人教版必修4 Unit3 复习学案

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必修4 Unit 3 复习学案

1.content adj.________ n.________ vt.________

(1)He doesn't want more money – he's content with ______ he has.


(2)You're on holiday – you can lie in the sun to your heart's content.


(3) As the TV's broken, you'll have to content yourself with listening to the radio.

(4) 我对我的工作、住所、和家庭都很满意。

译:I am content with my job, my home and my family.

(5) I was no longer satisfied with the life that once __________ me.

(6) Not content with her new car, Selina now wants a bike. 事实上,她本不该买


(7) It's a very stylish and beautiful film, but it lacks content.


2.entertain vt. --___________ n.

(1)Most children's television programmes aim _____ educate and

entertain at the same time.

(2)Donna entertains at home on a regular basis, ______ is intended

to enlarge her social circle.


(3)There is no lack of ___________ in the city at night.

3.particular adj.&n.

(1) For no particular reason, he quit the job.

(2) He wouldn't take just any book - he had to have this particular one!

(3) Bob is very particular ______ (prep.) his food, which means he is hard to please.

(4) At the interview, you need to provide all of your particulars.

(5) 我对生日没什么特别想要的。

译:There is nothing in particular I want for my birthday.

4. failure n.--________ v.

(1) The marriage was a failure and they both ______(want) to be free of


(2) I just felt I had been ______(冠词) failure in my personal life.

(3) Special 不是一个轻易接受失败的人。

译:Winston is not someone who accepts failure easily.

Nothing is easier than to deceive one's self.

(4) His failure ______(prep.) return her phone call told her that something was wrong.

(5) The party was doomed to _____ (a, an, the,/) failure right from the start and it turned out to be ______(a, an, the,/) failure.

(6) I feel I’ve failed my children by not ______ (spend) more time with them.

(7) The show by Zhou Libo never fails to entertain me.


5.worn adj.

(1) ________(lie) on the hospital bed, Pete looked worn and fragile.

(2) An elderly man in well-cut but worn clothes turned up at the party.

(3) I've been working all night and I'm worn out.

(4) Paula递给我几张破破烂烂的一美元钞票。


6.cut off

(1) One of his fingers was cut off in the accident.

(2) Many older people feel cut off and isolated.

(3) 如果你不交电费,他们就要断电了。

译:If you don’t pay the bill, they are going to cut the electricity off.

(4) The US has threatened to cut off economic and military aid.

(5) In winter, the town is often cut off by snow.

(6) After his wife died, he cut himself off completely from the rest of the world.

7.pick out

(1) His boss picked him out for an assignment in Japan.

(2) 他很高,你很容易在人群中人认出他来。

译:He was so tall, it was easy to pick him out in the crowd.

(3) His story was picked out as the best by the judges.

(4) I picked out Valerie's voice from among the general conversation.

(5) She was able to pick out her father at the other side of the room.
