


This paper is a comparative study on the different use of polite language between English and Chinese. As an universal phenomenon, politeness exists in all kinds of cultures,which plays a vital role not only in maintaining friendly relationship between human beings but also in creating the harmonious atmosphere conversation. As English-speaking countries and China have different cultures, they use different ways to express their own polite words and deeds, and the different nationalities’ understan ding of polite language always affects the effective cross-culture communication between them. What is more, it would causes unsuccessful cross-cultural communication. A comparative study of polite language between English and Chinese, will urge English learners to reduce the faults in using cross-cultural language, and will simultaneously achieve effective human communication through using appropriately polite expressions.

Key Words:polite language; communication; comparative study; cultural differences





Abstract (i)

中文摘要 (ii)

1. Introduction (1)

1.1 Background (1)

1.2 Aim and objectives (1)

1.3 Organization of the paper (1)

2. Literature Review (2)

3. A comparative Study of Polite Language Between English and Chinese (4)

3.1 Addressing form (4)

3.2 Greetings (5)

3.3 Polite language for inviting (6)

3.4 Polite language for apologizing and thanking (7)

3.5 The differences of private word in English and Chinese (8)

4. The Investigation of Dominant Cultural Influence on Politeness and Strategies for Improving Cross-cultural Communication (9)

4.1 The dominant cultural patterns which influence polite language (9)

4.2 Strategies for improving cross-cultural communication (9)

5. Conclusion (11)

References .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Acknowledgements ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Studies on comparative study of polite language between English and Chinese have gain great attention at home and abroad, and thus large quantities of literature on the study of learning comparative study of polite language between English and Chinese were published. The main function of politeness expressions is to establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships. Due to the different culture between English and Chinese, the polite language is quite different. Contemporary, English has been as an important international language. As the economic developing very fast in China, it’ s international position is more and more important as well. So whether it is for English learners or foreigners, intercultural communication becomes more and more important. In order to avoid the verbal misunderstanding and failure in communication, ensure smooth communication, people should learn the differences polite language between English and Chinese.

1.2 Aim and objectives

This study aims to find out the differences of polite language between English and Chinese in order to avoid verbal misunderstanding and failure in communication. This paper tries to analyze the cultural differences affect the polite language in English and Chinese, and points out that the comparative study will help us to reduce the pragmatic failure and achieve the cross-cultural communication.

To be specific, this study attempts to answer the following three questions: (1)What is the purpose to analyze this study? (2) What causes the differences of polite language between English and Chinese? (3) What should we learn during this study?

1.3 Organization of the paper

This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one serves as an overall introduction to the rationale and aim of the study. Chapter two reviews the definitions of politeness that have been proposed by scholars at home and abroad. Chapter three analyzes the differences in addressing, greeting, inviting, and apologizing and thanking by comparison. Chapter four analyzes the specific cultural assumptions, and put forward suggestions on how to improve the cross-cultural communication. Chapter five is devoted to the conclusion in which we find out the differences of polite language between English and Chinese in order to improve the cross-cultural communication.

2. Literature Review

Politeness, in an interaction, can then be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another people’s face. (George Yule, 2004, 10:60)

In the early 50s, the American scholar E. Goftman had put forward the “face behavior theory” in terms of sociology. Brown and Levinson(1978)view politeness as “a complex system for softening face-threatening acts.” On the basis of the theory of E Goftman’s , in 1978, Brown and Levinson have put forward the mature “face behavior theory” in their book ‘Universals in Language usage politeness phenomena’. And they tried to regard “face behavior theory” as a common linguistic phenomenon to study.

As far as 1702, Theophrastus defined politeness as “a social behavior; a skill to be used to achieve a specific aim, the principal aim is enhancement of ego’s self-esteem and his/her public status in her eyes of others with supplementary aim of enhancing others’ self-esteem.(Watts,1992)

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1980), politeness means the attempt to establish, maintain and save face during conversation.

Lakoff (1973) holds the view that politeness is a device used in order to reduce friction in personal interaction.

Leech (1983) interprets politeness as form of behavior aimed at the establishment and maintenance of comity, i.e., the ability of Participants in a socio-communicative interaction to engage in interaction in an atmosphere of relative harmony. Further more, Leech put forward six politeness principles to restrict interpersonal communication. The first one is Tact Maxim(得体准则): (a)Minimize cost to other (尽量少让别人吃亏), (b)Maximize benefit to other (尽量多使别人受益). The second one is Generosity Maxim (慷慨准则):(a) Minimize benefit to self (尽量少让自己受益),(b)Maximize cost to self (尽量多使自己吃亏). The third one is Approbation Maxim (赞誉准则):(a) Minimize dispraise of other (尽量少贬低别人);(b)Maximize praise of other (尽量多赞誉别人). The fourth one is Modesty Maxim (谦虚准则): (a)Minimize praise of self(尽量少赞誉自己);(b)Maximize dispraise of self (尽量多贬低自己). The fifth one is Agreement Maxim (一致准则):(a) Minimize disagreement between self and other (尽量减少双方的分歧);(b)Maximize agreement between self and other (尽量增加双方的一致). The last one is Sympathy Maxim (同情准则):(a) Minimize antipathy between self and other (尽量减少双方的反感);(b)Maximize sympathy between self and other (尽量增加双方的同情).(Leech,1983)

Grundy (1995) consider politeness as “the term we use to extent to which actions, the way things are said, match addressees perceptions of how they should be performed.”

Kasper (1990) view that“Politeness is therefore a term to refer to the strategies available to interactions to defuse the danger and to minimize the antagonism.”

House (2001) says politeness is a socio-cultural phenomenon, roughly to be defined as showing, or appearing to show, consideration to other.

In China, the concept of politeness can be traced back of the notion to 礼(rite). It refers to the social hierarchy and order of the slave society of the Zhou Dynasty (He, 1995). Two or three hundreds later, the notion of礼gained the meaning of politeness. In 《礼记》(the Book of Rites), which is one of the six Confucian classic complied by Dai Sheng(辞海,1979), the classical notion of 礼was descried as “to humble yourself but show respect to other.” Professor Gu (1990) from Beijing International Studies University puts it that there are basically four notions underlying the conception of 礼貌. There are respectfulness, which refers to self’s positive appreciation or admiration of other concerning face, social status and so on; modesty, which is a way to show self-denigration; attitudinal warmth , which involves self’s demonstration of kindness, consideration and hospitality to other; and refinement, which refers to self’s behavior to other which meets certain standards. These are the key components of Chinese concept of politeness.

3. A Comparative Study of Polite Language between English and


3.1 Addressing form

3.1.1 Different addressing forms in relations

According to modern dictionary, terms of address explain like this: Term of address is the title telling the interrelation between one and the other, as well as represent the other’s status or career.

From ancient times to present, Chinese have paid much attention to addressing other due to China is a country with long history, and they respect the elders very much. In Chinese, the junior shouldn’t address the elders by their name directly but use the relative addresses, such as “爷爷”(grandpa),“奶奶”(grandma),“爸爸”(dad),“妈妈”(mum),and so on. Among the peers, the younger should not call the elders by their full name directly but address them by using the relative addresses, such as “大哥”(elder brother),“大姐”(elder sister),while the elder can call the younger by their name directly.

Compared with Chinese, terms of addressing in English are much simpler. They address all their father’s and mother’s brother “uncle”, all their father’s and mother’s sister “aunt” and call all their peers “cousin”. However, in Chinese, it is very complex. Such as “舅舅”(mother’s brother);“伯父”(father’s elder brother);“叔父”(father’s younger brother);“姨父”(husband of mother’s sister);“姑父”(husband of father’s sister);“姨妈”(mother’s married sister);“姑妈”(father’s married sister);“堂兄弟”(sons of father’s brother)“堂姐妹”(daughters of father’s brother)“表兄弟”(sons of father’s sister or of mother’s sister or brother)“表姐妹”(daughters of father’s sister or of mother’s sister or brother). In English, they can call their names among peers, even between their parents. It is quite different in English and Chinese.

3.1.2 Different addressing forms in social occasion

In China's formal occasions, people prefer to use post call, such as: minister Wang, director Li, manager Zhang, etc. On one hand, to be called reflected the respect, on the other hand also reflected the status of the identity. However, in England, between colleagues, between superiors and their subordinates often call each other by name, generally not with the title of titles such as Manager Smith to show cordiality or shorten the distance between the two sides. Especially in recent years, the western social communication of the "address" seems to be going through a revolution,

regardless of position and position is, people are more and more willing to use first names. It is an obvious attempt to rid society status difference of the representation of the strong desire, or means interpersonal relationship more equal. Even in the formal occasions, the name in front of the call also need not too complicated.

However, Chinese was influence by the traditional etiquette, in interpersonal occasion, Chinese pay great attention in its own position and the use of language. In Chinese, to each have a different under the role of language. As for the younger generation, the elders to subordinate supervisor present dominant language characteristic, has some of the mandatory, can need not appellation. The present is to be dominant and the respectful language style, before speaking with total respect in the title, otherwise, it is considered rude, don't give him face.

3.2 Greetings

In English, people are self-centered, personal interests sacrosanct, this criterion permeate all aspects of social life, so they can not accept these following questions which are very formal in China:

How old are you?(你多少岁了?)

Have you got married? (你结婚了吗?)

Where are you from?(你是什么地方人?)

Where are you going?(你到哪里去?)

How much is your income?(你挣多少钱?)

What’s your religion?(你的宗教信仰是什么?)

In Britain and the United States, the above questions will be considered to be very uncouth, take the liberty of rude behavior. Similar problems in the eyes of Chinese are the embodiment of the care or the two relations are not general. Chinese culture regards the family as its foundation, pay attention to the mutual interest between people, openly; emphasizes the social, collective spirit, and strengthens the constraints of society, groups of individuals. These two different cultures bring the two sides in communication obstacles.

When Chinese meet others, they always say:“Have a meal?”or“Where are you going?”But in England, you can not say that. If you do, they would think you want to invite him/her to go out to have a meal or inquire about his/her private affairs. And when they are waiting to hear the details, you talk about the other thing next, this behavior tends to make them feel baffled. They will wonder, if you do not invite me to have dinner, why do you ask me if I have had dinner yet?

British people greet each other, usually just say: hello, good morning, or how

are you.They often say "hello" to meet the weather, health, traffic, sports and hobbies for topic. If you encounter an acquaintance, you need to say something more. You can talk about the weather, or about the coming exam. British and American people respect the privacy of each other very much. In generally, they do not ask others’private affairs, let alone to ask someone’s age and salary.

Interpersonal relationships in China, emphasizing the role of the collective, people do not think there is any privacy. Westerners emphasize individualism, personal interests paramount, trying to get rid of the shackles of society, do not want to own things under exposure to a large crowd. Therefore, the Chinese people can openly ask other people's wages and marital status will not allow others to upset. British and American people put these attributable to the scope of personal privacy, not be free to ask, otherwise it is considered impolite, even if you are his close friends.

3.3 Polite language for inviting

Both in English and China, if someone invites you for dinner at their home, you must bring some gifts, but it is obviously different.First, Chinese people emphasis on the value of the gift. They think highly of the actual value of the gift, that the value of the gift proportional to the emotional expression; Westerners pay less attention to the practical value, so they usually send other a card, a bouquet of flowers or other small gifts. Secondly the gifts have different cultural meanings. Chinese give gifts to other care about the name of the gifts, and they avoid giving the gifts with ominous homophonic. such as can't send clock, because harmonics "song zhong"; can't send an umbrella, because harmonics “scattered " ; avoid sending towel, towel for parting gifts for ancient; avoid sending scissors, taboo " make a clean break with" the ominous meaning. Westerners love flowers, so give flowers to a lot of cultural implication: Violet represents shy; pansies represent thinking; carnations signify appreciation to mother; roses symbolize love; peony is good for patients with flowers; the chrysanthemum in some west country is the symbol of the funeral flowers, so be careful.

Others invite you to have dinner with his family, of course, you can not leave immediately after the dinner. You have to wait for half an hour at lease. If the master looked tired, lack of interest in the conversation, or host have other thing to do, you should leave early. About these manners and habits, are all the same in English and Chinese.

The following key is to talk about the differences of polite language in parting

after dinner in English and Chinese. For example, in an English home, if you consider the host is very tired, and you want to let him go to bed early, you don't say:" I should go. You must be tired. Only when you know that the other is sick, you can say such words.

What should be said only with the British people's habits? If it is in the evening, you could say: “oh, I should let you get some rest. (If you know the host is very tir ed) or if you know the host has a lot of work to do, it is said:" I should let you get on with your work.” If the host want s you to stay longer, and you must go, according to Chinese tradition, people would say:" I've wasted a lot of your time.” or said: "I'm sorry, I have take n up so much of your time.” This statement is not consistent with the British people’s habits, it should be replaced with:" Thank you for a lovely afternoon." or said: "It's been good to see you again."

As we know that Chinese has such a custom that the whole family send the guests out of the gate, even the alley, street, and said goodbye again and again, and to send one another.But in England, people only send the guests to the gate and just say goodbye to the guests. It is not means that English people is not warm to the guests. 3.4 Polite language for apologizing and thanking

Polite language for thanking also is a kind of polite language. When others for their own to spend time and energy to pay a certain amount of labor or material to provide a convenient, in the spirit to give strong support and help to solve their own difficulties, often to thank to the other party. English people said "thank you" is much common than Chinese people. Polite language for thanking in Chinese and English have two distinctly differences: first, between husband and wife or relatives needless to say "thank you" otherwise it will have the feeling of alienated; second, to take for granted services, general not thanks.The influence of traditional culture, family members, almost can't hear" thank you" these two words in China. In western countries," Thank you" are used very frequency. Even if the other party's help is useless for you, you also have to thank others. Family members is not exceptional also, husband to wife, parents can also say "thank you" to their child.

Different cultures caused the usage of apology also have differences. English people apologize to other is more frequent than Chinese. No matter what people offended, English people will apologize, but must be sincere attitude. Even if the other person is their child or subordinate, they also will say“Sorry”or " I ' m sorry to hear that!" And to the Chinese people, the superior, inferior or older offend the younger generation , they did not need to apologize, this is the sign of "authority","

power" is the concrete performance. In western culture, social structure is equality orientation, which determines the apology is to maintain the equal remedy means. 3.5 The differences of private word in English and Chinese

In English and Chinese, there are a lot of taboo languages. In order to avoid failure of cross-cultural communication, all parties should pay attention to how to avoid sensitive topic and taboo. When you are talking with foreigners, you have to avoid age, salary and other sensitive topics.

In China, "old" is the symbol of wisdom and experience, however, in the West, people mind the word "old" very much, especially women, dislike others say she is old, because in the western countries, old means useless. In English and Chinese there are a lot of taboo and euphemism. Although people all know that death is any biological and human can not escape the ultimate destination, but people always with a negative emotions to think about death, do not wish to direct reference to this kind of thing. In English, many words or terms used to refer to "dead" or" death". For example, go, pass away, breath one's last, go west, go to a better world, be with God, and do not directly use the death (death ).

Numbers is a count of symbol, but in the long-term used process, people give it a special meaning and connotation. Different cultures to digital have their own unique beliefs or taboo. As Chinese people advocating the" good things come in pairs" of "double", especially the number "6""8" figures are regarded as a lucky number. But the English people think that"6" is not an lucky number.Because three of ligatures 6 in the bible is a terrible "beasts number", is the devil code, it is said that the President Kennedy was stabbed to death, a few digital cooperate with it is "666". In the west, common taboo digital is "13". In their opinion,"13" is a unlucky number, a party can not serve a 13 people sitting table, addressing the floor number and various kinds of number never use "13", 12 floor’s above is 14 layer, hotels, hospitals are have not room 13, "13" is said about Jesus.

In addition, for most British people speaking, pay special attention to personal privacy, put forward to strangers, "How old are you? Are you married?" These questions are considered impolitely; But Chinese is easy to be familiar with other, not a half hour, each other's personality and family life condition will understand each other clearly, this also is two different cultural background in action.

4. The investigation of dominant cultural influence on politeness and

strategies for improving cross-cultural communication

4.1 The dominant cultural patterns which influence polite language

Polite language between English and Chinese have great differences due to the different cultural background, so it’s principle must show some differences.

1.With the Chinese culture as the background

Professor Gu Yueguo according to the source and flow of Chinese culture, put forward Chinese culture politeness norms four characteristics: respect, humility, the attitude of enthusiasm, gentle, and put forward the principles of Chinese politeness five guidelines: self denigration maxim, call guidelines, elegant criterion, the same standards, German, word, line standards.

2. With the English culture as the background

Leech politeness principle established in the Western cultural foundation, summarized the Western politeness features, consists of Tact Maxim; Generosity Maxim; Modesty Maxim; Agreement Maxim; Sympathy Maxim; Approbation Maxim.

Visible, Chinese and English politeness principles have many similarities. But different languages have different cultural background, standard and form. The fact that politeness itself has a cultural universal, and has the obvious cultural differences, cultural differences often consists of cross-cultural communication barrier. In natural points, western culture is a scientific culture, however, China is a country with a long history, so it’s a humanistic culture. Scientific culture emphasis material, ignores person theory, the value orientation of utilitarian-based, emphasis on human rights, personal supremacy. But humanistic culture emphasis personal theory, ignore material, value orientation to moral-based, advocating the sense of community, the pursuit of harmony between man and nature.

4.2 Strategies for improving cross-cultural communication

4.2.1 Consider the communication object.

Communication object is one of the important prerequisite that must be considered in determining the communicative strategy, therefore, speech subjects should be seriously studied the characteristics of the communication object, cultural background in order to make correct estimates and judgments, and then select the best of polite language and language ways to make communication object can fully understand and accept the speaker to convey information. If the words the main attention to the words

and sentences is mistaken, ignored the language pragmatics, it will affect the communication is carried out smoothly.

If the communication object is a living for many years in China,

English-speaking countries, are very familiar with the guidelines of the Chinese culture, courtesy, communication, both sides of communication did not follow the guidelines of each other culture, courtesy, and few will have a communication barriers. If the communication object is a first came to China soon, the English-speaking countries people do not understand the Chinese culture, verbal communication, speech theme should take full account of his (her) the cultural background of the communication object, timely and accurate selection of decent, polite language. "Your English is really very good.", You should politely replied, "Thank you" to indicate the acceptance of each other's good intentions when he (she) polite, sincerely commend your good spoken.

4.2.2 Respect for the objects of communication courtesy guidelines.

Politeness norms in different countries have different cross-cultural communication, to respect the politeness norms of communication objects. Although the Chinese people's politeness norms of both sides of communication active and enthusiastic to ask each other's age, family status, income, etc.. But, even if the other side of communication (English-speaking countries,) and you close relationship with the English national human communication, communication subject (person) should try to avoid inquire about each other's family situation, income, religion, etc., because these topics are impolite topic would harm their privacy. Banquet to the English-speaking countries guests, the Chinese politeness norms in China's English-speaking countries guests frequently advised food, polite enthusiasm, will make the English-speaking countries misunderstood interfere with their personal freedom, thereby affecting the smooth progress of communication. Respect the number of English-speaking countries, people politely advised only a one time thing.

5. Conclusion

Different cultures caused different polite language. Politeness in both English and Chinese language by differential comparison shows, courtesy of the cultural aspects, different nations have different concept of politeness and courtesy standards. Manifestations of politeness in different cultures in the West, the methods and criteria are quite different, it also underlined the Pragmatic Functions of language forms and their cultural background is closely related to, the politeness principle subject to the constraints of a particular culture. People of different cultural backgrounds to communicate, we must understand the cultural differences in order to avoid the Pragmatic Failure, interruption or failure of communication. Therefore, we in the professional learning of Chinese as a foreign language, not only to develop English language skills, but also pay attention to the cultivation of Pragmatic Competence in order to better cross-cultural communication.

From the above comparison of politeness in English and Chinese, we can see that different nationalities, different cultural background may lead to different standards to measure things. With the development of society, with the national unity and the world economic and cultural exchanges between the deepening of foreign language learners, as we, experience deeply:" only understand language but not understand each other's culture is very difficult to successfully communicate". Therefore, in the actual teaching, pay attention to training the students' language ability and the ability of intercultural communication, to meet the needs of society for more and more specifically to the talent needed. Therefore, to investigate and contrast the differences in politeness has its practical significance.


英汉礼貌用语对比研究 学生姓名:周丽平 指导老师:王亚琼 教学单位:外国语学院 摘要:当社会文明达到一定程度,人们在相互交往时十分看重礼貌,东方和西方国家在内涵方面有所差异。这个课题以英汉礼貌用语以及双方的面子维持和礼貌策略,采用积极礼貌和消极礼貌策略、关联性与独立性等概念,就事论事的分析英汉两种语言在具体的间接言语行为方面的文化差异。本文从信件为基础,就双方的礼貌策略和面子维持策略,包括感谢、祝贺、以及其他表情性文字等进行详细的分析,并据此来分析翻译中必要的调整。 关键词:礼貌与面子策略;英汉礼貌言语行为对比和翻译 一、引言 礼貌是文明的象征,在中西国家礼貌运用广泛,但他们之间有鲜明的对比,在运用当中才能体出来。 二、礼貌与面子策略 贾玉新以Goffman(1959),Levinson(1983),Scollon和Scollon(1995)的有关理论为依据,认为礼貌是非对称性的,对听话人来讲是礼貌的行为(如祝贺,邀请,感谢),对说话人来讲可能是不礼貌的,即说话人必须有所付出;反之,对说话人有礼貌的(如命令,请示,请求,建议等),对听话人来讲可能不礼貌,构成对听话人面子的威胁。礼貌概念分为积极礼貌和消极礼貌。从言语行为来看,积极礼貌可能包括承诺性和表情性言语行为,而消极礼貌则可能包括指示性言语行为,常常涉及到对别人自由的干扰,尽量委婉或策略地表示我们对其他人的尊重。积极礼貌是“对别人表示赞许”,消极礼貌是“对强加(行为)的回避”。R.Scollon和S.W.Scollon在《跨越文化交际一话语分析法》中提到了关联面子(involvement face)和独立面子(independence face)两个原则,一方面我们要参与和别人的活动,并向别人表明我们在参与;另一方面我们要与其它参与者相区别,保持一定程度的独立性。关联面子强调“平等性”,而独立面子则强调“尊重性”。这两个方面相悖相反的,却同时发生。任何交际过程中,说话人和听话人同时面临对自己面子的威胁。 三、案例分析 3.1称呼语的使用和翻译 双方关系的协调,首先体现在双方对彼此的称呼上。般都是dear+full name。英语正式信件的称呼,一般是dear+Mr./Ms.+full name,可是,在跨文化交际中,汉语拼音并不能象英语名字一样标志性别,甚至姓氏和名字,(除非已经融入英语文化的名人,比如Jaekie Chen,否则一般的翻译就是Cheng Long),可能正是因为这个原因,项目方的格式,就是dear+full name。在翻译


2001年9月第9卷 第3期 西安外国语学院学报 J o urnal of Xi'an Fo reig n Lang uag es U niv er sity Sep.2001 V o l.9N o.3英汉礼貌用语的语用差异 王毅敏 (西安外国语学院应用英语系陕西西安710061) 摘 要:中西方文化的巨大差异导致其礼貌语的使用差异。本文从礼貌原则的角度分析了英汉礼貌用语在称呼、谦逊与客套、隐私及交际等方面的语用差异。 关键词:礼貌原则;礼貌用语;语用差异 中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-4703(2001)03-0055-02 一、中西两种礼貌原则 礼貌是维系人们交际成功的必不可少的纽带。为避免由于言语误解而导致交际失败,保证交际的顺利进行,人们应使用礼貌原则。 1.Leech的西方式礼貌原则 英国著名的语言学家Leech在研究礼貌现象的基础上,效法Grice的合作原则,提出了礼貌原则。包括六项准则: 1)策略准则:尽量减少他人付出的代价,尽量增大对他人的益处。 2)慷慨准则:尽量减少对自己的益处,尽量增大自己付出的代价。 3)赞扬准则:尽量缩小对他人的批评,尽量增强对他人的赞扬。 4)谦虚准则:尽量缩小对自己的标榜,尽量夸大对自己的批评。 5)赞同原则:尽量缩小与他人的不同意见,尽量夸大与他人的相同意见。 6)同情原则:尽量缩小对他人的厌恶,尽量扩大对他人的同情。 2.顾曰国的中国式礼貌准则 顾曰国教授对礼貌原则问题进行了深入细致的研究,总结了五项与汉语文化相关的礼貌原则。 1)贬己尊人准则。这是中国式礼貌的最大特点,即“夫礼者,自卑而尊人”,指谈到自己或与自己相关的事物时,要“贬”、“谦”;谈到听者或与听者有关的事物时,要“台”、“尊”。 2)称呼准则。称呼语代表了人与人之间的一种社会关系,中国的称呼准则是“上下有义,贵贱有分,长幼有序。” 3)文雅准则。即选用雅语,禁用秽语;多用委婉,少用直言,避免直接提及使人不愉快或难堪的事物。如:死亡、性事、排泄、绝症、较低下的职业和犯法行为等。 4)德言行准则。指在行为动机上,尽量减少他人付出的代价,尽量增大对他人的益处;在言辞上,尽量夸大别人给自己的好处。 5)求同准则。指交际双方在诸多方面力求和谐一致,尽量满足对方愿望。当不得不批评别人或发表不同意见时,人们往往是“先礼后兵”,“先褒后贬”。这也就谈到“脸”和“面子”的问题,“脸”主要指与人的社会身份地位相匹配的一种社会价值,当人的所作所为符合并加强了这种正价值,他就“有了脸”,或“露了脸”;当个人所作所为与这种正价值相悖,他就“丢了脸”,“没脸”或“不要脸”。从语用角度看,“脸”与“面子”通常与“训斥”、“批评”、“指责”、“邀请”及“请求”联系在一起,如甲在公开场合批评乙,乙会认为“没面子”,“没给他留脸面”。当人们考虑到自己或别人的脸或面子时,礼貌就成了很有用的语用手段,人们追求的往往是“求同准则”。 由此可见,英汉语言的礼貌准则有许多相似之出。但是,不同的语言有各自不同的文化背景、衡量标准及表现形式。事实上,礼貌本身既有文化的普遍 · 55 ·


On the Comparison of Chinese and English Expressions on Politeness 中英礼貌用语之比较I. Introduction引言 II.汉英礼貌原则 A.中西礼貌原则的共同处 B. 汉语和英语文化中的礼貌原则 1.英语文化中的礼貌原则 2.汉语文化中的礼貌原则 C.汉英礼貌用语与文化价值观念 III.礼貌用语在应用中的差异Difference in the applications of politeness principles in Chinese and English (1)礼貌的内涵差异Different views about politeness in English and Chinese cultures (2)礼貌的实际语用差异 ●1,称呼上的差异性different uses of addressing terms ● 2. 问候上的差异性different uses of greetings ●谦语、敬词的差异性(建议删除这一项) ● 3. 语言称赞策略的差异性Different uses of praising strategy

● 4. 致谢语的差异性Difference in the use acknowledging thanks ● 5.道歉语的差异性Difference in the use of apologising terms ●词语文化内容的差异性(建议删除这一项) (3)中西礼貌差异的原因 IV、Conclusion结束语 参考文献: 《英汉礼貌用语的比较与翻译》 《英汉礼貌用语比较谈》 《中西社会礼貌原则及其差异分析》 《基于文化差异的汉英礼貌用语对比研究》 《汉英礼貌用语的比较》


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac4395217.html, 英汉礼貌用语的语用差异 作者:陈忠良 来源:《教育教学论坛》2014年第11期 摘要:礼貌在不同的文化中具有不同的特性。礼貌用语在英汉语中都得到广泛使用,然而在不同文化中,语义相对应的礼貌用语在语用上存在很大差异,了解这些差异可以帮助人们消除语用障碍和语用失误,有利于跨文化交际的顺利实现。本文从语用的角度对常见的英汉礼貌用语,包括致谢语、请托语、致歉语和道别语等方面进行比较研究,揭示了它们的语用差异。 关键词:英汉礼貌用语;语用对比;语用差异 中图分类号:H003 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2014)11-0106-02 礼貌是人类社会的一种普遍现象,和语言有着密切的联系。礼貌用语的语用差异指的是在语言使用过程中的礼貌文化差异,而这种差异,常常构成跨文化交际中的障碍,从而导致语用障碍和语用失误。礼貌是一个相对的概念,带有明显的民族性,每个民族衡量礼貌与否的标准也是不同的。本文试图找出英汉礼貌用语的不同和相似之处,以及在跨文化交际中的重要性。 英汉语中使用频率最高的礼貌用语主要包括致谢语、请托语、致歉语和道别语。在英语中分别对应thank you,please,sorry(excuse me),goodbye,汉语中分别对应谢谢、请、对不起、再见。英汉语中的这些用语,在语义上基本对应,但它们却具有语用上的差异。 1.致谢语:“谢谢”和“thank you”。汉语中的“谢谢”和英语中的“thank you”基本语义是对应的,但两者有着很大差别。首先,“thank you”的使用频率比“谢谢”更高。在汉语中,家庭成员之间基本不用“谢谢”,熟人、亲戚好友之间,也很少用。而英美人则相反,熟人、亲戚朋友、家庭成员之间均用“thank you”这句话。其次,“谢谢”和“thank you”在使用的范围和场合上也有差别。当讲汉语的中国人得到别人的恭维、赞扬或邀请时往往采用谦虚推让、贬己尊人甚至是否认自己的方式,而英美人在受到称赞或邀请时,会高兴地表示谢意。此外,讲汉语的人在接受服务时,常常向服务员表示谢意,而英美国家则相反,往往是服务员向顾客表达谢意。另外,英汉两种语言对于“谢谢”和“thank you”的回答也存在差异。当受别人感谢时,讲汉语的人会回答“不客气”或“没关系,这是我应该做的”等类似的话,而讲英语的人则会回答“You are welcome”或“I am glad to help you!”等。如果将汉语的回答“没关系,这是我应该做的”译成英语为“Never mind. It’s my duty.”而在英语中“Never mind”是在对方表示道歉时才使用的回答语,而“It’s my duty”通常是值班人员或工作人员的用语,表示是职责所在,不得不为之的意思。最后,英语的“Thank you”并不总是表示感谢,有时作为一种窘迫下的解脱之词,还表示要结束 谈话,甚至表示拒绝的搪塞之词。英语中,“thank you”也常用回答别人的恭维和赞美。在英语中,一般遵循“一致准则”。当有人夸奖时,受夸奖者的回答往往是“Thanks!”或“Thank you (very much)!”。但在中国,面对夸奖则遵循“谦虚准则”。中国人通常是“否认”或“自贬”,如:“哪里,哪里”、“不敢当”、“过奖了”等。


汉英礼貌用语对比研究 一、引言 礼貌是各种文化普遍存在的一种社会现象。礼貌用语是人们日常语言交际过程中的重要手段,不同的文化背景下有着不同的礼貌用语。恰当使用礼貌用语,对调和及融洽人际关系起到了意想不到的作用。 二、本论 (一)“礼貌”概念的不同渊源 1.汉文化中的“礼貌”概念的历史渊源 .汉文化中“礼貌”概念的历史渊源礼貌具有普遍性,但不同文化在实现礼貌的方法以及在礼貌的判断标准上存在着差异。这些差异是在社会、历史、人文、地理等多种因素的长期影响下逐步形成的。首先,汉英文化中礼貌概念的渊源有所不同。汉文化中现代的“礼貌”概念有着悠久的历史渊源,它起源于古代的“礼”,即礼制。众所周知,礼是中国古代哲学思想的一个重要组成部分,也是儒家思想的重要概念之一。孔子生活的春秋末期,诸侯争霸,统治者内部矛盾重重,战争不断,社会动荡。孔子为了适应当时的社会生活的要求,致力于恢复“礼制”,以便使社会平稳地过渡到一个新的“天下有道”的社会。孔子的“礼”并不指“礼貌”,而是指自奴隶社会时期的周朝(公元前1100年)以来的社会等级秩序。通过“正名”,“礼”规定了社会成员之间的等级差别,要求每个社会成员按照自己的社会地位来说话、做事。在《论语·子路》中,孔子指出:“名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成,事不成则礼乐不兴,礼乐不兴则刑罚不中,刑罚不中则民无所措手足”。因此,“正名”就是要维护君君、臣臣、父父、子子等的等级关系,这种关系在某种程度上是通过语言来实现的。《荀子·礼论》也谈到了礼的起源(当然说的是礼制):“人生而有欲,欲而不得,则不能无求;求而无度量分界,则不能不争;争则乱,乱则穷。先王恶其乱也,故制礼义以分之,以养人之欲,给人之求,使欲不穷乎物,物必不屈于欲,两者相持而长,是礼之所起也”,“也就是说,礼起源于人类欲望与欲望的难以满足之间的不平衡”[1],因此,无论是孔子还是荀子,都把“礼”看成是维护现行社会等差的行为法则,只要人人遵守“礼”,既定的社会秩序就不会打乱;相反,若违反“礼”,就会受到惩罚。 在孔子之后的二、三百年,礼制已完全建立起来。但后来孔子的“礼”的概念发生了变化,已接近现代意义的“礼貌”概念。西汉戴申所编《礼记》中的重要论述:“勿不敬。夫礼者,自卑而尊人”,表明那时“礼”的概念已包含“尊敬”、“敬意”这些现代“礼貌”概念的要素。而且《礼记》中所表述的贬己尊人,正是汉文化中礼貌的一大特点。因此,汉文化中现代“礼貌”概念的悠久的历史渊源决定着它与英语文化中“礼貌”概念在内涵上完全不同。 2.英语文化中的“礼貌”概念的历史渊源 2.英语文化中“礼貌”概念的渊源礼貌作为一种各社会各群体共有的普遍现象,在英语文化中也能找到其渊源。英语文化中“礼貌”概念的产生和演变,也经历了不断的变化。在英语中“礼貌”(politeness)是和“宫廷”(court)及“城市”(city)联系在一起的。首先,从词源上说,“politeness”和“polite”都与词根“polis,polit”有直接联系,这两个词根由希腊词根“polis”和“politeia”派生而来,而这两个希腊词根就指城市或城市的管理(city or government of city)。其次,英语中polite的同义词有courteous,urbane和civil。这些词原本都用来指宫廷中或城市中人们良好的言行举止。何兆熊指出:“不少学者的研究结果已证明礼貌和宫廷及城市之间的词汇上的联系。历史上某个时期城市中人们的行为被认为是礼貌的,而另一个时期宫廷中人们的行为被认为是礼貌的。”[2]如上所述,汉英两种文化中,“礼貌”的渊源迥然不同,这种差异必将导致“礼貌”的内涵


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论海明威在小说《太阳照样升起》中的象征意义 2 用合作原则分析男性广告语的诉求 3 玛丽?巴顿的女性意识 4 The Growth Topic in The Catcher in the Rye 5 论D.H.劳伦斯诗歌中的救赎意识 6 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 7 从语用角度和文化角度浅谈隐喻的翻译 8 对《傲慢与偏见》中贝内特太太及其女儿们的人物评论 9 人性的救赎——从电影《辛德勒的名单》看美国英雄主义的新侧面 10 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 805 990 74 9 11 从认知角度看隐喻在英语词汇习得中应用 12 英汉动物习语文化内涵对比研究 13 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛吉的悲剧成因 14 从僵尸和吸血鬼比较中西方文化的异同 15 中英委婉语语用功能的对比研究 16 庞德对李白诗的误读——《华夏集》诗学探微 17 《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译 18 The Darkness in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales 19 Double Consciousness of Fitzgerald: Nick and Gatsby 20 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 21 Black Women's Searching for Identity in Toni Morrison's Sula 22 从理解文化角度翻译英语习语 23 二语习得理论及其对小学英语教学的影响 24 An Analysis of Space in In the Heart of the Country 25 汽车广告中的双关研究:关联理论视角 26 The Application of Games in English Teaching for Young Learners 27 《织工马南》中马南的性格 28 The Archetype of the Ugly Duckling in The Secret Garden 29 30 如何用英语作精彩演讲 31 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 32 浅谈经济全球化背景下的商务英语 33 解读海明威小说《老人与海》中的生态意识 34 文化杂糅背景下的身份诉求——解读奈保尔的《半生》 35 翻译中的文化差异 36 An Analysis of the Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 37 被忽视的主人公——析《简爱》中的疯女人 38 《隐形人》(混战)中的象征手法分析 39 An Analysis of Cultural Differences between China and English-Speaking Countries through Idioms 40 隐喻视角下的政治新闻语篇分析 41 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突


最新专业原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 A Study on Differences of Family Education between China and America--A Case Study of The Joy Luck Club 2论简奥斯丁在《傲慢和偏见》中的女性意识和婚姻观 3对林语堂的《吾国和吾民》几种中译本比较研究 4生态哲人约翰斯坦贝克 5从家庭伦理关系视角解读《儿子和情人》的女性主义 6论报刊语言翻译中的译者主体性 7凯特肖邦作品中女性自我意识觉醒的主题研究 8商务英语信函中的礼貌原则 9《紫色》中“家”的解读 10从电影《七宗罪》看‘七宗罪’和基督教传统的关系 11基于微博(推特)文化的新型营销模式 12Bertha Is Jane:A Psychological Analysis of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre 13爵士时代下的狂欢化精神——分析豪华宴会在《了不起的盖茨比》中的写作手法以及作用 14外来词的翻译方法初探 15中文古诗词叠词的研究和翻译 16文类、历史和受众心态——论小说《红字》的电影改编 17电影名称的翻译特点 18浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突 19中西方鬼怪比较研究 20汉英“眼”概念隐喻的对比研究 21从僵尸和吸血鬼比较中西方文化的异同 22法律英语翻译中的动态对等理论分析 23浅论《汤姆琼斯》的现实主义特征 24从《法国中尉的女人》看约翰福尔斯的女性主义思想及其局限性 25从功能对等理论谈中国小吃名英译 26简奥斯丁的女权主义在《理智和情感》中的体现 27海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例 28从叔本华的哲学思想角度简析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的悲剧 29中英文颜色词的非对应翻译 30英语抽象名词和物质名词的数概念分析 31《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义 32女性主义解读《傲慢和偏见》中的柯林斯 33《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 34论高中英语文化教学 35论翻译的艺术 36英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析 37《王尔德童话故事》的翻译美学探析 38《了不起的盖茨比》和《太阳照常升起》中时髦女郎的对比 39Elements on the Growth of Mary in The Secret Garden 40不做房间里的天使——解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识 41纳博科夫小说《洛丽塔》的爱情讽刺


中英礼貌用语之比较研究 论文导读:礼貌是人类语言的重要组成部分。中国式的礼貌有着悠久的历史渊源。本文从中英“礼貌”概念的渊源、文化差异、礼貌用语差异等几方面进行阐述。从比较的角度对汉英礼貌用语作一梳理。关键词:礼貌,渊源,文化差异,比较 一、概述 礼貌是人类语言的重要组成部分,是人类文明的标志,人们在日常交际中不可避免地要使用礼貌语言。正如有些语言学家提出的,人类社会的一切冲突和争斗,包括政治上的分歧和争端都是由于语言使用不当导致误解而引起的。这种说法虽然有些极端,但却足以说明礼貌在语言使用中的重要性。长期以来,礼貌语言是一个语用学及社会语言学共同探讨的传统课题,这方面的研究成果很多。早在50年代,美国学者E. Goffman就从社会学角度提出了“面子行为理论”,建立了最初的礼貌模式。根据他的解释,面子与“难为情”(embarrassed)、“蒙羞”(humiliated)或“丢脸”(losing face)之类的感情概念有关。人们往往会在交际中“给面子”、“丢面子”、“留面子”,故人们要学会使用礼貌语言。 1987年,英国学者布朗(P. Brown)和莱文森(S. Levinson)发表了一篇题为《语言应用的普遍现象:礼貌现象》的文章,第一次对礼貌中的面子问题进行了系统的探讨,因而引起了语言学界的极大关注。他们把它分成积极面子和消极面子两种:前者指人们期望自己的言行、思维等得到肯定和赞赏,后者指人们希望在交际活动中自己的自由不受侵

犯。这样,礼貌也就随之分为积极礼貌和消极礼貌。 20世纪80年代,英国语言学家利奇(G. Leech)从语用学的角度对交际活动中的礼貌原则重新进行了归纳和分类,认为礼貌原则由得体、慷慨、赞誉、谦虚、一致和同情等六个准则构成。利奇的礼貌原则注意自身并尊重他人,二者兼顾,更符合言语交际的本质。 中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,中国式的礼貌有着悠久的历史渊源。自古就有“一言而兴邦,一言而丧邦”的说法。近年来,礼貌语言问题更引起国内语言学界的重视。一些学者引进了西方学者在此领域的研究成果,如陈融的《面子、留面子、丢面子》介绍了布朗、莱文森的礼貌模式;刘润清《关于Leech的礼貌原则》介绍了利奇的理论;钱厚生的《礼貌语言研究:理论与方法》一文描述了礼貌语言研究在西方的发展概况。还有不少学者把西方的语言理论与汉语的独特现象相结合。顾曰国撰文深入研究了礼貌在中国文化中的渊源和含义,归纳了五个中国式的礼貌原则:1)“自卑而尊人”与贬己尊人准则;2)“上下有义,贵贱有分,长幼有等”与称呼准则;3)“彬彬有礼”与文雅准则;4)“脸”“面子”与求同准则;5)“有德者必有言”与德,言,行准则。这五个中国式的礼貌准则相互渗透,相互制约,其中贬己尊人是中国式礼貌的突出特点,是最富有中国文化特色的礼貌现象。 世界上各民族都有其独特的礼貌原则或准则,不同文化背景下的人们之间的交往,如果各自按各自的礼貌原则行事,就会产生误解或冲突。因此,各社会群体所遵循的礼貌原则在多大程度上有共同之处是值得研究和探讨的。对跨文化交际研究来说,对其差异的探索似乎更为重


1.上下楼梯,有序右行。 Keep right and in order when using the staircase. 2.轻声慢步,文明礼貌。 Speak gently, walk slowly and keep good manners. 3.不冲撞疯打,不滑行拥堵 Be quiet and in order. 4.课间活动,讲究文明 Cultivate civility when doing activities. 5.上下楼梯,注意安全。 Keep safe when using the staircase. 6.不讲粗话不骂人,不乱丢来不乱扔。 Speak politely and keep clean. 7.防滑防摔防坠防挤 Watch out when walking and running. 8.防磕磕碰碰,防意外伤害。 Keep away the collision and the unintentional injury. 9.千教万教,教人求知,千学万学,学做真人。 The reason for education is to seek knowledge. The reason for study is to be a true man. 10.你不能改变容颜但可以展现笑容 You can’t change the appearance but you can show the smile. 11你不能左右天气但可以改变心情

You can’t control the weather but you can change your mood. 12.你不能预知明天但可以把握今天 You can’t foresee tomorrow but you can hold today. 13.兴趣是最好的老师。 Interest is the best teacher. 兴趣源于天赋。 Interest originates from genius. 兴趣在于激发培养 Interest lies in stimulating and developing. 14.创新热情在这里激发,创新意识在这里实现。 Innovation enthusiasm is aroused here . Innovation consciousness is achieved here. 或者:Here is a place for you to arouse innovation enthusiasm and achieve innovation consciousness. 15.社会进步靠科学。 Social progress depends on science. 科学发展靠知识。 Scientific development depends on knowledge. 丰富知识靠努力。 Rich knowledge depends on endeavor.


汉英礼貌用语对比与分析 06秋专升本学员张先存学号z06205604001 礼貌作为一种社会现象,普遍存在于各国语言中,但由于语用文化价值差异和语用习惯特点的不同,人们对礼貌的理解、处理和运用方式则各不相同.中西方由于受到不同文化、民族心理和价值观的影响,会用不同的方式来表达自己的礼貌言行.而这种差异往往会影响我们进行有效的跨文化交际,因此在英语学习中我们有必要了解汉英礼貌语用方面的差异. 一。汉英礼貌用语的对比: 例1:问候语 以什么样的方式与别人见面打招呼,分手告别,也因东西方文化传统和风俗习惯的不同而不同。西方人则注重逻辑,他们讲究科学,追求准确、系统的分析和实证,西方形式逻辑中有三大定律,即同一律、矛盾律、排中律;在演绎推理中有三段论,即大前提、小前提和结论。在语言上表现为重视语言的形式,人称要一致、单复数有讲究、时态有要求,主语和谓语要配合,介词讲究搭配等等,每个细节都不能马虎。 例如:中文说“你吃了吗?”可以表示字面意义,也可以表示问候,这里的“吃”字后面的“饭”可以省略,不论早饭、中饭、晚饭都可以这样说,也不管什么时候吃的。而英语中可能要说三句不同的话“Have you had your lunch/super/dinner?” 而且他们并不能用来表示问候,除了字面意义,这三句话可能用来暗示一种邀请,但说话人至少要考虑到两个问题:吃的是哪一餐饭,用什么时态,这些问题不清楚,这句话就没法说。 所以,中国人见面时常用的客套话是:“吃过饭了吗?”“你去哪儿?”而与英美人打招呼,不要说“Have you had your meal?”或者“Where are you going?”他们会以为你想邀请他一起外出用餐或你在打听他的私事呢。而当他们正等着听你的下文时,你却谈起旁的事情。这样往往会使对方觉得莫名其妙。他们会想,不请我吃饭,干吗问我吃过饭没有?即使你见他正在用餐,一般也不能说“Are you having meal?”(你在吃饭?)或者“You are going to the dinning room?”(你去吃饭吗?)他们认为这简直是无用的话,明知故问,你不是看见我正在吃饭吗? 又如你正巧遇见一个美国人在修理他的汽车,你走过去说声“Hello. ”或者“Hi.”就行了。但是不能这样打招呼:“You are repairing your car?”(你在修车吗?)你这样一问,他会莫名其妙地瞪着你,不明白你是什么用意。 英美人互相打招呼时,一般只需说“Hello.” “Good morning!” “How are you?”等。如果遇上熟人,需要与对方多说几句,那么可以谈谈天气情况,或者说说即将来临的考试等。 英美人很尊重别人的隐私(privacy),他们一般不打听对方的私事,更忌讳问别人的年龄和收入。中国人路见时常问,“你去哪里?”,英美人则认为这是自己的私事。 别人邀请你到他家吃饭,当然不能吃完就走,总要再等半小时左右。主人谈兴正浓,你如果没有什么特别要紧的事,也就不好意思打断他的话锋;主人显得疲倦,缺乏谈话兴趣了,或主人还有别的事要做,那么就该早些告别。关于这些礼貌与习惯,中外都是一样的。例2:告别语


中英礼仪差异 BBC地道英语口语:Etiquette 礼仪 Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen. Jean: 我是董征. Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that are often seen in the newspapers or heard on the television. Jean: 想要跟上时代,不妨收听Real English. 那么,今天我们要学的词语是? Helen: Today’s new word is etiquette –E.T.I.Q.U.E.T.T.E. – etiquette. Jean: Etiquette.如今我们很少听说这词语,它非常特别,可以解释一下吗? Helen: Well, etiquette means the formal rules of polite, correct behaviour, in a society. Jean: 礼貌的规则,正确的行为,听起来好复杂 Helen: Not really. For example, Chinese etiquette is very different to American etiquette. Jean: Etiquette 这个词指在一个社会中正确的礼貌的行为,国家不同,标准也不同。举个例子吧? Helen: Well, for example in a British company, it


汉英交际礼貌用语的对比 摘要:礼貌,是人类社会普遍存在的一种社会现象。它的主要作用是用礼貌的语言行为来维护社会秩序,建立和保护良好的人际关系,避免交际中不必要的误会与冲突,达到交际的目的。文化的不同,这使得方式上存在着差异,这将难以避免两种文化交流中出现矛盾和冲突。随着汉英两种文化交流的日渐频繁,对双方在礼貌语言的表达方的礼貌的原则和习惯的认知与理解将变得十分重要。 关键词:礼貌用语,英汉文化,礼貌原则,跨文化交际, 礼貌,是人类文明的象征,是人类约定俗称的一种社会行为规范,是人类普遍普遍推崇的美德。然而,世界上的各个民族,由于其不同的历史、地理、文化环境,从而形成了不同的礼貌原则或准则,不同文化背景下的人们之间的交往,如果按照各自的礼貌准则行事,很容易产生误解和冲突。因而在汉英交际中对差异的探索已经成为了必要。 “礼貌”概念的不同渊源 1.汉文化中“礼貌”概念的历史渊源 汉文化中“礼貌”概念有着悠久的历史渊源,它起源于古代的“礼”,即礼制。众所周知,礼是中国古代哲学思想的一个重要组成部分,也是儒家思想的重要概念之一。孔子生活的春秋末期,诸侯争霸,社会动荡。孔子为了适应当时的社会生活的要求,致力于恢复“礼制”。孔子的“礼”并不指“礼貌”,而是指自奴隶社会时期的周朝以来的社会等级秩序。在孔子之后的二、三百年,礼制已完全建立起来。但后来孔子的“礼”的概念发生了变化,已接近现代意义的“礼貌”概念。西汉戴申所编《礼记》中的重要论述:“勿不敬。夫礼者,自卑而尊人”,表明那时“礼”的概念已包含“尊敬”“敬意”这些现代“礼貌”概念的要素。而且《礼记》中所表述的贬己尊人,正是汉文化中礼貌的一大特点。 2.英语文化中“礼貌”礼貌的渊源 英语文化中“礼貌”概念的产生和演变,也经历了不断的变化。在英语中“礼貌” (politeness)是和“宫廷”(court)及“城市”(city)联系在一起的。首先,从词源上说,“politeness”和“polite”都与词根“polis,polit”有直接联系,这两个词根由希腊词根“polis”和“politeia”派生而来,而这两个希腊词根就指城市或城市的管理(city orgovernment of city)。其次,英语中polite的同义词有COLtrte-OIls,urbane和civil,这些词原本都用来指宫廷中或城市中人们良好的言行举止。何兆熊指出:“不少学者的研究结果已证明礼貌和宫廷及城市之间的词汇上的联系。历史上某个时期城市中人们的行为被认为是礼貌的,而另一个时期宫廷中人们的行为被认为是礼貌的。”如上所述,汉英两种文化中,“礼貌”的渊源迥然不同,这种差异必将导致“礼貌”的内涵不同,人们所遵循的礼貌原则及准则也不同。 可以看出,两者的历史渊源差异是很大的。在经历了千百年的历史文化变迁后,不管是汉文化,还是英语文化,都起了沧海桑田的变化。而礼貌,作为文化的一部分,都已形成了两个互不相同体系。近百年来,汉英文化的交流取得了空前的发展。同时,也有许多的专家学者进行了深入的研究,为汉英交际提供了参考。其中,比较具有代表性有中国的胡文仲、顾日国等,英语文化方面的则有利奇、格莱斯等人。 汉英文化各自的礼貌准则 1.利奇的礼貌六原则 20 世纪 60年代,美国语言学家Grice提出了言语交际中的合作原则,即:量的准则(Quantitymaxim)、质的准则(Quality maxim)、关系准则(Relationmaxim)和方式准(Manner maxim)。他发现,人们在交际过程中有时并不遵守交际原则,甚至故意违反这些原则。针对这一现象,英国语言学家利奇Leech在总结P. Brown和S. Levinson研究成果时,认为人们违


英汉礼貌用语的语用差异分析 【摘要】英语民族与汉民族文化的巨大差异导致其礼貌用语的使用差异。本文以称呼语、隐私语为切入点,试图分析英汉两种语言在不同的礼貌原则指导下,礼貌用语上的语用差异,从而保证跨文化交流的顺利进行。 【关键词】英语;汉语;礼貌用语;语用差异 当代中国, 英语已经作为重要的国际交流语言被国人重视。随着中国在国际舞台上的影响力愈发彰显,“汉语热”在不断升温,因此无论是对于学外语的中国人还是学汉语的外国人来说,跨文化交际显得愈发重要, 已经成为现代交际中引人注目的一个特点。礼貌作为一种文化现象,是交际成功的基本保证,特别是礼貌用语,广泛地应用于社会交往的方方面面,因此礼貌和语言有着密不可分的关系。为避免由于言语误解而导致交际失败,保证交际的顺利进行,人们应使用礼貌原则。 一、英汉礼貌原则的差异 所谓礼貌原则,指人们在言语交际中应遵守的社会礼貌规范。由于不同的社会历史文化传统,汉英两种语言有着不同的礼貌原则。 (一)英语礼貌原则 英国著名的语言学家利奇于1983年在其《语用学原则》一书中,以格赖斯的“合作原则”为基础,提出了“礼貌原则”的概念。按照利奇的理论,礼貌原则具体包括以下6点准则上: 1.策略准则:尽量减少他人付出的代价,尽量增大对他人的益处。 2.慷慨准则:尽量减少对自己的益处,尽量增大自己付出的代价。 3.赞扬准则:尽量缩小对他人的批评,尽量增强对他人的赞扬。 4.谦虚准则:尽量缩小对自己的标榜,尽量夸大对自己的批评。 5.赞同原则:尽量缩小与他人的不同意见,尽量夸大与他人的相同意见。 6.同情原则:尽量缩小对他人的厌恶,尽量扩大对他人的同情。 从以上各条准则中我们可以得出这样的规律,即说话人说话时往往都尽量多给别人一点方便,尽量让自己多吃一点亏,从而在交际中使双方感到受尊重,同时反过来获得对方对自己的好感。 (二)汉语礼貌原则 我国学者顾曰国教授根据汉语有关礼貌的文化,于1990年提出了尊重、谦


Abstract This paper is a comparative study on the different use of polite language between English and Chinese. As an universal phenomenon, politeness exists in all kinds of cultures,which plays a vital role not only in maintaining friendly relationship between human beings but also in creating the harmonious atmosphere conversation. As English-speaking countries and China have different cultures, they use different ways to express their own polite words and deeds, and the different nationalities’ understan ding of polite language always affects the effective cross-culture communication between them. What is more, it would causes unsuccessful cross-cultural communication. A comparative study of polite language between English and Chinese, will urge English learners to reduce the faults in using cross-cultural language, and will simultaneously achieve effective human communication through using appropriately polite expressions. Key Words:polite language; communication; comparative study; cultural differences


毕业设计(论文) 题目:中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究 A Constructive Study of Politeness in Chinese And English Culture 学生姓名:蔡美玲 学号:0807060128 专业班级:B08英语(国际商务)1班 指导教师:唐红梅 学院:外国语学院 2012年4 月

中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究 摘要 语言礼貌是一种普遍的社会现象,广泛地存在于人类社会生活之中。它协调着人们的社会关系和交际活动,是维系人际和谐的工具,避免交际冲突的手段。随着中国加入WTO,中国与西方国家在政治,经济,文化方面的联系变得越来越紧密,社交越来越频繁,礼貌用语也显得越来越重要。在此过程中,言语交际成功与否,在很大程度上取决于能否选用恰当的礼貌表现形式。本课题将通过对中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究,阐明中西礼貌用语的共性和差异性,以及在不同文化背景下,中英不同的礼貌原则和各自的侧重点。通过对此课题的研究,使人们在社交过程中,根据不同的场合,正确的使用合适的礼貌语,避免不同文化下不同礼貌用语带来的各种冲突。同时,能使英语学习者更加透彻的了解西方文化,掌握交际语言。最后,若用于英语教学中,将提高学生的综合素质,以及跨文化交际能力。 关键词:礼貌用语; 礼貌原则; 文化; 差异对比

A CONSTRUCTIVE STUDY OF POLITENESS IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH CULTURE ABSTRACT Language Courtesy is a kind of common social phenomenon, which widely occurs in the human society of life, coordinating the people's social relationships and communication activity, maintaining interpersonal harmony,and avoiding the communication conflicts. As China entering the WTO and the forming of the globalized market, the relationship between China and the western countries has become closer, with more frequent activities in politics, economy and culture. So language courtesy is taking a more important role in our social life. In this process, the successful cross-cultural communication, to a great extent, depends on the selection of the appropriate politeness. This paper expounds the common features and different courtesy between Chinese and the western through a constructive study of politeness in Chinese and English culture. On the other hand, the paper expounds different politeness principle and the emphasis of the respective in different cultural background. Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and Learning, it will improve the students' comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication. Key words: polite language; politeness principle; culture;
