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邢台市雾霾天气成因及治理措施研究 摘要:随着邢台市经济的快速发展,邢台市的环境质量也引发了人们的关注。2013年的下半年,邢台市的空气污染指数出现了连续好多天的“爆表”状态。并且在城市的空气质量排名中,邢台市一直处于垫底的位置。雾霾天气不仅影响人们的身心健康,还给当地的经济发展带来了严重的影响。因此,研究邢台市的雾霾天气成因,就十分有意义。本文在分析雾霾天气成因的基础上着重分析了邢台市的地理位置、产业结构以及人类和人为的影响,并从产业结构优化、加强空气污染指数监测、制定达标规划以及预防紧急情况等方面详细地介绍了雾霾天气的治理措施。 关键词:邢台市;雾霾天气;成因;治理措施 环境问题影响到人类的生存发展。环境问题一直是我国在发展过程中考虑的大事,国家制订了一系列的相关措施,并颁布了一系列的相关政策。但是,近年来邢台市的空气污染变得尤为糟糕,尤其是连续多天的雾霾天气的出现。这雾霾天气的持续出现引发了人们的关注。 雾霾包含着雾和霾两部分。雾是自然现象。霾是由空气中的悬浮的粒子形成的,这些粒子包括灰尘、硝酸、有机化合物等等。这些粒子影响了空气的能见度,并且能影响到人们的呼吸系统。 雾霾天气的危害和污染现状 1.1雾霾天气的危害 由于雾霾天气存在着小颗粒物质,这些物质会被人们吸收,还会影响空气的能见度。因此,雾霾天气影响了城市的交通,另外,雾霾天气的存在严重影响了人们的身体健康。若人们长期在室外时,雾霾天气会使人们感到胸闷甚至由于那些颗粒会长期存在人们的体内,这可能会导致上呼吸道感染、鼻炎等症状。另外,由于雾霾天气的存在,迫使一些建筑类的企业停止施工,使一些重工业企业被迫关闭和改革。雾霾天气的存在严重影响了城市的经济快速地发展。 1.2雾霾天气的污染现状 从统计方面来看,邢台市的可吸入颗粒物年均值严重超过国家的相关规定的标准,并且,这些监测结果还有呈上升的趋势。 雾霾天气的成因 2.1邢台市的地理位置


雾霾天气的成因及其治理措施 张艺鹏 (西北农林科技大学经济管理学院经济111,陕西杨凌712100) 摘要:随着雾霾天气在我国日益频繁的出现,对人们的生存环境形成了极大地挑战,不仅对人们的生活造成诸多不便、对身体健康产生威胁,还在很大程度上制约了我国经济的正常发展。文章以北京市的严重雾霾天气为例,分析了我国雾霾天气的成因,简要介绍了其危害,同时提出了针对我国雾霾天气控制和治理两方面措施,并对我国今后的空气质量做出了展望。 关键词:雾霾天气;形成原因;控制治理 一、前言 2013年1月9日以来,全国出现了罕见的大面积雾霾天气,中东部地区天气状况严重恶化,从东北到西北,从华北到中部导致黄淮、江南地区,都出现了大范围的重度和严重污染。其中在13日10时,北京发布了北京气象史上首个霾橙色预警,一月中旬,北京的空气污染指数接近了1000。严重的雾霾污染对人们的生产生活造成了极其不利的影响,仅北京在两天内就因冻雨和雾霾发生车祸2000多起,造成多人死伤。空气质量的连续恶化,对北京乃至全国造成的直接和间接经济损失不计其数。对于这样一个迫在眉睫的环境问题,只有找到产生的原因,辩证的看待已采取的措施,认真分析还存在的不足,才能起到治标治本的效果,使“美丽中国”不再是“中国梦”,而是真正“梦之蓝”的中国。 二、雾霾天气成因——以北京市为例 (一)从北京市的气候条件看,其极端不利的气象条件是形成雾霾的直接诱因。10-11月秋冬转化季节,北京市受冷暖空气交汇影响,极易发生大雾天气。在这种情况下,将形成静风、静稳等不利气象条件,致使大气污染物不易扩散、容易积累,空气质量转差。2008年至2010年同期均出现过类似污染过程,这是华北地区多年来的特有特征。2011年至2012年也出现几次不利于大气污染物扩散的气象条件,风速小、夜间大气层稳定、空气湿度上升,污染物易积累不易扩散,各类污染源排放的污染物难以扩散,在空气中持续积累,导致空气中的污染物浓度水平不断升高。 (二)污染物排放大是空气重污染的根本原因。从雾霾污染成分来看,PM2.5是空气质量恶化的重要因子,但同时还有氮氧化物、二氧化硫等大气污染物在起作用。据环保部统计,国内有一半的PM2.5不是来自污染源的直接排放,而是经过十分复杂的物理和化学过程而形成。随着经济社会的快速发展,以煤炭为主的能源消耗大幅攀升,机动车保有量急剧增加,经济发达地区氮氧化物和挥发性有机物排放量显著增长,PM2.5污染加剧。2012年,北京常住人口超过2000万人,机动车保有量已达520万辆,汽柴油消费总量达到630万吨,全市建筑施工面积仍高达1.8亿平方米,这些使得污染物排放总量居高不下。 (三)管理因素 思想意识导向上,我国经济增长处于优先地位的倾向仍明显存在,生态意识不强,未将“十八大”精神中的生态文明的精髓贯彻到社会经济发展以及日常管理和行动全过程,国有大的能源企业未能积极贯彻尽快提高汽车能源质量标准的政策。“违法成本低、守法成本高”问题长期得不到解决。实际上,中国的环保类法规是全世界最多的国家之一,但长期存在法规体系不健全、流程不够科学和完善,管理体制不合理,职能交叉重叠或系统性、协同性差,而且监督执法不力等状况,导致了我国空气环境的进步恶化。 三、雾霾天气的危害 (一)影响健康。生活在灰霾天气可出现咳嗽、头晕、乏力等不良反应,同时可吸入颗粒物能直接进入人体呼吸道和肺部诱发病症。灰霾天气还可导致近地层紫外线辐射减弱,易使空气中传染性病菌活性增强,导致传染病增多。 (二)形成酸雨。灰霾本质是“细颗粒物污染”,主要来自工业废气、汽车尾气等气体污染


Recently,the topic of air pollution has aroused more and more attention since pollution haze,a kind of weather,has appeared frequently in our cities.Just as the picture showed,when pollution haze comes,the whole city was covered with suspended particles(悬浮颗粒)which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health. Haze is air pollution which is mixed up with dust,smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure(掩盖)the clarity of the sky and interacts (互相影响)with the natural environment.This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources(人为来源). Natural sources can include windblown dust(风尘),and soot (灰)from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles(机动车辆),and industrial fuel(工业染料)burning. The one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations.(制造业务). Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution. Last year several places in china were blanketed with(覆盖着)thick fog. Everything around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.


雾霾的现状及治理措施 随着我国空气质量的恶化,我国阴霾天气逐渐增多,对人们的生产和生活造成严重危害,我国把阴霾和大雾天气一起作为灾害天气预警预报,统称为雾霾天气” 雾霾是雾和霾的混合物,早晚湿度大时,雾的成分多。白天湿度大时, 霾占据主力,相对湿度在80%~90%之间。其中雾是自然天气现象,虽然以灰尘为凝结核,但总体无毒无害。霾的核心物质是浮在空气中的烟、灰尘等物质,空气相对湿度低于80%,颜色发黄,气体能直接进入并黏附在人体下呼吸道和肺叶中,对人体健康有伤害。 一、雾霾天气成因 (一)气象原因 根据我国气象中心的数据来看,秋冬季节是我国雾霾天气频发的主要季节。秋季以来,我国中东部地区冷空气势力较弱,风力较小,大气层结构稳定,不同密度大气的高度分层状况十分稳定,在这种稳定的天气形势下,空气中的污染物在水平和垂直方向都不容易向外扩散,相似的污染物在空气的浅层集聚,从而导致污染的状况越来越严重。同时,青藏高原南部暖湿空气强度较强,来自印度洋的西南暖湿气流异常活跃,这股暖湿气流顺着西南方向将丰富的水汽运送到我国中东部地区,从而引起了这些地方空气湿度大,促进了地层逆温的产生,给雾霾天气的出现提供了有利条件。在城市内部,城市高层的建筑物, 当风流经过市区时被建筑物阻碍,出现了摩擦力并降低了风的速度,

风力的减小不利于污染物的分解和扩散,从而长期积累在城市或者郊区的上空及附近。 (二)人为原因 随着社会的发展,以煤、石油等为主要原料的工业逐渐增多,我国人均汽车的拥有量也在逐年增加。化学工厂污染物的排放、汽车尾气增多、农作物秸秆的燃烧等行为都可以引起空气中颗粒物含量增多,从而引起空气质量不断恶化,造成我国雾霾天气呈上升趋势,目前 PM2.5成为空气质量严重污染的根本原因。除此之外,家庭装修的过程中,家庭中粉尘的弥漫,也会产生粉尘雾霾”给房主和装修工人的身体健康造成一定的伤害。同时,随着我国经济的快速发展,城市人口迅速增加,人均消费水平的提升,越来越多的人在享受着汽车给我们带来便利的同时,却不知产生了大量的污染气体和悬浮颗粒,从而大大降低了能见度。 二、雾霾天气的危害 (一)影响人类身体健康 雾霾天气中的颗粒物很微小,肉眼几乎不可见,当被吸入人体后进入支气管中,会干扰肺部的气体交换,引发哮喘、支气管炎和心血管方面的疾病。当空气中的污染物加重时,心血管病人的死亡率会增高,雾霾天中的颗粒污染物不仅会引发心肌梗塞,还会造成心肌缺血或者损伤。雾霾天气还容易使人产生悲观情绪,如果不及时调节,很容易造成人情绪失控,从而导致心理疾病的发生。 (二)危害生态环境 空气中的颗粒物较小的时候,它的沉降速度慢,在大气中存留的时间比


China Environmentalists Slam Inaction over Smog 2013-12-09 19:24:42 Xinhua Web Editor: Xing Yihang The smog that blanketed over 100 cities in half of China last week has rekindled 重新点燃criticism of insufficient efforts in the fight against air pollution. Among urban residents, severely polluted air has become a main source of complaints and frustration over health concerns. Late last week, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in dozens of cities in eastern China topped or neared 500. AQI of over 300 cities is defined as "serious pollution." Many rushed to buy face masks and air purifiers to ward off 避开,挡住the choking smog, a result of decades of breakneck economic growth. The dirty air even forced all primary and middle schools in the eastern city of Nanjing to close for two days. "The smog is everywhere," said Xiong Yuehui, head of the science and technology department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, at a meeting on Sunday in Shanghai. "If one place is


关于雾霾的英语演讲稿 篇一:英文上海雾霾演讲稿 My speech As we all know, a couple of days ago, a huge brownish haze covered Shanghai. Many people were forced to wear masks in order to protect themselves because the heavy haze can cause breathing problems as well diseases like headaches or even heart-attacks. Due to the bad effects from the air pollution, a green and clear environment is the apple of the whole world’s eye. To avoid most of the pollution and help make our environment better, I have some advices: Firstly, we should go out as few times as possible. This is truly a way, but not a good one. Secondly, the government should bring out laws which limit the pollution of cars and factories. The air pollution will decrease sharply if the cars and factories stop letting out harmful gases. Thirdly, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and build up the thought of have a green lifestyle. For middle school students like us, we should sort the trash and try to walk on foot or use bikes as transportation as much as


治理雾霾的措施 近些年工业的快速发展使得经济也得到了迅猛的上升,但是同时也带来了另一大问题,便是环境问题。pm2.5,雾霾天气,沙尘暴,这些名词频频出现在我们生活中。雾霾不仅给生活带来巨大麻烦,对人们的身体健康也产生了巨大威胁。支气管,肺炎等病人急剧上升。治理雾霾问题迫在眉睫。 ★于治理雾霾我要提出以下建议 第一、减少私家车的使用,倡导步行坐公汽等低碳出行。近些年随着私家车日益增多,环境污染日益严重。可是这些问题国家似乎早已考虑到,关键实施起来困难重重。如何让大家自觉减少开车的次数显得尤为重要。例如,政府可以采取免费公汽,乘坐公汽车可以享受更多社会福利刺激拉动人民减少私家车的使用。大力提倡燃气清洁能源车辆的使用。用人单位可以相应政府的号召,对步行或者骑行等低碳出行给予一定的支持。 第二、企业烟囱的超标排放也是加剧雾霾形成的有利因素。

所以,环保部门要经常性地检查企业的排污情况,加大对违规现象的处罚力度。对屡禁不止频繁出现在黑名单的企业严肃处罚;对表现良好的企业,政府可以在企业产品的推销渠道放宽限制,这样政策倒向有利于企业对标学习,促进排放管理的加快进行。 第三、利用绿色植物净化空气的特点,鼓励和发动更多的群众加入到绿色植被的种植。植物是天然的净化器,多培植适合冬季生长的植物,例如松树等翠植,这样可以有效地吸附空气的有害物质,为改善环境质量起到一定作用。 要想真正意义上改善空气质量问题,关键在于减少雾霾的排放。让生产者高度重视,提高环保意识。遵循我国环境保护的基本原则,“经济建设与环境保护协调发展;预防为主、防治结合、综合治理;谁开发,谁保护,谁污染,谁治理;依靠群众保护环境。” 在治霾方面,按照从“源头、传播途径、接受者”三个方面去治理。

The cause of the haze雾霾原因(英语)

The cause of the haze There are many reasons for the formation of haze, among them, as far as I'm concerned, there are five cases playing more important roles than others. First of all, the atmospheric air pressure is low and the air doesn’t flow, so that the small particles in the air are all accumulated, and then they will be floating in the air. This is the main factor of all. Second, there are a lot of dust on the ground and the air humidity is low, people and traffic flow make the dust stirred up. Third, automobile exhaust is the main pollutant emissions, in recent years, since the number of the cars has increased largely in the city , automobile exhaust emission is gradually becoming one of the main factors in the formation of haze. The fourth reason lies in those factories which produce pollution. At last, winter heating has increased CO2 emissions and other pollutants. In most northern cities, the winter heating is inevitable, for which we are obliged to burn more fuel. As we all know,the energy we used mainly derived from non-renewable resources such as oil, coal and natural gas. Burning coal will lead to air pollution and endanger public health. the situation in some northeastern cities is even worse , where people have to suffer from serious haze problem.


【主持词大全】 北京治理雾霾的措施 一、加快能源结构调整 一是下大力气搞好煤炭的高效清洁利用,北京治理雾霾的措施。煤炭占我国一次能源消费的近70%,短期难以大幅改变。因此,煤炭的高效清洁利用为重中之重。 二是实施煤炭消费总量控制。各地制定煤炭消费总量实施方案,把总量控制目标分解落实到各地政府,实行目标责任管理,加大考核和监督力度。 三是加快清洁能源发展。大力发展水电、常规天然气、非常规天然气(煤层气、页岩气)、生物质能、风能、太阳能、地热等清洁能源,加大管输天然气、LNG等进口。 四是继续控制煤化工发展。煤化工属于高能耗高水耗高污染产业,其产生的废水(COD很高)和炉渣极难处理。 二、关键是解决煤炭燃烧污染问题 一是强制要求所有燃煤电厂、燃煤锅炉、煤化工装置安装脱硫脱硝和除尘设施。在现有大部分独立火电厂已安装脱硫设施的基础上,将进一步要求所有独立火电厂、自建火电厂、燃煤锅炉以及煤化工装置尽快安装脱硫设施。同时,还将要求所有大型燃煤电厂、燃煤锅炉及煤化工装置安装脱硝和除尘设施。 二是加快出台火力发电、炼焦、建材、燃煤锅炉等燃煤设施污染物排放新标准,增设污染物排放指标,进一步严格污染物排放限值。同时,通过在线监测大力加强污染物达标排放检查。 三是加强脱硫脱硝和除尘等环保设施运行检查,确保相关环保设施正常运行,起到应有作用。 三、加强钢铁、炼油等排放管理 加强钢铁、炼油等行业主要污染物达标排放监督检查。强制要求钢铁行业烧结机、炼油行业燃煤/燃焦锅炉及催化裂化等主要污染物排放源加快建设脱硫脱硝和除尘等环保设施。 四、加大机动车污染治理 一是尽快完善成品油定价机制和提前实施下一阶段国家油品质量标准的税收优惠政策,加快成品油质量升级步伐,落实《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》要求。2013年底前全面供应国IV车用汽油;2014年底前全面供应国IV车用柴油。 二是严格加强成品油质量监督检查,严厉打击非法生产、销售不符合国家和地方标准要


关于雾霾的英语作文带翻译 雾霾污染环境,严重危害我们的·健康。那么关于雾霾的英语作文有哪些呢?下面是橙子为大家精心挑选的关于雾霾的英语作文带翻译,希望对大家有所帮助。 关于雾霾的英语作文篇一Since the development of the technology, the society gets modernized, people make use of the high technology to pursue more profit. Though the government has noticed the problem that people do to the environment, they still can’t prevent negative result that the polluted environment brings. Many years ago, the most prominent problem of the polluted environment is that the river and the water were changed their color, some fish even died for the polluted river. Now the situation becomes ever worse, lately, in the big city, like Beijing and Shanghai, people are annoyed by the bad weather. It is not the rainy day, but the haze around the sky, there is no way for people to run away for it. The haze contains toxic elements, people breathe it and hurt their bodies. 1 / 7


减轻雾霾的临时措施 ——用水雾减轻雾霾 治理目标:减少城市雾霾。 治理人员:全民参与。 治理原理:散发水气。在雾霾严重的天气里,如果我们靠近瀑布、喷泉或植被较多,能够有水分散发到天空的地方,就会发现这些地方的雾霾相较而言,会轻微很多,如果水气的散发足够多,甚至能够在一片灰朦朦的雾霾天气里,见到水气散发的上空,被开了一个喇叭形的口子,通过这个口子能够看见蓝蓝的天,白白的云。 治理措施: 一、当雾霾来时,开启城市里所有能够制造水气的设施,如:人工瀑布、喷泉、假山流水等。 二、在城市里每一个天然或人工池塘里,放上喷水设施,并在雾霾天时开启; 三、在每栋楼的顶上放一个或多个水气制造装置。 1、如果不计成本,可以在楼顶上,放上一个喷雾设施,向天空散发水气。设施的组成(成本较低方案):一个儿童玩具充气水池,一个电动小水泵,一个喷雾器的头子,几根管子,一个支架。该方案需随时补充水,可用一个抽水马桶原理的自动补水装置自动控制。 2、如果要节约成本,就在楼顶放一个空气净化小装置,将空气抽入儿童玩具水池中,让水净化雾霾,设施组成:一个儿童玩具充气水池,一个电动小风机,跟风机匹配的管子。需注意的是,在空气进入

水中时,可在出气管道口安装分散空气流的网状结构,以使空气充分与水结合。达到过滤的目的。 3、也可以采用如下图所示的智能方案(能源可以改用民用电)。

4、其他更合理的方案。 具体实施办法: 一、资金筹措 1、如果让每个公司或每家人都在楼顶上放上一个装置,那显然是不现实的,所以解决方案应以政府为主,由财政拨专款进行,统筹规划。 2、获取捐赠,捐赠纳入财政资金专户管理,专款专用。 3、雾霾不是由居民造成的,所以居民不应当承担治理资金。但居民可以自愿根据经济实力实施。 二、人员组织 1、具体任务下放到居委会,居委会承担最基层的组织领导任务; 2、居委会可将任务分解到街道、小区、居民楼、单元、楼层的居民共同管理和参与相关任务; 三、最好的实施人员 学生,让他们根据当地的实际情况研究和自制相关设施设备,学以至用。学生参与,家长也可能会参与,这是一件全国上下全民齐心参与的事情,会取得很好的效果。不要让我们的学生,只会理论,理论结合实际才是我们教育该干的事情。 五、面临的问题 一、该方案只是理论上的,没有经过实践的检验,在实施以前还需要选择几个相临的小区或街道进行大面积的实验,如果实验后认为可行,才能进行推广,这里只负责提出相法,不负责其他责任。


华 中 师 范 大 学 研 究 生 课 程 论 文 论文题目 雾霾的形成原因与防控措施研究 完成时间 2014月5月24日 课程名称 自然灾害预测、防止与风险评估 专 业 农业推广 年 级 2012级 成 绩 评卷人 姓 名 邬华强 学 号 2012124085

目录 雾霾的形成原因与防控措施研究 (3) 摘要: (3) 关键词: (3) 正文: (4) 1、雾霾形成机理与危害 (4) 1.1雾霾是什么? (4) 1.2 雾霾的形成机理 (5) 1.2.1 气溶胶组成及来源 (5) 1.2.2气象条件 (6) 1.3雾霾的危害 (7) 1.3.1人体健康危害 (7) 1.3.2经济损失评估 (7) 3、雾霾监测与防控 (8) 3.1雾霾的监测 (8) 3.1.1 地面监测 (9) 3.1.2激光雷达监测 (9) 3.1.3 卫星遥感监测 (10) 3.2雾霾的控制策略 (10) 3.2.1 技术层面 (10) 3.2.2 政策层面 (11) 3.2.3 民众教育层面 (12) 参考文献: (13)

雾霾的形成原因与防控措施研究 农业推广邬华强 摘要: 近年来,我国雾霾天气在城市群中不断地出现,空气质量的问题引起人们广泛的关注和大量的讨论。雾霾天气的频繁发生,大面积的雾霾事件不仅会导致社会经济的损失,对社会秩序和人体健康也构成了危害,特别是构成雾霾的PM2.5对人体健康影响很大,严重影响人民群众的生产和生活。本文通过分析雾霾成因、危害以及经济损失评估,从监测、评价、控制等角度阐述我国雾霾防控措施。 关键词: 雾霾成因经济损失防控措施

雾霾 英文介绍

Hello,everyone Good morning!My name is Xiao Weihong,I’m from Sichuan province.And today,my topic is Fog and haze.This is my name,and this is my student number. From this you can know that my topic is about 5 parts,and now,we look at the first part--Definition.Long long ago,we climb with our hands,as time goes by,We are walking upright.But the environment turns bad,we live in a world which is full of poison.In recent years, air pollution has already become one of the biggest environmental problems in China. Thick haze has blown off the coastal areas.So,what is haze?It’s a combination of little drops of water and tiny particles. For better understanding of this noun.Now,we should know another word--PM.It means particulate matter.It also means a small discrete[d?'skrit](离散的) mass of solid or liquid matter.So,we can easily know what is PM2.5.It means particles can be drawn into lung[l??], which diameter is less than 2.5 micron.We often pay our attention to PM2.5,because the number of 2.5 is very important ,if the diameter of particle is bigger than 2.5 micron,it will be stopped by our nose and will not go into our lung. But if the size of particle is less than 2.5 micron.It harms us most. So, wether['w?e?] our weather['w?e?] is good is determined by the number of PM2.5.Look at this picture,if the number of PM2.5 of per unit volume is less than 50,we say the air quality is good.if the number is between 50 to 100,we say the air quality is moderate.But if the number is between 151 to 200,we call it unhealthy.and if the number is above 300,we think it horrible.As we know,many places of China is even above 400.So,it’s very dangerous. Now,let’s look a historical event.London smog!Let’s know about it.First,we watch a short video.(I don’t know wether the computer can paly i t) Ok,from this short video we can see a black world full of smog.So,what happened in London?In 1952, London smog happened,and it lead to 12000 people died directly or indirectly.In 1954 ,London launched a special act of pollution.After 4 years later,smog happened again,and 1200 people dead.Only after 1965,the toxic smoke was vanished.In 1968,Britain enacted the Clean Air Act.And until 1980, the fog day has been reduced to five days one year.It took about 30 years to solve the problem.So,from this accident,we know thatonce the fog happened, it will be hard to solve it. How about our situation?First,Let’s look some pictures.There’re two contrast figures.The upper left corner is a picture of beautiful scenery,it’s clear,but the one at the lower left corner looks terrible.And the top right one is the map of our country which looks pretty,but from this one we can see nothing except haze.How about this one?Oh,it’s a man who wears a respirator['r?sp?ret?] is riding a bike in the endless smog.And again,this picture tells us a man is riding a bike in the road.It’s dangerous because it’s hard to see far. The last one,it looks beautiful in some degree.But like mushrooms,the more beautiful the more toxic it is.In fact,it’s very terrible. So,what situation caused ?These our several country to be are this we reasons


有关雾霾的英语演讲稿带翻译 雾霾英语演讲稿篇1 Distinguished leaders, teachers and students: Hello everyone! My topic today is: to protect the ecological environment, away from the fog and haze! We have found it, this years autumn and winter, we Zhengzhou fog and haze have occurred. This time, the scope of the outbreak of serious pollution, the length of time this year, is rare for several years. Itchy throat, eye pain, eardrum pain, headache ......, many people appear haze symptoms. Protect the ecological environment, away from the fog and haze. Many of our students have to wear a thick mask, or the face with a scarf wrapped tightly, even our school calisthenics have stopped, fear of toxic air! Respiratory man surge. Air pollution, everyone is a victim, but most people are more or less bear responsibility. Fog and haze air pollution is a serious incident, a large amount of pollutant emissions is the root cause. Most areas of automobile exhaust, coal-fired emissions, emissions of industrial enterprises, agricultural burning straw. Therefore, care to protect our living environment, should be every citnsciously abide. Environmental damage easily, but need a long recovery time. In


聊城大学 机械与汽车工程学院汽车排放及控制技术课程作业 题目雾霾的成因与治理措施 成绩 学院机械与汽车工程学院 专业车辆工程 班级2012级3班 姓名江炎 学号2012205204

摘要:当前,环境问题已成为世界各国关注的焦点。中国自改革开放以来,经济发展迅速,特别是进入2l世纪以来,中国GDP增长率已连续数年超过了10%。但经济的突飞也给环境带来了严竣的挑战,除了水环境的恶化外,大气的污染状况也不容忽视。尤其是近期中国多个城市陷入了大范围、长时间的雾霾天气,给国民的生活、生产带来了极大的不便,本文就雾霾的形成、危害,浅谈对其的认识及其相关的控制措施的建议等。 关键词:大气污染;雾霾;形成原因;危害;措施 从2013年1月9日以来,全国中东部地区陷入严重的雾霾和污染天中,中央气象台将大雾蓝色预警升级至黄色预警,13日10 时北京甚至发布了北京气象史上首个霾橙色预警。这种雾疆天气造成多地交通事故频发:汽车相撞、轮船追尾、航班延误;更严重的是雾霾给人体健康造成了危害,如引发呼吸道疾病、心理抑郁等。一时间,雾霾[1][2]、口罩[3]、PM2.5,成为人们热议的话题。想要了解雾霾天气形成的原因,首先要了解什么是雾霾。 1.何谓雾霾天气 随着空气质量的恶化,阴霾天气现象出现增多,危害加重。中国不少地区把阴霾天气现象并入雾一起作为灾害性天气预警预报。统称为“雾霾天气”[4]。雾和霾同是视程障碍物,但并非同一回事[5]。雾是由大量悬浮在近地面空气中的微小水滴或冰晶组成的气溶胶系统,是近地面层李气中水汽凝结(或凝华)的产物。雾的存在会降低空气透明度,使能见度恶化,如果月标物的水平能见度降低到1000 m以内,就将悬浮在近地面空气中的水汽凝结(或凝华) 物的天气现象称为雾(Fog);而将目标物的水平能见度在1000~ 10000 m的这种现象称为轻雾或霭(Mist)。形成雾时大气湿度应该是饱和的(如有大量凝结核存在时,相对湿度不一定达到100%就能出现饱和。霾:也称灰霾(烟霞)空气中的灰尘、硫酸、硝酸、有机碳氢化合物等粒子也能使大气混浊,视野模糊并导致能见度恶化,如果水平能见度小于10000 m时,将这种非水成物组成的气溶胶系统造成的视程障碍称为霾(Haze)或灰霾(Dust— haze),香港天文台称烟霞(Haze)。出现霾时空气相对十燥,空气相对湿度通常在60%以下。随着空气质量的恶化,阴霾天气现


假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Bill来信询问你家乡是否有雾霾天气,情况如何。请按下面写一封电子邮件 1。感谢他得关心,2。介绍情况:(1)去年以来以发生数次雾霾天气(2)人们已认识到雾霾天气的危害,正采取各种举措减少其发生(3)你自己为此做了什么或打算做什么要求150--200词 Dear Bill, I’m glad to receive your letter, thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog. Since the winter last year, the smog has occurred a lot of times. it has done great harm to our daily life. many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather, more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog, quite a lot of flights have to be put off, a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog. People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather. the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground. Also we should plant more trees. According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere. in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can. would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Pollution Haze Recently, the topic of air pollution has again aroused more and more attention since pollution haze, a kind of weather, has appeared increasing frequently in our cities. Just as the picture showed, when pollution haze comes, the whole city was covered with suspended particles which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health. Due to the bad effect from pollution haze, a green and clear environment, rather than anything else, turns to be an important role and a urgent issue in our daily lives. Meanwhile we just live in only an earth, if we didn’t try to protect our co mmon hometown, we would have no place to settle. Thus, we should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful environment of the cities from now on. In my opinion, law and regulations should be enforced by the government and authorities to control the emission of polluting gas. To ourselves, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and choose a green lifestyle to make contribution to our earth day from day.
