







3.答选择题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,



第一卷 选择题(共40分)


从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答卷纸上将该项涂黑。

1. This is what Andy wrote just now. Maybe he is

going to ___________.

A. fix something

B. prepare a meal

C. buy some gifts

D. do some sports

2. Three-leaf Garden, which is about 20 kilometers

south of Yongyang, is full of visitors ___________ early April.

A. on

B. for

C. at

D. in 3. —We have some exchange students at school. I heard ___________ singing a Chinese folk song

this morning.

—Really? It seems they are interested in Chinese culture.

A. they

B. them

C. themselves

D. their

4. —Are you going to take part in the writing competition?

—Why not? I have ___________ to lose, right?

A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

D. everything 5. A ccording to Forbes, Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezo s ia now the ___________ person in the world.

A. wealthiest

B. wealthier

C. wealthy

D. most wealth 6. —Some say drinking coffee can cause cancer.

—Well, coffee drinking hasn’t been show n to ___________ your risk of cancer.

A. invite B . introduce

C. imagine

D. increase 7. A ship is safe if it stays in a harbour. But this is not ___________ it is built. A. what B . how

C. why

D. where 8. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats A.takes off B.is taking off C.has taken off

D.took off 9. —I'm tired out these days.

—Well, you'd better keep a ________ between work and play.

A. promise

B. diary

C. balance

D. secret

10. —He may be in the classroom ,I think.

—No,he ___________ be in the classroom ,I saw him go home just now.

A. needn ’t

B. mustn ’t

C. can ’t

D. shouldn ’t

11.—You watched the fashion show last week, didn ’t you?

— Yes, ______ I missed the beginning.

A. or

B. so

C. and

D. but

12. In an English dictionary, which word comes before “toothache ”? A. while B. teeth C. trust

D. uniform 13.Li Ao, one of my favourite Chinese writer, ___________ earlier this year. He was a man who

was never afraid of any power.

A. passed down

B. passed on

C. passed off

D. passed away 14. On April Fools ’ Day, we play jokes on friends. The jokes and their victims __________ April Fools.

A. call

B. are calling

C. called

D. are called

15. —Why did you take part in the charity walk? You are not good at running at all.

— __________. I run to show that I can help others.

A. I can’t agree more

B. That’s not the point

C. Not exactly

D. It sounds like a pity 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A 、B 、C 、D )中,选出可以填入空白


As the world has become a global village(地球村), there are many ways to learn about a

through statistics (数据).

Bank and Guinness (吉尼斯

)World Records. Then, they made a world map based on these statistics

dogs a year. That’s about 70 hot dogs per person each year.

务员) robots and even human like ones, are invented by Japanese companies. This is a

country Other countries with interesting titles include Canada, who sells the most maple syrup (枫糖

浆), New Zealand that 23

the most sheep, and South Koreans are mostly workaholics (工作


person. It is a good idea to surround yourself in its culture and history.

16. A. instructions B. choices

C. problems

D.challenges 17. A. creates

B. produces

C. collects

D. introduces

18. A. what

B. how

C. when

D. why 19. A. given

B. seen

C. made

D. taken 20. A. high B. many C. few D. large 21. A. types

B. uses

C. shapes

D. sizes 22. A. shortly

B. quickly

C. simply

D.widely 23. A. raises

B. grows

C. plants

D. holds 24. A. Otherwise

B. Therefore


D.However 25. A. useful B. perfect C. interesting D. friendly 三、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 、D )中,选出最佳选项。


Word Bank: Update 更新 Unfortunately: 不幸的是entry: 进入

26. Where will the students finally go in the afternoon?

A. The city center.

B. The park.

C. St Fagans National History Museum.

D. The Science and Technology Museum.


How much should each student pay for the school trip?

A. $20

B. $15

C. $10

D. It’s for free.

28. The second notice is supposed (为了) to _________.

A. further explain the details

B. tell students about changes in the plan

C. tell students the date

D. repeat the plan for the school trip


Thirteen-year-old Sophie had been bullied (欺凌) at school

for over two years. She had had her keys and mobile phone

stolen. She had also been knocked off her bicycle, kicked and

punched(以拳重击). She tried to fight back, but it always

seemed to be her, not the bullies, who got into trouble.

Her headmaster encourages students to look after one another. He encouraged Sophie to play the guitar in a school concert. It gave Sophie new confidence and earned her respect from the other students.

Sadly, Sophie’s story is not rare. Bullying is always around us. They can take many forms. And there are new bullies. Cyber (网络的) bullies can be harder to avoid and harder to catch. It is too easy to send a nameless threat by text, or post something insulting (侮辱的) on social media. Yet the results can be serious for the victim.

But help is out there. There are many charities and organizations giving support to young people. R emember one very important piece of advice: If you are being bullied, don’t put up with it – tell someone.

29. In the beginning, Sophie found it __________ to fight back when she was bullied.

A. important

B. easy

C. helpful

D. difficult

30. We can infer(推断) from the article that cyber bullies__________?

A. can be harder to stay away from

B. are less serious than school bullies

C. have a long history

D. are a result of school bullies

31. The writers starts to talk about the topic of bullies by __________.

A. explaining what bullies are

B. giving an example

C. discussing how common it is

D. mentioning ways to fight


A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.And while she held him, she sang: I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always,

As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

The little boy grew. He grew until he was nine years old. And he never wanted to come in for dinner, he never wanted to take a bath, and when grandma visited, he always said bad words. Sometimes


mother wanted to sell him to the zoo!

The boy grew. He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music. Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo!

That teenager grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man. He left home and got a house across town.

Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day she called up her son and said, "You'd better come to see me because I'm very old and sick."

So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song:

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always,

But she couldn't finish because she was too old and sick.

The son went to his mother. He held her in his arms very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he sang this song:

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always,

As long as I'm living, my Mommy you'll be.

32. This story is about ___________.

A. mother and son

B. father and son

C. mother and daughter

D. father and daughter

33. From the underlined sentence, we can know that the boy might _________ when young.

A. make much trouble

B. have good manners

C. showed love properly

D. showed gift in sports

34. T he underlined phrase “As long as” means similar to ___________?

A. since

B. if

C. while

D. though

35. Which of the following is NOT True according to this article?

A. The boy's mother sold him to the zoo when he was nine years old.

B. The boy had strange friends when he was a teenager.

C. The boy didn't live with his mother when he grew up.

D. The return to showed his love for his mom in the end.


Housework is an endless argument between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives, but women are warned not to expect men to share housework any time soon.

A study from Oxford University has found it seems impossible for men to be doing an equal share of housework before 2050. Mothers will continue to shoulder the burden(负担) of childcare and housework for the next forty years, largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still thought of to be “women’s work”.

The gap(鸿沟) has narrowed slowly over the past 40 years. Women expect true equality(平等). But what makes them down is that it will take another forty years before it is achieved.

The research found that in the northern Europe, the burden of housework is shared more equally between men and women. In the UK, a woman spends around four hours and forty minutes each day on housework, compared with two hours and twenty-eight minutes for men. This is an improvement from the 1960s, when British women typically(典型地) spent six hours a day on housework, while men spent just 90 minutes every day.

But progress towards housework equality appears to be slowing in some countries. Dr Oriel Sullivan,a research reader, said, “we’ve looked at w hat is influencing the equality in the home, and we have found that certain tasks seem to be given according to whether they are viewed as ‘men’s work’ or ‘women’s work’.”

Dr Sullivan said cultural attitudes(态度) taught at school may decide the views of housework. “At school it is much easier for a girl to be a tomboy, but it is much more difficult for a boy to enjoy cooking and dancing,” she said.

36. Women will continue to do more housework before 2050 mainly because _________.

A. men are too busy to help

B. they would like to do so

C. they can do better

D. it is considered as women’s work

37. The underlined “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to (指代) ___________.

A. the research

B. true housework

C. true equality

D. the gap

38. From Paragraph 4 we know that in the UK ___________.

A. men now spend just 90 minutes a day on housework on average

B. women now are too busy with their work to do housework

C. women now spend less time on housework than before

D. housework is shared equally between men and women

39. _____________ is mentioned in the last two paragraphs(段) of the article.

A. What men think of housework

B. How much housework women spend on housework

C. W hat influences people’s v iew of housework

D. Why men should share housework

40. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Argument about housework between husbands and wives will end.

B. Women will be doing more housework than men until 2050.

C. Men are unable to help their wives with housework.

D. Women spend less time on housework while men spend more than before.



A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41~45的相应位置上。

41.Some foreigners like to ▲ (给) themselves funny Chinese names. For example, a friend of mine call himself “Hao Lihai”.

42. As the sun shines brightly, everything returns to life when ▲ (春天) comes.

43. Huang Zichang is a rising star in the CSL. A bright ▲ (未来) is waiting for him.

44. There is nothing good in war, ▲ (除了) its ending.

45. Fang Ping is spoken ▲ (高度地) of by all the students’ parents.

B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46~50的相应位置上。

46.In the movie,a bad person is actually a wolf in a ▲ (sheep) coat.

47. ▲ (cross) Yuxiu Road and wait for the bus at that bus stop.

48. The trade war will cut both ▲ (way). It should be avoided.

49. Today is warm and ▲ (sun) ,it is good for a trip.

50. ---Could you tell me how ▲ (succeed) in making a speech in front of people?

---Be confident.

C) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,


M: Do you know who the compass(指南针) was invented by?

W: Of course. It was invented by 51 , right?

M: Exactly. And you know when it was first invented?

W: No. But I know there were written 52 of South-pointing Fish in the Song Dynasty.

M: That’s true. People in the 10th century began to use an instrument called South-pointing Fish to show 53 .

W: How did it work?

W: It wasn’t the first recorded compass, wasn’t it?

M: No, of course not. “Sinang” appeared much earlier, in the Warring States Period(战国).

W: So the history of compass 55 to over 2000 years ago.


A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56~65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的



Eco-friendly(环保) rain gardens have beautiful flowers, Array trees and other plants that beautify the community. They are also

healthy for the environment and the people living and working

nearby. A rain garden is not very different from a traditional

garden, It is just far more eco-friendly. Usually it is built lower

than the ground.

Why Eco-friendly Rain Gardens Are Recommended

Rain gardens smartly used rain and storm water by temporarily(暂时) holding water from rain and storms and letting it soak(渗透) slowly into the ground before it runs into streams or enters the public drinking water supply. In this way, a rain garden keeps the water, allowing it to be used as needed by plants in the rain garden, rather than flowing(流) directly into nearby streams and going unused, The water will soak. Slowly into the ground within a day or two. This creates an advantage that the rain garden does not allow mosquitoes(蚊子) to breed(繁殖). This is a simple, attractive, and eco-friendly “green” way to treat storm water.

What's more, planting a rain garden helps cut down on pollution and make the environment better. The gardens don’t use expensive machinery and chemicals. They remove harmful chemicals in the rainwater and reduce the amount of pollution reaching streams and rivers by up to 30%.

How You Build Your Own Rain Gardens

Native(本地的) plants are recommended for rain gardens because they are more used to the local climate(气候), soil, and water conditions. They may attract local wildlife such as native birds. Water your rain garden right after planting and once a week. Don’t water it if you have had at least an inch of rain during the week. You needn’t take much care of it o nce the plants have a necessary root system(根系统).

Often, local governments and private businesses develop large rain gardens in their yards and in public parks. However, you can do your own part. You don't need to be an environmental

engineer to create a rain garden. Just start by building smaller rain gardens in your yards.

B) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66~75的相应位置上。

Leonardo da Vinci's(达芬奇) mother may have been a Chinese slave(奴隶) according to a new research by an Italian -Angelo Paratico. He has spent the last 20 years living and working in Hong Kong, researching the links(联系) b 66 his homeland and China.

It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci's mother was named Caterina, who, according to some reports, was a local farmer. But Mr. Paratico's new work leads to a d 67 explanation.

Speaking to the South China Morning Post, Mr. Paratico said, “I am s68 that Leonardo's mother was from the East, but to make her a Chinese, we need to use a deductive method (演绎法).”

Angerlo Paratico has s 69 many documents(文献). He found that one wealthy friend of Leonardo's father’s had a slave called Caterina. After Leonardo's date of b 70 , she disappeared from the documents. “She was no longer working there and could not be found,” Paratico a 71 . Supporting his opinion, he said, “During the period, countries like Italy and Spain were f 72 of slaves from the East.”

He said that there were certain aspects(方面) of Da Vinci's life and works which suggest a Chinese link. An e 73 is that he was writing with his left hand from left to right. And he was a vegetarian(素食者), which was not common. Mona Lisa(蒙娜丽莎) is probably a picture of his mother. On the back of Mona Lisa, there is a Chinese landscape and e 74 her face looks Chinese.

Mr. Paratico said the only way to s 75 the mystery is to extract(提取) some DNA. But he said he preferred to let the mystery to remain mysterious.


假设你是Sunshine Middle School的Andy,你校最近开办了一个“英语角”,你想邀请你班上的澳洲交换生Peter参加,请你结合下列的海报,写一封邮件给他。

Time: 3:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday & Friday

Place: Room 203 in Boai Building

Games, music and movies are waiting!

Come and join us into a world of fun and friendship!

Let’s talk about and talk IN English!



2. 字数80词左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入字数。

3. 邮件中不得出现有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如班级名、人名等。

Dear Peter,

Would you like to come to the newly-opened English corner with me?

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply.



1-5 BDBAA 6-10 DCBCC 11-15 DBDDB

16-20 BCAAB 21-25 ADADB

26-30 CCBDA 31-35 BAABA 36-40 DCCCB

四、A. 41. give 42. spring 43. future 44. except 45. highly

B. 46. sheep’s 47. Cross 48. ways 49. sunny 50. to succeed

C. 51. the ancient Chinese 52. records 53. directions 54. put into 55. goes back

五、A. 56. built 57. Advantages 58. smart 59. entering 60. prevent/stop/keep

61. improve 62. without 63. wildlife 64. unless 65.engineer

六、B 66. between 67. different 68. sure 69. studied /searched70. birth

71. added 72. full 73. example 74. even 75. solve


Dear Peter,

Would like to come to the newly-opened English corner with me?

The English corner is in Room 203 in the Art Buiding. It will be open from 3: 30 to 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday. We can talk about many interesting things in English. Of course, we can talk about learning English.

It will be a good chance for us to share our love for English. At the same time, we can make friends with students who have similar interests. I think many students will be waiting to communicate with there.

Please reply soon. I am looking forward to going there with you and I am sure we will have great fun together.




辽宁省锦州市2009年初中毕业生学业水平考试 英语试题 (考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分) 第一部分语言知识运用(共6O分) I.单项选择(共20分) A)情境交际从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母填在答题卡的相应位置。(共5分,每小题1分) 1.--________ --Not bad. A.How old are they B.Judy doesn't like thrillers at a11. C.Where do you have breakfast D.What do you think of the salad 2.--_________ --No.What terrible weather! --Yeah.Rain again. A.Not very nice weather, is it B.How are you today C.What's the weather like today D.Is it terrible weather 3.--Would you like all ice—cream Or some bread perhaps --______,please. --Just a minute. A.I choose neither B.Ice-cream C.Thanks D.Bring me bread 4.--This suitcase is really heavy, and my back is giving me a lot of trouble! --That's very kind of you. A.You're welcome.B.Never mind. C.Certainly.D.Shall I carry it 5.--I’m not sure what to do this evening.Any ideas --Good idea. A.How about going to the cinema B.I agree. C.You never go shopping.D.You mustn't go to the park. B)基础知识运用从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母填在答题卡的相应位置。(共15分,每小题1分) 6.She lay down on her bed and shut her eyes.Here ‘shut’ means ________.


初中毕业考试 英语试卷 第二部分 笔试部分 (90分) Ⅳ 单项选择 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出可以填入相 --- Morning, teacher. ________. A. The same to you. B. You, too. C. Thank you. D. I ’m sorry I can ’t. 22. --- I don ’t think teenagers should drive cars. --- _______. They aren ’t serious enough. A. I agree B . I don ’t agree C. I think D. I don ’t think 23. ---If there are ______ people driving , there will be ______ air pollution. --- Yes, the air will be fresher. 。 A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 24. ---There are many volunteers ______ are helping the children in Sichuan. --- And most of them are college students. A. which B. when C. whose D . who 25. --- You always spend only a little time on your study. You really _____ me down. --- I ’m sorry, Mum. I won ’t do that again. A. take B. put C. let D. look 26. --- Can you_____ your little brother I’m busy now. --- OK. I’ll do it right now. A. wear B. put on C. dress D. in % 27. --- All the clerks went home _____ Mr. Wang. Why --- Because he had to finish his work. A. except B . besides C. without D. beside Some of the plastic bags can ’t ______ after June1. --- Yes, people will use environmental bags instead. A. use B. be use C. be used D. are used 29. ---_____you _____ out the problem, Sam --- Not yet, but I’m going to. A. Did, work B. Are, working C. Have, worked D. Will , work 30. --- Could you tell me _____ ; --- Because she likes her students very much.


初中毕业生学业考试 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷共10页。全卷满分96分。考试时间为120分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。 考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再 将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净 后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。 选择题(共45分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.---Do you know Mo Yan? ---Of course. He won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature _________ the age of 57. A. in B. at C. on D. to 2.---_________ film do you prefer, Lost in Thailand or Life of Pi, Madee? ---Lost in Thailand. I like comedies because they often make me laugh. A. What B. Whatever C. whose D. Which 3.---Why are you so excited today? ---We were told _________ a picnic this weekend. A. have B. to have C. having D. had 4.Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s just not very _______. A. patient B. talented C. popular D. powerful 5.---Finish your homework __________ you can’t play computer games, Jim. ---All right, Mum. A. but B. till C. and D. or 6.Mr White, the principal, has made a great _________ to the growth of the school. A. contribution B. progress C. invention D. protection 7.There __________ still some apple juice in the fridge. It’s not necessary for us to go to the supermarket now. A. was B. were C. is D. are 8.---Millie, where is Miss Li? ---She _________ a speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall. A. gives B. gave C. is giving D. has given 9.---__________ weather it is! We can’t go boating on the Xuanwu Lake. ---Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Science Museum instead. A. What good B. How good C. How bad D. What bad 10.---Hi, guys. How was your party yesterday? ---Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed __________.


20XX年中学测试 中 学 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期:

20XX年锦州市中考英语试题 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分120分+3分奖励分。 语言知识运用部分(共35分) I.选择填空从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母填到题前括号内(共15 分,每小题1分 ( )1.If you want to sell your old house,why not put an _________in the newspaper? A. e-mail B. advertisement C. article D. advice ( )2.--Is this your dictionary,Jack? --Yes,it's _________.Thank you for helping me find it. A. mine B. hers C. his D. yours ( )3. People in different countries behave _________ when they eat dinner. A. politely B. differently C. healthily D. quietly ( )4. The rules at my house are_________. I'm allowed to choose my own clothes. A. relaxed B. strict C. rude D. successful ( )5.I was _________the drawing and bought it for 300 yuan. A. good at B. bad at C. interested in D. terrified of ( )6.In Picture _________we can see a dog behind the box. ( )7.Don't worry. _________you as soon as I finish my work. A. help B. will help C. helped D. was helping ( )8.That tall boy _________be John. John is medium height. A. mustn’t B. must C. can’t D. might ( )9.We have to _________our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain. A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put down


英语中考试卷附参考答案 第一卷(选择题,共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. – Excuse me, may I use your bicycle? ______ is broken. -- Certainly. But remember to return it before lunch. A. I B. Me C. Myself D. Mine 2. Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened ______ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year. A. on B. at C. in D. to 3. -- _______ are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy ? -- To learn about different styles of school uniform. A. What B. Where C. Why D. Which 4. I was looking for a birthday gift for my mother, but I couldn’t find ______ suitable. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 5. – Simon, what do I need to take for the hiking? --You’d better ________ more water than usual. It’s hot today. A. to take B. take C. taking D. took 6. -- ____ brave Zhang Hua is! --Yes. He helped his neighbour, Mrs. Sun out of the fire. A. What a B. How C. .How a D.What 7. ______ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face. A. Because B. If C. Until D. Though 8. – Lily, why are you still here? School is over for half an hour. -- Because I ______ my task yet. I still need one more hour. A. won’t finish B. didn’t finish C. haven’t finished D. hadn’t finished 9. --- Yesterday Tommy walked past my table and ______ my bowls and dishes. --- He should be careful next time. A. knocked off B. took off C. showed off D. turned off 10. – David, could you tell me _________? -- Every four years. A. when the 2014 World Cup will finish B. how often the World Cup takes place C. how many teams take part in the World Cup D. who may score the most goals in the World Cup 11. – Do you enjoy Han Lei’s songs? -- Yes. He is the winner of I’m Singer II. I can’t think of anyone with a ______ voice. A. better B. best C. more D. most 12. We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort. A. requires B. reduces C. removes D. repeats 13. We’re sure that the environment in our city ______ greatly through our work in the near future. A. improved B. was improved C. has improved D. will be improved 14. –The documentary A Bite Of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? -- ______. A. I think so B. Pretty good C. It’s my pleasure D. All right


2018年中考英语试题及答案 考生须知: 1.本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 听力部分(20分) 一、听对话回答问题(共5小题,计10分) 听下面一段对话,回答第1和第2两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两题。 01. Why did Patrick move out? A. Because his apartment building was noisy. B. Because he couldn't pay for the apartment. C. Because his new apartment is cheaper. 02. What do the two speakers think of Patrick's moving out? A. He's made a wrong decision. B. He's made a right decision. C. He s made a strange decision. 听下面一段对话,回答第3至第5个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三题。 03. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Steve's problem. B. The man speaker's problem. C. The woman speaker's problem. 04. How many reports did the boss ask Steve to write in three days? A. Two. B. Three. C. Only one. 05. Who can help Steve with his work? A. Steve himself. B. The woman speaker. C. His boss. 二、听独白完成表格(共5小题,计10分) 听下面一段独白,独白后有一张有5处空白的表格和5个相关的选项。请从每处A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听独白前,你有25秒钟的时间阅读这张表格和5个选项。听完独白后,你有25秒钟的时间来选择有关选项。 三、单项填空(15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 11. Mr Smith always gives me ___ hand when I am in trouble. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 12. You ___ open the door before the train gets into the station. A. don't have to B. mustn't C. needn't D. may not 13. It was a very long day for Jack. He didn't get home from school ____ six o'clock. A. since B. to C. by D. until 14. Excuse me, waiter. We're leaving. Can you bring me the ____ , please? A. money B. note C. bill D. list 15. —Those eggs of different colours are very beautiful. —Yes, they ______ in Hangzhou. A. painted B. were painting C. were painted D. had painted 16. —Have you decided which you'd like to buy, the black skirt or the pink skirt? —Of the two, the pink one is . A. the nicest B. the nicer C. nice D. nicer 17. I never seem to lose any weight, hard I try. A. even though B. no matter how C. as if D. ever since


南京市2015年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 选择题(共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. In the picture, the chair is ______ the table. A. under B. on C. above D. beside 2. Everyone makes mistakes in his or her life. The important thing is not to repeat ______. A. it B. them C. him D. her 3. --- Why didn’t Peter ______ his homework? --- He said he had lost his workbook. I think it’s an excuse. A. does B. doing C. do D. did 4. Pukou Railway Station ______ in 1911 and it has become a filming location for films and TV plays in recent years. A. build B. is built C. built D. was built 5. --- What would you like to drink? --- I’m very thirsty. ______ you can get. Just get it now. A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Other things 6. This kind of plant is ______ seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find. A. commonly B. always C. seldom D. easily 7. Lisa was still very w eak when she left hospital. But after a week’s rest, she felt much ______ and went back to school. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse 8. --- I saw David in the teachers’ office this morning. Do you know ______ she was there? --- She went there to hand in his homework. A. how B. whether C. when D. why 9. It’s important for us to protect nature because we ______ its rich resources to live. A. depend on B. leave for C. give up D. lead to 10. --- Mom, must I go shopping with you? --- No, you ______. You can watch the film Big Hero 6 with your friends. A. needn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t 11. You’d better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide _____ you want to know more about its culture. A. unless B. until C. although D. if 12. --- What’s wrong with Simon? He isn’t at school today. --- His legs hurt. He was ______ by a motorcycle this morning. A. treated B. hit C. operated D. cured 13. --- When will Uncle Sam come to see us? --- He’ll visit us this weekend. He ______ me that by mail. A. told B. is told


绵阳市2019年中考英语试题及答案说明:1.全卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请将答案写在答题卡上,否则不给分。 一、听力测试(25分) I. 听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) 1. A.It was great. B. Not at all. C. I think so. 2. A.For three years. B. Three years ago. C. It was wonderful. 3. A.Very much. B. He ca n’t stand it. C. Reading English novels. 4. A.About two weeks. B. Twice a month. C. In a week. 5. A. Sorry to hear that. B. It’s OK. C. Good luck. II. 听简短对话和对话后的问题, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 6. A. Pop music CDs. B. Country music CDs. C. Rock music CDs. 7. A. China. B. Canada. C. America. 8. A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. In the movie theatre. 9. A. Soccer club. B. Volleyball club. C. Basketball club. 10.A. He’ll stay at home. B. He’ll go to the park. C. He ca n’t decide. III.听描述,选出与其相符的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5分) A B C D E F 11.________ 12.________ 13.________ 14.________ 15.________ IV. 听较长对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,作答第16至17小题。 16. Where is Mike’s hometown? A. In Sanya. B. In Shanghai. C. In Beijing. 17. When are Mary’s family planning to visit Hainan Island? A. During the winter holiday.


南京市2020年初中学业水平考试 英语 (全卷满分90分,考试时间90分钟) 选择题(共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1.We still know little about the Moon men have landed on it.() A.if B.since C.although D.because 2.China's efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 will the world's ability to limit the harm in the near future.() A.imagine B.invent C.insist D.improve 3.Sorry,you can't take the dictionary away,Vicky.I it.() A.used B.am using C.have used D.was using 4.Jenny just wondered Angela already knew about the event.() A.how soon B.how many C.how often D.how much 5.By the time she was eight,Linda read English and French.() A.could B.must C.need D.may 6.When Henry first came to Nanjing in 2010,it was all to him,but he soon learnt his way around.() A.smooth B.slight C.strange D.successful 7.What a terrible experience! ,lucky us,we are safe now.() A.Anyway B.Otherwise C.For example D.As a result 8.The poster says Basketball Computer Game_____________.() A.is designed by Jack B.is only suitable for younger players C.is almost new and in good condition D.does not work on the seller's computer 9.Nanjing Zijinshan Insect Museum,which will be open to the public soon,was formed at the foot of Zhongshan April 2nd.() A.in B.on C.at D.from 10.How delicious! Did the students make the fruit salad all by ?() A.they B.them C.their D.themselves 11.---Which bicycle should I choose,sir? ---It what you want to use it for.() A.takes on B.carries on C.puts on D.depends on


2018 年英语中考试题及答案 第I卷 I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1、A.Nice to meet you, too. B. Thank you. C. Goodbye. 2、A.Don’t worry! B. Good idea! C.Hurry up! 3、A. You’re welcome. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Take your time. 4、A.That’s right. B.Take it easy. C. With pleasure. 5、A.Sorry, I won’t. B. Well done. C. Here you are. 6、A.Never mind! B. What a pity! C. Have a good time! 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 7、A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. 8、A. Grace. B. Alice. C. Paul. 9、A.In the library. B. In the museum. C. In the classroom. 10、A. Math. B. Chinese. C. Science. 11、A. Clever and lovely. B. Friendly and lovely. C. Friendly and clever. 12、A. At 8:00. B. At 9:00. C. At 10:00. 第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)


2020年江苏省南京市中考英语试卷(解析版) (共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分、满分15分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1、Here is Nancy’s plan for one week during her summer holiday、 What kind of plan is this? A、 A party plan、 B、 A trip plan、 C、 An exercise plan D、 An eating plan 【分析】 这是南希在暑假期间的计划、这是哪类计划? 【解答】 答案: C、考查英文常识、句意:这是南希在暑假期间的计划、这是哪类计划?根据图片中的内容周一到周日,有游泳、打篮球、网球、可知这是一份锻炼计划、故选

C、 【点评】 根据所给图片的内容以及具体语境进行分析,作答、2、Look! There ________ a photo of our English teacher in today’s newspaper! A、 is B、 are C、 have D、 has 【分析】 看!今天的报纸上有一张我们英语老师的照片、 【解答】 答案: A、在there be句型中,be动词的单复数应用就近原则(即要看后面的名词来判断),如果这个名词是可数名词的单数或者不可数名词,就用be的单数is;如果这个名词是复数就用be的复数are;根据a photo of our English teacher in todays newspaper、谓语动词靠近a photo,是单数,而且句子叙述的是现在的情况,时态应该用一般现在时,所以be动词为单数is、故选 A、 【点评】


江苏省南京市20XX年中考英语试题(word版,含解 析) 江苏省南京市英语试卷 一、单选题(共15小题) 1.In the picture, the chair is ______ the table. A.under B.on C.above D.beside 2.Everyone makes mistakes in his or her life.The important thing is not to repeat ______. A.it B.them C.him D.her 3.—Why didn’t Peter ______ his homework? — He said he had lost his workbook.I think it’s an excuse. A.does B.doing C.do D.did 4.Pukou Railway Station ______ in 1911 and it has become a filming location for films and TV plays in recent years. A.build B.is built C.built D.was built 5.— What would you like to drink?

—I’m very thirsty.______ you can get.Just get it now. A.Anything B.Something C.Nothing D.Other things 6.This kind of plant is ______ seen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find. A.commonly B.always C.seldom D.easily 7.Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital.But after a week’s rest, she felt much ______ and went back to school. A.good B.better C.bad D.worse 8.—I saw David in the teachers’ office this morning.Do you know ______ he was there? — He went there to hand in his homework. A.how B.whether C.when D.why 9.It’s important for us to protect nature because we ______ its rich resources to live.


初中毕业考试 英语试卷 Ⅳ单项选择从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,找出可以填 入相应空白处的最佳答案。(共15分,每小题1分) 3 21. --- Morning, class! Good luck to all of you in the exam! --- Morning, teacher. ________. A. The same to you. B. You, too. C. Thank you. D. I’m sorry I can’t. 22. --- I don’t think teenagers should drive cars. --- _______. They aren’t serious enough. A. I agree B. I don’t agree C. I think D. I don’t think 23. ---If there are ______ people driving , there will be ______ air pollution. --- Yes, the air will be fresher. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 24. ---There are many volunteers ______ are helping the children in Sichuan. --- And most of them are college students. A. which B. when C. whose D. who 25. --- You always spend only a little time on your study. You really _____ me down. --- I’m sorry, Mum. I won’t do that again. A. take B. put C. let D. look 26. --- Can you_____ your little brother? I’m busy now.


南京市2016年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷共8页, 全卷满分90分,考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2.请认真核对监考老师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡及本试卷上。 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,其他位置答题一律无效。 (选择题,共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Look at the picture, Diana is______. A. the tallest B. the shortest C. taller than Jenny D. shorter than David 2. Helen is new here. So we know______ about her. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 3. Yingqi Bird Nest Library, the smallest library in the world, was opened to the public in Nanjing’s Huashu village______the World Reading Day this year. A. on B. in C. at D. as 4. Last night the big fire in Sunshine Shopping Mall was started by the children playing with matches. _______, no one was hurt. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Easily D. Sadly 5. Can you help me_______ those exercise books? I got a different number each time. A. carry B. move C. write D. count 6. --Are you going camping this afternoon? --A typhoon is coming. I’m not sure_____ the road to the mountains will be closed. A. which B. what C. whether D. why 7. It took me almost a whole day to ______ so many emails. A. deal with B. cut in C. cheer for D. run out 8. My sister is still very _______ with me because I broke her new pencil box yesterday. A. popular B. satisfied C. honest D. angry 9. -- Have you read the book Jane Eyre? --Yes, it’s a famous book and really worth_______. A. to read B. reading C. to be read D. read 10. It’s reported that Jiangsu Grand Theatre_______in September this year. A. completes B. is completed C. will complete D. will be completed 11. Which of the following words is pronounced /geit/ ? A. gate B. great C. greet D. get 12. -- Hi, Nora. Is your mother at home? --Just a minute! She _______ flowers in the garden. A. plant B. is planting C. planted D. was planting 13. In the word unhappy and unusual, the un- means ________. A. very B. most C. not D. less 14. (on the mobile phone)
