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There is a new shopping mall near my school. It is very easy to find. It is near the bus stop and the taxi rank. The mall is very big. There are five floors of shops and each floor is very big. There are lots of clothes shops. It is great for girls. However, there are not many shops for boys. There is only one sports shop. I think the mall needs some more. There are lots of restaurants on the top floor. You can eat different kinds of food from different countries. I like Chongqing Restaurant best. It has great food from Sichuan. I like the big cinema. I like watching a film before I go shopping. I do not like the computer games center. It is small and there are too many people. The mall is a fun place to go. It is a good place to meet friends.


(1)本文主要介绍购物广场,shopping mall,购物广场,故填shopping。

(2)根据It is near the bus stop and the taxi rank.可知,它在公交车站和出租车站附近,故填near。

(3)根据There are five floors of shops.可知,购物广场有5楼,故填floors。

(4)根据There are lots of clothes shops. It is great for girls.可知,有许多卖女孩衣服的商店,故填clothes。

(5)根据There is only one sports shop.可知,只有一家体育用品店,故填sports。

(6)根据There are lots of restaurants on the top floor.可知,最顶上的一层楼有许多餐馆,故填restaurants。

(7)根据I like watching a film before I go shopping.可知,购物之前可以先看电影,故填film。

(8)根据I like watching a film before I go shopping.可知,你可以购物之前先看电影,go shopping 去购物,before介词,后接动名词,故填going。

(9)根据It is small and there are too many people.可知,电子游戏中心很小,is small可以换成isn't big enough,故填big。

(10)根据It is a good place to meet friends.可知,作者认为这是见朋友的好地方,故填friends。




Dear Lisa,

I'm going to have a party on September 27. It's my 12th birthday. I would like to enjoy this day with my family members and friends together.

I will be very happy if you can come to join us. You are always my best friend. Your sister Jenny is welcome too. She is a nice girl. I like her. Because it's a princess-theme (公主主题的) party, please wear your beautiful clothes and shoes.

There is a lot of fun at the party. My mum wants to cook a lot of Chinese food for us. Because September 27, 2015 is also the Mid-Autumn Festival, my grandma says she can make some moon cakes. You never eat them, right? They are delicious. There are also film DVDs and fun games for us. I'm sure all of us can have great fun on that day.

The party is in my house, and it starts at 3:00 p.m. Can you come? Tell me please.



(1)Who is Lisa?


(2)What does Emma ask Lisa to wear?


(3)What does Emma's mum want to cook for them?


(4)Why does Emma's grandma make moon cakes?




【答案】(1)She is Emma's best friend.

(2)She asks Lisa to wear beautiful clothes and shoes.

(3)A lot of Chinese food.

(4)Because September 27, 2015 is the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.



(1)这是艾玛写给丽莎的一封信,根据书信中的句子“You are always my best friend.”可知,艾玛是丽莎最好的朋友,故答案为She is Emma's best friend.

(2)根据短文中的句子“please wear your beautiful clothes and shoes.”可知,艾玛让丽莎穿上漂亮的衣服和鞋子,故答案为She asks Lisa to wear beautiful clothes and shoes.

(3)根据短文中的句子“My mum wants to cook a lot of Chinese food for us.”可知,艾玛的妈
