





Chapter One (一般掌握)

Chapter Two English Literature of the Late Medieval Ages


() 1. Apart from original poems, Chaucer translated various

works of French authors, among them is the famous __________________

A. The Canterbury Tales

B. The Romance of the Rose

C. The Parliament of Fowls

D. The House of Fame

() 2. Generally speaking, Chaucer's works fall into three main groups corresponding roughly to the three periods of his adult life, which period is wrong?

A. The period of French influence

B. The period of Italian influence

C. The period of his maturity

D. The period of American influence

() 3. Which of the following information about Chaucer is


A. He died on the 25th of October 1400, he was the first to be buried in the writer's corner of Westminster Abby

B. He was considered as “father of English Poetry”

C. He was one of the narrative poets of England

D. His masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales

() 4. Of the following, the one which employs the form of

romance is____.

A. Amoretti

B. Venus and Adonis

C. The Tempest

D. Sir Gawain and Green Knight

() 5. The characters in the Canterbury Tales can be divided into the following groups except_____.

A. rural dwellers

B. church members

C. tradesman

D. nobles

() 6. Piers the Plowman is similar in form to the work written by

A. Chaucer

B. Shakespeare

C. Marlowe

D. Bunyan

Chapter Three English Literature in the Renaissance


() 1. English Renaissance Period was an age of ______________

A. prose and novel

B. poetry and drama

C. essays and journals

D. ballads and songs

() 2. “Romeo, R omeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo?” is one of the most famous lines from Romeo and Juliet. Which of the following

comments on the line is NOT true?

A. Juliet speaks the line in the balcony scene.

B. She is unaware of Romeo's presence.

C. She asks him to deny his family for her love.

D. A major theme in Romeo and Juliet is the tension between social

and family identity and one's inner identity (represented by one's name).

() 3. The Elizabethan literature____________

A. had a marked unity and the feeling of patriotism and devotion to

the queen.

B. witnessed a decline of degeneration

C. expressed age and sadness, even the brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimism.

D. was not romantic.

() 4. One of the following plays takes its subject matter

from Chinese history

A. Henry IV

B. Macbeth

C. Tamburlaine

D. Alchemist

() 5. Dr Faustus sells his soul to the devil because


A. is faced by Mephistopheles

B. wants to gain more money

C. wants to live an extravagant life

D. wants to know more about the world

() 6. Shakespeare is a poet , playwright and ______.

A. critic

B. novelist

C. an actor

D. both b and c

() 7. Of the following, the one which employs the form of romance is____.

A. Amoretti

B. Venus and Adonis

C. The Tempest

D. Sir Gawain and Green Knight

() 8. The difference of Surrey's contribution to English

poetry from that of Wyatt lies in that Surrey________.

A. wrote the first English sonnet

B. introduce the couplet into England

C. wrote the first English blank verse

D. made the sonnet popular

() 9. The one who first made blank verse the principal

instrument of English drama is

A. Surrey

B. Marlowe

C. Shakespeare

D. Jonson

() 10. The recurrent theme of Marlowe' s play is the praise of ____.

A. capitalism

B. feudalism

C. individualism

D. nationalism


1. Rough winds do shake the _______________of May,

And _____________has all too short a date.

2. Sometimes too hot the ______________shines, and often is his


3. Shakespeare produced __________plays and ____________sonnet.

4. ___________is praised by Marx as “the progenitor of English Materialism”.


Analyze Shakespeare's four periods of career concisely.

Chapter Four English Literature of the Seventeenth Century


() 1. __________was a progressive intellectual movement which began in France and had a wide impact throughout Europe in 18th century.

A. The Renaissance

B. The Enlightenment

C. The Religious Reformation

D. The Chartist Movement

() 2.Which of the following comment on the image of Satan

in Paradise Lost is NOT correct?

A. The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of Hell and

Satan was the real hero.

B. He is firmer than the rest of the fallen angels

C. He remains obeyed and admired by all the angels

D. It is he who makes man revolt against God.

() 3. Which of the following information about John Donne

is NOT true?

A. He was born in a Roman Catholic family.

B. He received his education at Oxford and Cambridge.

C. Later he gave up his Catholic faith and took orders in the Anglican Church.

D. He wrote only religious poems.

() 4. Dryden's contribution to English literature lies in the following except_____.

A. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse form

B. he clarified the English prose

C. he raised the English literature criticism to a new level

D. he raised English comedy to a higher level

() 5. Apology for Poetry is ______.

A. a poem

B. a romance

C. a criticism

D. a sonnet


() 1. John Donne is famous for his metaphysical conceit, that is, a comparison between the two strikingly resemblant objects.

() 2. Newspaper was born in 17th century.

() 3. One of the characteristics of the English bourgeois

revolution was that it was carried out under the cloak of religion.


1. ________________is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry.


metaphysical poets

Chapter Five English Literature in the Eighteenth Century


() 1. In the 18th century, satire was much u sed in writing, English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such

as ____________

A. Swift

B. Defoe

C. Blake

D. Burns

() 2. In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of Pre-romanticism were_____________

A. Blake and Wordsworth

B. Burns and Coleridge

C. Blake and Burns

D. Wordsworth and Coleridge

() 3. Which of the following information about William Blake is NOT true?

A. He was born in London, the son of Irish hosier.

B. He was a poet as well as an engraver.

C. His first book of poem was Songs of Innocence.

D. His later poems are mysterious and hard to understand.

() 4. The main literary stream of the 18th century


A. Romanticism

B. Realism

C. Pre-romanticism

D. Critical realism

() 5. __________was considered as “father of English Novel”.

A. Swift

B. Fielding

C. Chaucer

D. Jane Austin

() 6. In 1704, ___________founded the periodicals “the Review”.

A. Swift

B. Blake

C. Milton

D. Defoe


() 1. Pope e stablished the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms.

() 2. Burn's poems a re largely based on imitation and revision of folk ballads of his motherland.

() 3. Neo-classicism means r estraint, thus it is unfit for the requirement of French Revolution, which aroused the age of Romantic

Revival to unfetter spirit of humankind.

() 4. Swift is known as a pioneer novelist of English and also a prolific writer of books and pamphlets on variety of subjects.

() 5. The Houyhnhnms represent an ideal rational existence,

a life governed by sense.


1. ________________is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse

into non-dramatic poetry.

2. People in 18th century believed in ___________and their watchword was “common sense”.




2018 英语专八阅读练习题及答案 英语专业八级针对的对象是英语及相关专业大四学生。非英语及相 关专业与非在校生无法参加考试。英语专业八级考试(TEM-8),全称为 全国高校英语专业八级考试。应届毕业生网小编为大家整理了2018 英 语专八阅读练习题及答案汇总,供各位考生参考。 Exploration of the Titanic After resting on the ocean floor, split asunder and rusting, for nearly three-quarters of a century, a great ship seemed to cone alive again. The saga of the White Star liner Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage in 1912, carrying more than 1,500 passengers to their death, has been celebrated in print and on film, in poetry and song. But last week what had been legendary suddenly became real. As they viewed videotapes and photographs of the sunken leviathan, millions of people around the world could sense her mass, her eerie quiet and the ruined splendor of a lost age. Watching on television, they vicariously joined the undersea craft Alvin and Jason Jr. (J.J.) as they toured the wreckage of the luxury liner, wandering across the decks past corroded bollards, peering into the officers quarters and through rust-curtained portholes. Views of the railings where doomed passengers and crewmembers stood evoked images of the moonless night 74years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves. The two-minute videotape and nine photographs, all in color and shot 12,500ft.under the North Atlantic, were a tiny sample of 60 hours of video and 60,000 stills garnered during the twelve-day exploration. They are released at a Washington press conference conducted by Marine Geologist Robert Ballard, 44, who led the teams from the Wood Hole Oceanographic


专八作文范文 02: The Most Important Quality of a University Student Many people regard university as job-training centre which would help us get a better job. However in my view, the four years in university are also supposed to be character building period during which we can develop some important personal qualities that are necessary for success in the present-day society. Among them, passion in learning may be the most important. To begin with, a mobile society has a demand for those who can easily adapt to the latest development. As the world we live in is a fast-charging one, we constantly need to update our knowledge and skills. while many people grit their teeth to cram their minds with new stuff, whose who have developed a genuine passion in learning during their college years may make a virtue of necessity, deriving much pleasure from learning what is required by the latest developments in their fields. Moreover, passion in learning may also help to ward off the feeling of futility and emptiness, a typically modern disease caused by complicated reasons such as huge pressure and fierce competition in modern society. As human beings, we need more than material comforts to assert the value of our life. In China, where the belief in god is largely absent, a life-long pursuit for knowledge may be a god substitute for religion, for those devoted to learning will be better aware of the significance of their life by seeing themselves as those who pass on the torch of knowledge. In this way, learning may serve to head off psychological crises. In conclusion, one’s passion in learning bring benefit to individuals in a variety of ways, hence it is the most important quality of a university student. 03:Love, and Then Be Loved In recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people

2019年英语专业八级考试作文范文:Migrant Workers

2019年英语专业八级考试作文范文:Migrant Workers The Role of Migrant Workers Migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. They leave their home-land for better chances. Some want to change their destiny, some want to make a fortune. Whatever the purposes they cherished when millions of them streamed into big cities, they have promoted the development of cities. Most of the migrant workers are hard working and unafraid of hardships. They take up the dirtiest, the most strenuous or dangerous jobs which city laborers are unwilling to do. With lots of building they have set up and streets they have kept clean, they have helped modernize and beautify cities. Not only have they become the main work force in the construction sector, they also have helped liberate city women from heavy housework chores by taking care of the babies, cleaning houses or providing any other services citizens need. Although some of the citizens complain about the increasing number of the problems such as theft, robbery a few of migrant workers have committed, most of the citizens agree that their contribution is obvious, and with better management, their role in the construction of cities will definitely be greater.


He was an old man with a white beard and huge nose and hands. Long before the time during which we will know him, he was a doctor and drove a jaded white horse from house to house through the streets of Winesburg. Later he married a girl who had money. She had been left a large fertile farm when her father died. The girl was quiet, tall, and dark, and to many people she seemed very beautiful. Everyone in Winesburg wondered why she married the doctor. Within a year after the marriage she died. The knuckles of the doctor's hands were extraordinarily large. When the hands were closed they looked like clusters of unpainted wooden balls as large as walnuts fastened together by steel rods. He smoked a cob pipe and after his wife's death sat all day in his empty office close by a window that was covered with cobwebs. He never opened the window. Once on a hot day in August he tried but found it stuck fast and after that he forgot all about it. Winesburg had forgotten the old man, but in Doctor Reefy there were the seeds of something very fine. Alone in his musty office in the Heffner Block above the Paris Dry Goods Company's store, he worked ceaselessly, building up something that he himself destroyed. Little pyramids of truth he erected and after erecting knocked them down again that he might have the truths to erect other pyramids. Doctor Reefy was a tall man who had worn one suit of clothes for ten years. It was frayed at the sleeves and little holes had appeared at the knees and elbows. In the office he wore also a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of paper. After some weeks the scraps of paper became little hard round balls, and when the pockets were filled he dumped them out upon the floor. For ten years he had but one friend, another old man named John Spaniard who owned a tree nursery. Sometimes, in a playful mood, old Doctor Reefy took from his pockets a handful of the paper balls and threw them at the nursery man. "'That is to confound you, you blithering old sentimentalist," he cried, shaking with laughter. The story of Doctor Reefy and his courtship of the tall dark girl who became his wife and left her money to him is a very curious story. It is delicious, like the twisted little apples that grow in the orchards of Winesburg. In the fall one walks in the orchards and the ground is hard with frost underfoot. The apples have been taken from the trees by the pickers. They have been put in barrels and shipped to the cities where they will be eaten in apartments that are filled with books, magazines, furniture, and people. On the trees are only a few gnarled apples that the pickers have rejected. They look like the knuckles of Doctor Reefy’ s hands. One nibbles at them


2017年英语专业八级作文范文:知识产权 保护的崛起 知识产权保护的崛起 The Rise of Intellectual Property Protection Intellectual property scarcely existed in the vocabularies of academic researchers and administrators even 15 years ago. Now it is an ever-present part of discussions on research policies and directions. This new importance of intellectual property in academia reflects a changing view on their relationships of research at universities to the surrounding society. Until recently, research at universities has been relatively isolated from demands of economic utility, and education of graduate students has emphasized a career in academic research as the final goal. Now almost all research universities in the United States have technology licensing operations. The number of U.S. patents granted to American universities in a year rose from about 300 in 1980 to almost 2000 in 1995. The direct economic impact of technology licensing on the universities themselves has been


专业八级考试经验(专八优秀者自己总结) 一、复习资料:必做的书,只有一本:中国对外翻译出版公司的《历年真题解析》,因为真题是唯一绝对真实的复习资料,所以必做。此外,还有一本大概绿色皮的上外出的习题集,也是比较好的。北外在准备专八时,系里面所发的就是这两本书。当然,除此以外,每个同学都觉得心里没底,都会跑去书店买参考书,那么挑选的时候应注意两点:首先,挑出版社,北外外研社,上外外教社,对外翻译出版公司,首选这三家,我不敢说其他学校或者出版社的书没有好的,但是至少这三家的书不会是没有价值的冒牌书。其次,关于词汇书,星火的词汇书等有很多,我记得大二考专四的时候,大家还都会买一本词汇,但是专八就少了,因为根据实际经验,根本没有人会背完词汇,所以可以肯定地说,词汇书没有必要,专业四年的词汇,够用了,现补也来不及。还有,省钱也不是在这个时候,盗版就不要买了,去趟北外对面的外研书店,足以。考试大纲,很薄一本,建议还是看一下,在书店看一下就可以了,看各部分时间分配,收卷子发卷子的时间,也就是清楚考试流程。当你买好资料,就会发现有两种,一种是真题,一种是模拟,真题一定要一整套一整套地做,严格掌握时间,把最近一年的模拟题留到考试前几天最后再做;模拟题就比较随意,可以分题型做,阅读,短文改错,有空就做。最后提醒大家不要搞题海战术,不可能考你做过的题,自己应该清楚,考前作题的目的仅仅是:熟悉题型、掌握时间分配、增强信心。四年专业的积累,不是一时间狂做题可以补上的。二、考试中应注意的:1 听力:专八的听力上来发白纸,然后发卷子填空,当然还有听新闻,对话等等,其中发白纸,听完后再发卷子填空的题型对我们很陌生,平时不怎么练,所以需要注意,千万不要因为题目是填单词,听的时候就死抠个别单词,首先重要的还是听懂整个文章结构和内容,做到这点填空的时候自然能记起大部分的词,人的瞬时记忆是很强的,要相信自己,但是如果为了个别词,落下一整段没听明白,那么填空的时候肯定不理想,懵都懵不出来了。2 阅读:说实话,阅读的能力不是短时间可以改善的,但是之前一定要多做题,因为专八的阅读量很大,时间又比较紧,所以平时要训练自己看那么长的文章也不烦,能坚持以最佳状态答完所有阅读题


2009 (文化差异/文化遗产的保留) Mandarin, or putonghua, is the standard service sector language in our country. But recently, employees at a big city's subway station have been busy learning dialects of other parts of the country. Proponents say that using dialects in the subway is a way to provide better service. But opponents think that encouraging the use of dialects in public counter s the national policy to promote putonghua. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Are Dialects Just as Acceptable in Public Places? 2008 (教育) In a few months' time you are going to graduate from university. How do you think your college years have prepared you for your future life? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: What I have learned from my years at university 2007 (朋友) Some people think that financial disparity affects friendship. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essays. 2006 (建议/野心) Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer, once said, "We decide what is important and what is trivial in life we decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do but no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Ambition 2005 (工作) Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2004 (校园学习重要) It was reported in the press some time ago that a few second-and third-year students in a provincial university decided to try their hands at business in order to get prepared for the future. They opened six small shops near their university. Their teachers and classmates had different opinions about this phenomenon. Some thought that the students' business experience would help them adapt better to society after graduation, while others held a negative view, saying that running shops might occupy too much of the students' time and energy which should otherwise be devoted to their academic study. What do you think?

英语专业八级阅读理解高分特训100篇【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(第3章 英语专业八级标准阅读篇

社会生活类(Passage63~70) Passage63 题材:社会生活类字数:686建议用时:6分钟 From a hillside,Kamal Saadat looked forlornly at hundreds of potential customers,knowing he could not take them for trips in his boat to enjoy a spring weekend on picturesque Oroumieh Lake,the third largest saltwater lake on earth, which now lay encased by solidifying salt.Saadat lamented that he could not understand why the lake was fading away. The long popular lake,home to migrating flamingos,pelicans and gulls,has shrunken by60percent and could disappear entirely in just a few years—drained by drought,misguided irrigation policies,development and the damming of rivers that feed it. Until two years ago,Saadat supplemented his income from almond-and grape-growing by taking tourists on boat tours.But as the lake receded and its salinity rose,he found he had to stop the boat every10minutes to unfoul the propeller—and finally,he had to give up this second job that he'd used to support a five-member family.The visitors were not enjoying such a boring trip,for they had to cross hundreds of meters of salty lakebed just to reach the boat from the wharf. Other boatmen,too,have parked their vessels by their houses,where they stand as sad reminders of the deep-water days.And the lake's ebbing affects an ever-widening circle.


英语专业八级TEM8考试范文集锦 Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can’t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. Those who argue for children’s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children’s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the abili ty to do simple calculation. Children’s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established. Should a person make an important decision alone? A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience. When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses. In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my


专业八级虽然难度挺高的,但是准备有素,通过的可能性还是很大的,关键在于准备的方法上,以前总是看到有人拿一本12000的单词天天的背,诚然单词量固然重要,但是不可一味的背单词,如果只背背单词,到考试时候就会觉得很郁闷,为什么有些单词看上去熟悉,却还不大确定是什么,而且即使知道什么意思,阅读还是模模糊糊,搞的很不清楚。听力好象听懂好难的单词,却不懂一整篇的大意!如何才可以做到顺利过关呢? 总结一句话:分项击破,以强补弱,各项平均,总体突破。 也就是说在平时积累词汇的同时,多做练习,注意控制好时间,每练习一套,就要大概算出每项得分情况,什么地方差补什么,如此反复,毕有提高。 练习题最好用上外的,我记得当时我师兄准备考研,没怎么准备TEM-8,他寒假回去只完完全全,认认真真听完整本上外出版的上海市紧缺人才考试用书的《高级英语听力教程》,专八考了我们班第一,听力单项第一,当然我不是误导大家去听一本听力就行了(因为我师兄各项基本功一直很棒,拿过很多次一等奖学金,现以留校了),我是推荐大家有精力去听听肯定有所提高,本人现在工作了,仍然听这一套资料,语音非常纯正,简直是一种享受!我自己考专八的时候翻译不行,但是听力感觉非常好,大头分拿得多自然就容易过。 下面转贴一篇文章,我04年考之前我也看过,不知大家看过没,虽然今年改革了,但希望对大家有那么一点点作用,我觉得写的还好: 专业八级的虽然难度较大,但在全国的英语专业的学生考试的成绩来看,通过率是很高的,全国平均通过率是百分之六十多,为什么通过率这么高?就我个人的观点而言,是因为专八考试的题目采分点多,每道小题都是一分,特别是阅读理解这样容易失分的部分,每道题也都是一分,与四、六级不同。下面我将就将对专八考试的各部分体型的特点做出评价。 1 听力包括听情景对话、长时间的交谈、英语广播、还有复合式听写。前两部分的难度和六级差不多,关键是后两部分。英语广播主要是VOA和BBC的新闻,没有什么应试技巧可言,关键要考平时多听这两个电台的广播来培养语感。复合式听写是听力部分乃至全卷中最难的,要求先听一段用标准语速英语念的文章(只念一遍),在放音的同时要求考生做听力笔记,然后再根据自己所做的笔记去完成一个没有提供选项的完型填空(填十个单词进去),这部分需要有很好的速记能力,要分清语篇里哪些是关键词,哪些不是,当然有遗漏是在所难免,但是要尽量争取少有遗漏,还是那句话:要注意句首、句尾的总结性的话,还有带判断语气的话。 2 阅读分为一般阅读和快速阅读两部分。前者的应试技巧和六级无二,而后者则要求在十分钟的时间内看完六到七篇文章,每一篇文章都附有一个或两个问题。就我的经验而言,这些题目不会涉及对文章主题思想等深层问题的理解,都是一些比较肤浅的问题。这部分要求考生具备一目几行的阅读技巧和很强的搜索信息的能力,如果这方面的能力比较强的话,这类快速阅读应该是比较容易得分的 3 改错在错误点的设置方面与四六级改错相比增加了“逻辑错误”部分,这个的难度是比较大的,有时候替换错词的词和其在本质上没有任何联系,主要看是否符合上下文的语境还有表达方式是否妥当等方面。 4 翻译包括英译汉和汉译英。首先当然要阅读相关的介绍翻译常识的文章、书籍,掌握一些翻译的基本技巧,但最主要的还是要勤练笔,当然要扩大词汇量是不可缺少的。翻译的文章大多是说理性的。2001年的翻译试题,汉译英出得比较容易,英译汉部分出得较难(涉及很抽象的伦理学)。


英语专业八级阅读真题分类解析 类别:阅读来源:美联英语学习网 专八真题测试中如果碰到阅读理解的话,大家会怎么办呢?难不成就是一口气的读下去,哪怕头脑发晕也要继续下去?这里就为大家介绍一些阅读理解习题的小技巧。 虽然考生的阅读能力明显高于其他的能力,但也存在一定的问题,主要是: (1) 部分考生的单词、词组以及语法的基本功还不过关,对阅读理解做成不应该的影响;(2) 考生的衔接能力不强; (3) 没有足够的推理和判断能力; (4) 阅读技能掌握不够,运用上下文解决问题能力不强,整体理解力有待提高。为了解决这些问题我们有必要了解一下阅读的一些基本层面。目前比较公认的将阅读理解的过程分为四个层次: (1) 字面理解(literal comprehension) ,主要是指读者可以理解文章的单词和句型,回想文章大意、细节、事件发生的时间、地点、顺序和人物之间的关系、对比、人物特性和因果关系等等。 (2)推断性理解(inferential comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据字面意思推断出字里行间的隐含意思,包括作者的意图和观点等。 (3) 评价性理解(evaluative comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据 自己的原则和观点对文章进行分析和评价。(4) 欣赏性理解 (appreciative comprehension) ,指读者最终对文章的写作技巧、思 想水平等做出评价。 以2007年真题中的TEXT A 为例:本文主要阐释了威尔士在英联邦中的地位的逐渐改善。该篇文章第一题为细节题。 According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to A. maintain the present status among the nations.


专八写作热点话题范文三例 Private cars With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon. Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second. In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more angry consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars. Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic today. Obviously, studying abroad has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home. In the second place, he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends. Last but not least, by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign
