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Hosting Business Guests

At the airport (Self-introduction; Greeting; Welcome; Flight; Luggage);


Evelyn:excuse me,are u spencer from California?

Spencer:yes,i am

E:I am Evelyn,assistant manager of ABC company.its great pleasure to meet you

S:yeah,i’ve been looking forward to meet u too

E:how was ur flight?

S:great service and nice food,thanks

E:can i take one of ur bags?

S:i can manage myself,thank u all the same

On the way (Itinerary; Local city);

E:Miss spencer,i’d like to introduce beijing to u.BJ is a very beautiful city and people here are very nice,but the weather is not always nice

S:I totally agree with u

E:I’ve drew up an itinerary for u during your stay here ,i’d like to have ur comments on it.Please feel free to make changes wherever u think necessary

S:No problem(比划一下)

At the hotel (Check in; Hotel’s service; Tomorrow’s plan; Contact No.)

E:This is ur room

S:Oh,what a lovely room,thank u

E:Its a pleasure to be of help,Miss spencer.And if you have any needs u can call the service counter for help.if there is nothing else,i think i will be leaving now

S:i think that’s all,u’ve thoutht of everything

E:so,let’s meet in hall tomorrow morning at 8:00.one more thing,my phone number is XXX,just call me whenever you need

S:right,thank u.see u tomorrow

Business banquet

Introduction: Introduction; Formal greetings; (E;主持GUEST/S:HOST )

E:miss spencer,please allow me to introduce miss e,our manager to u .

S:welcome to beijing ,please have a seat.

E;thank u for your invitation

Table talk:

---Encourage the guests to make themselves at home

---Start the conversation with some comments on the restaurant or local food

S:let’s enjoy the dishes,and help yourself,eat it when it’s hot.

E:it is really fascinating

S:this is supposed to be one of the best known restaurant in our city.our cuisine is noted for hot and salty.we hope the offerings here will suit your taste.i strongly recommand this dish,peking duck.it’s very delicious

E:thank u for holding such a colorful cooking dinner.

Exchanging toasts:

H:---Express pleasure at hosting those guests

---Express best wishes for the future cooperation

G: ---Express appreciation/ thanks for the kind welcome

---Same wish

E:no words can fully express my gratitude to the kindness of your company for your thoughtful consideration during my stay here.

S:it’s my pleasure to host this dinner.i am very happy to get your satisfaction,on behalf of our company,here,let me propose a toast to the success of our future negotiations and prosperity of our countries.

E:thank u , i propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to a great success of our negotiations.

Business meeting


Getting started(边下发材料,是sales figure)

E:Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.i’d like to call the meeting to order. our purpose is to increase our sales revenue.

Let’s start with spencer,who will give us a simple introduction of the present situation S:Okay,we can look at the paper that received from chairman just now,it’s about the recent year’s sales figures.and we can see a drop of our market performance.the he present situation is not optimistic.

E:so,that’s it.and who would like to propose some recommendations to improve our sales revenues(环视大家,X举手)okay,u

X:i really feel that we can raise some promotion activities,i think most customers are interested in those activies,it can truely increase our sales volumes.

E:that’s a good idea.Y,what do u think about X’s point?or do u have anything to add? Y:To be honest,i don’t see it that way.promotion maybe of help.but i strongly believe that the real important factors is the quality of our product.improve our product quality is exactly the things we need to do.

E:oh yes ,that’s an interesting ieda,but it raises a different point.so far,we have arrived at two points.anything more?(S举手,E指她示意说)

S:I really agree that quality and promotion are useful to improve sales.and i’d like to add that our product innovation also should be pay attention to.innovation is very important.

E:okay,we’ve some nice ideas now,before we finish,let me just summerize the main points,it’s three measures about promotion,quality and innovation.well,it’s nearly out of time,can we come to a conclusion?and the most useful way u think,all of u can give an idea.

S/X/Y:we agree Promotion

E:yeah,promotion is surely helpful.

Well,i declare the meeting closed.
