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4. 第一次看见你时,我就意识到好像以前在 哪里见过你。 The first time I saw you, I realized I seemed to have met you somewhere before. 5. 老师一进教室,学生么就假装在读书。 The moment the teacher entered the classroom, the students pretended to be reading.
1. 展览从6月15日开始。 The show will start from June 15th. 2. 我校摄影俱乐部将举办国际中学生摄影 展。 Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School Student Photography Show. 3. 摄影展的主题是保护环境。 The theme of the show is environmental protection.
4. 自从你来到我们学校已经两周了。 It is two weeks since you came to our school. 5. 他边笑边站起来。 He smiled as he stood up.

As we all know, there are no short cuts to learning English. 2. 首先,我们绝不会忘记和你们一起学习与生活 的幸福情景,这会使我们在以后的生活中受益匪 浅。 Firstly, we will never forget those happy scenes of studying and living together with you, which will benefit us a lot in the future.
4. 那便是他如此喜欢这个地方的原因。 That is why he likes the place so much. 5. 我喜欢它的第一个原因是它的绿色。 The first reason why I like it is its green color. 6. 多数人坚定地持有这样一种观点,即 教育能改变人的命运。 Most people hold the view that education can change one’s fate.
1.只要我们紧密团结,就能克服这些困难。 We can surely overcome these difficulties as long as we are closely united. 2. 假如没有纯净的水,我们喝什么呢? Supposing that there is no clean water, what shall we drink? 3. 过了很长时间我才睡着。 It was a long time before I went to sleep again.
1.当我把答案给老师看的时候,老师表扬我具有 独立思考能力。 When my showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my independent thinking. 2. 我会把这本书借给你,前提是你不把它弄脏。 I will lend this book to you on condition that you keep it clean. 3. 每次想起那伤感的往事时,我就觉得非常对不 起我的母亲。 Every time I think of the sad experience, I feel very sorry for my mother.
6.我觉得义工活动非常有意义,我受益良 多 I consider it very meaningful to do the voluntary work and I get a lot out of it.
废。 We can’t leave such an important matter unfinished. 2.我多次听到有人唱这首英文歌。 I heard the English song sung many times. 3.当被提供帮助的时候,人们常说谢谢。 When offered help, people often say “Thank you.”
4.我希望这个改变不会给你带来太多麻烦。 I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.
5.8:30在学校门口集合,你方便吗? Do you think it convenient to meet at 8:30 outside the school gate?
3. 据我所知,这就是那次大火烧毁的房间之一。 As far as I know, this is one of the rooms that were damaged in the fire. 4. 玛丽是这些最年轻的姑娘中唯一一个参加乐 队伴奏的。 Mary is the only one of the youngest girls who plays in the band. 5. 他并不像看上去那样友好。 He is not such a friendly person as he looks. 6. 她知道,他的感受和她的一样。 She knew he felt just the same as she did.
规范使用复合句 (1)名词性从句 1.不知道能否请您帮我个忙。 I wonder if you could do me a favor. 2. 最使我印象深刻的是他们从不丧失信心。 What impressed me most was that they never lost faith. 3. 重要的是你应该精通英语。 It is important that you should be good at English.

4.完成了英语作文后,他开始阅读中国日 报。 Having finished his English composition, he started to read China Daily of that day. 5.他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上名列前 茅。 He became a top student in his class by doing more homework.