writers in America.()

A.important B.famous C.humorous

21.The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier unless we take action to protect them.()A.take measures B.take care

C.take advice

22.When you cross the crossroads in the street,you need to guard against accidents.()A.protect yourself from B.suffer from

C.keep in touch with

23.Why should we protect animals?

If not,they will die out.()

A.disappear B.remain C.leave

24.The world's population is increasing fast.()

A.showing B.giving C.growing

25.﹣﹣﹣What have you decided to be?

﹣﹣﹣A scientist.()

A.thought of B.made up your mind

C.gone on

26.﹣﹣﹣The green house effect is really bad for the environment.

﹣﹣﹣Exactly!As a result of it,the Earth's temperature is rising.()

A.falling B.increasing C.changing

27.﹣How long are you planning to stay in your hometown,Li Ping?

﹣I'm not sure.Maybe ____________.()

A.sometime B.some times C.sometimes D.some time

28.﹣﹣﹣Little Ken made an apology to Grandma Li because he broke her window.

﹣﹣﹣He is an honest child.He will be more careful next time.()

A.said sorry

B.expressed congratulations

C.expressed thanks

29.﹣﹣﹣Did Chloe win an award in Spelling Contest?

﹣﹣﹣Yes,she did.So she treated herself to a complete set of Mark Twain's novels.()A.bought herself B.looked forward to

C.fixed on

30.﹣﹣What's your plan for this summer holiday?﹣﹣We are going to make a journey to Paris.()

A.take a train B.go on a trip

C.go to the cinema

31.﹣What suggestions will you give me?

﹣﹣You need hard work,in addition,money is also quite important.()

A.because B.however C.besides

32.﹣﹣﹣Could you help me improve my English?

﹣﹣﹣Sure.You should read more and talk more everyday.()

A.show …around B.make …better C.leave …alone

33.﹣﹣Why are many people still cutting down trees?

﹣﹣Because they are unaware of the importance of trees.()

A.don't realize B.don't find

C.don't listen to

34.﹣﹣Where are the passengers from?

﹣﹣They are from America,Canada and England.()

A.workers B.people on bus


35.It's a very cold day though the sun is shining brightly.()

A.making light B.taking in light

C.giving out light

36.﹣﹣What do you think of Jim,Mike?﹣﹣He is always cheerful and smiles at others.()A.happy B.useful C.strict

37.﹣﹣Lily,why are you so nervous?

﹣﹣I'll have an important exam tomorrow,but I haven't prepared for it.()

A.excited B.embarrassed C.worried

38.﹣﹣﹣Above all,it is time to finish the work for now.

﹣﹣﹣I'm afraid that we can't do it.()

A.Especially B.All in all C..In total

39.﹣﹣﹣Our parents are very busy every day.

﹣﹣﹣In my opinion,it's our duty to help parents do the housework.()

A.I hope B.I think C.I am sure

40.﹣﹣My little brother wonders why dinosaurs died out suddenly.

﹣﹣Maybe he can look it up in the encyclopaedia.()

A.appeared B.didn't exist C.went outside

41.How often did you hear from your son?

Once a month.()

A.get a letter from B.write a letter to

C.hear of

42.﹣﹣﹣Do you think what he did is right?

﹣﹣﹣No.Don't laugh at the poor and we should help them.()

A.make fun of B.help with C.feel pity of

43.Why did the little boy still stand there?

In fact,he didn't know what happened just now.()

A.Luckily B.Actually C.Suddenly

44.Is your oral English very good?

No.My English teacher always tells me I should practice it in my daily life.()A.everyday B.every day C.day

45.Soccer is a wonderful game for children.It great exercise,such as running and kicking.()

A.provides B.remains C.practises D.receives

46.﹣How can I get some ______ about the 2016 Olympic Games?﹣﹣Why not search the Internet?()

A.information B.experienceC.practice D.success

47.﹣Are the beaches in Dalian beautiful?

﹣Sure.They___________ lots of tourists from home and abroad every year.()A.promise B.advise C.attract D.tell

48.﹣﹣﹣How is Tom now?

﹣﹣﹣I hear the company _____ him a good job,but he refused it.()

A.provided B.offered C.passed D.introduced

49.The running water makes the stones ______ very smooth.()

A.sound B.taste C.smell D.feel

50.The population of Liupanshui is over 3million.()

A.less than B.almost C.nearly D.more than

51.﹣﹣﹣I'm a little __________ now.

﹣﹣﹣Oh,it's lunch time.Let's go to the nearest restaurant to get something to eat.()A.thirsty B.worried C.hungry D.bored

52.Could you give me some ______?I tried several times but failed.()

A.notice B.suggestion C.advice

53.I am new here.I often get lost and can't find my ________.()

A.ticket B.way C.wallet

54.A smilenothing,but gives much.()

A.costs B.spends C.cost D.spend

55.The Chinese saying"A tree can't make a forest"tell us thatis very important in a football match.()

A.ability B.decision C.teamwork D.experience

56.Sometimes it often rains _____ in my hometown in summer.()

A.heavy B.hardly C.heavily D.strongly

57.Dreams are beautiful.However,to ______ them needs lots of time and work.()A.discover B.find C.achieve D.stop

58.It is necessary for everyone toa good habit of reading.()

A.enjoy B.choose C.develop D.accept

59.Mom,I'm very _________ for all your love.()

A.thankful B.careful C.useful D.helpful

60.It was such a long way that they didn't the hotel until it became dark.()A.reach B.arriveC.get




1.(2016?荆门)﹣﹣﹣Could you____me your bike,Tom?

﹣﹣﹣OK.And you can_____it for a week.()

A.lend;keep B.borrow;lend C.lend;borrow D.borrow;keep



【解答】答案:A.首先分析选项中各词的意义:lend;借出keep 保存borrow 借入.根据语境Ok,可知应为同意借出,故一空应为lend.根据语境for a week(一周)可知第二空应为延续性动词keep.故答案为A.


2.(2016?黔南州)Mr.Green put up his tent right now as soon as he arrived on the island.()A.on time B.at once C.for a whileD.from now on



首先明确选项中各个短语的意思,A:按时;B:立刻/马上;C:暂时/一会儿;D:从现在开始;原句的句意是"格林先生一到达那个小岛就马上搭起了帐篷.",由此判断原句中的right now 想当于at once,故答案为B.


3.(2016?黔南州)﹣﹣﹣I have problems in solving the task.What should I do?

﹣﹣﹣You can turn to your teacher.()

A.tell the teacher to do it

B.think it over

C.ask the teacher for help

D.give it up




首先明确选项中各个短语的意思,A:告诉老师去做;B:仔细考虑一下;C:向老师寻求帮助;D:放弃它;根据语境不知道怎么解决问题推测设空处的句意是"你可以向你的老师请求帮助.",由此判断原句中的短语相当于:ask the teacher for help,故答案为C.


4.(2016?黔南州)Our friendship becomes better and better as time goes by.()A.leaves B.loses C.runs D.passes



初中英语 常用同义词辨析(31)

初中英语常用同义词辨析(31) decide, determine, resolve, settle 这些动词都含“决定”之意。 decide : 侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。 determine : 指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行。 resolve : 语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。 settle : 指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论。 decorate, ornament 这两个动词均含“装饰”之意。 decorate : 普通用词,指对人或物进行装饰,使之更加完美。 ornament : 指装饰以精美之物,使某处或某物增添美丽的或景色。 decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, dwindle 这些协词的共同含义是“减少,变少”。 decrease : 指逐渐地、不断地减少。 diminish : 侧重大小数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。 lessen : 普通用词,与decrease近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。 reduce : 普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。 dwindle与decrease同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少终至全无。 dedicate, devote 这两个动词均有“奉献”之意。 dedicate : 正式用词,指献身于某一崇高事业或目的,也可指把著作题献给他人。 devote : 普通用词,指决心把全部身心、精力、时间等献给某一目标,某一个人或致力于某一事业。 deep, profound 这两个形容词都有表示“深的”之意。 deep : 普通用词,指由上到下,或由表及里的深度,可指具体或抽象事物。 profound : 语气较强,较为庄重,多指抽象的事物,多用于比喻。 defend, protect, safeguard, guard, shield, shelter, harbour 这些动词均有“保护、保卫”之意。 defend : 普通用词,指用武力或其它措施使人或物不受损害,消除危险。用作比喻时,指坚持某种行动、决定或意见。 protect : 普通用词,指用某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害。 safeguard : 语气强,指采取积极措施预防可能发生的一切攻击或危险。 guard : 普通用词,指保持警惕以防可能的攻击或伤害。 shield : 语气比protect强,但侧重防止迫在眉睫的攻击或伤害。 shelter : 通常指寻找安全地方躲避风雨或使人免遭危害。 harbour : 贬义词,指隐匿或非法保护、窝藏。


英语学习中体现为运用不同句型来表述同一意思。细微而言,表述同一意思的各个不同句型各有其语义上的倾 重点;但一般情况下,尤其是对初学者而言,这种细微 的“异”并不要求强调。换言之,是要求从“同”的角 度来看待表述同一意思的不同句型。本章拟以列举实例 的方式来作一综合介绍。 一、一句多讲 1.今天天气怎么样? How is the weather today? What is the weather like today? 2.你怎么啦? What is the matter with you? What’s your trouble? What’s wrong with you? 3.是上学的时候了。 It’s time for school. It’s time to go to school. 4.这男孩今天16岁了。 The boy is sixteen (years old). The boy is at the age of sixteen. He is a boy of sixteen.

5.我把门打开你不介意吧? Do you mind if I open the door? Do you mind my opening the door? 6.他每天花1小时做作业。 It takes him an hour to do his homework every day. He spends an hour (in) doing his homework every day. He spends an hour on his homework every day. 7.自从1992年以来上海发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes have taken place in Shanghai since 1992. There have been great changes in Shanghai since 1992. Shanghai has changed a lot since 1992. 8.她的父亲去世5年了。 Her father died five years ago. Her father has been dead for five years. It is five years since her father died. (这里用It has been five years亦可。) 9.我没有钢笔和铅笔。 I have no pens and no pencils. I have neither pens nor pencils. I have no pens or pencils. (no = not any,所以可用not any代替no)



初中英语同义词辨析 目录: 英语学习过程中经常遇到同义、近义词的辨析,这是英语学习的难点之一,也是中考考点之一,现在把自己整理的一些初中常见的同义近义词的辨析总结如下: 1、talk tell speak say 2、good well nice 3、look see watch read 一、maybe, probably , perhaps 二、few , a few , little , a little 三、each , every 四、when , while 和as 五、between, among 六、among , in the middle of 七、Such , so 八、Nobody , no one , none 九、idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 十、identify, recognize, make out “认出,识别十一、idle, lazy 闲散,懒惰 十二、if, whether 十三、ignorant, illiterate无知的 十四、ill, sick 十五、illness, sickness, disease, complaint 十六、imagination, fancy, fantasy想象,幻想 十七、immediately, instantly, presently, directly, shortly, soon, at once, right away 十八、immerse, dip, duck, plunge, submerge沉浸,浸入 十九、improve, better, perfect, refine改进,改善 二十、indeed, really, truly, actually确实地,真正地 二十一、indispensable, essential, necessary, requisite必不可少的,必需的 二十二、induce, persuade, urge, convince, counsel, coax劝说,劝导,劝诱 1. feel like:想要做某事, 2. much too too much too many 3. few a few. little a little 6. both , all放在be动词的后面 7. enough 的用法:8.形容词修饰不定代词 9形容词变副词;通常是在词尾加ly 10. used to do sth be used to doing sth 11. look for 11\ find: find out 12. borrow lend: 13. have ( has ) been to :have ( has ) gone to 14. nobody : 代词,“没人”,不能用于of 结构中。 15. a number of the number of : 16. between : among 17. across through :cross Over 18. cost spend pay: take : 19. give up 和give in 20. such + a/an + 形容词+名词单数so +形容词+名词复数/不可数名词21. alone lonely 22. good短语:23. feel like 24. later after 25. quite : quite a + adj + n very : a very + adj + n 26. much too too much too many 27. arrive get to reach 28. all:whole 29. another more 30. few a few little a little 31. turn on turn off turn down turn up 32. in bed in hospital on the bed in the hospital 33. sports :修饰名词 35. bad luck good luck have good ( bad ) luck in doing something good ( bad ) luck with something good ( bad ) luck to somebody 36. in front ( of ) in the front ( of ) 37. class family , team 38. at the end of 39. both , all 40. enough 的用法 41.形容词修饰不定代词42. nearly , almost 几乎 43. it , one , that 均可代替上文提到的某物47. carry 运载、搬运、提、扛、抱、抬

初中英语近义词、同义词、词组、短语辨析大全 A

初中英语近义词、同义词、词组、短语辨析大全 A ............................................................. 1.at the moment\in a moment\for a moment\ at the moment=right now"此时此刻",用于现在时。 in a moment = very soon “很快,立即”,一般用于将来时的句子。 for a moment “此刻,一会儿”表示时间的延续。 [例] He is out at the moment.此刻他不在家。 I will come back in a moment.我一会儿就回来。 Hold on for a moment.请稍候。............................................................. 2.a few/ few (1)a few, few 用来修饰可数名词。 (2)a few “有一些”,表示肯定概念,few 几乎没有,表示否定意义。 [例] The man has been here for many years, so he has a few friends. 这个人在这里住了很多年了,他有一些朋友。 I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here. 我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没有几个朋友。............................................................. 3.a little/ little (1) a little, little 用于修饰不可数名词。 (2) a little “有一些”,表示肯定概念。 little “几乎没有”,表示否定概念。 [例] There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。 There is little water in the glass, so you can’t drink any. 杯子里几乎没有水了,你不可能喝到水了。.............................................................


初中英语同义词(近义词)归纳 七年级上册 1.h ello interj. (表示问候)喂 hi interj. (表示问候)嗨 2.l ook v. 看起来 seem v. 看起来 3.t elephone n. 电话 phone n. 电话 4.m other n. 母亲(书面语) mom n. 妈妈(口语) 5.f ather n. 父亲(书面语) dad n. 爸爸(口语) 6.p icture n. 照片 photo n. 照片photograph n. 照片 7.d ear adj. 昂贵的expensive adj. 昂贵的 8.c an modal v. 能;可以;会be able to 能;能够 9.n eed v. 需要 want v. 想要 10.h ave v. 有 own v. 有;拥有 11.m any adj. 许多的;大量的 (修饰可数名词复数) much adj. 许多的;大量的 (修饰不可数名词) 12.c lass n. 课(指一节一节的课) lesson n. 课;课程(指一篇一 篇的课文) 13.i nteresting adj.有趣的;令人感兴趣的 fun adj. 有趣的;令人愉快的funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的14.b oring adj. 无聊的;令人生厌的 dull adj. 单调的;枯燥的;无味的15.d ifficult adj. 困难的 hard adj. 困难的 16.e very adj. 每一;每个 each adj. 每一;每个 17.l ike v. 喜欢 love v. 爱;热爱 enjoy v. 热爱;享受 18.h ealthy adj. 健康的;强健的 fit adj. 健康的(一般只作表语) 19.p eople n. 人;人民(本身是复数) person n. 人;个人(强调个体) 20.a lso adv. 也 too adv. 也 as well 也 21.b ig adj. 大的 large adj. 巨大的 22.s mall adj. 小的;小号的 little adj. 小的 tiny adj. 极小的 23.e xample n. 例子;实例 instance n. 例子;实例 24.s tore n. 商店 shop n. 商店 25.v ery adv. 很;非常;颇 quite adv. 十分;非常 rather adv. 很;相当 26.s orry adj. 难过的 sad adj. 伤心的;难过的 unhappy adj. 不高兴的 27.w hen conj. 当……的时候 while conj. 当……的时候28.h appy adj. 愉快的;高兴的;满意的 pleased adj. 高兴的;满意的 glad adj. 高兴的 29.m ovie n. 电影 film n. 电影 30.k ind n. 种类 type n. 种类 31.s omeone n. 某人 somebody n. 某人 32.w ho pron. 谁(主格) whom pron. 谁(宾格) 33.s tudent n. (中)学生 pupil n. (小)学生


初中英语近义词辨析专项练习 tell talk say speak tell 告诉,讲述可接双宾语 talk 交谈有talk with/to say 说强调说的内容,有say to sb speak 说某种语言其直接宾语为语言,若要对某人或物说,则用speak to 1 Can you _____ me the truth? 2 What language do you ____? 3 This is what they ____ yesterday. 4 Don’t ___in class,please be quiet. .look look at see watch look 看起来(系动词,接形容词作表语) look at 朝…看强调看的方向 see 看见强调看到的结果 watch 观看尤其指看电视,看球赛等 1 The coat ____ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter.

2 Please _______ the blackboard, can you ___ anything? 3 She doesn’t like ____ TV,but she likes _____ football game. .sound listen to hear sound 听起来(系动词,接形容词作表语) listen to 听强调听的动作与方向 hear 听见强调听的结果 1 ____ the radio, it says the flood is coming soon. 2 I can’t ____ you , because there’s something wrong with my ears. 3 What you said ____ interesting. .hear from hear of hear from 收到…的来信 hear of 听说…的消息 1 After ____ her sister, she read and soon wrote back. 2 Have you _____ the place called Shenglong? .receive accept


初中英语近义词辨析1 初中英语近义词辨析(一) 1. clothes, cloth, clothing clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, cloth指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 2. family, house, home home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员. My family is a happy one. 3. sound, voice, noise sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside. 4. photo, picture, drawing photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画. 5. population, people population人口,人数,people具体的人 China has a large population. 6. road, street, path, way road具体的公路,马路,street街道,path小路,小径,way道路,途径 take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum. 7. custom, habit custom传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do, habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接of doing. I've got the habit of drinking a lot.


初中英语同义词辨析 英语学习过程中经常遇到同义、近义词的辨析,这是英语学习的难点之一,也是中考考点之一,现在把自己整理的一些初中常见的同义近义词的辨析放在这里,和朋友们交流,也供学生朋友选择学习。1、talk tell speak say speak 和talk 通常用作不及物动词,都有“说话”之意。在会议上发言用speak,名词为speech; 随便漫谈用talk,其名词还是talk; tell表示“讲述”或“告诉”; say表示“说”;例如: can we speak about plans for the holidays? 我们谈谈假期的打算好吗? the patient is too weak to speak. 病人太衰弱了,不能说话。 my father was talking with my teacher when i got home yesterday。昨天我到家时我父亲正在和我的老师谈话。 i always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep. 女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。 it‘s impossible to tell who will win the next election. 下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。 she said nothing to me about it.

关于这一点,她什么也没有对我讲。 *speak 当及物动词用时,宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词。如: does anyone speak english here? 这儿有人会说英语吗? 2、good well nice good 形容词,好的,合适的,新鲜的,擅长的。 well 作形容词时,指"(身体)健康的”;还可用作副词,修饰动词。nice形容词,美好的,令人愉快的,可爱的,特指取悦感官的事物。she is good at english.她擅长英语。 this cake tastes good.这蛋糕好吃。 his mother is very well.他妈妈很健康。 she is a nice little girl.她是个可爱的小姑娘。 3、look see watch read 看 look通常为不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,指“认真看”,强调看的对象时,后须接介词at才能带宾语,即look at。 see是及物动词侧重于看的结果“看见,看到” watch 作动词,意为“观看,注视”,多指观看运动着的事物,如电视、比赛、表演等。 read 主要强调“读,阅读,朗读”,汉语中常译成“看”,多指看书、报、杂志。 look!the man is coming!看!那个男的来了。 look at the map .看这张地图。 can you see the dog over there?你能看见那儿的狗吗?


初中英语常用词组辨析(31组) 1、Look和See 答:a. look一词单独用时,表示“看!”,通常要放在句首。如: Look! There is a monkey in the tree. 看!树上有一只猴子。 b. look at表示要看具体的内容,如人或物。如: Don’t look at me. Look at the blackboard, please.不要看我,请看黑板。 c. see表示看的结果,即“看到;看见”。如: Can you see the words on the blackboard? 你能看见黑板上的字吗? see也用于“看电影”这个词组中,即:see a film 2、Spend take pay pay 的主语必须是人: (sb) pay money for sth. / pay sb.for sth.; spend的主语必须是人: (sb.) spend money/...for/on sth./ in doing sth. 在......方面花钱或精力; take表示做某事花费多少时间, 其主语一般是一件事 ; 有时也可以是人: It takes/ took sb. some time to do sth. 强调完成动作所花费的时间。 ① It takes sb. some time to do sth. It took him half an hour to finish his homework.他花了半个小时完成家庭作业。 ② sb. spends some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. I spent thirty yuan on this book.我三十元买了这本书。 She spent ten minutes (in) getting there.她10分钟到达那儿。 ③ sb. pays (some money) for sth. He paid a lot of money for the building.他买房子花了许多钱。 表“花费”的动词中,还有一个,即cost: cost 的主语必须是物或事: (sth.) cost(s) sb. money/life/health/time...; This coat cost me eighty yuan.这件上衣花了我80元。 3、on in at


一同义词互相转换 1 alone=by oneself We finished the work alone./by ourselves. 2 actually=in fact Actually, this question is very easy./ In fact, this question is very easy. 3 also=too=as well He’s also a member of us./He’s a member of us, too./He’s a member of us as well. 4 another=one more I’m afraid you have to wait for another ten minutes./I’m afraid you have to wait ten more minutes. 5 arrive in(at)/=get to=reach When she arrived in/got to/reached America, she suddenly felt lonely. 6 iat once=right now Run home at once=Run home right now. 7 continue/go on Let’s continue/go on reading the passage. 8 cost=spend=take=pay (1)I spent ten yuan of/(in) buying this book../This book cost me ten yuan./I paid ten yuan for this book. (2)It took us three days to fulfill this task./We spent three days on this task/in fulfilling this task. 9 cross=go across Before crossing/going across the road, please look both sides. 10 sometimes/=t times He is a good man, but he can be really bad-tempered sometimes./at times. 11 die/=ose one’s life Those people died/lost their lives during the earthquake. 12 now/at the moment She is talking about the problem with her classmates now./at the moment 13 else=other What else/other things can you see in the picture? 14 then=t that moment/at that time She was shopping then/at that moment/at that time, so she knew nothing about it. 15 like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested in/care for She likes/enjoys/loves/is fond of/is interested in/cares for collecting stamps very much. 16 will/be going to/be about to The teachers will/are going to/are about to have a meeting tomorrow afternoon. 17 want/would like Do you want to go abroad to study further?/Would you like to go abroad to study further/


1. too much / much too 1.The computer is ____ expensive. 2.Stop, Peter. You talked ____. 3.I’ve got ____ work to do. 4.Father, have a rest. You’ve ____ tired today. 5.Hurry up! You have wasted ___ time. 2. holiday/ vacation/ leave/ off 1.Christmas is a ____ for everybody. 2.The children will take their summer __ in half a month. 3.My father is on _____. 4.The manager gave the worker a day _____. 5.I have to ask you for half a day’s _____. 3. close/ shut off/ turn off 1.You’d better ____the motor. It is making too much noise. 2.All the shops are ____ now. 3.She didn’t __ the door and entered the house. 4.He ____ the lights before he left the lab. 5._____ the television, please. 4. instead/ instead of/ without 1.I don’t like this one; please give me that____. 2.He stayed at home studying English ___ going to the cinema. 3.Tom passed by me ___ saying hello to me.

初中英语 常用同义词辨析(50)

"初中英语常用同义词辨析(50) " forwards, forth, onwards 这些副词均含有“向前”之意。 forwards : 多指具体的向前移动。 forth : 正式的书面用词,侧重指向前行进。 onwards : 通常指向着一定的目标、终端或地方前进。 fountain, spring 这两个名词都含有“泉”之意。 fountain : 指天然或供观赏或饮水用的人工泉或喷泉。引申用根“根源”或“源泉”解。 spring : 指从地面自然涌出的天然泉。 fragrance, odour, flaour, smell, perfume, scent, incense 这些词都有“气味”之意。 fragrance : 较正式的典雅用词,常指花妆品、花朵和香料等发出的令人感到新鲜、愉快的香味。 odour : 书面中性词,侧重气味本身的本质,既可指令人愉快的气味,也可指令人作呕难闻气味。 flaour : 指影响嗅觉、味觉的香气或香味,多用于指食物等独特的味。 smell : 普通用词,与odour很相近,中性词。可指好闻或不好闻或中性气味。 perfume : 书面用词,指强烈、浓厚天然或人工制造的香气。 scent与smell很接近,但着重某物质或物体所特有的气味,多指好闻的气味。 incense : 指香燃烧时发出的芳香的烟味。 frank, open, plain, blunt, honest, sincere, straightforward 这些形容词都有“坦率,诚实”之意。 frank : 强调毫无保留地畅所欲言,不受任何约束。 open : 指不隐瞒自己的秘密,愿意向他人表露自己或公开暴露自己的缺点。 plain : 指直言不讳,毫不做作或故弄玄虚。 blunt : 指讲话坦白直率、不客气,但隐含不得体、不顾及他人感情等意味。 honest : 指遵守正直等道德准则。 sincere : 侧重指一个人出自内心地对某人某事表示一种诚意。 straightforward : 多用于答复、叙述等场合。指直截了当,不回避,或故弄玄虚。 free, liberate, release, discharge 这些动词均含“解放,释放”之意。 free : 指不再受任何限制、约束、阻碍和压迫,完全可按自己的意志行事。 liberate : 常指从束缚和压迫中解放出来,强调获得最终的解放,有时可和free换用。 release : 侧重指放松限制、解除监禁或免除义务。 discharge : 强调把某人或某物从监禁、束缚中释放出来。 freedom, liberty


中学英语近义词辨析200组 1。clothes,cloth, clothing?clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth指布,为不可 2。incident,accident?数名词clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of,an article of? 3. amount,incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killedinthe accident.? number?amount后接不可数名词,number后接可数名词a numberofstudents 4。family, house,home?home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员。My f 5。sound,voice, noise amily is ahappy one.? sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside.?6. photo,picture,drawing photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画 Let’sgo andsee a good picture。 7.vocabulary,word?vocabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He hasa large vocabulary。 8. population, people?population人口,人数,people具体的人Chinahas a large populatio 9。weather, climate n。? weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not goodfor you.?10。road, street,path,way?road具体的公路,马路,street街道,path小路,小径,way道路,途径 takethisroad;in the street,showme the way to the museum。 11.course, subject?course课程(可包括多门科目),subject科目(具体的学科)a summer course 12. custom,habit?custom传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do,habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接ofdoing.I'vegot the habit of drinkingalot. 13.cause, reason cause指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接ofsth。/doingsth,reason用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth。/doing sth.the reason forbeing late 14. exercise,exercises, practice exercise运动,锻炼(不可数),exercises练习(可数),practice(反复做的)练习?Practice makes perfect。?15.class, lesson 16。作"课"解时,两者可以替换.指课文用lesson. 指班级或全体学生用class.lesson 6;class 5?speech,talk, lecture speech指在公共场所所做的经过准备的较正式的演说,talk日常生活中的一般的谈话,讲话,lecture学术性的演讲,讲课a series of lecture on… 17. officer,official?officer部队的军官,official政府官员an army officer?18. work, job 二者均指工作。work不可数,job可数a goodjob 20。19。couple, pair?couple主要指人或动物,pair多指由两部分组成的东西a pair of trousers?country,nation, state, land?country侧重指版图,疆域,nation指人民,国民,民族,state侧重指政府,政体,land国土,国家Thewhole nation was sad atthe news.? 21。cook, cooker?c 22。damage, damages?damage不可数名词, 损ook厨师,cooker厨具Heis agood cook.? 23. police, policeman 害,损失; damages复数形式,赔偿金$900damages? police警察的总称,后接复数谓语动词,policeman 指某个具体的警察The police arequest ioning everyone in the house。 24。problem,question

初中英语 常用同义词辨析(8)

初中英语常用同义词辨析(8) anxiety, worry, care, concern 这些名词均含“焦虑、关心”之意。 anxiety :指对预料中的不祥之事的焦虑。 worry :侧重对未知事态演变的忧虑。 care :强调因出于责任感或顾虑等而产生的不安。 concern :作“关心”用时,是indifference(冷漠)的反义词,侧重对他人健康、安全等的关心,也可暗示对困难、危险或失败等的忧虑。 anxious, eager, keen 这些形容词均有“急切的,渴望的”之意。 anxious :强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情。 eager :侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。 keen :强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。 anything but, nothing but, all but, none but 这些短语均由代词加前置词but(除开)构成,但含义各不相同。 anything but :(=not at all, by no means, never)表示“决不,根本不”。 nothing but :(=only)表示“只不过,除了……以外什么也没有”。 all but :(=almost, nearly)表示“几乎,差一点”。 none but :(=no one except)表示“只有;除……外谁也不”。 apparatus, instrument, device, equipment, tool, implement, installation, appliance, facilities 这些名词均有“仪器、设备、器械、器具”之意。 apparatus :既可指某种具体的由许多不同零件构成的复杂的仪器、装置或器械,又可指它们的总称。 instrument :通常指能使人们完成某一精确动作或测量的一种小型仪器,尤指电工仪表、测量装置,航海或航空用的控制装置。 device :多指为某一特殊用途或解决某一特定机械问题而设计或改装的精巧的仪器或装置。 equipment :多指成套的或重型的设备或装备。通常用作不可数名词。 tool :一般指进行特种工作的手工工具,也可指人造使用动力的工具,还可作引申用。 implement :原指史前人类所用的工具,现在多指农用工具,也可指为实现某个任务所需的工具或器具。 installation :一般多指安装完成,可供使用或操作的整套装置或设施。 appliance :侧重指家用机器或设备,尤指家用电器。 facilities :常用复数形式,指可供使用的设备或设施。 apparent, obvious, evident, clear, plain, distinct, definite, manifest 这些形容词均含“清楚的,明白的,明显的”之意。 apparent :强调显而易见或一想便知。这个词从动词appear派生而来,故有时含有表面如此而事实上未必的意味。



初中英语近义词辨析专项练习(必考点)1.tell talk say speak 1 Can you _____ me the truth? (中文翻译) 2 What language do you ____? (中文翻译) 3 This is what they ____ yesterday. (中文翻译) 4 Don’t ___in class,please be quiet. (中文翻译) 2.look look at see watch 1 The coat ____ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter. (中文翻译) 2 Please _______ the blackboard, can you ___ anything? (中文翻译) 3 She doesn’t like ____ TV,but she likes _____ football game. (中文翻译) 3.sound listen to hear 1 ____ the radio, it says the flood is coming soon. (中文翻译) 2 I can’t ____ you , because there’s something wrong with my ears. (中文翻译) 3 What you said ____ interesting. (中文翻译) 4.hear from hear of 1 After ____ her sister, she read and soon wrote back. (中文翻译) 2 Have you _____ the place called Shenlong? (中文翻译)
