

AHU ——空气处理机

CH. ——制冷机

. ——冷凝水管

. ——冷却塔

CAV ——新风量控制箱

EAF ——排风机

EAD ——排风管

EAG ——排风口

EAL ——排风百叶

FAG ——新风口

FAL ——新风百叶

FAF ——补风机

. ——新风

FAD ——新风管

. ——防火阀

HC ——加热盘管

FC ——风机盘管

HX ——热交换器









DCC Dry cooling coil 干盘管(干式盘管)

FFU Fan filter unit 风机过滤单元

MAU Make up air hundling unit schedule 新风空调箱

AHU Air hundling unit 空气处理单元

HEPA High efficiency pariculate air 高效空气过滤器

RAC Recirculation air cabinet unit schedule 循环组合空调单元C/R Clean room 洁净室无尘室

ULPA Ultra low penetration air filter 超高空气效过滤器

AS Air shower 风淋室

PB Pass box 传递箱

CB Clean bench 净化工作台

RD Relief damper 泄压风门

单向流洁净室 Unidirectional air flow clean rooms 外围护结构负荷 skin-load

异程式系统 direct return system

水力计算 hydraulic calculation

修正系数 correction factor

区域供冷district cooling

地源热泵ground source heat pump

计径计数法 particle sizing and counting method 运行能耗 operation energy consumption

新风供给 fresh air supply

气流组织 air distribution

蒸汽冷凝水回收 Reclamation of condensate water 置换通风displacement ventilation

洁净度clean class

双速电机 two-speed motor

空调负荷 air conditioning load

消声 noise reduction

减振 vibration isolation

座椅送风 seat air supply

水平串联式 horizontal series type

燃油锅炉 oil-burning boiler

蒸汽供热管道 steam heating pipe

生活热水系统 hot water supply system

自然排烟 natural smoke exhausting

AHU ——空气处理机

CH. ——制冷机

. ——冷凝水管

. ——冷却塔

CAV ——新风量控制箱

EAF ——排风机

EAD ——排风管

EAG ——排风口

EAL ——排风百叶

FAG ——新风口

FAL ——新风百叶

FAF ——补风机

. ——新风

FAD ——新风管

. ——防火阀

HC ——加热盘管

FC ——风机盘管

HX ——热交换器









PDA-------新风管(经过处理的新风) PAU-------新风机(带处理功能) PAL-------新风百叶




AEROFLEX “亚罗弗”保温

ALCO “艾科”自控

Alerton 雅利顿

Alfa laval阿法拉伐

ARMSTRONG “阿姆斯壮”保温

AUX 奥克斯

BELIMO 瑞士“搏力谋”

BERONOR西班牙“北诺尔”电加热器BILTUR 意大利“百得”

BOSIC “柏诚”自控


Burnham美国“博恩汉”锅炉CALPEDA意大利“科沛达”水泵CARLY 法国“嘉利”制冷配件Carrier 开利

Chigo 志高

Cipriani 意大利斯普莱力CLIMAVENETA意大利“克莱门特” Copeland“谷轮”压缩机

CYRUS意大利”赛诺思”自控DAIKIN 大金


Dorin “多菱”压缩机



Dwyer 美国德威尔

EBM “依必安”风机

ELIWELL意大利“伊力威”自控EVAPCO美国“益美高”冷却设备EVERY CONTROL意大利“美控” Erie 怡日

FRASCOLD 意大利“富士豪”压缩机FRICO瑞典“弗瑞克”空气幕

FUJI “富士”变频器

FULTON 美国“富尔顿”锅炉GENUIN “正野”风机



GRUNDFOS “格兰富”水泵

Haier 海尔

Hisense 海信


Honeywell 霍尼韦尔

Johnson 江森

Kelon 科龙


KU BA德国“库宝”冷风机

Liang Chi 良机


MARLEY “马利”冷却塔Maneurop法国“美优乐”压缩机McQuary 麦克维尔

Midea 美的


Munters 瑞典“蒙特”除湿机Oventrop德国“欧文托普”阀门Panasonic 松下

RANCO “宏高”自控

REFCOMP意大利“莱富康”压缩机RIDGID 美国“里奇”工具RUUD美国“路德”空调RYODEN “菱电”冷却塔

SanKen “三垦”变频器Samsung 三星



Schneider 施耐德

SenseAir 瑞典“森尔”传感器SIEMENS 西门子

SINKO "新晃“空调

SINRO “新菱”冷却塔

STAND “思探得”加湿器

SWEP 舒瑞普

TECKA “台佳”空调






WITTLER 德国”威特”阀门



AHU -- Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组一般是组合型空调箱,洁净行业用得较多RCU -- Recirculation Unit循环空气处理机组送回风混合处理

FCU -- Fan Coil Unit 风机盘管比较常见

RA -- Return Air / RAC 回风 ---SA送风 EA排风

PAU -- Precision Air Unit 一般用来表示新风机组.

FFU--Fan Filter Unit 风机过滤单元机组,用在洁净室送风

FMU--Fan Module Unit 模块式风机单元用在洁净室送风

MAU -- Make-up Air handling Unit 全新风处理机组洁净用

RA -- Return Air / RAC 不知道什么

PAU -- Precision Air Unit

DCC Dry cooling coil 干盘管(干式盘管)

FFU Fan filter unit 风机过滤单元

MAU Make up air hundling unit schedule 新风空调箱

AHU Air hundling unit 空气处理单元

HEPA High efficiency pariculate air 高效空气过滤器

RAC Recirculation air cabinet unit schedule 循环组合空调单元

C/R Clean room 洁净室无尘室

ULPA Ultra low penetration air filter 超高空气效过滤器

AS Air shower 风淋室

PB Pass box 传递箱

CB Clean bench 净化工作台

RD Relief damper 泄压风门

单向流洁净室 Unidirectional air flow clean rooms

外围护结构负荷 skin-load

异程式系统 direct return system

水力计算 hydraulic calculation

修正系数 correction factor

区域供冷 district cooling

地源热泵 ground source heat pump

计径计数法 particle sizing and counting method 运行能耗 operation energy consumption

新风供给 fresh air supply

气流组织 air distribution

蒸汽冷凝水回收 Reclamation of condensate water 置换通风 displacement ventilation

洁净度 clean class

双速电机 two-speed motor

空调负荷 air conditioning load

消声 noise reduction

减振 vibration isolation

座椅送风 seat air supply

水平串联式 horizontal series type

燃油锅炉 oil-burning boiler

蒸汽供热管道 steam heating pipe

生活热水系统 hot water supply system

自然排烟 natural smoke exhausting


文献综述 一、课题国内外现状: 1.美国中央空调发展现状: 美国的中央空调普及率较高,这与其良好的居住条件以及较高的生活水平是分不开的。美国是世界第一经济大国,人民生活水准较高,对居住的舒适性要求也较高,这些都促进了该国中央空调的普及使用。 美国的别墅型住宅具有宽敞、高大的特点,通常由中、高收入的家庭居住。由于其层高较大,具有足够的建筑空间用于布置风道,因此在美国,风管式系统在家用小型中央空调中所占的比重相当大。同时,由于美国居民对家用空调舒适性的要求较高,因此多采用有新风的风管式系统。目前,美国风管式系统的年产量约为600万台/年,占其家用空调产量的一半左右。 美国的公寓型住宅适合于中、低收入的人群居住,其家用空调的型式以窗式空调器为主,也有采用小区供冷/热水的,一般不使用家用小型中央空调。目前美国窗式空调器年产量约为600万台/年,占其家用空调产量的一半左右。 美国的中央空调的型式以风管式系统为主,其具体形式多种多样。风管式单元空调系统和风管式空调箱系统在美国的应 用都很广泛,此外,集成了燃气炉的家用小型中央空调系统在美国的应用也非常普遍。此种家用小型中央空调系统在供冷季由制冷机组提供冷量,在供热季由燃气炉提供热量,对室内回风和新风进行处理,消除房间空调负荷,同时也可以满足家庭生活热水的需求。 2.日本小型中央空调发展现状: 与美国以风管式系统为主的特点不同,日本的家用空调走的是一条"氟系统"为主的发展道路,从窗式空调器到定速分体式空调器,再到变频分体式空调器。同样,日本的家用小型中央空调也以冷剂式空调即VRV系统为主。 在世界冷剂式空调行业中,在二十世纪九十年代以前,60%的市场被日本所占有,并且在设备开发和控制技术上都处于世界最前沿。这为日本发展VRV系统提供了技术保证。同时,日本国土面积小而人口众多,人口密度非常大,其住宅多属于高密度住宅,建筑结构较为紧凑。一般层高均较低,不适合于布置需要占用较大层高的风管式空调系统。而且日本是个国内资源匮乏的国家,其能源消耗


Talking about security loopholes Richard S. Kraus reference to the core network security business objective is to protect the sustainability of the system and data security, This two of the main threats come from the worm outbreaks, hacking attacks, denial of service attacks, Trojan horse. Worms, hacker attacks problems and loopholes closely linked to, if there is major security loopholes have emerged, the entire Internet will be faced with a major challenge. While traditional Trojan and little security loopholes, but recently many Trojan are clever use of the IE loophole let you browse the website at unknowingly were on the move. Security loopholes in the definition of a lot, I have here is a popular saying: can be used to stem the "thought" can not do, and are safety-related deficiencies. This shortcoming can be a matter of design, code realization of the problem. Different perspective of security loo phole s In the classification of a specific procedure is safe from the many loopholes in classification. 1. Classification from the user groups: ● Public loopholes in the software category. If the loopholes in Windows, IE loophole, and so on. ● specialized software loophole. If Oracle loopholes, Apach e,

浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 外文资料翻译

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:建筑工程学院 专业:建筑环境与设备工程 姓名: ***** 学号: ******** 外文出处: Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to can consume with the warm 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日

浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 摘要:研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。 关键词:建筑环境暖通空调能耗 浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 能源为经济的发展提供了动力,但是由于各种原因,能源的发展往往滞后于经济的发展。近几年,中国的国民生产总值的增长率维持在约10%,但是能源的增长率只有3%~4%。这样的形势要求我们必须节能。建筑能源消耗在社会总能耗中的比例较大,发达国家的建筑用能一般占到全国总能耗的30%~40%;中国采暖区的城镇人口虽然只占全国人口的13.6%,但是采暖用能却占全国总能耗的9.6%。建筑节能是建筑发展的基本趋势,也是当代建筑科学技术的一个新的生长点。现代建筑的必要组成部分暖通空调领域也已经收到这种趋势的影响,暖通空调系统中的节能正在引起暖通空调工作者的注意,并且针对不同的国家、地区的能源特点和不同建筑的采暖、通风、空调要求发展者相关的节能技术。研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。 暖通空调能耗的组成 为了创造舒适的室内空调环境,必须消耗大量的能源。暖通空调能耗是建筑能耗中的大户,居统计在发达国家中暖通空调能耗占建筑能耗的65%,以建筑能耗占总能耗的356%计算,暖通空调能耗占总能耗的比例竟高达22.75%,由此可见建筑节能工作的重点应该是暖通空调的节能。从暖通空调的能耗组成可以看出:暖通空调系统的能耗主要决定于空调冷、热负荷的确定和空调系统的合理配置,空调系统的布置和空调设备的选择是以空调负荷为依据的。所以暖通空调节能的关键是空调外界负荷和内部负荷的确定,而暖通空调节能工作也应该从这个方面着手,合理布置建筑物的位置,正确选择外墙、门、窗、屋顶的形状及材料等,尽量减少空调负荷。 室内环境的影响 暖通空调的目标是为人们提供舒适的生活和生产室内热环境,主要包括:室内空气温度、空气湿度、气流速度以及人体与周围环境(包括四壁、地面、顶棚等)之间的辐射换热(简称环境热辐射)等。在一般的舒适性空调中,以能够使人体保持平衡而满足


外文文献翻译(译成中文2000字左右): As research laboratories become more automated,new problems are arising for laboratory managers.Rarely does a laboratory purchase all of its automation from a single equipment vendor. As a result,managers are forced to spend money training their users on numerous different software packages while purchasing support contracts for each. This suggests a problem of scalability. In the ideal world,managers could use the same software package to control systems of any size; from single instruments such as pipettors or readers to large robotic systems with up to hundreds of instruments. If such a software package existed, managers would only have to train users on one platform and would be able to source software support from a single vendor. If automation software is written to be scalable, it must also be flexible. Having a platform that can control systems of any size is far less valuable if the end user cannot control every device type they need to use. Similarly, if the software cannot connect to the customer’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) database,it is of limited usefulness. The ideal automation software platform must therefore have an open architecture to provide such connectivity. Two strong reasons to automate a laboratory are increased throughput and improved robustness. It does not make sense to purchase high-speed automation if the controlling software does not maximize throughput of the system. The ideal automation software, therefore, would make use of redundant devices in the system to increase throughput. For example, let us assume that a plate-reading step is the slowest task in a given method. It would make that if the system operator connected another identical reader into the system, the controller software should be able to use both readers, cutting the total throughput time of the reading step in half. While resource pooling provides a clear throughput advantage, it can also be used to make the system more robust. For example, if one of the two readers were to experience some sort of error, the controlling software should be smart enough to route all samples to the working reader without taking the entire system offline. Now that one embodiment of an ideal automation control platform has been described let us see how the use of C++ helps achieving this ideal possible. DISCUSSION C++: An Object-Oriented Language Developed in 1983 by BjarneStroustrup of Bell Labs,C++ helped propel the concept of object-oriented programming into the mainstream.The term ‘‘object-oriented programming language’’ is a familiar phrase that has been in use for decades. But what does it mean? And why is it relevant for automation software? Essentially, a language that is object-oriented provides three important programming mechanisms:


AHU 空气处理机 CH.— 一制冷机 C.D.— —冷凝水管 C.T.— 一冷却塔 CAV 一 一新风量控制箱 EAF —排风机 EAD 一 一拎凤管 EAG 排凤口 EAL — —排风百叶 FAG — —新风口 FAL — —新风冇叶 FAF — 一补风机 F ?A ? 一新风 FAD — —新风管 ED.— 一防火阀 HC — 加热盘管 FC — —风机盘育 HX — —热交换器 N.R.D. ——风管止回阀 P A .... ??■綽i 寸攵卜]屮的渐凤 PDA — ?丄‘―丿 1 n j

AS Air shower 风淋室 PB Pass box传递箱 CB Clean bench 净化 1 作台 RD Relief damper 淞压风门 中向流洁净净Unidirectional air flow clean rooms 外国护结构负荷skin-load 异釋式系统direct return system 水力iI J? hydraulic calculation 修正系数correction factor |x域供冷di、【ric【cooling 地源热泵gn)und source heat pump 计径计数法particle sizing and counting method 运行ftuIG operation energy consumption 新风供给fresh air supply 气流纽织air distribution 蒸汽冷凝水回收Reclamation of condensate water 日换通嵐displacement ventilation 洁净度clean class 取迪电机two-speed motor 空i网负徜air conditioning load 消声noise reduction 减Sk vibration isolation 座椅送风seat air supply 水T 串联式horizontal series type 燃油偶炉oil-burning boiler 蒸汽供热;T道steam heating pipe 4 ?活热水系统hot water supply system H 然扌II 烟natural smoke exhausting

HVAC 专业术语

1 编制目的 为了在工程设计文件中正确使用英文缩写词和理解英文词表达的函义,特编制本文件。 2 适用范围 英文缩写词可以在英文注释的专业图纸和设计文件中使用。中文注释的图纸和文件除特殊情况外一般不采用。 3 注意事项 3.1 在绘制工程设计图纸时,英文缩写词一律采用大写字母。 3.2 编制设计标准和设计文件时,除国家、机关、学会、工程单位等名称需采用大写字母的缩写词外,其余均应优先采用小写字母的缩写词,没有小写字母的缩写词时,再采用大写字母的缩写词。 顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义 A 1 a absorption 吸收(作用) 2 A ① ammeter 安培计、电流计 ② ampere 安培 ③ assembly 装配,组合,成套设备,机组,部件 3 AAC acoustical-absorption coefficient 吸音系数 4 AACC American Automatic Control Council 美国自动控制委员会 5 A.A.F American Air-Filter Co. 美国空气过滤器公司 6 AB anchor bolt

F—A14-96第 2 页共 60 页 地脚螺栓 7 ABA1 American Boiler & Affiliated Industries 美国锅炉和附属设备制造厂商协会 8 abb abbreviation 缩写,简体 9 abr abridgement 简介、简述 10 abs ① absolute 绝对的 ② absorption 吸收 顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义 11 A.B.S American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局 12 ABS.H absolute humidity 绝对湿度 13 ABS.T absolute temperature 绝对温度 14 a.c absorption coefficient 吸收系数 15 AC ① air condenser 空气冷凝器 ② air cooling 空气冷却 ③ alternating current 交流电 16 A/C ① air condition (-ing,-ed,-er) 空调(机) ② air compressor


中文2300字 Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to can consume with the warm Summary: The research constructs environment, understanding a warm an air condition to carry output reason and influencing factor, can be more and reasonably put forward solve problem of method. Keyword: Constructing a warm of environment an air condition can consume Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to can consume with the warm The energy provided motive for the development of the economy, but because of various reason, the development of the energy is a usually behind in economy of development. In the last few years, the growth rate maintenance of citizen's total output value of China are in about 10%, but the growth rate of the energy only have 3% ~s 4%.Such situation's requesting us has to economize on energy. The comparison that constructs the energy depletion in the society always the ability consume compares greatly, the building of the flourishing nations' use can have to the whole country generally and always can consume of 30% ~s 40%;China adopts the town population of the warm area although only 13.6% that have national population, adopt warm use an ability but have a whole country and always can consume of 9.6%.Construct the economy energy is the basic trend of the building development, is also a new growth of[with] the contemporary building science technique to order. The necessity of the modern building constitutes a part of warm, the air condition realm has already received the influence of this kind of trend as well, warm the economy energy within air condition system is cause a warm the attention of the air condition worker, and aims at different of the adopt of energy characteristics and the dissimilarity building of the nation, region is warm, well ventilated, the air condition request develop a related economy energy technique .The research constructs environment, understanding a warm an air condition to carry output reason and


专业外文翻译 题目JSP Technology Conspectus and Specialties 系(院)计算机系 专业计算机科学与技术 班级 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称讲师 二〇一三年五月十六日

JSP Technology Conspectus and Specialties The JSP (Java Server Pages) technology is used by the Sun micro-system issued by the company to develop dynamic Web application technology. With its easy, cross-platform, in many dynamic Web application programming languages, in a short span of a few years, has formed a complete set of standards, and widely used in electronic commerce, etc. In China, the JSP now also got more extensive attention; get a good development, more and more dynamic website to JSP technology. The related technologies of JSP are briefly introduced. The JSP a simple technology can quickly and with the method of generating Web pages. Use the JSP technology Web page can be easily display dynamic content. The JSP technology are designed to make the construction based on Web applications easier and efficient, and these applications and various Web server, application server, the browser and development tools work together. The JSP technology isn't the only dynamic web technology, also not the first one, in the JSP technology existed before the emergence of several excellent dynamic web technologies, such as CGI, ASP, etc. With the introduction of these technologies under dynamic web technology, the development and the JSP. Technical JSP the development background and development history In web brief history, from a world wide web that most of the network information static on stock transactions evolution to acquisition of an operation and infrastructure. In a variety of applications, may be used for based on Web client, look no restrictions. Based on the browser client applications than traditional based on client/server applications has several advantages. These benefits include almost no limit client access and extremely simplified application deployment and management (to update an application, management personnel only need to change the program on a server, not thousands of installation in client applications). So, the software industry is rapidly to build on the client browser multilayer application. The rapid growth of exquisite based Web application requirements development of


暖通英文缩写及专业词汇 暖通名词解释英文缩写 Absolute Filter,绝对过滤器 早期国外某公司为有隔板高效过滤器起的商品名,对应过滤效率99.97%(0.3mm DOP)。 AC fine (Air Cleaner Test Dust, fine),AC细灰 美国规定用于过滤与除尘设备性能试验的标准粉尘,除中国和日本之外各国通用。该粉尘取自美国亚利桑那荒漠地区,俗称Arizona Road Dust。 在AC细灰中掺入规定量的短纤维和碳黑,就成了过滤器试验常用的ASHRAE标准粉尘。 国际标准化组织ISO规定用AC细灰测量汽车滤清器的过滤效果。 Aerosol,气溶胶 固体或液体颗粒物与气体形成的一种相对稳定的悬浮体系。 国际上,搞过滤理论的人多数参与气溶胶学会的活动,但搞过滤应用的人更喜欢在暖通空调行业扎堆儿。 VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds),挥发性有机化合物 空调行业流行语,指空气中的分子污染物。 搞集成电路的人们管分子污染物叫AMC。 Ventilation Filter 泛指一般通风用过滤器,以区别洁净室用高效过滤器。有时也称Ashrae Filter。 Van de Waals Force,范德瓦尔斯力 分子与分子,分子团与分子团表面间的一种引力包括取向力、诱导力、色散力。粉尘粘在过滤介质上,主要靠的是范德瓦尔斯力。活性炭过滤器吸附化学污染物时,靠的也是范德瓦尔斯力。 范德瓦尔斯有时被译为“范德华”。 ULPA (Ultra Low Penetration Air) Filter 对0.1~0.2mm粒子过滤效率≥99.999%的过滤器(美国)。 对MPPS效率≥99.9995%的过滤器(欧洲)。 对0.12mm粒子过滤效率≥99.999%的过滤器(美国早期)。 ULPA的汉语译名为“超高效过滤器”、“甚高效过滤器”。 Synthetic Media 化学纤维滤材,有些地区和行业称其为合成纤维。 Sick Building Syndrome,建筑致病症状 十多年前暖通界热门题目。室内空气差劲经常被认为是致病元凶。 Resistance 过滤器阻力。有时也称Pressure Drop,Differential Pressure,DP。 Pulse-jet Filter,自洁式过滤器 带有压缩空气脉冲反吹清灰装置的过滤器和除尘器。


英文文献 Air Conditioning Systems Air conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years, from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings. In 1970, 36% of residences in the U.S. were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling (Blue, et al., 1979). By 1997, this number had more than doubled to 77%, and that year also marked the first time that over half (50.9%) of residences in the U.S. had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). An estimated 83% of all new homes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings. From 1970 to 1995, the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73% (Jackson and Johnson, 1978, and DOE, 1998). Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment. In most applications, the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building. Air conditioning systems are also used in other applications, such as automobiles, trucks, aircraft, ships, and industrial facilities. However, the description of equipment in this chapter is limited to those commonly used in commercial and residential buildings. Commercial buildings range from large high-rise office buildings to the corner convenience store. Because of the range in size and types of buildings in the commercial sector, there is a wide variety of equipment applied in these buildings. For larger buildings, the air conditioning equipment is part of a total system design that includes items such as a piping system, air distribution system, and cooling tower. Proper design of these systems requires a qualified engineer. The residential building sector is dominated by single family homes and low-rise apartments/condominiums. The cooling equipment applied in these buildings comes in standard ―packages‖ that are often both sized and installed by the air conditioning contractor. The chapter starts with a general discussion of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle then moves to refrigerants and their selection, followed by packaged Chilled Water Systems。 1.1 Vapor Compression Cycle Even though there is a large range in sizes and variety of air conditioning systems used in buildings, most systems utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce the desired cooling and dehumidification. This cycle is also used for refrigerating and freezing foods and for automotive air conditioning. The first patent on a mechanically driven refrigeration system was issued to Jacob Perkins in 1834 in London, and the first


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FCU风机盘管fan coil unit AHU空气处理单元air handling unit FAU新风处理单元fresh air unit HVAC供热通风与空气调节heating ventilating and air conditioning AHU——空气处理机 CH.——制冷机 C.D.——冷凝水管 C.T.——xx CAV——新风量控制箱 EAF——排风机 EAD——排风管 EAG——排风口 EAL——排风百叶 FAG——新风口 FAL——新风百叶 FAF——补风机 F.A.——新风 FAD——新风管 F.D.——防火阀 HC——加热盘管 FC——风机盘管

HX——热交换器 N.R. D.----风管止回阀 P. A.-------经过处理的新风 PDA-------新风管(经过处理的新风) PAU-------新风机(带处理功能) PAL-------新风百叶 R. A.-------回风 RAD-------回风管 RAG-------回风口 DCC Dry cooling coil干盘管(干式盘管) FFU Fan filter unit风机过滤单元 MAU Make up air hundling unit schedule新风空调箱AHU Air hundling unit空气处理单元 HEPA High efficiency pariculate air高效空气过滤器 AS Air shower风淋室 PB Pass box传递箱 CB Clean bench净化工作台

RD Relief damper泄压风门 单向流洁净室Unidirectional air flow clean rooms 外围护结构负荷skin-load 异程式系统direct return system 水力计算hydraulic calculation 修正系数correction factor 区域供冷district cooling 地源热泵ground source heat pump 计径计数法particle sizing and counting method 运行能耗operation energy consumption 新风供给fresh air supply 气流组织air distribution 蒸汽冷凝水回收Reclamation of condensate water 置换通风displacement ventilation 洁净度clean class 双速电机two-speed motor 空调负荷air conditioning load 消声noise reduction 减振vibration isolation 座椅送风seat air supply 水平串联式horizontal series type
