




1.7 comprehend [,kɑmpr?'h?nd]

vt. 理解;包含

【词根记忆】:com全部+prehend/ prehens (相当于catch) = 全部抓住= 领会;理解

【短语搭配】:comprehend the meaning理解含义

【真题例句】:Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them…显而易见,你会尝试在阅读过程中理解。这种理解是建立在辨识单词本身的意



2. 16 identify [ai'dentifai]

v. 识别;辨识

【词根记忆】:ident 相同+ ify动词后缀→识别=将一个事物与其标准相互匹配的过程【短语搭配】:identify with理解;认同

【真题例句】:As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. 你一醒来就立刻能确定在梦中是什么困扰你。(2005年阅读Text3)

3. 7 context ['kɑnt?kst]

n. 环境;上下文

【词根记忆】:con共同+text 编织=共同编织在一起的=上下文

【短语搭配】:in the context of在…情况下


in this context 在这个背景下

【真题例句】:You begin to infer a context for the text, for instance by making decisions about what kind of speech event is involved…例如,你可以凭借判定何种类型的语言情景会涉及在这样的文本当中来推测文章语境。

4. 31involve [?n'vɑlv]

vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于

【词根记忆】:in 进入+vol转=转进去=卷入

【短语搭配】:involve in参与;涉及

【真题例句】:Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome. 而且还要确立特定目标,获得即时反



5. 16 consist [k?n's?st]

vi. 由…组成;在于

【词根记忆】:con共同+sist 站=站到一起=组成

【短语搭配】:consist in在于;由…组成

【真题例句】:They show comprehension to consist not just of passive assimilation but of active engagement in inference and problem-solving. 这些阅读方式都表明:理解并非只是被动地吸收,而是要主动参与到文意的推测和问题的解决当中。

6. 5 assimilation [??s?m??le??n]

n. 吸收;同化;尤指


【词根记忆】:as 加强+simil相同+ate动词后缀=成为相同=同化

【短语搭配】:cultural assimilation文化同化作用

【真题例句】:Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today's immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. 在为“国家移民论坛”撰稿时,格瑞?罗德里格兹报道说,如今的移民既未达到历史最高峰但也不排斥同化。(2006年阅读Text 1)

7. 12 engagement [?n'ɡed?m?nt]

n. 占用;使参加;约定,订婚

【词根记忆】:engage (相当于pledge)+ ish 动词后缀= 约定,订婚


【短语搭配】:broke off the engagement 毁除婚约

【真题例句】:Theories centering on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through interactions with others. 以个人为中心的理论认为青少年从事犯罪活动是由于他们以前的恶行没有受到应有的惩罚或者是他们通过彼此的影响而学会了犯罪。(2004年知识运用)

8.35 evidence ['?v?d?ns]

n. 证据,证明;迹象;明显

【词根记忆】:e(相当于ex) +vid (看)+ence (名词后缀)=可以让外人看到真相的东西=证据


【短语搭配】:in evidence明显的

【真题例句】:You infer information you feel the writer has invited you to grasp by presenting you with specific evidence and clues.你可以通过找出特定的证据和线索来辅助你推测那些你认为作者想让你理解的信息。

9.6conceive [k?n'siv]

v. 构想,设想;怀孕

【词根记忆】:con共同+ ceive拿=集思广益=构想;设想

【短语搭配】:conceive of设想;想象

【真题例句】:Conceived in this way, comprehension will not follow exactly the same track for each reader. 以这样的方式构思,每个读者的理解将不再如出一辙。


10. 6absolute ['?bs?lut]

adj. 绝对的;完全的;专制的

【词根记忆】:ab不+solute松= 不松开= 坚决的,绝对的

【短语搭配】:absolute value绝对值

absolute advantage绝对利益

【真题例句】:What is in question is not the retrieval of an absolute, fixed or ‘true’meaning that can be read off and checked for accuracy, or some timeless relation of the text to the world. 问题的关键在于:理解不是从文章中读出绝对的、固定的以及所谓“真实”的含义。这些所谓固定真实的含义,读者可以迅速从文章中读出,还可以用它们去验证文章的精确性以及文章与世界那些不受时间限制的各种关系。


1.13 inevitable [?n'?v?t?bl]



【短语搭配】:the inevitable必然的事情

【真题例句】:Such background material inevitably reflects who we are.此类背景材料必然会反映我们自身的情况。

2.15 precise[pr?'sa?s]

adj. 精确的;明确的;严格的

【词根记忆】:pre前+ cise切=在生产线上,最先切割的东西必须精确,否则后续工作无法进行

【短语搭配】:to be precise确切地讲


【真题例句】:Precisely because readers from different historical periods, places and social experiences produce different but overlapping readings of the same words on the page –including for texts that engage with fundamental human concerns –debates about texts can play an important role in social discussion of beliefs and values.恰恰,因为来自不同的历史时期、不同地理位置以及有着不同社会经历的读者阅读了相同的文本---包括那些关于人类最基本问题的文本---但得出相异却又有重合的解读,所以在此类文本上的讨论便成为关于人类信仰和价值观等社会讨论的重要组成部分。

3. 22 fundamental [,f?nd?'m?ntl]

adj. 基本的,根本的


【词根记忆】:found,fund基础+ment名词后缀+al形容词后缀= 基础的;根本的

【短语搭配】:fundamental principle基本原则

fundamental change根本变化

【真题例句】:What motivated him, we were to understand, was his zeal for “fundamental fairness”—protecting the taxpayer, controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving claimants received their benefits. 他这样做的目的是为了维护“基本的公平”——保护纳税人、控制开支、保证只有最需要的申请人才能领取救济金。对此,我们予以理解。(2014年阅读Text 1)

4. 9 implicit [?m'pl?s?t]


adj. 含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的

【词根记忆】:im里+ plic重叠+it=各种重叠之中=不直说=储蓄的

【短语搭配】:implicit memory内隐记忆

implicit knowledge隐性知识;内隐知识

【真题例句】:Such dimensions of reading suggest –as others introduced later in the book will also do –that we bring an implicit (often unacknowledged) agenda to any act of reading. 这些不同的阅读阅读形式和维度表明---正如本书随后引入的其他事项表明---我们会像安排日程一样,对于对任何一种阅读行为赋予隐形的编排,虽然我们常常不愿承认。

5. 6 reference ['r?fr?ns]

n. 参考;涉及;参考书目;介绍信


【词根记忆】:re反复+fer带来,拿来+ence 名词后缀=反复拿来使用的东西=参考书目【短语搭配】:for reference以供参考;备案

with reference to关于(等于in reference to)

【真题例句】:Ideally, different kinds of reading inform each other, and act as useful reference points for and counterbalances to one another.从理想状态而言,不同的阅读形式之间相互影响,互相作用,一种阅读形式可以成为另一种阅读形式的有益参考或者平衡点。

6. 7 component [k?m'pon?nt]

adj. 组成的,构成的

n. 成分;组件



【短语搭配】:component analysis分量分析;[化]组分分析;组成成分分析

principal component主成分;[化]知组分

【真题例句】:Together, they make up the reading component of your overall literacy, or relationship to your surrounding textual environment.不同的阅读形式共同构成了一个人综合阅读素养,或者形成此人与其它文本环境的一种关联性。

7. 8 obscure [?b'skj?r]

a.复杂难懂的; 难处理的; 鲜为人知的


【短语搭配】:obscure glass不透茫璃;毛玻璃


【真题例句】:Factors such as the place and period in which we are reading, our gender, ethnicity, age and social class will encourage us towards certain interpretations but at the same time obscure or even close off others.阅读的地点和时间,阅读者的性别,民族,年龄和社会阶层将等因素都会造成我们对阅读材料的特定解读,但同时也会造成阅读者的迷惑以及与其他其他解读方式的隔绝。

8.13 relevant ['r?l?v?nt]

a. 相关的;切题的;

【词根记忆】:re再+lev举;变轻;集中+ant 形容词后缀=反复可以聚集在一起的=相关的【短语搭配】:relevant information相关信息


relevant data有关数据

【真题例句】:On the assumption that they will become relevant later, you make a mental note of discourse entities as well as possible links between them.一种设想认为,这些词汇和习语随后就逐步关联起来,你可以在脑中对所读的语篇或者这些语篇之间的联系作记录。

9.23 significant [s?ɡ'n?f?k?nt]

adj. 重大的;有效的;有意义的


【短语搭配】:significant difference显著性差异

significant change显著变化;有效变化量

【真题例句】:You make further inferences,


for instance about how the text may be significant to you, or about its plausibility.你可以作进一步的推断,例如你所读文章到底对于里来说有多么重要,或者这些文章事何等华而不实。

10. 15 basis ['bes?s]

n. 基础;底部;主要成分;基本原则


【短语搭配】:on the basis of根据;基于…

basis for以…作基础;为…打基础

【真题例句】:On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. 另一方面,这一学科把这些概念结合到日




2007-2016考研英语新题型归纳总结 (一) 考研英语新题型(七选五或排序题)虽然在分值中占比小,信息量大。但是在考研复习时,你仍然不能忽略它,阴沟里翻船的事常有,只有做好完全的准备,才能打赢考研这场持久战。今天小编为你汇总十年新题型词汇,希望对你复习新题型有所助益。 考研英语复习单词很重要,历年真题里出现的单词更是重要,最为重要。小伙伴们通常都是以四篇传统的大阅读为主要复习的重点,今天小编想送给各位考生的单词是大家容易忽略的一部分,历年真题新题型部分的单词,这一部分的单词也很关键,非常重要。 (一)2007年新题型词汇 Leisure 空闲的,休闲的 Collaborate 合作 figure out 弄清楚,理解 Authentic 真正的 transition 过渡 Clique 小圈子 Setback 挫折 Vaunted 大肆吹嘘的 start-up 开始阶段的 Foggy 朦胧的,模糊的 Unreadiness 未准备好的 Assign 分配 Periodically 定期地 Delay 延迟

Shortcomings 缺点Gratification 满足,满意Canned 录音的 Brainstorm 集思广益,风暴Passive 被动的,消极的Delicate 微妙的 Monotonous 单调的,枯燥的Fledgling 羽毛初长的雏鸟Stretch 一段时间 Naive 幼稚的 Bubble 泡沫,幻想 Conceive 构思 Endeavor 努力,尽力 Option 选择 Sustained 持续的 (二)2008年新题型词汇Draft 草稿 Substantiate 证明,证实Inevitable 不可避免的 Abrupt 突然的


翻译 代词的翻译: 1.直接对应成汉语代词,但前提是译文要通顺。(第一人称、第二人称、第三人称) 2.如果不通顺,则需要指代明确;这时,尽可能用指代到的名词来翻译。可以往前查找,遵循“就近和一致”原则来确定。(第三人称) 3.万不得已可以用“这”“这种情况”“这种说法”“这种观点”等来翻译。(it,this,that) 强调句型: 还原强调部分后直接翻译。 定语从句: 1.前置:把定语从句翻译到它所修饰的先行词前面,并习惯用“的”来连接。 (如果定词从句结构简单,信息负载量不大,翻译的时候前置) 2.后置:(结构复杂,信息负载量比较大,翻译的时候后置,这时可以独立成句,但常常需要重复先行词,或者用代词)后置最常用。 常考动词: add补充说道 maintain坚持认为 contend坚持说 accuse指责validate证明,证实 assert 断言 argue that争论说 人名地名翻译的处理方式: 1.遵照习惯 2.按照音译 3.万不得已抄英语 there be句型: 1.把英语中的状语翻译成汉语后作主语。简称状语变主语。 2.增加“人们”“大家”“我们”等汉语的范指主语。 3.直接用动词“有”“出现”“存在”等开始翻译。 翻译最佳策略:拆分 拆分原则: 1.拆出主句,分清从句 2.拆出主干,分清修饰 拆分点: 连词,引导词,介词,分词,to,标点符号。 ing现在分词短语作定语 短语作定语: 1.分词短语作定语 ing现在分词,ed过去分词 2.介词短语作定语 3.其它短语作定语(形容词短语坐定语和不定式短语作定语)

短语作定语常常翻译到中心词前 标点符号: 1.直接套用;2.一逗到底(多点逗号) 第三人称反身代词,一般指离自己最近的那个名词。 一个名词前面有一个定语在修饰,后面还有一个定语在修饰,这叫多重并列定语。多重并列定语从后往前翻译。 并列结构: 一般指并列的词组、并列宾语、并列谓语等等。 一般可以直接翻译,但常常需要重复并列部分。 比较结构: 1.more…than+num:多余、比……多;more…than+n/v:不仅仅、不止;more…than+adj/adv:非常、很;more…than+can/could:不能;no more…than…=not any more than不……,像……不。 2.as…as像……一样;not so as不像……一样;not so much…as与其……不如。 插入结构: 常常可以直接翻译,但有时候还需要放到整句话最前面去翻译。 倒装结构: 恢复正常顺序后直接翻译。 复习策略: 单词;结构和顺序。 结构和顺序:断句点在哪?断句点的上下文是何种关系?(什么修饰关系、修饰语的起止点、修饰语修饰什么)翻译中汉语的先后顺序如何?指着英语单词说汉语。默写这句英语句子。 被动结构: 可翻译为“使得”“得以”“加以”“受到”“获得”。 翻译的原则是:少用“被”字;首先可以主宾颠倒,其次还能省略“被”字,用“受到”“得到”“加以”“得以”“为……所”“由……来”“是……的”等直接翻译。 状语和状语从句: 状语从句一般可以直接翻译,但常常要把时间、条件、让步和原因状语从句翻译到主句之前,状语的最佳位置是在主语后动词前,时间在前,地点在后。 形式主语的翻译: 常常当固定词组一样,翻译到整句话最前面。 如何做练习:每天20分钟,一句话。


考研英语词汇 accommodate 使适应,使符合一致accommodate oneself to changed circumstances accompany 陪伴,伴随She was accompanied to a dinner by her friend. accomplish 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划,诺言等)accomplish one's purpose accord 使符合,相一致(with) His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words. account 记述,叙述give a brief account of what has happened accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚accumulate wisdom accurate 准确的,精确的an accurate estimate accuse 指控,指责They accused her publicly of stealing their books. accustom 使习惯于accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early acquaint 使认识,使了解 activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated whenever needed. acute 尖锐的,敏锐的an acute thinker

address 演说 a television address adhere 黏附,附着Paste is used to make one surface adhere to another. adjacent 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent suburbs adjoin 贴近,与...毗邻His house adjoins the lake. administrate 掌管,料理...的事务In many Japanese homes, the funds are administrated by the wife. adolescent (尤指16岁以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents advance 使向前移动advance a chessman advantage 有利条件,优点Sitting Presidents hold built-in advantages when seeking another term. adverse 不友好的,敌对的She felt adverse to her husband's friends. advocate 拥护,提倡,主张advocate self-defence aesthetic 美学的,艺术的,审美an aesthetic theory affliliate 使隶属(或附属)于,使成为会员 a government affiliated company affirm 断言,申明affirm the truth of a statement aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化aggravate the declining economy aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的an aggressive weapon agitate 搅动(液体等)The machine agitated the mixture. alarm 惊恐,忧虑The bandits scattered in alarm. alert 警惕的,留神的In our reading we should always be alert for


2010 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析 Section I Use of English 一、文章题材结构分析 本文是取材于新闻报道,叙述了猪流感的爆发,产生的严重影响以及政府采取的针对性措施。首段和第二段简 述了猪流感的爆发引起世界各国的重视。第三段引用专家的观点,认为瘟疫并不严重。第四段和第五段以墨西哥及 美国的情况为例,说明了猪流感的严重性和致命性。第六段叙述了联邦政府针对猪流感的具体措施。 二、试题解析 1.【答案】D 【解析】上文提到“…was declared a global epidemic…”,根据declare 的逻辑(“宣布为”),可知应该选D 项 designated“命名,制定”,而不是C 项commented“评论”,这是典型的近义词复现题目。2.【答案】C 【解析】本题目可依据“句意”找到意思线索,选出答案,难度在于出处句是个长难句。本句的理解应该抓住alert、 meeting 和a sharp rise 三者的关系,根据after a sharp rise 可知是rise(“病例数的增加”)是meeting(“日内瓦专家 会议”)的原因,由此可推导出alert 并非是meeting 的原因,而是结果,即meeting 使得alert 升级。根据上述分析 可以排除B、D 选项,B 项activated“激活,激起”,D 项“促使,引起”,此两项的选择都在讲alert 导致了meeting 的召开。而C 项followed 意思是“紧随,跟在……之后”,体现出after 的逻辑,完全满足本句rise 之后是meeting, meeting 之后是alert 的逻辑,所以是正确项。而A 项proceeded“继续”,属不及物动词,不可接宾语,用法和逻辑 用在此处都不合适。 3.【答案】B 【解析】本题目应该关注并列连词and,从并列呼应来看:空格后的表达in Britain…对应前面的in Australia, 所以空格处rising _____ 应该对应a sharp rise in cases(“病例数的剧增”),因此空格处是“数量”的逻辑才对。A 项 digits“(阿拉伯)数字”,不表示数量,不能与rising 形成搭配;C 项amounts“数量”,常修饰不可数名词(此处指 的是cases,可数名词);D 项sums“金额,款项”,不能用于表达“病例数”。B 项numbers “数量”,修饰可数名词(如: large numbers of cases 大量的病例),符合题意。 4.【答案】A 【解析】此处句子开头的“But”是重要的逻辑线索,与上文意思(第二段)形成对比反差。上文的关键性表达 如“heightened alert”、“emergency meeting”和“a sharp rise in cases”都在讲述猪流感的严重性,所以根据But 和in


新题型大纲样题 一、七(六)选五 Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals. Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today, others are now extinct, that is, they have no descendants alive now. 41) ________ Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin, so that, apart from color, we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago. The kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land, often of the plants that grew on it, and even of its climate. 42) ________. Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action, and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water. Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals, birds, and insects of which we know nothing. 43) ________ There were also crab-like creatures, whose bodies were covered with a horny substance. The body segments each had two pairs of legs, one pair for walking on the sandy bottom, the other for swimming. The head was a kind of shield with a pair of compound eyes, often with thousands of lenses. They were usually an inch or two long but some were 2 feet. 44) ________. Of these, the ammonites are very interesting and important. They have a shell composed of many chambers, each representing a temporary home of the animal. As the young grew larger it grew a new chamber and sealed off the previous one. Thousands of these can be seen in the rocks on the Dorset Coast. 45) ________. About 75 million years ago the Age of Reptiles was over and most of the groups died out. The mammals quickly developed, and we can trace the evolution of many familiar animals such as the elephant and horse. Many of the later mammals, though now extinct, were known to primitive man and were featured by him in cave paintings and on bone carvings. [A]The shellfish have a long history in the rock and many different kinds are known. [B]Nevertheless, we know a great deal about many of them because their bones and shells have been preserved in the rocks as fossils. From them we can tell their size and shape, how they walked, the kind of food they ate. [C]The first animals with true backbones were the fishes, first known in the rocks of 375 million years ago. About 300 million years ago the amphibians, the animals able to live both on land and in water, appeared. They were giant, sometimes 8 feet long, and many of them lived in the swampy pools in which our coal seam, or layer, formed. The amphibians gave rise to the reptiles and for nearly 150 million years these were the principal forms of life on land, in the


考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案(一) Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) 一、经济学史 Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. (46) Other fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed, history records changes in human objectives, and sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts. Standard economics can be divided into two major fields. (47) The first, price theory or microeconomics, explains how the interplay of supply and demand in competitive markets creates a multitude of individual prices, wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally. Consumers try to spend their income in ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. As economists say, they maximize utility. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operations.


2012考研英语词汇(TXT完全免费版).txt假如有一天你想哭打电话给我不能保证逗你笑但我能陪着你一起哭。坚强的基本,就是微笑。 面具戴久了丶就成了皮肤≈ 考研英语历年真题词汇手册(必备+免费下载) 1997年重点词汇 阅读理解部分: 1. parliamentary adj. 议会的 2 .territory n. 领土, 版图, 地域 3 incurably adv.治不好地, 不能矫正地 4 convincing adj.令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 5 flashed vi.闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速 6 pick up v.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速 7 bulletin n.公告, 报告 8 import n.进口货(常用复数), 进口, 输入, 意思, 重要性 vt.输入, 进口, 含...的意思, 重要, 引入 9 sink in 被了解 10 implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示 11 bitterly adv.苦苦地, 悲痛的, 厉害的 12 haste n.匆忙, 急忙 13 turn back v.使停止往前, 往回走, 翻回到, 重新提到, 折转, 挡住 14 euthanasia n.安乐死 15 dominoes 多米诺 16 injection n.注射, 注射剂, (毛细血管等的)充血, (人造卫星, 宇宙飞船等的)射入轨道 17 diagnose v.诊断 18 terminally adv.末尾, 一定时期地 19 resident n.居民 adj.居住的, 常驻的 20 haunting adj.常浮现于脑海中的, 不易忘怀的 21 spiritual adj.精神上的 22 claw n.爪, 脚爪 v.抓 23 consistently 一贯地,一向,始终如一地 24 deserve vt.应受, 值得 v.应受 25 dull adj.感觉或理解迟钝的, 无趣的, 呆滞的, 阴暗的 vt.使迟钝, 使阴暗, 缓和 vi.变迟钝, 减少 26 loneliness n.孤独, 寂寞 27 welcome n.欢迎 vt.欢迎 int.欢迎 adj.受欢迎的 28 harsh adj.粗糙的, 荒芜的, 苛刻的, 刺耳的, 刺目的 29 frontier n.国境, 边疆, 边境 30 charitable adj.仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,宽恕的 31 impulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.推动 32 weary adj.疲倦的, 厌倦的, 令人厌烦的, 疲劳 v.疲倦, 厌倦, 厌烦 33 hospitality n.好客, 宜人, 盛情


【红宝书】考研英语词汇 基础词 Unit 4 bath 洗澡,淋浴;浴室 bathe 弄湿;游泳,洗澡 batch 一批,一组,一群 acquaint 使认识,使了解 acquaintance 熟悉,了解;熟人 across 横越,穿过;在……对面 satisfaction 满意,满足;乐事,愉快 satisfactory 令人满意的,可喜的,恰当的 satisfy 满意,使满意;使确信 satire 讽刺,讽刺作品 saturate 使饱和,浸透,使充满 sauce 酱汁,调味汁;无礼,莽撞 saucer 茶托,碟子 sausage 香肠,腊肠 saw 锯子;锯,锯开 scan 细看,审视;浏览,扫描 scandal 民愤;引起公愤的举动;丑闻;诽谤 scar 疤,疤痕;精神上的创伤 scarce 缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕见的 scarcely 几乎不,简直没有,勉强;决不 scare 惊吓,恐惧 scarf 围巾,头巾 scatter 撒播;消散,驱散 scenario 可能发生的事,可能出现的情况 scent 气味,香味;香水 scholar 学者 scholarship 奖学金;学问,学识 school 学校;学院;学派,流派 tablet 药片;碑,匾 taboo 禁忌,戒律;避讳 tackle 用具,装备;对付,处理,解决 tactics 策略,战术 tag 标签,货签 tailor 裁缝;缝制;使适应 tale 故事,传说 tame 平淡的;驯服的;温顺的;驯服;控制,抑制 tan 棕黄色,黄褐色;棕黄色的,棕褐色的 tangle 绞在一起,乱作一团;混乱状态 tank 坦克 tanker 油船,油轮,油罐车;坦克手 tap (水、煤气等管道或容器的)龙头,阀门,塞子;轻扣;窃听


考研英语二翻译练习题 来源:文都教育 考研英语二中的翻译题为150词左右,难度总体来说并不大,但也需要同学们在平常勤加练习。下面小编给出一道翻译练习题,后附参考译文,供大家学习。 It was an adventurous, rewarding life but something was missing. “I remembered the plays I had written at school and that long buried ambition also to be a story teller. I began to write up my diaries of my desert excursions, attempting to publish a book on my camel expedition. That idea failed, but I had picked up a writing habit on weekends and public holidays and in 1997 I started my first novel, loosely based on my family heritage in China—which I finished in 2002.” In 2003 it was published by Hodder & Stoughton as …The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure?. While continuing to live in Beijing working for Jardines, he now spends several months of the year in Italy where he b ought a house for writing. Several more books followed. …The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure?, set in the Boxer Rebellion, became the first in a trilogy. 那是一种很有意义的冒险生活,但是总觉得缺少了点什么。“我记得自己在上学的时候写过戏剧,那个时候野心勃勃,励志要成为一个讲故事的人。我开始写我的沙漠旅行日记,试图出一本关于我的骆驼探险队的书,结果失败了。但我逐渐养成了在周末以及节假日进行写作的习惯。1997年,我开始写我的第一本小说,内容大致基于我们家族在中国的生活。这本小说于2002年完成。”2003年,该书由霍德&斯托顿出版公司出版,名为《天乐院》。 现在,威廉姆斯除了继续在北京为怡和集团工作之外,每年还会抽几个月到意大利一所他专门买来进行写作的房子里待几个月。于是便有了之后的几本书。以“义和团运动”为背景的《天乐院》,成为了三部曲中的第一部。


1990 年英译汉试题 People have wondered for a long time how their personalities,and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not,or why one is cooperative and another is competitive. Social scientists are,of course,extremely interested in these types of questions. (61)They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors. There are no clear answers yet,but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect,the two approaches are very different from each other. The controversy is often conveniently referred to as‖nature vs. nurture‖. (62)Those who support the ―nature‖side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors. (63)That our environment has little, if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory. Taken to an extreme,this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts. Those who support the ―nurture‖ theory,that is,they advocate education,are often called behaviorists. They claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist,B.F. Skinner,sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings. The behaviorists maintain that,like machines,humans respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior. Let us examine the different explanations about one human characteristic,intelligence, offered by the two theories. Supporters of the ―nature‖theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically determined. Needless to say,they don‘t believe that factors in the environment have much influence on what is basically a predetermined characteristic. On the other hand,behaviorists argue that our intelligence levels are the product of our experiences. (64)Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. The social and political implications of these two theories are profound. In the United States, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. This leads some ―nature‖ proponents to conclude that blacks are biologically inferior to whites. (65)Behaviorists,in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy. Most people think neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. 1991 年英译汉试题 The fact is that the energy crisis,which has suddenly been officially announced,has been with us for a long time now,and will be with us for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not,it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. (71)The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time,and in any case,the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. (72)New sources of energy must be found,and this will take time,but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the times past. For an indefinite period from here on,mankind is going to advance cautiously,and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all. To make the situation worse,there is as yet no sign that any slowing of the world‘s population is in sight. Although the birthrate has dropped in some nations,including the United States,the population of the world seems sure to pass six billion and perhaps even seven billion as the twenty-first century opens. (73)The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this,which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food. Taking all this into account,what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be like in the year2001? To begin with,the world food supply is going to become steadily tighter over the next thirty years—even here in the United States.By2001,the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths. (74)This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields. It seems almost certain that by2001the United States will no longer be a great food exporting nation and that,if necessity forces exports,it will be at the price of belt tightening at home. In fact,as food items will end to decline in quality and decrease in variety,there is very likely to be increasing use of flavouring additives. (75)Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population


2019年考研英语词汇:必背大纲5500词(88) 2018考研英语词汇:必背大纲5500词(88) 1 shame n.羞耻,耻辱;可耻的人(或事物) v.使羞愧 2 shampoo n.洗发膏,香波;洗发,洗头 v.洗发,洗头 3 shape n.形状,外形;情况,状态;种类v.成型,塑造 4 share v.(with)分配,共用;分担n.一份,份额;股份 5 shark n.鲨鱼 6 sharp a.锋利的;轮廓分明的;急转的ad.(指时刻)正 7 shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇 8 shave v.剃,刮,刨,削 n.刮脸 9 she pron.(主格)她 10 shear v.剪,修剪 11 shed v.流出;发散,散发,脱落,脱去 n.棚,小屋 12 sheep n.(绵)羊;易受人摆布的人 13 sheer a.纯粹的,十足的,全然的;陡峭的,险峻的 14 sheet n.被单;(一)张,(一)片,薄片;大片 15 shelf n.架子,搁板 16 shell n.壳,贝壳;炮弹 17 shelter n.掩蔽处;掩蔽,保护 v.掩蔽,躲避,庇护 18 shepherd n.牧民,牧羊人

19 shield n.防护物,护罩;盾,盾状物 v.保护,防护 20 shift v.替换,转移n.转换,转变;(轮)班,(换)班 21 shilling n.先令 22 shine v.照耀,发光;擦亮 n.光泽,光 23 ship n.船舶,舰艇 v.装运,航运,运送;发货 24 shipment n.装船,装运;装载的货物,装货量 25 shirt n.衬衫 26 shiver v./n.战栗,发抖 27 shock n.震动;电击,触电;休克v.(使)震动/震惊 28 shoe n.鞋 29 shoot v.发射;掠过,疾驰而过 n.嫩枝,苗,射击 30 shop n.商店,店铺;工厂,车间 v.买东西 31 shopkeeper n.店主 32 shore n.海滨,湖滨 33 short a.短的,矮的;(of)缺乏,不足 n.(pl.)短裤 34 shortage n.不足,缺少 35 shortcoming n.短处,缺点 36 shorthand n.速记 37 shortly ad.立刻,不久;不耐烦地,简慢地 38 shot n.开枪,射击;投篮;弹丸,炮弹,子弹 39 should aux.v.应该;万一;可能,该;就;竟然会
