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1939年,时任国民政府行政院(the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China)院长的孔祥熙(Kung Hsiang-hsi)访问美国。他代表国民政府,将两尊中国传统的石狮子捐赠给美国密苏里大学(the University of Missouri)新闻学院,作为“中美友谊的象征”。这对狮子来自孔子的家乡——山东曲阜的孔庙(Temple of Confucius)。那对石狮子对那儿的大学生来说非常重要,他们每天都会看到它们。也正是这对石狮子让很多美国学生与中国产生了最初的联系,并带他们走进中国。


pay a visit; donate; on behalf of; initial connection; inspire


Kung Hsiang-hsi, who served as the president of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China, paid a visit to the United States in 1939, during which, he donated a pair of traditional Chinese stone lions to the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri on behalf of the Republic of China as a symbol of China-U.S. friendship. The two stone lions were from the Temple of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong province, the hometown of Confucius. They were very important to college students there, who saw them every day in college. The two stone lions were their initial connection with China, and inspired them to visit the country.



庙会(temple fair)是中国民间的一种社会活动,据说起源于古代人祭祀土地神(offer sacrifices to the village god),以后逐渐变成了一种民间物品交流的集市和文化表演的场所。庙会一般设在寺庙里和寺庙附近的空场上,在节日或规定的日子举办。虽然各地举办庙会的时间不同,但基本内容都差不多。现在,北京每年春节都举办庙会,并且保留了许多传统习俗,深受老百姓欢迎。


originate; evolve into; festive or specified days; preserve; widely popular


The temple fair is a kind of folk social activity in China. It’s said to originate in ancient times when people offered sacrifices to the village god, which later gradually evolved into a marketplace for people to exchange products and a place for cultural performance. The temple fair, usually on the open ground in or near a temple, is held on festive or specified days. Although different places hold their temple fairs at various times, their contents are similar. Now, Beijing holds temple fairs during the Spring Festival, which has preserved many traditional customs that are widely popular among common people.



故宫又称紫禁城,位于北京城中心,是明、清两朝(the Ming and Qing dynasties)的皇宫。1987年,它被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)收录为世界文化遗产之一。故宫是世界上最大的皇家宫殿群(palace complex),内有宫室9 000 多间。故宫是中国最大的国家博物馆,也是最丰富的文化和艺术宝库。宫内藏有大量的历史文物和历代艺术珍品。它的独特建筑风格是中国古代建筑的精华(epitome)。


be located in; consist of; cultural relics; be kept in; unique; architecture


The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, was located in the center of Beijing and it was the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. In1987, it was included on the world cultural heritage list of UNESCO. The Palace Museum is the world’s largest royal palace complex, consisting of more than 9,000 rooms inside. The Palace Museum is the biggest national museum in China with the richest cultural and artistic treasures. Many historical cultural relics and artistic treasures of every dynasty are kept in it. Its unique architectural style is the epitome of Chinese classical architecture.





regard as; ingredient; variety; play an important role; strike the balance


Many people are keen on Chinese cuisine. In China, cuisine is not only regarded as a technique, but also as a kind of art. The elaborately prepared food is both delicious and good-looking. There is a large variety in cuisine’s skills and ingredients across China. However, good cuisine has one thing in common: color, flavor, taste and nutrition should all always be considered. Since food plays an important role in our health, an expert cook always tries his best to strike the balance between the grain, meat and vegetables. Therefore, Chinese cuisine is tasty and healthy.
