






1. (2018·江苏盐城)The Yangko Dance is __________ traditional Chinese folk dance created by the farmers.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /


2. (2018·江苏盐城)Work hard, __________ you’ll have a big success.

A. or

B. but

C. and

D. yet


3. (2018·江苏盐城)We should protect the earth because it is __________ home.

A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ours


4. (2018·江苏盐城)Please give me some __________ on how to spend the coming weekend.

A. space

B. advice

C. praise

D. courage


5. (2018·江苏盐城)— __________ do you plan to buy

—I haven’t made up my mind. I’ll just look around.

A. Who

B. How

C. Why

D. What


6. (2018·江苏盐城)President Xi said that people in the world should build a community __________ a shared future.

A. to

B. at

C. with

D. from


7. (2018·江苏盐城)—What’s __________ time you’re willing to wait for Waimai food

—Ten minutes at most.

A. long

B. longer

C. the longer

D. the longest

考查形容词最高级。句意:_—你最久等外卖多长时间_—最多10分钟。根据答句“at most”可知此处应用形容词最高级。故选D。

8. (2018·江苏盐城)— Which sport do you like better, skiing or skating

— Both. I think __________ of them is interesting.

A. either

B. none

C. neither

D. all

考查不定代词辨析。句意:_—你比较喜欢哪种运动,滑雪还是滑冰_—都喜欢,我认为它们中“任一个”都很有趣。either两者中的任一个;none没有一个,三者或以上;neither两者都不;all都,三者或以上。根据问句“skiing or skating”以及答句的“both”可知此处是两者,故排除B和D;而根据答句的“both”可知此处是认为两者都有趣,即两者中人一个都有趣。故选A。

9. (2018·江苏盐城)These new types of energy cost very little and will never __________.

A. look out

B. come out

C. run out

D. stay out

考查动词短语辨析。句意:这些新能源成本很低,而且将永远用不完。look out小心,留意;come out出来,出版,发芽;run out用完;stay out留在户外,不在家。分析四个选项可知“用完”符合句意。故选C。

10. (2018·江苏盐城)Look, little Jim is swimming so fast. I __________ believe my eyes.

A. shouldn’t

B. can’t

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t

考查情态动词辨析。句意:看,小吉姆游地很快。我不能相信我的眼睛。sho uldn’t不应该;can’t不能,不可能;mustn’t千万不要;needn’t没有必要。分析四个选项可知“不能”符合句意。故选B。

11. (2018·江苏盐城)— I __________ my card. I want to report it.

—You can call the bank to report the loss. It would be faster.

A. lose

B. was losing

C. will lose

D. have lost

考查动词时态。句意:_—我的银行卡丢了,我想要挂失。—你应该打电话挂失,那样更快。根据下文“I want to report it.”可知应用现在完成时,表示过去发生的事情对现在造成影响。故选B。

12. (2018·江苏盐城)A lot of new roads __________ in order to develop the villages in the next five years.

A. built

B. were built

C. build

D. will be built

考查动词时态。句意:为了发展农村,很多新的公路将要在以后五年里被建。根据时间状语“in the next five years”可知应用一般将来时;“roads”和动词“build”被被动关系,故应用一般将来时的被动语态。故选D。

13. (2018·江苏盐城)Yucda Group has found a way to __________ the waste and doesn't put it into the river any more.

A. produce

B. recycle

C. require

D. protect


14. (2018·江苏盐城)— Could you tell me __________

—Oh, she is the world's first robot citizen, Sophia.

A. what the tall girl is

B. what is the tall girl

C. who the tall girl is

D. who is the tall girl


15. (2018·江苏盐城)— Jackie. I'm going on business. Please look after yourself.

一__________, Dad. 1 will.

A. I hope so

B. Don’t worry

C. I’d love to

D. Don’t mention it

考查情景交际。句意:_—杰克,我要出差,你要好好照顾你自己。_—别担心,爸爸,我会的。A:我希望是这样;B:别担心;C:我想要;D:别客气,回答感谢的话。根据后面的“I will”可知“别担心”符合语境。故选B。



I first met 8-year-old Katy on a rainy afternoon. I was a 16 at a hospital. The clerk at the desk told me about Katy. She was there because she felt a lot of 17 .The doctors found a problem at the base of her brain. I knew she was 18 even before she got better.

When I entered Katy's room, she was not in her bed. 19 Katy did not feel well, she was playing with Tommy, a little boy. It took a lot of 20 for her just to sit in the chair. But she played with Tommy because it made him 21 .

Katy was always smiling and never appeared to be in pain. She 22 to just lie in bed. One day I found her painting a picture. Later, she gave it to one of the older patients. Another day she went outside to 23 flowers for another sick little girl. Katy made 24 smile.

The doctors 25 to solve the problem in Katy’s brain. The operation was successful! The doctors informed the hospital staff of the good news. Katy was fine. She soon felt 26 . Then she was able to 27 the hospital a month later.

I have had a long career as a nurse. I have met many patients. 28 I have never met another girl like Katy. Even after she got well, she still came to the hospital. She played various


考查名词义辨析。根据文章最后一段最后一句“I have had a long career as a nurse.”可知“我”是一名“护士”。故选A。

考查名词词义辨析。fun乐趣;need需要;pain疼痛;pity同情,怜悯。根据下文“The doctors found a problem at the base of her brain. ”可知Katy去医院是因为感到“疼痛”。故选C。

考查形容词词义辨析。silly愚蠢的;shy害羞的;sorry遗憾的,抱歉的;special特别的。根据文章最后一段第二句“I have met many patients.28 I have never met another girl like Katy. ”可知此处指的是我知道Katy很“特别”。故选D。

考查连词词义辨析。根据上文“Katy did not feel well”以及下文“she was playing with Tommy”可知两者为转折关系,表示虽然Katy虽然感觉不舒服,但是还是和小朋友玩。故选C。

考查名词词义辨析。courses课程; effort努力; place地方;notes笔记,记录,便条。此处指的是Katy费了很大功夫才坐到椅子上。故用“effort”表示“努力,功夫”。故选B。

考查形容词词义辨析。proud骄傲的;lonely寂寞的; mad疯狂的,生气的;happy高兴的。句意:但是他和Tommy玩因为这可以让他“高兴”。故选D。

考查动词词义辨析。 agreed同意;refused拒绝;decided决定;failed失败。根据下文Katy 画画还有送花给另外一个生病的小女孩可知此处指的是她“拒绝”躺在床上。故选B。



考查形容词词义辨析。afforded买得起; hated讨厌,恨; regretted遗憾,后悔;hurried 匆忙。分析四个选项可知“hurried”符合句意,表示医生匆忙解决Katy脑袋里的问题。故选D。

考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文“The operation was successful!”可此处指的是Katy不久后感觉“好多了”。故选A。

27. B 考查动词词义辨析。 find找到; leave离开;reach到达,够到;forget忘记。上文讲的是Katy手术成功,身体恢复健康,故此处指的是一个月以后Katy出院了,即离开了医院。故选B。

28. D 考查副词词义辨析。 Instead代替,而不是;Besides除此之外;Therefore因此;However 然而。根据上文“I have met many patients.”以及“I have never met another girl like Katy. ”可知两者为转折关系,表示虽然见过很多病人,但是没有见过像Katy这样的女孩。故选D。

考查形容词词义辨析。nice好的,漂亮的;old老的; smart聪明的;crazy疯狂的。根据

上文“She played various games with the young patients. ”中的“young patients”可知此处应用

“old patients”与此相配,故选B。








Helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun.

You can help people, animals or the environment. It can make you feel good too!

How can you help

Charities are organizations that help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund. You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving

things that you own. You can also help people or places you know.


Volunteering is when you give your time to help others. Some ways of volunteering are:

? visiting old people to talk to them or help them

? walking dogs at an animal shelter

? cleaning up a park.


Fund-raising is when you collect money to help others. Some ways of fund-raising are:

? making cakes or biscuits to sell

? doing a sponsored (赞助) activity. For example, family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.



细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“Charities are organizations that help others, for example,

UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund.”中的“World Wildlife Fund”即,WWF可知选C。

细节理解题。根据“Fund-raising”里的最后一点“For example, family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.”可知选B。

判断推理题。“animal shelter”指的是动物避难所,即无家可归的动物呆的地方。故选D。

判断推理题。根据文章大意及“You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own. You can also help people or places you know.”可知作者的目的主要是告诉大家怎么样帮助他人。故选A。

35. 判断推理题。文章主要介绍了帮助他人的方法。不可能出现在故事书上,故排除B;不可能出现在旅游指南上,故排除C;不可能出现在科幻小说上,故排除D;只能出现在杂志上。故选A。


Nature's Warnings

When the sky suddenly turns dark and the wind is strong, watch out! A dangerous storm might be coming. Storms are scary. Watch for flashes of lightning. Listen for thunder. If nature sends these warnings, don't wait for rain. Act right away to keep safe.

Safety Steps

At the first flash of lightning, quickly get inside a building or a car. Do not go into a shed (棚) for protection. It is not closed like a building, so it is not safe.

Even after you are indoors, be careful. It is not smart to go near doors and windows. They can blow in or break. A room with no windows is the safest place to be.

Do not wash your hands during a storm. Do not use anything that runs on electricity either, water and electrical lines are like roads for lightning. Even if you really want to play computer games. don’t! It is better to be bored than to risk getting hurt. Try reading a book instead. Reading is more fun than playing computer games.



细节理解题。根据文章第一段中间“Storms are scary.”以及“watch out!”可知暴风雨又吓人又有破坏性。故选A。根据文章第一段倒数第二句“If n ature sends these warnings, don't wait for rain. Act right away to keep safe.”可知B,C,D错误。

代词指代题。句意:不要进到棚子里,那里不像大楼一样是封闭的,很不安全。根据句意可知“it”指的是前面的“a shed”。故选D。

细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Even if you really want to play computer games. don’t!”可知A 错误;根据第五段最后“Loud thunder can damage your hearing.”可知B错误;根据文章第五段第一句“If you can’t get to somewhere safe, stay out in the open.”以及“Stay down in an open space”可知C错误,D正确。故选D。

细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“If you do, call 1-2-0. Only trained emergency workers should care for a person who has been hi t by lightning.”可知选A。



My first home was a beautiful meadow with a pond of clear water. There were some large trees near the pond. On one side of the meadow was a field and on the other was the house of our master, Farmer Grey. He was a kind man.

My mother and I had a happy life. She worked during the day, I played with the other young horses and had great fun. At night 1 lay next to her.

One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon. He lived with his family in a big house.

“You’re a beautiful horse,” he said. “You have a beautiful black coat. I shall call you Black Beauty.”

I learned to carry my master on my back and pull a coach. I learned to wear reins (缰绳) and

a bit in my mouth. I did not like them, but all the horses had to wear them.

My master had two horses. One of them was merry legs. He was very friendly. The other was Ginger. She was not friendly. She bit and kicked people.

Ginger and 1 pulled a coach together. The coachman’s name was John. Ginger and I worked very hard. We became friends.

Ginger told me about her life when she was young. She told me, “My master was not kind to me. My reins and bit hurt me. My master did not care.”

Squire Gordon and his men felt sorry for Ginger. They were always kind to her. She stopped biting and kicking people. She became a happy horse.

One day in autumn Squire Gordon went on a long journey. John went with him and I pulled the coach. The weather was rainy and windy. Mr Gordon and John could not see well in the rain. We came to a bridge. 1 stopped. “Something is wrong,” I thought. 1 did not want to go on to the bridge. Mr Gordon and John wanted me to go on to the bridge. I did not move. Just then a man saw us. “Hey there! Stop!” he cried.

“What is it” shouted the Squir e.

“The bridge is broken in the middle,” he answered. “If you go on to it, you are all going to drown in the river.”

“Thank God!” said the Squire. “Thank you, Beauty!” said John. We turned around and went along the road by the river. For a long time no one said anything. Then John said: “Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.”

When we returned home, the Squire told Mrs Gordon:

“We are all safe, thanks to Black Beauty!”

That night I was glad, because 1 was very tired.

41. Who named the horse Black Beauty

A. Farmer Grey.

B. Squire Gordon.

C. Mrs. Gordon.

D. John.

42. What do the underlined words “coach” and “drown” probably mean in the passage according

to the given English-English dictionary entries (词条)


1 [C] a person who trains a person or team in sport

2 [C] a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances

3 [C] a large closed vehicle with four wheels, pulled by horses, used in the past for carrying passengers


1 [V] to die because you have been underwater too long and you cannot breathe: to kill sb in this way

2 [V] to make sth very wet; to completely cover sth in water or another liquid

3 [V] to be louder than other sounds so that you cannot hear them

A. 1 ; 2

B. 3 ; 1

C. 1 ; 3

D. 3 ; 3

43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

A. Black Beauty lived a hard life with mum.

B. Ginger was unhappy when she was young.

C. Some horses did not wear reins or bits.


这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了“我”的主人把我卖给了Squire Gordon。他有两匹马,“我”和其中一匹马Ginger成为朋友,以前Ginger的主人对它很不好,现在改变了态度,不再打它了。一天,Squire Gordon和我们正在行走,突然天气很不好,当我们走到一座桥时,“我”感觉很对不,拒绝过桥。可知主人还是想让我过桥,就在这时,一个男人告诉我们桥中间断了,于是我们就回头了。是“我”救了大家的命。

细节理解题。根据文章第三段第四段“One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon..... I shall call you Black Beauty.”可知选B。

词义猜测题。根据文章中“Ginger and 1 pulled a coach together.”以及“John went wi th him and I pulled the coach. ”可知此处的“coach”指的是四轮大马车,应选第三个意思。根据上文“The bridge is broken in the middle”可知此处指的是如果继续往前走的话,就会”溺水“。应选第1个意思。故选B。

细节理解题。根据文章第六段最后“The other was Ginger. She was not friendly. She bit and kicked people.”可知B正确。故选B。

细节理解题。根据文章倒数第七段最后“Mr Gordon and John wanted me to go on to the bridge. I did not move. ”可知选D。

判断推理题。根据文章最后When we returned home, the Squire told Mrs Gordon:“We are all safe, thanks to Black Beauty!”可知幸亏“Black Beauty”才救了大家的命,晚上主人肯定会让他吃顿丰盛的晚餐。故选C。




In ancient Egypt, women did not go out to work. They stayed and worked at home. Many Egyptian men were farmers. Some men were builders or fishermen. Other men worked as artists. Some other important people did not do any farming.

The weather in Egypt was very hot. Ancient Egyptians did not wear many clothes. Men, women and children often wore simple robes made of thin cloth. On their feet they wore light open shoes. People, including women, shaved (剃) hair from their heads to keep cool.

Children in ancient Egypt grew up to do the same jobs as their parents. Girls stayed at home with their mothers. They learned to look after the home. Boys worked with their fathers. They learned to do the jobs their fathers did. They only went to school to learn to write if they wanted to become a scribe

Many of the games played by ancient Egyptians are similar to games we still play today. Children played racing and jumping games. They also played ball games and with wooden toys. Older children played a game like chess.

The kings of Egypt (the pharaohs) had enough power to master their country. The people thought that the pharaoh was a god. He owned everything. Everyone had to do what he told them to do. The pharaohs built huge tombs. When a pharaoh died, he was buried in the tomb. The tombs were often in the shape of pyramids. When a pharaoh was buried, he was surrounded by treasure and bv things to help him in the next world, such as food, clothes, furniture and weapons.

Title Life in 46 Egypt



解析:根据文章第一句“In ancient Egypt, women did not go out to work.”可知。

47. artists 解析:根据文章第一段中间“Many Egyptian men were farmers. Some men were builders or fishermen. Other men worked as artists. ”可知。

解析:根据文章第二段中间“On their feet they wore light open shoes”可知。

解析:根据文章第二段最后一句“People, including women, shaved (剃) hair from their heads to keep cool.”可知。

解析:根据文章第三段第二句“Girls stayed at home with their mothers. They learned to look after the home. ”可知此处指的是女孩们在家“工作”,故填worked。

解析:根据文章第三段最后一句“hey only went to school to learn to write if they wanted to become a scribe”可知。

解析:根据文章第四段第一句“Many of the games played by ancient Egyptians are similar to games we still play today.”可知此处主要讲的是古印度的“游戏”,故填Games。

解析:根据文章第四段第一句“Many of the games playe d by ancient Egyptians are similar to games we still play today. ”中的“are similar to”可知此处应用短语“the same as”,两者都表示“和...相似,一样”,故填same。

解析:根据文章第四段后面“They also played ball games and with wooden toys.”中的“wooden”可知此处应填其名词形式wood(放在介词后面应用名词)。

解析:根据文章最后一段第一句“The kings of Egypt (the pharaohs) had enough power to master their country.”中的“power”可知此处应用其形容词powerful(放在be动词were之后)。


When Dr. Karen McComb came to Amboseli Park, her first task was to learn the names of the one hundred or so elephants most often seen.

Scientists working in the park have learned to study elephants by watching them up close. They have a list of almost one thousand elephants. There are records for all of the elephants born since 1972. Amboseli was a good place for Dr. McComb to study animal communications. Elephants were a great subject because their lifestyle depends on communication.

Dr. McComb and her team had learned a lot about elephant communication, but they kept on thinking about one puzzling (困惑的) watch. Some families were better at distinguishing calls of friends from those of strangers.

What made some families smarter than others The scientists searched their records for an explanation. To their surprise, there was only one factor (因素) of imp ortance: The “smartest” families always had the oldest grandmothers. A family, as it did in all other activities, waited for some signal (信号) from the grandmother when they heard a strange contact call. And older,



watching them up close 解析:根据文章第二段第一句“Scientists working in the park have learned to study elephants by watching them up close. ”可知。

57. Animal communications 解析:根据文章第二段倒数第二句“Amboseli was a good place for Dr. McComb to study animal communications. ”可知。

searched their records 解析:根据文章第四段第二句“The scientists searched their records for an explanation. ”可知。

(s) 解析:根据文章第四段后面“The “smartest” families always had the oldest grandmothers. A family, as it did in all other activities, waited for some signal (信号) from the grandmother ”可知。

experience of the grandmother 解析:根据文章最后一句“It showed how an elephant family depends on the experience of the grandmother.”可知。



61. (2018·江苏盐城)You should be ▲ enough to face your life. (勇敢的)

62. (2018·江苏盐城)It is the 200th anniversary of the ▲ of Karl Marx this year. (生日)

63. (2018·江苏盐城)Give every day a ▲ to become the most beautiful of your life. (机会)

64. (2018·江苏盐城)The teens took a photo of smiling faces to welcome World Smile Day in ▲ (五月)

65. (2018·江苏盐城)The 2022 Beijing Olympic Games ▲ the public to pay attention to winter sports. (鼓励)

61. brave 62. birthday 63. chance 64. May 65. encourage(s)


66. (2018·江苏盐城)It is ▲ to speak loudly in public, (polite)

67. (2018·江苏盐城)All of us should look straight ahead and keep ▲ . (run)

68. (2018·江苏盐城)Dickinson’s poems are very popular with▲ even today, (read)

69. (2018·江苏盐城)The world is changing ▲ . and we should keep up with the pace of change, (rapid)

70. (2018·江苏盐城)Modem Chinese Art ▲ needs new works to keep it alive and moving forward, (it)

66. impolite 解析:句意:在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。根据句意可知此处应用polite 的反义词impolite。

67. running 解析:句意:我们所有人都应该向前看,一直跑。此处用到固定短语keep doing 表示“一直,继续做某事”。故填running。

68. readers 解析:此处指的是很受“读者”的欢迎,故填read名次的复数形式readers。

69. rapidly 解析:此空用来修饰动词“changing”,应用副词形式,故填rapidly。

70. itself 解析:句意:现代艺术“本身”需要新作品来保持活力,继续发展。根据句意可知此处指的是“Modem Chinese Art ”本身,故填反身代词itself。


Over 2,000 years ago, in China, there lived a boy called Confucius. When he was o 71 three, his father died. His mother was very poor. In those days people had to pay to go to school and his mother did not have enough m 72 to send him.

As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things. So he d 73 to teach himself. Un fortunately he was a strange-looking boy. The other children pointed and made fun of him. They called him names and laughed at him. Confucius got very upset, but he was a kind, gentle boy and did not fight b 74 .

Confucius did not play with other children. He went off to talk to holy men in the temple and learned from them. He t 75 to artists and musicians and learned from them. If he tried to do something difficult, he kept trying over and over again u 76 he learned how to do it. In this way the boy taught himself to read and w 77 and learned lots of interesting things. Confucius grew up to be a very c 78 man.

When he was a man, Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu. People were very h 79 , when he was their leader. He used his abilities and skills in a w 80 way.

People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived. We still remember many of his sayings today.




72. money 73. decided 74. back 75. talked

77. write 78. clever 79. happy 80. wise
