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v.撤离,退出 withdraw from the market---expand into the market
political 政治的
economic 经济的
sociological 社会的
technological技术的 legal法律的
demographic人口的 ethical道德的
prediction n.预测
Read these predictions. Say if you agree or disagree and why. We often use will to make predictions about the future.
n.有轨电车 Trams will replace buses in city centres.
as far as…be concerned 就某人/某事……而言 As far as I’m conerned the whole idea is crazy.依我之见,整个想法荒诞之极。
The coat is fine as far as color is concerned, but it is not very good quality.
In Section A of this briefing document, a PEST analysis looks at the external factors which will affect our future strategy decisions. 在该文件的第一部分,PEST分析法分析了影响我们今后战略决策 的外部因素。
“the norm” Two cars per family is the norm in most suburban communities.在
大多数效区社区,每个家庭两部车是常见的。 The pay increase in this company is well below the norm.
hybridHale Waihona Puke Baidu
hydrogen n.氢
go into production
Their hydrogen engine is now ready to go into production. 他们的氢发动机现已准备投产。
Flling your car with hydrogen will soon be the norm. 将你的油箱加满氢很快将成为常规。
Green Christmas 绿色圣诞
green collar绿领一族
Customers are more aware of the environment these days and they are going to demand “green” alternatives.
joint venture 合资企业
They are planning a joint venture.他们正筹划办一个合资企业。
His company has formed a joint-venture television company with the Government.与政府合作成立了一家合资电视公司。
The government was aware of the problem.= The government was aware that this was a problem.I
alternative n.二者择一,可供选择的办法或事项 alternative green fuels 绿色环保替代燃料
Porter’s five forces analysis
SWOT analysis SWOT分析: strength优势,weakness劣势,opportunity机会,threats威胁
n.情况的简要介绍,简报;基本情况介绍会 He is giving the reporters a briefing on the crisis.他正向记者们介绍危机的简 况。 Before the meeting, let me give you a quick briefing.简单通报情况 Stratety briefing document.战略通报会文件
这件大衣就颜色来说还不错,但质量不好。 We decided to develop the hydrogen engine because that’s the future as far as cars are
be aware of I was not aware of the danger.= I was not aware that I was in danger.
n.策略,战略 strategy meeting战略会计
stabilize At the same time, demand here in Europe has stablized and it is unlikely
v.使稳定,保持 that it will increase greatly in the future. ……稳定 同期,欧洲的需求已趋饱和,今后不可能大幅增长。
vision n.型号,样式,
trial version试验品,试用品 This dress is a cheaper version of the one we saw in that shop.这 件衣服同我们在那家商店看到的一样,但它是比较便宜的那种 fully-working vision or their new hydrogen 新型的运行良好的氢发动机 From the first draft to the final printed version, we worked together. 从初稿到最后成书出版,我们共同努力。
Other than business English, companies normally arrange new employee orientation, leadership training courses. 除了商务英语外,公司通常还会为为员工开设:新员工培训课,领导才能 培训课程。
Module 9 - Part 1 Business Topic:
The future
By Yan LIU Sun Yat-Sen University
刘燕 中山大学
prototype n.原型;样品,样
norm n.标准,规范;
Funds for testing the prototype fan out the last week. 测试样机的经费上周用完了。 Who is the prototype of the character? 谁是这个人物的原型? prototype car engine 轿车发动机样机
domestice solar panel家用太阳能电池板 different holiday destinations不同的度假地
n.占有者,所有者 Cars with only one occupant won’t be allowed into city centres.
public transport 公共交通 Public transport will be free for children up t the age of 16.
It is essential to make a correct assessment of future opportunities. 正确评价未来的机遇很重要。 The teacher asked us to make an assessment of the composer’s work.作曲家的作品 We ranked “A” in the Undergraduate Teaching Assessment. 我们在本科教学评估中获“优秀”。
If everything runs smoothly, the car will be on the market in 12 to18 months.
green adj.环保的
green wire 环保电缆
green food 绿色食品
Green Environmental Protection Volunteer 绿色环保自愿者
car-oriented lifestyle. 我们坚信氢发动机将是解决人们以车为主导的生活方式的关键。
The price of fuel was a key factor when deciding which vehicles to buy.
以……为方向的,以……为目的的,对……感兴趣的,重视……的 car-oriented lifestyle以车为主的生活方式 A poor but ecudation-oriented family贫困但重视教育的家庭 Export-oriented economy外向型经济 I am not business-oriented.我对做生产不感兴趣。
geographical adj. 地理学的,地理的
assessment n. 评价,评估
external factor adj/.外部因素 mutual benefit 互惠,互利 a rise in the demand 需求的增长
low cost
what are the market conditions in other geographical areas? 其他地域的市场条件如何?
the key to
方法,手段,关键,要诀 Education is the key to progress.教育是进步的关键。 Practice is the key to all skill。 Planning is the key to success. 计划是成功的关键。 We’re convinced that hydrogen engines are going to be the key to our
The engine runs on gasoline. 这台发动机靠汽油运转。 This washing mechine runs on very little electricity. 耗电很少。
Is everything running smoothly at the office? run smoothly His life runs smoothly.他生活顺利。
be out of production停产 When will the new range of computers go into full production. 批量生产
run on
power generator that run on hydrogen. 氢燃料发动机 n.发电机
electricity generation plant 发电厂
exhaust emission The engine will make a significant contribution to reducing pollution,
since, by using hydrogen as fuel, the only exhanst emission will be water.氢发动机将大大减小污染,因为以氢为燃料唯一的排放物是水。
To enter the Chinese market we need to form a joint venture with a local company.
state-of-the-art technology
The new high-speed train uses state-of-the-art technology to predict journey times.