


Chapter 1

1.主要话题:main topic

2.给某人建议:give sb.advice

3.一份全职/兼职工作:a full-time/part-time job

4.旅行:a travel agency

5.瞥了一眼:glance at

6.向…走过去:walk over to

7.愉快地跟某人打招呼:greet sb. cheerfully 8.一台传真机:a fax machine

9.一个高级雇员:a senior imployee 10.手托着头:rest one’s head on one’s hand

11.昂着头:hold one’s head up 12.坐直;端坐:sit up

13.对…感到失望:be disappointed at 14.用势交流:communicate by gestures

15.一种特殊形式:a special form 16.免费:free of charge

17.以…为基础/根据:be based on 18.表达感情: express feelings

19.通过…表达思想:show ideas through

21.独自:on one’s own 22.古典舞蹈: classical dance

23.一定的身高和体形:a certain height and build 24. 舞蹈:室:dance studio

25.控制肌肉:control the muscles 26.以一种友好的风格:in a friendly style

27.一种:a kind/sort of 28.一副假牙:a set of false teeth

29.轮到某人了:it’s one’s turn 30.举一个例子:give an example

31.留言其余部分:the rest of the message 32.以…结束:end with

33.盼望:look forward to 34.接受邀请:accept an invitation

35.出席晚会:attend a party 36.整个人类历史:throughout human history

37.在很多情况下:in many situations 38.西方文化:Western culture

39.事实上:as a matter of fact 40.盯着:stare at

41.理科/文科学士:a bachelor’s degree in science/literature

Chapter 2

1.美发店:a hairdressing salon

2.适合某人的生活方式:suit one’s lifestyle

2.感到心满意足:feel on top of the world 4.依赖,依靠,取决于:depend on

5.健康的饮食:a good diet

6..充足的锻炼:plenty of exercise

7.让你自已保持健康:keep yourself healthy 8.适当的头发热护理:proper haircare

9.除去灰尘/污垢:loosen the dirt

10.把吹风机的温度设置在低档:set the hairdryer at a low temperature

11.(机器)抛锚,出故障:break down 12.召集,招来:call in

13.几小时之内:within a few hours 14.为…而收费:charge fo r…

15.关怀,照顾:care for 16.给某人让座:offer sb. one’s seat

17.说服某人做某事:persuade sb. to do sth. 18.做调查:do a survey

19.做简要的笔记:take brief notes 20.让某事被做:have sth. done

21.平均起来:on average 22.约会:make an appointment

23.通知某人:notify sb. 24.以后某天:at a later date

25.致歉信:a note of regret 26.去出差:go on a business trip

27.进展顺利:go smoothly 28.不健康饮食的结果:a result of unhealthy diet

29.注意:pay attention to 30.使头发缺少光泽:make the hair less shiny

31.避免做某事:avoid doing sth. 32.高脂食品:high-fat food

33.确信/确保做某事:be sure to do sth. 34.记下:note down

35.顺便拜记:drop in 36.防止:prevent… from…

Chapter 3

1.名胜:places of interest

2.双程票:return tickets=round-trip ticket

2.筹备一个旅游项目:arrange a tour programme 4.一副相关的图片:a related picture

5.蜿蜒曲折:twist and turn

6.形成:take shape

7.在公元前三世纪:in the third century B.C. 8.一幅风景画:a landscape painting

9.当地农村生活:local village life 10.山脉:mountain chains

11.指的是:refer to 12.自然景色:natural scenery

13.形成清晰的的形状:develop into a clear form 14.了解:learn about

15.中国古代建筑:ancient Chinese architecture 16.在展览大厅:in the exhibition hall

17.在走廊:in the hallway 18.作简要的总结:conclude briefly

19.两到五岁的孩子:children from 2 to 5 20.一场滑稽表演:a funny show

21.感谢提供信息:appreciate information 22.电话联系某人:contact sb. by phone

23.提前:in advance 24.位于:be located in

25.为了纪念:in memory of 26.容…观众就坐:set an audience of

27.没有一根柱子:not a single pillar 28.青铜像:bronze statue

29.以…而著名:be famous for 30.作为…而著名:be famous as

Chapter 4

1.双倍礼貌:twice as polite as

2.被审问/讯问:be questioned

2.受伤:be injured 4.好的/坏的举止:good/bad behaviour

5.在地上摔碎了: break on the ground

6.收银台服务员:checkout assistant

7.一张100元的纸币:a 100-yuan dollar 8.偶然地:by accident

9.向…抱怨/投诉…:complain to sb. about sth. 10.忙于做某事:be busy doing/with sth.

11.受到…影响:be affected by 12.上大学:go to college/university

13.答复,做出反应:respond to 14.同意某事:agree to sth.

15.同意某人:agree with sb. 16.在某方面达成一致:agree on sth.

17.对…心存感激:be grateful/thankful to 18.在这种情况下:in this situation

19.对…负责:be responsible for 20.不关某人的事:none of one’s business

21.征求建议的书面请求:a written request for advice 22.说服某人做某事:persuade sb.to do sth.

23.如果有必要:if necessary 24.在…情况下,就…而言,至于:in the case of

Chapter 5

1.智力竞赛:a quiz show

2.填入数字:put in figures

2.电视演播室:a television studio 4.在舞台上:on stage

5.向前仆倒:fall forward

6.控制室,调整室:the control room

7.化妆师:a make-up artist 8.给某人脸上扑粉:power one’s face

9.在…的边缘:the edge of 10.赢大奖:win the big prize

11.在…之前:ahead of 12.保持不动/安静:keep still

13.制作电视节目:make television programme 14.参加:take part in

15.列个单子:make a list of 16.决定:decide on

17.在某人看来:in one’s opinion 18.打开(有按钮的东西):switch/turn on

19.上一页/上一级菜单:the previous page 20.遥控器:a remote control

21.开关键/电源键:power button 22.按菜单键:press the menu button

23.调高/低声音:raise/lower the volume 24.选择节目:select the programmes

25.有…的感觉;想要…:feel like 26.好像,似乎,仿佛:as if

27.调查结果:the result of a survey 28.两个不同的年龄组:two different age groups

29.平均为:an average of 30.做个表格:make a table

Chapter 6

1.增强智力:increase the brainpower

2.保持清醒:keep awake

2.值得做:be worth doing 4.听起来不错/很糟糕:sound good/terrible

5.在很小的空间:in tiny spaces

6.给…喂药:give drugs to

7.含有维生素和矿物质:contain vitamin and mineral 8.换个话题:change the subject

9.同样危险:equally dangerous 10.科学的信息:scientific information

11.矿物质水:mineral water 12.冰茶:iced tea

13.适量吃:eat moderately 14.表达某人的感情:show one’s feelings

15.减肥:lose weight 16.增肥:put on weight

17.能量来源:source of energy 18.均衡的饮食:a balanced diet

19.健康生长/成长:grow properly 20.一方面/另一方面:on the one hand/on the other hand

21.正确的选择:the right choice 22.似乎不公平:seem unfair

Chapter 7

1.巴黎歌剧院:the Paris Opera House

2.有着美妙的嗓音:have a wonderful voice

2.爱上:fall in love (with ) 4.(与…)相爱:be in love (with)

5.深夜:late at night

6.暗墙:a secret wall

7.童年时代的朋友:a childhood friend 8.喜极而泣:cry with joy

9.中央音乐学院:Central Conservatory1of Music 0.录制音乐:record music

11.把…赠送给…present… with … 12.开始讨论:start the discussion

13.让…做…:get… to do … 14.最后的结论:final conclusion

15.作总结性陈述:make a general conclusion 16.提出,想出:come up with

17.有用的表达:useful expression 18.填表:fill in a form

19.相关信息:relevant information 20.纪念册:souvenir books

21.用印刷体书写:write in block letters 22.让…吃惊的是:to one’s surprise

23.奥斯卡奖(美国电影艺术金像奖):Oscar Academy Award 24.要点:main points

Chapter 8:

1.幽默感:a sense of humour

2.解释一个原理:explain a theory

2.做演讲/训诫:give a lecture 4.背过,记得:learn… by heart

5.调换位置:change places

6.陷入麻烦/困境:be in trouble

7.主动提出做…:offer to do 8.各种各样的:all sorts of

9.没有证据:no evidence 10.一个深受欢迎的演讲者:a popular lecturer

11.给…接通…:put sb. through to 12.捎个/留个留言:take/leave a message

13.回个电话:return a call 14.说明…的目的:give the purpose of

15.答复,回答:in reply to 16.演讲的主题:subject of the lecture

17.做研究:do research 18.按时间顺序:in time order

19.直接引语:direct speech 20.随之而来的是…be followed by

21.给…开玩笑:play a joke on 22.杰出的作品:outstanding works

23.跳来跳去:jump up and down 24.减小地心引力:reduce the gravity of Earth

25.漂浮:float around 26.留下财产:leave behind a fortune

27.建立,创立:set up 28.在遗嘱中:in the will

29.荣幸地受到邀请:be honoured with invitation 30.在文学方面:in literature

31.被赠/授予:be presented to 32.在某人的周年忌日:the anniversary of one’s death

33.在颁奖典礼上:at the award ceremony 34.证书和奖章/牌:diploma and medal

35.最重要的发现和发明:the most important discoveries and inventions

Chapter 9

1.演讲者的自信:confidence of the speaker

2.回答问题的能力:ability to answer


2.辩论的机智:cleverness of argument 4.机智地辩论:argue wisely

5.明智地罗列:arrange sensibly

6.准确地演讲:speak accurately

7.准确地发音:pronounce correctly 8.重读单词或音节:stress words or syllables

9.使用升调或降调:let the voice rise or fall 10.到目前为止:up to now/so far/up till now

11.发现:make a discovery 12.做花工/园丁:work as a gardener

13.被涉及/卷入:be involved 14.开始和结束时间:opening and closing time

15.展览的内容:the contents of the exhibition 16.嘉宾:guest of honour

17.使用首字母:use initials 18.为慈善捐款:raise money for charity

19.组织一项活动:organize an event 20.详细的描述:a detailed description

21.发生:take place 22.举行运动会:hold a sports day

23.在看台上观看:watch from the stand 24.从…开始:begin with/start from

25.颁奖:give out prizes 26.金牌:gold medals

27.极大的成功:a great success 28.尽可能地简要清晰:as briefly and clearly as possible

29.植物园:a botanical garden 30.传统的中国设计:traditional Chinese design

31.盆景园:bonsai garden 32.植物研究所:a plant research institute

33.宣传某事:publicize something 34.在宣传栏张贴通知:put a notice on a notice board

35.在某人脑海中:in one’s mind 36.吸引注意:attract the attention

37.说服某人做某事:persuade sb. to do sth. 38.参加一个活动:attend an activity or event

39.门票免费:admission free 40.学校管弦乐队:school orchestra

41.小提琴独奏:violin solos 42.买门票:pay an entrance fee

43.一年一度的音乐会:an annual concert 44.敬老院:Home for Aged

44.生产粮食:produce grains 45.充满着:be filled with

46.想象中的事物:imaginary thins 47.长大:grow up

48.被关入监狱:be put in prison 49.为了:in order to

50.园艺比赛:a gardening competition 51.坠入爱河:fall in love

52.实现,成真:come true 53.演讲的准确性:accuracy of speech

54.演讲的条理性:clearness of speech 55.观点的精心罗列:sensible arrangement of ideas

Chapter 10

1.害怕:be afraid/scared of

2.有用的生物:useful creature

2.看节目:watch a programme 4.改变了我对…的看法:change my views on…

5.修建避难所:build shelters

6.在冬天幸存下来:survive the winter

7.同时:at the same time 8.数以百万的:millions of

9.袭击农民们的庄稼:attack the farmers’ crops

10.用…填满空空的胃:fill empty stomachs wit h…

11.全世界:all over the world 12.自然的害虫防治方法:natural method of pest control

13.而且:there’s more 14.用…做…:make… with …

15.开发一种材料:develop a material 16.相似的特性:similar properties

17.人造器官:man-made organs 18.防弹背心:bulletproof vests

19.节约很多买杀虫剂的钱:save a lot of money on pesticides 20.在大小上:in size

Chapter 11

1.变成:turn into

2.音乐爱好者:music lovers

2.宠物的主人:pet owners 4.引起…的注意:get the attention of

5.挣大钱:earn big money

6.采取措施:take action to

7.施加压力:put pressure on 8.被用做:be used as

9.向某人要某物:ask sb. for sth. 10.向…学习:learn… from …

11.玩玩具:have fun with a toy 12.个人意见:a personal opinion

13.对…造成伤害:cause harm to 14.玩具公司:toy companies

15.寓教于乐:teach through play 16.通过看电视轻易地学会:learn simply by watching TV

17.训练…做…:train… to … 18.表达某人的观点:express one’s views

19.冒…之路:at the risk of 20.会说话的娃娃:talking dolls

21.真实的生活:real life 22.被事实支持的:be supported by facts

23.在…的话题上:on the topic of 24.养成…的习惯:develop a habit of…

25.树立,增加,增大:build up 26.储蓄罐:a piggy bank

27.老年人:elderly people 28.收起来,放好:put away

29.存钱/投资:save/ invest money 30.逐渐增加:increase gradually

31.主题句:the key sentences 32.一个保安:a security guard

33.一套规章制度:a set of rules 34.贴在公告牌上:put on the noticeboard

35.允许做…:permit/allow to do 36.禁止做:forbid/ban/prohibit to do

37.须知:dos and don’ts 38.让家庭快乐:make the family pleasant

39.公共交通:public transport 40.损坏书籍:damage the book

41.肯定的/否定的规则:positive/negative rules 42.强迫某人……:force… to …

Chapter 12

1.气象预报员:weather forecast department

2.理发:have a haircut

2.打扮整齐:dress tidily 4.在百货公司:in a department store

5.开始搜寻:begin the hunt

6.当地求职咨询中心:Local Career Advice Centre

7.也,和:as well as 8.下一步:next step

9.网上查询:search the Internet 10.申请工作:apply for a job

11.被邀请参加面试:be invited to an interviews 12.高兴:be pleased

13.记下东西:note the things 14.不惜任何代价,无论如何:at all costs

15.留下良好的第一印象:make a good first impression 16.举一个…的例子:give an example of

17.有工作经验者优先:work experience preferred 18.准备充分:be well prepared

19.秘书的职位:the post of secretary 20.没有收到答复:receive no reply

21.搜查…,找…:search…for… 22.冷静自信:be calm and confident

23.完成对话:complete the conversation

24.兼职的/全职的销售助理:part-time/full-time sales assistant

25.主要的兴趣:main interest 26.从事收银员工作:work as a cashier

27.离…很近:be close to 28.取得好分数:get good marks

29.工作努力:be hard-working 30.作为对…的答复:in reply to

31.在任何时候:at any time 32.课外活动:after-school activities

33.保护环境:protect the environment 34.给出…的理由:give a reason for

35.提供好的发展前景:offer good prospects 36.在国外学习:study abroad

37.不合格:below standard 38.应该:ought to

39.对…有不好的影响:have a bad effect on 40.提出要求:make request

41.某人提出的帮助/建议:one’s offer of help/advice 42.与…相似:similar to

43.学生的指导老师:student adviser 44.独立工作:work independently

45.征求建议:ask for advice 46.继续学习:continue one’s study

47.继续待在:stay on 48.招聘广告:the job advertisement

49.依次,轮流:in turn 50.依据,以…为基础:based on

51.自信地走进面试室:walk confidently into the interview room

52.值班: on duty 53.为…感到高兴:feel happy for


初一(下) 课文 (翻译) Unit 1 My grandma奶奶,外婆 我的奶奶是个头发灰白的矮个子女人。她性格开朗。她是一个很不错的厨师。她做的菜可能是世界上最好的!我永远不会忘记那些(菜的)味道和气味。 奶奶照顾着我的家人。她真的很善良而有耐心。她去世两年了,我非常想念

她。 My grandma was a short矮的 woman 女士with有着 grey[gre?]灰色的 hair头发. She was always总是 cheerful ['t???f?l; -f(?)l]快乐的. She was a very good cook[k?k]厨师. Her dishes[d??] 盘子;一道菜were probably['pr?b?bl?]或许;很可能 the best最好 的 in the world! I will never永不 forget忘记 the taste[te?st]味道;品尝, and the smell [smel] 闻;气味as well也. Grandma took care of 照顾my family家人;家庭. She was really真的 kind种类; 善良 and patient['pe??(?)nt]有耐心的;病人. She died去世 two years ago两年前 and I miss[m?s]错过;想念 her very much. —— Ben Alice Alice 是我最好的朋友。她是一个高大的女孩,戴着眼镜。她经常给我讲笑话逗 我笑,但她从不嘲笑别人。 Alice 是一个聪明的女孩。她擅长数学。我们经常一起学习、打乒乓球。我希望 我们永远是朋友。 Alice is my best最好的 friend. She is a tall 高的girl with glasses戴着眼镜. She often 经常tells me jokes [d???k] 笑话to make使me laugh[lɑ?f]笑, but she never 从不 makes fun of others取笑别人. Alice is a smart [smɑ?t]聪明的 girl. She is good at 擅长Maths[m?θs]数学. We often study学习 and play table tennis ['ten?s] 打乒乓球together一起. I hope希望 we will 将always一直 remain[r?'me?n] 保持;仍然friends. Mr. Li 李老师是我的数学老师。他又高又瘦。他的课总是充满了乐趣。他在他的教学 中大量地利用游戏。 李老师对我们的学习要求很严格,但他总是鼓励我们,给我们支持。他常说:" 永远不要放弃,你就会成功。" Mr. Li is my Maths数学 teacher. He is tall and thin[θ?n]瘦的. His classes 课are always full of 充满fun乐趣. He uses 使用lots of许多 games 游戏in his teaching['ti?t???]教 学. Mr. Li is strict about[str?kt] 严格our studies, but he always encourages (encourage [?n'k?r?d?; en-])鼓励us我们 and gives us support[s?'p??t]给我们支持. He often says, "Never从不give up 放弃and you'll be successful[s?k'sesf?l; -f(?)l]成功的." --Amy Mother's Day 母亲节


小学英语五年级形成性评价测试题(1) 上册Module 1 (1—3课) Ⅰ.听力测试(40分) i.听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( )1.A.meB. mineC. my ( )2. A. dressB. skirtC. T-shirt ( )3. A. teacherB. pilotC. doctor ( )4. A. swimmingB. flyingC. dancing ( )5. A. SeptemberB. OctoberC. December ii.听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的短语。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( )6.A.afraidofB. good atC. fall into ( )7.A.walktoB. by bikeC. by train ( )8. A. in front ofB. in the futureC. in the morning ( )9. A. fly a planeB. flya kiteC. five kites ( )10. A. help peopleB. teach EnglishC. cook nice food iii.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( )11. A. Happy Birthday.B. Happy Children's Day. C. Have a nice day. ( )12. A. He likes his new job.B. She likes her new dress. C. He doesn't like his new job. ( )13. A. Ms. Guo lives on Green Street. B. Mrs Green lives on Green Street. C. Mr Guo lives on Green Street. ( )14. A. My birthday is on 25h May.B. My birthday is on 15"h March. C. My birthday is on 5"h May. ( )15.A.Acardforyou!B. A car for you!C. A cake for you! iv.听录音,根据问句选择最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)

牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上 1A教案完整版

—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式

一年级英语教案设计2012-2013年度第一学期 设计: 李爽 内容:牛津英语一年级上册 班级: 一年级(3、4、5)班

一年级(3、4、5)班英语教学工作计划 2012-2013学年度第一学期李爽 本人这学期担任一年级(3、4、5)班的英语教学工作。为了更好的完成本学期的教学任务和提高学生的学习效率,制定以下教学计划。 一、学生基本情况分析 一年级新生,面临着学习习惯,生活习惯的培养,学生的能力也各不相同,有的上过幼儿园,有的没有接受过任何教育,这给教学带来了很大难度。新教材难度大,对学生要求高,听说读写都要掌握,家长要重视和配合,共同努力培养学生的良好的学习习惯和方法。 二、教学要求 本学期使用的教材是新教材,本套教材根据牛津英语教材New English First! , New On Target! 和New Oxford English, 由上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会和牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司合作改编、为了使教材更加的适合深圳学生的实际情况,又由深圳市教育科学研究院对现行英语教材(牛津上海版)进行适当改编。教材提供两本书,一本学生用书和一本活动手册。本教材一共有4个模块,每个模块包括三个学习单元和一个复习单元。每一单元分Let's act. Let's talk. Let'slearn . Let'act . Let's play. Let's enjoy六个版块。整本书教学内容与学生生活紧密联系,围绕“文具,身体部位,家庭,数字,动物,颜色,食物”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形的学习。本学期要求学生掌握的基础知识有: 1、学会问候语,自我介绍; 2、部分文具得名称; 3、学会身体部位名称; 4、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友; 5、学会10以内的数字和简单的水果名称; 6、学会几种食物的名称动物的名称; 7、学会问颜色; 8、学会简单的祈使句; 9、学会用what's this?问话。 三、学期教学总目标:1 激发小朋友学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,并具有一定的语音、语调,及良好的学习习惯和英语交际的能力,为以后学习打下良好的基础。2 能听懂、理解Let's act.中的句子,并能根据指令,做出动作反应。3能说Let's talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流.4.能认读Let's learn中的单词.5 能做一些英语小游戏。6 能唱Let's enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。 四、具体措施 为了能够更有效的完成以上的教学任务,并给学生打下坚实的英语基础,现制定以下几项措施:1. 对于单词,要求学生起码做到听、读过关,然后就是写和运用于句型当中。主要通过单词游戏来检测。 2. 关于句型,要求他们熟练掌握书上的句式和句子并作简单的运用;对于基础较好的学生要求他们能够灵活运用。主要通过短剧表演的形式来提高他们对于运用英语和他人沟通的兴趣与信心。 3. 因为新教材更贴近学生的真实生活,应多鼓励他们在日常生活中运用学过的知识和他们的朋友、家长进行沟通。

牛津深圳版英语七下Unit 1主题阅读

七年级下学期Unit 1主题阅读 (龙华新区高峰学校七年级英语教研组) 一、语法填空题。(共10小题,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 I have a great mother. She is a short woman 1______ grey hair. She is always 2_______(cheer). She cooks for the family and I think she is 3______best cook in the world. I will never forget the taste and the smell as well. She takes care 4_______my family and cares much about me in my life and study. She is 5_______(real) hardworking and patient. She gets up early 6______(make ) breakfast for me every day. When I am playing 7________ piano, she stays with me . But now, she tells me to do it by 8________(I). Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. She also asks me to learn more things because she wants me to be 9________(success) in the future. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish 10________(do) my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot. I love my mother. 二、完形填空。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a 1________ building in the 2________ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He 3________ a lift(电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard.He 4________ to work early. Every day he leaves his 5________ and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It 6________ him down to the first floor. He gets out of the 1ift. Then he walks to 7________ bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from 8________ home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes 9________. He works in a factory about 10 ________from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home before half past five. ( )1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. 1arge ( )2. A. country B. town C. city D. village ( )3. A. makes B. uses C. does D.mends ( )4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes ( )5. A. home B. building C. office D. room ( )6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ( )7. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( )8. A. his B. he C. him D. himself ( )9. A. by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( )10. A. ten meters B.ten-minutes walk C. ten-minute walk D. ten hours walk


最新深圳牛津版五年级上英语知识点复习总结 Module 1 Getting to know each other Unit 1 My future 知识梳理 Words & Phrases 1.future将来;未来 2.want 想要 3.pilot 飞行员 4.teach教(课) 5.cook厨师;烹饪 6.singer歌手 7.fall掉落;落下 8.lifeguard救生员 9.job工作;职业10.be afraid of害怕11.taxi driver出租车司机12.fly a plane开飞机13.help people 帮助别人14.teach English教英语 15.cook nice food烹饪美食16.(be) good at擅长 Sentences 1.What do you want to be?你想成为什么? 2.I want to be a doctor.I want to help people.我想成为一名医生.我想帮助别人. 重点点拨 1.学会用“What do y ou wan t to be?”来询问对方长大后希望从事的职业,并能用“I want to be a…”来回答.如:—What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher. 2.学会用“I want to(do).…”来说说选择这一职业的理由.如I wan to be a doctor.I want to help people. 3.学会用“D o you want to be a…?”来询问对方是否想从事某一职业,并能用“Yes,I do.”或“No,I don't”来回答.如:Do you want to be a singer?-Yes,I do. 4.英语中很多动词加-er后就成了名词,如run-runner,sing-singer,teach-teacher. 单词播音员 了解字母组合sk在单词中发/sk/,如desk、mask、ask、task.注意:以sk开头的单词,清辅音k/要发浊辅音/g,如skate、sky、skip、skirt.


Unit1 People around us 一、本单元重要单词: 名词:person, smell, care, joke, support, member, paragraph 形容词:cheerful, hard-working, patient, smart, strict, successful 动词:forget , miss, laugh, remain, encourage 副词:probably Exercises 词形变化练习: 1. encourage ___________(n) 2. care__________(adj)___________(形容词的反义词) 3. successful____________(n) ____________(v) 4.patient n__________ adj____________ 二.本单元重要短语: as well ___________ take care of ___________ tell jokes ___________ make fun of ___________ be strict about/with ___________give up ___________ all day and all night ___________ 随堂练习: (A)根据提示写单词 1. Mary is a __________(勤奋的) student. 2. He ____________(放弃) drinking two years ago. 3.Our teacher uses some games in her_________(教学). 4. The _______(气味) of the flower is sweet. 5.The oranges________(尝起来)sweet. 6.We should_________ students to speak English in the class(give…. lots of hope). 7. He _________silent for a short time. (still kept). 8.The young people had_________ at the party(enjoyment, pleasure). (B) 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. Who is the ______(young) student in your class? 2. There comes the teacher with some ______(book) in his hand. 3. My father _______(go) to work by bus every day. 4.Your ___________(support) means a lot to me in Shenzhen these years. 5.Mike will ___________(probable) come to our house next week. 6.My uncle likes___________(play) table tennis at weekends. 7.Susan often tells interesting stories to make me _________(laugh). 8. He was ___________(success) in his studies. More practice 词汇 1. celebrate 庆祝 2. special adj 特殊的,特别的


Unit 2 Our new home 【词组】 1.at their new home 在他们的新家 2.so big 非常大 3.read and write 读书写字 4.in the garden 在花园 5.all day 一整天 6.living room 客厅 7.dining room 餐厅 8.wild geese 大雁 9.busy life 繁忙的生活 lives生活(复数) 10.f rom one place to another 从一个地方到另一地方11.c hange homes 搬家 12.t wice every year 每年两次 13.f ly north/ south 飞向北方/南方 14.i n spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter在春 /夏/秋/冬季 15.m ove around 走来走去,四处流动 16.s o much 达到这种程度 17.enough food 足够的食物 18.in the north/ south 向北/南飞 19.f ly back 飞回来 【句型】 1.–Why do you like it? 你为什么喜欢它? –Because it’s so big. 因为它很大。 2.What about you, Dad? 爸爸,你(的理由)呢? 3.Do you know why? 你知道为什么吗? 4.Because they can play in the garden all day! 因为他们能整天在花园里玩。 5.Wild geese have busy lives. 大雁过着忙碌的生活。 6.They change homes twice every year. 它们每年迁徙两次。


7B Unit 7 Poems 重点单词: Poem n.诗ordinary adj.平凡的,普通的feeling 感觉,情感order 命令,订购advice(不可数n.) 劝告,建议aloud 副词出高声地group 集体名词:群,组crow n. 集体名词人群;v.聚集,挤满 agree 同意disagree 不同意complete 完成 well n.井,adv.很好地shower淋浴narrow n.海峡,adj.狭窄的height n.高度high adj.高的superman 超人 Seller售货员smile 微笑rush充进 常考短语: (not) at all 一点也(不),完全也(不)(放在句末或者在否定词后) (be)worried about 为···担忧 rush out 冲出去 a crowd of 一群be crowded with 挤满; 经典句型: 1.It is ```to do``` 2````too```to 太···(以致于)不能·· 详细讲解: 1.read a poem aloud in a group. aloud 副词出声地,高声地 注意:强调出声时,与“read、speak、thing”等连用;Please read the text aloud。 强调大声时,与“cry、laugh、shout、call”连用。The boy is crying aloud。 2.agree page88: agree to 同意··意见to 后加计划、建议、安排、 决定等 Do you agree to that plan? agree with 同意某人(说的话)with 后加人I agree with you in all your views. agree on (两人以上)取得 一致意见主语一般为复数,宾语只 能是表示某件事、计划 We agreed on a price for the car. 3.Pomes can tell stories. 诗歌可以讲故事page88 Tell 后面常跟双宾语,有tell sb.sth.或者tell sth. to sb 告诉某人某事 Tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事否定形式是:Tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事tell 告诉,后接双宾语My grandma often tells stories to us。 say 强调说的内容Can you say the word in English。 speak 及物v.:说某种语言Can you speak English? 不及物v.:说话的能力He wanted to speak to me. talk 不及物v.交谈,谈话Who are you talking to?


班级____________ 姓名_____________ 座号_____________ 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级下册单元测试卷 Unit 1 Look and see 听力部分(40%) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(12分) 1.()A.one B.two C.three 2.()A.four B.five C.six 3.()A.seven B.eight C.nine 4.()A.ten B.green C.see 5.()A.what B.colour C.look 6.()A.it B.is C.a 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(8分) ()()()() 三、判断图片与录音内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(8分) ()()()() 四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(8分)

1.()A.What colour is it?B.What do you see? 2.()A.I am a frog.B.It's a frog. 3.()A.It's a tiger.B.It's a rabbit. 4.()A.It's a bear. B.It's a panda. 五、听句子,选答语。(4分) 1.()A.I see a frog.B.It's green. 2.()A.I see a rabbit. B.It's white. 笔试部分(60%) 一、看图,选词,填字母编号。(16分) A.bear B.rabbit C.bird D.panda E.frog F.bee G.monkey H.tiger ()()()() ()()()()二、找出不同类的一项。(10分)


Module 1 Changes and differences Unit 1 Tidy up! (第一课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 1、通过演唱Sing a song的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,让学生感知本单元的核心句型。 2、通过Listen and sing中有关整理房间的对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心句型。 3、通过look and learn栏目,帮助学生学习日常生活用品的名称。 教学重、难点 1、能掌握单词tidy, let, sock, cap, yours, mine, tidy up 2、会运用句型Are they yours?及回答No, they aren’t. 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:

Module 1 Changes and differences Unit 1 Tidy up! (第二课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 通过Think and write 的语言输出活动,帮助学生巩固新学的语言知识。教学重、难点 1、词汇: crayon, umbrella, hers, theirs 2、句型: -Whose...is this/are these? -It’s/they’re… 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:

Module 1 Changes and differences Unit 1 Tidy up! (第三课时) 教学时间: 教学目标: 1、帮助学生通过阅读故事《神奇的石头》抓住关键信息,了解故事大 意,并完成后续练习。 2、了解字母组合ar, ue, oo在单词中的发音。 3、通过学习任务(task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识 和技能,描述物品的归属和应摆放的位置。 教学重、难点 1、语音:ar(car), ue(blue), oo(school) 2、词汇:(be) full of, a few。 教学方法: 情景教学法。 教学过程:


七年级上册深圳牛津版英语复习资料 单元同义释句 Heis keen on reading storybooks. 1. He is very interested in reading storybooks. 热衷于 2. Mike failed the English exam yesterday. 考试不及格 Mike didn’t pass the English exam yesterday. 3. A car consists of more than 15,000 parts. 由…组成 A car is made up of more than 15,000 parts. 4. The little girl always follows her mother. 跟着 The little girl always goes after her mother. 5. I always walk to school. 走路去 I always go to school on foot. 6. You can melt the bars of the cage with the laser torch. 用…去融化 You can use the laser torch to melt the bars of the cage. 7. Mr. Green went to his office at once. 立即 Mr. Green went to his office immediately. 8. The monster saw nothing. 什么都没有看见 The monster didn’t see anything. 9. Don’t let the lion escape from the cage. 逃跑 Don’t let the lion run away from the cage. 10. Gork was foolish. He killed all the aliens. 愚蠢地做了某事 It was foolish of Gork to kill all the aliens. 11. I had to interrupt him because I have something to say.打断某人的话 I had to stop him speaking because I have something to say 12. My father works as an engineer. 从事…工作 My father is an engineer 13. The light went out suddenly. 不财闪耀 The light stopped shinning suddenly. 14. The fire has gone out. 火灭了 The fire has stopped burning. 15.We must hurry up. Otherwise, we won’t catch the bus. 不然的话We must hurry up, if not, we won’t catch the bus. 16. Amy owns that computer. 拥有 That computer is Amy’s. 17 What’s the trouble with you? 出了什么事? What’s the matter with you? 18. Do you know his address? 他住哪 Do you know where he lives? 19. Moments later, the teacher came with a smile. 过了一会儿 After a while, the teacher came with a smile. 20. What’s your age? 多在年纪 How old are you?

2014年深圳牛津版英语七年级 下学期期末试题

光明新区2013-2014学年度第二学期期末调研测试卷 七年级英语 2014.7 笔试部分 1、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分) (A) 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。 21. My grandparents are always cheerful when we visit them on holidays. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. interesting 22. The air conditioners make our lives convenient. A. easy B. difficult C. cool D. boring 23. Jason enjoys replying to teachers’ questions. A. asking B. telling C.reading D. answering 24. Water is very valuable in our daily livs. A. dirty B.clean C.cheap D. Useful 25. My father takes care of my grandpa. A. looks after B.looks like C. Looks up D. Looks at (B)从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。 26. The little girl found ____ old photo in her bedroom this morning. ____ photo was of her grandma. A. A; The B.an; A C.a; A D.an; The 27. The girl ____ glasses likes playing ____ drum every day. A. with; the B.in; a C.with; a D.in;the 28. --There are ____ eggs and _____ milk in the fridge. -- Let’s buy some this evening. A. a few; little B.a few; a little C.few; little D. few; a little 29. I sit _____________ the car, so I can see a dog lying _____ the ground. A. in the front of; in B.in front of; over C.in the front of; on D.in front of; at 30. --Listen! Linda ______ in the next room. --I know. His voice _______ sweet. A. sings; sounds B.sings; smells C.is singing; sounds D.is singing; feels 31. --Do you ____ a bus to school? --Seldom. Usually _____ my bike. A. by; by B.take; on C.on; take D.take; take


牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级上册期末专项复习:阅读理解B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、阅读理解 (共8题;共82分) 1. (20分)阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。 I'm going to Chengdu next month. It is the capital of Sichuan Province(省). It is in the south-west of China. It's famous for pandas. I'm going to take some pictures of them. I'm going to climb mountains with my parents too. I hope we will have an interesting trip. (1)I'm going to Chengdu next month. (2)Chengdu is in Shandong Province. (3)Chengdu is in the north-west of China. (4)Pandas live in Sichuan. (5)I'm going to swim and climb mountains in Chengdu. 2. (5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 Do you know that the map of Italy(意大利) looks like a boot? And Italy is a country with many beautiful cities. Rome Rome is the capital(首都) of Italy. It has a history of over 2,500 years, so old buildings are here and there, for example, the Pantheon and the Colosseum. Also, it's a modern(现代的) city with many department stores(百货商店) a great place to shop. Venice Venice is a must-see place if you like art. It is the "City of Water" and the "City of Bridges", so you may have to take a gondola to


七年级英语Units 1-8 综合单元能力测试题 笔试部分(80分) I. 词汇运用。(共1 5小题, 每小题1分) i. 同义替换。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. She is a friendly girl. Everyone likes her. A. short B. kind C. pretty ( ) 2. You have only ten minutes to complete your homework. A. find B. know C. finish ( ) 3. I feel tired. I want to have a break. A. talk B. drink C. rest ( ) 4. She is weak after getting a bad cold. A. not sad B. not strong C. not angry ( ) 5. I hate watching the film. It is boring. A. not nervous B. not interesting C. not surprising ( ) 6. She likes dancing very much and she is good at it. A. is interested in B. does well in C. is bad for ( ) 7. We all had a good time at the party. A. learnt a lot B. knew the time C. enjoyed ourselves ( ) 8. It is rainy today. I have to stay at home. A. will B. must C. can ii. 词汇释义。(共4小题, 每小题1分) ( ) 9. When you ______, you take air into your body and send it out of your body. A. disappear B. breathe C. cry ( ) 10. When we say _____, we mean people in the same family. A. friends B. relatives C. classmates ( ) 11. That people do things _____ means they do things with each other. A. happily B. together C. quickly ( ) 12. If you say the weather is ______, you mean it is not wet. A. dry B. sunny C. snowy


7B Unit 2 Travelling around the world 重点单词: France n.法国French adj.法国的Frenchman 法国人(复数:Frenchman)Flag 国旗,标志greeting n. 敬礼,致意,问候wine 酒 Tick 滴答声possible 可能Europe欧洲 Store商店,贮存excellent adj.卓越的,杰出的lie 位于,撒谎 East 东south 南west 西north 北 coast n.海岸perfect 完美的ski 滑雪lift 电梯,举起Tower 塔finish 完成step n.脚步stairs 楼梯 Town 镇receive收到date日期address 地址 重点词组 Be famous for 以···而闻名(China is famous for The Great Wall。) be famous as 作为什么而出名(Jielun Zhou is famous as a singer) Be different from 与···不同反义词组:be the same as 和···一样 Far away from 远离department store 百货公司prefer to 更加喜欢,宁愿 Go on holiday 去度假go sightseeing 去观光 详细讲解: 1.I can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower!我能跳得比埃菲尔铁塔高!(page15) higher than 副词比较级。句型为:“A+···+副词比较级+thanB” 如:You study harder than me.你比我学习更努力。 2.Don’t be silly,Lo。别傻了,LO.(page15) 这是一个祈使句,用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、劝告等语气,主语(you)通常可以省略。 主要句型有三种: (1)V型祈使句:以动词原形开头。变否定句时,在句首加“don’t”Listen to me,please. (2)B型祈使句:以be 动词开头Be quickly!please. (3)L型祈使句:Let sb.+动词原形.变否定句时,在句首加“don’t”。 Let’s play football. 如:Don’t let them play football。 3.Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower.(page17) (1)places of interest 名胜(深圳的南头古城,龙岗大万世居、鹤湖新居,大鹏古城,龙田世居) (2)such as “例如”主要用于列举同一类人或事物中的几个例子。 (3)For example “例如”,一般只用于同一类人或事物中的“一个”为例,要用逗号隔开。 如:Most of the boys in our class like ball games.For example ,Li Hua likes football. 4.The south of France lies on the coast.(法国南部坐落在海岸线上)(page17) Lie ①位于,坐落于(过去式lay )Guanlan Town lies in the north of Shenzhen. ②躺,撒谎(过去式:lied) I think you’re lying.我认为你在撒谎。 过去分词 lain 现在分词 lying 5.by的用法:(page17) (1)在···的旁边by the window (2)乘车,乘船by bus
