

《现代大学英语听力2》听力原文及题目答案Unit 2Unit 2

Task 1


1) b 2) a 3) d


Texas was the biggest state before Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959. One good way to understand the size of Texas is to learn about its weather. Different parts of the state have very different kinds of weather.

Laredo is one of the hottest cities in the United States in summer. The best time to visit Laredo is in winter, when it is pleasantly warm.

Amarillo gets very cold in winter. Sometimes there is more snow in Amarillo than in New York, which is a northern city. Summers are better, but sometimes it gets quite hot. The best time to visit Amarillo is in the autumn when it is cool.

If anyone asks you about the weather in Texas, ask him, “What part of Texas do you mean?”

Task 2



1)T 2) F 3) F


1) d 2) c 3) c


climate, reputation, extraordinary, unreliable, dry, wet, clear, dull, hot, cold, bad, mild


Our friend, Nick, whose English gets better and better, declared solemnly the other day that he thought that the British climate was wonderful, but the British weather was terrible. He went on to explain by pointing out that the British climate was a temperate one. This meant, he said, "that you could always be certain that the weather would never be extreme —at any rate not for any length of time —never very hot and never very cold." He quite rightly pointed out that the rainfall in Britain, according to the statistics, was not very heavy. "Why then," he asked, "has the British climate such a bad reputation?" He answered by saying it was because of the extraordinary, unreliable weather. There was no part of the year at which you could be certain that the weather would be dry or wet, clear or dull, hot or cold. A bad day in July could be as cold as a mild day in January. Indeed you could feel cold at almost any time of the year. Nick blamed drafty British houses for this, but agreed you could also blame the small amount of sunshine and a great amount of dampness. He advised every student coming to Britain to bring an umbrella and to understand the meaning of that splendid word "drizzle".

Task 3



the country; Trees, grass, lakes and steams



1. concrete, iron, steel

2. take in the heat during the day and throw off heat into the air at night

B. Warmer winters, car engines; electrical appliance


A. air pollution may stop sunlight from reaching the earth


1. Ice near the North and South poles to melt

2. to be slowly flooded and people living in these cities to move to higher land 【原文】

Cities change the climate around you. In the country, there are trees, grass, lakes, and streams. In hot weather, the trees and grass cool the area around them. Lakes and rivers also cool the area around them.

But cities are not cooled in these natural ways. Cities are built of asphalt, concrete, iron, and

steel. There are few trees and usually not much grass. Rain falls onto the streets and into the sewers.

When the summer sun shines, streets and buildings take in the heat; after the sun sets, the streets and buildings throw off heat into the street. Once the sun sets, the countryside cools off, but a city may stay hot all night.

Cities are hotter than the countryside in winter, too. Standing near a car with its motor running, winter or summer, you will feel the heat thrown off by the engine. The heat comes from the gasoline burned by the engine. This heat warms the air and the ground around the car. Thousands of running cars are almost like thousands of small fires burning.

Carefully put your hand near a light bulb or television set. As you can see, electricity creates a lot of heat. This heat from electricity warms the house and the outside air.

The heat given off by cities can affect the climate. Some experts even believe that cities can change the climate of the whole world. They think that air pollution may stop sunlight from reaching the earth. If less sunshine reaches the earth, the earth may become cooler.

Still other experts think the world will get warmer. If the world did get warmer, great changes would occur. Ice near the North and South poles would melt. This would make the oceans rise. Cities near oceans — like Los Angeles, Boston, and Miami —would slowly be flooded. People living in these cities would have to move to higher land.

Task 4



1) b 2) c

B. night, delight; morning, warning; gray, way, red, head


1) F 2) T 3) F


A red sky at either dusk or dawn is one of the spectacular and beautiful weather predictors we have in nature. By closely observing this phenomenon, you can achieve short-range accuracy of the weather as good as, or better than your local weatherman. In the Bible, Jesus in Matthew 16, 2-3 is quoted as saying, “When it is evening, it will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning it will be foul weather today: for the sky is red” when speaking to the Pharisees. An old English weather proverb based on this passage is:

Red sky at night, sailors delight.

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.


Evening red and morning gray,

Sends the traveler on his way.

Evening gray, morning red,

Brings the rain down on his head.

At dusk, a red sky indicates that dry weather is on the way. This is due to the sun shining through dust particles being pushed ahead of a high pressure system bringing in dry air. A red sky in the morning is due to the sun again shining through dust. In this case however, the dust is being pushed on by an approaching low reassure system bringing in moisture. Don't confuse a red sky in the morning with a red sun in the morning. If the sun itself is red and the sky is a normal color, the day will be fair.

Task 5


1) c 2) b 3) d 4) c 5) c


Mark: I am an avid fly fisherman and frequently find myself on the river in a raft during lightning storms. We always have a debate at these

times on where we are safest —pulling into shore or staying on the

water. Since I have heard one is safe in a car when lightning strikes

I wonder if the raft floating on the water is insulated, and therefore

the safest place to be.

Meteorologist A: We spoke with some scientists about your question, and they all agreed that under no circumstances should you remain on the water

during a lightning storm. If your raft is made of rubber, you might

feel that you're .well insulated, but don't kid yourself. Typical

lightning flashes travel 10 to 15 kilometers and can deliver as much

as 100,000 amps of current. In comparison, a toaster uses about 10

amps of current. If lightning strikes the water near you, it will

have no trouble traveling through a few extra centimeters of rubber. Meteorologist B: So, if you're on the water and a thunderstorm approaches, get to the shore and seek shelter on land. Try a building or car. If neither

is available, look for a cave, cliff, wall, or a group of trees. Never

take shelter under an isolated tree-it's also a good target for


Task 6


1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) T


Incredible, one minute, one kilometer, destroyed, lifted up, carried away, killed, injured


Every spring and summer many inland areas are hit by tornados. A tornado is a kind of storm. It's a revolving, funnel-shaped column of air that moves through the sky at very high speeds. A tornado looks like a huge, black ice cream cone whirling through the sky. The speed of a tornado is very fast-it is believed to be between 200 and 700 kilometers per hour.

Tornados form under very special weather conditions, and these special weather conditions occur most often in inland areas, such as the central United States. A tornado forms when a layer of warm, dry air is on top of a layer of cooler, moist air. This combination of dry, warm air above wet, cool air creates a condition that causes the lower layer of air to lift up. As the lower air rises, both layers of air begin to rotate, to turn around and around. The air begins to rotate faster and faster because of centrifugal force. The tornado has a center called an “eye” and the air rotates quickly around this eye.

As the air begins to rotate faster and faster, the tornado cloud begins to grow downward; that is, it begins to form a funnel or cone, and this cone goes down toward the ground.

The cone of air is dark because it develops from a dark rain cloud. As the cloud gets longer, as the cloud gets closer to the ground, it begins to pull up dirt from the ground. Then the funnel of

rotating air becomes very dark because of the dirt in it. As the tornado funnel gets longer, it begins to drag along the ground.

When the tornado touches the ground, it does incredible damage. It usually touches the ground for only about one minute, and it usually travels along the ground for only about one kilometer, but during that one minute, buildings are destroyed, trees are lifted up out of the ground, small objects are carried away, and sometimes people are injured or killed.

Task 7



1) b 2) a 3) b


1) It has been nice weather during the day, but it is going to change at night.

2) Fine weather in southern Europe and not so nice in northern Europe

For today

Southeast England---26 degrees Celsius by mid-afternoon

Southern Scotland---Maximum temperatures of around 21 degrees

Brighton---15 hours of lovely sunshine

Midlands---23 degrees Celsius by early afternoon

Northwest of Scotland---Light showers around midday

For the weekend

Spain---34 degrees Celsius

Greece---32 degrees Celsius

France---Cloudy with rain, maximum temperatures of 22 degrees

Northern Ireland---Heavy rain, 17 degrees Celsius

Most of England---Cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods, 23 degrees Celsius 【原文】

Radio Announcer: You’re listening to Radio Metro. It’s two minutes to nine, and time for the latest weather for cast from Dan Francis at the London Weather Centre. Francis: Hello. It's been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in southeast England reached 26 degrees Celsius by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had 15 hours of lovely sunshine. Further north it was a little cooler with maximum temperatures of around 21 degrees in southern Scotland, and in the far northwest of Scotland there were some light showers around midday. But the rest of the country, as I said, has been warm and dry with temperatures in the Midlands reaching 23 degrees Celsius by early afternoon though it was a little cooler along the west coast and in Northern Ireland. But already the weather is beginning to change, I'm afraid, and during the night showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic to reach south-west England and the southern coast of Wales by early morning.

The rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with minimum temperatures no lower than 15 degrees in the south, a little cooler — 11degrees or so —in the north. Any remaining showers in northwest Scotland will pass quickly to leave a mild, dry night there too.

And now the outlook for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will, once again, get the best of the weekend weather, and if your holiday starts this weekend, then southern Spain is the place to go, with temperatures of 34 degrees along the Mediterranean coast. At the eastern end of the Med, too, you can expect uninterrupted sunshine and temperatures of up to 32 degrees Celsius in Greece and southeast Italy, but further north the weather's not so settled. Much of France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be cloudy with occasional rain, and maximum temperatures will be around 22 degrees — very disappointing for this time of the year.

Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to a cool 17 degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out, temperatures could rise to a maximum of 23 degrees.

Task 8



As the air pressure around you either rises or falls, many changes in nature occur. Most of these are very obvious changes while others are of a more subtle nature.

Mountains and other far away objects will appear to be much closer and more sharply focused as wet weather approaches and the air pressure drops. The dust particles in the air begin to settle to the ground and the air clears, allowing you to see more details of faraway objects. As a high pressure front approaches and the air becomes “thicker,” more dust particles become suspended in air and things take on their normal somewhat hazy appearance.

“Sharp horns on the moon threaten bad weather.” This and a bright, clear moon are good indicators that wet weather is on the way. As the air clears of dust particles ahead of a low pressure system, the moon appears to come closer and be more sharply focused due to the lack of dust.

Sound also becomes sharper and more focused prior to stormy weather. Instead of traveling upward and outward into the atmosphere sound waves are bent back to the earth and their range extended. Bird calls sound sharper, and, at my house, we can hear the blowing of the train horn as it rumbles through the valley below.

If you find yourself out in a marsh or swamp and the air really seems to stink more than normal, expect rainy weather. This happens when the pressure drops and the methane trapped on the bottom of the swamp is released in greater quantities. In reverse, as fair weather approaches and the pressure rises, things won't smell quite so strong.

Birds and bats have a tendency to fly much lower to the ground right before a rain due to the “thinning” of the air. They prefer to fly where the air is the most dense and they can get greater lift with their wings. With high pressure and dry air, the atmosphere becomes denser and they can easily fly at higher altitudes.

Smoke rising straight into the air means fair weather and smoke hanging low means

rain is on the way. This is pretty much the same as with the birds and methane in the swamp. When high pressure approaches, smoke will rise whereas with low pressure it can't rise and tends to lay low.

Remember a grandparent talking about how their corns, bunions, or joints ached right before a rain? Again, this is due to the decreasing atmospheric pressure allowing the gas in our bodies to expand.

Task 9


A. Statements 3, 6, 7 are true.




1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F


1) d 2) b


It was 1974. Richard Nixon was still president. Kidnapped heiress Patty Hearst was still missing. In Xenia, a pretty spot of 25,000 people amid fields of soybeans and corn, American Graffiti was held over at the Cinema. The Xenia Hotel offered a chicken and dumpling dinner for $, but everyone flocked to the A&W drive-in for burgers and root beer floats. That's where five of the bodies were found after the storm.

In all, 33 people died in Xenia's tornado, the deadliest of 148 storms that raged through 13 states during the infamous "Super Outbreak'' of tornadoes April 3 to 4, 1974. In 16 hours and 10 minutes, 330 people were killed and nearly 5,550 were injured from Illinois to Georgia.

Though the Xenia death toll has been matched by other killer storms, the degree of devastation makes the city's tornado among U.S. history's most destructive. The storm still is studied in colleges by aspiring meteorologists, a textbook case of a rare Category F-5, the most intense of tornadoes.

On that fateful day, I was a young boy of 8 years old. We lived in the Arrowhead Subdivision. That afternoon I was around the corner playing with some neighbor kids.

I thought I could hear my father calling me, so I ran back to the house. Thinking back now, there is no way I would have been able to hear him. I was too far away for a voice to have traveled in the afternoon noise. Besides, Dad had a very bad case of tonsillitis that day. Like I was saying, I went back home and got through the door just in time to answer the ringing phone. On the other end of the phone was my Mother. Mom was working. She told me she heard a bad storm was on the way. She told me to make sure the garage door was shut and to stay inside. After I hung up the phone, I settled down to watch The Dennis Show. To this day I can vividly remember the electricity going out. I looked out the large window in the living room and didn't have a clue as to what I was looking at.

Dad was asleep on the couch, so I woke him up to look. Dad looked and said to get into the bathroom. We sat on the floor. Dad had his back to the door and his

feet pushing against the wall opposite the door. I remember that as soon as we sat down, the windows broke. Glass blew under the door, and the sound was tremendous.

I know it really didn’t take too long for the tornado to go past, but I do remember the conversation we had in the process. I could feel the cool air rushing under the floor through the crawlspace vents. I asked if we were flying. He said he wasn't sure, but he didn't think we were. He said the house was tearing apart. I asked him how he knew. He said he just knew it was.

When things calmed down, we opened the door. The odd feeling I had, looking up the street from inside what once was my hallway, is still with me today.

I think back often to that day. I think back and wonder what would have happened if my Dad hadn't been sick that day. Like a lot of kids, I stayed home by myself after school back then. I seriously doubt I would be able to tell you my story, if I had been alone that day. I still live in Xenia and wouldn’t trade this town for any other.

Task 10


Undoubtedly, Tibet is one of the harshest places for human existence. It is cool in summer but freezing cold in winter. In Lhasa, the mildest city temperature may exceed 29C in summer while plummeting to -16C in winter! Sun radiation is extremely strong in Tibet. The sunlight in Lhasa is so intense that the city is called Sunlight City. The thin air can neither block off nor retain heat so that the temperature extremes can be met in daytime and the same night respectively in Tibet. However it is not impossible to visit the holy snow land. April to October is the best time to visit Tibet, out of the coldest months, which are from December to February usually. The average temperature in north Tibet is subzero and winter arrives in October until the following May or June. July and August are the best time to visit the area, enjoying warm temperature, intense sunshine, beautiful scenery and festive events. May, June and September is the tourist season in east Tibet. In winter, roads are all blocked by heavy snow. Landslides and rock falls frequently occur, which will make travel difficult.


《现代大学英语听力2》听力原文及题目答案Unit 4Unit 4 Task 1 【答案】 1) They were orphans and had nobody to support them. 2) Each boy was given only one bowl of gruel for supper and no more —far from enough. 3) They boys were so hungry that they could not bear it any more. They decided that tone of them must ask the master for more gruel. Olive Twist was chosen by casting lots. 4) He never thought that any boy would dare to ask for more food than the given portion. Therefore, he was both surprised and angry on hearing Oliver’s request. 5) He was struck on the head by the master and pushed out of the room. And for a week Olive remained prisoner in the cellar. 【原文】 Oliver Twist had no parents and lived in the workhouse. The room in which the boys had their food was a large stone hall. Each boy was given one bowl of gruel and no more. The bowls never needed washing. The boys polished them with their spoons. But still the boys were hungry. Oliver Twist and the other boys suffered from slow starvation for three months. At last they got so wild with hunger that one of the boys, who was tall for his age, said: "If this goes on, I am afraid I shall eat the boy who sleeps next me." He had wild hungry eyes and the boys believed him. The boys gathered and thought of a plan. "One of us must walk up to the master at supper this evening and ask for more gruel," said one boy. "Let us east lots," said another. "In that way we shall see who must go up to the master and ask for more." So they cast lots. The lot fell to Oliver Twist. He had to go up to the master


Unit 14 Task 1 A reporter is interviewing some people about unusual sports. Interviewer: Hello, Andrea. I’ve just been watching you skiing. You’re really very good, aren’t you? Very fast indeed. Andrea: Thank you. I do teach skiing, you know, so I have to be good. But now I also have to be very fast, because I’ve been selected for the Olympic team and I’m traini ng for the Olympic Games next year. Interviewer: Photos, water sports are your work — water skiing, parasailing. Do you still enjoy them? Photos: Oh yes, I love water skiing particularly, but some days, when it’s raining, there’s nothing to do. So I’m learning to play chess in my spare time. It’s a nice game, you know. Interviewer: And Yannis, how old are you? Yannis: I’m fifteen. I’m on holiday at the moment and I’m helping my brother. I’m learning to drive the boat. But I live in Athens with my family. I’m a student there. Interviewer: Claude, you look very fit. How old are you? Claude: I’m fifty now. I own this windsurfing club, but I’m also the club manager. I windsurf a lot and I meet a lot of British and Canadians, so I’m studying English twice a week — in the evenings. Interviewer: Stewart, you are from Scotland, aren’t you? Stewart: Yes, I’m a bank m anager in Aberdeen. But as you know, I go underwater caving. I want to go to Borneo next summer. But it’s a very dangerous sport so I’m practicing diving every weekend, at the moment. Task 2 【答案】 1) b, 2) Lift the club backwards away from the ball; keeping left arm straight till you get to the top of the wing; keep your head down; keep looking at the ball; swing down; hit the ball; throw that club towards the hole. 3) c, 4) Bend your knees; thrust your hands back; go into the water; make your heads follow, go straight in and your legs follow; put your hands back, behind your back. 5) c, 6) Take your left hand; get some hair on its neck; get a good firm hold; lift your left leg; put it in the stirrup; hang on tight with your left hand onto the hair; your toes are facing towards its back; put your other hand on the back of the saddle; swing your leg over the back. 【原文】 Extract 1:


大学英语听说3听力原文和答案 Unit 1 Reservations Part A Exercise 1 1. M: I’d like to book a double room with bath for four nights. W: Sorry, sir. We’re full up(全满). Can I recommend the Park Hotel to you? It is quite near here. Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do? 2. M: I’d like to see Mr. Jones this afternoon, please. W: I’m sorry but Mr. Jones will be busy the whole afternoon. Can you manage at 10:30 tomorrow morning? Q: What does the woman say to the man? 3. W: Can I book two tickets for the show ―42nd Street‖ on Sunday night, Oct. 31st? M: Sorry, madam. All the tickets on that night are sold out. But tickets are available for Nov.3rd(十一月三号). Q: When can the woman see the show? 4. M: I’d like to reserve(预订)two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh, for October 20th. W: Sorry, Sir. We’re booked up(预订一空的) on the 20th .But we still have a few seats available on the 21st. Q: When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh? 5. W: Garden Restaurant. May I help you?


David Copperfield is coming. 1. A) A man who has seen through David Copperfield's tricks. B) A woman who has seen through David Copperfield's tricks. C) The magic of David Copperfield. D) Children's interest in David Copperfield's tricks. 2. A) Making a person float in the air. B) Putting on a straitjacket. C) Escaping from handcuffs. D) Pulling a rabbit from a hat. 3. A) He walked through it. B) He jumped off it. C) He flew over it. D) He climbed up it.

4. A) He was seen to enter a canvas shelter. B) A camera filmed the event in its entirety. C) He was linked to a heart monitor. D) All of the above 5. A) Play tricks himself. B) Buy an ice cream cone. C) Buy a ticket for the magic show. D) Watch how the woman performs tricks.

现代大学英语听力2 原文及答案

Unit 1 Task 1 【答案】 A. 1) She wanted to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. 2) She was so surprised because she saw so many Englishmen who looked alike. 3) They were all wearing dark suits and bowler hats, carrying umbrellas and newspapers. 4) Because she had often read about them and seen photographs of them, who all looked as if they were wearing a uniform. 5) No, he didn’t. 6) He used the English saying “It takes all kinds to make a world” to prove his opinion. B. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be! And if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be! 【原文】 Yesterday morning Gretel went to the City of


全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程2 Unit 1 Sports Part A] Listening Strategy Identifying Numbers Numbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The a bility to catch the exact numbers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to pract ice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularl y the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese. You 're going to hear a passage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb.17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 1.98 meters ta ll and weighs 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season. In the 1986 season he shot 3041 points, the third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion(扣篮冠军)in 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1988, an honor repeated four times in the next ten years to 1998. Jordan guided his team to win six NBA championships during the 1990s, scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals. In 1 999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th c entury. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA s eason to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn't quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for five more years, h e once again announced his retirement in 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards. [ti:Unit 1 Part B] Listening Tasks A Conversation Why Don't You Join Me at the Gym Sometime? Exercise 1 Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the quest ions you hear. Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag? Laura: Hi, Peter. I'm off to the gym. I've got to stay in shape, you know. I try to go three times a week, but I'm busy so I can' t always make it. Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What's the main re ason you work out? For your health, or to look good? Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a


Unit 1 Part I A 1. Oxford / commitment / academic record 2. oldest/ largest / reputation / research / science 3. first / Australia / 150 years / excels 4. excellence / / location 5. largest / 1883 / situated / 26,000 6. 1636 / enrollment / 18,500/ schools 7. awards / degrees / 20,000 8. located / 135 / third B 1.2,700 languages / 7,000 dialects / regional / pronunciation 2.official / language 3.One billion / 20 percent 4.Four hundred million / first / 600 million / second / foreign 5.500,000 words / Eighty percent / other 6.Eighty percent / computers

7.African country / same 8.1,000 / Africa 9.spaceship / 1977 / 55 / message / the United States C 1 – (a) 2 – ( c) 3 – ( d) 4 – (b ) All right, class. Today we’re going to be looking at different language learning styles. You may be surprised to find that there are different ways of going about learning languages, none of which is necessarily better than the others. Researchers have identified four basic learner “types”–the communicative learner, the analytical learner, the authority-oriented learner and the concrete learner. Communicative learners like to learn by watching and listening to native speakers. At home, they like to learn by watching TV and videos. They like to learn new words by hearing them. In class, they like to learn by having conversations. Now, concrete learners like to lean by playing games, by looking at pictures and videos in class, talking in pairs, and by listening to cassettes at home and school. Now, authority-oriented learners, on the other hand, like the teacher to explain everything. They like to write everything down in their


Unit One Optional Listening 1 Boy(B): Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box? Grandma(G): Oh, nothing really…just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes? G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t. G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that gives you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this? G: Now don’t go just digging around in there!... Hmmm, let’s see… that’s my first diary. B: Can I …? G: No, you can’t read it! It’s personal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, OK… Well then, what’s that? It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. You can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book? G: My yearbook, it’s my high school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… Optional Listening 2 1. At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. 2. I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. 3. I felt very nervous about traveling so far, 4. but my mother said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” 5. I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. 6. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. 7. I stayed there for two weeks, 8. and I had so much fun with them! 9. It was my first time in Los Angeles, 10. and I saw lots of really interesting places. 11. In the end, I didn’t want to go home! Optional Listening 3 Making memories A popular new hobby is scrapbooking---making beautiful books to hold special memories. Scrapbook pages can include photos, drawings, journal entries. It’s not hard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps. 1. Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages. Some examples: “School days,”“Family travel,”“Memories of my grandparents,”“Baby’s first year.” 2. Select photos for each page. Two or three really good photos are better than ten so-so photos. 3. Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old newspaper clippings, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters--- anything made of paper. Use your imagination!


I had two months until my new job began. It was like waiting an entire summer for school to start. I spent those two months talking to figure skating coaches and judges. I read boring rule books. I drove to the rinks where the skaters trained, and made notes about our conversations. I even took a lesson, which made some of the skaters laugh. Unit 6 Task 1 【答案】 A. [d]—[b]—[a]—[e]—[c] B. a 【原文】 Laura usually leaves the offices of Quest Productions at about 5 o'clock, but last Monday she left at 5:30. She wanted to get home by 6:30 and she ran to the bus stop but she couldn't get on a bus. There were too many people and not enough buses. Laura was desperate to get home so she decided to go by tube. In the station she went to one of the automatic ticket machines but she didn't have enough change, so she had to join the queue at the ticket window. She bought her ticket and ran to the escalator. Laura went to the platform and waited for the tube. It arrived and the crowd moved forward. Laura was pushed into the train. It was almost full but she was given a seat by a man with a moustache. Laura thanked him and sat down. She started to read her newspaper. In the tunnel the train stopped suddenly and Laura was thrown to the floor together with the man with the moustache. Somebody screamed. The lights went out. It was quarter past 6 on a cold, wet December evening. Task 2 【答案】 A. 1) a 2) b 3) d 4) c B. 1) T 2) T 3) F C. wondered; television plays; exciting; every cigarette lighter; tape recorder; held in a certain way; the touch of a gold ring against the hand of; reveal; How wrong they were 【原文】 X was a secret agent. He had rented a furnished room in a provincial town not far from the public park and had been there two weeks. He was standing at the window looking out at the dull beds of geraniums, the park gates and the cold, uninviting statue of Queen Victoria that stood across the street from him, It was raining hard and the few people who passed by looked wet and miserable. X was miserable, too. How, he wondered, could anybody think there was anything interesting about the life of a secret agent? He knew it was because people had seen so many television plays about glamorous spies that they thought the life of a secret agent was exciting. They were convinced that every cigarette lighter concealed a secret tape recorder; that a fountain pen held in a certain way would open a locked door, that the touch of a gold ring against the hand


新发展大学英语听力教程(4)参考答案 Unit 1 Urban Life or Rural Life Pre-listening Activities apartment;contract Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C Passage Two 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B Passage Three 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. drawbacks 2. education 3. facilities 4.studying 5. widespread 6. develop 7. attend 8. serious 9. There are no companies or factories that would offer people employment 10. who have to work very hard in the fields to earn their living

11. Another bad side of country life is the lack of entertainment Listening and Speaking Task 1 1. Most of Canada’s happiest cities are on the East Coast. 2.She can withstand brutal winters by focusing on“the warmth and the friendliness of people”. 3. Knowing your neighbors and trusting those around you is a key reason.Task 2 (略) Listening Skills for Long Conversations 19. A20. D21. D Learn English Through Songs someone;alone;hide;storm;cares;heaven;getting;promise Unit 2 Different Kinds of Love Pre-listening Activities different kinds of love Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages


Quiz 2 I. Listen and choose the best answer to each question you hear. 1. A. More than 30 years. C. Less than 13 years. B. About 30 years. D. Almost 13 years. 2. A. For those who couldn’t return home for the holiday. B. For those who were also from the Midwest. C. For those who had babies and young children. D. For the new friends they made in Virginia. 3. A. Bread. B. A kind of brandy mixture. C. A meal. D. A cooked bread mixture. 4. A. Turkeys infected with bird flu. B. Turkeys imported from Europe. C. All the poultry infected with avian influenza. D. The poultry coming from Asia. 5. A. A city. B. A person. C. A store. D. A parade. II. Listen and fill in the following blanks. (One word for each blank.) 6.Besides turkey, other traditional Thanksgiving foods include ________, a ________ fruit called cranberries and ___________ pie. 7.Now on Thanksgiving Day, people watch several professional and _________ __________ games on ___________ television. The games are regarded as a _________ ____________ of Thanksgiving celebration. 8.Besides, Thanksgiving Day ________ on TV are very welcome to many Americans, which are usually ____________ by big __________ in several cities. III. Listen and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Question 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. A. She had a job interview to attend. B. She was busy finishing her project. C. She had to attend an important meeting. D. She was in the middle of writing an essay. 10. A. Accompany her roommate to the classroom. B. Hand in her roommate’s application form. C. Submit her roommate’s assignment. D. Help her roommate with her report. 11. A. Where Dr. Ellis’s office is located. B. When Dr. Ellis leaves his office. C. Directions to the classroom building. D. Dr. Ellis’s schedule for the afternoon. Question 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A. He finds it rather stressful. B. He is thinking of quitting it. C. He can handle it quite well. D. He has to work extra hours. 13. A. The 6:00 one. B. The 6:30 one. C. The 7:00 one. D. The 7:30 one. 14. A. It is an awful waste of time. B. He finds it rather unbearable. C. The time on the train is enjoyable. D. It is something difficult to get used to. 15. A. Reading newspapers. B. Chatting with friends. C. Listening to the daily news. D. Planning the day’s work.
