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If the agent query time and attendance information, then click on the menu of time and attendance information to the Query , pop-up attendance query interface, this interface check the start time, the query end time, select the type of attendance you want to query, start a query, the obtained results can be based on the work , team, date sort. If you need to print the results, click on the printout button.

If the agent access personal assessment information, and then click on the menu of "personal assessment of the Query the system pop-up a personal assessment of the query interface, this interface to select the begin time and end time to start a query, the results can be sorted, printed output.

The monitor is responsible for the daily management of the team ,she record team attendance information, traffic concerned about the whole team, phone pick up rate, rest personnel, etc., with the permission of the attendance module ,she responsible for the attendance information entry, delete, modify. At the same time, in order to meet the management needs, the monitor also has a code of conduct, personal assessment inquiries, inquiries team assessment, team day assessment, the team month assessment, attendance information query module permissions; user instance is shown in 2-6.

The method of use operformance systems for monitor: login performance monitor software system, based on role, the system will allocate time and

attendance module, a code of conduct, personal assessment of the query module, team assessment inquiries, assessment team day, month assessment team, and time and attendance information query permission.

If the monitor attendance entry, then click on employee attendance menu, the system displays the attendance entry screen; select the date of entry attendance, frequency, type of attendance, to submit to complete the attendance entry.

If the monitor behavioral specification entry, click on the "Code of Conduct" menu, pop-up "code of conduct" entry interface, fill out the attendant job number and name, after the details of the record of a code of conduct, submit the completed code of conduct entry work.

If the monitor enters a personal assessment of the query module, the operation with the agent on behalf of queries.

If the monitor to enter attendance information query module, the action with the agent on behalf of inquiries.

If the monitor enter the team assessment query module, click on the "team assessment" menu, the system pops up a team assessment of the query interface, enter a query start and end dates, start a query, the system will show relevant results.

If the monitor enter the team assessment module, click on the menu of "team assessment”,the system displays the team assessment interface, enter the date of the team day assessment, the system will list the results of
