



感谢:xywangsw @ EnglishTest of SJTUBBS

Topic:The stock market exchange and China’s economic development Questions for Reference:

1. What do you know about the development of the stock market in China in the past decade or so?

2. What are the major functions of the stock market in China’s economy, according to your understanding and judgement?

3. What can you tell about the current situation and the future trend of the stock market in China?

Part A

Passage 1:

It is an honor to be here to speak on behalf of the Microsoft Research Center and to participate in this conference to discuss the strategic issues facing this wonderful and dynamic city of Shanghai. In my address to the conference, I’d like to concentrate on Mi crosoft’s proposed joint ventures in Shanghai, because these ventures confirm our position as a strongly committed partner to Shanghai. //

We understand that, as the fastest growing economy in the world today, China is likely to become the world’s second l argest economy in the mid-21st century. Therefore, the foreign investor must have a strategic plan and the willingness to form a long-term partnership with China. On a foundation of seeking a win-win situation for both China and America, we have developed a strategic roadmap based on mutual benefit and sustainable development.




Passage 2:

Today’s world is primarily shaped and dominated by a few corporate billionaires. So the battle

we need to fight, in the year 2001, is to accent this escalating and galloping wealth inequality between the rich and the poor, not just here but around the world. //

Half of the people on this planet are living on less than two dollars a day. The richest 225 individuals have more wealth than the bottom 43% of all humankind. That’s 2.6 billion people of all colors. The richest three individuals have more wealth than the bottom 48 countries. That’s not just unjust and immoral, that’s a crime against humanity.




Part B

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the pas sages only once. Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage.

Passage 1:




Over the past 50 years, in (the) light of the changeable international situation and the development of domestic socialist construction, China’s diplomacy has undergone many adjustments. Especially since the 1980s, major adjustments in China’s diplomacy have been made under the personal guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. //

With China’s independent foreign policy of peace being enriched and perfected, a complete line guiding foreign affairs and a unique diplomatic style have gradually taken shape. They have met with brilliant success in safeguarding China’s sovereignty, opposing hegemonies and safeguarding world peace and made due contributions to the promotion of human progress.

Passage 2:





Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers a land of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared t a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigiou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.

Topic: The most needed talents in the new century

Questions for Reference:

1. What opportunities and challenges is China faced with, as China is now entering WTO?

2. Can you name just a few of the professional jobs which you think are most needed in China in the new century? Give reasons for your answer.

3. What should you do to cultivate or train yourself to take up one of those jobs?

Part A

Passage 1:

China is blessed with both a proud history and the promise of tomorrow. I am delighted to begin my journey in Xian, once the capital of China, still the heartland of the Chinese people.

I was raised in the heartland of my own country. I know that the character of a nation is determined by the hard-working people who live here. //

Tomorrow, I look forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls. I look forward to learning more about China’s great contributions to the store of human knowledge, from medicine and printing to mathematics and astronomy ― discoveries on which so much of the whole world’s progress is based.




Passage 2:

In this world, the dominant trend is still one of peace and progress, but there are a few interest groups which always want to seek gains by creating tension here and there. This is against the will of the majority of the people and against the trend of the time. //

In order to create an enormous market demand and promote economic prosperity, we should make continued efforts to advance the cause of peace and development. We should also ensure that people around the world live and work in peace and contentment and focus on economic development and on scientific and technological innovation.




Part B

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage.

Passage 1:




It is my great honor to declare the commencement of the Shanghai International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights. I would like to offer my congratulations on the successful opening of the conference. I wish to thank all the members of the organizing committee for their hard work, without which this conference would not have been possible.

The violation of intellectual property rights has become a serious problem facing the world today. The protection of intellectual property rights has become a growing concern among all the nations of the international community. I am (deeply) convinced that this conference will reach an agreement on the protection of intellectual property rights so as to stop/check the wicked spread of piracy.

Passage 2:




The World Fair/Exposition is a large-scale, far-reaching grand show/exposition, reflecting comprehensively the development and achievements of different countries in the fields of politics, economy, culture as well as science and technology. Therefore, it is known as/it is compared to the “Olympic Games of Economy, Science and Technology, and Culture”. // China has participated in nine World Fairs/Expositions since 1982. Last year, China successfully held the World Horticultural Exposition/Gardening Show in Kunming, (capital of) Yunnan Province. This was the first time that China hosted an A-1 class / top-class specialized world exposition recognized by the Bureau of International Exhibition, the administrative body of the World Exposition.

Topic: The real estate market in China

Questions for Reference:

1. What do you know about the real estate market trend in Shanghai as well as in China?

2. Why are people becoming more active in buying their own houses in recent years?

3. If you have enough money, what kind of house would you like to buy? Why?

4. What conclusions could you draw from the booming real estate business?

Part A

Passage 1:

There are 2 types of social communication intelligence. The first one refers to the ability to understand oneself. Children with the intelligence for self-understanding know how to make plans and arrangements, and know how to bring their ability into full play. They can do things on their own in a well-organ ized way without their parents’ supervision. //

The second type is the ability to understand others. Children with this kind of ability are good at spotting the peculiarities of other people and imitating them. For instance, they can easily identify a negative character in a TV play or a film. Therefore, parents should make their children develop their potential intelligence according to their own characteristics.




Passage 2:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Now that we are all here, shall we begin? As you all know, the purpose of today’s meeting is to consider how best to introduce our ran ge of machine tools to the key Asian markets. We have been discussing this idea for some time and the very fast growth of Asian markets indicates that we should at least take this to the next stage. //

There are several items on the agenda. The first is the joint venture with the Starr Company, which is a small but successful company whom we could license to manufacture our products out there. The second item is the possibility of a link with a major regional distributer there; one with existing retailers in all key markets. Thirdly, there is, of course, the question of direct export to individual countries.




Part B

Passage 1:




It is the common aspiration of all the people in the world to maintain stability, seek development and promote cooperation. The deepening of multi-polarization and economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology has exerted a profound impact on international political, economic and cultural relations, and they have provided a new impetus for human progress. //

The new developments/situation, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces, enhanced cooperation and exchanges among countries and forged closer global ties. All people who love peace and long for development are working hard to create /for a more progressive world with a bright future.

Passage 2:




In order to mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Library Cave at Dunhuang, a grand Dunhuang art show is scheduled to open/is held from July through August this year at the National Museum of Chinese History. It is reported that, different from previous Dunhuang art shows, this one is the largest in size and boasts of the greatest number of exhibits (on display). Many exhibits are being shown to the public for the first time. //

The exhibition also show to the public more than 80 (cherished) photos and pictures, vividly telling people the great calamity and humiliation of Dunhuang in the past one hundred years. The significance/importance of such exhibition is to show/lies in showing to the world the cream of Dunhuang art so as to enable the people of the world to understand the excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.


《高级口译教程》核心词汇(1) 第一篇 学位点 degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地 key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站 post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科 national key disciplines 两院院士 academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育 online education 科举制 imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮 brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕 negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思 extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度 educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人 graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举 strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港 Manufactured goods 制成品


上海市英语口译资格证书第二阶段考试考试流程 1)主考教师在老师用卷上写下考生的姓名和准考证号(即考生第一阶段笔试准考证号)以及该考生的录音磁带号与口试号。同时,在录音带上写下该考生的口试号和姓(名)。 2)进行口语考试录音(如果录音磁带不够,考官可在一分钟后按下录音机暂停键,以留下足够空白保证口译录音的完整,但千万不要忘记在考生开始做口译时启动暂停键)和评分,考生开始讲My name is… My registration number is…(考生不能看着准备过的材料发言,但主考教师可根据实际情况提问或让考生再阅读一遍口语试题) 3)主考教师提供给考生口译记录纸,开始用放音机播放口译试题。 4)每段口译都要评分。对评定为不及格的段落,主考教师还应作出相关评语,点评不及格原因,如:漏译1/3;重大错译;未译等 5)考生可看着记录纸进行口译。 6)主考老师分别在教师用卷上总评分一栏中评出总评成绩并且签名。 7)主考教师可在教师用卷上对考生的口语和水平作简短评语。 8)注意事项1 :在口试过程中,应保证A考试时间B考试环境(尤其是口译考试过程中)C放音清晰D录音完整 注意事项2:考官进入试场,请佩带主考证;请关闭手机等通讯工具;请保持考场的安静。上海市英语口译资格证书第二阶段考试评分纲要 本阶段考试分口语和口译两部分,两部分独立打分,各部分(或段落)成绩分三个档次:优秀,及格,不及格。总评成绩分三个档次:优,及格,不及格。考官可简略书写为:优,及,不 一、口语 要求考生根据考题,连贯地说三~五分钟。(但不要求考生完全按照附加的思考题发言) 1. 优秀:内容完整、切题,语音语调正确,表达流利,语言基本无错误。 2. 及格:内容较完整、基本切题,语音语调基本正确,表达尚流利,语言无重大错误。 3. 不及格:内容不切题或遗漏较多,语音语调错误较多,表达有困难,语言错误较多。 4. 考生正常发挥,口语仍不能达到及格标准者,原则上总评成绩给予不及格。 二、口译 要求考生在规定的时间内将所听到的段落译成英语或汉语。本项目共有四篇短文:两篇英语,两篇汉语,每篇短文分成若干段落,每个段落都需要评分。 1. 优秀:内容完整、准确,基本无遗漏或错译,语音语调正确,表达流利,语言基本无错误。 2. 内容尚完整、准确,无重大遗漏或错译,语音语调基本正确,表达尚流利,语言无重大错误。 3. 不及格:内容不完整或不准确、遗漏、错译较多(达三分之一或以上),语音语调错误很


Mindy按TEXT PASSAGE ONE 汉译英: 1.副总统阁下,威廉斯夫人:贵宾们:女士们,先生们: Your Excellency Vice President and Mrs. Williams, Our distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: 2.我为能在此设宴招待威廉斯副总统和夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快。 It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs. Williams and other distinguished guests. 3.愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。 I would avail myself this opportunity to extent my warm welcome to you all. 4.我的心情可以引用孔子在论语中的一句话来表示:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? A remark the Analects of Confucius best expressed what I feel now, ”It is suc h a delight that I have friends visiting from afar.” 5.显而易见,威廉斯副总统的这次访问表明了阁下愿意继续推进我们两国之间友好合作关系的决心。 Evidently, Vice President Williams’ current visit has demonstrated his Excellency’s determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries. 6.我深信,两国高层领导人之间的频繁互访,不仅有助于我们两国之间关系的改善,而且还有助于亚太地区,乃至整个世界的和平和稳定。 I am deeply convinced that frequent exchanges of visits between the top government officials of the two countries are beneficial not only to the improvement of our relationships, but also to the peace and stability in the Asi a- Pacific region and the world as a whole. 7.我们两国建交以来的这些年里,我们在政治、经济、贸易、文化、教育、科技、卫生等领域里进行了真诚的、卓有成效的合作。 Over the years since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between our two countries, we have carried out sincere and rewarding cooperation in politic al, economic, trade, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, public health and other fields. 8.值得一提的是,自从我们两国总理互访以来,我们在近海石油勘探和汽车工业方面的合作进展神速。 In particular, our cooperation in off-shore and automobile industry have been advancing rapidly ever since the exchange of visit between your Prime Minister and our Premier. 9.我们对这些领域里取得的成就深感满意,并愿意与贵国政府和人民一起继续努力,将我们的合作关系推向一个新的高度。


高级口译教程经典背诵版之科技报告 TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.My topic today is “The Car and Air Pollution”. 我今天的话题是“轿车与空气污染”。 2.In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution; and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car. 具体说来,我想先讨论一下轿车引起空气污染的途径,然后我们如何控制和减少由轿车产生的空气污染。 3.First, then, how does the car cause air pollution? 首先,轿车如何导致空气污染? 4.What happens is that the car’s internal combustion engine is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale. 桥车内燃机实际上是一座小型化工厂。 5.It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns, to produce the energy which propels the car. 内燃机所用的燃料是汽油和空气的混合物。汽油夹着空气,燃烧后产生驱车动力。 6.But while this is happening, many complicated chemical reactions are taking place. 但是许多复杂的化学反应也同时发生。 7.In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up, and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons. 具体而言,部分汽油空气混合物不能完全燃烧,并且发动机产生的废气包含着一些非常危险的化学物质,比如一氧化碳、氮氧化物、铅和碳氢化合物。8.This is the situation, then, and it’s going to get much worse, unless we do something about it. 这是一种情况,如果我们不对它采取某些措施,这种情况将会变得越来越糟糕。9.So –let’s focus our attention now on ways of controlling or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car. 因此,我们现在应把注意力放在控制或者减少由汽车产生的空气污染方法上来。10.I want to mention five possibilities. 我想谈一下可以采用的 5 中措施: 11.First, we can discourage the use of cars. 首先,我们不鼓励使用轿车。 12.For example, we can put higher taxes on petrol and on cars themselves - especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol. 例如,我们可以给汽油和轿车本身价更高的税 - 特别是耗油量高的大型车。


上海市高级口译第二阶段口试模拟2 (总分:5.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00) 1.Many female PhD graduates have encountered an embarrassing problem: the high degree seems to be a disadvantage to them when they start dating. Topic: Is a PhD degree a disadvantage for young females? Questions for reference: 1. Is it true that it is difficult for female PhD students to find their true love? 2. What are the social and historical reasons? 3. What do you think of the position of the female PhD graduates in society? (分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:(略) 二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00) (分数:2.00) (1).Passage 1(分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:非常高兴与大家共聚一堂。今天在这里举行的微软件中国第一届专业开发人员大会,是微软公司的一个重要里程碑。我们与全球软件开发人员建立的主要伙伴关系不仅对“视窗”成功很重要,而且对实现个人电脑技术提供的可能性也很重要。通过各科-应用程序,公司把个人电脑作为信息时代的工具使用。个人电脑行业是能够在提供价格更低的设备的同时并提升其功能的少数几个行业之一。 这一变革的速度之快,令人惊叹。即使像我这样深入参与该行业的人员,看到一年中所发生的进步和变化也感到很奇妙。当然,处理器性能的巨大提高是这一行业的一个推动因素。毫无疑问,芯片通过微处理器的进步所提供的强大功能允许我们考虑过去根本没有可能的应用程序。 [解析] It"s a great pleasure to be here. Today is a major milestone for Microsoft as our first Professional Developers Conference here in China. The key partnerships we build with software developers around the world are central not only to the success of Windows but also to realize the possibility that PC technology provides. It"s through applications of every variety that businesses will be using the personal computer as the tool of the Information Age. The PC industry is one of the few industries that can deliver lower price equipment while improving the capabilities. It"s rather amazing how fast this innovation is moving. Even to keep the like of myself who are deeply involved in the industry to go and see the improvement and every element that are taking place on a yearly basis is quite fantastic. Of course one of the driving factors of this business is the exponential increase in processor performance. There is no doubt that the magic of chip capability through the advance in microprocessor allows us to think of application which never would have been possible before. (2).Passage 2(分数:1.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:我很荣幸能参加这次会议。今大上我应邀向各位谈一下制药业的现状。我们是在一个越米越复杂、竞争越来越激烈的动态环境中工作,对于制药业来说更是如此。制药业也面临着日益加剧的全球化进程、行业竞争和科技的快速发展。置身于这利一种环境之中,我们做出的决定不仅会影响为我们工作和与我们


TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.Honorable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: 尊敬的主席先生,女士们先生们: 2.The world today asks for global cooperation to fight a common war against poverty. 当今世界需要全球合作,共同向贫穷宣战。 3.The recent convening of the United Nations World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen bore witness to need for the world community to pool their efforts to fight poverty. 最近在哥本哈根召开的联合国社会发展世界首脑会议,已经认识到国际社会携手起来迎战贫穷的必要性。 4.Poverty remains a major challenge facing the world today. 贫穷是当今世界面临的一个主要问题。 5.United Nations statistics show that 20 percent of the world’s population currently live below the poverty line. 联合国统计数字表明20%的世界人口目前仍生活在贫困线以下。 6.In the past half century, many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have achieved remarkable successes in their economic and social development, especially some newly industrialized nations arising in Asia and Latin America. 在上半个世纪,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的许多发展中国家在经济和社会发展取得了显著的成就,尤其是一些亚洲和拉丁美洲新兴的工业化国家的出现。 7.Developing countries as a whole have reduced their economic disparity against the developed ones, but the gap between the rich and the poor as well as between the extremes of wealth and poverty in some developing countries have not fundamentally improved. 发展中国家总体上缩小了与发达国家的经济差距,但是各国贫富之间差距及发展中国家内部的贫富两极分化的问题还没有从根本上解决。 8.Last year, the per capita of GNP developed countries was US$16,610, whereas that of developing countries was only US$950, of 5.7 percent of the former. 去年,发达国家的人均国民生产总值达到16,610 美元,然而发展中国家的人均国民生产总值只有950 美元,相当于前者的5.7%。 9.Specifically, the per capita GDP of Switzerland reached US$36,410, the highest level in the world, whereas the per capita GNP of Mozambique, the poorest country, was only US$80. 特别的突出的是瑞士的人均国民生产总值达到36,410 美元,居世界之首,而世界上最穷的国家莫桑比克,其人均国民生产总值仅为80 美元。 10.Twenty years ago the United Nations defined 25 least developed countries, and that number has increased to 48 today. 20 年以前联合国确定的最不发达国家的数目是25 个,而今这个数字已经达到48 个。11.A recent survey by the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development shows that in 114 developing countries, 1 billion people among the total 4 billion population live below the poverty line,40 percent more than what was reported in a similar survey conducted 40 years ago. 最近联合国农业发展国际基金组织调查显示在114 个发展中国家里40 亿人口中,有10 亿生活在贫困线以下,比40 年前的一项类似调查所提供的数字多了40%。 12.Major reasons for the sustained poverty in some African and South Asian countries involve the backward economic infrastructure, frequent natural disasters, too rapid population growth,


高级口译教程经典背诵版之国际关系 2011-02-14 TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。 2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council. 联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会无法正常运作。 3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives. 西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。 4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions. 此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。 5.However, the United Nations faces a series of tough issues. 然而,联合国面临着一系列棘手的问题。 6.First of all, how should the UN respect state sovereignty while dealing with an increasing number of internal conflicts? 首先,如何在着手解决日益增多的国家内部冲突的同时,又能尊重那些国家的主权呢? 7. In many cases, regional organizations cannot resolve regional conflicts. 在许多情况下,区域组织不能解决区域冲突。 8.In the Cold War era, UN peace-keeping forces has two missions: to buffer conflicts and to implement agreements already reached between the parties. 在冷战期间,联合国维和部队有两大使命,即缓解冲突和贯彻有关各方之间达成的协议。 9.Now peace-keeping has turned into peace-enforcement. 现在维护和平已经变成了强制和平。 10.The United Nations has turned from handling international disputes


1998.11 上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试 A卷 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to a nswer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have y our name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is...”“My registration number is...” Topic: Te advantages and / or disadvantages of having 5-working days a week Question for Reference: 1.What do you know about the floods during the summer of 1998 in China (cause s, duration, scope and damage to the afflicted areas, etc.) ? Why was it talk ed so much over the media? 2.Can man overcome natural calamities? Why and in what way? 3.Discuss the power of man in his conflicts with nature. 4.What can we learn from our conflict with the floods of 1998 in China? Cite examples to illustrate your viewpoints. 口译题 Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at t he signal… and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you are listeni ng. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 Passage 2 Part B Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in China. After y ou have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… you may take notes while you’re listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let’s begin Part B with th e first passage. Passage 1


上海高级口译教程高频词汇汇总 第一单元外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make https://www.360docs.net/doc/8812363957.html,fortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb.out 第二篇 Stanford University斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office总部 magical power神奇的魅力 Oriental东方的 Confucianism儒家思想 Taoism道家学说 inexplicable难以言表的 set foot on踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city国际大都市 maximize充分利用 in no time不久 rewarding有成效的 第二单元礼仪祝辞 第一篇 阁下your excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson 中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力make unremitting efforts 与时具近keep pace with the times


外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育online education 科举制imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍 High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店 Ethnic group 少数民族团体 Planetarium 天文馆 Aquarium 水族馆 Skating rink 溜冰场 Botanical garden 植物园 Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树 Sap 树液


上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第二阶段口译部分模拟题(一) Part A Passage One: Thank you very much. First, I’d like to thank you, Mr. President, for your wonderful introduction. I also want to thank members of the diplomatic corps who are here and several members of the Administration. I also want you to know that I do know a good deal about Georgetown.非常感谢。首先,我想对校长精彩的介绍道声谢。其次我还想感谢众位外交使节和几位政府官员莅临现场。我也想告诉各位,对于乔治敦大学,我还是知之甚多的。 It is because this is a fine school of foreign service for which we all owe a debt of gratitude for the people that you have trained, for the people who have come to us in government, for the people from whom I have learned as an academic. This is also a fine university in general, a university that is well known for its dedication to learning, but also its dedication to universal values and to social justice.究其原因,其一是因为这是一所在外交方面著名学府,从这里走出了服务政府的济济人才,也走出了我本人在学术上十分景仰的专业人士。更全面地说,这也是一座知名大学,不仅由于其一向致力于学术,同时也因为它对普世价值与社会平等做出的贡献。 Passage Two: One week from today, I will be in China to discuss the economic relationship between our two nations. Today I will speak about China, and more broadly about the international economic system. The prosperity of the United States and China is tied together in the global economy, and how we work together on a host of bilateral and multilateral issues will have a significant impact on the health of the global economy.一个星 期之后,我将去中国讨论我们两国的经济关系。今天,我想谈谈中国,并推展开去,谈谈国际经济体系。在全球经济的框架下,美国的繁荣与中国息息相关。在众多双边与多边问题上我们两国间的紧密合作将对全球经济的健康发展产生重大影响。 Half of all global economic growth in the last five years has come from the United States and China, and our two economies will continue to be the drivers of growth in the future. Yet many view the growth of China and its increasing importance as the clearest and most tangible threat of globalization. Those who welcome China's growth and integration into the world economy, as I do, should confront this argument directly.过去五年间,全球经济增长的一半来自于中美两国,而且我们两国将继续推动世界经济的发展。但是,很多人把中国的增长与崛起看作对全球化最清晰最具体的威胁。那些欢迎中国增长,欢迎中国融入世界经济一体的人,就如同我本人,应该直面此等论调。 Part B Passage One: 我们改革和建设的最终目的是满足人们日益增长的物质和文化需求,这就需要解决民生问题。民生问题涉及人们的衣食住行,但当前最重要的是促进教育机会的均等,继续实施积极的就业政策,逐步缩小收入分配的差距,建立覆盖城乡的社会保障体系。The aim of reform and construction is to meet people’s material and cultural requirements, which means to address the pertinent issue of people’s well-being. People’s welfare involves the clothing, food, living and transportation, but currently, the most urgent is to promote education equality. The government will actively implement the employment policy, narrow the income gap, and establish the social welfare system that benefits both urban and rural residents. 解决民生问题还要让人民生活得快乐和幸福。这就要保障人民的民主权利,推进社会的公平与正义。记者也许会问,什么叫快乐?我可以借用诗人艾青的一句诗:“去问开化的大地,去问解冻的河流。”To guarantee people’s well-being also means to make people live a happy life. Thus the key is to secure their democratic rights and to promote equality and social justice. Some reporters might ask: What does happiness mean? I’d like to quote a line from a famous Chinese poet Ai Qing: go to the cultivated land, go to the thawed river.
