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如果在家庭生活上失败了,我们所有个人 的成功都会暗淡许多。 If we fail in family life, all our personal successes will shine much less brightly.
如果我们付出无条件的爱,帮助孩子成为 想要成为的人,那么我们就成功了。 If we can show our unconditional love to our children and help them to grow into whom they want to be, then we will succeed.
在每天工作之前,首先要区别事情的主要 顺序。 Before you start your work each day, you should differentiate what is primary from what is secondary/differentiate the importance of things you do.
Passage 7
除了作为告别大学生活的方式外,毕业旅行 现在也成了毕业生心灵追寻的途径之一。 In addition to/Apart from a way to bid farewell to/say goodbye to college life, a graduation trip now also serves as a form of soul-searching/a way to search for one’s soul/a way to follow one’s soul for graduates.
有些学生觉得毕业后马上找份工作很重要 ,以免失业。 Some students think that it is important to get a job right after their graduation lest they should get unemployed./in case that they get unemployed.
Passage 3
无论你的工作是什么,有可能在有限的时 间内要求做很多事情。 No matter what your job is, there are chances that you are required to do too much within limited time.
如果没有一个有效的处理分配任务的系统 ,你将很快发现自己落后于人。 Without an efficient system to handle/prioritize assignments, you may quickly find yourself falling behind.
该片讲述了一个青春与情感的故事,引起 不少人的共鸣。 This film narrates a story about youth and sensibilities/emotions, which arouses a great resonance from audience.
影片前半段拥有一切青春题材的流行电影 应该具备的元素:养眼的演员;丰富的校 园生活;复杂的感情;强烈的怀旧色彩。 The film’s first half has every element a popular youth film should have: beautiful young actors, colorful campus life, intricate romance, and strong sense of nostalgia.
本周,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)发布的一项研究称,比起股票 、 债券、房产,甚至是黄金来说,大学文 凭的回报率都要更高。 Compared with stocks, bonds, real estate, and even gold, it can bring much higher returns, according to a study released this week by the Brookings Institution.
Passage 4
周日是父亲节,所以我想花点儿时间来谈 谈这一重要工作—当爸爸。 This Sunday is Father’s Day, so I want to take a moment to talk about the most important job, i.e. being a dad.
Passage 6
自1995年发行第一张唱片以来,王力宏( Leehom)在中国乐坛一直是炙手可热的明星。 Since his debut was released in 1995, Wang Leehom has remained one of the hottest names/ one of the pop stars/ one of the most famous celebrities in Chinese music.
一个人一旦养成遇到困难就放弃的习惯, 那么你不管做什么事情都不会成功。 Once you get addicted to this habit, no matter what you do, you will not succeed.
Passage 2
赵薇的导演处女作《致我们终将逝去的青 春》正在上映中。 So Young, the debut/the first film of Zhao Wei as a director, is still being on show.
今年四月,他成为了第一个在牛津大学发 表演讲的中国歌手。 He became the first Chinese singer who gave a speech in the University of Oxford this April.
主办方认为他在亚洲乐坛有如此大的影响 力,非常有资格谈论中国文化的传播。 The organizer held that he had such a great influence in the Asian music world that he was highly qualified to talk about the transmission of Chinese culture.
有些同学则认为,毕业旅行回来时工作还 在那里,但青春可不等人。 However, others hold that jobs will still be there when they return while youth doesn’t wait.
千万不要忽视那些你不下你不想做的,往 往是那些我们不想做或未完成或匆匆了事 的任务会给我们带来麻烦。 Never neglect what you would prefer not to do. It is the undesirable tasks or those unfinished or hastily finished that gets us into trouble.
我们要想法设法地去解决问题,而不是逃 避问题。 Instead, we should spare no effort to come up with the right solutions to tackling it rather than escaping from it.
想放弃是我们的天性,但绝不是我们所需 要的。 Giving up is our instinct, but it is by no means what we need.
无可否认,四年的大学本科学位要花费 102,000美元,两年的专科学位要花约 28,000美元。 It cannot be denied that costs of a fouryear bachelor’s degree are around $102,000 and about $28,000 for a twoyear associate’s degree.
王力宏也表示非常荣幸把东方流行音乐带 到全世界。 Wang Leehom also extended his great honor to promote Eastern pop music to the world.
谈到文化交流时,他觉得东方和西方就像大 学一年级室友,必须逐渐了解、 理解对方。 When speaking of cultural communication, he sensed that the East and the West were like freshman roommates and they had to get to know and understand each other.
确实是一大笔钱。但这项研究发现,从长 期来看,这笔投入十分划算。 Actually, that’s quite a large amount of money. However, in a long term, the college degree is well worth it, the study found./that investment is a great (profitable) deal.
今天,我们有幸生活在一个科技让我们可 以和任何人保持联络的世界。 Today we’re blessed to live in a world/on a planet where technology allows us to connect with anyone.
然而,不管我们多么的先进,都没有什么 可以替代父亲对孩子的爱和支持。 However, no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support of a father to a child.
Passage 5
即便当下的就业市场异常严峻,截止目前 为止,大学文凭仍然是最好的长期投资。 Tough as today’s job market is,/even though today’s job market is tough, a college degree is still the best long-term investment by far.
Passage 1
有时我们必须承认,现实真的可以把一个 人的梦想打击得支离破碎。 Sometimes we have to admit that reality can really shatter a person’s dream.
但是,没有到最后一刻,我们都不能轻易 放弃自己的理想。 However, not until the last moment shall we give up our dream easily.
整个影片描绘出生活是如何改变他们的性 格的,引发人们对于生活意义与爱情真谛 的思考。 The whole film portrays how life has changed their characters, provoking us to think about the meaning of life and love.
然而,后半段将观众带到了数年后,此时 片中人物都已步入社会各方。 However, the second half takes the audience to years later when the characters have moved on into different corners of society.