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Compared with translation studies of other literary genres, those concerning prose translation have been less intensive. There are many reasons. In my opinion, the fundamental reason is that prose is too general a concept, including too many forms of writings. It is as hard to study translation methods of the prose as a whole as to define so vast a territory the prose covers. On the other hand, the prose language is often mistakenly regarded as inferior to that of poetry. Among Chinese scholars in this field, Mr. Liu Shicong, who expounded on the “Artistic flavor” theory and Mr. Gao Jian, who put forward “Language Character Theory” and “The translatability of Style”, stand out for the comprehensiveness and intensiveness of their


As far as I am concerned, it is necessary to integrate the relevant research achievement. In this paper the author will chose a center criterion----the reproduction of style and make use of a range of translation standards. Hope that the system comparative study between form and content will provide theoretical thinking for prose translation.

In this paper the author will chose a center criterion----the reproduction of style, and take the English version of CongCong as object to have studies as follows; first part is introduction, in which the relevant theme is put out. And the second part is a brief introduction to the criterion for prose translation. The key part is the third part, which is mainly for the comparative study between form and content. Further, it contains three aspects as: rhythm level, structure level, meaning level. For structure level, it studies from figurative language, beauty of form and image, cross-sentence translation, while for meaning level it contains: comparison of honesty and comparison of fluent. Base on the above study, there is a comparison study from the reappearance style of original text in the forth part. The purpose is trying to get a result whose style is much more close to the original author’s style. And the final part is conclusion. As the prose enjoys the fame “beautiful essay”, and has the most flexible and liberal style, criteria for it should be more integrative and flexible. It is a systematic translation to translate prose from different perspectives with taking reappearance of style as the central criteria.

Keywords:Prose translation, form and content, reappearance of style Contents

1.Introduction 1

2. Criterion of Prose Translation 2

2.1 Zhang Peiji’s Criterion: Faithfulness and Smoothness 2

2.2 Yan Fu’s Criteria 3

3. Comparative Studies between Form and Content 4

3.1 Rhythm Level 4
