


The House of Native American Tribe

The earliest American folk art portraits

The Music of Films

Barbara Kasten

The Works of Joyce Carol Oates

The Printed Word

The Art Nouveau Style

Arts and Crafts Movement


Biological Diversity

The Common Sea Cucumber

Living Things'Way of Living

The History of Clinical Nutrition

Nervous System of Vertebrates

The Animal's Sense of Self


Organic Foods

Pheromones Produced by Insects

The Basis of Hypersensitive Resistance

The Microscopic Technique

The Genesis of Life


Many Types of Weather

Investigation of the Deep-Ocean

Surge Glaciers

Climates and Farming in America

An Air Pollutant

The Planets of Jupiter

The Sun

The Concept of the Laser

The Response of Babies to Human V oice

The Vision of Human

Newton's laws of motion


The Concept of Number and the Counting Process The Earth's Crust and the Upper Mantle

The Origination of Birds

Desert Animals


The First Peoples in America

The Development of European Language Transportation in the United States

The Role of Television in Politics

The Eating and Dietary Habits of Hominids Skills of Children

Education in the United States

Domestic Migration In United States

A Reasault of a Research about Leaders The effect of the Baby Boom Archaeology

"Urban" and "Rural" Population in the Uni ted States


The Meteoric Rise of Los Angeles

ARTS................................................................................................................................... - 5 - The House of Native American Tribe .......................................................................... - 5 - The earliest American folk art portraits ........................................................................ - 8 - The Music of Films .................................................................................................... - 11 - Biological Diversity ................................................................................................... - 27 - PHYSICAL SCIENCE ..................................................................................................... - 60 - Many Types of Weather ............................................................................................. - 60 - The Concept of Number and the Counting Process ................................................... - 92 - SOCIAL SCIENCE ........................................................................................................ - 103 - The First Peoples in America ................................................................................... - 103 - Education in the United States ................................................................................. - 119 - ARTS答案....................................................................................................................... - 141 - LIFE SCIENCE 答案...................................................................................................... - 141 - PHYSICAL SCIENCE答案............................................................................................ - 141 - SOCIAL SCIENCE答案................................................................................................. - 142 -


The House of Native American Tribe

Keywords: United States, pueblos, buildings, chambers, niches

Another early Native American tribe in what is now the southwestern part of the United States was the Anasazi. By A. D. 800 the Anasazi Indians were constructing multistory pueblos-massive, stone apartment compounds. Each one was virtually a stone town, which is why the Spanish would later call them pueblos, the Spanish word for towns. These pueblos represent one of the Anasazis' supreme achievements. At least a dozen large stone houses took shape below the bluffs of Chiaco Canyon in northwest New Mexico. They were built with masonry walls more than a meter thick and adjoining apartments to accommodate dozens, even hundreds, of families. The largest, later named Pueblo Bonito (Pretty Town) by the Spanish, rose in five terraced stories, contained more than 800 rooms, and could have housed a population of 1,000 or more.

Besides living quarters, each pueblo included one or more kivas-circular underground chambers faced with stone. They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders met to plan festivals, perform ritual dances, settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the younger generation. Some kivas were enormous. Of the 30 or so at Pueblo Bonito, two measured 20 meters across. They contained niches for ceremonial objects, a central fire pit, and holes in the floor for communicating with the spirits of tribal ancestors.

Each pueblo represented an astonishing amount of well-organized labor. Using only stone and wood tools, and without benefit of wheels or draft animals, the builders quarried ton upon ton of sandstone from the canyon walls, cut it into small blocks, hauled the blocks to the construction site, and fitted them together with mud mortar.Roof beams of pine or fir had to be carried from logging areas in the mountain forests many kilometers away. Then, to connect the pueblos and to give access to the surrounding tableland, the architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases for ascending cliff faces. In time, the roads reached out to more than 80 satellite villages within a 60-kilometer radius.

1. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discussed

(A) how pueblos were built

(B) another Native American tribe

(C) Anasazi crafts and weapons

(D) pueblo villages in New Mexico

2. What is the main topic of the passage?

(A) The Anasazi pueblos

(B) Anasazi festivals of New Mexico

(C) The organization of the Anasazi tribe

(D) The use of Anasazi sanctuaries

3. The word "supreme" in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) most common

(B) most outstanding

(C) most expensive

(D) most convenient

4. The word "They" in line 7 refers to

(A) houses

(B) bluffs

(C) walls

(D) families

5. The author mentions that Pueblo bonito had more than 800 rooms as an example of which of the following?

(A) How overcrowded the pueblos could be

(B) How many ceremonial areas it contained

(C) Hoe much sandstone was needed to build it

(D) How big a pueblo could be

6. The word "settle" in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) sink

(B) decide

(C) clarify

(D) locate

7. It can be inferred from the passage that building a pueblo probably

(A) required many workers

(B) cost a lot of money

(C) involved the use of farm animals

(D) relied on sophisticated technology

8. The word "ascending" in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) arriving at

(B) carving

(C) connecting

(D) climbing

9. It can be inferred from the passage that in addition to pueblos the Anasazis were skilled at building which of the following?

(A) Roads

(B) Barns

(C) Monuments

(D) Water systems

10. The pueblos are considered one of the Anasazis' supreme achievements for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that they were

(A) very large

(B) located in forests

(C) built with simple tools

(D) connected in a systematic way

The earliest American folk art portraits

Keywords: portraits, portraiture, artists, craft tradition, an original portrait

What we today call America folk art was, indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday "folks" who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portraits. Citizens of prosperous, essentially middle-class republics-whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans-have always shown a marked taste for portraiture. Starting in the late eighteenth century, the United States contained increasing numbers of such people, and of the artists who could meet their demands.

The earliest American folk art portraits come, not surprisingly, from New England-especially Connecticut and Massachusetts-for this was a wealthy and populous region and the center of a strong craft tradition. Within a few decades after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in

1776, the population was pushing westward, and portrait painters could be found at work in western New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. Midway through its first century as a nation, the United States' population had increased roughly five time, and eleven new states had been added to the original thirteen. During these years the demand for portraits grew and grew, eventually to be satisfied by the camera. In 1839 the daguerreotype was introduced to America, ushering in the age of photography, and within a generation the new invention put an end to the popularity of painted portraits. Once again an original portrait became a luxury, commissioned by the wealthy and executed by the professional.

But in the heyday of portrait painting-from the late eighteenth century until the 1850's-anyone with a modicum of artistic ability could become a limner, as such a portraitist was called. Local crafts people-sign, coach, and house painters-began to paint portraits as a profitable sideline; sometimes a talented man or woman who began by sketching family members gained a local reputation and was besieged with requests for portraits; artists found it worth their while to pack their paints, canvases, and brushes and to travel the countryside, often combining house decorating with portrait painting.

39. In lines 4-5 the author mentions seventeenth-century Dutch burghers as an example of a group that

(A) consisted mainly of self taught artists

(B) appreciated portraits

(C) influenced American folk art

(D) had little time for the arts

40. The word "marked" in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) pronounced

(B) fortunate

(C) understandable

(D) mysterious

41. According to the passage, where were many of the first American folk art portraits painted?

(A) In western New York

(B) In Illinois and Missouri

(C) In Connecticut and Massachusetts

(D) In Ohio

42. The word "this" in line 9 refers to

(A) a strong craft tradition

(B) American folk art

(C) New England

(D) western New York

43. How much did the population of the United States increase in the first fifty years following independence?

(A) It became three times larger.

(B) It became five times larger.

(C) It became eleven times larger.

(D) It became thirteen times larger.

44. The phrase "ushering in" in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) beginning

(B) demanding

(C) publishing

(D) increasing

45. The relationship between the daguerreotype (line 16) and the painted portrait is similar to the relationship between the automobile and the

(A) highway

(B) driver

(C) horse-drawn carriage

(D) engine

46. According to the passage, which of the following contributed to a decline in the demand for painted portraits?

(A) The lack of a strong craft tradition

(B) The westward migration of many painters

(C) The growing preference for landscape paintings

(D) The invention of the camera

47. The word "executed" in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) sold

(B) requested

(C) admired

(D) created

48. The author implies that most limners (line 22)

(A) received instruction from traveling teachers

(B) were women

(C) were from wealthy families

(D) had no formal art training

49. The word "sketching" in line 25 is closest in meaning to

(A) drawing

(B) hiring

(C) helping

(D) discussing

50. Where in the passage does the author provide a definition?

(A) Lines 3-6

(B) Lines 8-10

(C) Lines 13-15

(D) Lines 21-23

The Music of Films

Keywords: films, music, pianists, orchestras, conductor

Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as "silent," the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. From the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable accompaniment; when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition in the United States in February 1896, they were accompanied by piano improvisations on popular tunes. At first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.

As movie theaters grew in number and importance, a violinist, and perhaps a cellist, would be added to the pianist in certain cases, and in the larger movie theaters small orchestras were formed. For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualification for holding such a position was not skill or tasteso much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces. Since the conductor seldom saw the films until the night before they were to be shown if, indeed, the conductor was lucky enough to see them then, the musical arrangement was normally improvised in the greatest hurry.

To help meet this difficulty, film distributing companies started the practice of publishing suggestions for musical accompaniments. In 1909, for example, the Edison Company began issuing with their films such indications of mood as "pleasant," "sad," "lively." The suggestions became more explicit, and so emerged the musical cue sheet containing indications of mood, the titles of suitable pieces of music, and precise directions to show where one piece led into the next.

Certain films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915.

11. The passage mainly discusses music that was

(A) performed before the showing of a film

(B) played during silent films

(C) specifically composed for certain movie theaters

(D) recorded during film exhibitions

12. What can be inferred from the passage about the majority of films made after 1927?

(A) They were truly "silent."

(B) They were accompanied by symphonic orchestras.

(C) They incorporated the sound of the actors' voices.

(D) They corresponded to specific musical compositions.

13. The word "solemn" in line 7 is closest in meaning to

(A) simple

(B) serious

(C) short

(D) silent

14. It can be inferred that orchestra conductors who worked in movie theaters needed to

(A) be able to play many instruments

(B) have pleasant voices

(C) be familiar with a wide variety of music

(D) be able to compose original music

15. The word "them" in line 17 refers to

(A) years

(B) hands

(C) pieces

(D) films

16. According to the passage, what kind of business was the Edison Company?

(A) It produced electricity.

(B) It distributed films.

(C) It published musical arrangements.

(D) It made musical instruments.

17. It may be inferred from the passage that the first musical cue sheets appeared around

(A) 1896

(B) 1909

(C) 1915

(D) 1927

18. Which of the following notations is most likely to have been included on a musical cue sheet of the early 1900's?

(A) "Calm, peaceful"

(B) "Piano, violin"

(C) "Key of C major"

(D) "Directed by D. W. Griffith"

19. The word "composed" in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) selected

(B) combined

(C) played

(D) created

20. The word "scores" in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) totals

(B) successes

(C) musical compositions

(D) groups of musicians

21. The passage probably continues with a discussion of

(A) famous composers of the early twentieth century

(B) other films directed by D. W. Griffith

(C) silent films by other directors

(D) the music in Birth of a Nation

Barbara Kasten

Keywords: photographs, objects, camera, image, equipment

Barbara Kasten is an artist who makes photographs of constructions that she creates for the purpose of photographing them. In her studio she arranges objects such as mirrors, solid forms, and flat surfaces into what could be called large still life arrangements, big enough to walk into. She lights the construction, then rearranges and rephotographs it until she arrives at a final image. She also photographs away from her studio at various architectural sites, bringing camera, lights, mirrors, and a crew of assistants to transform the site into her own abstract image.

Kasten starts a studio construction with a simple problem, such as using several circular and rectangular mirrors. She puts the first objects in place, sets up a camera, then goes back and forth arranging objects and seeing how they appear in the camera. Eventually she makes instant color prints to see what the image looks like. At first she works only with objects, concentrating on their composition; then she lights them and adds color from lights covered with colored filters.

Away from the studio, at architectural sites, the cost of the crew and the equipment rental means she has to know in advance what she wants to do.

She visits each location several times to make sketches and test shots. Until she brings in the lights, however, she cannot predict exactly what they will do to the image, so there is some improvising on the spot.

12. What does the passage many discuss?

(A) The techniques of a photographer

(B) The advantages of studio photography

(C) Industrial construction sites

(D) An architect who appreciates fine art

13. Which of the following would be an example of one of the "constructions" referred to in line 1?

(A) A still life arrangement

(B) Natural landscapes

(C) An instant color print

(D) A colored filter

14. In line 2, why does the author mention mirrors?

(A) They are part of the camera.

(B) Kasten uses them as subjects.

(C) The crew needs them.

(D) Photography mirrors life.

15. The word "transform" in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) move

(B) extend

(C) change

(D) interpret

16. It can be inferred from the passage that Kasten makes instant prints to

(A) give away

(B) sell as souvenirs

(C) include as part of the construction

(D) see what the construction looks like at that stage

17. The word "composition" in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) arrangement

(B) brightness

(C) quality

(D) size

18. The word "them" in line 12 refers to

(A) prints

(B) lights

(C) objects

(D) filters

19. The word "shots" in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) injections

(B) photographs

(C) loud noises

(D) effective remarks

20. The word "they" in line 17 refers to

(A) architectural styles

(B) sketches

(C) colored filters

(D) lights

21. Why does Kasten visit the location of outdoor work before the day of the actual shooting?

(A) To plan the photograph

(B) To purchase film and equipment

(C) To hire a crew

(D) To test the lights

22. How is Kasten's studio work different from her work at architectural sites?

(A) She does not use lights outdoors.

(B) Her work outdoors is more unpredictable.

(C) She works alone outdoors.

(D) She makes more money from her work outdoors.

23. Where in the passage does the author suggest that the constructions that Kasten photographs are life-sized?

(A) Lines 2-4

(B) Lines 5-7

(C) Lines 12-14

(D) Lines 16-17

The Works of Joyce Carol Oates

Keywords: collection, novels, productivity, source,magazines

Joyce Carol Oates published her first collection of short stories, By The North Gate, in 1963, two years after she had received her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and become an instructor of English at the University of Detroit. Her productivity since then has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, plays, and literary criticism. In the meantime, she has continued to teach, moving in 1967 from the University of Detroit to the University of Windsor, in Ontario, and, in 1978, to Princeton University. Reviewers have admired her enormous energy, but find a productivity of such magnitude difficult to assess.

In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth, Donald Barthelme, and Thomas Pynchon, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence on the essentially mimetic quality of her fiction. Hers is a world of violence, insanity, fractured love, and hopeless loneliness. Although some of it appears to come from her own direct observations, her dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the experiences of others. Her first novel, With Shuddering Fall (1964), dealt with stock car racing, though she had never seen a race. In Them (1969) she focused on Detroit from the Depression through the riots of 1967, drawing much of her material from the deep impression made on her by the problems of one of her students. Whatever the source and however shocking the events or the motivations, however, her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk shows, and the popular magazines of our day.

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To review Oates' By the North Gate

(B) To compare some modern writers

(C) To describe Oates' childhood

(D) To outline Oates' career

2. Which of the following does the passage indicate about Joyce Carol Qates' first publication?

(A) It was part of her master's thesis.

(B) It was a volume of short fiction.

(C) It was not successful.

(D) It was about an English instructor in Detroit.

3. Which of the following does the passage suggest about Joyce Carol Oates in terms of her writing


(A) She has experienced long nonproductive periods in her writing.

(B) Her style is imitative of other contemporary authors.

(C) She has produced a surprising amount of fictions in a relative short time.

(D) Most of her work is based on personal experience.

4. The word "characterized" in line 10 can best replaced by which of the following?

(A) shocked

(B) impressed

(C) distinguished

(D) helped

5. What was the subject of Joyce Carol Oates' first novel?

(A) Loneliness

(B) Insanity

(C) Teaching

(D) Racing

6. Why does the author mention Oates book In Them?

(A) It is a typical novel of the 1960's

(B) It is her best piece of nonfiction.

(C) It is a fictional work based on the experiences of another person.

(D) It is an autobiography.

7. Which of the following would Joyce Carol Oates be most likely to write?

(A) A story with an unhappy ending

(B) A romance novel set in the nineteenth century

(C) A science fiction novel

(D) A dialogue for a talk show

The Printed Word

Keywords: nineteenth century, united states, awareness, newspapers, magazine

Although social changes in the United States were being wrought throughout most of the nineteenth century, public awareness of the changes increased to new levels in the 1890's. The acute, growing public awareness of the social changes that had been taking place for some time was tied to tremendous growth in popular journalism in the late nineteenth century, including growth in quantity and circulation of both magazines and newspapers. These developments, in addition to the continued growth of cities, were significant factors in the transformation of society from one characterized by relatively isolated self-contained communities into an urban, industrial nation. The decade of the 1870's, for example, was a period in which the sheer number of newspapers doubled, and by 1880 the New York Graphic had published the first photographic reproduction in a newspaper, portending a dramatic rise in newspaper readership. Between 1882 and 1886 alone, the price of daily newspapers dropped from four cents a copy to one cent, made possible in part by a great increase in demand. Furthermore, the introduction in 1890 of the first successful linotype machine promised even further growth. In 1872 only two daily newspapers could claim a circulation of over 100,000, but by 1892 seven more newspapers exceeded that figure. A world beyond the immediate community was rapidly becoming visible.

But it was not newspapers alone that were bringing the new awareness to people in the United States in the late nineteenth century.< /s9> Magazines as they are known today began publication around 1882, and, in fact, the circulation of weekly magazines exceeded that of newspapers in the period which followed. By 1892, for example, the circulation of the Ladies' Home Journal had reached an astounding 700,000. An increase in book readership also played a significant part in this general trend. For example, Edward Bellamy's utopian novel, Looking Backward, sold over a million copies in 1888, giving rise to the growth of organizations dedicated to the realization of Bellamy's vision of the future. The printed word, unquestionably, was intruding on the insulation that had characterized United States society in an earlier period.

1. The word "acute" in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) useful

(B) intense

(C) genuine

(D) controversial

2. According to the passage, the expansion of popular journalism was linked to

(A) changes in the distribution system

(B) a larger supply of paper

(C) an increase in people's awareness of social changes

(D) greater numbers of journalists

3. According to the passage, the New York Graphic's inclusion of photographs contributed to

(A) the closing of newspapers that did not use photographs

(B) newspapers' becoming more expensive

(C) an increase in the number of people reading newspapers

(D) a reduction in the cost of advertising

4. Why was there a drop in the price of daily newspapers between 1882 and 1886?

(A) There was a rise in demand.

(B) Newspapers had fewer pages.

(C) Newspapers contained photographic reproductions.

(D) Magazines began to compete with newspapers.

5. The word "exceeded" in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) controlled

(B) surpassed

(C) affected

(D) equalled

6. What does the author mean by the statement "A world beyond the immediate community was rapidly becoming visible" in lines 16-17?

(A) Photographs made newspapers more interesting.

(B) The United States exported newspapers to other countries.

(C) People were becoming increasingly aware of national and international issues.

(D) Communities remained isolated despite the growth of popular journalism.

7. The word "that" in line 21 refers to

(A) century

(B) publication

(C) circulation

(D) period

8. The word "astounding" in line 22 is closest in meaning to

(A) surprising

(B) estimated

(C) encouraging

(D) sudden

9. Why does the author mention Edward Bellamy's novel Looking Backward?

(A) To illustrate how advanced the technology of printing had become

(B) To emphasize the influence of the printed word on a society undergoing rapid change

(C) To document its prediction about the popularity of newspapers

(D) To demonstrate that books had replaced newspapers and magazines as the leading source of information

The Art Nouveau Style

Keywords: international Art Nouveau style, Emile Galle, art glass, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Functionalism

The end of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century were marked by the development of an international Art Nouveau style, characterized by sinuous lines, floral and vegetable motifs, and soft evanescent coloration. The Art Nouveau style was an eclectic one, bringing together elements of Japanese art, motifs of ancient cultures, and natural forms. The glass objects of this style were elegant in outline, although often deliberately distorted, with pale or iridescent surfaces. A favored device of the style was to imitate the iridescent surface seen on ancient glass that had been buried. Much of the Art Nouveau glass produced during the years of its greatest popularity had been generically termed "art glass." Art glass was intended for decorative purposes and relied for its effect upon carefully chosen color combinations and innovative techniques.

France produced a number of outstanding exponents of the Art Nouveau style; among the most celebrated was Emile Galle (1846-1904). In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. Tiffany was a brilliant designer, successfully combining ancient Egyptian, Japanese, and Persian motifs.

The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. At first restricted to a small avant-garde group of architects and designers, Functionalism emerged as the dominant influence upon designers after the First World War. The basic tenet of the movement-that function should determine form-was not a new concept. Soon a distinct aesthetic code evolved: form should be simple, surfaces plain, and any ornament should be based on geometric relationships. This new design concept, coupled with the sharp postwar reactions to the styles and conventions of the preceding decades, created an entirely new public taste which caused Art Nouveau types of glass to fall out of favor. The new taste demanded dramatic effects of contrast, stark outline and complex textural surfaces.

20. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?

(A) Design elements in the Art Nouveau style

(B) The popularity of the Art Nouveau style

(C) Production techniques for art glass

(D) Color combinations typical of the Art Nouveau style

21. The word "one" in line 4 refers to

(A) century

(B) development

(C) style


解读新托福阅读中推理题 解读新托福阅读中推理题。今天,天道小编要和同学们介绍的是新托福阅读中推理题解决策略。下面,和天道小编一起来看看吧: 断题就是所需要的信息都包含在文章中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。根据OG,在IBT 阅读的3篇文章中,每篇会有0-2道这类问题,一次考试总共有3-4道推断题。 一、推理题的两大分类:有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题。 这里所谓的有共性推理题就是说题干中有和原文内容相同的关键词(也叫线索)。根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。一般来说,大多数的推理题都属于这类题目。对于无共性的推理题,也就是题干中无线索,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。返回原文找信息点,采用排除法是解决这两类题型解决的共同策略。 二、推理题的三个具体的解题思路: 1、一般对比推理:根据两个事情的对比特征,问其中一个事物的特征,只要将与之形成对比的另外一个事情的特征否定掉就可以。 2、时间对比推理:在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 3、集合概念推理:一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较抽象,我们来看一个例子:例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.来源:考试大 What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War? (A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers. (B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined. (C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war. (D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation.


GREVerbal阅读题型介绍 GRE Reading Comprehension 阅读理解部分的题型主要包括三种: (1)选择题(Multiple-choice,选择五个选项中唯一正确的答案) (2)不定项选择题(Multiple-choice,选择三个选项中所有正确的答案) (3)句子点选题(Select-in-Passage,在文章中选择符合题目要求的句子) 阅读部分考察的能力如下 ▲understanding the meaning of individual words and sentences ▲understanding the meaning of paragraphs and larger bodies of text ▲distinguishing between minor and major points ▲summarizing a passage ▲drawing conclusions from the information provided ▲reasoning from incomplete data to infer missing information ▲understanding the structure of a text in terms of how the parts relate to one another ▲identifying the authors assumptions and perspective ▲analyzing a text and reaching conclusions about it


高分托福高手经验谈作文 2019-02-26 第一次考托福的时候靠懵了,一出来的时候据我的同学说脸色是惨白的,8月19日那天突然降温,台风来了。我在风雨飘摇中在新东方作了最后一次模考(事后才知道是0401的),自信心备受打击,没有到600。那天晚上我失眠了,11点的时候爬起来做语法,却发掘以前有很多信心的语法开始猛错。倒下睡觉。心里却碰碰直跳。12点半,我开始起来背托福词汇,自信心还是一点没有。那种自我怀疑的感觉到现在还历历在目。一晚没睡。第二天早上一听红牛就去考试。我那个据说能考到650的同学坐在我前面,我更加心神不宁。 分数出来了,我只有603…… 那时虽然复习时间不多,但我知道,自信心的缺乏才是考托福的第一大敌。一旦没有自信心,语感,神志,逻辑,心理,状态都会崩溃,然后做题的感觉和套路会大打折扣。 我从8月2日上新东方才开始正式复习托福。在那之前由于要准备SAT,我已经粗略的背过一遍红宝。但看到托福的题之后,最慌的是听力,然后是阅读。一开始我觉得托福的阅读是很难的。一方面是因为当时阅读的方法有问题,总是以整篇文章一起读,以为抓住了重点,却还要在众多细节题上回到文章重读。后来我根据新东方老师的“出题顺序与文章顺序大体一致”,分段读并且在题目中寻找答案的位置,还是有很大的提高的。另一方面是因为水平确实不够。阅读水平固然需要词汇,但是又牵涉到逻辑、语法之类的词汇间能力,对于当时只有高二英语水平的我来说,未免有些困难。第一次托福考完之后很快就恢复过来,开始准备SAT。SAT无论从词汇量还是文章难度上都比托福有了很大提高。SAT的题目第一次见到的时候就好像天书,觉得没有做得出来的题目。那时高三开学了,学习任务很重。每天复习到很晚,基本上都是在背单词以及阅读文章寻找做题感觉。文章读多了以后,虽然还是觉得很难,但逐渐看懂了。SAT的essay要求比较高,首先是没有模版的。虽然事先可以练一个定式,但废话模式肯定得不到高分。而且SAT写满46行却只给25分钟,这也是个很大的.挑战。这种作文模式我直到考SAT前还是要常常失误,心理没底。不过大概真的是aimhighandachieve,当我再次回到托福准备11T的时候,就突然发觉阅读变得简单了,那些句型和逻辑就好像是在看高考题,十分清晰,而且提问的问题也都可以方便的找到。这样信心就增加了一点。在写作文的时候,用的是一种半八股的方式,即有很多内容是事先写好的,由于有了SAT的练习,不到二十分钟一篇写满两页的作文就可以写好了。这样信心又增加了一点。至于听力,我在一段时间中一直在看英语的原版片,一段时间夏令营去了英国,与鬼子对话的同时,几天之内连看了 BatmanBegins,HarryPorter3,BJ,MinorityReport,Shreck等影片,当时满脑子都是对话和英语,虽然当中的很多习语在toefl中是不会出现的,但当我回到Toefl的时候,相似的情况出现了。听力也变得简单了,直观的感觉就是speaker的口齿清晰了,对话也慢了。这样一来,信心更多了。于是那天怀着


托福阅读文章分类 本分类为四大类:自然科学、生物科学、社会科学、其他学科自然科学包括:地质学、天文学 生物科学:植物学、动物学、生态环境学 社会科学:艺术、历史考古学、心理生理学、社会学 自然科学 一、地质学 冰川类 :G reen Icebergs 15 : Glacier Formation 19 : Discovering the Ice Ages 地质类 :D esert Formation :G eology and Landscape 01 : Groundwater 03 : Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer 07 : The Geologic History of the Mediterranean 12 : Water in the Desert 20 : Fossil Preservation 21 : Geothermal Energy 24 : Lake Water 10.TPO 27: The Formation of Volcanic Islands 11.TPO 29: The History of Waterpower 二、天文学 火星类 08 : Running Water on Mars 25 : The Surface of Mars 其他行星类 16 : Planets in Our Solar System 22 : The Allende Meteorite 生物科学 一、植物学 :O pportunity and Competitors 2.TPO 01: Timberline Vegetation on Mountains 05 : Minerals and Plants 09 : The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii 25 : The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 22 : Spartina 7. TPO 29: Competition 二、动物学 动物特点 :S wimming Machines


Environmental Protection 环境问题 环境类词汇: 1.Ecosystem 生态系统 2.Ecological balance/equilibrium 生态平衡 3.Biodiversity 生物多样性 4.Sustainable development 可持续发展 5.Conserve, preserve 节约使用,保护 6.Environmentally friendly, environmentalists 对环境无害的,环保主义者 7.Countries must join forces/make concerted efforts/unite to combat/tackle/solve/address environmental problems. 各个国家在应对环境问题上必须协同作战。 8.Raise/elevate public awareness of…增强公众意识 9.Renewable resources, non-renewable resources, fossil energy (petroleum, natural gas, coal) 可再生资源,不可再生资源,化石能源(石油,天然气,煤) 10.Consume, deplete, exhaust 消耗,耗光 11.Shortage/scarcity/lack of 短缺 12.Put a strain on the already stretched resources 是已经短缺的资源更加紧张 13.Deforestation, illegal logging 砍伐森林 14.Discharge/emit green house gases/carbon dioxide 排放温室气体,二氧化碳 15.Car exhaust 汽车尾气 16.Non-biodegradable/non-decomposable garbage 白色垃圾,不可降解垃圾 环境类特别关注话题: 为什么要保护濒危物种(biodiversity, balanced ecosystem) 保护化石能源,开发新能源(solar energy, nuclear power, wind, water) 保护环境和发展经济矛盾吗(sustainable development, financial and technological support) 环境类好句子: The earth’s ecosystem has been deteriorating at a staggering rate. In this day and age, the impact man exerts on the environment is massive in scale. 环境类范文: Topic: agree or disagree--the environment issues are too complicated, so individuals can do nothing about it on their own


阅读具体题型简介TOEFL READING QUESTION TYPES Basic Information and Inference questions (12 to 14 questions per set ) 1. Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题 2. Negative Factual Information questions (0 to 2 questions per set )排除题 3. Inference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )推断题 4. Rhetorical Purpose questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )修辞目的题 5. Vocabulary questions ( 3 to 5 questions per set ) 词汇题 6. Reference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )指代题 7. Sentence Simplification questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )简化句子题 8. Insert Text questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )插入句子题 Reading to Learn questions (1 question per set ) 9. Prose Summary 文章内容小结题 10. Fill in a Table 完成图表题 其中,前八种为微观题,解题不需要联系文章主旨。后两种为宏观题,解题需要联系文章主旨,解题难度高于微观题。 新托福考试的十种题型有六种是沿用旧托福考试中已经出现的题型(细节题、排除题、推断题、修辞目的题、词汇题、指代题),因此这六种题型我们最好使用旧托福的复习资料。因为新托福考试备考过程中的一个问题就是真题资料的匮乏,我们需要尽可能利用来自ETS 的真题资料。而四种新题型,句子简化题、插入句子题、文章内容小结题和图表题,代表了托福考试的新动向,是需要引起广大考生的重视的。下面我们就来对这十种题型一一进行介绍和评价。 1、Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题


【托福写作的39个常用万能例子】 能够用于考试的托福写作万能例子有很多,在这里为大家分享39个比较常用的,希望能对考生们有所帮助。 托福写作万能例子: 1. People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? 2. Some people trust their first impressions about a person s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? 3. A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? 4. How do movies or television influence people s behavior? 5. Music tells us something about a culture. What does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country? 6. It has recently been announced that a new movie theater (a shopping center/ a new restaurant/ a new high school) may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? 7. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? 8 In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good law or a bad law? 9. Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would


教育 学校教育schooling 家庭教育upbringing; parenting 课程大纲curriculum 教学大纲syllabus 必修课required/compulsory courses, 选修课elective/optional courses 课外活动extra-curricular activities 社团活动club activities 志愿者服务volunteer service 社区工作community work 实习internship 学生会student union 男生/女生联谊会fraternity & sorority 校园生活school/campus life 学校是社会的缩影a school is society in miniature 文科liberal arts/ liberal studies 理科sciences 工科engineering 人文学科humanities 社会学科social science 艺术arts 学科subject/discipline 基础科学basic sciences 应用科学applied sciences 小学教育primary-level education; elementary education 中学教育secondary-level education 大学教育tertiary-level education; higher education 职业教育vocational education/training 接受教育enter/get access to schools/ education 学位degree (bachelor, master, doctor/PhD) 文凭diploma, 证书certificate 青少年teenagers/adolescents/the young generation/the youths 学生students (fresh man, sophomore, junior, senior) 上课attend classes 逃课skip class, be absent from class 老师/学生为中心的课堂teacher-centered/ student-centered/ classroom 有能力的/有资格的/有经验的/良好培训的老师 competent/qualified/experienced/well-trained teachers 无能力的/不够格的/欠经验的老师 incompetent/disqualified/inexperienced/poorly-trained teachers well-equipped/ well-appointed/ well-decorated classrooms 设施良好的/装修良好的教室先进的教学设施up-to-date teaching facilities


托福阅读题型十大技巧锦囊 “得阅读者,得天下。”托福阅读向来是考生提分必争之地,也是中国考生的传统强项。基本考生考前会采取题海战术,将自己武装成十万个我都知道。 于是,你背完了英文化学周期表;你了解了九大行星排列;你知道了最前沿的科技发展和美国经济新政;你是颗移动的the big bang 云硬盘。你只祈祷考前记住所有的这些信息量,考后再统统delete 。 如果考到一个你事先复习过的知识点,你欣喜若狂。 如果考到一个你似曾相识却扫视而过,你追悔莫及。 如果考到一个全新的知识点,恭喜你,你顿时挂机。 事实上,托福阅读的单词量是浩瀚星尘,无论你猜或不猜它都在哪里,不离不弃。所以,TPO 小站为冒星星眼的考生们编织了以下十个托福阅读答题锦囊,当你埋首题海两眼泪茫茫时,不妨看过来。 Reading Skills Top 10 1 Factual Information 2 Vocabulary 3 Negative Factual Information 4 Inference 5 Organization 6 Paraphrasing 7 Purpose 8 Insertion 9 Main Idea 10 Categorizing

十大技巧锦囊? 之一 小单词,大线索 Factual information【事实信息题】 “真相,永远只有一个!”20分钟一篇托福阅读,平均到800字篇幅的文章中去,再排除那些判断全文的主旨题,这是火眼晶晶的节奏啊。 所以事实信息题不是考你细工出慢活的时候,而是靠你抓Key words paraphrasing and location(关键词替换定位)。 如何最有效的锁定答案,这里小站针对事实信息题给出的第一条锦囊——小单词,大线索。 多年来,被应试题海战术训练的极其有素的考生们,早就学会了巧妙抓关键词了,但往往是我认识这个单词,但我还是选错了。就像你参加一个世界咖啡评选比赛,你觉得认为是白咖啡或巴西咖啡吧,但你未必知道土耳其咖啡才是咖啡之王。分析事实信息题的特点是:范围小,正确率极高。 题型表现最多形式是:因果关系和表比较级关系的长难句。 表因果关系的词: Cause:frontality/since/in that/on account of Effect:so that/therefore/as a result/consequently 表比较级的词: unlike…from /prior to/ more than 所以,在获取key words之后,我们要做的才是重点。你有看过柯南在发现一丝线索后就停止推理吗?不,所谓的大线索,就是将关键词放回原句,让案件重现,理顺关键句的因果关系,让正确选项浮出水面。 纸上谈兵终不靠谱,绝知此事要做真题! 小伙伴们快来小站托福板块,阅读区实践吧。

新托福阅读的10种题型 详解+经验+方法论 (1)

[※]新托福阅读的10种题型: 详解+经验+方法论 iBT毕竟是一个考试 考试就有他的思路和方法,以及题型的设计 在这里,我们首先熟悉一下新托福阅读出题的基本思路,和10种基本题型,以及应对10种题型的技巧 要点: an academic environment---越来越偏向于学术的讨论,越来越像IELTS的Academic类考试 reading---a variety of different subjects passages---3 different categories based on author purpose: 1. Exposition 2. Argumentation 3. Historical 你需要了解general organization of the passage * classification * comparison/contrast * cause/effect * problem/solution 每篇阅读的平均字数是700,当然根据考试的实际情况,可多可少 iBT的阅读有10种题型,下面我们一种一种的来回顾: 经验:第1,第5种题型,占的分量最多,难度也不大,要保证一个也不错 第9种和第10种题目,难度最大,想取得高分,必须要多做综合练习 剩下的题型也很重要,想取得高分,一个都不能少 1. Factual Information Questions 这样的题目,一般来说mentioned only in part of the passage. 答题的信息就在段落的1,2句

话中 技巧:你不可能在第一遍阅读的时候,就找到正确答案,需要看题目以后,回头再找 排出那些本身就很矛盾的选项 千万不要因为你看这某个单词或者句子在段落中出现过,就选择那个选项,一定要回答问题 2. Negative Factual Information Questions 做这样的题目,你首先需要对定位:locate the relevant info. in the passage 注意,这种问题你要选择的正确答案,是那个不正确的,问题里面会明确的指出:which one is NOT true 技巧:选项里面的答案,可能叙述了一段的意思,也可能叙述了好几段 正确的那个答案,要么是直接和文章的意思矛盾,要么是文章里面没有提到的 3. Inference Questions 注意的字眼,是infer, imply, inferred 技巧: 正确的答案,必须是从文章已给内容推出的,特别注意 4. Rhetorical Purpose Questions Rhetorical is the art of speaking or writing effectively. 他不关心作者说了什么,关心的是作者为什么要这样说 技巧: 注意字眼definintion, example, to illustrate, to explain, to contrast, to refute, to note, to criticize, function of 这样的题目尤其会侧重句子还有段落之间的逻辑联系 5. Vocabulary Questions 大家不要太在意这个单词在字典里面什么意思,最重要的是,这个单词在文章里面的意思:in the reading passage, only one of the meanings of a work is relevant 技巧:问题是问你单词在文章里面的意思,再次强调 6. Reference Questions 这样的问题,主要是问你代词指代的内容是什么[根据我观察的经验,代词指代的东西,一般来说就在你这个代词的前面,或者隔了1个短语,不会太远:...AAAAA, BBB, CCC, XXX...一般来说, XXX不是指代C就是指代B,不会跑太远] 技巧:代词,pronoun, 在选择以后,检查答案的时候,一定要注意一致性:the same number: singular or plural; case: first person, second person, third person 当你选择了答案以后,你的选择会不会违反语法原则,并且会不会有意义



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托福写作热点考题:对比类型 摘要: 托福写作热点考题:对比类型每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。一、对 每年的托福独立写作考题中,对比类型考题总要占据半壁江山,拥有着非常高的出镜率。本文就为大家讲解托福考试中写作热点考题之一:对比类型考题。 一、对比考题何其多 对比类型考题在历年托福独立写作考题中,会占到相当大的比重,此类例题比比皆是。例如,从2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题: 2015.1.10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 2015.1.25 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can


1: The amount of air exchanged is even lower in REM than NREM because, although breathing is more rapid in REM, it is also more irregular, with brief episodes of shallow breathing or absence of breathing. ○Because breathing is more shallow and irregular in REM than in NREM, less air is exchanged in REM. ○Breathing in NREM is less effective than breathing in REM because of irregular episodes of rapid breathing during NREM. ○Because breathing is more rapid in NREM sleep than in REM sleep, breathing often becomes shallow. ○Although REM has brief episodes of shallow breathing or lack of breathing, breathing is more rapid than in NREM. 2: Fladmark’s hypothesis received additional support form from the fact that the greatest diversity in native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americas, suggesting that this region has been settled the longest.


托福独立写作八大话题 众所周知,托福独立写作是托福写作的一部分,涉及到的题材也非常多。下面是文都国际教育小编给大家整理的8个常见的写作话题,希望能给大家提供帮助。 教育类话题 教育类话题主要涉及到学生的一些基本情况,包括选课、就业、学校活动以及课下作业等很多方面。此外,学校的一些决策、设备变更、教师选择等也都有涉及。教育类话题在托福写作中的占比很高,在历年托福写作考试中大概占据25%左右的题目。 高分句型:现在,除了学习以外,还应鼓励学生们在其他很多方面培养兴趣,例如体育,绘画和音乐等。 —>Today, in addition to_____, a student is also encouraged to _____ 满分词汇:培养(某种素质) —> cultivate/foster/nurture(vts)心理健康—> psychological soundness/well-being/welfare(nouns) 社会类话题 社会类话题涉及的范围很广,主要是指一些社会话题、事件以及观点类问题。例如:Do you agree or disagree that society benefits more from works of greatartists than from political leaders.是否同意:艺术家比政治家对社会的贡献大。 高分句型:摩天大厦造的环境问题,很多人开始反思摩天大楼是否必要. —>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____. 满分词汇:生活节奏加速—> the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—> create alienation between people 科技类话题 说到“科技”,我们可能会想到现在日益发展的手机、电脑以及各种各样新出现的科技产品等。这些科技产品使得我们的生活变得更加便利,高效。 高分句型:互联网对人们的生活方式产生了深远的影响,它变革了人们生活方式以及思考问题的方式。 —> _____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____. 满分词汇:尖端的技术—> cutting-edged(adj) technology信息爆炸—> information explosion/ information overload


托福阅读题型完整攻略(4) IBT阅读推理题的解决策略 推断题就是所需要的信息都包含在文章中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要 考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely)或probably 等词语。根据OG,在IBT 阅读的3篇文章 中,每篇会有0-2道这类问题,一次考试总共有3-4道推断题。 一、推理题的两大分类:有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题。 这里所谓的有共性推理题就是说题干中有和原文内容相同的关键词(也叫 线索)。根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。一般来说,大多数的推理题 都属于这类题目。对于无共性的推理题,也就是题干中无线索,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。返回原 文找信息点,采用排除法是解决这两类题型解决的共同策略。 二、推理题的三个具体的解题思路: 1、一般对比推理:根据两个事情的对比特征,问其中一个事物的特征,只要将与之形成对比的另外一个事情的特征否定掉就可以。 2、时间对比推理:在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间 段的特征否定掉就可以了。 3、集合概念推理:一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着 互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较 抽象,我们来看一个例子: 例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation,manufacturing, and trade and distribution. What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War? (A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers. (B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined. (C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war. (D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation. 文中指出:非农业人口的数量和比例都增加了。由此可知农业人口的数量 和比例下降,所以(B)为正确答案。 三、解答这类题目需要注意的信息点: 1.日期和数字。 2.关键词:表示多少的副词: many , some, much of, several , a few ,most …;情态动词:may, can ,could…;表示过去的:used to be , was, were , at one time, previously ;表示不是唯一的: not only ,not exclusively等。


?1,People are more friendly in the past than today. ?2,Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. ?3,Students are more interested in politics today than before? ?4,It is easier to succeed nowadays than it was in the past. ?5,In the past teachers had more influence on the young people than they do today. ?6, Students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past. ?7, Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past. ?8, Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today. ?9, The ability to cooperate well with others is more important today than it was in the past. ?10,People rely on their neighbors less now than in the past. ?Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past. Never do topics concerning dependence fail to fascinate us in the modern society. It is wildly accepted that the young people tend to be independent. From my perspective, the youth are less dependent on their parents nowadays than in the old days based on the following reasons. One of the most critical reasons is that the development of science and technology enable them to solve problems easier. Since there are so many new inventions coming out these days, youth are able to search things they do not understand online and solve them without the help from their parents. This kind of help from the internet is always more helpful than their parents, so there is no reason relying on parents. For instance, decades ago the young might ask parents for help understanding how to actually cook a dish. However, we can easily search online or just let the electric cooker automatically cook the ingredients. The changing of life styles also gives rise to independence of the children. The world is now in a quick mode and a lot of people are used to living in rapid rhythm style. Therefore there is less communication than in the past. If the youth consider them as individuals according to the new life style, they are less likely to be dependent upon their parents. Take my friend as an example, he always hangs out with friends and he hardly has time to have a really long talk with family members. After becoming less imitate with parents, he depend less on them. Here we can tell the life style changing is significant on determining the young’s less independence. Education lead students learn to solve problems on their own and become less dependent. The new educating system asks teachers to cultivate students’problem solving skills. They always make students think more and try more to solve problems on their own in order to achieve the goal. The educating method encourages students to ask less for help. I tend to ask parents for less help because the good educating method decreases my tendency to be dependent. Usually I can easily solve the problem after trying for several times. All reasons taken into account, we can safely reach the conclusion that young people now depend less on parents than before. That's because of the help from the well-developed science and technology and their changing of life style. Besides their education make them learn problem solving skills.
