

Multiple choice 20%

16.This book is ________ to give youngster some advice on how to make friends.

A. suggested

B. meant

C. wanted

D. taken

17. The bathroom is for the president’s ________ use.

A. expensive

B. exclusive

C. decisive

D. constructive

18. Red Cross was ________ as a tribute to Switzerland by the founder of the organization.

A. adapted

B. adjusted

C. adopted

D. applied

19. --- Hello, can you _______ me _______ to Ms Bayliss, please?

--- Certainly. Who is calling, please?

A. connect…through

B. put…through

C. have …access

D. hold… on

20. He was badly injured but still ________________.

A. conscious

B. aware

C. awake

D. understanding

21. It is expensive for the company to use their own staff as couriers, as salary has to be added to the cost of ________.

A. allowance

B. fee

C. admission

D. fare

22. The teacher said that the child was ________ in confidence.

A. short

B. needed

C. lack

D. lacking

23. _______ you speak the language well, there will be few openings.

A. If

B. Even if

C. Unless

D. Though

24. It is a common belief that teenagers today know about computers and _______ using them in all aspects of life.

A. are familiar to

B. are familiar with

C. are similar to

D. are similar with

25. Girls are _______ than boys to have access to a computer at home.

A. thirteen times likely less

B. less thirteen times likely

C. less likely thirteen times

D. thirteen times less likely

26. I wanted to use food that _______ the body in some way and to _______ people of what happens after they die.

A. remind…resemble

B. resemble….remind

C. secure….remind

D. resemble…remember

27. What politician, facing an election next year, would be prepared to make laws, ______ would not be felt until the following year.

A. the benefit which

B. which the benefit

C. of which the benefit

D. the benefit of it

28. Since only one person is needed on most days, a couple must _____and travel on successive days.

A. separate up

B. separate from

C. split up

D. split from

29. You mustn’t be alarmed if the companies representatives _____ with only 30 minutes remaining.

A. show up

B. show up

C. show around

D. show over

30. The international Red Cross exists to help the victims of conflicts and disasters ____ their nationality.

A. regarding

B. regardless of

C. in spite

D. with reference to

31. The chart shows quite clearly that all teenagers use computers to play games and therefore computers are seen by most teenagers as _______ games machines.

A. less than

B. little more than

C. more than

D. a lot more than

32. A number of staff ______from a party and dumped them into a nearby dustbin.

A. mistook the leftovers for her creation

B. mistook the leftovers from her creation

C. mistook her creation for the leftovers

D. mistook her creation from the leftovers

33. It was a ______ mistake and the person is very sorry.

A. genetic

B. genitive

C. genuine

D. genus

34. Compared with the muscular terrifying young man, the old couple seemed so _________.

A. na?ve

B. confused

C. sinister

D. vulnerable

35. Girls need much encouragement from their parents if they are not to be ________ by IT.

A. left over

B. left behind

C. left up d. Left from

IV. Close 15%

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was ___36___ in Geneva in 1988. It __37__ the story of men and women who, in the course of the major __38____ of the last 150 years, have given ___39__ to victims of wars and disasters.

The organization was _40____ in 1863, and was __41___ on an idea by a Swiss businessman called Henry Dunant. He ___42___ the appalling casualties at the battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier, ___43___ 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing. He had seen the ___44__of medical service s and the great suffering of many of the wounded, who simply __45___ lack of care. The International Red cross/ Red Crescent exists to help the victims of conflicts and disaster no matter what their nationalities are.

The symbol of the organization was ___46___ just the red cross. It has no religious significance. The founder of the movement adopted it as a tribute __47___ Switzerland. ____48___, during the Russo-Turkish War (1875-8), Turks felt that the cross could be seen as ____49____ to Muslim soldiers and ____50___ second symbol, the red crescent was adopted for use by national organizations in the Islamic world. Both are now official symbols.

36. A. open B. set C. opened D. found

37. A. informs B. hear C. tells D. talks

38. A. events B. things C. matters D. affairs

39. A. imbalance B. assistance C. guidance D. significance

40. A. redress B. exhibited C. established D. evocative

41. A. depended on B. built up C. held on D. based on

42. A. met B. looked C. witnessed D. acclaimed

43. A. which B. when C. in which D. of which

44. A. lack B. lacking C. short D. need

45. A. died from B. died of C. died in D. died by

46. A. usually B. simply C. reasonably D. originally

47. A. for B. to C. with D. in

48. A. Therefore B. However C. Thus D. And

49. A. offend B. offensive C. conclusive D. exclusive

50. A. the B. a C. an D. /

V. Reading (10%)

Becket not only travelled light, he lived light. In all the world he owned just the clothes he stood up in. a full suitcase and a bank account. Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single night. For long stays, not less than a month, he might take a furnished flat. sometimes even a house. But whatever the length he rarely needed anything he did not have with him. He was, he liked to think, a self-contained person.

Becket had one occasional anxiety: the suspicion that he owned more than would fit comfortably into the case. The feeling, when it came, was the signal for him to throw something away or just leave it lying about. This was the automatic fate of his worn - out clothes for example. Having no use for choice or variety, he kept just a raincoat, a suit, a pair of shoes and a few shirts, socks and so on; no more in the clothing line. He bought and read many books, and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them. They quickly found new owners.

Becket was a professional traveller, interested and interesting. He was not one to "do" a country in a week or a city in three days. He liked to get the feel of a place by living in it, reading its newspapers, watching its TV, discussing its affairs. He always tries to make a few friends-if necessary even by stopping a suitable — looking person in the street and talking to him. It worked well in about one case in ten. Though Becket's health gave him no cause for alarm, he made a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere. "A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone, "he used to say. He never went to see a doctor, he always sent for one; that, he found, was the quickest way to confidences, which came out freely as soon as he mentioned that he was a writer.

Becket was an artist as well. He painted pictures of his places and, when he had gathered enough information, he wrote about them. He sold his work, through an agent, to newspapers and magazines. It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer, who lived nearly always in fine weather, and as Becket never stayed anywhere for long, he enjoyed the satisfying advantage of paying very little in tax.

51. What do we know about Becket's possessions?

A. He had enough baggage to stay for one night.

B. He carried all of them around with him.

C. He had thrown or given them away.

D. He left most of his things at home when he travelled.

52. If anything worried Becket, it was _______.

A. The thought of having too much baggage.

B. His habit of leaving things lying about.

C. The fact that he owned so little.

D. The poor state of his clothes.

53. What was the usual result when Becket talked to strangers in the street?

A. People thought he was ill and sent for a doctor.

B. He made many new friends.

C. The people he spoke to felt annoyed with him.

D. The approach often failed in its purpose

54. How did Becket feel about taxation?

A. It worried him, so he kept moving from place to place.

B. He hated it, so he broke the tax laws.
