

A Resolution for Voluntary 自动清盘决议Abatement 减免或减轻

abduction 拐带

abortion 堕胎

absconding 弃保潜逃

Absolute assignment 绝对转让

absolute discharge 无条件释放absolute liability 绝对法律责任acquit 无罪释放

Act of God 天灾、神力行为

Act 作为

Action 诉讼

adjourn 休庭、延期聆讯

Adult 成人、成年人

Affidavit 誓章

age of consent 同意年龄

Agent 代理人

aiding & abetting 教唆、煽动犯罪Arbitration 仲裁

arrest 拘捕、逮捕

Arrestable Offence 可逮捕的罪行arrestable offence 可逮捕罪行

arson 纵火

Articles of Association 公司章程

assault 殴打

Assignment 转让契据

asymmetric cryptosystem 非对称密码系统

Auditor 核数师

Authorized share capital 法定股本

Authorized signature 经授权之签名

Available act of Bankruptcy 可用的破产作为

Bailiff 执达主任

bankruptcy debt 破产债项

Bearer 持票人

beneficiary 受益人

Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee 双语法例谘询委员会Board of directors 董事会

British Dependent Territories citizen 英国属土公民British Overseas citizen 英国海外公民

Building Authority 建筑事务监督

Business Registration 商业登记

Buyer 买方

Certificate of Compliance 满意纸

Certificate of Origin 产地来源证

certificate 证书

certification practice statement 核证作业准则Chairman of the board of directors 董事会主席Charge 扺押

Charge 抵押

Chattel 货物或实产

Chief Justice 首席大法官

Co-owners 联名业主commissioner 监誓员

Committed For Trial 交付审判Common Law 普通法

Company directors 公司董事Company Secretary 公司秘书Company 公司

Condition precedent 先决条件Conditions of Exchange 换地条款Conditions of Grant 批地条款Conditions of Sale 卖地条款Conditions 批地条款Consideration 代价

Consul 领事

Consular Officer 领事馆官员Contract for service 服务合约Contract of Sale 售卖合约Conversion 侵占

copyright notice 版权通知Cost, insurance, freight CIF Counter-offer 反要约

Court of Final Appeal 终审法院

Creditor 债权人

Creditor's Ordinary Resolution 债权人普通决议

Creditor's Special Resolution 债权人会议特别决议

creditors' committee 债权人委员会

creditors' meeting 债权人的会议

Creditors' Voluntary Winding 债权人自动清盘

damage 损害

damages 损害赔偿

Debenture 债权证

debt provable in bankruptcy or provable debt 可证债权或可证债项Debt Provable in Bankruptcy 可证债项

debtor 债务人

Deed of Mutual Covenant 大厦公契

deed 契据

digital signature 数码签署

discharge 解除

dispute resolution 和调解纠纷

dividend 股息

Document of Title to Goods 货品的所有权文件

dormant 匿名或不活动

drawee 受票人

drawer 发票人

Easement 地役权

economic rights 经济权

electronic record 电子纪录

electronic signature 电子签署

Equal Opportunity Commission 平等机会委员会

Equitable Charge 公义式扺押

Equitable Mortgage 公义式按揭

Export 输出、出口

Fault 错失

Forfeiture 没收租权

Freehold 永久业权

Future goods 期货

Gazette 宪报

Government Chemist 政府化验师

Government Land Resumption Ordinance 收回官地条例Government Lease 官地租契

Group of Companies 公司集团

hash function 杂凑函数

Import 输入、进口

Incumbrance 负累权益

information system 资讯系统

intellectual property rights 知识产权

interim order 临时命令

Intermeddling 干预死者的遗产

International court of justice 国际法院

Joint Tenants 共有权益

Judge of the Court of Final Appeal 终审法院大法官Judge 大法官

Judgment Creditor 判定债权人

Judgment Debtor 判定债务人

Judgment 判决

Justice, Justice of the peace 太平绅士

key pair 配对密码匙

land 土地

Lands Tribunal 土地审裁处

Law Reform Commission 法律改革委员会

Law 法律、法例、法

Leasehold 租用业权

Legal Charge 法定式扺押

Legal Mortgage 法定式按揭

licensing agreement 许可合同

Listed Company 上市公司

Medical Practitioner 医生

Members' Voluntary Winding Up 成员自动清盘

moral rights 精神权利

Mortgage 按揭

New Territories 新界

nominee 代名人

Nominee's Report 代名人报告

notary 公证人

Oath 誓言

Offence 罪、罪行、罪项、犯法行为Official Receiver 破产管理署署长Order in Council 枢密院颁令ordinary resolution 普通决议Original court 原讼法院

parallel import 平行进口

patent 专利

Payable at sight 见票即付

Payee 受款人

Personal Representative 遗产代理人Plaintiff 原告人

Police officer 警务人员

Power 权、权力

Prevailing Market Rent 市值租金Principal Tenant 主租客

Prison 狱、监狱

Private Company 私人公司

private key 私人密码匙

Privy Council 枢密院

Profit A Prendre 取利权

property 财产

Property 产权

proposal 建议

Prospectus 招股章程

public key 公开密码匙

Quality of Goods 货、货品

Quality of Goods 货品品质

record 纪录

registered design registration 注册外观设计Registered Medical Practitioner 注册医生Registrar of the Supreme Court 最高法院司法常务官Regulations 规例

Repeal 废除

Restrictive Covenant 限制性的约言

Reversionary Title 归属主权

Right Of Way 过路权或取道权

Sale 售卖

Secretary for Justice 律政司司长

secured creditor 有抵押债权人

Sell 卖、售卖、出售

Seller 卖方

Share 股﹑股份

short term patent 短期专利

Sign 签名、签署

special resolution 特别决议

Specific Goods 特定货品

Statutory Declaration 法定声明

Subsidiary Legislation 附属法例

Summary conviction 简易程序定罪

Tenants-in-common 共享权益

Tenement 物业单位

Term 土地租期

Territorial Waters 领海

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 保险业监理处Title 业权

Town Planning Board 城市规划委员会

Trade Mark Ordinance 商标条例

Trade Mark Registry 商标注册处

trade mark relating to goods 货品商标

trade mark relating to services 服务商标

Trade mark 商标

Triable Summarily 可循简易程序审讯

Trustee of Bankruptcy 破产受托人

trustee 受托人

trustworthy system 稳当系统

United Kingdom 联合王国

Unlisted Company 非上市公司

verify a digital signature 核实数码签署

voluntary arrangement 个人自愿安排

Warranty 保证条款

Will 遗嘱

years of age 岁、年岁

1. 按照出资比例:in proportion to one's respective contributions to the investment

2. 按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt

3. 按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit

4. 办理注销登记:cancel the registration

5. 被代理人:the principal

6. 本人名义:in one's name

7. 财产关系和人身关系:property relationships and personal relationships

8. 财产继承权:the right of inheritance

9. 采用书面形式:in writing

10. 查封、扣押、冻结、没收:seize, encroach upon, privately divide,destroy or illegally seal up, distrain, freeze or confiscate

11. 超越代理权:beyond the scope of one's power of agency

12. 承担连带责任:undertake joint liability for

13. 承担民事责任:bear civil liability for

14. 承担责任:be held responsible

15. 诚实信用:honesty and credibility

16. 乘人之危:take advantage of one's unfavorable position

17. 村民委员会:the village committee

18. 代理民事活动:be represented in civil activities by

19. 代理权终止:the expiration of one's power of agency

20. 等价有偿:making compensation for equal value

21. 恶意串通:conspire maliciously

22. 法定代理:statutory agency

23. 法定代理人: agent ad litem

24. 法律另有规定:otherwise stipulated by law

25. 法人: legal person

26. 法人组织章程:the articles of association of the legal person

27. 负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors

28. 附条件的民事法律行为:conditional civil juristic acts

29. 个人合伙:individual partnership

30. 个体工商户:individual businesses

31. 给付定金:leave a deposit with the other party

32. 工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry and commerce

33. 合伙人:partnerss

34. 核准登记的经营范围:within the range approved and registered

35. 户籍所在地:the place where his residence is registered

36. 集体所有制企业:an enterprise under collective ownership

37. 监护人:guardian

38. 将合同的权利、义务全部或部分转让给第三人:transfer all or part of its contractual rights or obligations to a third party

39. 经常居住地:habitual residence

40. 经济实体:economic entity

41. 经主管机关核准登记:approved and registered by the competent authority

42. 居民委员会:the neighborhood committee

43. 具有法律约束力:be legally binding

44. 履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship

45. 埋藏物、隐藏物:buried or concealed object

46. 买卖、出租、抵押、转让:be sold, leased, mortgaged or transferred

47. 民法通则: General Principles of the Civil Law

48. 民事权利能力:the capacity for civil rights

49. 民事权益:civil rights and interests

50. 民政部门:the civil affairs department

51. 农村承包经营户:leaseholding farm households

52. 平等主体:civil subjects with equal status

53. 企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterprise as legal person

54. 企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterprise as legal person

55. 企业法人解散:disbanding of an enterprise as legal person

56. 请求人民法院或者仲裁机关予以变更:request a people's court or an arbitration agency to alter

57. 取得不当得利:profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis

58. 取得法人资格:be qualified as a legal person

59. 全民所有制企业:an enterprise owned by the whole people

60. 权利和义务:rights and obligations

61. 擅自变更或者解除(民事法律行为):alter or rescind one's act arbitrarily

62. 设立、变更、终止民事关系:establish, change or terminate civil relationship

63. 社会团体:social organization

64. 事业单位:institution

65. 适用中国法律:be governed by the law of PRC (The law of PRC shall apply to)

66. 双倍返还定金:repay the deposit in double

67. 提供一定的财产作为抵押物:offer a specific property as a pledge

68. 完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct

69. 委托代理:entrusted agency

70. 委托代理人:an entrusted agent

71. 无国籍人:stateless persons

72. 无民事行为能力人:a person having no capacity for civil conduct

73. 无因管理:act as manager or provide services in order to protect another person's interests when he is not legally or contractually obligated to do so

74. 下落不明 one's whereabouts have been unknown

75. 限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civil conduct

76. 享有连带权利的每个债权人:each of the joint creditors

77. 行使代理权:exercise the power of agency

78. 宣告为无(限制)民事行为能力人:declare … to be a person to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct

79. 遗失物、漂流物:lost-and-found objects, flotsam

80. 以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押物的价款优先得到偿还:to keep the pledge to offset the debt or have priority in satisfying his claim out of the proceeds from the sale of the pledge

81. 以合法形式掩盖非法目的:perform under the guise of legitimate acts which conceal illegitimate purposes

82. 以欺诈、胁迫的手段:as a result of cheating or coercion

83. 意思表示真实:the intention expressed is genuine

84. 优先购买的权利:a right of pre-emption

85. 有过错的一方:the erring party

86. 有权向债务人追偿:have the right to claim repayment from the debtor

87. 造成财产损失:cause any property loss

88. 占有人有权留置该财产:the possessor shall have a lien on the property

89. 指定代理:appointed agency

90. 主要办事机构:the main administrative office

91. 住所:domicile

92. 追偿:claim compensation from


法律英语高频词汇 发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial 发货人 consignor, shipper 发生法律效力 be legally effective 发现 discovery 发行审核委员会 the Issuance Examination Commission 发展规划 development plan 罚款 Fin 法案 bill 法定部门 statutory machinery 法定代表律师 Official Solicitor 法定代表人 legal representative 法定代理人 legal agent 法定继承 legal inheritance 法定继承人 legal heir 法定监护人 legal guardian 法定期限 time limit provided by law 法定义务 legal duty 法定语言 legal language 法定主管当局 statuory authority

法官法 judges law 法官考评委员会 committee for the examination and appraisal of judges 法规 laws and regulations 法纪 Law and Discipline 法纪监督 supervision over legal discipline 法理背景 jurisprudential background 法理背景 jurisprudential base 法理学 jurisprudence 法令 decree 法律程序文件 written process 法律冲突 conflict of laws 法律服务所 Legal Service Office 法律概念 legal concept 法律顾问处 Legal Consultant Office 法律后果 legal effect 法律解释权 power of law interpretation 法律面前人人平等 equality before the law 合法的 legitimate 法律上的财产处分 legal disposition of property


一、律师部分 案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case 案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件) 被上诉人appellee ?p??li: 被诉人respondent; defendant 本案律师councel pro hac vice 本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense 辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定) 裁决书award(用于仲裁) 裁决书verdict(用于陪审团) 采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests 查阅法条source legal provisions 产权转让conveyancing 出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations 代理仲裁agency for arbitration 代写文书drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case 当事人陈述statement of the parties 第三人third party 吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record 调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence 调解mediation 调解书mediation 二审案件case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件send e-mail 法律顾问legal consultants 法律意见书legal opinions 法律援助legal aid 法律咨询legal counseling 法庭division; tribunal 法学博士学位LL.D (Doctor of Laws) 法学会law society 法学课程legal courses 法学硕士学位LL.M (Master of Laws) 法学系faculty of law; department of law 法学学士学位LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士) 法学院law school 法院公告court announcement 反诉状counterclaim 房地产律师real estate lawyer; real property lawyer 非合伙律师associate lawyer 非诉讼业务non-litigation practice 高级合伙人senior partner 高级律师senior lawyer 各类协议和合同agreements and contracts 公安局Public Security Bureau 公司上市company listing 公诉案件public-prosecuting case 公证书notarial certificate 国办律师事务所state-run law office 国际贸易international trade 国际诉讼international litigation 国内诉讼domestic litigation 合伙律师partner lawyer 合伙制律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law office 合同审查、草拟、修改contract review, drafting and revision 会见当事人interview a client 会见犯罪嫌疑人interview a criminal suspect 兼职律师part-time lawyer 监狱prison; jail 鉴定结论expert conclusion 缴纳会费membership dues 举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi 决定书decision


法律翻译常用词汇注释(D)D Damages damages在法律英语中表示损害赔偿金,要注意用的是复数形式,如果用单数,则表示损害。如incidental damages 附带损害consequential damages 间接损害claim damages for the breach of contract.因违约要损害赔偿金等。 Debenture debenture的意思是债券,通常指的是无担保债券。如bank debenture 金融债券bearer debenture 不记名债券coupon bank debenture 附息票金融债券customs debenture 海关退税凭单等。 Declaration declaration在法律英语中常用作申报,如customs declaration 报关,export declaration出口申报,income tax declaration个税申报等。 Decree 法庭判令。法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi”和永久性判令“decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出decree nisi后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反对,否则都会颁出永久判令。 Deed

契约。是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的盖章在法律上被视为一种有效的约因。 Defamation 诽谤。非法破坏他人名誉的行为,口头的毁谤和以书面的永久形式诽谤都可以构成民事索偿的理据或者刑事罪行。 Defence 抗辩。刑事或民事案件中的被告,否认有关的指控或申索,同时提出反对的支持事实。 Delegate delegate在法律英语中的意思是转让,通常指义务的转让,如:In accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter “China”), the consent of the creditors shall be obtained for the delegation of obligations to become effective.根据中华人民共和国(以下称“中国”)法律,义务的转让须取得债权人的同意方可生效。 Dependant 受养人。是指某人的某些家庭成员,需要依靠这个人提供的经济来支持生活,如果这个人因意外死亡,他的受养人因而遭受损失,是有权追究责任,要求赔偿有关的损失。 Discharge


一、 action 诉讼 to bring an action/lawsuit against sb. 向某人提起诉讼,到法院告某人 defendant 被告 appellant 上诉人 appellee 被上诉人 cause of action 案由 transaction 交易 to join sb. as plaintiff/defendant 与某人共同起诉、把某人作为第三人被告合并起诉to make a complete determination of a controversy彻底解决争端 to be liable 负有责任 to rest on 依靠,依赖 adversary 敌手,对手;敌对的 adversary system 抗辩制 advocate 用户,提倡;拥护者,辩护者 produce 拿出,出示 evidence 证据 inquisitorial 纠问的 civil law tradition 大陆法传统 presentation 介绍,陈述 intervene 干涉,介入 safeguard 预防措施,保证条款;保护 prevalence 流行,盛行 manifold 多种多样的 contest 比赛 interested 有利害关系的 resolution 解决 to bear the burden of 承担 to reduce... to 把.....降为,把......归纳为 unbiased 无偏见的 satisfy 满足,符合 critic 批评者 merit 事实真相,是非曲直 phase 阶段 reside 属于,归于 affirmative 肯定的,积极的 join 合并 to be liable to sb. for sth. 因某事对某人负有责任 to rest on 依靠 to reside in/with 属于 二、 allege 声称 allegation 声称 injury 伤害


按照法律规定according to law 按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit 按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt 案例教学法case system 案例汇编case book; case report; law report 柏拉图Plato 被视为be deemed as 被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal 比较法comparative law 比较法学comparative jurisprudence 比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence 比较法制史comparative legal history 比较分析法method of comparative analysis 比较刑法comparative penal law 比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence 必然因果关系positive causal relationship 边缘法学borderline jurisprudence 变通办法adaptation; accommodation 补充规定supplementary provision 补救办法remedial measures 不成文法unwritten law 不成文宪法unwritten constitution


法律英语词汇大全完美 版 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

法律渊源s o u r c e o f l a w 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原则 principle of good faith 行为 act 作为 ac 不作为 omission 合法行为 lawful act 违法行为 unlawful act 民事权利权利能力 civil right 绝对权 absolute right 相对权 relative right 优先权 right of priority 先买权 preemption 原权 antecedent right 救济权 right of relief 支配权 right of dominion 请求权 right of claim 物上请求权 right of claim for real thing 形成权 right of formation 撤销权 right of claiming cancellation


A Ab initio 从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。Accord accord在普通英语中的含义是符合,一致,在法律英语中则表示和解或和解协议,指指债务人和一个债权人达成的、以偿还部分债务免除全部债务责任的协议。如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。 Accused 被告Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。 acquire acquire在普通英语中的含义是获得,获取,而且通常指通过后天的努力获得。在法律英语中通常指对公司的购买,收购,我们通常所说的M&A,即是acquire的名词acquisition和merger的缩写。如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。 Acquittal 罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal 是名词。 Act act在普通英语中的含义是行动,行为,在法律英语中通常理解为作为,与不作为forbear相对应。如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。 Action act在普通英语中的含义是行动,在法律英语中则理解为诉讼,相当于suit或lawsuit,如initiate an action 提起诉讼,win an action在诉讼中获胜,defend oneself in an action在诉讼中为自己辩护等。 Adjourn 休庭,押后法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。 Admission admission是admit的名词,在普通英语中的含义是承认或接纳。在法律英语中,则通常是法律程序中的一个用语,意思是采纳,采信(证据),如The defendant challenged the admission of the evidence by the court on the ground that the evidence was irrelevant.被告以证据没有相关性为由反对法院对其予以采信。 Adopt adopt的最常见含义是采用,通过,如adopt a law通过一项法律,adopt a proposal采纳一个建议等,这种用法在法律英语中也较为常见。另外,adopt在法律英语中可能会用到一个含义是收养,如adopt an orphan according to law根据法律规定收养孤儿。 Affect affect是普通英语中最常见最普通的单词之一,意思是影响,通常用在口语和非正式的场合中。但在法律英语,affect(本义没有改变,仍然是影响),确实非常正式的用法,通常不能用influence等单词替换。如The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same.任何一方在任何时候未要求另一方履行本协议任一条款,并在不影响其以后强制执行该条款的权利。


一、法律类 1.单词 A acceptance /?k sept?ns/ n.受理accusation /?kju(:)zei??n/ n.检举accused /?kju:zd/ n.被告 acquit / ?kwit/ v.宣告…无罪acquittal / ?kwitl/ n. 宣告无罪action / ?k??n / n.诉讼 adjourn /?d??:n/ v. (使)休庭agent /eid??nt/ n.代理人 alibi /?li bai/ n.不在现场证明allegation /?liɡei??n/ n.声称amnesty /?mnesti/ n. 大赦appeal /?pi:l/ n.上诉appearance /?pi?r?ns/ n. 投案appellant /?pel?nt/ n.上诉人arbitration /ɑ:bi trei??n/ n.仲裁assault /?s?:lt/ n.殴打attachment /?t?t?m?nt/ n.扣押 B bail /beil/ v.&n.保释,保释金

bailiff /beilif/ n. 法警 bankruptcy /b??kr?psi/ n.破产bigamy /biɡ?mi/ n. 重婚 binding /baindi?/ a. 有约束力的bribery /braib?ri/ n.贿赂 C case /keis/ n.案件 charge /t?ɑ:d?/ v.扺押 citizen /sitiz?n/ n.公民 collaborate /k?l?b?reit/ v. 串通commit /k?mit/ v.犯罪 confess /k?n fes/ v.承认,供认conspire /k?n spai?/ v. 合谋 contract /k?ntr?kt/ n. 合约conveyancing /k?n vei?nsi?/ n.产权转让convict /k?n vikt/ v.& n.宣判有罪,犯人court /k?:t/ n.法院 creditor /kredit?/ n. 债权人 crime /kraim/ n.犯罪 custody /k?st?di/ n. 监护(权),关押 D decree /di kri:/ n. 法令


法律英语实用单词讲解 accord释义:accord在普通英语中的含义是符合,一致,在法律英语中则表示和解或和解协议,指指债务人和一个债权人达成的、以偿还部分债务免除全部债务责任的协议。如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。 acquire释义:acquire在普通英语中的含义是获得,获取,而且通常指通过后天的努力获得。在法律英语中通常指对公司的购买,收购,我们通常所说的M&A,即是acquire的名词acquisition和merger 的缩写。如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。 act释义:act在普通英语中的含义是行动,行为,在法律英语中通常理解为作为,与不作为forbear 相对应。如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from action释义:act在普通英语中的含义是行动,在法律英语中则理解为诉讼,相当于suit或lawsuit,如initiate an action提起诉讼,win an action在诉讼中获胜,defend oneself in an action在诉讼中为自己辩护等。 adopt释义:adopt的最常见含义是采用,通过,如adopt a law通过一项法律,adopt a proposal 采纳一个建议等,这种用法在法律英语中也较为常见。另外,adopt在法律英语中可能会用到一个含义是收养,如adopt an orphan according to law根据法律规定收养孤儿。 admission释义:admission是admit的名词,在普通英语中的含义是承认或接纳。在法律英语中,则通常是法律程序中的一个用语,意思是采纳,采信(证据),如The defendant challenged the admission of the evidence by the court on the ground that the evidence was irrelevant.被告以证据没有相关性为由反对法院对其予以采信。 affect释义:affect是普通英语中最常见最普通的单词之一,意思是影响,通常用在口语和非正式的场合中。但在法律英语,affect(本义没有改变,仍然是影响),确实非常正式的用法,通常不能用influence 等单词替换。如The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same.任何一方在任何时候未要求另一方履行本协议任一条款,并在不影响其以后强制执行该条款的权利。 affiliate释义:affiliate是法律英语的常见单词之一,意思是关联方,关联公司,也可以associate或connected person表示。如“Affiliate” means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is directly or indirectly controlled by a Party,including a Party's parent or subsidiary, or is under direct or indirect common control with such Party.“关联公司”指直接或间接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或间接控制,或与该方共同受直接或间接控制的任何人或公司。 agent释义:agent也是法律英语中常见单词之一,意思是代理人,代理商,通常指商业代理,如果指非商业性质的代理,如替别人出席会议等,则可用proxy。 例句:Nothing in this Agreement or in the performance of any of its provisions is intended or shall be construed to constitute either party an agent, 1egal representative, subsidiary,joint venturer,partner,employer,or employee of the other for any purpose whatsoever. 参考译文:本协议的任何内容或本协议任何条款的履行,无意表示、亦不应被理解为任何一方为任何目的可以充当另一方的代理人、法定代表、子公司、合营方、合作伙伴、雇主或雇员。


法律渊源source of law 制定法statute 判例法case law; precedent 普通法common law 特别法special law 固有法native law; indigenous law 继受法adopted law 实体法substantial law 程序法procedural law 原则法fundamental law 例外法exception law 司法解释judicial interpretation 习惯法customary law 公序良俗public order and moral 自然法natural law 罗马法Roman Law 私法private law 公法public law 市民法jus civile 万民法jus gentium 民法法系civil law system 英美法系system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系civil law system 普通法common law 大陆法continental law 罗马法系Roman law system 衡平法equity; law of equity 日尔曼法Germantic law 教会法ecclesiastical law 寺院法canon law 伊斯兰法Islamic law 民法法律规范norm of civil law 授权规范authorization norm 禁止规范forbidding norm 义务性规范obligatory norm 命令性规范commanding norm 民法基本原则fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则principle of equality 自愿原则principle of free will 公平原则principle of justice 等价有偿原则principle of equal value exchange



法律英语常用词汇大全 一、律师部分 案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case 案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件) 被上诉人appellee 被诉人respondent; defendant 本案律师councel pro hac vice 本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense 辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定) 裁决书award(用于仲裁) 裁决书verdict(用于陪审团) 采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests 查阅法条source legal provisions 产权转让conveyancing 出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate

法律英语词汇大全 完美版

法律渊源s o u r c e o f l a w 制定法 statute 判例法 case law; precedent 普通法 common law 特别法 special law 固有法 native law; indigenous law 继受法 adopted law 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 原则法 fundamental law 例外法 exception law 司法解释 judicial interpretation 习惯法 customary law 公序良俗 public order and moral 自然法 natural law 罗马法 Roman Law 私法 private law 公法 public law 市民法 jus civile 万民法 jus gentium 民法法系 civil law system 英美法系 system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系 civil law system 普通法 common law 大陆法 continental law 罗马法系 Roman law system 衡平法 equity; law of equity 日尔曼法 Germantic law 教会法 ecclesiastical law 寺院法 canon law 伊斯兰法 Islamic law 民法法律规范 norm of civil law 授权规范 authorization norm 禁止规范 forbidding norm 义务性规范 obligatory norm 命令性规范 commanding norm 民法基本原则 fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则 principle of equality 自愿原则 principle of free will 公平原则 principle of justice 等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange


法律词汇:法律翻译常用词汇注释(A-W) A Ab initio Ab initio是拉丁文,其意思是“自开始之时”或“从头开始”,可以直接翻译为“自始”。在法律英语中,ab initio的使用频率较高,比较常见。如:ab initio mundi (有史以来),void ad initio(自始无效)等。 Accord accord在普通英语中的含义是符合,一致,在法律英语中则表示和解或和解协议,指指债务人和一个债权人达成的、以偿还部分债务免除全部债务责任的协议。如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。 Accused 被告Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。 Acquire acquire在普通英语中的含义是获得,获取,而且通常指通过后天的努力获得。在法律英语中通常指对公司的购买,收购,我们通常所说的M&A,即是acquire的名词acquisition和merger的缩写。如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。 Acquittal 罪名不成立。刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal是名词。详见民法中和刑法中表达不同意思的“acquit”一文。 Act act在普通英语中的含义是行动,行为,在法律英语中通常理解为作为,与不作为forbear相对应。如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。

法律英语词汇大全 完美打印版

考研改变命运法律渊源source of law 制定法statute 判例法case law;precedent 普通法common law 特别法special law 固有法native law;indigenous law 继受法adopted law 实体法substantial law 程序法procedural law 原则法fundamental law 例外法exception law 司法解释judicial interpretation 习惯法customary law 公序良俗public order and moral 自然法natural law 罗马法Roman Law 私法private law 公法public law 市民法jus civile 万民法jus gentium 民法法系civil law system 英美法系system of Anglo-American law 大陆法系civil law system 普通法common law 大陆法continental law 罗马法系Roman law system 衡平法equity;law of equity 日尔曼法Germantic law 教会法ecclesiastical law 寺院法canon law 伊斯兰法Islamic law 民法法律规范norm of civil law 授权规范authorization norm 禁止规范forbidding norm 义务性规范obligatory norm 命令性规范commanding norm 民法基本原则fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则principle of equality 自愿原则principle of free will 公平原则principle of justice


常用的法律英语术语 draft 法案,草案 Government bill 政府议案 to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案 to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律ratification, confirmation 批准 law enforcement 法律的实施 to come into force 生效 decree 法令 clause 条款 minutes 备忘录 report 判例汇编 codification 法律汇编 legislation 立法 legislator 立法者 jurist 法学家 jurisprudence 法学 legitimation 合法化 legality, lawfulness 法制,合法 legal, lawful 合法的,依法的 to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的 offender 罪犯 to abolish 废止,取消 rescission, annulment 废除,取消 repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律) cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同) cancellation (支票)作废 annulment 撤消(遗嘱) repeal rescission 撤消(判决) revocation 撤消 immunity 豁免,豁免权 disability, legal incapacity 无资格 nonretroactive character 不溯既往性 prescription 剥夺公权 attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收 constitutional law 宪法 canon law 教会法规 common law 习惯法 criminal law 刑法 administrative law 行政法 civil law 民法


法律英语专业词汇大全 一、律师部分案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case 案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits 被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件) 被诉人respondent; defendant 本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate 辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense 辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)裁决书award(用于仲裁)裁决书verdict(用于陪审团)采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence 草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equityinterests 查阅法条source legal provisions 出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad 出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court 传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation 代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate 代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization,trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate andincorporations 代理仲裁agency for arbitration 代写文书drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case 当事人陈述statement of the parties 第三人third party 吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record 调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence 调解mediation 调解书mediation 二审案件case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件send e-mail 法律顾问
