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Most Chinese cities close down after dinner, but Shanghai won’t go to sleep so early. Shanghai, once famous for its nightlife and culture, after decades of depression, starts to regain its former reputation. With the rapid development of its economy, Shanghai’s nightlife has actually become rich in the past two or three years. In the urban area, people can kill time at night by various means. Popular nightclubs mostly don’t close until 2am. Shanghai has various kinds of theaters, where plays, circus, traditional Chinese operas and concert are presented. Promoted by the development of first-class hotels, a large number of nightclubs, discos and karaoke lounges have emerged. People can play pool at an American bar, dance at a nightclub, and enjoy excellent wine and cigars in comfortable hotel lounges. However, although Shanghai’s nightlife is becoming mature, the western style entertainment the city can provide is still limited.

Peking Opera is regarded as national quintessence in China whose accompaniment, melodies and costumes are all highly artistic. Peking Opera is full of Chinese cultural elements. It is not exaggerating to say that Peking Opera is an encyclopedia of Chinese culture. As Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation than other local operas, nearly every province in China has its own Peking Opera troupes. Peking Opera is very popular in China, especially with the senior, and its fans are known as “piaoyou” in Chinese.

Peking Opera has a history of over 200 years. Though it is called Peking Opera, its main melodies were derived from “Xipi”melody in Anhui Province and “Erhuang”melody in Hubei Province. Later on, it borrowed techniques from many other local operas to become matured. It is generally accepted that Peking Opera was gradually formed after the four major Anhui opera troupes ventured into Beijing in 1790. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi, Peking Opera was once financed by the court and developed very quickly. Later it gradually became popular with the common people.

Nanjing Yunjin Brocade is one of the Three Well-known Brocades in China. Its production might stretch back to the times of the Three Kingdoms. Yunjin derives its name from its gorgeous colors and designs, which are like the splendid clouds in the sky. It used to be among the articles of tribute to the imperial families during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The handicrafts made of Yunjin show a unique style of magnificence. The theme is usually traditional Chinese designs like dragon, phoenix and peony. They are gorgeous and elegant, highly ornamental, and rich in Chinese flavor. Therefore, they are very popular both at home and abroad.

Yunjin skills represent the summit of hand weaving in human society, but today there are not more than 50 people in the world who master the art of Yunjin. This is because Yunjin skills are extremely sophisticated. Today, it is still impossible to handle them on electric looms. Nanjing Yunjin has always been woven on the old traditional looms, which demands the coordinated efforts of two workers. A whole day’s joint labor of two workers can produce only 5 centimeters of Yunjin. Hence the saying “an
