

































D节(10题):考查考生对话篇中词汇意义与用法的掌握情况以及对语篇连贯的理解。在一篇200 -250词的文章中留出10处空白,要求考生从文后所给的15个单词中选出分别能放进文章中空白处的10个,使补足后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯。





B节:考生阅读一篇英语文章(200 -250词),写出一篇约120词(标点符号不计算在内)的短文,要求概括所给文章大意,并予以适当评论。
















公共英语课程教学大纲 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

公共英语课程教学大纲 《新编实用英语》第一册(第二版)教学大纲 一.课程的性质及在专业培养中的地位、作用等。 大学公共英语课程是培养人才素质的必修基础课,是学生掌握相关专业知识,进行语言交际的工具。根据我校高职的特点:学生在校学习时间相对较短,且一定的时间用于教学实践和实习。从我校教学实际出发,因材施教,重视打好语言基础,强调提高语言应用能力。按学生不同层次,分别在教学目的,教学内容,教学过程,考核方式等方面提出不同要求。 二.本课程的先行课和后续课程简介。 本课程共上三个学期,共三册书(《新编实用英语综合教程》第1-3册)。主要以应用文体的听、说、读、写为主。所学应用文体为:在第一册书中学习如何写名片、贺卡、指路、列时刻表、预报天气、毕业证书和文凭的格式、张贴海报、告示、公告、谈论饮食与食谱、如何写说明书。 三.课程的教学目的和要求 高职高专公共英语课的教学目的是:经过84学时的教学,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。 鉴于目前我校高职、高专和成人高专学生入学时的英语水平差异较大,本课程的教学要求分为A、BC三级,实行分级指导。A级是标准要求,B级是过渡要求,C级是基础要求,入学水平高的学生应达到A级,入学水平较低的学生至少应达到B级要求。 各级要求如下: A 级 1.词汇认识2500个英语单词(包括入学时掌握的1000个单词)以及这些词构成的常用词组。 2.语法应掌握并正确运用所学的全部语法知识。 3.听力能听懂涉及日常交际的英语对话和短文。 4.口语能进行日常会话和简单的涉外活动对话。 5.阅读能阅读中等难度的题材的英文资料,理解正确,阅读生词不超过总词数的3%的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟50词,能读懂通过的简短实用文字材料,如信件,产品说明等。 6.写作能用所学词汇和语法写短文及应用文,如邀请函,广告,简历,菜谱等。 7.翻译能借助辞典将中等偏下难度的一般题材的文字材料译成汉语。理解正确,译文达意。 B级 1. 词汇领会掌握2000个单词,以及一定量的常用词组并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。 2.语法掌握并应用基本的语法知识。 3.听力能听懂日常交际的英语对话。 4.写作能用所学词汇及语法写简短的应用文,如信函等。 5.口语能进行日常会话。 C级


公共英语等级考试三级(PETS3)学习笔记(六) Unit 21 Services(1) Dialogues /monologues: 1、 Hotel in London or in England specially, will ask for a credit card or a confirmation which will guarantee that your room is held, basically all night or for late arrival. 2、 This could be a precise place for you. 关于:precise 与 accurate 是否有区别? accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性 correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的 exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差 precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义 3、 Art-house. Art-house:艺术电影院 指放映不属于商业主流电影的电影院。艺术电影院放映的影片,重视电影本身的品质,较不注重商业吸引力,如当代重要导演的影片、独立制片影片、影史的经典作品,及发行有限的前卫及实验电影。亦称 Art theater。 4、 Your restaurant specializes in hamburgers and chicken, right? specializes in:擅长于,专攻。 5、 As an unadvertised special, you can have a trip to the salad bar with your order for only a dollar more. 作为一个末做广告的特价餐,您可以多出一美元随意的在沙拉吧里定购。


全国公共英语等级考试英语一级(1级)模拟试题含答案 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1. ----- will you be able to finish the job this week? ----- ___________ , but I'm not skilled enough, you know. A.I can't say so B.I expect so C. I'm sure so D. I don't know so 2. We arrived at the station _______ late, or we the bus. A. too much; would catch B. a little too; had caught C. much too; would have caught D. too much; would have caught 3. Is it the watch you want ________? A. to have it repaired B. to repair it C. to have repaired D. to have repaired it 4. The two thieves fled the town separately, _______ a bag. A. each carrying B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 5. The little boy can't tell ________. A. whose is that watch B. whose that watch is C. whose watch is that D. whose watch is 6. If a baby bird stays _______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult. A. living B. lively C. alive D. live 7. We will not attack ______ we are attacked;if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack. A. if B. when C. unless D. even if 8. You can take ______ seat you like. A. no matter what B. no matter which C. what D. whichever 9. I ______ to speak to you all these days. A. wanted B. have wanted C. shall want D. shall be wanting 10.A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ______ fire to the hotel. A. made B. set C. caused D. caught 11."Do you hear someone knocking at the door?" "Yes, I did. I heard him ______ three times." A. knocking B. knocked C. being knocking D. knock 12.Peter,John and Tom each ______. A. say they came first B. says they came first C. says he came first D. say came first 13.Through long power lines electricity goes ______. A. to the place needed B. there it is needed C. where it is needed D. which it is needed 14. ______ from the apple tree. A. It down fell B. there it is needed C. Down fell it D. Fell it down 15.The service in this restaurant is very poor;there are not enough waiters to wait ______ customers. A. on B. for C. with D. to 第二节:完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


2019年公共英语三级考试题及答案:写作 Directions: Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words. Beijing has extended its ban on operating outdoor barbecues from the city center outward to selected suburbs, according to municipal authorities. A year ago, Beijing banned restaurants from operating outdoor barbecues within the fourth ring road area. And now, the ban has extended to several suburbs, including Mentougou, Fangs- han, Tongzhou, Shunyi, Daxing, Pinggu and Miyun. The barbecue ban was announced to reduce Beijing' s air pollution, as barbecue has long been accused as one of the major contributors to haze. According to Wang Yuesi, a researcher from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Chinese Academy of Sciences, barbecuing can generate a lot of PM 2.5, harmful airborne particles measur- ing less than 2.5 microns in diameter. "Considering the seriousness of the air pollution in Beijing, we have to ban everything that may do harm to our environment!" Wang said. The issue has divided Chinese netizens, as half agreed with the policy while the other half called this grand plan nothing but "empty talk. "


英语课程教学大纲(试行) —公共英语课— 英语II 一、教学对象 本课程为广播电视大学公共英语课,供各类专业的专科和本科根据该专业 的培养要求选择开设。 二、教学目的与要求 通过英语课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识和基本技能,具有一定的读、听、写、说的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译一般性业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中能进行一般性的书面交流和简单的口头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的应用能力打下基础。 鉴于广播电视大学实行开放办学,学生入学时的英语水平差异较大,公共英语课程设置不同层次的三个教学模块,使各专业可以根据该专业培养要求和学生的具体条件为专科和本科选择开设适当的英语课程。英语I为公共英语课程的预备阶段,专科应达到英语II 的要求,本科应达到英语III的要求。 英语课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重

视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。 英语II的基本要求为: 通过本阶段学习的学生应能掌握2,800左右的常用词汇(包括英语I要求掌握的1,600词)以及相关的常用词组;能够掌握并正确运用基本的语法知识;能够听懂日常生活中发音清楚、语速较慢的简短对话或陈述,并能用英语进行简短的日常交谈;能够阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文文字材料,理解正确,并能够读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如通知、介绍和广告等;能够写简短的应用文,如日记、信函、通知等。 三、教学内容与安排 英语II总学时为108学时,6个学分,分2个学期开设,每学期54学时, 3个学分。 本课程的教学内容在选材上应注重语言材料的真实性,贴近生活,富有时代气息,能够学以致用;内容集知识性、趣味性与思想性为一体。(详见附录) 四、媒体使用与教学过程建议 英语课程的教学媒体设计既要按照英语教学的自身规律,又


Part B Directions: Read the texts from a magazine article in which five people talked about the importance of doing exercise. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person to one qf the statements (A to G)given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Patricia: I went by Inter-Rail this summer with a group of friends from university. I think it worked very well, although a few of them said they'd never do it again—I guess it wasn r t quite like they thought it was going to be~not as comfortable probably. We usually slept in hostels or on the train so we were completely exhausted but 1 think we had a great time. Next year V 11 see if 1 can perhaps visit fewer places and not get so worn out. Davis: I traveled about 6,000 kilometres in four weeks with a couple of friends from college. We spent weeks planning out the route and all the places we were intending to go to. Would I do it again? Well, f d have to think carefully about that but, on the whole the trip was good for me as I was the official translator, which was great as V m normally a bit shy of talking to people 1 don't know. On the last night of the holiday they treated me to a really expensive meal for helping them out. It was terrific! Jenise: Well, I guess I had a good time now when I look back on it, and I saw eight countries in four weeks. Everything went well but I think that from now on 1' 11 probably choose to do something else. I want to meet local people rather than just people who work for the train service ! I did get to know quite a few other English and American students and they were great but it didn* t do much for my French and Gennan. Nigel: I think it's definitely the best way of getting around Europe even though you have to spend money on the Inter-Rail ticket before you leave. I have a friend who hitch-hikes and he says that's the only way to travel because it's free and you see more interesting places. But I knew I could jump on a train wherever I wanted in the morning, while he would still be standing in the rain hoping for a lift. So all in all I think I got the better deal, especially as 1 could take the night train and save on hotel bills. Hawk: F vc done it quite a few times now and V m used to the kind of problems that arisc—likc having to sleep in a park because the train arrived too late for me to get a hotel bed, and trying to keep to a tight budget. The mistake people often make is to just get off at the tourist spots. Try getting off the train at the little villages, like I do. They1 re usually fascinating and the people are friendlier, too. Even if they don't understand your miserable attempt at their language they still smile and nod.


成都理工大学工程技术学院 《专业外语》课程教学大纲 核能系环境工程教研室编 2017年4月2日 一、课程简介 该课程主要讲授 二、Introduction This course mainly teaches 三、课程的目的和任务 1 目的和任务 本课程是对于水利水电工程专业学生专业英语能力训练和培养的一门重要课程,是对大学高年级学生继公共英语课程之后的一个重要补充和提高。 2 完成培养方案中哪项基本素质要求和业务培养要求 本课程着重从实用角度出发,使学生掌握水利类专业中大量的专业词汇、英语术语及用法,提高学生阅读和撰写英文科技文章的能力。通过教师讲解,结合学生课后查阅英文资料,培养学生听、说、写的综合能力,掌握本专业的当前动态和前沿发展。 四、课程学时分配表 总体安排:理论教学32学时,实验教学0学时。 课程主要教学内容及学时分配分别见下表:

五、课程教学内容和教学基本要求 1.教学内容及要求 (1)Chapter 1 Effective head of water turbine 基本要求:掌握水轮机工作的有效水头以及各种工作参数的定义。 (2)Chapter 2 Basic principles of turbine operation the Euler equation 基本要求:掌握水轮机的工作原理,特别是反击式水轮机的工作原理以及水轮机进口和出口速度三角形的描述与绘制。 (3)Chapter 3 Specific speed and classification of turbines 基本要求:掌握水轮机的比转速与水轮机的分类,以及他们之间的相互关系。 (4)Chapter 4 Turbine efficiency and speed regulation turbine 基本要求:掌握水轮机的效率与水轮机的转速调节装置,并通过不同的工况特点,合理调节水轮机转速。 (5)Chapter 5 Operation of the turbine under varying head 基本要求:掌握不同工况下,也就是不同水头情况下,水轮机运行变化特点。 (6)Chapter 6 Purpose of draft tubes 基本要求:掌握设置尾水管的目的,与尾水管的基本工作原理。 2.教学内容的重点、难点 重点:Basic principles of turbine operation the Euler equation 难点:各种生僻的专业词汇的掌握


全国英语等级考试三级写作 邀请信 提出邀请: 我们要……,你能来吗? We’re having a… can you come? We’ll…,will you join us? 我希望你能参加……。好吗?I would like you to come to … 我们准备……,非常希望你能来。 We’re planning…,will you give us the pleasure of your company? 我们希望你尽可能来参加 We’d love to have you here if you can possibly make it. 你愿意来……吗?How would you like to come to…? 你来得了吗?Can you be present?/Will you come? 我们都盼望你来。We hope you can come. / We’re eager to have you here./ We should like to have you join us. 愿意来……吗?Would you care to come for…? 敬请光临request the pleasure of the company of sb.

request the honour of sb.’s presence cordially invite the pleasure of sb…. 为欢迎??to meet sb./in honor of sb 为纪念…诞辰 to commemorate the… birthday of sb./In honour of../ 为庆祝…金婚 to celebrate the gold wedding of… 某人届时将出席 sb.will be present 请答复 R.S.V.P.[reply, if you please] /Please reply/ Kindly send reply to sb./Please respond to sb./ The favor of a reply is requested / 活动内容: 朋友周末小聚 have some friends for the weekend 一起喝茶 come for tea with us 打桥牌 play bridge 跳舞 have dancing /there will be dancing 有两张……票 have two tickets for… 各类聚会:a small,informal party/a birthday party for sb./a garden party/masquerade/holiday party 与某人共进晚餐 join sb.for dinner/ have dinner with sb./dine with sb


全国英语等级考试(一级)模拟试题 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 26. He is badly ill. We must _____ a doctor at once. A. send to B. send for C. send away 27. The hospital _______ last year. A. built B. was built C. has been built 28. When I came into the classroom, the teacher _____something on the blackboard. A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote 29. --How long have you been ill? -- A. Since last week B. A week ago C. Once a week 30. Everybody is here _____Mike. A .not B. and C. except 31. We don’t understand the passage ___ there are a few new words in it. A. and B. unless C. because 32. The TV set is very nice. How long have you _______it? A. bought B. had C. taken 33. --- Shall I get one more apple for you, Dad? ---Thanks, but you _______. I’ve had enough. A. may not B. must not C. needn’t 34. --- _________is your shirt? --- It is 100yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How long 35. He is _______kind an old man that all the children like him. A. very B. so C. such 36. Either Jim or Sam ______going to help the farmers with the orange harvest this afternoon. A. was B. were C. is 37. We have studied for two hours. Let’s stop . A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest 38. We won’t go to Great Wall if it ________tomorrow. A. rains B. rain C. will rain 39. No book and no pen______in the bag. A. is B. are C. has 40. Please give me ______. A. two cups of milks B. two cup of milk C. two cups of milk 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选


2019年下半年公共英语三级试题一及答案 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Google, the Internet search-engine(收索引擎的) company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives. Aleem Walji works for https://www.360docs.net/doc/b362770.html, -- the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, https://www.360docs.net/doc/b362770.html, will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats. https://www.360docs.net/doc/b362770.html,’s second project will invest in ways to help smal l and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead, he says https://www.360docs.net/doc/b362770.html, wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth. https://www.360docs.net/doc/b362770.html, will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable (再生的) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars. The creators of Google have promised to give https://www.360docs.net/doc/b362770.html, about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future. 36. The purpos e of Google’s investments is to ________. A) help poor people B) develop new technology


2020 年全国公共英语等级考试PETS 三级模拟试题Text Most young people enjoy physical activities, walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering. These who have a passion 26 climbing high and difficult mountains are often 27 with astonishment. Why are men and women 28 to suffer cold and hardship, and to 29 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activities 30 which men give their leisure. There are no man-made rules, as there are for 31 as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of different kinds which it would be dangerous to 32 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules 33 makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to their own 34 . If we 35 mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is 36 mountaineering is not a “team work ” . However, it is only our misunderstanding. There are, in fact, no :matches” 37 “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may 38 , obviously, there is teamwork. A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natural 39 that ate stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high mental and 40 qualities.


全国英语等级考试PETS考试流程 (一)关于考试指导语和题目用语 为了让考生发挥应有的水平,在PETS一、二级的笔试中听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作的指导语都是中文的。此外,为避免考生直接挪用试题中的语言,写作和口试试题也有可能是中文的,但口试中口试教师的口头说明仍使用英文。在PETS三、四、五级的考试中,笔、口试的指导语都将使用英文。在三、四级写作题中所提供的引导性材料可能会涉及到少量的中文。 (二)关于答题卡和登分卡的使用 PETS各级别的考试都有其特别设计的答题卡和登分卡。笔试中,使用的是用于光电阅读器(OMR)评分的客观题答题卡和用于人工阅卷的主观题答题(阅读器登分)卡。四、五级的客观题答题卡在机器阅读前,有部分题目也需要人工评阅。 口试使用的是口试成绩登分卡。口试开始前考生在卡上填好自己的考号等有关信息,口试结束时口试教师在卡上填上考生的口试成绩。 *包括翻译题(阅读理解部分B节)的作答和评分。 (三)关于答题时间PETS各级别的答题时间分配如下表所示:

单位:分钟一级二级三级四级五级 听力20 20 25 30 35 英语知识运用20 25 15 15 20 阅读理解30 35 40 60 50 写作20 40 40 35 35 笔试(共)90 120 120 140 140 口试(共)8 10 10 12 15 (四)关于笔试试卷的采分点(原始赋分) PETS每一级别各部分的采分点(原始赋分)如下表所示。除特殊情况外,原则上每题一分,括号内的数字表示各部分的题量。 一级二级三级四级 五级 听力25(25)20(20)25(25) 25(20)30(30) 英语知识运用25(25)35(35)20(20) 20(20)20(20) 阅读理解20(20)20(20)35*(20) 35**(25) 35***(30) 写作13(3+1) 35(10+1) 30(1+1) 20(1)25(1) 笔试(合计)83 110 110 100 110



英语课程教学大纲(试行) —公共英语课— 英语II 一、教学对象 本课程为广播电视大学公共英语课,供各类专业的专科和本科根据该专业的培养要求选择开设。 二、教学目的与要求 通过英语课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识和基本技能,具有一定的读、听、写、说的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译一般性业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中能进行一般性的书面交流和简单的口头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的应用能力打下基础。 鉴于广播电视大学实行开放办学,学生入学时的英语水平差异较大,公共英语课程设置不同层次的三个教学模块,使各专业可以根据该专业培养要求和学生的具体条件为专科和本科选择开设适当的英语课程。英语I为公共英语课程的预备阶段,专科应达到英语II的要求,本科应达到英语III的要求。 英语课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。 英语II的基本要求为: 通过本阶段学习的学生应能掌握2,800左右的常用词汇(包括英语I要求掌

握的1,600词)以及相关的常用词组;能够掌握并正确运用基本的语法知识;能够听懂日常生活中发音清楚、语速较慢的简短对话或陈述,并能用英语进行简短的日常交谈;能够阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文文字材料,理解正确,并能够读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如通知、介绍和广告等;能够写简短的应用文,如日记、信函、通知等。 三、教学内容与安排 英语II总学时为108学时,6个学分,分2个学期开设,每学期54学时,3个学分。 本课程的教学内容在选材上应注重语言材料的真实性,贴近生活,富有时代气息,能够学以致用;内容集知识性、趣味性与思想性为一体。(详见附录) 四、媒体使用与教学过程建议 英语课程的教学媒体设计既要按照英语教学的自身规律,又要考虑不同教学媒体的特点,努力使两者做到有机的结合。 文字教材和录音带是本课程教学内容的主要载体。文字教材的编写要便于学生自主学习,注意学习能力和学习策略的培养,充分考虑成人业余学习的特点。录音带的主要作用是训练和提高学生的听说能力,其内容设计要结合文字教材,为学生提供有声的语言,同时要着意设计能够帮助实现听说教学要求的练习活动。 录像/电视课是本课程的重要教学媒体,在较为系统地讲授并操练语言基础知识和技能的同时,要注意发挥电视声像结合的优势,为学生展现语言在真实环


全国英语等级考试(PEST)三级笔试模拟试题及详解(二) SECTION I Listening(略) SECTION II Reading Part A Directions: Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. Text 1 Foxes and farmers have never got on well. These small dog-like animals have long been accused of killing farm animals. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them. Farmers can also call on the services of their local hunt to control the fox population. Hunting consists of pursuing a fox across the countryside, with a group of specially trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses. When the dogs eventually catch the fox they kill it or a hunter shoots it. People who take part in hunting think of it as a sport, they wear a special uniform of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behavior. But owning a horse and hunting regularly is expensive, so most hunters are wealthy.
