

Part 1. Warming up

1.diet n.日常饮食;食物

It is important to have a balanced,healthy diet.均衡、健康的日常饮食很重要。

搭配be on a diet在节食go on a diet节食put sb.on a diet 限制某人的饮食

①No sugar in my coffee,please;I’m dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。

②(牛津P552)I decided to go_on_a_diet before my holiday.我决定在休假前节食。

③It is important to have_a_balanced,healthy_diet.拥有均衡、健康的饮食很重要。

④The doctor put him on a diet after operation.手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。2.What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet?假如你的饮食不均衡会怎么样?balance n平衡;天平v.平衡;权衡

I think it’s important for a college student to have a balance between study and a social life.


You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。

On balance,the company has had a successful year.总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。


(1)Seeing a car coming at a crossing,she (失去平衡) and fell down from her bike.

(2)The key to learning skating is to (保持平衡).

lost her balance

keep the balance

Part 2. Pre-reading, reading and comprehending

1. Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.


The manager approached(走近) us smiling.

Many of us, being so excited, could not go to sleep that night.

2.Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.突然间,他看到他的朋友李昌匆匆地走过。see sb.doing sth.意为:看到某人正在做某事。


3.“Nothing could be better.” He thought.他想:“再也没有比这更好吃的了。”



You couldn’t have chosen a more satisfying present for me. 你无法给我选到比这个更令人满意的礼物了。

We couldn’t find a more valuable stamp than this one in the world.在这个世界上我们无法找到比这张更值钱的邮票了。



I have never heard such a better voice. 我从没听过这么好听的声音。

(2)nothing (或no)+so+原级+as...

No one is so deaf as those who won’t listen.最聋者莫过于不听劝说的人。

Nothing in my life shocked me so deeply as this first visit to China.在我的一生中给我震撼最大的是第一次到中国参观。

nothing (或no)+比较级+than...

any other+单数名词

all (the) other+复数名词

(3)比较级+than+ anyone else

any of the other+复数名词

the rest of+复数名词或不可数名词

①It was not until then that I suddenly realized nobody was happier than I was.


②Nothing in my life shook me so deeply as the first visit to China.在我的一生中给我震撼最大的是第一次到中国参观。

③You can never be too careful.你再怎么小心也不过分。



We ________(can) have got ________(good) results.


We can’t agree ____________________(much).


Nothing is ____________________(precious) than you keep fit.

couldn’t better


more precious

(2011·高考四川卷)—How was your recent trip to Sichuan?

—I’ve never had ________ one before.

A.a pleasant B.a more pleasant C.a most pleasant D.the most pleasant



(2012·北京海淀区模拟)—Our women athletes achieved great success in the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

—Yes.No one could perform________,I think.

A.well B.better C.best D.the best


提示:can not(never)/could not(never)与enough/too连用也表示最高级含义,意为“再……也不过分”。如:

You can never be too careful.你再怎么小心也不过分。

You can not praise the play too highly.这出戏你无论怎样称赞都不过分。

4.Tired of all that fat? Want to be lose weight?

be/get tired of 厌烦;讨厌


tired意思为“疲惫的,累的”,用于描述人,通常用be tired,look tired等结构;tiring意思

为“令人厌倦的,使人疲劳的”,指某事或者某人使人厌倦,情感上不再予以理睬而回避。例如:This is a tiring marriage.这是一个令人厌烦的婚姻。

拓展(2)be tired from 因……而疲倦

be tired out 筋疲力尽



We to call.


She’s every day.

were tired of waiting for him

getting tired of going into that office

lose weight 体重减轻;减肥


How did you in so short a month?

联想put on weight 体重增加

watch one’s wei ght 注意饮食以免发胖

5.Curiosity drove Wang Feng inside.王鹏受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去。

curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲

搭配have a curiosity about sth./to do sth. 对……有好奇心

out of curiosity 出于好奇

satisfy one’s curiosity 满足好奇心

It was curious that(奇怪的是) she didn’t tell anyone.她没有告诉任何人,这很反常。

派生curious adj.求知欲强的;好奇的curiously adv.好奇地



Children the world around them.


Just ____________________,how old are you?


I what would happen next.


They ________ very the people living upstairs.


“Are you really an artist?” he asked ___________.

have a natural curiosity about

out of curiosity

have a curiosity to know

were curious about


6.Wang Pengwei was amazed at this and especially at the prices.

amaze v.

(1)To fill with great surprise,cause wonder in 吃惊,使吃惊

e.g. It amazed me to hear that you were leaving.

(2)be amazed at…. 对…感到惊讶,惊愕

e.g. You would be amazed at how difficult it was.

7. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!

have sb./sth. doing sth. 让某事发生,强调doing这一动作持续进行或“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。

If you don’t put a fence around your garden,you’ll have people walking in and stealing your fruit.如果你不用篱笆围住果园,会有人进来偷摘你的水果。

(1)have sb. doing也可以表示“允许或容忍某人干某事/某事发生”。此时应该用在否定句中,并且只限于第一人称(I/we)。

“I/We won’t/can’t have sb. doing”相当于“I/We won’t/can’t allow sb. to do”。例如:

I won’t have you doing such a thing.我不许你做这种事。

(2)have sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”,强调一次具体的动作。此处不定式作宾语补足语省略了to。例如:

No one can have Tom do this.没人能使汤姆做这件事。

(3)have sth. done包含两层意思,一种是请别人做某事,另一种为承担外界或别人做某事的后果。例如:

You’d better have your hair cut,for it’s too long for a boy.你最好去理发,对男孩子来说,这头发太长。

I had my wallet stolen on the bus.我的钱包在公交车上被盗了。

(4)have sth.to do中to do为不定式短语作后置定语。



I’ll ____________________ in three days.


I ____________________ in English to each other.

have you driving

have them all talking

get away with... 不因……受惩罚;受到



I won’t have you ____________________cheating in the exam.


He was so lucky to ____________________ a fine for such a serious mistake.

getting away with

get away with

联想get across解释清楚;使人了解

get on/along with进展;与……相处

get around/round 各处走动;(消息)传开

get down to开始;着手

get sb.down使沮丧;使悲伤

get over 克服;熬过;恢复

get in 收集,使进入

get through 接通电话;完成

get rid of 摆脱;除掉

get away(from)... (从)……脱离,逃脱……

①For the serious accident,he got away with only a fine.


②The child ought to be punished.You shouldn’t let him get away with telling lies!


③(湖北高考)If we can get over our present difficulties,then everything should be all right.


④(重庆高考)Isn’t it time you got down to marking the papers?你是不是该开始批改试卷了。Every now and then I like to spend a few days in the country to get_away_(from) the noise and pollution of London.我间或喜欢在乡下住几天以避开伦敦的喧闹和污染。

tell a lie 说谎 a white lie 善意的谎言


I always know when he is .


He ________ his boss ________ for being late.

拓展lie n.谎言v.撒谎

lie to people=tell people lies 向某人撒谎

tell the truth 说实话


He ________ his wife(=told his wife a lie/told a lie to his wife) so that he could come home late.

telling lies

told a lie

lied to

lie lied lied lying 说谎

lie lay lain lying 躺,处于(某一位置)

lay laid laid laying 放置,下蛋,产卵

lie in 在于

①(牛津P1165)You could see from his face that he was lying.从他的表情上你可以看出他在撒谎。

②He didn’t finish his homework last night so he told a lie.他昨天晚上没有完成作业,所以他说了谎。

③The survivors lay on the beach,exhausted and shocked.幸存者们躺在沙滩上,疲劳不堪又深感震惊。

④She told me that happiness lies in helping others to be happy.她告诉我快乐的真谛在于帮助他人变得快乐。

The suspect ________ to the police that the hammer still ________ where he had ________ it. A.lay; lay; lain B.lay; lied; laid

C.lied; lay; laid D.lied; laid; lain

析:句意:嫌疑犯向警察撒谎说那把铁锤仍然在他原来放的地方。第一空意思是“撒谎”(lie),其过去式为lied,lie to sb.意思是“向某人撒谎”;第二空意思是“位于,在(lie)”,其过去式为lay;第三空意思是“放置(lay)”,其过去分词为laid。


8.Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.


win sb.’s heart赢得某人的爱情

win a gold medal获得金牌

win sb. round/around/over说服某人;把某人争取过来

win out (=win through)(经历困难后)终于成功



The people of China will _______________ the earthquake.


How can I ___________________?

win the battle against

win back her trust

9.The strength of the diet in Wang Peng’s restaurant was that it provided plenty of energy giving food.王鹏餐馆的饮食优点在于它能提供含有足够热量的食物。

strength n. [U]力量,体力[C]长处,强项

build up one’s strength增强实力

strengthen v.增强,加强

①(天津高考)When we think of leadership,we often think of strength and power.一想到领导才能,我们通常会想到实力和权力。

②(2009年高考浙江卷)Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.我们每个人都有自己的强项和弱项。

③The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths.能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。

④Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years.我们的友谊逐年加深。

Part 3. Learning about Language

1. consult vt.咨询;请教;vi.商量

consultant n.顾问,咨询者

consult sb.向某人请教

consult a doctor看医生

consult a dictionary/map查字典/地图

consult with sb. about/on sth.就……与某人交换意见

(1)He his partners the investment.他与合伙人商量那项投资。

(2)She consulted her doctor about her disease.她向她的医师求诊。

consulted with about

Part 4. Using Language

Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.

earn one’s living 谋生(earn one’s/a living=make one’s/a living)


I mainly by/from teaching.


He by repairing cars.

联想earn money=make money 赚钱

earn one’s praise 受到某人的表扬

earned my living

earns a living

2.He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.

in debt 负债,欠债


In the old days,many peasants are ____________________.

in heavy debt

提示如果表示欠某人的债,后面加介词to。be in debt to sb. 欠某人的债。

联想be in one’s debt 欠某人的情

be out of debt 还清债务(表状态)

pay off debt 还清债务(表动作)

get into debt


He has enough money to ____________________ his father’s outstanding debts.

(3)玛丽陷入债务中。Mary was ____________________ debt.

(4)你知道,我欠我父母的太多了。You know,I am ____________________.

pay off

getting into

in my parents’ debt

3.She did not look happy but _ glare _____ at him.

glare vi. 瞪眼,怒目而视,常与介词at连用;n. 怒视;强烈刺目的光。



The old man just stood there the pickpocket.

(2)太阳的耀眼光芒从蓝天中散射开来。The sun _______________ the blue sky.

glaring at

glares out of

辨析glare at/stare at/glance at


glare at指“怒视”,表示生气地盯着某人。

stare at表示“盯着看”,指由于惊奇、害怕、生气或沉思而睁大眼睛全神贯注。

glance at指“快速地看某人或某物一眼”,强调动作。

4.I don’t want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不担心了,我也开始宣传我的食物的好处。


limit n.界限;限度;vt.限定;限制。

(1)go beyond/over the limit超过限度

within limits在一定范围内;有限度的

within the limits of在……的范围内

They did well within the limits of their knowledge.由于知识所限,他们已经做得很好了。without limit无限(制)地

set a limit to sth.对……规定限度

be limited to sth.受限制于某物

I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.我认为教学不应该局限在教室内。

(2)limit sth.to...把……限定在……的范围内



There is ____________________ the amount of pain we can bear.


We must ____________________ the expense of the trip.


Her traveling has been ____________________ a few French resorts.


I’ve ________ myself ________ 1,000 calories a day to try to lose weight.

a limit to set a limit to limited to limited to

benefit vt.使受益;得益n.利益;益处

(1)A university education is of huge and direct benefit to the individual. (2010·北京,阅读理解



(2)It is an expensive investment but it will benefit the company in the long run.这是一项花费很大的投资,但从长远来看,它将对公司有好处。

搭配benefit from...从……中获益



He will the new way of doing business.


I got a lot of learning a foreign language.


Plenty of exercise every day is our health.

(4)她为了健康而去了那里。She went there her health. benefit from

benefit from

识记of benefit to对……有益处

for the benefit of...为了……的利益

of great benefit to =be beneficial to sb.对某人有益处

unemployment benefits 失业救济金

联想do good to...对……有好处

to one’s advantage对某人有好处

to one’s interest对某人有益

in the interest of为了……的利益

to one’s profit对……有好处

in one’s favor对……有利

for the sake of为了,为了……的利益

5.“Well,I do have to rest a lot,”admitted Yong Hui.“是的,我的确经常需要休息,”雍慧承认道。


6.“According to my research,neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,”explained Wang Peng.“根据我的研究,你我两家的餐馆都不能提供均衡的膳食,”王鹏解释道。

neither...nor... 意为:既不……也不……,为并列连词,其反义词组为both...and...

7. Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.

combine vt. & vi.(使)结合;(使)联合

combine against为反对……而联合


combination n.联合;化合

in combination联合起来;在联合中

combine to do 联合做某事



Steel is produced by iron ________ carbon.


The two parties defeat the government.

combining with

combined to









The workers _________________ the boss.


Some films ________ education _______ recreation.

combined against

combine with

8.In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.

cut down 削减;删节

(1)你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。You smoke too much—you should try to ________.


The article is too long—it needs a little.

cut down cutting down

联想cut in 插嘴

cut across走捷径,抄近路

cut off 切断;中断;隔绝

cut up 切碎;割碎

cut down 砍断

cut out 戒掉;改掉

9.Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Feng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.

before long 不久以后

Before long they didn’t have to worry about their chickens.不久,他们就不用担心他们的小鸡了。

提示long before“很久以前”,可以单独使用,也可以接名词或句子。例如:

I heard of it long before.我很久以前就听说这件事。

选词填空before long/long before

(1)It wasn’t the whole country rose up and drove the enemies out.

(2)I expect the bus will be here .

long before before long


1.Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant ____________________(感到十分沮丧).(frustrate) 2.(一定是出了严重的问题) if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.(happen)

3.I will (在两周内去掉您的全部脂肪) if you eat here every day.(take)

feeling very frustrated

Something terrible must have happened

take all that fat off you in two weeks

1.I’m very sorry ___________________________ ________ (让你等了这么久).

2.You ___________________________(当时不该撒谎)to the teacher.

3.—What do you think of the concert?

—_______________________________ (我从没看过比这更好的).

4.His first memory ___________________________ _______ (好像与工作有关).

5.___________________________ (即使我们负担得起),we wouldn’t go abroad for holidays. to have had you waiting for so long

shouldn’t have told a lie

I have never seen a better one

seemed to be connected with work

Even though we could afford it


1.(2012·济南第二次教学调研)Sandy looks very happy.She ________ have got the wellpaid job. A.Should B.could C.must D.might

解析:选C。考查情态动词。句意为:Sandy看上去很高兴,她一定得到了那份待遇优厚的工作。must have done是对过去情况的肯定推测。

2.(2012·湖南十二校第一次联考)Don’t interrupt me,John.________ you force me to tell you the truth at the moment?

A.Need B.Must C.Should D.Would

解析:选B。考查情态动词。句意为:约翰,你别打断我说话。你非得逼我这时告诉你真相吗?根据句意可知选B,must “非得,偏偏”。

3.(2012·昆明质量检测)You ________ finish the work today,for you still have three days left. A.won’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.needn’t


4.(2012·金华十校模考)—Your colleague says she cannot help because she has got much work to do.

—Well,she ________ say that because she always uses that excuse.

A.should B.may C.can D.would


5.(2012·合肥二模)—Is there an express to Beijing tonight?

—There ________ be,but you’d better call the booking office to make sure.

A.can B.might C.will D.must

解析:选B。考查情态动词。根据“你最好给订票处打电话确认一下”可知,此处表示“较小的可能性”,用might。can表示“可能(指逻辑上的可能性)”,will表示“要,会”,must 表示“务必,一定”,都与语境不符。


高中课本知识分布 必修一 1.共有三个单元 2.各单元知识点 第一单元:一般现在时,现在进行时,be going to 第二单元:一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时 第三单元:被动语态,情态动词 3.全书单词数量为:204个 词组数量为:44个 必修二 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第四单元:一般将来时will和be going to的区别,真实条件句和虚拟条件句,让步状语从句 第五单元:原因、结果、目的状语从句 第六单元:表示时间、地点、动作的介词,定语从句,冠词 3. 全书单词数量为:229个 词组数量为:23个 必修三 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第七单元:关系副词,介词+which引导的定语从句,形容词的比较级 第八单元:限制性和非限制性定语从句,静态动词和动态动词 第九单元:现在完成进行时态,现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态 3. 全书单词数量为:262个 词组数量为:40个 必修四 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十单元:不定代词和动词不定式 第十一单元:被动语态,动名词作主语,宾语,表语,定语 第十二单元:跟动名词或不定式作宾语的动词,现在分词作副词,作表语,定语,宾语补足语 3. 全书单词数量为:330个词组数量为:24个 高一共计单词1025,词组131 必修五 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十三单元:过去分词在句中可作形容词或副词用,修饰名词,在句中作定语,宾语补足

语或表语 第十四单元:情态动词表示推测 第十五单元:虚拟语气 3. 全书单词数量为:313个 词组数量为:25个 选修六 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十六单元:过去完成时 第十七单元:过去完成进行时1 第十八单元:过去完成进行时2 3. 全书单词数量为:245个 词组数量为:31个 选修七 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十九单元:名词性从句 第二十单元:将来完成时和将来进行时 第二十一单元:混合虚拟条件句和情态动词 3. 全书单词数量为:340个 词组数量为:13个 选修八 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第二十二单元:被动态和表示报道的表达 第二十三单元:强调句和各种完成时的形态(将来完成时,现在完成时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时,现在分词的完成时及情态动词加完成时的用法) 第二十四单元:劝说的表达 3. 全书单词数量为:375个 词组数量为:61个 高二共计单词1273,词组130个 高中共计单词2298,词组261 北师大版高中英语语法总结(必修一—选修八) 必修一 一、present simple and present continuous 一般现在是和现在进行时 1,present simple: 反复进行的,经常性的动作(惯例习惯) Eg, He watches soap operas. 及状态I live in Budapest. 一般现在时常和下列时间状语连用:always, usually, from, time to time, twice a week, rarely,


Unit 1 Cultural relics I. 单元教学目标 II. 目标语言

II. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以cultural relics为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述它们的起源,发展和保护等方面的情况,复习并掌握定语从句,能就如何保护和处理世界文化遗产给出自己的观点。 1.1 Warming up热身部分提供了四幅图片,设计了三个问题让学生交流对于cultural relic的了解,并就此进行讨论。这部分的目的是呈现本单元的中心话题“文化遗产”。 1.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身部分,提供了ambers的图片并就此此设计了两个问题。这两个问题极易引起学生对amber的兴趣,并能引导学生对课文进行prediction。 1.3 Reading是关于寻找丢失了的普鲁士国王威廉一世送给俄罗斯沙皇的那个琥珀房子的建立、转让、被毁、重建的整个历史。设计这篇文章的目的是让学生了解什么是文化遗产以及讨论保护和重建文化从文化遗产的重要性和必要性。 1.4 Comprehending既有知识性的问题,同时又跳出了课文,对文章进行整体评价,由易到难,有较好的梯度,全面考查学生对文章的理解。Exercise 1将人物及相关事件匹配,检验学生对文章细节的理解;Exercise 2 将所给的问题与段落匹配,是段落大意理解题;Exercise 3安排了对于重建lost cultural relics的意义进行讨论,使得学生能对本单元的主题进行较为深入的探讨。 1.5 Learning about language 分Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures两部分。其中第一部分的Exercise 1着重训练对英语单词解释的理解。Exercise 2 着重词汇在短文中的用法练习。要求学生按所给的语境填入所需的词汇。Exercise 3 专练belong to的词义和用法。在Discovering useful structures 中,分为四个练习,从课文中出现的定语从句入手,让学生自主学习限定性定语从句及非限定性定语从句的联系和区别。再通过连句练习和造句练习来巩固本次所学定语从句的内容。 1.6 Using language分Reading and Listening、Speaking 及Reading and writing 三部分。以不同的学习形式:听、说、读、写,从不同的角度围绕本单元的目标


Unit 1 Friendship 1. 合计_____________________________________; 3. 不得不;必须______________________________; 5. 遛狗_____________________________________; 7. 记下;放下________________________________; 9. 故意_____________________________________; 11. 在黄昏时刻______________________________; 13. 不再…___________________________________; 15. 从…中恢复过来___________________________; 17. 将…装箱打包_____________________________; 19. 相爱;爱上_______________________________; 21. 参加;加入_______________________________; 23. 松开了__________________________________; 25. 付钱;付款;买单__________________________; 27. 对(某人)重要_____________________________; 29. 笑话;取笑(某人)_________________________; 31. 在日记中________________________________; 33. 对…着迷;迷恋____________________________; 35. 深蓝色的天空____________________________; 37. 太多____________________________________; 39. 在楼上__________________________________; 41. 肮脏的窗帘______________________________; 43. 记日记;写日记___________________________; 45. 绑起来__________________________________; 47. 在公路上________________________________; 49. 说…的闲话;______________________________; 51. 与…交朋友_______________________________; 53. 给…一些建议_____________________________; 55. 过去的事件______________________________; 57. 试一试;尝试一下_________________________; 59. settle____________________________________; 2. 使…镇静下来______________________________; 4. 关心;挂念________________________________; 6. 经历;经受________________________________; 8. 一连串的;一系列的_______________________; 10. 为了____________________________________; 12. 面对面地________________________________; 14. 遭受…___________________________________; 16. 对…厌烦_________________________________; 18. 与…相处;进展____________________________; 20. 对(某人)表示感激________________________; 22. 度假____________________________________; 24. 被车撞了________________________________; 26. 考试作弊________________________________; 28. 最深的感受______________________________; 30. 在二战中________________________________; 32. 在藏身之处______________________________; 34. 与自然有关______________________________; 36. 保持醒着________________________________; 38. 碰巧____________________________________; 40. 下楼____________________________________; 42. 积满灰尘的窗子__________________________; 44. 列一个单,列出___________________________; 46. 没注意到________________________________; 48. 与…有麻烦;有矛盾________________________; 50. 与人交流________________________________; 52. 改变这种状况____________________________; 54. 喜欢与不喜欢的事情______________________; 56. 表达你的感受与想法______________________; 58. concern__________________________________; 60. tip______________________________________;

英语 必修3 unit2单词重点解析

Unit 2 1. diet c.&.u.日常饮食 Proper diet and exercise are both important for health. A balanced/healthy diet is necessary for good health. People who are on a diet mustn’t have chocolate. on a diet/go on a diet节食 vi.节食 She is always dieting but she never seems to lose any weig ht. 2. protective adj.给予保护的;保护的 protect vt. protection n. 3. balance v.平衡;权衡 n.天平;平衡 How long can you balance on one leg? Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. strike a balance between A and B 把两者安排妥当 keep the balance of nature keep one’s balance lose one’s balance be out of balance Suddenly the boy lost his balance and fell over. 4. roast adj.烤制的 v.烤;烘;烘烤 Put the meat into the oven and roast it for a few minut es. The meat is roasting in the oven. Tonight we will have roast beef for supper. 5. ought to v.aux.应该 ought to do sth You ought to apologize for what you said just now. ought not to do sth Such things ought not/oughtn’t to be allowed. Ought I to write to express my thanks? ought (not)to have done You ought to have taken the medicine. When ought we to begin our work? He ought to go there with you, oughtn’t he? 6. lose weight减肥 put on weight/gain weight增肥 watch one’s weight控制体重 7. slim adj. 苗条的 a slim figure 苗条的身材 vi. 变细;减肥 She is slimming by dieting. 8. curiosity n.好奇心 out of curiosity出于好奇 Curiosity drove him inside. He is a boy full of curiosity. curious adj. curiously adv. The boy was curious about everything he saw. I was curious to hear what they would say about this. 很想知道 9. raw生的,未加工的 The Japanese are used to raw fish as food. The supply of raw materials to the factory should be guaranteed. 10. get away with逃脱,被放过 How did he get away with cheating? 携带…偷逃 Thieves got away with computer equipment worth 30,000 dollars. 11. discount折扣 They were selling everything at a discount. They give us a 10% discount. 12. win…back赢回 The team are determined to win the prize back next year. 14.weakness: 弱点,缺点: He has his own weakness of his character. 虚弱: ----What’s the cause of his weakness? ----Maybe he has caught a cold. 15.strength:力量,体力


人教版必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit 12345One Friendship 一、重点短语 through 经历,经受 get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动); take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是… 17. no longer / not …any longer 不再… 18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.) much too 太…(后接adj.) 19. not…until 直到…才 20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为… make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话。间接引语在多数情况下可构成宾语从句且不要加引号。例:Mr. Black said, “ I’m busy.”


Practice makes perfect! 高一英语 Book 2Unit 1 Cultural relics 1.survive 幸免;幸存;生还(survival 幸存 , survivor 幸存者) 2.in search of 寻找 (介词短语 ) search for sth 寻找 (动词短语 ) search sb/ sp 搜身 /搜某地 3.to one's amazement 令人惊讶的是(amazed 感到惊讶的 , amazing 令人惊讶的 ) 4.select 精选 ,choose 普通选择 ,elect 选举 5.be designed for sb/sth 计划或打算给某人 /某物用 be designed to do sth 设计目的是做某事 by design=on purpose 有意地 (by chance/ accident 偶然 /意外地 ) 6.fancy 奇特的;异样的;想象/喜欢( +doing ) 7. decorate sth with sth用...装饰... be decorated with被装饰; 8.belong to 属于不用于被动结构、完成时和进行时态 9.worth 值得的;相当于的价值;值钱的 be +worth +doing ( 主动形式表被动含义) It is really/well/very much worth doing. be worthy of being done= be worthy of to be done It is worthwhile doing/to do 10.doubt 怀疑;疑惑There is no doubt that.... 毫无疑问 .... doubt 作动词时,用在肯定句中通常后面接whether 或 if 引导的名词性从句,在否定或疑 问句中通常后接that 引导的名词性从句 She doubted whether/if the story was true.; Do you doubt that he can do the work well? 11.in return 作为报答;回报(in turn 依次 / 反过来 , in return for sth作为对的回报 12.remain 保存,保留 ,任然 ; remain a mystery任然是个迷; remain at home ; remain to be done 有待于被 ...remain beautiful 13.at war 处于交战状态“ at+n.”处于某种状态 14. think highly/ well / much of看重;器重;对评价高( think poorly / ill / badly of对评价不高) ---被动 : be highly thought of 15 否定词 / 否定介词短语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装( 参见优化P16) Unit 2 The Olympic Games https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab11079746.html,pete with/against sb(for sth) 与某人(为某事物)竞争 compete in参加..比赛/竞争(competitor 竞赛者 ; competition 竞赛 ) 2.take part in sth 参与,参加 (较大型活动 ), take part 不接宾语take an active part in 积极参加( join 参加组织机构并成为其中一员,join in 参加游戏或小型活动, attend 出席会议 ,讲座 ,上课 ,婚礼 ; ) join sb( in doing)加入某人(一起做) 3.stand for( 字母或符合 )代表,象征,表示; stand by 袖手旁观 ; stand out 突出,显眼 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab11079746.html,ed to do sth 过去常常做 ; be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做; 5.be used to do sth 被用来做某事 6.be admitted to /into 被 ....接受 /录取admit (to)doing sth承认做了某事 7.as well 也,又,还 (句末 ); as well as 和 (谓语形式取决前面名词),与 ...一样好 8.replace by/with用...替换/取代=take the place of, be in place of , 9.take one's place 10.in charge of 主管 / 负责 ; in the charge of 被 /由主管 / 负责 charge sb some money for sth 因某事(物)收某人钱 charge sb with (doing) sth控诉某人做某事; free of charge 免费

人教版高中英语必修一翻译 打印版

UNIT 1 Anne’s best friend 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担 心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢? 安妮弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她 最好的朋友。安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一 家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹 抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了二十五个月之后才被发现。在这段时间里, 她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在 日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称 作基蒂”。 安妮从1942年七月起就躲藏在那里了,现在来看看他当时 的心情吧。 1944年6月15日,星期四 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一 切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛 蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自 从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 …比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到 11点半故意不睡 觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打 开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼 上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆 黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这 是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚… 不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗 户看看大自然。只能隔着窗户看那大自然实在没意思,因为大自 然是需要真正体验的东西。 Using Language 亲爱的王小姐: 现在我同班上的同学有些麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处的很好。我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意互相帮助。我们成了真正好朋友。可是,其他同学却在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是,我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢?


2020学年人教版高中英语必修三 知识点归纳 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 1. mean 的用法 1). mean doing sth. “意味着(必须要做某事或导致种结果)”, 其主语通常是指事物的词。 2). mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。 3). mean sb. to do sth. “打算让某人做某事”,也可以用于被动结构。 4). mean 后接名词、副词或从句, “表示;打算;存心”等意思;后接that 从句,意为“表示……”。 5). be meant for “打算给予;打算作……用”。 In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting 2. take place 发生;举行(不能用于被动语态中!) ①The performance didn’t take place after all. 演出终于没有进行。 ②Was there anybody passing by when the accident took place? 事故发生时,有人路过那里吗? 与place相关短语: in the first place (用于列举理由)首先,第一点in the last place 最后 in one’s place 处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想in place 放在原来的位置,就位 in place of 代替,用……而不用……take one’s place 找替某人接替某人的位置 3. of all kinds 各种各样的 相关归纳:all kinds of 各种各样的the same kind of 相同种类的 different kinds of 不同种类的this/that kind of 这(那)种 a kind of 某种 ①That kind of question is very difficult to answer.= Questions of that kind are difficult to answer. ②We sell all kinds of shoes.= We sell shoes of all kinds. ③You can see different kinds of animals in the zoo. = You can see animals of different kinds in the zoo. 你在动物园可以看见不同种类的动物。 用动词的适当形式填空 ①Books of this kind ____ (sell) well in the bookstore. ②This kind of books ____ (sell) well in the bookstore. 4. starve v.挨饿; 饿死 He said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。 5. plenty n.富裕 days/years/...of plenty 富裕的日子/年月 如:You have a life of plenty, what would you be worried about? plenty pron.大量; 充足 plenty of可修饰可数名词和不可数名词, 用于陈述句。 如: You needn’t hurry. There is plenty of time left. 你不必慌忙, 剩下的时间很充足。 Taking plenty of exercise every day keeps you healthy. 每天多运动会使你身体健康。 6. 1) satisfy vt.满足,使…满意; satisfy sb. satisfied a.感到满意的; be satisfied with satisfying a.令人愉快的satisfaction n.满意; to one’s satisfaction satisfactorily ad.满意地satisfactory a. 令人满意的 She bought a satisfactory computer—it’s cheap and of high quality. 辨析satisfactory, satisfied, satisfying


- 人教版高中英语必修一知识点汇总 Unit 1 知识点一.单词 1.使不安,使心烦____(过去式/过去分词_____/_____) 2.迷住,迷惑_______(过去式/过去分词_____/_____) 3.在户外 adv._______ adj.________ 4.积满灰尘的 adj._______ 灰尘 n._____ 5.不同意 v.__________ 同意 v._________ 同意某人__________ 6.不喜欢 v._________ 喜欢 v._________ 不喜欢做某事___________ 7.敢v._______ 8.悬挂v.________ 9.经历v. n.___________ 经验n._________ 有经验的adj.______ 10.忽视,不理睬v._________ 无知的adj._________ 11.躲藏 v._______ (过去式/过去分词)____________________ 二.短语 1.合计 2.总计为,合计为 3.把加到中 4.对心烦意乱,不安 5.平静下来,镇静下来 6.不得不,必须 7.关心,担心 8.就而言 9.遛狗10.经历,经受 11.记下,放下,登记 12.一连串的,一系列的 13.去户外14.故意15.为了16.在黄昏时刻 17.面对面的 18.不再 19.定居下来20.遭受,患病21.从恢复22.对厌烦23.打包24.与相处,进展地好 25.爱上某人 26.不同意某人 27.因某事感激某人 28.参加,加入 29.加入到做 30.用交换31.害怕32.嘲笑33.躲藏34.对痴迷,狂热 35.可能做了某事 36.保持清醒 37.看一看38.独自 39.碰巧做某事 40.做某事有困难 41.采取某人的建议42.写日记 43.表达你的感觉和想法 44.发现做某事很难 45.擅长做某事46.喜欢做某事 47.无知,不知道 48.解决问题 49.和交朋友三.句型 1. 让人做某事 get/have/make sth. done eg:I get my watch _____(repair) 2. 状语从句的省略: While walking the dog , you were careless While _____ (do)his homework ,he fell asleep. 3. 强调句型结构: __________________________________________________ I had a talk with Tom on 1/ 9


新课标高中英语必修二教案合集Unit 1 Cultural relics Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for Reading (IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM) Aims: To read about cultural relics To learn about The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause I. Warming up Warming up by defining Good morning, class. This period we are going to read about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Before our reading, I’d like to know: A.What kind of old things are cultural relics? Are all the old things cultural relics? B.What is the definition and classification of cultural relics? C.To whom do cultural relics belong? Keys for reference: A. Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said that cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past. B. No, not all the old objects are cultural relics. C. Each kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is still a unique cultural expression and contributions. D. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual. Warming up by presenting Hi, everyone. Let’s look at the screen. I’ll present yo u some pictures. They all


Teaching Plan Unit1 Friendship 教材人教版高中英语必修一 试讲者李瑶单位新疆师范大学 适用年级高中一年级单元第一单元 课题Anne’s Best Friend 课时共五课时,第二课时 ( Reading) 一.教材分析 Analysis of the Teaching Materials This unit is the first unit of the senior English studying which talks about friendship.As for the students, at the beginning of senior school life, making new friends is one of important things for them now,so the topic of this unit is appropriate at the present time. It can easily stimulate students’interests in English learning and help students think how to choose friends and the meaning of the friendship. The reading passage is the center of the unit. It mainly talks about the Anna , a Jewish girl , during the world war II, regarded the diary as her best friend to express her happiness, sorrow and missing to her hometown. 二.学情分析 Analysis of the Students As the students, grade1of senior high school,they have the basic abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing,but they still need more chances to practice what they have learnt and improve their ability of communicating with others and expressing their ideas fluently and accurately. Meanwhile,it is also necessary to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability, as well cultivate the awareness of cultural differences. 三. 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objectives 1.Get students to know the main content of this article. 2.Learn about the formats of a diary. 2.Ability Objectives 1.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on. 2.Summarize different paragraphs. 3.Emotion Objectives


高中必修一到必修五主要语法点 必修一:直接引语和间接引语(宾语从句);现在进行时表将来;定语从句 必修二:定语从句(非限定定从、定从中的介词前提);被动语态(一般将来时、现在完成时及现在进行时的被动语态) 必修三:情态动词;名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句及同位语从句) 必修四:主谓一致;非谓语动词(V-ing) ;构词法 必修 2 第一单元,非限制性定语从句的第二单元一般将来时的主被动第三单元现在完成时的主被动第四单元 现在进行时的主被动第五单元介词+which/whom的用法 必修 3 一二单元情态动词的用法三单元宾语从句和表语从句四单元主语从句 五单元同位语从句 必修4 第一单元主谓一致第二单v-ing作主语和宾语的用法第三单元v-ing作表语,定语和宾语补足语第四单 元v-ing作状语第五单元构词法 必修5 第一单元过去分词作定语和表语第二单元过去分词作宾语补足语第三单元过去分词作状语第四单元 倒装句第五单元省略句 必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4 on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…

新人教高中英语必修三unit2 morals and virtues 知识点2教师

1.complain vi. & vt.抱怨;发牢骚;投诉 [P20教材原文]Nothing good can come to a nation whose people only complain and expect others to solve their problems. 如果一个国家的人民只会抱怨,指望别人解决他们的问题,那么这个国家就不会有什么好风气。 [归纳拓展] (1)complain (to sb.) of/about (doing) sth. (向某人)投诉/抱怨(做)某事;(向某人)发牢骚 complain (to sb.) that... (向某人)抱怨…… (2)complaint n.抱怨;投诉;控告 make a complaint about/of sth. 抱怨/投诉某事 make a complaint to sb. 向某人抱怨/投诉 She complained to us that no one had been at the airport to pick her up. 她向我们抱怨说没人去机场接她。 If you wish to make a complaint about that, you should see the manager. 如果你要对此投诉,你应该去找经理。 一句多译 我写信向你投诉你们宾馆服务差。 ①I'm writing to ________________________the bad service of your hotel. (complain) ②I'm writing to ________________________________the bad service of your hotel. (complaint) 2.pick up捡起;收拾;整理;(偶然)学会;用车接某人;收听到;(身体)好转[P20教材原文]He picked himself up and angrily went away. 他站起来,愤怒地走开了。 [归纳拓展] pick oneself up(摔倒后)站起来 pick out 挑出;挑选;辨别出 pick sb. to do sth. 选中某人做某事 pick one's pocket 扒窃;掏包 He picked up his suitcase and climbed the stairs. 他拎起手提箱,爬上了楼梯。 I picked up some highly useful old books. 我偶然得到了几本极为有用的旧书。 Remember that time she picked up my daughter when I was ill? 还记得那次我生病,她替我接女儿吗? (1)一词多义(写出下列句中黑体部分的含义) ①It's surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quickly—he hasn't lived there very long ②Is there any possibility that you pick me up at the airport? ③After careful treatment, his health gradually picked up. (2)完成句子 ④国庆节期间,许多志愿者和我捡拾游客丢弃的垃圾。 During the National Day, many volunteers and I
