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Module1Gettingtoknowyou Unit1Meetingnewpeople 生


twelvethirteenfourteenfifteensi xteen new

morning classmate her name sit afternoon his

句型:My/His/Her name is ... Nice to meet you. See you. He’s/She’s ...









单数形式:my 我的,your 你的,his/her/its 他的、她的、它的。 复数形式:our (我们的),your (你们的),their (他们的)。 Unit2Can you swim 生



flydrawreadwriteswimjump welcome

but skate dance cat mouse

bird rabbit fish elephant 句型:I/He/She/Kitty/My sister can... I/He/She can ’t … Can you/he/she … What can you/he/she do

Welcome to Super Show. A fish can swim. An elephant can ran fast.

语法:1.情态动词can 意思是“会,能”,表示会做某事。


否定句:主语+can+not+do(动词原形) 一

Canyou/he/she/theyrunfast 特


例如:Myfriendcanrideabicycle. Ican’t swim.

Mybrothercanhearthebird. Ican’tdrawflowers.

注:can 的否定有两种书写形式ca n’t 和cannot2.连词but But 是个表示转折关系的并列连词,意思是“但是,然而”。

例如:Icanrun,butIcan ’tswim.我会跑但是我不会游泳。

Mysistercansing,butshecan ’tdan ce.我妹妹会唱歌但是不会游 Unit3 Are you happy

生词:happy hungry thirsty sad fulltired bird see drink bottle a new kite look at have some water/biscuits. little stones drink the water very thirsty have a good idea 语法:I ’m/He/She/Peter is


Are you sad/tired Yes, I am/No,

I ’m mot. Is Kitty thirsty Yes, she is/No, she isn ’t.

Howdoyoufeel I’m/We’re... Module2Me, myfamilyandfriends Unit4Jill ’sfamily

生词: father mother parent brother sister uncle aunt grandfather

grandmothergrandparentmecousin a big family Uncle John ’s son Dan ’s father

语法:I have two cousins. I

don ’t have any cousins.

Doyouhave any...Yes, Ido. /No, Idon’t.

How old is your brother He is 11 years old.

Who is this/that This/That is my uncle/me.

Welcome to my home.

Is this your brother Yes, he is./No, he is n’t. Unit5My friends

生词:shirtT-shirtskirtshorts dress brown green red

white black blue pink yellow purple a pair of shorts orange get out tooth/teeth sharp a brown shirt fly a kite an orange dress ride a bike skate afraid

语法:I have a black T-shirt. He/Shehas apair of brown shorts Unit6My parents 生

doctornurseteacherstudentfirema ncookbusdriver

Jill ’s father kid help people fire play with

语法:Whatdoesyour father doHe/Sheis a fireman.

What do you/your parents do

I ’m/My father is a doctor. Is your sister a nurse Yes, she is/No, she isn ’t.

Don ’t play with fire. Yes, Mr Xu.

Are you afraid of fire No. I like my job.

Module3Placesandactivities Unit7Atschool

生词:school office busy computer many library try

Playground classroom toilet animal pupil forest first Climb trees teacher ’s office an animal school no classroom
