201401王陆雅思口语补充讲义 (1)

201401王陆雅思口语补充讲义 (1)
201401王陆雅思口语补充讲义 (1)



Part 1





Do you like dictionaries?

What kinds of dictionaries have you used?

What was the first dictionary you used in your life?

Do you like receiving dictionaries as gifts?


Do you like growing plants?

What plants did you grow when you were young?

Do you like to receive plants as gifts?

What kinds of plants are there in your country?

How do you take care of plants?


Do you like the sunshine? why or why not?

What do you like or dislike to do under the sunshine?


Do you like walking? why or why not?

Would you like to walk in the city or the countryside?

What are benefits of walking?


Do you like to wear watches?

Do you think that time flies?

What do you think of the importance of time?

What is the best time of a day?

What was the first day like in your university?/job?

When did you use your mobile phone for the first time?


Does it often rain in your city?

What was the heaviest rain in your memory?

In which part of China does it rarely rain?

Does it affect people’s life?

In which season does it rain most?

In what ways does rain affect our lives?

Do you like rainy days? Why (not)?

Is there much rain in your hometown?

What is the difference between the raining in the south and the north?

What do you do when it is raining?


Which part of your country has the largest population?

Is it easy to travel around your country?

Has your country changed much in the past years?


Do you often visit your relatives?

What do you like to do when you are with them?

What do you take if you visit your relatives?

When did you last visit your relatives?

Do you like to stay with your friends or relatives?


Are you a polite person?

Who taught you to be polite?

What is politeness?


Do you like singing?

Do you go to karaoke or stay at home to sing?

Who is your favorite singer?

What is your favorite song?



What’s your favorite color?

Do you like the same colors now as you did when you were younger? What can you learn about a person from the colors they like?

Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?

What color would you choose if you had time to decorate your home? Flower

What do different flowers mean?

On what occasions do Chinese people send flowers to each other? When did you last send flowers?



Do you want to go out alone or in a group?

How often do you meet your friends?

What do you do when you are with friends?


How do you spend your holiday?

Do you think people need holidays?

When did you spend your last holiday?

What did you do during your last holiday?

What do you like to do during the holidays?

What do you dislike to do during the holidays?

Do you think that you have enough holidays?



Do you like travelling?

How often do you go travelling?


Do you like to live close to sea?

Why do people go to the sea?


What do people plant in park?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?

What do people do in the park?


Mobile phone

When did you use the mobile phone for the first time?

What do you use your mobile phone for?


What do you do with the internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

Do you think that life is better with the internet?

When did you begin to use the internet?

What’s the influence of the intern et on you?


Do you often write emails?

What are the advantages of writing emails?

What types of emails do you write, business or personal?

What’s the difference between letters and emails?

What kind of letter is hard to write?

In what kind of situation do you send email to your family?


Do you often write letters?

Is the handwriting important nowadays?

What are the benefits of handwriting?


How do you get the news?

What kind of news are you interested in?

Is it the same for the old and young?

Is it important to know the news?



Are bicycles popular in your hometown?

Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years? How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles compared to cars? Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?


Do you like drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing?

What are the benefits of drawing for adults?


Do you like taking photos?

On what kind of situations do you take photos?

Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?


Do you think the art is important to life?

Can you give an example of arts you learn?

What kind of art do you like?

What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

What kind of art are you good at?


Living place

Do you live in a flat or a house?

What is there on the wall of your home?

What can be seen outside the windows of your place?

Do you like your living environment?

Is it good or bad for children?

Is there anything for improvement?


Do you like buying clothes?

What kind of clothes do you like?

What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?

Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?

Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?


What kind of food do you like?

Which is most important to you, breakfast, lunch or supper?

Do you think we should have more meals or have much at one meal?

What did you like to eat when you were young?

Do you still eat it now?

What would you give to your children in the future?

Do you like cooking?

Who does the cooking in your family?

What does he or she like to cook?

Would you cook more in the future?


Do you know your neighbors?

Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?

Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?

What problems will people have with their neighbors?



What music do you like? Why?

What musical instrument do you like?

Are there any friends around you playing some instruments, like piano or guitar? Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?

What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?

Can you play any musical instrument?

Do you often go to the concert?


Do you like shopping?

Who does the shopping in your family?

What do you often buy when you go shopping?

What don’t you like when you go shopping?

Where do you like to go shopping?

What style of shopping do you like?


What sports are popular among Chinese people?

Should we teach sports to children? Why?

What is the role of sports?

Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?


Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?

Why do you like to watch films?

What kind of films do you like?

How often do you go to the cinema?

What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?


What do you like to read best?

What kind of readings do people like to read?

What other readings do you like?

TV vs Radio (最喜欢的节目)

Do you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?

When do you watch TV?

What’s your favorite program?

What TV program did you watch ten years ago?


Do people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?

Do you think it is important for people to celebrate them?

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Is the birthday more important for old people or young people? Party

Do you like to attend the parties of friends or families?

What is the difference between formal and informal party?

What do you wear to a party?

Do Chinese people often hold parties?

On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?


What weather do you like?

What is the weather like today?

Do you think that weather may affect people’s mood?

Outdoor activities

Do you do any outdoor activities?

How often do you do outdoor activities?

Do you think outdoor activities are important to people?

Do you think nowadays people have done enough outdoor activities?


What do you do in your leisure time?

What do you do in your spare time?

What is your favorite time during the day?

How do you relax?

What kind of relaxation do you like?

What relaxation do people around you like?

What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation? Why do people need leisure?

What will you do if you have extra spare time?

How can people have more spare time?

Do you go out with your colleagues?


Do you do housework?

Who does the housework in your family?

What housework is there?

What kind of housework is most important?

What changes are brought by modern technology into housework? Trees

Did you like climbing the trees when you were young?

What kind of trees do you like?

Have you ever been to the forest?

What benefits can trees bring to the environment?


Do you love bags?

What kind of bags do you like?

What do you care about when you buy bags?

Why do you think some designer bags are so expensive?

Have you ever lost any bags?


When do you go to sleep?

What is your sleeping habit like?

Is it good for us to take a nap?

What are the benefits for old people or young people to sleep more?

1.An advertisement

2.An experience of moving into a new place

3. A family business

4.An important letter or email

5.An important decision you made

6. A piece of formal clothing you wear on formal occasions

7.Something you did that helped you in language learning

8. A work of art=A book recommended by others

9. A group you want to take part in=future plan (可能a group activity you took part in)

10. A subject you didn’t (don’t) like in your high school or middle school

11.An ideal home= A future plan

12. A competition you would like to take part in

13. A conversation you conducted with a stranger

14. A place you would like to visit in another country

15.Something you couldn’t live without = a piece of equipment(电器)

16. A person who helped you/a person you helped

17.Your favorite season

18. A sporting event (看过的,想参加未参加都要准备)

19. A famous person who is important in your country

20. A place you enjoyed visiting= A place close to water

21.Someone you enjoy spending time with

22. A TV program

23.An interesting historical event

24. A website

25. a show or performance you watched

26. a school rule

27. a case that you were late

28. A game in your childhood

29. A film about future/that made you laugh

30.the job you liked when you were a child

31. A skill you have

32. A second foreign language you want to learn

33.bad weather you experienced

34. a positive change in your life

35.situation that made you angry

36. a character in a childhood story

37. a musical event you went to

38. a person who has healthy lifestyle

39. a street

40.special family event

41. A person who taught you a skill

42.Old person

43.Favorite photo

44. A historical place

45. A place with water

46. A modern building


48. A special meal=a picnic

49.An interesting speech

50.Training session

51. A future plan (not about work or study)


第八部分:雅思口语第三部分Discussion实战策略 Ps: 第三部分里,话题和问题的焦点完全改变了—考官问的问题不再关乎考生和考生的生活。第三部分总体关注的焦点是“其他人”或者“社会整体”。第三部分的问题也许关于考生国家发生的事情,一般性事件(没有特定的地点),或者可能是关于全球性的问题。总之,问题涉及面会比第2部分要广,内容也要更为深刻!难度当然更大! 考生的第二部分话题与第三部分话题之间有直接的联系。考官会根据你的回答观点,或者与卡片本身相关的话题进行拓展问题提问。 需要记住的重要一点是在第三部分考生的实际观点也是不会被归入评分范围的。没有人会在意你是否对萨科奇会见达赖有何看法或是孟买恐怖袭击作何真正感想,考官仍注意你的语言本身。 Part three question type 1: comparing 对比类 ●Time comparison 时间对比 Are houses nowadays, the same as houses 30 years ago in your country? ●Social group comparison 社会群体对比 Do men and women like the same types of books? Do old and young people like the same holidays? ●Geographic comparison 地域对比 “Are houses in North China the same as houses in South China?” “Do men and women like the same hobbies?” 一般回答:“I like men and women like different hobbies, for example men are fond of many types of sporting activities such as football and basketball. Also they prefer things like watching action movies and going to bars, but women like hobbies such as shopping, watching TV, singing KTV and chatting online.” 模范答案:“Well obviously there are a number of clear differences. However, I guess that the most significant would be that men tend to prefer sporting activities such as football or basketball. Whereas in contrast women prefer things like shopping for clothes. In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men usually like watching films; while on the other hand, women are more likely to prefer watching soap operas on TV.” 开场白: Well obviously… Well undoubtedly…..Well clearly…. Well unmistakably….Sure, without a doubt…Unquestionably… 关于“有区别”的概述(类似第一部分的类型类问题,相关表达可以互换): There are a number of underlying differences here. There a variety of possible differences here. There are a range of potential distinctions here. 突出特点1: However, I guess that the most significant would be that… Though I suppose that the most obvious would be that… But I would say the most fundamental would be that… 细节1: Especially, particularly, in face, such as, for example, specially.


雅思口语资料 口语考试考官使用的语言 Good morning. Come in and take a seat. Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you? Can I see your identification please? Can you tell me where you are from? 第一部分 Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. 1. Let’s talk about… 2. I’d like to move on now to talk about … 3. Let’s move on to the topic of … 4. Let’s move on to the topic of … 第二部分 Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and here’s yo ur topic.


一、学术场景词汇 (一)学科名称 1 major 专业 2 subject 专业 3 discipline 纪律,学科 4 anthropology 人类学 5 linguistics 语言学 6 physiology 生理学 7 psychology 心理学 8 psychologist 心理学家 9 psychological 心理的 10 psychological patients 心理有病的人 11 psychological course 心理课 12 psycholinguistics 心理语言学 13 mining 采矿 14 mining industry 采矿业 15 physical 身体的 16 physical education 体育 17 PE 体育 18 physics 物理学 19 fine 好的 20 arts 文科 21 fine arts 美术 22 science 科学,理科 23 school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院 24 life science 生命科学 25 politics 政治 26 philosophy 哲学 27 geography 地理 28 geographical 地理学的29 geographic location 地理位置 30 photojournalism 摄影新闻学 31 history 历史 32 local history 当地历史 33 medical history 病史 34 economic history 经济学史 35 historian 历史学家 36 historical 历史的 37 astronomy 天文学 38 astrology 占星术 39 media 媒体 40 mass media 大众 41 media room 多媒体房间 42 media center 媒体中心 43 media studies 媒体研究 44 language 语言 45 modern languages 现代语言 46 applied 应用的 47 applied mathematics 应用数学 48 applied science 应用科学 49 environment 环境 50 environmental 环境的 51 environmental studies 环境学 52 respect the local environment 保护 当地环境 53 environmentally-friendly 环保的 54 environmental science 环境科学 55 chemistry 化学 56 in chemistry lab 在化学实验室 57 management 管理 58 time management 时间管理 59 money management 理财管理 60 stress management 压力管理 61 bad management 管理不善 62 statistics 统计学 63 archaeological 考古学的 64 archaeology 考古学 65 accountancy 会计学 66 accounting 会计学 67 biology 生物学 68 biologist 生物学家 69 microbiology 微生物学 70 biological 生物的 71 computer 电脑 72 computers 电脑 What are you studying? I am doing a Bachelor of Computing. 73 literature 文学 74 sociology 社会学 75 engineering 工程学 76 architecture 建筑学 77 business 商务 78 law 法学 79 economics 经济学 80 economy 经济 81 economic 经济的 82 finance 金融学 83 banking 银行学 (二)课程 1 orientation 新生入学教育会 word版本.


口语内部参考资料: Part One 常考话题提问方式及词汇补充: Cooking: Do you often do any cooking? Who taught you to cook? When you were a child, did you ever help your parents to prepare a meal? Do you think children should help their parents prepare meals? Weather: What?s the weather like in your hometown? Does the weather ever affect what you do? How do you feel when the weather is cloudy? Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts the whole year or a place with different season? Do people in china play the same sports in different seasons of the year? Transportation: Do you often use public transportation? What kind of transport do you usually use? How do you think the transport system could be improved? How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?


第1期【雅思口语常见单词】 运动词汇: aerobics ,body-building,jogging有氧操,健美,慢跑,judo 柔道,wresting 摔跤,ball games 球类运动,football 足球,basketball 篮球,tennis 网球,squash 壁球,rugby 橄榄球,volleyball 排球,golf 高尔夫球,table tennis 乒乓球,badminton 羽毛球,baseball 棒球,cricket 板球,hockey 曲棍球,billiard 台球,softball 垒球,ice hockey 冰球,aquatic sports 水上运动,country sports 乡间户外活动(如打猎, 钓鱼, 射击, 赛马等) a favourite sport 受人喜爱的运动项目,the school sports 学校运动会,sports extra 体育增刊,a sports meet [meeting] 运动会,a sports field 运动场,sportscast n., v.[美](播送)体育节目,sportscaster n. 体育节目广播员,sports-down n. [美]运动界,sports-minded adj. 关心体育的,sports writing n. 体育新闻的报道或写作,sports-wear n.运动服装,sports-writer 体育运动专栏作家,sportsdom [美]体育界有关运动的人员:amateur 业余运动员,爱好者,contestant, competitor, player 运动员,enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者,guide 领队,instructor 教练,技术指导,linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判,manager 经纪人,professional 职业运动员,referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判,trainer 助理教练,batsman 板球运动员,batter 击球运动员,men's singles 单打运动员,in the mixed doubles 混合双打,足球运动员a football player,守门员the goalkeeper 运动员,田径运动员an athlete / a sportsman / a sports-woman 职业/ 业余运动员(球类运动员)a professional / amateur player 教练the coach 他的对手his opponents / rivals 体育设施词汇: sports stadium 露天运动场,football stadium 有看台的大型足球场,children's stadium 儿童运动场,ice stadium 冰场,swimming stadium 有看台的游泳场,football pitch足球场,rugby pitch橄榄球场,hockey pitch 曲棍球场,cricket pitch 板球场,swimming pool 游泳池,natatorium(室内游泳池),tennis court网球场,basketball court 篮球场,squash court 壁球场,volleyball court 排球场,badminton court 羽毛球场,golf course 高尔夫球场,exercise area 运动区,ice [skating] rink 溜冰场,ping pong tables 乒乓球案 奥运会the Olympic Games 东道国the host nation 火把点燃仪式the flame-lighting ceremony 开幕式/ 闭幕式the opening / closing ceremony 发奖仪式the prize-awarding ceremony (田径)比赛a competition / contest 锦标赛a championship (球类)比赛a match / game 奥运中常见比赛项目: badminton羽毛球, basketball篮球, baseball棒球, football足球, handball手球, hockey曲棍球, tennis 网球, volleyball排球, canoeing划艇, diving跳水, rowing划船, swimming游泳, synchronised swimming 同游表演, water polo水球, high jump跳高, hurdles 跳栏赛跑, the high [low] 高[低]栏赛跑, long jump跳远, Marathon马拉松长跑, pole vault撑杆跳, 20 km and 50 km road walk, triathlon三项全能运动, Floor Exercises自由体操, gymnastics体操, balance bars 平衡杆, horizontal bar单杠, parallel bars双杠, rings吊环, archery箭术, boxing拳击, cycling骑自行车比赛, discus 掷铁饼, equestrian骑马, fencing剑术, javelin投枪, judo 柔道, Pommel


网友:我经常是看着书本明白意思,可是一听录音就听不清了不明白了,还有句子一长就更加摸不着头脑了。请问我要怎样提高我的听力呢?听力是口语很重要的一部份。 王陆:是这样的。我给你的建议就是跟读你的文字资料。你说自己能够看懂文字,但是你对单词的声音不敏感,所以最后听起来会有问题,所以最主要的方法就是跟读,这样每天2小时,15天就会进步啦。 网友:我四级330分基础很差很差,如果复习三个月的计划,听力最好从什么开始做什么准备? 王陆:三个月最好花一个月的时间练习王陆807听力词汇,这样保证拼写,然后再练习真题和机经。记住,词汇是听力的基础,因为雅思词汇与四六级国内考试不同,所以要单词背诵这些词汇。例如,presentation, seminar, tutorial, certificate这种词,另外,看看这个词组搭配pink slip,它的意思是什么呢? 网友:我是5月初考试,这段时间听力怎样复习?谢谢老师! 王陆:哇,时间好紧呀。最好利用两周的时间做真题,另外,听力机经中的版本填空也要学习。剑桥4-6要认真的准备。听完一套题之后就要分析自己的错误,改掉拼写,发音,走神等常见问题。 网友:口语考试如何解决紧张的问题? 王陆:最好的方法是对着镜子练习,每天半个小时,自己说些雅思口语的第一和第二部分,然后增加些目光交流和手势。还有一点就是,不知道你的紧张是不是和听力水平有关,那就要提高听力水平了。 网友:我无法听清楚播放的内容,也不能及时对所听内容大脑做出反映.我该怎么办? 王陆:这个是个听力综合实力问题。有如下几个方面,1.词汇量不够,如果听到的词是生词,那么考生就听到大概的声音,不是很准确,所以模糊。解决方法:背单词。2.背过单词,但是对声音不熟悉,所以也会造成听力障碍。解决:熟悉单词发音。3.自己学的发音与磁带中的不同,所以无法产生共鸣。解决:多学习几种发音。 网友:上强化课或者看高分考生的经验都说听力提高要听写,但是具体怎么操作呢?听一句按下暂停?还是边听边写,全文整体听4遍?还有请老师推荐什么教材最适合听写?谢谢, 王陆:我创造了王陆点式听写法,就是针对雅思考试的。方法:不要使用暂停键,全文整听,但是只写出重要的名词,形容词就可以了。教材:做完剑桥之后,就用这个做听写练习。 网友:请问,听力机经应该如何使用? 王陆:听力机经主要要背诵其中出现的生词或词组搭配,保证认识所有的单词。然后要把这些单词反复朗读,熟悉声音。保证听到这些声音,立刻能够反应出意思。例如,机经中出现的词组double-spaced, multimedia resources都是什么意思,这都是要注意的。如果听力实在不好,把数字背诵下来,如3303845020456837,这是其中一个信用卡号码,要求考生填写。 网友:我的口语要求考到7分,可现在只有5.5,如想在6月的考试中考到7,还要从哪些方面努力? 王陆:口语要到7分,可以从如下几个角度入手。用MP3录出自己的英语第二部分话题答案,然后听听是否有如下问题:1.发音怪异,解决:上外教班。2.过去时用法,考生如果有过去是问题,是肯定不可能过6分的。3.单复数问题,有没有给information, furniture, advice加s的情况,或者说出an equipment这种说法,这个


P1Do you like flying? Which do you prefer? Travelling by train or Travelling by air? How does flying compare to other forms of transport? Do you think aircraft will be used more in the future? What are the benefits of travelling by air? 喜欢坐飞机的——为什么喜欢? It shows the status! same reason people travel first class rather than economy class. 坐飞机有面子——体现身份。就好像有些人坐飞机也专坐头等舱不坐经济舱一样。 I can get tiny drinks and bag of salty nuts. 坐飞机能喝饮料,吃咸花生。 I love the flight attendants...actually i love the uniform. But the nurses uniform doesnt always live up to expectation and have you ever seen a fat air stewardess? 因为喜欢看空姐。说白了就是喜欢制服。虽然护士也穿制服,但和空姐最大的区别是:护士有时候经常让你失望。因为经常能看见肥护士而肥空姐几乎没有。 I arrive quickly at my destination and staff treat customers very well with frequent drinks and meals. They also bow to the passengers in the waiting area as they pass to go behind the desk. 坐飞机到达目的地快,而且服务人员服务周到,要吃有吃,要喝有喝。最关键的是,他们还给乘客鞠躬。 My favorite part is taking off, i love engine sounds, i love the view down below.. 我最喜欢的就是飞机起飞的时候,我喜欢引擎的声音,我喜欢在空中看下面的风景。 Yeah I love the excitment of it! So much fun! But I get so nervous cause sometimes my ears don't pop for a few days. 我喜欢坐飞机时候的兴奋。但有时候坐完飞机耳朵经常像塞住一样很多天都不舒服。 讨厌坐飞机的——为什么讨厌? It's okay to fly but it is a pain on very long flights or when there is bad turbulence. 坐飞机还好,关键是飞太久挺烦人的,或者遇上气流。 I'm sure my bloodpressure is elevated. God forbid if there's turbulence. 坐飞机我就血压高。上帝保佑别遇到气流。 I hate flying. I freak out at the slightest bit of turbulence. Xanax really, really helped me. 我讨厌坐飞机。一点点气流就让我害怕。吃Xanax(一种安眠药)能管很大用。 I hate flying, it's too claustrophobic(abnormally afraid of closed-in places). 我讨厌坐飞机,太容易引起我的幽闭恐惧症了。(幽闭恐惧:害怕在密闭的空间内) It's true that flying is a safer than driving, statistically; however, your chances of surviving a car crash are much higher than a plane crash. Thus, the stress of having zero control over the plane is often too much to handle. 数据上体现,坐飞机确实比开车安全(出现事故次数少),可我们从车祸中幸存的几率却大大高于空难。我们根本没法去控制飞机。 I have acrophobia, fear of heights. So I hate flying on plane. 我有恐高症,怕高。 喜欢坐火车的——为什么喜欢? I much prefer to travel by rail. I most often travel by air which does at best get me there when I need to, but at great cost of effort, fatigue, stress and general irritation. I never feel this way traveling by rail when new New Oriental arranged a business trip for me, even though there are delays at times. 我喜欢坐火车,因为坐飞机花费高,费体力,有压力,受刺激。可每次新东方给我安排坐火车去出差,却没这坐飞机那种感觉,虽然火车有时候会晚点。 There are lengthy and unwarranted delays encountered in air travel. But at least by rail their is time to relax, and enjoy the scenery. 坐飞机有时候会有长时间的、无法保证的晚点。坐火车至少能休息,看风景。 Train allows one to make the most of your time, whether for relaxing, chatting, meeting new people or working. I think JK Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter in trains. 火车上人们可以充分利用时间,甭管是放松、聊天、认识新朋友还是工作。JK罗琳的第一部哈里波特不就是在火车上写的么。 坐飞机坐哪个位置比较好? First class preferably but if I can't get an upgrade then I go for aisle seat or emergency exit seat. 更喜欢


杭州北雅雅思口语课知识细点综合讲义 ●Chapter1 词汇知识点 1. 高频词汇重复替换 2 2. 动词搭配使用 4 3. 形容词解释和理解12 4. 副词的使用15 5.连接词的使用17 6. Less common vocabularies (不常用词汇)19 ●Chapter 2 语法知识点 1.高频时态准确使用31 2.时态变化和综合使用33 3. 逻辑关系判断和提升34 4. 复合句之定语从句37 ●Chapter 3 语音知识点 1. 英美音差异和易错音38 2. 爆破音和连读40 ●Chapter4 话题内容补充讲义 1.Part1高频话题库42 2.Part1课堂必掌握题库49 3.Part1经典题目回答示例52 4.Part2 经典话题库及范例59 5. Part2 口语7分学员素材分享73 6.2014.12月高频话题总题库79 7.2015.3-8月最高频题库(最新统计)81 8. Part3 分类话题库及逻辑回答模式90 9. Part3 Brain-storming练习及核心素材93

Chapter 1词汇知识点: 1.1高频重复词汇替换(5.5-6) 1.1. 减少语言停顿和加强自然度,需增加语言填充词(language fillers) e.g. actually/ in fact/as a matter of fact/truth be told /to tell the truth to be frank/honest with you = honestly/frankly speaking personally speaking/from my own perspectives/from my point of view as far as I know/concerned 减少最常用词汇重复 Yes-definitely/undoubtedly/without a doubt indeed precisely sure/certainly I do suppose/think so No -I don't think/suppose so/I suppose not Not really Not at all/ a bit I'm not sure really/I'm not exactly that sure negative think - suppose assume I’d hazard a guess that … reckon suggest maintain/insist hold the point that believe argue like -be fond of be into be keen on (5.5) be fascinated by be fanatical about be obsessed with (6-6.5) appeal to I cannot imagine stopping doing sth really I was brought up with sth in blood (7) don’t like dislike hate cannot stand sth. be not (the least bit )interested in sth. loathe doing sth disapprove of sth. sth. is not kind of my thing. but - however whereas instead while yet


最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 https://www.360docs.net/doc/925807483.html,/ 雅思口语高分必备材料:Friendship An Inspirational Poem New Friends and Old Friends by Joseph Parry Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. New-made friendships, like new wine, Age will mellow and refine. Friendships that have stood the test - Time and change - are surely best; Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray, Friendship never knows decay. For 'mid old friends, tried and true, Once more we our youth renew. But old friends, alas! may die, New friends must their place supply. Cherish friendship in your breast - New is good, but old is best; Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This friendship poem was written by Joseph Parry, (1841-1903). His words in this inspirational poem regarding friendships still hold true today. Throughout our life we are constantly meeting new people. Some remain acquaintances, some become friends. But, with our old friends we sometimes lose touch with them, due to a move, change of job, marriage, children, the list goes on and on. Mr. Parry's point on silver and gold as they refer to friendships are well written. Our old friends are like gold. And our new friends are silver. We must remember to treat our old friends like gold.


雅思口语素材 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

Useful Expressions: Words and phrases Friends and communication: mutual understanding solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with relationship network/circle of friends cultivate/develop friendship with sb. keep steady relationship with sb.establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive accumulate experiences competence learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment opportunities lay the foundations for career prosperity immerse oneself in endless job tasks boost/augment/enhance efficiency be adept in boost one’s competitiveness Health and pressure diminish individuals' leisure time drive away lassitude lighten one’s burden homework/workforce overload smooth one’s mental intension confide annoyances a load off one’s mind lift sb. out of high pressure aggravate one's mental intension get away from the daily grind enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure self-relaxation(n.)/ease oneself(v.) vigorous mentality boost our immune system calm the nerves and restore the soul Hobbies and entertainment relieve stress/burden add much spice/flavor to our daily life interdisciplinary talent strike a proper balance between work and leisure realize the value of life explore endless possibility of life material pleasure and spiritual stimulation bring joy to one’s mind


807听力单词升级版词汇表 course 课程 student 学生 information 信息 room 房间 animals 动物 food 食物 computer 电脑 local 当地的presentation 学生在国外课上作的演讲 term 学期,术语 check 检验 family 家庭 children 儿童的复数questions 问题 card 卡片 lunch 午餐 pounds 英镑(复数)shop 商店 words 单词(复数)crime 犯罪 minutes 分钟(复数)building 建筑物 water 水 training 培训 research 研究,科研house 房子 second 第二 industry 工业,产业reading 阅读 sports 体育,运动 month 月份 available 可获得的,有时间的 third 第三 education 教育 shopping 购物department 系,商店per 每 population 人口 address 地址 person 人 facilities 设施 garden 花园 system 系统,体系 country 国家 meeting 会议 bus 公共汽车 lack 缺乏 interview 面试 topic 话题 teacher 教师 working 工作 advanced 先进的,高级的 in advance 预先 fee 费用 American 美国人 advertisement 广告 science 科学 example 例子 market 市场 important 重要的 notes 笔记 rate 比例 tutor 辅导教师,辅导员, 与lecturer不同 details 细节(复数) reason 理由 village 山村 materials 材料(复数) conference 正式会议 difficult 困难的 doctor 医生 price 价格 key 重点的,关键 public 公共的 staff 员工,职员 area 地区 group 群体 music 音乐 city 城市 ground 地面 report 报告 car(s) 汽车 planner 计划,计划表 black 黑色 insurance 保险 Thursday 周四 fitness 健康 subject 主题 planning 计划 officer 官员 skills 技能 Saturday 周六 restaurant 餐厅 Oxford 牛津 problems 问题 museum 博物馆 company 公司 TV 电视 office 办公室 teaching 教学 clothes 服装 parents 父母 items 物品,东西,项目 advice 建议 writing 写作 type 类型 million 百万 fees 费用,学费,杂费 film 胶卷,电影 goods 物品 furniture 家具 personal 个人的 walking 步行 fitness 身体健康 class 班级 degree 学位 articles 文章 cheaper 便宜些 effective 有 famous 著名的 countries 国家 factors 因素 Monday 周一 manager 经理

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 健康生活方式.doc

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 描述一个你知道的健康生活方式 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 虽然现在绝大多数年轻人的生活都处于亚健康状态,但我们却掌握着大量的健康相关知识。因此这个话题应该难度不大。我们可以聊聊早睡早起不熬夜,经常运动(有氧无氧),不吃垃圾食品,不抽烟喝酒等。如果觉得这些话题都有些大,我们也可以想想自己身上有哪些不健康的地方,然后反着说就好了。比如最近变得越来越胖,那我们就说吃饭要适量才比较健康;比如最近天天学习,没有时间运动,那么就可以说无论去哪都走路,增加运动的机会。 题目 Describe a healthy lifestyle you know You should say: How you know it What it is What one would do living in this lifestyle And explain why it is healthy 参考答案 下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案: 。 The healthy lifestyle I am going to tell you is early to bed and early to rise. I do not remember when and where I first heard about this saying. But my parents keep repeating it recently and hope I can follow their advice. They believe staying up late has a negative impact on health and can cause various disease. 我要告诉你的健康生活方式是早睡早起。我不记得第一次是在哪里听到的这一说法。但爸爸妈妈最近说的很多,并且希望我能够这样子做。他们认为我每天晚上熬到深夜对健康不好,可能会导致各种个样的疾病。 According to my parents, one had better go to bed before 11 o’clock in the evening and get up at about 7 o’clock in the morning. Even if you cannot fall asleep immediately, this article is from laokaoya website, closing your eyes and lying on the bed is better than doing other things. This is in chord with a person’s internal clock, and thus
