


翻开国内的英汉法律字典,为自己没有这样而暗自庆幸的同时感到有些眼花缭乱:与“律师”相对应的单词有很多。像advocate,attorney, attorney at law; attorney-at-law, bar, barrister, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law,,esquire, gentleman of the robe, gentleman of the long robe, lawyer, solicitor等。到底用哪一个?怎么用?这些表示律师含义的词汇如何出现在书面和口头上呢?





attorney一地区普通法高等法庭的公共官员(public officer)。


指法庭外接受委托的律师,也称为lawyer in fact。

bar association表达。


类似称呼还有barrister, counsel和barrister-at-law。






6、第14修正案和联邦法庭规则中均有the right to counsel的规定,即刑事被



经常与counsel或counselor at law互用,多指从事出庭诉讼的律师。

又拼为counselor at law用法同counselor和counselor at law。


是对律师的尊称,多以缩写形式出现,加在律师姓名之后,如John 或Yajun Ge Esq.。




,又称corporate counsel, house attorney, inhouse counsel,指美国、新加坡


in-house legal adviser,又称in-house legal counsel,英、美等国大公司、商社法务部或法律室的律师。


Litigation lawyer指诉讼律师。

Local counsel指本地律师。

Practicing lawyer在中国叫“执业律师”,在美国叫“开业律师”或“挂牌律师”。

Legal practitioner 开业律师。

Prosecuting attorney 公诉律师,即美国的刑事检察官。

Pro bona lawyer指提供社会公益性法律服务的律师。

Public defender公设辩护律师,在美国领取政府工资,在刑事案件中提供法律援助的律师。Solicitor一词源自英格兰法律,多用于英国、新加坡等国和香港地区,又称初级律师、诉讼律师,在香港称为事务律师,多从事诉讼、咨询等事务性工作,有资格出席初级法庭包括刑事案件的庭审。

上述表示律师的词汇在不同情形中被英文法律文件、新闻媒体和法律专业人士经常使用。了解其中区别后,可选用不同词汇与来自不同国家的律师准确沟通,并能准确理解除lawyer 和attorney at law之外的关于律师的用词。

有趣的是,想了解律师的表达,还得领教一下英美社会对律师的别称:social engineer (社会工程师),champion for social justice (社会正义之斗士),ambulance chaser (字面意思“追赶救护车的人”指专门代理事故被害人案件的律师),hired gun (租用之枪),latrine lawyer (茅坑律师),pettifogger (卑劣小诉棍),professional knife thrower (执业投刀手),limited purpose friend (限用之友),shyster (诉棍)。

律师名片上多用lawyer或attorney at law,

其中美国执业律师名片上多选用attorney at law <美>。

很多英联邦国家律师名片上用barrister或solicitor <英>。

在中国大陆,律师现分为专职律师(professional lawyers)、兼职律师(part-time lawyers)和特邀律师(specially-invited lawyers)三种。

从业务划分,中国大陆律师中也有房地产律师(real estate lawyer)、证券律师(securities lawyer)、涉外律师(lawyer with foreign related matters)等之分。随着法律服务的专门化,英美社会出现了诸多如移民律师(immigration lawyer)、房地产律师(real estate lawyer)、税务律师(tax lawyer)、合同律师(contract lawyer)、BOT律师、WTO律师等。

Board of Trade(BOT) <英> 商务部


1:The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire[ 格洛斯特郡(英格兰)], and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary(河口). It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 metres (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington [特丁顿(英国国立物理研究所所在地)]Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife. the river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as ―Liquid History‖. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, skiffing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to


一个美国律师事务所Paralegal的法律英语学习感言 法律英语 > 学员感言 2014-03-29 首先我先作个简短的自我介绍。我于2004年毕业北京大学,获得法学学士学位及经济学学士学位;2005年开始参加lawspirit法律英语网授班;后于2006年来到香港大学学习法律,于2007年获得法学(公司法和金融法方向)硕士学位;目前在一家美国律师事务所香港代表处任职,主要参与处理中国公司在美国或香港发行证券等交易。具体工作职责包括以下几个方面:(1)审阅尽职调查文件、撰写尽职调查总结(英文)、起草补充尽职调查文件清单并跟踪、解决相关尽职调查法律问题,(2)参与电话会议和现场会议,翻译(有时甚至是同声传译)并总结会议内容,(3)审阅并修改法律意见书、招股说明书等交易文件。 在此,我想就我在lawspirit法律英语培训班的学习体验,结合我在香港的学习和工作经历,与大家共同分享我的一些心得体会。 随着中国经济和社会的发展,涉外法律服务项目的数量越来越多,而加入WTO后,中国已正式进入了法律服务的全球化时代。与之相伴的,法律人才市场的竞争也日趋激烈,并呈现了全球化的趋势。这是一个机遇,但同时也是一种挑战。与来自其他国家和地区的法律职业人员相比,中国大陆

地区律师的优势在于:(1)中文,和(2)中国法律知识及中国法律服务经验。但是,中国大陆律师的劣势也是很明显的,主要在于英语。因此,在这种时代大背景下,法律英语的重要性不言而喻,甚至可以说,谁率先攻破了法律英语这座堡垒,谁就能够在新时代的法律人才竞争中脱颖而出,谁就能够走在时代的前沿。 就法律英语学习而言,首先也是最重要的一点在于要持之以恒、坚持不懈。古人云:“不积跬步,无以致千里”。众所周知,英语学习是“慢功夫”,法律英语学习更是如此。法律英语培训班可能只有短短一个月,但法律英语的学习是个不断积累、不断强化的过程。如果我们能够在繁忙的学习、工作之余每天抽出一、两个小时学习法律英语,如此坚持下去,一定会取得显著的进步。“行胜于言”,我们应该从现在就行动起来!绝大多数中国人的读写能力都远强于听说能力,因此就法律英语的长期学习而言,重点在于听说实力的提高。在这方面,lawspirit网站为我们提供了丰富、实用、有效的资源——学习平台、工具软件、电子辞典等,而且这些资料在不断更新、完善中,我们可以在日后的工作和学习中充分利用这些资源。至于这些资料的具体使用方法,我想和大家分享我的两条经验:(1)在lawspirit法律英语学习平台上我们可以找到一些有文字答案和音频的听力学习材料,我们可以利用这些材料作“跟读模仿”练习,具体操作流程如


律师事务所英文简介 Prepared on 22 November 2020

O u r L a w F i r m Founded in 2004, Guangdong Sun Law Firm is a reputable partnership law firm with its head office in Shenzhen, and six branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Foshan and Changsha City to ensure the efficiency of our legal services. Our firm provides an extensive range of legal service and commercial services to domestic and international clients, with professional departments and more than 200 practicing lawyers, 30 trainee lawyers, 11 patent agents and 40 assistant personnel, Most of our professionals have graduated from prestigious law schools in China and abroad. Many of them have practiced in leading international companies and law firms. All of our partners are successful practitioners in their fields with extensive practice experience and in-depth knowledge of the clients’ business. Our principal service areas include Corporate, Finance, Foreign Investment, International Trade, Intellectual Property, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Securities & Capital Market, Labor & Employment, Maritime Affairs, Real Estate, Construction Project. In addition, our firm is also one of few law firms within the whole nation being capable of combining services of legal professional and intellectual property as a qualified patent agent. Our lawyers put clients first. Our ultimate goal is to provide high quality and efficient services to our clients. We will go to our cli ent’s office to render our service instead of asking our clients to come. Our law firm is committed to excellence. We strive for perfection in what we do and are never contented with our achievements. Our lawyers value teamwork. As a fully integrated partnership, we thrive on close cooperation and support among ourselves. Our law firm focuses on expertise. Specialization in our practice areas guarantees the quality of our work.


伦敦风景名胜英语作文 London, the capital of British is a famous city with a long history and colorful cultures. There are some great wonders in London, such as Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, and so on. They are so wonderful and great. 伦敦是英国的首都,是一个具有悠久的历史和丰富多彩文化的著名的城市。伦敦有许多名胜古迹,如白金汉宫,大英博物馆,大本钟,伦敦桥,伦敦塔,巨石阵等等。他们是如此的奇妙和伟大。 Buckingham Palace is the place where the Queen lives in. There you can always see the guards. 白金汉宫是女王生活的地方。你总是可以看到警卫。 The British Museum is a museum with human history and culture. There is a great deal of objects from all over the world in it. 大英博物馆是一座收藏着人类历史和文化的博物馆。在里面有大量来自世界各地的物品。 Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. It’s the symbol of London. It’s 150 years old a nd it still works well. 大本钟是世界上最著名的钟。它是伦敦的象征。它已经150岁了,却仍然能正常工作。


律师聘用协议(中英文对照) RETAINER AGREEMENT – CONTINGENCY 律师聘用协议--风险收费 In consideration of the legal services to be rendered by Zhang, Wang & Lee (hereinafter referred to as “Law Firm”) for any claim that BMI Inc. of U.S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) may have against the parties for default payment of a debt owed, the Client does employ said Law Firm to commence and prosecute such claim. 考虑到张王李律师事务所(下文称为“律师事务所”)愿为美国BMI公司(下文称为“委托人”)提供诉讼法律服务以解决相关债务纠纷,委托人特此聘用该律师事务全权处理有关法律事务。 Client agrees to pay, and hereby assigns to Law Firm, a lien of 33% of all amounts recovered on behalf of Client by settlement before the filing of a lawsuit or other legal proceedings; 33% of all amounts recovered after the filing of a lawsuit or other legal proceedings but prior to trial; and 33% of all amounts recovered or awarded upon trial. 不管在提起诉讼之前双方达成庭外和解,还是诉讼提起之后但在审判前双方达成和解,仰或是通过庭审判决得到赔偿,委托人同意向律师事务所支付获偿额的33%作为律师费。 All necessary costs and expenses in the prosecution of the case shall be the responsibility of the Client. If Law Firm advances funds on behalf of the Client for any costs or expenses, Client agrees to reimburse Law Firm for such advancements. 在案件诉讼过程中的所有必要费用都应由委托人支付。如果律师事务所为委托人预先垫付任何费用,委托人同意偿还相关垫付费用。 All expenses and charges of any nature made in conjunction with the case are not litigation costs and will be paid by Client. In the event of a recovery, Client agrees that Law Firm may pay any of these unpaid bills from Client’s share of the recovery. If Client recovers nothing, it is understood that Law Firm is not bound to pay any of these expenses. 委托人同意因办理本案所产生的非诉讼费用也应由委托人支付。在得到获偿赔付的情况下,律师事务所可以从委托人应得的赔付金额中扣除未付的非诉讼费用。如果委托人得不到获偿,委托人也须支付这些费用。 Law Firm, in its absolute discretion, may withdraw at any time from the case upon notice to Client if investigation discloses no basis for further action on behalf of Client, or if Client fails to cooperate in Law Firm’s prosecution of the case. Associate counsel may be employed at the discretion and expenses of Law Firm. 如果调查表明案件无进一步诉讼的理由,或委托人在诉讼中不予配合,一经通知委托人,律师事务所有权自主决定于任何时候退出案件代理。 Client agrees not to compromise the claim without Law Firm’s consent and Law Firm is not authorized to do so without the consent of the Client. 委托人承诺未经事务所的同意不得对本案作任何妥协和让步,且未经委托人同意律师事务所也不得作任何妥协和让步。 The fee for services rendered by Law Firm does not include the perfecting of an appeal on


British Tourist Attractions 国名:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国( The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 伦敦的主要景点有:白金汉宫、唐宁街10号、大英博物馆、威斯敏斯特宫、伦敦塔、海德公园、格林尼治天文台、福尔摩斯博物馆、大本钟、伦敦塔桥、伦敦等。 英格兰:伦敦London伯明翰Birmingham布里斯托Bristol曼彻斯特Manchester 纽卡斯尔Newcastle利兹Leeds利物浦Liverpool诺丁汉Nottingham 谢菲尔德Sheffield 剑桥Cambridge 牛津Oxfod等 1 景点名称:Edinburgh castle爱丁堡城堡 特色介绍:The main introduction Edinburgh castle is the symbol of Edinburgh, Scotland spirit even standing at the top, High in death volcanic rocks overlooking Edinburgh city, every August in this FenLieShi (Military Tattoo held marching) and, more will be Edinburgh castle solemn majestic atmosphere shows. To Edinburgh tourist would not miss Edinburgh castle, because in Edinburgh castle volcano in granite top, Edinburgh castle in downtown every corner can be seen. Edinburgh castle in the 6th century became the royal fort, Edinburgh castle thenceforth become important royal residence and the state爱丁堡城堡是爱丁堡甚至于苏格兰精神的象征,耸立在死火山岩顶上,居高俯视爱丁堡市区,每年八月在此举办军乐队分列式,更将爱丁堡城堡庄严雄伟的气氛表露无遗。到爱丁堡旅游的人都不会错过爱丁堡城堡,爱丁堡城堡在市中心各角落都可看到。爱丁堡城堡在6世纪时成为皇室堡垒,爱丁堡城堡自此成为重要皇家住所和国家行政中心。 2 景点名称:Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 特色介绍:The main introduction Buckingham Palace is the monarch’s present London home,facing St. James ‘park. It was built for the Duke of Buckingham and Normandy John Sheffield in 1703. Buckingham House was bought by George III for his wife at the price of 28,000 pounds in 1761 and the royal family moved there from St. James ‘Palace. It was enlarged in the Palladian style by John Nash in the reign Of George IV and then the building became known as Buckingham Palace. When Victoria came to the throne,she made it the royal palace. In the palace can be found the Marble Hall,Sculpture Gallery,the Picture Gallery,the Throne Room,the Drawing Room,the Library,the Royal Stamp-Collecting Room,the Grand Staircase and V estibule,over 600 rooms and halls in all. The grounds cover 40 acres and there are collections of famous paintings and of furniture,most of which are works dating from George IV’s time. Since 1993,Buckingham Palace has been open to the public during the summer months only. 白金汉宫英国的王宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。 1762年英国王乔治三世购买了当时在现址上的一所房子作为私人住宅。1821年开始兴建


律师事务所求职简历表格 在编写个人简历的原则上有一个非常重要的一点,是要去求职的简历要坚持实事求是的原则,在个人简历中不能写出虚假的信息。那是不是说在个人简历上也要将自己的缺点也写出来呢?当然不是,优秀的个人简历也是需要包装的,将自己有利的一面展现出来,进而可以遮挡住不利的一面。在个人简历中对自己不利的信息,就是属于那些不宜提及的信息。 在和谐的社会上一些不和谐的信息会导致争议,而有争议的信息往往是没有多大的判断标准,大家所默认的一些有争议的信息在个人简历的中的尽量不要提及。比如说关于政治上的见解、民族问题、宗教信仰等等,这些信息在外企公司的个人简历上尤其要注意不要提及。 有很多人在编写个人简历的时候,想要通过描述来现实出自己的专业程度,但是往往也很容易出现错误。一旦出现错误个人简历也就失去了作用。在写个人简历的时候,也需要注意这一点,对于自己所不能你确定的信息,或者是一些错误的信息,一定不能出现。 姓名:XXX性别:男出生年月:***联系电话:学历:本科专业:经济法工作经验:6年民族:汉毕业学校:***财经政法大学住址:***电子信箱:***自我简介:敬业、专业、坦诚、合作;6年专业律师经验;3年大型多元化企业集团法务、投资经验。求职意向:目标职位:律师 | 法律顾问目标行业:专业服务(咨询;财会;法律等) | 基金;证券;期货;投资期望薪资:面议期望地区:***到岗时间:1周以内工作经历:2020.1-2020.12***集团有限公司经理职责和业绩:1、参与组织并推动集团投资管理体系的建立以及投资管理业务的开展,宣传贯彻集团有关投资管理的制度与流程等;2、集团所属IT、医疗医药、金融、房地产及综合业务重大投资项目的审批、审核等相关工作;3、对集团所属各产业的业务投资后项目进行监控及分析;4、集团各产业业务重大投资银行业务及资产处置;为集团产权关系调整、资产整合提供决策依据;5、战略规划部内部管理工作;6、集团总办会交办的其它与投资管理相关的工作及参与集团其他事业群相关工作。业绩:投资业务:1、2020/01 -- 至今:


London introduction London,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center. The Big Ben, Tower Bridge Big Ben is Elizabeth Tower. London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859. Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London. Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886. The London Eye The London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London. Thames River Thames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名). Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065. Tate Museum of Contemporary Art The Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River. St.Paul's Cathedral St.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture. University of Oxford The University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world. Stratford Evan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).


纽约的城市介绍 New York is the most popular city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most popular metropolitan areas in the world. New York has a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also known as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part. 第五大道 Fifth Avenue which is the center of Manhattan, is one of the most world famous business the Rockefeller Center to the 58th Street,there are many luxury avenue’s most illustrious name is still Tiffany, the jeweller brought to fame by the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’this movie,every day morning ,Audrey Hepburn came to New York's fifth avenue of Tiffany window, eating her bread and dreaming that she could have breakfast in the jewelry shop one day. the Metropolitan Museum大都会艺术博物馆 One of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 5 million visitors a year. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection and special exhibits offer something for everyone -- from Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass


伦敦著名景点 白金汉宫 白金汉宫正面白金汉宫内部白金汉宫位于圣詹姆士宫与维多利亚火车站之间。白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)英国的王宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James’ Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。 白金汉宫于8月7日-9月30日正式对外开放,并作为惯例,此后每年8-9月对外开放,但仅有三个地方可供游人参观。 每年4-9 月,白金汉宫的皇家卫队都会于上午11:30-12:00举行换岗仪式,其他月份每两天11:30举行一次。在军乐和口令声中做各种列队表演,并举枪互致敬礼,一派王室气象,常常吸引路人和游客围观。白金汉宫开放参观的部份为王座室、音乐厅、国家餐厅等,经常一票难求,最好先电话预约。 威斯敏斯特教堂 威斯敏斯特大教堂坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座本笃会隐修院,始建于公元

960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年建成,1220年至1517年进行了重建。威斯敏斯特教堂在1540年英国国教与罗马教廷决裂前,它一直是天主教本笃会即天主教的隐修院修会之一的教堂,1540年之后,一直是伦敦的国家级圣公会教堂。 门票:门票免费,但建议捐款以作维护。(有时收费,一家人32镑,小于11岁儿童6镑,成人16镑左右) 开放时间:大厅与回廊开放时间:7:00-19:00。内厅开放时间:周一至周五9:20-16:45,周六9:20-16:45。 威斯敏斯特宫 威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster),又称国会 大厦(Houses of Parliament)是英国国会(包括上议院 和下议院)的所在地。威斯敏斯特宫是哥德复兴式建 筑的代表作之一,1987年被列为世界文化遗产。该 建筑包括约1,100个独立房间、100座楼梯和4.8公里长的走廊。尽管今天的宫殿基本上由19世纪重修而来,但依然保留了初建时的许多历史遗迹,如威斯敏斯特厅(可追溯至1097年),今天用作重大的公共庆典仪式,如国葬前的陈列等。 门票:成人:12英镑;学生:8英镑;5~15岁儿童:5英镑;最多2名成人及携带儿童家庭:30英镑 大本钟:英国伦敦著名古钟或称大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏 斯特宫报时钟(坐标:51°30′02.2″N, 00°07′28.6″W)英国国会会 议厅附属的钟楼,建于1859年。安装在西敏寺桥北议会大厦东 侧高95米的钟楼上,钟楼四面的圆形钟盘,直径为6.7米,是 伦敦的传统地标。 开放时间:每周一、周二、周四14:30-22:00,周三10:00-14:30, 周五9:30-15:00



c:\iknow\docshare\data\cur_work\.....\ 更多资料请访问.(.....) c:\iknow\docshare\data\cur_work\.....\ LETTER OF INTENT October 4, 2004 To: Airwaves Sound Design Ltd. Second Floor, 25 East Second Avenue Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 1B3 RE:Purchase of all of the issued and outstanding shares (the "Shares") of Airwaves Sound Design Ltd. and Airwaves Digital Group Ltd. The following sets out the basic terms upon which we would be prepared to purchase the Shares. The terms are not comprehensive and we expect that additional terms, including reasonable warranties and representations, will be incorporated into a formal agreement (the "Formal Agreement") to be negotiated. The basic terms are as follows: 1. Purchaser: InternetStudios., Inc. (the "Purchaser") 2. Target: Airwaves Sound Design Ltd. and Airwaves Digital Group Ltd. (collectively, the "Target") 3. Principal Shareholders: Alex Downie and any other shareholders of the Target (the "Vendors")


律师证明书中英文格式-商务,英语,法律-商务指南- (律师)证明 I CERTIFY that I he explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。 Date: 日期: (Signature of solicitor) (律师签名) Guaranty 担保书 The undersigned does hereby unconditionally guarantee to each holder the prompt payment of all amounts due on this instrument as and when the same shall become due whether by acceleration, extension or otherwise, and waiver any requirement that any action

be taken against the maker or makers before enforcing this guaranty. 以下署名人在此无条件地保证向每一位票据持有人及时支付应当支付的所有款项,不论此款项是否是因提前、延期或其他原因到期应付,同时保证放弃担保履行前对出票人提出任何诉讼的权利。 (Signature of guarantor) (担保人签字) 律师证明自己存有过错赢官司- 本月17日下午3点05分,市二中院105法庭的庭审宣布休庭后,上海市海峡律师事务所的王律师从上诉人座位上站起身,边踱步边自嘲。正在经历的这场二审诉讼,让他大有欲练神功,必先自宫的憋屈。 起因:跨岸诉讼横生枝节 事情要从2004年说起,那年6月,海峡所接到了市民裴老


Dear Mr. Wang, I should be obliged if you could consider me fo a summer internship position. As a first-year law student form the Columbia University Law School in America, taking a profound interest in Chinese culture and law, I hope my enthusiasm and English language skills can be put to work for your prestigious law firm during the coming summer and possibly beyond. Having studied as an exchange student in Beijing University of Foreign Studies for one academic year, I am fairly fluent in Mandarin Chinese and can team up with Chinese colleagues with ease. Back in the United States, I continued to advance my linguistic skills in a local Chinese language school. Before entering Columbia Law School, I volunteered for a long-term pro bono program administered by Kings County Bar Association in New York, helping the impoverished apply for state-subsidized housing. My initiative and ability to endure strenuous working hours have garined high appraisal from my supervising sttorney. After entering the Law School, I also have performed quite well, being currently ranked third in my class. I anticipated maintaining this momentum for the remaining semesters. Enclosed please find my resume, references, and law school transcript. I look forward to having the opportunity to answer any questions you may have regarding my application. I am free for telephone interviews at any time, provided that you can give me at least two days’ notice by email. Yours sincerely, Shawn Enclosure
