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Unit 1 Women of achievement

Period 2 Reading

Step 1 Warming up

Warm up by a guessing game: Who is she?

Step 2 Lead in

1.Who is the student?

2.What wildlife is observed?

Step 3 While Reading

1.Fast Reading

Task 1 Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea.

The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worked with _______ in their environment and help people ________ and ________ the life of these animals.

Task 2 Match the main idea with each paragraph.

Para 1: A:J a n e’s d i s c o v e r i e s a b o u t c h i m p s

Para 2: B:J a n e's w a y o f s t u d y i n g c h i m p s

Para 3: C:J a n e's a c h i e v e m e n t s.

Para 4: D:J a n e's a t t i t u d e a n d f e e l i n g s about chimps.

2.Careful Reading

i n a h u m a n f a m i l y.

Para 2: Jane's discoveries about chimps

Q 1: What did Jane do in the forest?

She spent years ___________ and _________ chimps’daily activities.

Q 2: What did she discover?

① Chimps hunt and eat _______.

② She discovered how chimps__________ ______ each other.

③ She ______ ____ chimps’ social system.

Para 3: J a n e's a t t i t u d e a n d f e e l i n g s t o w a r d c h i m p s.

Q 1. What is Jane's attitude to the following?

Leave wild animals in the wild (for / against)

Use wild animals for entertainment and advertisements (for / against)

Q 2. What is Jane's feeling to the following? (adj.)

Wild chimps

Chimps in laboratories and cages

Para 4: J a n e's a c h i e v e m e n t s

W h a t d i d J a n e a c h i e v e?

●______________animals in their own environment.

●_______ a __________ degree.

●_______ that _______ can live in the forest to study wild animals as men can.

●__________others who wanted to cheer the achievements of women.

Step 3 Structure Analysis

Step 4 Post Reading

Activity 1: Thinking

What kind of person do you think Jane Goodall is?

Activity 2: Interview (Group Work)

Jane Goodall is giving a lecture at our school. You have a chance to talk with her face to face.


※ Six students a group;

※ Design your own questions and answer them;

※ Choose two students to represent in front of the whole class.

You can begin like this:

S: Dr. Jane, I'm very pleased to meet you in our school. I'm very interested in your speech today. May I ask you some questions?

J: You are welcome./ Of course. Go ahead, please.


Questions for reference:

1.Why did you choose to go to Africa to study chimps rather than to university? Answers: ►Because it is important to test the theories that people hold about chimps. ►Be able to find out the “real” life of chimps rather than the life people thought
