




1.What will Dorothy do on the weekend?

A. Go out with her friend.

B. Work on her paper.

C. Make some plans.

2.What was the normal price of the T-shirt?

A. $ 15.

B. $30.

C. $50.

3.What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?

A. T o attend a wedding.

B. To visit an exhibition.

C. T o meet a friend.

4.When does the bank close on Saturday?

A. At 1:00 p.m.

B. At 3:00 p.m.

C. At 4:00 p.m.

5.Where are the speakers?

A. In a store.

B. In a classroom.

C. At a hotel.




6.What do we know about Nora?

A. She prefers a room of her own.

B. She likes to work with other girls.

C. She lives near the city center.

7.What is good about the flat?

A. It has a large sitting room.

B. It has good furniture.

C. It has a big kitchen.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8.Where has Barbara been?

A. Milan.

B. Florence.

C. Rome.

9.What has Barbara got in her suitcase?

A. Shoes.

B. Stones.

C. Books.


10.Who is making the telephone call?

A. Thomas Brothers.

B. Mike Landon.

C. Jack Cooper.

11.What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?

A. His wife.

B. His boss.

C. His secretary.

12.What is the message about?

A. A meeting.

B. A visit to France.

C. The date for a trip.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13.Who could the man speaker most probably be?

A. A person who saw the accident.

B. The driver of the lorry.

C. A police officer.

14.What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?

A. Walking along Churchill Avenue.

B. Getting ready to cross the road.

C. Standing outside a bank.

15.When did the accident happen?

A. At about 8:00 a.m.

B. At about 9:00 a.m.

C. At about 10:00 a.m.

16.How did the accident happen?

A. A lorry hit a car.

B. A car ran into a lorry.

C. A bank clerk rushed into the street.


17.What is the talk mainly about?

A. The history of the school.

B. The courses for the term.

C. The plan for the day.

18.Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?

A. In the school hall.

B. In the science labs.

C. In the classrooms.

19.What can students do in the practical areas?

A. T ake science courses.

B. Enjoy excellent meats.

C. Attend workshops.

20.When are the visitors expected to ask questions?

A. During the lunch hour.

B. After the welcome speech.

C. Before the tour of the labs.


Americans recognize that there is a past on which the present rests. But they have not developed their sense of the depth of time as much as this has been done in the Middle East and South Asia. The Arab looks back two to six thousand years for his own origins. History is used as the bas is for almost any modem action. The chances are that an Arab won’ start a talk or a speech or analyze a problem without first developing the historical aspects of his subject.

The American assumes that time has depths but he seldom stresses its importance of it.

The American never questions the fact that time should be planned and future events should be fitted into a schedule. He thinks that people should look forward to the future and not talk too much on the past. His future is not very far ahead of him. Results must be obtained in the foreseeable future — one or two years or, at the most, five or ten. Promises to meet deadlines and appointments are taken very seriously. There is real punishment for being late and for not keeping commitments in time. The American thinks it is natural to calculate the value of time. To fail to do so is unthinkable. The American calculates how much time is required to do everything. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” “It will take six months to finish that job.” “I was in the A rmy for four and a half years.”

The Americans, like so many other people, also use time as a link that chains events together. If one event occurs on the heels of another, we will certainly try to find a causal relationship between them. If A is seen around the area of B's murder shortly after the crime has been committed we automatically form a connection between A and B. However, events which are separated by too much time are difficult for us to connect in our minds. This makes it almost impossible for us as a nation to engage (从事) in long-range planning.

21.How do Americans see past time according to the first paragraph?

A. It’s valueless.

B. It’ s limited.

C. It reflects today.

D. It helps start a talk.

22.What does the underlined phrase “to do so” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. T o calculate the value of the past.

B. To plan a schedule for future events.

C. T o figure out the importance of time.

D. T o meet deadlines and appointments.

23.When will Americans chain two events together?

A. When common evidence is found.

B. When the two events happen one by one.

C. When A is found near the scene of B’s crime.

D. When one event happens long after another.

24.What does the author mainly want to tell Americans to do?

A. See time further.

B. Make a long-range plan.

C. Remember the past time.

D. Keep their commitments.

Curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement—it’s what drives us to keep learning, keep trying and keep pushing forward. But how does one stimulate(激发)curiosity in oneself or others?

"Curiosity arises," Loewenstein, a professor of psychology, wrote, "when attention becomes focused on a gap(缺口)in one’s knowledge. Such information gaps produce the feeling of deprivation(剥夺) labeled curiosity. The curious individual is motivated to obtain the missing information to reduce the feeling of deprivation." Loewenstein’s theory helps explain why curiosity is such a great motivator:it’s not only a mental state but also an emotion, a powerful feeling that drives us forward.

A scientist called Daniel Willingham notes that teachers are often so eager to get to the answer that they do not devote enough tune to developing the question. Being told an answer stops curiosity before it can even get going. Instead of starting with the answer, begin by asking the students a question that interests them—one that opens an information gap.

George Loewenstein noted that curiosity requires some basic knowledge. We’re not curious about something we know absolutely nothing about. But as soon as we know even a little bit, our curiosity is excited and we want to learn more. In fact, research shows that curiosity increases with knowledge:the more we know, the more we want to know.

Language teachers usually use a similar idea in exercises that open an information gap and then require learners to communicate with each other in order to fill it. For example, one student might be given some pictures showing the beginning of the story, while the student’s partner is given some pictures showing how that same story ends. Only by speaking with each other can the students fill in each other’s information gaps.

25.When one notices a gap in his or her knowledge, the curious person_______.

A. desires to fill it

B. tends to give it up

C. may be unwilling to admit it

D. will ignore it and move forward

26.Which of the following is Daniel Willingham’s opinion?

A. Answers are more important than questions.

B. Teachers know how to stimulate students’ curiosity.

C. Interesting questions can help stimulate students’ curiosity.

D. T eachers should allow students to ask more questions in class.

27.What do we know about curiosity in Paragraph 4?

A. It is of importance.

B. It needs more knowledge.

C. It is excited when we learn more.

D. It increases with growing knowledge.

28.What may be the best title for the text?

A. The Importance of Curiosity

B. How to Stimulate Curiosity

C. Curiosity and Language Learning

D. How to Teach Foreign Languages

Despite the general rule for quiet demanded by libraries, they’ve been the subject of some fairly significant noise_______Children’s Laureate(儿童桂冠作家), Chris Riddell, along with eight former Children’s Laureates, has written an open letter to Justine Greening, the British Secretary of State for Education, demanding an investigation into school library service closures (关闭).

Why should parents or pupils be concerned whether or not school libraries close?Are they surely just mausoleums(陵墓) to the paper-bound past? Or are they rooms that are of little use to today’s Internet-connected student population, who have access to a world of books and information through their digital devices?

Quite simply, school libraries, as well as their librarians, are critical to our children’s future. Research has proved this to be the case. The level of development of a school library is a highly accurate predictor of academic success, which means that parents should perhaps go so far as to compare the libraries of the schools they are considering, rather than look at league tables, when seeking the right schools for their children. Chris Riddell and his fellow former Laureates are absolutely right to emphasize the importance of librarians in introducing children to life-changing books and turning them into lifelong readers. Reading is a skill that needs to be


Librarians play the crucial role of introducing pupils to different genres or authors, as well as encouraging children of varying abilities to read—from the reluctant readers to those with higher than average reading ages.

However, if libraries were to have a "job description", cultivating a love of reading and promoting literacy(误写能力) is just one of their essential roles. The other role is, to be at the very centre of learning, a resource, for students to use in acquiring knowledge. Ultimately, as students get older they need to become increasingly experienced readers for information, as well as, hopefully, for pleasure. They need to be able to find out and access, through reading and understanding, the answers to their questions themselves.

Independent learning skills are very much in demand by pupils and parents, as well as universities and employers, because real education is about so much more than just academic success or grades on a piece of paper. As Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge, pointed out, "the simple truth is that we can't teach all that we would like them to know." The emphasis therefore must now be on teaching children how to learn for themselves. Talking of libraries, we would always focus on the collection of books and the dissemination(传播) of knowledge to aid learning. Therefore surely, it makes sense that if libraries are given the right status and adequate resources, they will play a vital role in the development of these much-needed independent learning skills. This has never been more important than in today's information age, when everything we need to know is only a few clicks away.

Libraries and librarians should be central in helping pupils understand how to access data or knowledge for their studies or interests—regardless of whether this is from a book an online resource or a journal.

It is equally important that libraries guide students on how to "read" the information that is available to them—a vitally important skill given that the Internet contains a large amount of mistakes and misinformation. But, of course, libraries can only offer this support and guidance if they are properly valued and resourced, which means that we need as many voices as possible to be "shouting" about the importance of libraries in the education of our children. Chris Riddell is encouraging children to ask their teachers where their school library is. Perhaps parents also need to be asking their current and prospective schools about the same question. Let’s make the "noise" far louder—it needs to be uncomfortably deafening(震耳欲聋的). 29.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Schools have realized the importance of libraries.

B. More rules should be established for libraries.

C. Libraries are not quiet any more.

D. Libraries have been a hot topic.

30.According to the passage, it has been confirmed that ______.

A. libraries are almost useless to today’s Internet-connected students

B. libraries can reflect the academic success of schools

C. parents have begun to prioritize libraries when selecting schools for their children

D. librarians are crucially important to students’ future development

31.The author thinks that libraries should play a role in______.

A. turning students into lifelong readers

B. introducing students to different genres

C. developing students’ ability to read and write

D. encouraging children of different abilities to read

32.Why should independent learning be emphasized according to the passage?

A. It helps students achieve high grades in their exams.

B. U niversities and parents don’t pay much attention to it at present.

C. Students can’t acquire enough knowledge through being taught by others.

D. Real education is about learning independently rather than about academic success.

33.In the last but one paragraph, the author thinks that ______.

A. libraries may be a source of false information

B. students’ ability to obtain information is vitally important

C. libraries should teach students how to seek the available information

D. students should learn to distinguish between true and false information


When I was out of the church, I saw four children selling the paintings. I _______and stood quietly next to them without saying a word and for the next 10 minutes watched them sell their paintings to the_______customers.

My eyes_______the attention of one of the boys. I made a _______for him to come towards me. I was surprised that this little kid gave me a broad _______with a missing tooth and immediately_______to me.

When I asked him very lightly whether he_______who I was, he answered quickly with his eyes much _______, “Mr. Ford!”, which_______me a lot.

I asked him how he knew me, and he replied that he was one of the children whose mother was________by the Ford Foundation and that now his mother looked after them pretty________. I felt good but at the same time a bit________seeing him sell paintings. I asked him why he did

so________his mother was taking good care of all the four.

He told me, "Sir, you helped my mother and now I am helping my________. His mother is sick and his father has a low________and his family can’t even________medicine." Hearing this, I took out my purse and gave a hundred-dollar ________to the boy. However, he________and said, "Thank you very much. I will always________you, but please give this money to some other person who needs it more than I do. I can ________money myself."

34.A. moved B. passed C. went D. hurried

35.A. laughing B. shopping C. arguing D. bargaining

36.A. caught B. paid C. fixed D. focused

37.A. signal B. sign C. mark D. opinion

38.A. expression B. face C. message D. smile

39.A. held on B. went up C. came up D. looked up

40.A. suspected B. knew C. agreed D. thought

41.A. brighter B. braver C. wider D. warmer

42.A. disappointed B. pleased C. puzzled D. satisfied

43.A. employed B. supported C. adopted D. raised

44.A. fully B. hard C. properly D. well

45.A. upset B. nervous C. annoyed D. ashamed

46.A. while B. after C. when D. as

47.A. family B. friend C. brother D. teacher

48.A. income B. diploma C. condition D. spirit

49.A. offer B. pay C. afford D. make

50.A. money B. note C. check D. fund

51.A. promised B. hesitated C. accepted D. refused

52.A. miss B. praise C. understand D. remember

53.A. earn B. save C. produce D. borrow


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项. 54.Such as runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel miserable. But experts believe that there is no link between cold weather and catching colds. 55.

Internal Medicine expert, Dr Meenakshi Jain of Max Hospital says, “One reason could be that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily. 56.”

The common cold is a viral infection that can be caused by any of up to 250 strains of virus, the most common group of which are the rhinovirus(鼻病毒) that hit the nose.

57.“They are transmitted through the nose respiratory(呼吸的) passages, by touch, and by contact with airborne particles that are created by sneezing or coughing,” says Dr Jain. There is no cure for the common cold and antibiotics(抗生素) are of no help. However, there are some precautions which can help:

58.In this case, you can protect your hands from getting germs.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth, which can limit your chances of infection.

Don’t share drinking glasses or utensils with anyone as this will prevent the spread of the virus.

Make sure to eat enough fruits to boost your immune system.

A.Also the virus thrives (兴盛,繁荣) in wetness in the atmosphere.

B.Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

C.They are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all common colds.

D.Get e nough sleep and you’ll certainly feel better.

E.So why are we particularly vulnerable (脆弱的) this season?

F.Wash your hands regularly.

G.It’s winter and you have probably noticed germs are everywhere.













一、听力:1---5 BBABC 6---10 ACAAB 11---15 CACCB 16---20 BCBCA





25.推理判断题。根据第二段The curious individual is motivated to obtain the missing information to reduce the feeling of deprivation.可知,当一个有好奇心的人看到自己知识欠缺时,他会想要填补上知识空白。故选A。

26.推理判断题。根据第三段Instead of starting with the answer,begin by asking the students a question that interests them—one that opens an information gap.可知,科学家丹尼尔认为提出孩子们感兴趣的问题会激发他们的好奇心。故选C。

27.推理判断题。根据第四段In fact, research shows that curiosity increases with knowledge:the more we know, the more we want to know.可知,当一个人们知道的越多就会越想知道更多,好奇心会使人们学习更多知识。故选D。

28.主旨大意题。本文首段Curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement—it’s what drives us to keep learning, keep trying and keep pushing forward. But how does one stimulate(激发)curiosity in oneself or others?指出好奇心是驱使我们学习的动力,是驱使我们尝试和前进的动力,并提出问题,文中列举了多名专家对好奇心的研究,可以推断出最佳标题是“如何激发好奇心”。故选B。


30.细节理解题。根据第四段的The level of development of a school library is a highly accurate predictor of academic success可知,学校图书馆的发展水平是预测学业成功的一个非常准确的指标。故B项正确。

31.推理判断题。根据第六段的if libraries were to have a "job description", cultivating a love of reading and promoting literacy(误写能力) is just one of their essential roles.可知,图书馆在孩


32.推理判断题。根据第七段的"the simple truth is that we can’t teach all that we would like them to know." The emphasis therefore must now be on teaching children how to learn for themselves.可知,强调独立学习是因为学生不能仅从他人教授中学到足够的知识。故选C。

33.推理判断题。根据题干询问倒数第二段的信息。根据倒数第二段It is equally important that libraries guide students on how to "read" the information that is available to them—a vitally important skill given that the Internet contains a large amount of mistakes and misinformation.可知,作者认为图书馆在引导学生们分辨真伪信息方面很重要。故选D。


























59.Dear Sir/Madam,

I happened to read about your ad asking for volunteers for the coming Chinese Arts Festival. As

a Chinese student on a brief visit here to my relatives, I would be much happier if I could be one of your volunteers.

As a teenager, I’m outgoing and honest, always ready to socialize with ot hers. Meanwhile, it is a good chance for me to introduce Chinese culture to people here as well. Should I have the privilege to be admitted, I would do my best and make the most of the chance to promote the mutual understanding between the two cultures.

Looking forward to your response.


Li Hua


2019年河北省保定市定州市小升初数学试卷 一、细心琢磨·正确填空 1.一个两位数同时是2和5的倍数,且十位上的数是最小的合数,这个两位数是________. 2.6.68 3.2÷=________÷________ 11.10.78÷=________÷________ 16.39.63÷=________÷________ 54.38 6.4÷=________÷________ 3.某厂男女职工人数的比是3:5.则男职工人数比女职工少________%女职工比男女职工人数多________ 4.化简. 35x x +=________ 5.如图,这个“十字架”的高和宽都是5厘米,它的周长是________厘米 6.三个分数的和是2,它们的分母相同,分子的比是1:2:3,这三个分数分别是________、________、________. 7.把红、黄、蓝三种颜色的球各8个放到一个袋子里.要想摸出的球一定有2个同色,至少要摸出________个球. 8.据报道,2009年元旦广州市七大主要百货超市销售额达10 400万元,把这个数改写成以“亿”为单位的数是________亿元,如果保留整数是________亿元. 9.再把两个三角形照虚线剪开,得到________个三角形. 10.找规律. 67,68,________,________,________,72,________ 44,46,48,________,________,________,56 ________,________,65,55,45,________. 二、仔细推敲·认真判断 11.因为815x y =,所以:y 8:15x = ( ) 12.正方形的边长是质数,它们的周长和面积都是合数. ( ) 13.三角形的内角和是180°,四边形的内角和也是180°. ( ) 14.所有正数都比负数大. ( ) 15.一个正方形边长是20厘米,周长是80厘米. ( ) 三、反复比较·慎重选择 16.一种盐水,盐与水的比是1:150,如果有盐12克,要配制这种盐水,需加水( ) A .1800克 B .750克 C .7克 D .5克


2020—2021学年保定市定州市九年级上期末数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共12个小题;每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.下面的图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A.B. C.D. 2.已知反比例函数y=(k≠0)的图象通过点M(﹣2,2),则k的值是()A.﹣4B.﹣1C.1D.4 3.抛物线y=x2+2x+3的对称轴是() A.直线x=1B.直线x=﹣1C.直线x=﹣2D.直线x=2 4.在某一时刻,测得一根高为1.8m的竹竿的影长为3m,同时测得一根旗杆的影长为25m,那么这根旗杆的高度为() A.10m B.12m C.15m D.40m 5.用配方法解方程x2+4x+1=0,配方后的方程是() A.(x﹣2)2=5B.(x+2)2=5C.(x+2)2=3D.(x﹣2)2=3 6.“同吋掷两枚质地平均的骰子,至少有一枚骰子的点数是3”的概率为()A.B.C.D. 7.如图,四边形ABCD是⊙O的内接四边形,若∠BOD=88°,则∠BCD的度数是() A.88°B.92°C.106°D.136° 8.在小孔成像问题中,如图所示,若为O到AB的距离是18cm,O到CD的距离是6cm,

则像CD的长是物体AB长的() A.B.C.2倍D.3倍 9.如图,正六边形ABCDEF内接于⊙O,M为EF的中点,连接DM,若⊙O的半径为2,则MD的长度为() A.B.C.2D.1 10.一次函数y=ax﹣a与反比例函数y=(a≠0)在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象可能是() A.B. C.D. 11.如图,把直角△ABC的斜边AC放在直线l上,按顺时针的方向在直线l上转动两次, 使它转到△A 2B 1 C 2 的位置,设AB=,∠BAC=30°,则顶点A运动到点A 2 的位置时, 点A所通过的路线为()


高二地理寒假作业6 读南美洲空白图(每日一图),回答下列问题。 1、在图中画出40°W、60°W、80°W、赤道、30°S、60° S等经纬线,并标出度数。 2、在图中标出太平洋、大西洋、加勒比海、巴拿马运河、 麦哲伦海峡、德雷克海峡;亚马孙河、安第斯山脉、巴西 高原、亚马孙平原、拉普拉塔平原、巴塔哥尼亚高原、火 地岛。 3、分析安第斯山脉的成因 读图,回答1~3题。 1.在图示四国中,都有回归线穿过, 其中没有沙漠分布的国家是 ( )A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 2.有关图中四个国家自然地理特征 的叙述,不正确的是( ) A.甲国地势西高东低,高原面积广阔B.乙国以热带季风气候为主,旱雨两季分明 C.丙国河流较少,但中部地区地下水丰富D.丁国有世界上最长的河流流经 3.有关四个国家经济特征的叙述,正确的是( ) A.甲国是世界上最大的咖啡和天然橡胶的生产国B.乙国工业集中分布在东南沿海地区C.丙国是工矿业和农牧业发达的国家D.丁国最主要的经济支柱是长绒棉的生产和出口 读下面某区域气候分布图,回答4-6题。 4.Q地气候类型是( ) A.温带海洋性气候B.地中海气候 C.亚热带季风性湿润气候D.温带季风气候 5.P、S两地纬度大致相同,而气候类型不同,影响两地气 候差异的主导因素是( ) A.纬度位置B.海陆位置 C.洋流 D.地形 6.E、F、P三地自然带分布体现的地域分异规律是( ) A.纬度地带性的地域分异 B.经度地带性的地域分异 C.垂直地域分异 D.非地带性分异 下图为两个临海国家的局部区域图(阴影部分表示海洋,斜线部分表示农作物分布区),读图回答7-8题。


2017-2018学年河北省保定市定州市九年级(上)期末数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共12个小题;每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.下面的图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是() A.B. C.D. 2.已知反比例函数y=(k≠0)的图象经过点M(﹣2,2),则k的值是()A.﹣4B.﹣1C.1D.4 3.抛物线y=x2+2x+3的对称轴是() A.直线x=1B.直线x=﹣1C.直线x=﹣2D.直线x=2 4.在某一时刻,测得一根高为1.8m的竹竿的影长为3m,同时测得一根旗杆的影长为25m,那么这根旗杆的高度为() A.10m B.12m C.15m D.40m 5.用配方法解方程x2+4x+1=0,配方后的方程是() A.(x﹣2)2=5B.(x+2)2=5C.(x+2)2=3D.(x﹣2)2=3 6.“同吋掷两枚质地均匀的骰子,至少有一枚骰子的点数是3”的概率为() A.B.C.D. 7.如图,四边形ABCD是⊙O的内接四边形,若∠BOD=88°,则∠BCD的度数是() A.88°B.92°C.106°D.136° 8.在小孔成像问题中,如图所示,若为O到AB的距离是18cm,O到CD的距离是6cm,

则像CD 的长是物体AB 长的( ) A . B . C .2倍 D .3倍 9.如图,正六边形ABCDEF 内接于⊙O ,M 为EF 的中点,连接DM ,若⊙O 的半径为2,则MD 的长度为( ) A . B . C .2 D .1 10.一次函数y=ax ﹣a 与反比例函数y=(a ≠0)在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象可能是( ) A . B . C . D . 11.如图,把直角△ABC 的斜边AC 放在直线l 上,按顺时针的方向在直线l 上转动两次, 使它转到△A 2B 1C 2的位置,设AB=,∠BAC=30°,则顶点A 运动到点A 2的位置时, 点A 所经过的路线为( )


期中数学试卷 题号一二三四总分 得分 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共36.0分) 1.-3的相反数是() A. -3 B. 3 C. D. 2.一个数的绝对值是5,则这个数是() A. ±5 B. 5 C. -5 D. 25 3.单项式2a2b的系数和次数分别是() A. 2,2 B. 2,3 C. 3,2 D. 4,2 4.在-4,2,-1 ,3这四个数中,比-2小的数是( ) A. -4 B. 2 C. -1 D. 3 5.当a=-2时,代数式1-3a2的值是() A. -2 B. 11 C. -11 D. 2 6.我国推行“一带一路”政策以来,已确定沿线有65个国家加入,共涉及总人口约 达46亿人,用科学记数法表示该总人口为() A. 4.6×109 B. 46×108 C. 0.46×1010 D. 4.6×1010 7.下列运算有错误的是() A. 5-(-2)=7 B. -9×(-3)=27 C. -5+(+3)=8 D. -4×(-5)=20 8.下列合并同类项正确的是() A. 3x+2x2=5x3 B. 2a2b-a2b=1 C. -ab-ab=0 D. -2xy2+2xy2=0 9.下列各组数中,数值相等的是() A. -23和(-2)3 B. 32和23 C. -32和(-3)2 D. -(3×2)2和-3×22 10.已知a2+2a=1,则代数式1-2(a2+2a)的值为() A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D. -2 11.观察下列各算式21=2,22=4,23=8,24=16,25=32,26=64,27=128,28=256,…根 据上述算式的规律,你认为22019的末位数字应该是() A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2 12.某服装店新开张,第一天销售服装a件,第二天比第一天少销售14件,第三天的 销售量是第二天的2倍多10件,则这三天销售了()件. A. 3a﹣42 B. 3a+42 C. 4a﹣32 D. 3a+32 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,共18.0分) 13.比较大小:-______-. 14.a的平方的一半与b平方的差,用代数式表示为______. 15.某日中午,北方某地气温由早晨的零下2℃上升了9℃,傍晚又下降了3℃,这天 傍晚北方某地的气温是______℃. 16.多项式______ 与的和是. 17.在数轴上将点A向右移动7个单位,再向左移动4个单位,终点恰好是原点,则点 A表示的数是______.


河北省定州市2020-2021学年度第二学期期中质量监测七年 级生物试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.外出旅游登山时,携带的下列食品,不能补充能量的是 A.纯净水B.牛奶 C.苹果D.面包 2.某同学最近牙龈经常出血,那么他平时应注意多吃些富含哪种维生素的食物A.维生素A B.维生素B C.维生素C D.维生素D 3.下图是某同学探究唾液淀粉酶对淀粉消化的实验操作过程,下列各项关于实验结果的描述中,正确的是 A.①变蓝,②变蓝 B.①变蓝,②不变蓝 C.①不变蓝,②变蓝 D.①不变蓝,②不变蓝 4.我国民间有许多传统的食物,如“腊八粥”、“鱼肉粥“‘荤素饺”等。从营养学的角度看,这些食品的共同特点是( ) A.烹饪精良B.营养成分单一 C.色香味美D.营养成分较全面 5.食品安全关系到千家万户,下列生活中常见的行为或做法不合理的是 A.买检验合格的肉食B.捡食野生蘑菇 C.蔬菜用清水浸泡、冲洗D.不买过期食品 6.下列腺体分泌的消化液中,消化酶种类最多的一组是 A.肠腺和胰腺B.胃腺和胰腺C.肠腺和胃腺D.胃腺和唾液腺7.在人体所必需的营养成分中,可以由消化道壁直接吸收的物质是 A.淀粉B.蛋白质C.脂肪D.无机盐 8.下列叙述错误的是

A.食物中的营养物质都是由小肠吸收的 B.甘油和脂肪酸被吸收到体内后,合成脂肪 C.胃能蠕动,能初步消化蛋白质 D.小肠内有皱襞和小肠绒毛,可增大消化和吸收营养物质的面积 9.手指被划破了,伤口很快就会止血,这主要是由于血液中 A.红细胞的运输氧作用B.白细胞的防御作用 C.血小板的凝血作用D.血浆的运输作用 10.健康的成年人如果一次献血200。300mL,其结果是 A.死亡B.有生命危险C.生命活动有困难D.不影响健康11.当今许多健康公民都积极无偿献血,医生应将针刺入哪种血管进行抽血的 A.主动脉B.静脉管C.毛细血管D.体动脉 12.下列叙述错误的是 A.当心脏的心室收缩时,心脏的房室瓣打开 B.心率是指心脏每分钟所跳动的次数,可以反映心脏跳动的快慢 C.衡量人的心脏工作能力大小的标志是心脏每分钟输出的血量 D.血液能不停地在人体内循环流动,其动力来自心脏有节律的收缩和舒张 13.假如将人的血液中的某一血细胞做上标记,让它随着血液从上腔静脉进入心脏,请问这一血细胞最可能首先从什么地方离开心脏 A.主动脉B.上下腔静脉C.肺动脉D.肺静脉14.下列各项中,不属于心血管疾病诱因的是 A.合理膳食B.嗜烟嗜酒C.长期精神紧张、郁闷D.爱吃高脂肪食物15.呼吸系统中进行气体交换的器官是() A.气管B.肺C.鼻D.咽 16.下列有关人体呼吸道的叙述错误的是 A.我们吐出的痰是在呼吸道内形成的 B.呼吸道由骨或软骨作支架,能保证气流通畅 C.经过呼吸道处理后的气体是完全清洁的 D.用鼻呼吸比用口呼吸好,因鼻腔能把吸人体内的空气变得温暖湿润和清洁 17.下图中能正确模拟吸气时肺和膈肌活动情况的是()


定州市2015-2016学年度第一学期期中考试 九年级数学试题 本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。 题号一二三总分 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 得分 (卷1 选择题共36分) 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题;每小题3分,共36分.在每 小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.下列各点中,在函数y=﹣的图象上的点是() A.(,﹣6) B.(﹣,﹣6) C.(2,﹣6) D.(﹣2,6) 2.已知⊙O的半径为4cm,如果圆心O到直线l的距离为3.5cm,那么直线l与⊙O的位置关系是() A.相交B.相切C.相离D.不确定 3.从下列直角三角板与圆弧的位置关系中,可判断圆弧为半圆的是() 4.若反比例函数y=,当x<0时,y随x的增大而增大,则k的取值范围是() A.k>﹣2 B.k<﹣2 C.k>2 D. k<2 5.如图,在△ABC中,D、E分别是AB、AC上的点,且DE∥BC,如果AD=2cm,DB=1cm,AE=1.8cm,则EC=() A.0.9cm B.1cm C.3.6cm D.0.2cm 6.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,如果将该三角形绕点A按顺时针方向旋转到△AB1C1的位置,点B1恰好落在边BC的中点处,那么旋转的角度等于() A.55°B.60°C.65°D.80° 得分评卷人

7.如图,AB与⊙O相切于点B,AO的延长线交⊙O于点C,连接 BC,若∠A=36°,则∠C 等于() A.36° B.54° C.60° D.27° 8.某学习小组做“用频率估计概率”的实验时,统计了某一结果出现的频率,绘制了如下的表格,则符合这一结果的实验最有可能的是() 实验次数100 200 300 500 800 1000 2000 频率0.365 0.328 0.330 0.334 0.336 0.332 0.333 A.一副去掉大小王的普通扑克牌洗匀后,从中任抽一张牌的花色是红桃 B.在“石头、剪刀、布”的游戏中,小明随机出的是“剪刀” C.抛一个质地均匀的正六面体骰子,向上的面点数是5 D.抛一枚硬币,出现反面的概率 9.小刚用一张半径为24cm的扇形纸板做一个如图所示的圆锥形小丑帽子侧面(接缝忽略不计),如果做成的圆锥形小丑帽子的底面半径为10cm,那么这张扇形纸板的面积是() A.120πcm2 B.240πcm2 C.260πcm2 D.480πcm2 10.二次函数y=ax2+b(b>0)与反比例函数y=在同一坐标系中的图象可能是() 11.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A、B均在函数y=(k>0,x>0)的图象上,⊙A与x 轴相切,⊙B与y轴相切.若点B的坐标为(1,6),⊙A的半径是⊙B的半径的2倍,则点A的坐标为() A.(2,2) B.(2,3) C.(3,2) D.(4,) 12.如图,点A,B,C,D的坐标分别是(1,7),(1,1),(4,1),(6,1),以C,D,E 为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似,则点E的坐标不可能是() A.(6,0) B.(6,3) C.(6,5) D.(4,2) (卷11 非选择题共84分) 得分评卷人



报告导读 本报告针对河北省定州市公共财政收支情况现状,以数据为基础,通过数据分析为大家展示河北省定州市公共财政收支情况现状,趋势及发展脉络,为大众充分了解河北省定州市公共财政收支情况提供重要参考及指引。 河北省定州市公共财政收支情况数据分析报告对关键因素一般公共预算收入,一般公共预算支出等进行了分析和梳理并进行了深入研究。 河北省定州市公共财政收支情况数据分析报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 报告力求做到精准、精细、精确,公正,客观,报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局、相关行业协会等权威部门,并借助统计分析方法科学得出。相信河北省定州市公共财政收支情况数据分析报告能够帮助大众更加跨越向前。

目录 第一节河北省定州市公共财政收支情况现状 (1) 第二节河北省定州市一般公共预算收入指标分析 (3) 一、河北省定州市一般公共预算收入现状统计 (3) 二、全国一般公共预算收入现状统计 (3) 三、河北省定州市一般公共预算收入占全国一般公共预算收入比重统计 (3) 四、河北省定州市一般公共预算收入(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、河北省定州市一般公共预算收入(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国一般公共预算收入(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国一般公共预算收入(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、河北省定州市一般公共预算收入同全国一般公共预算收入(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节河北省定州市一般公共预算支出指标分析 (7) 一、河北省定州市一般公共预算支出现状统计 (7) 二、全国一般公共预算支出现状统计分析 (7) 三、河北省定州市一般公共预算支出占全国一般公共预算支出比重统计分析 (7) 四、河北省定州市一般公共预算支出(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、河北省定州市一般公共预算支出(2017-2018)变动分析 (8)


河北省定州市普通中学和小学在校学生数量3年数据分析报 告2019版

报告导读 本报告通过数据分析为大家展示河北省定州市普通中学和小学在校学生数量现状,趋势及发展脉络,为大众充分了解河北省定州市普通中学和小学在校学生数量提供重要参考及指引。 河北省定州市普通中学和小学在校学生数量数据分析报告对关键因素普通中学在校学生数量,普通小学在校学生数量等进行了分析和梳理并进行了深入研究。本报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 报告力求做到精准、精细、精确,公正,客观,报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,并借助统计分析方法科学得出。相信河北省定州市普通中学和小学在校学生数量数据分析报告能够帮助大众更加跨越向前。

目录 第一节河北省定州市普通中学和小学在校学生数量现状 (1) 第二节河北省定州市普通中学在校学生数量指标分析 (3) 一、河北省定州市普通中学在校学生数量现状统计 (3) 二、全国普通中学在校学生数量现状统计 (3) 三、河北省定州市普通中学在校学生数量占全国普通中学在校学生数量比重统计 (3) 四、河北省定州市普通中学在校学生数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、河北省定州市普通中学在校学生数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国普通中学在校学生数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国普通中学在校学生数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、河北省定州市普通中学在校学生数量同全国普通中学在校学生数量(2017-2018)变动 对比分析 (6) 第三节河北省定州市普通小学在校学生数量指标分析 (7) 一、河北省定州市普通小学在校学生数量现状统计 (7) 二、全国普通小学在校学生数量现状统计分析 (7) 三、河北省定州市普通小学在校学生数量占全国普通小学在校学生数量比重统计分析 (7) 四、河北省定州市普通小学在校学生数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、河北省定州市普通小学在校学生数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (8)


【全国市级联考】河北省定州市2017-2018学年度第二学期 期中质量监测七年级语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.看拼音,用正楷在田字格内书写相应的内容。 二、句子默写 2.在下列横线上填写相应的句子。 (1)________________,弹琴复长啸。(王维《竹里馆》) (2)此夜曲中闻折柳,_________________。(李白《春夜洛城闻笛》) (3)_________________,凭君传语报平安。(岑参《逢人京使》) (4)_________________,惟解漫天作雪飞。(韩愈《晚春》) (5)东市买骏马,______________,北市买长鞭。 三、选择题 3.下列词语中,加着重号的字读音完全正确的一项是 A.滞.笨zhi 鲜.为人知xidn 惶.恐huǎng 亘.古gèn B.锲.而不舍qiè 目不窥.园kuī 气氛.fēn 字帖.tiè C.深恶.痛绝wù 污秽.suì 憎.恶zēng 侮.辱wǚ D.气冲斗.牛dòu 校.补xià。锋芒.毕露máng 取缔.dì 4.下列句中加点的词语使用不正确的一项是( ) A.生活中正因为有了这种持之以恒、锲而不舍 ....的精神,人才会变得坚强,经得起挫折。 B.我们不应兀兀穷年 ....,否则便会碌碌无为了。 C.虽然他们是双胞胎,但他们的性格迥乎不同 ....。 D.老舍先生沥尽心血 ....,讴歌社会主义,受到群众的欢迎。 四、综合性学习 5.语文专题与综合实践活动。 2018年4月23日,是第23个“世界读书日”,学完《孙权劝学》一文后,遵义某校七年


2018-2019学年八年级(上)期末数学试卷 一.选择题(共12小题) 1.如果分式有意义,则x的取值范围是() A.x<﹣3 B.x>﹣3 C.x≠﹣3 D.x=﹣3 2.下列计算正确的是() A.a9÷a3=a3B.3a3?2a2=6a6 C.m6÷m6=m D.m3?m2=m5 3.有一种球状细菌,直径约为0.0000000018m,那么0.0000000018用科学记数法表示为() A.18×10﹣10B.1.8×10﹣9C.1.8×10﹣8D.0.18×10﹣8 4.如图,小明书上的三角形被墨迹遮挡了一部分,但他很快想到办法在作业本上画了一样的三角形,那么这两个三角形完全一样的依据是() A.AAS B.ASA C.SSS D.SAS 5.下列长度的三条线段能组成三角形的是() A.3,4,8 B.2,5,3 C.,,5 D.5,5,10 6.一个正多边形的内角和为900°,那么从一点引对角线的条数是()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 7.把多项式x2+ax+b分解因式,得(x+1)(x﹣3),则a+b的值是()A.5 B.﹣5 C.1 D.﹣1 8.已知点P(a,3)和点Q(4,b)关于x轴对称,则(a+b)2019的值()A.1 B.﹣1 C.72019D.﹣72019 9.若(2a+3b)()=9b2﹣4a2,则括号内应填的代数式是()A.﹣2a﹣3b B.2a+3b C.2a﹣3b D.3b﹣2a 10.若分式﹣2与的值互为相反数,则x=() A.B.C.D.

11.如图,MN是等边三角形ABC的一条对称轴,D为AC的中点,点P是直线MN上的一个动点,当PC+PD最小时,∠PCD的度数是() A.30°B.15°C.20°D.35° 12.李老师开车去20km远的县城开会,若按原计划速度行驶,则会迟到10分钟,在保证安全驾驶的前提下,如果将速度每小时加快10km,则正好到达,如果设原来的行驶速度为xkm/h,那么可列分式方程为() A.﹣=10 B.﹣=10 C.﹣=D.﹣= 二.填空题(共6小题) 13.当x=时,分式的值为零. 14.分解因式:﹣m3+6m2﹣9m=. 15.已知3x=5,9y=8,则3x+2y=. 16.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,点E在CA延长线上,EP⊥BC于点P,交AB于点F,若AF =3,BF=2,则CE的长度为. 17.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,以顶点A为圆心,适当长为半径画弧,分别交AC,AB于点M、N,再分别以点M、N为圆心,大于MN的长为半径画弧,两弧交于点P,作射线AP交边BC于点D,若CD=4,AB=15,则△ABD的面积是.


河北省保定市定州市【最新】高一下学期期末生物试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列属于相对性状的是 A.玉米的抗病和高粱的感病 B.牛的有角和无角 C.山柳菊的高茎和红花 D.狗的长毛和黑毛 2.在正常情况下,基因型为EeFf的个体不能产生的配子是 A.EF B.Ef C.ff D.eF 3.控制猫尾长短的基因遵循分离定律,某杂交实验过程如下图所示。下列有关叙述错误的是 A.甲中,亲本长尾猫的基因型与F1中长尾猫的相同 B.甲杂交过程属于测交过程 C.可用测交法判断F2中长尾猫是否是纯合子 D.F2中长尾猫相互交配,其后代中短尾猫所占的比例为1/2 4.有关某动物细胞的减数分裂,下列叙述正确的是 A.减数分裂过程中四分体的姐妹染色单体之间会发生交叉互换 B.减数第一次分裂后期和减数第二次分裂后期的染色体数目相同 C.减数第二次分裂前期,染色体数目与核DNA数目相等 D.减数分裂过程中,染色体数目的减半发生在减数第二次分裂 5.在T2噬菌体侵染细菌的实验中,下列有关叙述正确的是 A.子代噬菌体DNA合成所需的原料来自亲代噬菌体 B.催化子代噬菌体蛋白质合成的酶来自亲代噬菌体 C.亲代噬菌体的DNA进入了大肠杆菌 D.子代噬菌体的蛋白质的合成模板是亲代噬菌体的蛋白质外壳 6.某双链DNA分子片段有100个碱基对,其转录形成的mRNA中腺嘌呤和尿嘧啶共占44%。下列有关叙述错误的是

A.该DNA分子至少含胸腺嘧啶44个 B.该DNA分子复制3次,最少需消耗392个游离的胞嘧啶脱氧核苷酸C.该DNA分子复制3次,形成的子代DNA分子中有6个DNA含有子链D.该DNA分子复制和转录过程中碱基配对方式不完全相同 7.下列有关遗传物质的叙述,正确的是 A.小麦的遗传物质主要是DNA B.车前草病毒的遗传物质中含有S C.水稻的遗传物质由4种脱氧核苷酸构成 D.大肠杆菌的遗传物质是DNA或RNA 8.下列有关DNA的结构和复制的叙述,正确的是 A.链状DNA分子中每一个脱氧核糖均与两个磷酸相连 B.环状DNA分子中嘌呤数与嘧啶数不相等 C.DNA聚合酶催化磷酸与脱氧核糖连接 D.DNA解旋酶催化两条螺旋的双链解开 9.下列关于真核细胞内基因表达的叙述,正确的是 A.多聚核糖体上合成的多肽的氨基酸序列不相同 B.一条染色体上的DNA分子可转录出多个mRNA分子 C.密码子具有简并性,每种氨基酸都有多个相应的密码子 D.基因转录形成的mRNA中碱基数量是翻译形成的肽链中氨基酸数目的3倍10.下列有关镰刀型细胞贫血症的叙述,正确的是 A.镰刀型细胞贫血症的异常细胞不能通过光学显微镜观察到 B.镰刀型细胞贫血症的直接病因是血红蛋白结构异常 C.造成镰刀型细胞贫血症的主要原因是缺铁 D.镰刀型细胞贫血症的根本病因是染色体结构变异 11.下列关于基因突变的本质的认识,正确的是 A.DNA分子的双螺旋结构的变化导致基因结构改变 B.DNA分子的碱基对的替换、增加或缺失导致基因结构改变 C.DNA分子的磷酸位置的变化导致基因结构改变 D.DNA分子的氢键的变化导致基因结构改变 12.下列不属于基因突变的特点的是 A.在生物界中普遍存在B.是随机发生的 C.发生的频率很低D.是生物变异的根本来源


河北省保定市定州市2020-2021学年高二上学期期中考试说明:本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。共三个大题,29个小题。试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟。I卷答案涂在答题卡上,交卷时收答题卡和答题纸。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16 N:14 第I卷(选择题,共50分) 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共50分,每题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1.垃圾分类有利于资源回收利用。下列垃圾的归类不合理的是 A.A B.B C.C D.D 2.下列物质属于弱电解质的是 A.NH3 B.BaSO4 C.HClO D.NH4NO3 3.下列说法正确的是 A.任何化学反应不一定都有反应热 B.使用催化剂可以改变反应的平衡常数 C.升高温度使反应加快,是因为降低了反应的活化能 D.对于同一个化学反应,无论是一步完成还是分几步完成,其反应的焓变相同 4.对于反应A(g)+3B(g)2C(g)+2D(g),其中反应速率最快的是 A.v(D)=0.30 mol·L-1·s-1 B.v(C)=0.80 mol·L-1·s-1 C.v(B)=0.60 mol·L-1·s-1 D.v(A)=0.50 mol·L-1·s-1 5.在0.1 mol·L-1的CH3COOH溶液中,要促进醋酸电离且使H+浓度增大,应采取的措施是 A.升温 B.降温 C.加入NaOH溶液 D.加入稀盐酸 6.一定温度下,满足下列条件的溶液一定呈碱性的是 A.能使广范pH试纸呈红色 B.能使甲基橙变黄的溶液 C.c(H+)=1×10-7 mol/L D.c(H+)

7.据报道,科学家开发出了利用太阳能分解水的新型催化剂。下列有关水分解过程的能量变化示意图正确的是 8.下列反应中△H>0,△S>0的是 A.HCl(g)+NH3(g)=NH4Cl(s) B.高温下能自发进行的反应:2N2O5(g)=4NO2(g)+O2(g) C.2H2(g)+O2(g)=2H2O(l) D.任何温度下均能自发进行的反应:COCl2(g)=CO(g)+Cl2(g) 9.将浓度为0.1 mol·L-1 HF溶液加水不断稀释,下列各量始终保持增大的是 A.c(H+) B.K a(HF) C.c(F-)/c(H+) D.c(H+)/c(HF) 10.工业合成氨反应为:N 2(g)+3H2(g)2NH3(g) △H<0。下列因素能用勒夏特列原理解释的是 ①高温②高压③分离出液氨④加催化剂 A.仅① B.仅② C.仅②④ D.仅②③ 11.下列说法错误的是 A.中和热测定实验中需要的玻璃仪器有:烧杯、量筒、温度计、环形玻璃搅拌棒 B.乙烯的燃烧热是1411.3 kJ·mol-1,则乙烯燃烧的热化学方程式为: C2H4(g)+3O2(g)=2CO2(g)+2H2O(g) △H=-1411.3 kJ·mol-1 C.(P(s,红磷)=P(s,黑磷) △H=-39.3 kJ·mol-1;P(s,白磷)=P(s,红磷) △H=-17.6 kJ·mol -1由此推知,最稳定的磷单质是黑磷 D.MgCO3分解的能量关系如图所示: 则△H=△H1+△H2+△H3 12.已知炭足量,反应C(s)+H 2O(g)CO(g)+H2(g)在一个可变容积的密闭容器中进行,下

河北省保定市定州市2019-2020年九年级(上)期末数学试卷 解析版

2019-2020学年九年级(上)期末数学试卷 一.选择题(共15小题) 1.一元二次方程x2﹣3x﹣4=0的一次项系数是() A.1 B.﹣3 C.3 D.﹣4 2.点P(4,﹣3)关于原点的对称点是() A.(4,3)B.(﹣3,4)C.(﹣4,3)D.(3,﹣4) 3.下列成语表示随机事件的是() A.水中捞月B.水滴石穿C.瓮中捉鳖D.守株待兔 4.下列四个点中,在反比例函数y=的图象上的是() A.(﹣3,﹣2)B.(3,2)C.(﹣2,3)D.(﹣2,﹣3)5.若,则的值是() A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 6.如图,⊙O是△ABC的外接圆,∠OCB=40°,则∠A的大小为() A.40°B.50°C.80°D.100° 7.给出下列函数,其中y随x的增大而减小的函数是() ①y=2x; ②y=﹣2x+1; ③y=(x<0); ④y=x2(x<1). A.①③④B.②③④C.②④D.②③ 8.如图,将△ABC绕点A逆时针旋转100°,得到△ADE.若点D在线段BC的延长线上,则∠B的大小为()

A.30°B.40°C.50°D.60° 9.如图,点O是△ABC内一点、分别连接OA、OB、OC并延长到点D、E、F,使AD=2OA,BE=2OB,CF=2OC,连接DE,EF,FD.若△ABC的面积是3,则阴影部分的面积是() A.6 B.15 C.24 D.27 10.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,以点(3,4)为圆心,4为半径的圆与y轴所在直线的位置关系是() A.相离B.相切C.相交D.无法确定 11.已知x1,x2是关于x的方程x2+ax﹣2b=0的两实数根,且x1+x2=﹣2,x1?x2=1,则b a 的值是() A.B.﹣C.4 D.﹣1 12.如图,AB是半圆O的直径,AC为弦,OD⊥AC于D,过点O作OE∥AC交半圆O于点E,过点E作EF⊥AB于F.若AC=2,则OF的长为() A.B.C.1 D.2 13.如图,在正方形网格上有两个相似三角形△ABC和△DEF,则∠BAC的度数为()


定州2019—2020学年度七年级第一学期期末质量监测 数 学 本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为90分钟. 一、选择题(本大题共12个小题;每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.18-的倒数是( ) A.18 B.18- C.118- D.118 2.计算(2)3-?的结果是( ) A.5- B.6- C.1 D.6 3.下列各式中,运算正确的是( ) A.224325a a a += B.224a a a += C.651a a -= D.22234a b ba a b -=- 4.大量事实证明,环境污染治理刻不容缓,据统计,全球每分钟约有852.1万吨污水排入江河湖海,把852.1万用科学记数法表示为( ) A.60.852110? B.7852110? C.68.52110? D.78.52110? 5.下列说法不正确的是( ) A.0是单项式 B.单项式235x -的系数是35 - C.单项式2a b 的次数为2 D.多项式2 12xy x y -+是三次三项式 6.如果2x =是方程25x a =-的解,那么a 的值为( ) A.1 B.2 C.6 D.12 7.如图,点C 在线段AB 上,点D 是AC 的中点,如果4CD =,14AB =,那么BC 长度为( ) A.6 B.5 C.4 D.6.5 8.如图所示,下列说法错误的是( )

A.OA 的方向是西北方向 B.OB 的方向是南偏西60? C.OC 的方向是南偏东60? D.OD 的方向是北偏东50? 9.一个两位数,它个位上的数与十位上的数的和等于9,设它个位上的数字为a ,则这个两位数可以表示为( ) A.(9)a a -+ B.(9)a a - C.10(9)a a +- D.10(9)a a -+ 10.表示,a b 两数的点在数轴上的位置如图所示,则下列判断不正确的是( ) A.0a b +< B.a b a -> C.30b < D.0ab > 11.在如图所示的月历表中,任意框出表中竖列上的三个相邻的数,这三个数的和不可能是( ) A.72 B.65 C.51 D.27 12.如图所示的运算程序中,若开始输入的x 值为5,则第1次输出的结果为8,第2次输出的结果为4,第3次输出的结果为2,…,第2019次输出的结果为( ) A.1 B.2 C.4 D.8 二、填空题(本大题共6个小题;每小题3分,共18分.把答案写在题中横线上)


2019年河北省保定市定州市中考数学二模试卷 一、选择题(本大题有16个小题,共42分.1~10小题各3分,11~16小题各2分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.(3分)﹣3的倒数是() A.3B.C.﹣D.﹣3 2.(3分)随着我国综合国力的提升,中华文化影响日益增强,学中文的外国人越来越多,中文已成为美国居民的第二外语,美国常讲中文的人口约有210万,请将“210万”用科学记数法表示为()A.0.21×107B.2.1×106C.21×105D.2.1×107 3.(3分)如图是由长方体和圆柱组成的几何体,它的俯视图是() A.B.C.D. 4.(3分)下列各运算中,计算正确的是() A.a12÷a3=a4B.(3a2)3=9a6 C.(a﹣b)2=a2﹣ab+b2D.2a?3a=6a2 5.(3分)若y=﹣x+3,且x≠y,则+的值为() A.3B.﹣3C.D.﹣ 6.(3分)如图,直线AB∥CD,∠C=44°,∠E为直角,则∠1等于() A.132°B.134°C.136°D.138° 7.(3分)数学课上,小明进行了如下的尺规作图(如图所示): (1)在△AOB(OA<OB)边OA、OB上分别截取OD、OE,使得OD=OE;

(2)分别以点D、E为圆心,以大于DE为半径作弧,两弧交于△AOB内的一点C; (3)作射线OC交AB边于点P. 那么小明所求作的线段OP是△AOB的() A.一条中线B.一条高 C.一条角平分线D.不确定 8.(3分)在一次中学生田径运动会上,参加男子跳高的15名运动员的成绩如下表所示: 则这些运动员成绩的中位数、众数分别为() A.1.70,1.75B.1.70,1.70C.1.65,1.75D.1.65,1.70 9.(3分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,已知点A(﹣3,6)、B(﹣9,﹣3),以原点O为位似中心,相似比为,把△ABO缩小,则点B的对应点B′的坐标是() A.(﹣3,﹣1)B.(﹣1,2) C.(﹣9,1)或(9,﹣1)D.(﹣3,﹣1)或(3,1) 10.(3分)如图,点M、N分别是正五边形ABCDE的两边AB、BC上的点.且AM=BN,点O是正五边形的中心,则∠MON的度数是()


河北省保定市定州市2020年高一上学期月考地理试卷(12月份)D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项选择题 (共39题;共134分) 1. (2分)天体系统的层次由小到大顺序排列,正确的一组是() A . 太阳系﹣银河系﹣地月系﹣总星系 B . 太阳系﹣银河系﹣河外星系﹣总星系 C . 地月系﹣银河系﹣总星系﹣河外星系 D . 地月系﹣太阳系﹣银河系﹣总星系 2. (4分) (2018高一下·四川开学考) 下图为到达地球大气上界的太阳辐射随纬度分布图。据此完成下列各题。 (1)从图中可以看出太阳辐射的分布规律是() A . 由高纬向低纬递减 B . 由沿海向内陆递减 C . 由低纬向高纬递减 D . 由平原向高原递减 (2)下列地理现象与太阳辐射密切相关的是() A . 季风的形成 B . 山地的形成 C . 火山

D . 地震 3. (4分) (2016高二上·张家口期中) 下图中阴影部分表示黑夜,读图回答下列各题。 (1)关于图中①、②、③、④四地昼长的说法,正确的是() A . ①、②、③三地的昼长相等 B . ①地的昼长大于②地的昼长 C . 四地的昼长一定不相等 D . ③地的昼长大于④地的昼长 (2) b图图示时刻,太阳直射点的坐标为() A . (23.5°N,90°W) B . (23.5°S,90°E) C . (0°,180°) D . (0°,0°) 4. (2分)将地球分为昼半球和夜半球的是() A . 20oW B . 160oE C . 赤道 D . 晨昏线 5. (4分) (2015高一上·潍坊期末) 我国民间从冬至算起,每9天为一个阶段,称作“冬九九”,并有“数九歌”,如“一九二九不出手,三九四九冰上走,五九六九看杨柳,七九河开、八九雁来,九九加一九,耕牛遍地


河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值3年数据解读报告 2019版

报告导读 本报告针对河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值现状,以数据为基础,通过数据分析为大家展示河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值现状,趋势及发展脉络,为大众充分了解河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值提供重要参考及指引。 河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值数据解读报告对关键因素生产总值,第二产业增加值等进行了分析和梳理并展开了深入研究。本报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 报告力求做到精准、精确、公正、客观,报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局、相关行业协会等权威部门,并借助统计分析方法科学得出。相信河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值数据解读报告能够帮助大众更加跨越向前。

目录 第一节河北省定州市生产总值和第二产业增加值现状 (1) 第二节河北省定州市生产总值指标分析 (3) 一、河北省定州市生产总值现状统计 (3) 二、全国生产总值现状统计 (3) 三、河北省定州市生产总值占全国生产总值比重统计 (3) 四、河北省定州市生产总值(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、河北省定州市生产总值(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国生产总值(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国生产总值(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、河北省定州市生产总值同全国生产总值(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节河北省定州市第二产业增加值指标分析 (7) 一、河北省定州市第二产业增加值现状统计 (7) 二、全国第二产业增加值现状统计分析 (7) 三、河北省定州市第二产业增加值占全国第二产业增加值比重统计分析 (7) 四、河北省定州市第二产业增加值(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、河北省定州市第二产业增加值(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全国第二产业增加值(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)
