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MATLAB 第二次作业易错点


2. Using plot to display the following voltage with appropriate line type, title and labels. Also present the graph with suitable ranges of axis.

ft e t v t π2sin 220)(5-=

where f =50 Hz.

In addition, on the same graph, draw the envelope of the oscillation and add legends.

共同错误:没有理解题意,本题不仅要画出所给的函数的曲线图,还需要画出曲线外围的包络线。包络线画法提示: ()v t 函数可以分为1()v t =5220t e -与2()v t =sin 2ft π两个函数的乘积,v 值的变化与这两个函数同时有关,可以观察包络线是1()v t 的曲线,而两条包络线恰好基于0v =对称。

6.Load 2 of your photos into Matlab WorkSpace using imread. a) Change brightness locally or globally. b) Overlap them to produce a new photo. c) write a new photo into a file using imwrite. (Note: lower version of Matlab such as 6.5 is not allowed to do some direct image operations.)

共同错误:a,b 部分都没有什么问题,c 部分很多同学没明白是什么意思,老师的意思应该是使用imwrite 命令将读入的图片进行不同格式处理后存入新的文件中,例如: imgrgb = imread ('flower.jpg ');

imwrite(imgrgb, 'flower.bmp ', 'bmp'); % jpg 格式转换为bmp 格式


7. For linear simultaneous equations


N MN M M N N N N b x a x a x a b x a x a x a b x a x a x a =+++=






the equation coefficients:

A=[ 1 -1 4 3

-5 4 5 -6

0 7 -8 9

-1 3 -2 6]; (M=N)

a) Find the determinant of A,

b) Find the inverse of A and check for matrix singularity,

c) If B=[ 5; 1; -2; 3], find the unknown x in the equation 。

共同错误:b 题很多同学不明白如何检查矩阵是否奇异,其实在线性代数课上,老师有讲过的哦,一个函数就可以判断了,()cond A 如果非常大,则A 是奇异的。如果是一个具体的小些的数,则A 是非奇异的,如本题算出结果是16.4,是非奇异的。

8. For linear simultaneous equations,

M N MN M M N N N N b x a x a x a b x a x a x a b x a x a x a =+++=







M>N, the equation coefficients:

A=[ 1 -1 4 3

-5 4 5 -6

0 7 -8 9

-1 3 -2 6

1 -

2 5 3

0 4 7 -3];

a) Find the determinant of A’*A,

b) Find the inverse of A’*A and check for matrix singularity,

c) If B=[ 5; 1; -2; 3; 4; 0], find the solution of the equation.

共同错误:同上题,而检查矩阵是否奇异时,应对('*)cond A A 进行判断。

9.Data of 10 records are shown below

y=[3.5 4.3 3.7 5.4 6.6 7.3 8.7 8.8 9.4 9.0 10.0 12.0 11.3 9.9 13.3],

Use polyfit with different orders (from 1 to 3) of polynomials to find a curve of best fit. Check the total distance between the fitted curve z and records defined by

()2/12⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=∑i i i y z s .


()2/12⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=∑i i i y z s 计算出每一种拟合的误差。并根据误差值给出最

佳的拟合方式。 PART B

2. A three phase induction motor characteristic is given in terms of mechanical shaft output torque M T (NM Newton-meter) as a function of rotational speed ω (rad/s radian per second). This is approximated by 3 piece-wise linear equations as follows:
