汉英翻译课件之 汉英翻译之词类转换.

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13 Xu Beihong’s drawing of horses are exceptionally good.
2 汉语动词转化为英语形容词:
汉语中一些表示知觉、情感等心理状态的动词, 往往可以转换成英语形容词,通常多以“Be+ 形容词….”结构来表达。
Eg: 你熟悉这种晶体管放大器(transistor amplifier)的性能吗?
4 汉语的名词转化英语动词: 守财奴的特点是贪婪。
A miser is characterized by greed.
EXE: 中子(Neutrons)的作用不同于质子(protons )。 Neutrons act differently from protons. 他是世上一切邪恶的化身。 He personified all the evil in the world. 如果旅馆都客满了,我们可以给你提供住处。 We can house you if the hotels are full.
任何人不能违背各国人民的利益去人为地挑起 紧张态势,甚至制造武力冲突。
Nobody should be allowed to cause tension or armed conflicts against the interest of the people.
EXE: 我一直跟着母亲。
a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothers.
b. Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.
will convince you that
you have been taken in.

3 看到我们的喷气
5 The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.

4 在使用电脑时,
I have always been with Mother. 你是赞成还是反对这项计划?
Are you for or against the plan? 你想像不出他听到这个消息时是多么生气。
You can't imagine how angry he was at the news.
complementary in economic and trade areas,
making it possible for them to share each
other’s huge market.
和平的环境是一个国家、一个地区以至全球发 展的重要前提。
A peaceful environment is indispensable for national, regional and even global development.
learning the Chinese language
is growing.
11他们在工作中非常注 意理论联系实际。

12 徐悲鸿画马,画得特 别好。
12 In their work, they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice.
Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier?

切割金属时,可以看到光亮的表面,但是立刻 就变成了灰色。
When metals are cut, the shining surface is visible, but it turns grey almost immediately.
1 汉语动词转化为英语名词:
汉语中动词用的较多,除大量动宾结构外,还 有连动式、兼语式等两个以上动词连用的现象。
Eg: The book is a reflection of the Chinese society of my father’s time. 这本书反映了我父亲那个时代的中国社会。 He gave a vivid description of the battle. 他生动地描述了这场战斗。
We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by an earthquake.
The committee was doubtful of his qualification.
With a rifle across his shoulder the boy was playing the soldier.
他们吃的是简陋的饭菜,住的是寒冷的洞穴, 在昏暗的灯光下长时间地工作。
They worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.
6 It is man who plays the leading role in the use of computers.

5 Coco歌唱得很好。 7 Coco is a good singer.
7 决不允许违反这个原 则。
8 我的生活转折点是我 决定:不再做生财有 望的商人而专攻音乐。
1 他在战斗中表现突出, 1 He was commended by
the company commander
for his distinguished
2 只要看一眼这封信,
performance in the battle.
你就会明白你上当了。 2 A glance at this letter
9 他得出这一结论是深 思熟虑的结果。
8 No violation of this principle can be tolerated.
9 The turning point of my life was my decision to give up promising business career and study music.
10 His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought.
10 随着国际社会对中 11 With the increase of
attention paid to China by
We are not content with our present achievements.
3 汉语动词转化为英语Байду номын сангаас词或介词词组:
与汉语相比,英语介词较多,往往具有动词特 征;
介词词组往往可以用来英译一些汉语连动式结 构!
5 汉语名词转化为英语形容词:
He was eloquent and elegant.

Ice is not as dense as water.
两国经贸领域的互补性很强,双方可以彼此分 享巨大的市场。

The two countries are highly
the international community,
中国和中国文化感兴趣, more and more foreigners
begin to take interest in
China and Chinese language ,

and the number of people
活状况异常贫穷落后,这就促使他们奋起采取 坚决措施去创建新的生活条件。
The growing awareness by millions of Africans of their extremely poor and backward living conditions has prompted them to take resolute measures and create new ones.
The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.
"我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的 朋友而且成为兄弟。"