

(一) 单选题

1. While he normally shies away from introducing resolutions, he made _________ in this case.

(A) an exception

(B) an example

(C) an expectancy

(D) an extemporization

难度:中分值:4.0 A

2. The poor performer is motivated by the fear that he or she is highly _______

(A) dismissive

(B) discount

(C) deserve

(D) disposable

难度:中分值:4.0 D

3. This chestnut pudding is a rich dessert with a festive flavour

(A) desert

(B) desirt

(C) disirt

(D) dessert

难度:中分值:4.0 D

4. Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown?—________________

(A) No, you can?t

(B) Sorry, he isn?t in.

(C) Who are you?

(D) Why do you want to speak to him?

难度:中分值:4.0 B

5. ________________________?—My brother is an engineer.

(A) What is your brother?

(B) What does your brother?

(C) What job is your brother?

(D) What your brother job?

难度:中分值:4.0 A

6. I __________ that you cannot be held totally responsible

(A) appoint

(B) appreciate

(C) attain

(D) association

难度:中分值:4.0 B

7. It was greedy ______ them to eat up all the candy.

(A) in

(B) with

(C) of

(D) for

难度:中分值:4.0 C

8. This is one of the most ______ lessons I learned.

(A) value

(B) valuable

(C) valueless

(D) in value

难度:中分值:4.0 B

9. The Car Club couldn?t ______ to meet the demands of all its members.

(A) assume

(B) ensure

(C) guarantee

难度:中分值:4.0 C

10. The professor's a radical in politics but a _________ dresser.

(A) considerable

(B) connective

(C) conservative

(D) conscious

难度:中分值:4.0 C

11. Darling, why are you so excited today??? - _________________________

(A) I happened to meet a friend.?

(B) I am so happy

(C) Do you know who I met today?

(D) The book is really interesting.

难度:中分值:4.0 C

12. The __________ of the damage is easy to repair.

(A) major

(B) majority

(D) minority

难度:中分值:4.0 B

13. Shall we ________ what we are going to do next?

(A) defer

(B) detain

(C) debate

(D) determine

难度:中分值:4.0 D

14. I suppose documentary films are the least amusing.-


(A) I like horror films best.

(B) Yet they have great educational value.

(C) I like horror films best

(D) I will not see this one, then.

难度:中分值:4.0 B

15. David, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.- ________________

(A) What have you heard about me?

(B) What do you know me about?

(C) Tell me about yourself.

(D) Nice to meet you

难度:中分值:4.0 D

16. When ______ doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.

(A) for

(B) with

(C) in

(D) of

难度:中分值:4.0 C

17. I couldn't get an appointment with my _______ barber

(A) regular

(B) always

(C) consistent

(D) often

难度:中分值:4.0 A

18. ____ factors determine the progress which a society can make

(A) Economic

(B) Economical

(C) Economically

(D) Economics

难度:中分值:4.0 A

19. I had a ______ to go swimming.

(A) want

(B) desire

(C) wish

(D) demand

难度:中分值:4.0 B

20. His rude remarks and his inappropriate behavior ______ her anger.

(A) fuel

(B) plus

(C) add

(D) addition

难度:中分值:4.0 A

(二) 完型填空

In Britain, the old Road Traffic Act restricted speeds to 2 m. p. h. (miles per hour) in towns and 4 m. p. h. in the country. Later parliament the speed limit to 14 m. p. h. But by 1903 the development of the car industry had made it_to raise the limit to 20 m. p. h. By 1930, however, the law was so widely ignored that speeding were done away with together. For five years motorists were free to drive at whatever they liked. Then in 1935 the Road Traffic Act imposed a 30 m.p.h. speed limit in areas, along with the introduction of driving seats and crossings. Speeding is now the most common motoring offence in Britain. Offences for speeding fall into two classes: exceeding the limit on road, exceeding on any road. A restricted road is one where the street lamps are 200 yards apart, or more. The main controversy (争论) speeding laws is the extent of their safety value. The Ministry of Transport maintains that speed limits reduce accidents. It claims that when 30 m. p. h. limit was imposed on a number of roads in London in the late fifties, there was a 28 percent in serious accidents. There were also fewer casualties (伤亡)in the year after the 70 m. p. h. motorway limit was imposed in 1966. In America, however, it is thought that the reduced accident figures are due rather to the increase in traffic density. This is why it has even been suggested that the present speed limit should be done away with completely, or that a guide should be given to drivers and the speed limits made advisory, as is done in parts of the USA. (1) (A)added (B)increased (C)rose


(2) (A)necessary (B)urgent (C)important (D)law

(3) (A)restrict (B)restricted (C)restrictions (D)restricting

(4) (A)miles (B)speeds (C)rates (D)way

(5) (A)empty (B)spacious (C)built-up (D)buildings

(6) (A)pedestrian (B)walkers (C)people (D)audience

(7) (A)limited (B)refrained (C)restricted (D)requested

(8) (A)at (B)under (C)in (D)surrounding

(9) (A)minus (B)plus (C)reduction (D)addition

(10) (A)experienced (B)careful (C)inexperienced (D)skillful

难度:中分值:10.0 BACBCACDCC

(三) 阅读理解

1. Some people would say that the Englishman?s home is no longer his castle; that it has become his workshop. This is partly because the average Englishman is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another, that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. The main reason for this is a financial one: the high cost of labor has meant that buil ders? and decorators? costs have reached a level which makes them prohibitive for house-proud English people of modest means. So, if they wish to keep their houses looking bright and smart, they have to tackle some of the repairs and decorating themselves. As a result, there has grown up in the

post-war years what is sometimes referred to as the “Do-it-yourself Movement”. The “Do-it-yourself Movement” began with home decorating but has since spread into a much wider field. Nowadays there seem to be very few things that cannot be made by the "do-it-yourself" method. A number of magazines and handbooks exist to show the hopeful handyman of all ages just how easy it is to build anything from a coffee table to a fifteen foot (4.5meters) sailing dinghy. All you need, it seems, is a hammer and a few nails. You follow the simple instructions step-by-step and, before you know where you are, the finished article stands before you, complete in every detail. Unfortunately, alas, it is not always quite as simple as it sounds! Many a budding “do-it-yourself” has found to his cost that one cannot learn a skilled craftsman?s job overnight. How quickly one realizes, when do it oneself, that a job which takes the skilled man an hour or so to complete takes that amateur handyman five or six at least. And then there is the question of tools. The first thing the amateur learns is that he must have the right tools for the job. But tools cost money. There is also the wear and tear on the nerves. It is not surprising then that many people have come

to the conclusion that the expense of paying professionals to do the work is, in the long run, more economical than “Do-it-yourself”. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have read

These days some people would say that the Engli shman?s home is no longer his castle but his workshop. The main reason for this phenomenon is that __________(A) the average Englishman is keen on working with his own hands (B) the Englishman feels, for a certain reason, that he must do for himself many household jobs (C) it would cost the average Englishman too much to hire professional help (D) the Englishman thinks that he could do a better job than some professional men

In the sentence “Many a budding …do-it-yourself? has found to his cost that one cannot learn a skilled craftsman?s job overnight”, what is the possible meaning of the phrase “to his cost”?(A) happily (B) surprisingly (C) eagerly (D) gloomily

According to this passage, in which fields did the “Do-it-yourself Movement” occur first?(A) In business (B) In farming (C) In decorating (D) In battlefield

According to this passage, which one of the following statements is NOT true?(A) The spirit of “do-it-yourself” first appeared in the period of Palace Revolution. (B) Previously, the average Englishman hired some professional men to do many household jobs. (C) Nowadays, we can find “Do-it-yourself Movement” in almost every aspect of Englishman?s life. (D) Now we can hear different voices in the spirit of “Do-it-yourself”.

Why have many people come to the conclusion that the expense of paying professionals to do the work is, in the long run, more economical than “do-it-yourself”? __________(A) Because “Do-it-yourself” costs too much money (B) Because “Do-it-yourself” costs too much time (C) Because “Do-it-yourself” costs too much energy (D) all of the above

难度:中分值:5.0 CDCAD

2. People who live and work in areas with elevated levels of ozone and other airborne pollutants appear to run an increased risk of lung cancer, US researchers report in the December issue of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. The researchers Dr. Beeson of Texas University and colleagues studied more than 4,000 female and 2,000 male, white, nonsmoking volunteers from 1977 to 1992.At the start of the study, the volunteers filled out questionnaires about their occupations, their exercise patterns, diet and other lifestyle choices, and their family?s health history. The Questionnaires also asked whether the volunteers had any respiratory symptoms, how many hours they spent outdoors, and where they lived and worked. The researchers updated this information in 1987 and again in 1992. Using air quality monitoring station data, Beeson and colleagues then determined the levels of particle soot, ozone or “smog”, sulfur dioxide, and other pollutants that the volunteers were exposed to, given where they lived and worked. Over the course of

the 15-year study, 20 of the women and 16 of the men were diagnosed with lung cancer. Analyzing the relationship between exposure to airborne pollutants and lung cancer risk, the researchers found that both men and women regularly exposed to

levels of particle soot that were lower than the National Ambient Air Quality Standard of 50 microgram per meter cubed ran an increased risk of lung cancer. And both men and women exposed to elevated levels of sulfur dioxide ran an increased risk of lung cancer. In addition, men regularly exposed to ozone levels of 80 parts per billion (ppb) ran more than three times the risk of lung cancer as men exposed to lower levels. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limit on ozone is 120 ppb, Beeson and colleagues report. Women, however, did not appear to run an increased risk of lung cancer if exposed to high levels of smog. “This gender difference may be due to the males spending much more time outdoors than females,” they write. “This was especially true for the summer when ozone levels are higher.” The difference may also have been due to hormonal differences, they add. Some research findings also suggest that the female sex hormone estrogen may partly offset the consequences of exposure to high ozone levels. “Our findings suggest that the current EPA standard of 120 ppb for ozone may not adequately protect the large portion of the US male population who live or work in communities where the current standard for ozone is frequently exceeded,” Beeson and colleagues conclude. “More research with a larger number of incident cases of lung cancer is needed to better understand the observed gender difference in regard to ozone exposure as well as to better separate the independent effects of ozone, airborne particulate matter sulfur dioxide, and other airborne pollutants.” Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just read

Which of the following is not included in the questionnaire? _________(A) What kind of food they eat (B) Their jobs (C) Sleeping habits (D) The family?s health history

In the research done by Dr. Beeson and his colleagues, _________(A) researchers asked the volunteers to fill out questionnaires once a year (B) researchers intentionally studied twice as many female as male volunteers (C) the volunteers were asked to expose to high levels of airborne pollutants (D) the volunteers were asked to fill out questionnaires three times in 15 years

It was found in the research that ___________ did not seem to run an increased risk of lung cancer.(A) women exposed to high levels of sulfur dioxide (B) men regularly exposed to high levels of sulfur dioxide (C) women exposed to high levels of smog (D) men regularly exposed to high levels of smog

It can be inferred from the research mentioned in this passage that _________(A) males are more vulnerable to dangers in life than females (B) female is stronger sex

than male (C) male sex hormone may not be able to decrease the effect of exposure to high ozone levels (D) spending much time outdoors in summer is not harmful to females

The proper title for this passage should be _______(A) Smog Appears to Up Lung Cancer Risk (B) Airborne Pollutants (C) Lung Cancer Risk (D) The Gender Difference

难度:中分值:5.0 CDCCA

武汉理工大学网络教育试卷 《电子支付与网络金融》(A)卷及答案

2012-2013学年第二学期课程名称: 电子支付与网络金融(A) 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.在网上银行中,银行服务客户的主要渠道是( ) A.电话 B.因特网 C.店堂前台的柜台 D.ATM 自助设备 2.我国银行卡的应用是( ) A.信用卡占主导地位 B.借记卡占主导位 C.支票卡占主导地位 D.智能卡占主导地位 3.金融认证系统的证书服务功能主要集中在( ) A.第二层CA B.第三层CA C.PKI CA D.SET CA 4.SSL协议在银行卡支付系统中( ) A.提供了交易的不可抵赖功能 B.提供了银行间的资金安全清算通道 C.为通信双方提供了安全通道 D.提供了持卡人的身份认证 5.在SET交易中,购买请求( ) A.由特卡人发生商户 B.由持卡人同时发往商户和收单行 C.由持卡人同时发生商户和发卡行 D.由持卡人同时发往商户和支付网关 6.电子现金主要用于( ) A.大额支付 B.中额支付 C.小额支付 D.各种金额的支付 7.网上银行() A.是提供对私业务服务的银行 B.是银行传统经营模式的补充 C.是银行的主要利润来源 D.是有庞大分支机构作支持的银行8.中国金融CA的建设原则是( ) A.统一规划,联合建设 B.各商业银行自行建设,统一联网 C.各商业银行自行建设,独立运行 D.各商业银行自行建设,交叉认证 9.现阶段最常用的电子货币支付工具是( ) A.银行卡 B.电子支票 C.电子现金 D.电子钱夹 10.电子商务活动的直接参与者通常不包括( ) A.用户 B.商家 C.金融机构 D.政府机构 二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的五个选项中有二至五个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。多选、少选、错选均无分。 11.电子商务活动中传输的内容包括( ) A.票据流 B.物质流 C.资金流 D.商品流 E.信息流 12.目前典型的网上支付工具有( ) A.银行卡 B.智能卡 C.电子现金 D.电子支票 E.电子钱夹 13.目前,世界上最大的两个信用卡组织是( ) A.中国银行 B.VISA C.JCB D.Master Card E.美国运通公司 14.典型PKI系统的组成包括( ) A.证书申请者 B.证书审核中心(RA) C.认证中心(CA) D.证书库 E.证书信任方 15.证书库具有( ) A.接收证书的功能 B.存储证书的功能 C.发放证书的功能 D.查询证书的功能 E.签发证书的功能 16.金融CA的证书申请方式包括( ) A.离线申请 B.在线申请 C.集中申请 D.分布申请 E.交叉申请 17.SET最终用户证书包括( ) A.持卡人证书 B.商家证书 C.支付网关证书 D.发卡行证书 E.企业证书 18.网上银行系统涉及( ) 网络教育学院2011级(秋)期末试卷


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考(B)试题及答案(1) Part I 日常会话 1. – Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-- A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. I don’t know 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?-- A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Yes, help yourself D. It doesn’t matter 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee?-- A. Yes, Lee speaking. B. Hello, what do you want? C. Sorry, speaking. D. I don’t know. 4. –Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown’s office?-- A. You can’t ask me B. Pardon? I have no idea C. Please don’t say so D. Sorry, I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. – Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?-- A. Thank you very much B. No, no, John is not bad C. Thank you. He is fine D. Don’t say that. It’s ugly. John is good 6. – What can I do for you, madam?-- . A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I’m busy 7. –I’d like to take you to the coffee house on t he corner.- A. Thank you. You shouldn’t do that B. Thanks, I’d like to go with you C. No, you can’t say so D. No, no. You can’t do that 8. –Do you mind telling me where you’re from?-- A. Certainly. I’m from London B. Sure. I was b orn in London C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. I’m from London 9. – May I see the menu, please?-- A. That is the menu, sir. B. Yes, please go on. C. Here you are, sir. D. Of course, sir. 10. – I was worried about chemistry, but Mr Brown gave me an A !-- . A. Don’t worry about it B. Congratulations! That’s a difficult course C.Mr Brown is very good D. Good luck to you! 1. – Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?-- A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I can’t C. I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents D. I don’t know 2. – Hi, is Mary there, please?-- A. Hold on. I’ll get her. B. No, she isn’t here. C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want? 3. – Please help yourself to the fish.-- . A. Thanks, but fish doesn’t agree with me B. Sorry, I can’t help C. I don’t like fish D. No, I can’t 4. –Hurry up, please, or I’ll be late.-- . A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now B. Well, it’s alright, sir C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way

武汉理工大学网络教育 人力资源管理 网上作业习题答案100分

武汉理工大学网络教育人力资源管理网上作业习题答案100分 单选题 1. 绩效考核的最后一步,是员工和管理人员一起(D) (A) 缓解矛盾 (B) 增进感情? (C) 进行改选???? (D) 回顾和讨论考评的结果 难度:较易分值:2.0 2. 关于企业薪酬分配原则,下列说法不正确的是(A) (A) 分配结果均等??? (B) 对外有竞争力 (C) 对内分配公平? (D) 适当拉开薪酬差距 难度:较易分值:2.0 3. 市场经济的主体不包括(C) (A) 国家 (B) 市场 (C) 管理 (D) 企业和个人 难度:较易分值:2.0 4. 期前激励就是在工作开始之前,公布任务指标及相应的奖惩措施。这种激励主要适用于 (B) (A) 工作周期长,任务不易明确的项目 (B) 工作周期长,任务比较明确的项目 (C) 工作周期短,任务很明确的项目?? (D) 工作周期短,任务不明确的项目

难度:较易分值:2.0 5. 在人力资源的招聘中,内部获取的方式具有许多的优点,下面哪一项不包括在内(D ) (A) 能够对组织员工产生激励作用 (B) 所获得人员的素质比较可靠 (C) 可节约费用 (D) 可为组织增强活力,弥补组织的不足 难度:较易分值:2.0 6. 制定人力资源规划时应考虑的最基础因素是(B) (A) 组织策略与开发项目 (B) 经营宗旨与企业战略 (C) 项目计划与安排 (D) 监督与控制 难度:较易分值:2.0 7. 关于薪酬的级差和薪酬结构,表述错误的是(B) (A) 高级别岗位之间的薪酬级差应大一些 (B) 分层式薪酬等级类型中薪酬级差要大一些 (C) 宽泛式薪酬等级类型中每等级的薪酬浮动幅度要大一些 (D) 高薪酬等级的薪酬浮动幅度要大于低薪酬等级的薪酬浮动程度 难度:较易分值:2.0 8. 仲裁的后置程序是(C ) (A) 协调 (B) 调解 (C) 诉讼 (D) 审查 难度:较易分值:2.0 9. 通过启发诱导的方式,激发人的主动精神,使其工作热情建立在高度自觉的基础上,发


单选题 1. 就每一特定市场而言,最佳市场营销组合只能是_____的结果。 (A) 市场细分 (B) 精心策划 (C) 综合平衡 (D) 统筹兼顾 难度:较易分值:2.0 2. 市场营销学作为一门独立的经济管理学科诞生于20世纪的 (A) 美国(B) 日本(C) 中国(D) 欧洲 难度:较易分值:2.0 3. 一部正在畅销的小说被作者、编剧改编成电视连续剧,并投入制作,搬上荧屏,这是信息 的____特征。 (A) 可检索性 (B) 可共享性 (C) 可转换性 (D) 可存储性

难度:较易分值:1.5 4. 运用科学的方法,有目的地收集、整理和分析研究有关市场营销方面的信息,提出解决问 题的建议,供营销人员了解营销环境,发现机会与问题,作为市场预测与营销决策的依据,我们把它称之为 (A) 营销信息系统 (B) 市场调研 (C) 市场预测 (D) 决策支持系统 难度:较易分值:2.0 5. 产品组合的宽度是指产品组合中所拥有_____的数目。 (A) 产品项目 (B) 产品线 (C) 产品种类 (D) 产品品牌 难度:较易分值:2.0 6. 准确地计算产品所提供的全部市场认知价值是_____的关键。 (A) 认知价值定价法

(B) 反向定价法 (C) 需求差异定价法 (D) 成本导向定价法 难度:较易分值:1.5 7. “市场同合化”的理论,主张从______的比较出发适度细分市场。 (A) 成本和收益 (B) 需求的差异性和一致性 (C) 利润和市场占有率 (D) 企业自身与竞争者资源条件 难度:较易分值:2.0 8. 区分战略经营单位的主要依据是多项业务之间是否存在共同的 (A) 经营目标 (B) 经营方针 (C) 经营主线 (D) 经营利益 难度:较易分值:1.5


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考 (B )试题及答案 Test 1 Part I 日常会话 1. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now -- A A. Sorry, he is busy at the mome nt C. Sorry, you can ' t 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary -- .C A. Yes, you may borrow C. Yes, help yourself 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee -- A A. Yes, Lee speak ing. C. Sorry, speak ing. 4. — Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brow n - D. A. You can ' t ask me B. Pard on I have no idea C. Please don ' t say so D. Sorry, I don ' t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. - Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John -- .C A. Thank you very much C. Thank you. He is fine is good 6. - What can I do for you, madam -- .A A. I want a kilo of apples C. Thanks B. No, you can ' t D. I don ' t know B. Yes, go on D. It doesn ' t matter B. Hello, what do you want D. I don ' t know. 's office I ' d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. B. You can go your own way D. Excuse me. I ' m busy


教育行业信息系统安全等级保护 定级工作指南 (试行) 1 总则 本指南依据国家信息安全等级保护相关政策和标准,结合教育行业信息化工作的特点和具体实际,对教育行业信息系统进行分类,提出安全等级保护的定级思路,给出建议等级,明确工作流程。 本指南适用于各级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位、各级各类学校的非涉密信息系统安全等级保护定级工作。 信息系统的定级工作应在信息系统设计阶段完成,与信息系统建设同步实施。 2 定级依据 《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》(国务院第147号令) 《信息系统安全等级保护定级指南》(GB/T 22240-2008)《信息系统安全等级保护实施指南》(GB/T 25058-2010)《关于开展全国重要信息系统安全等级保护定级工作的通知》(公信安〔2007〕861号) 《信息安全等级保护管理办法》(公通字〔2007〕43号)

3 信息系统的类型划分 信息系统的类型划分是进行信息系统安全等级划分的前提和基础。按照信息系统的主管单位、业务对象、部署模式对教育行业信息系统进行分类,形成信息系统分类表(附件1)。 3.1按信息系统主管单位划分 按照信息系统主管单位的不同,信息系统分为“教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统”(简称“部门信息系统”)和“学校信息系统”两类。 部门信息系统可分为教育部机关及其直属事业单位信息系统(部级系统)、省级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统(省级系统)、地市级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统(市级系统)和区县级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统(县级系统);学校信息系统可分为重点建设类高等学校信息系统(I类)、高等学校信息系统(Ⅱ类)、中小学校(含中职中专院校)信息系统(Ⅲ类)。 3.2按信息系统业务对象划分 根据信息系统业务对象不同,部门信息系统可分为政务管理类、学校管理类、学生管理类、教师管理类、综合服务类;学校信息系统可分为校务管理类、教学科研类、招生就业类、综合服务类。


毕业设计指导书 (适用:网络学院机械设计工程及自动化专业专升本) 一、毕业设计的目的 毕业设计是机自专业最重要的实践环节之一,学生在学习完《机械制造技术基础》、《机电传动器控制》、《单片机应用系统设计》、《机械制造装备设计》等专业基础课和专业课后所进行的最后一个实践性教学环节,其基本目的是: 1. 熟悉和掌握根据毕业设计课题进行调查研究、收集设计资料的方法和途 径; 2. 综合运用机械设计以及机电控制等各种课程的理论及实践知识,去分析 和解决一般工程项目的技术设计问题,掌握一般机械工程师所必需掌握 的设计方法和技能,并使所学知识得到进一步的学习和应用。 二、毕业设计的内容和要求 毕业设计分两个阶段进行:毕业实习阶段和毕业设计阶段: (一)毕业实习 1.毕业实习目的和要求 学生通过毕业实习实践环节,结合毕业设计课题作实地调查研究,了解国内外与设计课题有关的技术现状,收集毕业设计有关信息和资料, 为毕业设计作准备. 2.实习地点 就近安排到各函授站的厂矿企业或机械研究所实习.如经济条件允许,指导教师可安排学生到外地实习. 3.实习内容和要求 1).学生到生产现场作实际调查研究,了解并收集与毕业设计课题有关的技术信息和资料.学生必须认真做好生产现场实习笔记;尽可能详细地记录与设计课题有关的设备的结构布局、外形尺寸、重要部件的工作原理、结构形状与尺寸,以及设备的主要动力参数和运动参数,如:各电机的型号、功率及转速、主运动速度、进给速度等。这些资料,对毕业设计有重要的参考价值。 2).学生到图书馆收集有关毕业设计的图书资料,了解国内外有关设备的技术资料,并做好读书笔记; 3). 实习期间,学生必须做到一切行动听指挥,自觉遵守实习纪律和实习厂规章制度;切实做到人身安全和设备安全.指导教师应联系安排厂方有关人员对学生进行安全教育。 4).实习结束后,学生必须认真整理生产现场收集的设计资料和读书笔记


第一部分交际英语 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ----------------以下红色1-60重点掌握看,可得分值9-12分----------------- 1.-Are you going on holiday for a long time?你度假很长时间吗? -- ____C____ 不是,只是几天。 A. It was a long time B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago. 2.-Could you help me with my physics, please? 请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗? -___D___.很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转,不能直接说NO 还应加理由)A. No, no way B. No, I couldn’t C. No, I can’t D. Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now 3.-Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 我能和Don Watkins说话吗? - ___A___ 我就是。 A. Speaking, please. B. Oh, how are you? C. I’m listening. D. I’m Don. 4.-Could I borrow your car for a few day? 我能借你的车用几天吗? -____C____.当然可以。给你。祝你旅途愉快。 A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey D. It doesn’t matter 5.-Congratulations!You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. -___C___. 祝贺你在今天的演讲比赛中获得冠军。--谢谢你。 A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didn’t do it w ell C. Thank you D. It’s pleasure 6.-Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?(介意询问时,YES是表示介意)-_____B____.是的,我介意 A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I’d rather not D. Good idea 7.- Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?你知道戴维昨天弄伤了他的腿吗? - Really? ____C___真的吗?发生了什么事? A、Who did that? B、What's wrong with him? C、How did that happen? D、Why was he so careless? 8.-Excuse me, how much is the jacket?请问,这件夹克衫多少钱? -It’s 499 Yuan. ____D____. 499元。你想试一下吗? A. Oh, no. That’s OK! B. How do you like it? C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 9.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮局怎么走吗? - ___D___Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it. 噢,我想下!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过 A. I beg your pardon? B. What do you m ean? C. You’re welcome. D. Um,let me think. 10.-How are you, Bob?你好吗,鲍勃?-____B____, Ted.我很好,谢谢。


武汉理工大学网络教育学院介绍 网络教育报名专业: 专业层次学习期限学分工程造价专升本 2.5-5年 市场营销专升本 2.5-5年 机电一体化技术高起专 2.5-5年 工程造价高起专 2.5-5年 国际经济和贸易高起专 2.5-5年 市场营销高起专 2.5-5年 计算机信息管理高起专 2.5-5年 计算机信息管理高起专 2.5-5年 无机非金属材料工程专升本 2.5-5年 电子信息工程专升本 2.5-5年 电气工程及其自动化专升本 2.5-5年 无机非金属材料工程技术高起专 2.5-5年 电子信息工程技术高起专 2.5-5年 电气自动化技术高起专 2.5-5年 物流管理专升本,高起专 2.5-5年

土木工程专升本 2.5-5年汽车运用和维修高起专 2.5-5年汽车服务工程专升本 2.5-5年建筑工程技术高起专 2.5-5年建筑工程管理高起专 2.5-5年计算机使用技术高起专 2.5-5年计算机科学和技术专升本 2.5-5年机械设计制造及其自动化专升本 2.5-5年机械设计和制造高起专 2.5-5年会计学专升本 2.5-5年会计高起专 2.5-5年工商企业管理高起专 2.5-5年工商管理专升本 2.5-5年工程管理专升本 2.5-5年法学专升本 2.5-5年法律事务高起专 2.5-5年电子商务高起专,专升本 2.5-5年道路桥梁和渡河工程专升本 2.5-5年道路桥梁工程技术高起专 2.5-5年专业相关的课程设置: 专业介绍(专升本) 汽车服务工程专业

本专业培养具有扎实的汽车产品及技术基础,必要的国际贸易、工商管理理论知识,具有一定的现代信息技术和网络技术知识,具备“懂技术,善经营,会服务”的能力素质,能够适应汽车产品设计服务、汽车生产服务、汽车销售服务、汽车技术服务、汽车保险、汽车运输服务、物流经营等领域工作的高级复合型人才。 主要课程:机械设计基础B、汽车构造、汽车运用工程、汽车服务工程、汽车维修工程、物流工程、交通运输学、汽车服务系统规划、汽车营销和策划、汽车电器设备、汽车电子控制系统等。 计算机科学和技术专业 本专业培养计算机科学和技术领域研究和使用高级人才。本专业培养计划和国际接轨,通过培养计划实施及理论、抽象、设计实验等教育过程,使学生不仅具有坚实的专业知识,而且具有从事计算机科学技术研究和使用、适应本学科飞速发展、涉足广泛学科领域的能力。 主要课程:高级语言程序设计、离散数学、汇编语言程序设计、计算机组成原理、计算机系统结构、数据结构、操作系统、编译原理、计算机网络、电路原理、系统分析和控制、信号处理原理、模拟电子技术等。 法学专业 法学专业主要培养系统掌握法学知识,熟悉我国法律和党的相关政策,能在国家机关、企事业单位和社会团体、特别是能在立法机关、行政机关、检察机关、审判机关、仲裁机构和法律服务机构从事法律工作的高级专门人才。 主要课程:法理学、中国法制史、宪法学、行政法和行政诉讼法、物权法、侵权行为法、民法学、商法学、知识产权法、经济法学、刑法学、民事诉讼法学、

武汉理工大学网络教育学院大学入学考试复习资料计算机基础 B试卷 2010-6-3 14:30

武汉理工大学网络学院试卷 课程名称:计算机基础专业班级:入学复习题 备注: 学生不得在试题纸上答题(含填空题、选择题等客观题) 一、选择题(本题共40道小题,每小题1分,共40分)从每小题的四个备选答案中,选出—个正确的答案。 1、个人计算机属于__。 A)微型计算机B)小型计算机C)中型计算机D)小巨型计算机 2、下列四项中,不属于多媒体所包括的媒体类型的是__。 A) 图像B) X光C)音频D) 视频 3、下列软件中,属于系统软件的是__。 A)用FORTAN语言编写的计算弹道的程序 B)FORTRAN语言的编译程序 C)交通管理和定位系统 D)计算机集成制造系统 4、CPU处理的数据基本单位为字,一个字的字长__。 A) 为8个二进制位B) 为16个二进制位 C) 为32个二进制位D) 与CPU芯片的型号有关 5、邮局利用计算机对信件进行自动分捡的技术是__。 A)机器翻译B)自然语言理解C) 过程控制D) 模式识别 6、Windows 的资源管理器窗口分为左、右两个部分,其中__。 A)左边显示指定目录里的文件信息,右边显示磁盘上的树形目录结构 B)左边显示磁盘上的树形目录结构,右边显示指定目录里的文件信息 C)左边显示磁盘上的文件目录,右边显示指定文件的具体内容 D)两边都可以显示磁盘上的树形目录结构或指定目录里的文件信息,由用户决定 7、对于演示文稿中不准备放映的幻灯片,可以用__下拉菜单中的“隐藏幻灯片”命令隐藏。 A)编辑 B)工具 C)视图 D)幻灯片放映 8、利用Outlook Express书写电子邮件是,在“抄送”栏应填入抄送人的__。 A) 电话号码 B) 邮政编码 C) 家庭住址 D) E-mail地址 9、下列程序属于附件的是__。 A) 我的电脑B) WORD C) 网上邻居D) 画笔 10、计算机病毒不可以__。 A)破坏计算机硬件B)抢占系统资源,影响计算机运行速度 C) 破坏计算机中的数据D) 使用户感染病毒而生病 11、在Excel中,用户在工作表中输入日期,__形式不符合日期格式。 A) '20-02-2000' B) 02-OCT-2000 C) 2000-10-01 D) 2000/10/01 12、多任务机制是指操作系统可以控制__时间分配,让计算机同时执行多个应用程序。 A) 控制器B) 运算器C) 存储器D) CPU 13、在使用Windows过程中,不使用鼠标,可以打开“开始”菜单的操作是__。


学生学号0121210680117 实验课成绩 武汉理工大学 学生实验报告书 实验课程名称《计算机网络》 开课学院计算机科学与技术学院 指导老师姓名周兰采 学生姓名柏扬 学生专业班级软件1201 2013 —2014 学年第二学期

实验课程名称:计算机网络 实验项目名称获取网卡的MAC地址实验成绩 实验者专业班级组别 同组者实验日期 第一部分:实验分析与设计(可加页) 一、实验内容描述(问题域描述) 实验内容:编程获取以太网适配器的MAC地址。 二、实验基本原理与设计(包括实验方案设计,实验手段的确定,试验步骤等,用硬件逻辑或 者算法描述) 实验原理: 在系统的cmd命令提示符中,我们输入ipconfig/all就可以看到本机上所有的适配器的具体内容如媒体状态、连接特定的DNS后缀、描述、物理地址、DHCP 已启用、自动配置已启用信息。本实验是运用匹配的思想,先通过,在寻找匹配字符串物理地址,找到了就将:后面位置的内容赋值给mac,作为MAC地址,然后再主函数中输出即可。

实验代码如下: package socket; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; public class SystemTool { /** *@return mac地址 */ public static String getWindowsMACAddress() { String mac = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ipconfig /all");// windows 下的命令,显示信息中包含有mac地址信息 bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); String line = null;

武汉理工大学网络教育 国际贸易与金融 网上作业习题答案100分

武汉理工大学网络教育国际贸易与金融网上作业习题答案100分.wps 单选题 1. 国际分工发展的基础是(A) (A) 自然条件 (B) 市场规模 (C) 劳动规模 (D) 国际生产关系 难度:较易分值:2.0 X 2. 国际服务贸易发展的决定性因素是(C ) (A) 自然条件 (B) 比较优势 (C) 社会生产力 (D) 政府政策 难度:较易分值:2.0 C 3. 关贸总协定第六条规定, 构成倾销的条件之一, 是出口价格(B ) (A) 低于国际价格 (B) 低于该国的正常价格 (C) 低于进口国国内市场价格 (D) 低于向第三国出口的价格 难度:较易分值:2.0 X 4. 汇票有即期和远期之分,在承兑交单(D/A)业务中(A) (A) 只使用远期汇票,不使用即期汇票 (B) 只使用即期汇票,不使用远期汇票 (C) 两种汇票均可使用 (D) 两种汇票均不可使用 难度:较易分值:2.0 X

5. 目前,世界上绝大多数国家采用的汇率标价方法是(A) (A) 直接标价法 (B) 间接标价法 (C) 美元标价法 (D) 欧元标价法 难度:较易分值:2.0 X 6. 超保护贸易政策保护的(B) (A) 国内的幼稚工业 (B) 高度发达的垄断工业 (C) 一般的资产阶级 (D) 垄断资产阶级 难度:较易分值:2.0 X 7. 几个发展国家进行专业化协作,联合生产,这种分工是(C)的国际分工 (A) 垂直型 (B) 交叉型 (C) 水平型 (D) 混合型 难度:较易分值:2.0 X 8. 国际贷款最重要的基础利率是(A ) (A) 伦敦银行同业折放利率 (B) 纽约货币市场利率 (C) 欧洲货币市场利率 (D) 东京国际金融市场利率 难度:较易分值:2.0 A 9. 在一定时期内,对某些商品进口数量或金额规定一个最高额数,超过者便不准进口,这叫( A) (A) 绝对配额


中小学生网络安全知识教育 一、提高自身计算机网络安全意识 自我意识的提高是做好网络安全教育的第一步,只有中学生对计算机网络病毒和计算机上存在着一些诈骗的现象等有一定的了解,认识到网络不仅有好的内容,也有坏的陷阱,他们才会有自我保护意识。在面对那些安全隐患有了自我保护意识,就必然在利用计算机时变得谨慎一些。世界上任何事物都具有两面性,计算机网络也是如此,它就像一把双刃剑。利用它庞大的系统和强大的娱乐功能为人们的生活带来便利的同时,也带来了很多弊端,如中学生沉迷于网络游戏导致学习成绩下降,终日颓废,身心状况都受到影响。新闻报道中学生由于玩网络游戏猝死的现象也很多。除此之外网络不法分子还利用中学生年幼无知,骗取他们的信息来敲诈他们的父母或者想办法让他们点击链接让计算机中毒,然后再通过盗取信息进行诈骗。各种骗人手段花样百出,层出不穷,归根到底还是人们的防范意识不强。因此中学生必须提高自己的安全意识,要登录正规的网站去学习,并且玩网络游戏的时候也要克制。 二、计算机网络病毒的防护 做好计算机网络安全教育,第二个重要的环节就是要做好计算机网络病毒的防护,这个环节对于抵抗计算机网络病毒的侵袭十分重要。计算机病毒的种类有很多,主要分为伴随型病毒、蠕虫型病毒、

寄生型病毒。面对不同类型的计算机病毒要采取不同的应对方法。第一,伴随型病毒不会改变文件本身,其根据算法生成的EXE文件伴随体,有相同的名称和不同的扩展名,一定要正确识别出伴随型病毒,不要被它的外表所迷惑。第二通过计算机网络蠕虫病毒的传播后,无法改变文件和数据信息,利用网络从一台计算机传播到其他机器的内存,计算机将病毒通过网络发送,随后扩展至整个计算机。一定要警惕蠕虫型病毒和寄生型病毒的伤害。防治计算机病毒要对症下药,首先我们下载应用软件时一定要从正规网站和官网下载,不要随意在网页上搜索下载,防止下载的软件携带病毒。其次我们必须确认网址登录,防止钓鱼网站蠕虫病毒感染。最后,安装杀毒软件和防火墙,及时定期和不规则电脑杀毒,保证计算机的安全。 三、识别并远离网络诈骗 随着经济的发展,社会上的骗子越来越多,随着网络技术的发展,网络上的骗子也越来越猖狂,不法分子的诈骗手法不断出新,之前通过花言巧语,现在是通过网络,特别是对一些防备心比较差的学生来说,被骗的可能性很大。网络贷款诈骗形势严峻。中学生没有经济收入,完全依靠父母提供零花钱和生活费,甚至生活费支撑不起学生的玩心,不法分子利用网络借贷平台诱骗学生进行借款消费,中学生头脑一热很容易上钩,最后由于高利息贷款无法定期偿还,不仅给家庭造成了严重的负债,也影响了学生的生活。这样的例子不胜枚举。因此我们学生一定要提高警惕,不要相信网上的任何贷款的机构,要将精力放在学习上,超出自己消费能力水平的消费是不可以的,应该变

武汉理工大学网络教育(函授)2018毛概作业2答案 -

一、单项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分) 1. 最早提出马克思主义中国化命题是,答:() A. 李大钊 B. 陈独秀 C. 毛泽东 D. 邓小平 2. 马克思主义中国化的基本要求是( ) A. 把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合 B. 把马克思主义同外国经验相结合 C. 反对教条主义和经验主义 D. 坚持调查研究和走群众路线 3. 毛泽东思想形成的时代条件是( ) A. 中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会 B. 帝国主义战争和无产阶级革命 C. 第一次世界大战的爆发 D. 中国工人阶级的成长壮大 4. 毛泽东思想达到成熟的标志是() A. 新民主主义理论科学体系的形成 B. 农村包围城市革命道路理论的形成 C. 新民主主义革命基本经验的提出 D. 毛泽东军事路线的完整形成

5. 邓小平理论形成和发展的时代特征是:答:() A. 和平与发展 B. 战争与革命 C. 社会主义建设 D. 第三世界兴起 6. “三个代表”重要思想的根本出发点和落脚点是() A. 实现社会主义现代化 B. 发展社会主义社会生产力 C. 发展社会主义民主,尊重和保障人权 D. 实现人民愿望.满足人民需要.维护人民利益 7. 贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的关键在于:() A. 坚持与时俱进 B. 坚持党的先进性 C. 坚持执政为民 D. 坚持发展是党执政兴国第一要务 8. 贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的本质在于:() A. 坚持与时俱进 B. 坚持党的先进性

C. 坚持执政为民 D. 坚持共同富裕 9. 马克思主义中国化的第一个重大理论成果是:() A. 毛泽东思想 B. 实事求是的思想路线 C. 邓小平理论 D. 中国共产党的指导思想 10. 在中国共产党历史上,最早提出要把马克思列宁主义基本原理同中国革命和建设的具体实际“第二 次结合”的是:() A. 毛泽东 B. 邓小平 C. 江泽民 D. 胡锦涛 11. 马克思主义中国化的第一次历史性飞跃产生的成果是() A. 毛泽东思想 B. 邓小平理论 C. “三个代表”重要思想 D. 科学发展观


词汇与结构(5题,10分) 88题中必有3题(重点是前45题) 1. Professor Smith promised to look B my paper , that is ,to read it carefully before the defence(答辩) A after B over C on D into 史密斯教授已经答应帮我看一下我的论文,这就是说要在答辩前在仔细看一下。 2. Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses A A in between B far apart C among them D from each other 我们家离火车站大概一英里左右,而且中间房子不多。 3. As the bus came round the corner , it ran A a big tree by the roadside . A into B on C over D up 汽车开到转角时撞到了路边的一棵大树 4. When Lily came home at . yesterday , her mother B dinner in the kitchen . A cooked B was cooking C cooks D has cooked 莉莉昨天五点钟回家时,她妈妈正在厨房里做晚饭。 5 Did you notice the guy C head looked like a big potato? A who B which C whose D whom 你注意到那个头看上去像个大土豆得家伙吗? 6. I don’t know the park ,but it’s A to be quite beautiful . A said B old C spoken D talked 我不了解这公园,但据说很美。 7 Mike is better than Peter B swimming. A for B at C on D in Mike比Peter更擅长游泳。 8 The young lady coming over to us A our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that ! A must be B can be C would be D could be 那个正朝我们走来的年轻女子肯定是我们的英语老师;她走路的样子就告诉我们了。 9 Had you come five minutes earlier, you B the train to Birmingham . But now you missed it . A should catch B would have caught C could catch D would catch 要是你早来五分钟,你就能赶上那班去伯明翰的火车了。但现在你错过了。 10 Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have C of fat A a large number of B the large number C a large amount D the large amount 尽管鸡蛋营养丰富,但它含有大量的脂肪。 11 The atmosphere C certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. A composes of B is made up C consists of D makes up of 大气是由多种气体以一定的比例混合而成的。 12 Neither John A his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A nor B or C but D and 约翰和他父亲都没能早点起来赶上早班火车。 13 The girl is B of a film star A somebody B something C anybody D anyone 这个女孩有点象位电影明星 14 Jane’s dress is similar in design C her sister’s A like B with C to D as 简的裙子和她妹妹的在设计上很相似。 15 His salary as a driver is much high than D A a porter B is a porter C as a porter D that of a porter 他当司机的薪水比当搬运工的薪水要高的多。 16 It’s time we D the lecture because everybody has arrived A will start B shall start C start D started 大家都到了,我们该开始讲课了。 17 C these honors he received a sum of money A Except B But C Besides D Outsides 除了这些荣誉,他还得到了一笔钱。 18 Would you let A to the park with my classmate , Mum? A me go B me going C I go D I going 妈妈,让我和同学一起去公园好吗? 19 Therefore , other things C equal, the member of workers that employers want decreases A is B are C being D having 因此,在其他方面都平等,但雇主需要的工人减少了。 20 I have been looking forward to D from my parents A hear B being heard C be heard D hearing 我一直盼望着收到父母的来信。 21 The manager will not D us to use his car A have B let C agree D allow 经理不准我们用他的车。 22 D her and then try to copy what she does A Mind B See C Start at D Watch 留心观察,然后照她的样子做。 23 Will you A me a favor ,please? A do B make C bring D give 你愿意帮我个忙吗? 24 It’s bad A for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. A behavior B action C manner D movement 对你来说在禁止吸烟的公共场所吸烟是一个坏的举止行为。 25 It’s a good idea. But who’s going to A the plan A carry out B get through C take in D set aside 这是个好主意。但谁去执行这个计划呢? 26 Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs D day A other B the other C the third D a third 两天时间他完成不了这项工作,还学要一天 27 The red flower goes from one to C in the class A the other B others C another D other 教室里,这朵红花从一个传到另一个。 28 The computer system A suddenly while he was searching for information on the internet. A broke down B broke out C broke up D broke in 在他上网查找资料的时候计算机系统突然瘫痪。 29 There’s lots of fruit D the tree . Our little cat is also in the tree. A in B at C under D on 树上长了许多果实。我们的小猫也在树上。 30 How can he B if he is not ? A listen ; hearing B hear ; listening C be listening ; heard D be hearing; listened to 如果他不听, 怎么能听到呢? 31 The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brian’s C . A money B pay C expense D loss 布朗教授在一家墨西哥餐厅请学生吃饭。 32 Tom ,what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a B and disorder. A mass B mess C guess D bus 汤姆,你拿你的文件在干什么?我从来没见到这么乱过。 33 If she wants to stay thin , she must make a A in her diet. A change B turn C run D go 如果她想保持身材(瘦),她必须在她的饮食中有所变化。 34 A the war of Independence, the United States was an English colony A Before B At C In D Between 在独立战争之前,美国是英国的殖民地。 35 No matter D the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely A it was snowing hard B hard it was snowing C how it was snowing hard D how hard it was snowing 不管雪下的多大,两个小姐妹还是安全地把羊拢起来赶回了家。
