




a big shot 有影响的人;大人物;大亨

a blot from the blue 晴天霹雳

a case in point 恰当的例子

a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁

a Chinese puzzle 深奥的难题

a fraction of 一小部分

a friend in need 患难之交

a narrow escape 死里逃生,九死一生

a night bird 过惯夜生活的人

a piece of cake 容易的事,小事一桩

a sore throat 嗓子痛

a stone's throw 一箭之遥,很近

a storm in a teacup 小风波;小题大做

a variety of 各种各样的

a white lie 善意的谎言;无伤大雅的谎话

access to 途径;使用……的机会

acquaint with 熟悉,了解

account for 解释,是……的原因

against one's will 违背某人意愿

agree on 就……达成一致

agree with 同意(某人),(食物、气候等)适应

ahead of time/schedule 提前

air crash 空难

all ears 側耳聆听,全神贯注的听

all sorts of 各种各样的

all the same 仍然,照样,还是

all the year round 一年到头

and how! 对,的确(口语中表示赞成)

and so on 等等

another cup of tea /another pair of shoes 另外一回事另当别论

anything but 决不

apart from 除了

appeal to 吸引

apply for 申请

apply to 应用

apple of one's eye 钟爱之物

apt to 有……的倾向

approve of 赞同

as fit as a fiddle 很健康

as a matter of fact 事实上

as a result (of) 由于

as a rule 通常

as usual 跟往常一样

as a whole 总体上

as far as I know 据我所知

a series of 一系列的

as luck would have it 碰巧

at a loss 不知所措

at a discount 低于正常价格

at ease 放松,轻松

at heart 内心深处;实际上

at least 至少

at no time 在任何时候都不,决不at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候

at one's wits' end 智穷计尽,没有办法at present 目前,现在

at random 随意地

at short notice 一得到通知马上就……at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

at the interval 在中间休息时间

at the scene 在出事地点,在现场at the tip of one's tongue 话到嘴边,一时想不起at times 不时地,有时

aware of 意识到

B back issue /current issue 过刊/现刊

back up 支持

based on(upon) 在……的基础上

be available 可提供

be around 露面

be bound for (车等)开往

be bound to 肯定会

be far from 远不是,根本不是

be fed up with 讨厌,对……厌倦

be fond of 喜欢

be free of 免除,脱离

be Greek to me 完全不懂,一窍不通be no exception 不例外

beat about the bush 不直截了当,绕圈子behind schedule (车、飞机等)晚点beside the point 离题,不中肯

between the devil and the deep blue sea 处境危险,进退两难

beyond compare/ all praise 绝佳,极好

bite off more than one can chew 承担太多的工作而无法完成,好高骛远black sheep 害群之马;败家子

book up 订完了

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 出身富贵

break one's word 毁约,说话不算数

break down (车等)出故障

break one's word 食言,失信

break off 暂停工作

break the ice 打破僵局

bring up 抚养

bury one's head in the sand 逃避现实;自欺欺人

by all means 当然,一定

by and large 总的说来,大体上

by chance 偶然,意外地

by leaps and bounds 极快地,大幅度地

by means of 以……的方式

by nature 天性

by no means 一点也不,决不

by the way 顺便说一下


call in 找来,叫进来

call it a day 结束,收工,(当日)工作到此为止

call off 取消

call on 访问,拜访

can do with 将就,能对付

can not help (doing) 禁不住

care for 喜爱

castle in the air/sky/ Spain 空中楼阁,不切实际的想法

catch on 变得流行,受欢迎

catch one's breath 喘口气

catch sight of 注意到,看见

catch somebody red-handed 当场捕获某人

catch up with 追赶,赶上

(be) categorized 分类;分成……部分

(be) caught in 陷入困境

check in 办理(人住)登记手续

check out 付账后离开

cheer up 振作起来

chilled to the bone 冻僵了

clothes make the man 人靠衣装

cold shoulder 冷淡的对待

come across 偶然碰见

come down with 病倒

come straight to the point 开门见山

come true 实现达到,

come up to 符合

come up with 提出,想出

concentrate on 集中精力

concerned with 关心,关注,与……有关contribute to 帮助,有助于;增强,促进cope with 应付,对付correspondence course 函授课程

count on 依靠,指望

crash into (车,船等)猛撞

crocodile tears 假惺惺的,假慈悲

cross out 划掉,删去

cross the bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头自然直cry for the spilt milk 悔恨晚已

cut down 削减,删节

cut in line 插队

cut out 天生具有某种才能

cut short 打断


date back to 追溯到,始于

day in and day out 每天,始终

deal with 论述,关于,处理

decide on 决定

depend on 依靠,依赖

devote to (时间,精力,物资等)投入die away (声音等)逐渐消逝

die out 消失,灭绝

distinguish between 区别,区分

dos and don'ts 规则,允许的和不允许的

do in Rome as the Romans do人乡随俗

do sb. good/harm 对某人有好处/坏处

do sb a favour 帮忙;赏脸

do without 将就,凑合

down payment 首期付款

down to earth 实事求是

doze off 打瞌睡

draw near 接近,临近

dress up 穿盛装

drive sb mad 使某人发疯

drop by/in 顺便访问

drop out 辍学,放弃

due to 由于


Book-I(《大学英语》全新版) Unit 1 Part A Communicative Function 1. How are you?/ I'd like you to meet my classmate. 2. I'm.../ May I introduce...to you?/ Pleased to meet you. 3. Come and meet my family./ ...this is Tom./ It's good to know you./ ...this is my sister. Part B Exercise 1: 1. B 2. D Exercise 2: 1. Yang Weiping: China/ Started learning English Favorite activity: Difficulty: 2. Virginia: Singapore/ one has be to fluent in English./ Started learning Favorite activity: Difficulty: Part C Exercise: How to Improve Listening Comprehension Among the four of listening , speaking, reading and writing, I find listening most difficult, because I about the words I don't know. Now I am trying to on the general idea, not worrying about he new words. This makes me good, because I know I have something. Then, I listen again and if I have any I play the difficult part again. In this way I come to better both the idea and the of the listening text. Part D (Refer to Text Book) Unit 2 Part A Communicative Function 1. closing 2. opening 3. closing 4. opening 5. opening 6. opening Listening Strategy 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b Part B Exercise 1: 1. 1) b 2) c 3) a


1. burn down / burn out / burn up burn down (火势)减弱,(被)焚毁;burn out烧尽,熄灭;burn up 被烧掉(毁),烧得更旺。 2. how often / how long / how far / how soon how often有"多久一次"的意思,是对做某事的频率提问。对how often的回答一般是:twice a year/three times a week。how long表示"时间多久或物体多长",表示时间时侧重指"一段时间"。对how long的回答一般是时间段,如for three days。how far是提问"路程有多远",询问距离 ",主要用来对表示将来的,还可以表示程度。how soon表示"多久之后 的一段时间提问。对how soon的回答一般是:in + 时间段,如in two days/in five years。 3. call at / call back / call for / call in / call on / call up call at (a place)访问(某地);call back回电话; call for (公开)要求,需要; call in要求退回,召来;call on邀请,请求; call up使回忆起,使想起。 4. come about / come across / come off / come out / come true /come up come about发生;come across(偶然)遇见;come off能被去掉(或除去);come out出版,发行; come true变为现实,实现;come up长出地面,升起。 5. cut down / cut off / cut through / cut up / cut in cut down砍倒,削减;cut off打断,中断(供给);cut through开辟(出路或通道);cut up(严重地)割伤,打伤,切碎;cut in插嘴。 6. break out / break down / break away from / break into / break off / break through / break up break out爆发;break down出故障,坏掉;break away from突然挣脱,逃脱;break into强行闯入;break off中断,断开;break through克服,战胜;break up拆开,打散。 7. bring in / bring up / bring about bring in引入,赚得;bring up抚养,养育;bring about导致,引起。 8. run out / go out / give out / leave out run out用完,耗尽;go out外出交际,送出,发出;give out用完,耗尽,停止运转; leave out省去,遗漏,不包括。 9. get along with / get back / get close to / get down to / get in touch with / get off / get through get along with与……相处;get back回去,返回;get close to接近;get down to开始做…… get in touch with与……联系(接触);get off脱下;get through顺利通过(考试等),拨通(电话)。


英文谚语大全-A A 共 360 条 1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 恶其始者必恶其终。 2. A bad bush is better than the open field. 有胜于无。 3. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 吃亏的和解也比胜 诉强。 4. A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做贼心虚。 5. A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 坏习 惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。 6. A bad padlock invites a picklock. 开门揖盗。 7. A bad penny always turns up. 8. A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千年。 9. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。 10.A bargain is a bargain. 达成的协议不可撕毁。 11.A beggar's purse is bottomless. 乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。 12.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在 手。 13.A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟, 听其言知其人。 14.A bird may be known by its song. 什么鸟唱什么歌。 15.A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. 略有胜于全 无。 16.A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。 17.A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass. 秋波送盲,白 费痴情。 18.A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。 19.A book that remains shut is but a block. 有书闭卷不阅读,无异是 一块木头。 20.A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。 21.Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别 情更深。 22.A burden of one's choice is not felt. 自己选的担子不嫌重。 23.A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 24.A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛焚自身,光亮照别 人。


大学英语四级听力技巧规律及常见词汇总结 四级听力的三个基本思路: 1. 学习——基于学生的角度,一定是抱怨学习 2. 生活——poor,很穷。 Student ID 学生证用于discount 打折,bargain 讨价还价 3. 学习vs 生活——忙,忙于学习 (就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题目说什么,就用这三个思路 往上套) Part I对话题 一.But 题型 形式:A:…… B:……,but ……. 重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but 后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。 e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的) A: I suppose you’ve bought some gifts for your family. B: Well, I’ve bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But I’ve not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels. Question: Who did the man buy the book for? Answer: His sister. 二. 场景题 1. 每一类场景,常考出题思路——用于解题 2. 线索词 场景题选项特点: (1) 介词结构in/at somewhere (2) To do开头的(问的是purpose目的) (3) Doing……/ They’re doing……/They’re …ing. (4) A and B(人之间的关系relationship) e.g. Students and teacher. 场景题提问方式: (1) what (过去,现在,将来) (2) Where is the conversation taking place? / Where does the conversation take place? (3) When is the conversation taking place? (4) Who——>where (location) 问人是谁,可以从他所在的地方来判断。


一、no more than 与not more than 1. no more than 的意思是“仅仅”“只有”“最多不超过”,强调少。如: This test takes no more than thirty minutes. 这个测验只要30分钟。 The pub was no more than half full. 该酒吧的上座率最多不超过五成。 For thirty years,he had done no more than he (had)needed to. 30年来,他只干了他需要 干的工作。 2. not more than 为more than (多于)的否定式,其意为“不多于”“不超过”。如: Not more than 10 guests came to her birthday party. 来参加她的生日宴会的客人不超过十人。 比较:She has no more than three hats. 她只有3顶帽子。(太少了)She has not more than three hats. 她至多有3顶帽子。(也许不到3顶帽子) I have no more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱最多不过5元。(言其少) I have not more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱不多于5元。(也许不到5元) 二、no more……than 与not more……than 1. no more……than 表示对两者都否定,意为“同……一样不”(=neither……nor……)。如: He is no more a writer than a painter. 他既不是画家,也不是作家。(=He is neither a painter nor a writer.) He…s no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我都读不懂西班牙语。(=Neither he nor I am able to read Spanish.) I know no more Spanish than I know Greek. 我对西班牙语和希腊语同样都不懂。(=I know neither Spanish nor Greek.) 2. not more……than 指两者都具有某种特征,但是程度不同,意为“不如”“不及”(=not so…… as)。如: She is not more clever than he is. 她不如他聪明。(=She is not so clever as he is.) This book is not more difficult than that one. 这本书不及那本书难。(This book is not so difficult as that one.) 三、no less than 与not less than 1. no less than 的意思是“多达”“有……之多”,强调多,与no more than 意思相反。如: He made no less than £500. 他赚了多达500英镑的钱。 He paid no less than $10,000 for it. 他为此付了一万多美元。 No less than 50 people offered to buy it. 至少有50个人提出要买它。 No less than 50 passengers got killed in the train accident yesterday. 死于昨天火车车祸的旅客 有50人之多。


大学英语听说教程课件 英语听说选材贴近学生生活与社会现实,都是学生喜闻乐见的内容,形式新、巧、奇,图文并茂,为学生创造了一个宽松、适宜、创新的英语学习环境。 大学英语听说教程课件 摘要:根据大学英语视听说课程的特色,设计本课程的教学方法。以这些教学方法为基础,实现"视""听""说"三位一体的教学,以此达到切实提高学生的听说能力的教学目标。 关键词:视听说课程教学方法设计三位一体教学 英语专业的视听说课程可以说是历史悠久,而大学英语的教学一直以来都集中于综合英语的教学,用于听力和口语教学的时间少之又少。近年来许多高校都尝试在大学英语教学中把综合英语课程和听说课程分开,进行分科教学。分科教学既有利于老师对所教课程深入研究、充分准备和灵活讲授,也更有利于老师因材施教,有的放矢地组织教学,充分调动学生英语学习的积极性。[1]我校每周大学英语课时为六节,进行分科教学后综合英语更改为每周五节,视听说课程教学为每周一节,也就是说两周才安排一次为时两节课即九十分钟的教学时间,一个学期除掉假期、学生实习和考试时间,真正意义上上课的时间为每学期六次即540分钟。如何在如此短的时间内,在学生基础比较薄弱的情况下(相对于英语专业的学生而言)切实提高学生的英语听说能力,这是所有视听说课教师为之头痛而亟待解决的问题。如何

设计视听说课堂教学,实现“视”“听”“说”三位一体教学,切实提高学生的英语听说能力便成为视听说课程教学的重中之重。 一、何为视听说课程 英语视听说是一门特殊的英语技能综合课程。其特殊性体现在输入手段的多样化,即“视”、“听”、“说”并举;“听说领先,重在应用”。该课程发挥和利用现代的科技手段,在教学活动中充分体现出视听课教学的现代性,把传统的听力课与口语课相脱节的教学发展成为视、听、说相结合、实用性强、视听内容丰富的综合课堂。教学目的是结合相关主题,进行主题讨论,通过收听英语对话,观看英语录像,为学生提供一个仿真的语言环境,并根据培养英语应用技能的要求,提高和加强学生以听说为主的英语综合应用能力,彻底消灭“聋子加哑巴”英语的怪现象。 二、视听说课程特色 英语视听说课程与以往的听力和口语分开教学不同,它有自己的独特之处。第一、多媒体性。英语视听说课程教学是在多媒体的辅助下进行的。多媒体环境下视听英语教学模式是以计算机多媒体环境为视听条件、以英语主题教学内容为视听教学任务、以英语语言教学情景为视听教学手段、以教师与学生互动为视听教学方法,为学生提供真切的语言环境和广泛的语言素材,使其活动、行为、思维和表述都在由多媒体所提供的特定语言环境中进行的教学。[2]二、网络性。网络的飞速发展给英语教学带来了丰富的视听说资源。教师可以借助网上的音频、视频进行视听说课程教学。教师可以选取网络上直观的视频


简单的英语谚语句子大全 1、A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.一本好书,相伴一生。 2、A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。 3、A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。 4、An old dog cannot learn new tricks.老狗学不出新把戏。 5、A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 6、A fox may grow gray, but never good.江山易改,本性难移。 7、Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传。 8、A little body often harbors a great soul.浓缩的都是精品。 9、A stitch in time saves nine.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。10、A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,驷马难追。11、Complacency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。12、All that ends well is well.结果好,就一切都好。13、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。14、A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,流芳百世。15、A light heart lives long.静以修身。 16、Blood will have blood.血债血偿。17、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。 18、As a man sows, so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 19、A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。 20、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.预防为主,治疗为辅。21、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


四级听力技巧目录 1、四级听力技巧总结………… 2、短对话得补充场景………… 3、短对话听力得原则………… 4、短对话十大场景及一般思路……… 5、语段题得做提步骤…………… 6、语段题10大解题原则………… 7、长对话十大类标志词…………、 四级听力技巧规律总结 (完整版) 四级听力得三个思路: 1.学习-—基于学生得角度,一定就是抱怨学习 2.生活-—poor,很穷。 StudentID 学生证用于discount 打折, bargain讨价还价 3. 学习vs生活——忙,忙于学习 (就就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题目说什么,就用这三个思路往上套) PartI 短对话 一.But 题型 形式:A:…… B:……,but……、 重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说得话为重点,出题点往往在but后面。四级听力题中,But 后面得为重点得占95%,之前得为重点得占5%. e、g、(这题就是反例,考得居然就是but之前得内容,不过这种情况很少出现得) A:I suppose you’vebought some giftsforyourfamily、 B:Well, I've bought a shirt for myfather andtwo books for my sister、But I’ve not decided what to buy formy mother、Probablysomejewels、 Question:Who didtheman buy thebook for? Answer: His sister、 二、场景题 (1)每一类场景,常考出题思路——用于解题 (2) 线索词 场景题选项特点: (1)介词结构in/at somewhere (2)To do开头得(问得就是purpose目得) (3) Doing……/They’re doing……/They’re …ing、 (4) A andB(人之间得关系relationship)e、g、Students and teacher、 场景题提问方式: (1)what (过去,现在,将来) (2)Where is theconversation takingplace?/Where does the conversation takeplace? (3) Whenis the conversation taking place? (4) Who-—>where(location) 问人就是谁,可以从她所在得地方来判断。 各类场景(把各类场景容易出现得词给记住,选选项时往常考思路上靠)


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Table of Contents In t ro d u ct i o n (1) Chapter1 Obstacle Factors in Listening Comprehension (2) 1.1Characteristics of listening materials (2) 1.2 Characteristics of the speaker's speech in listening materials (2) 1.2.1C h a n g e s i n s o u n d (2) 1.2.2 Intonation and the sequence of so unds (3) 1.2.3 Verbiage’s intherlude (4) 1.2.4 Tow different voice systems, RP and GA (4) 1.3 Di ffi c ul t i es on t h e p a rt o f l e a rn er s (5) Chapter2 Tactics to Resolve the Obstacles (7) 2.1 Li st eni ng and vocabul ar y (7) 2.2 Correlation of listening and reading (7) 2.3 To grasp the process of listening (8) 2.4 To focus on practical training (9) Chapter3 Tactics in the English Listening Teachi ng (11) 3.1 Changes in teaching pattern (11) 3.2 To select the listening materials (11) 3.3 Aims of listening practice (11) 3.4 Emotional problems of learners (13) C o n c l u s i o n (16) A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s (17) B i b l i o g r a p h y (18)


英语常用词组4249个 (详细版) 薛建菠 A 1.a fraction of 一部分 2.a matter of concern 焦点 3.a series of 一系列, 一连串 4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃 5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃 辨析 abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任 stop:停止某行为 give up doing:放弃做某种行为 6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事 7.to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能 辨析 ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)) capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing)) 8.be able to do sth 能够 辨析 able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth) can:表示本身具有的一般能力 capable:(用法:capable of doing) 9.be about to do …when…打算 10.abound with/in 富于、充满… 11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要的 12.be absent from 缺席 13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉 14.absent oneself from sth 不在 15.absolve sb from 赦免某人… 16.be absorbed in 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated on be focused on;be centered on 全神贯注于… 17.abstain from 避开(免)… 18.be abundant in 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 富于,富有 19.abundant in 富于 20.accept sth 同意某事 21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人 22.accept that…相信/认为… 23.access to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入 辨析 accept:表示主观意愿 receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth) 24.by accident 偶然 辨析 accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。


英语谚语大全 本文是关于经典句子的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 英语谚语大全 1、宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 It is better to die when life is a disgrace. 2、要想求知,就得吃苦。 If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 3、杀鸡取卵。 If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too. 4、覆水难收。 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 5、脚踏两条船,必定落空。 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 6、天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Justice has long arms. 7、门门精通,样样稀松。 Jack of all trades and master of none. 8、天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 It is the unforeseen that always happens. 9、十年树木,百年树人。

It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 10、坐失良机,后悔已迟。 It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 11、朋友不能阿谀奉承。 I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. 12、活到老,学到老。 It is never too old to learn. 13、事后诸葛亮好当。 It is easy to be wise after the event. 14、人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 Judge not from appearances. 15、创业容易守业难。 It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. 16、勤奋是成功之母。 Industry is the parent of success. 17、耳朵发烧,有人念叨。 If your ears glow, someone is talking of you. 18、挣钱容易攒钱难。 It is easier to get money than to keep it. 19、不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If you venture nothing, you will have nothing. 20、不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。


初中英语常用词组辨析(31组) 1、Look和See 答:a. look一词单独用时,表示“看!”,通常要放在句首。如: Look! There is a monkey in the tree. 看!树上有一只猴子。 b. look at表示要看具体的内容,如人或物。如: Don’t look at me. Look at the blackboard, please.不要看我,请看黑板。 c. see表示看的结果,即“看到;看见”。如: Can you see the words on the blackboard? 你能看见黑板上的字吗? see也用于“看电影”这个词组中,即:see a film 2、Spend take pay pay 的主语必须是人: (sb) pay money for sth. / pay sb.for sth.; spend的主语必须是人: (sb.) spend money/...for/on sth./ in doing sth. 在......方面花钱或精力; take表示做某事花费多少时间, 其主语一般是一件事 ; 有时也可以是人: It takes/ took sb. some time to do sth. 强调完成动作所花费的时间。 ① It takes sb. some time to do sth. It took him half an hour to finish his homework.他花了半个小时完成家庭作业。 ② sb. spends some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. I spent thirty yuan on this book.我三十元买了这本书。 She spent ten minutes (in) getting there.她10分钟到达那儿。 ③ sb. pays (some money) for sth. He paid a lot of money for the building.他买房子花了许多钱。 表“花费”的动词中,还有一个,即cost: cost 的主语必须是物或事: (sth.) cost(s) sb. money/life/health/time...; This coat cost me eighty yuan.这件上衣花了我80元。 3、on in at


英语谚语_谚语大全 英语谚语_谚语大全 英语谚语大全 不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。 No fear of Pepsi, fear of frustration. 下不得毒手,成不了财主。 You must not poison your hand and become a rich man. 天下衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来。 When the Yamen opens to the south, there is no money to come in. 我不怕千万人阻挡,只要自己不投降。 I am not afraid of thousands of people to stop, as long as I do not surrender. 口说不如身到,耳闻不如目睹。 It is better to hear than to speak. 宁可正而不足,不可邪而有余。 It is better to be positive rather than deficient. 撒网要撒迎头网,开船要开顶风船。 To cast nets, we must scatter the head-on net, and sail the ship with the top of the wind. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. 无志山压头,有志人搬山。 There is no ambition mountain. 灯不亮,要人拨;事不明,要人说。 If the lamp is not bright, it is necessary for people to dial. 宁可无钱,不可无耻。 It is better to have no money than to be shameless. 有志不在年高,有理不在会说。 Where there is a will, there is no reason. 人要心强,树要皮硬。 A strong heart needs a strong skin. 眼大肚子小,争起吃不了。 The eye is big and the belly is small. 有理不怕势来压,人正不怕影子歪。 Reason is not afraid of potential pressure. People are not afraid of shadow. 鸟往明处飞,人往高处去。 Birds fly to the clear, and men go higher. 人怕没志,树怕没皮。 People are afraid of failing, and trees are afraid of no skin.


大学新编六级英语听力技巧 一、英语六级听力材料使用技巧 首先,要有效率的对待历年考试真题。 有的同学盲目地陷入题海战术,在个人做题技巧尚不成熟的时候 海量地做题;做题之后也欠总结,就马上又去做下一套题了。殊不知真 题有限,没有结合技巧的大规模做题会浪费同学们很多考前实战模拟 的机会。还有的同学习惯用真题去"磨耳朵",即无时不刻地在耳边放 着真题录音。殊不知这样的学习习惯会使得你对于真题音频的敏感度 下降,导致考场上的精神不集中。所以,一定要在了解四六级听力出 题规律、做题技巧的基础上练习真题;做题之后要对于做错的题目反复 思索,找到你和准确答案的"思维差别"。 其次,要在做题之余做到泛听,提升适合纯正英语音频的水平。 一些同学希望在四六级听力考试中得到一个比较理想的分数,那 么提升对于自己的要求、用更具挑战性的音频材料训练自己的耳朵就 是必不可少的一步了。建议给位同学找到一些难度高于四级考试的音 频材料,用这些材料做泛听。当你能够跟得上且听得懂这些材料后, 你再面对四级听力的音频就会很自然地产生一种"以前沧海难为水"的 感觉。各位老师们建议各位参加四级考试的同学们能够试着去泛听六 级的音频材料;参加六级考试的同学们能够找老托福的听力段子,或者 慢速VOA 等等材料来进一步提升自己。当然,所谓"泛听",也是要讲 究方法和效率的。要将"听"与练习记笔记、练习听写、总结知识点、 跟读模仿等等步骤紧密联系起来,才能使得泛听达到事半功倍的效果。 一言以蔽之,各位考生在备考四六级听力的过程中要善于应用各 种复习材料,善于将练习与各种命题规律、考试技巧以及良好的学习 方法有机的结合起来。只有这样,六级听力才能不再是影响各位考生 通过考试的短板。 二、英语六级听力三大提分技巧


大学英语听力教学现状及对策 作者:李游 来源:《现代交际》2011年第07期 [摘要]大学英语教学中听力教学的现状并不尽如人意,鉴于对现存问题的分析,一些改进听力教学、提高学生听力水平的对策在文中给予了列举和说明。 [关键词]大学英语听力教学对策 [中图分类号]H319[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1009-5349(2011)07-0032-01 引言 随着高等院校大学英语课程改革的深入,“培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力”[1]作为大学英语的教学目标,已列入教育部颁发的《大学英语课程教学基本要求》。对于听说教学的强调也随之体现在大学英语四、六级改革中:听力能力考查比例从原来卷面分值的20%上升到35%,考查形式增加了长对话,而且考查题材也融入了更具真实性的材料,如面试、新闻报道等。因此,如何改进大学英语听力教学,提高学生听力水平,成为亟待解决的问题。 一、听力教学中存在的问题 (一)学生听力基础薄弱 由于高考英语听力成绩不计入考试总分,因此听力训练在中学阶段未得到相应的重视。大多数学生在入学之前没接受过听力训练。入学后,听力成了他们的薄弱环节。主要表现在:1.语音障碍。学生没能准确掌握英语音素和单词的正确发音;对于重读与弱读、失去爆破等语音规则不甚了解。2.不良习惯。学生往往在脑子里将听到的内容先译成汉语,然后用汉语进行思维理解;听的过程中未能相应地进行必要的记录;课下很少自主安排时间、选择材料来练习听力。3.文化障碍。语言和文化密不可分。缺乏对东西方文化差异的了解,必然影响对话语深层次的理解。4.心理障碍。在听力练习初期,学生由于听懂的内容少或者反应慢,很可能会产生紧张、急躁的情绪,从而导致不佳效果。[2] (二)传统听力教学模式带来的问题 首先,在传统听力教学课堂,教学形式单一,通常只是一遍遍地听录音,然后对答案。这种模式不能很好地激发学生的主动性,课堂气氛不活跃,师生间、同学间互动较少,学生易产生厌倦情绪,而老师难以了解到哪些对学生来说是难点,哪些无需强调。其次,虽然每学期总的教学时数有限,但每一节听力课堂上集中训练时间较长,训练模式缺少变化,学生容易产生疲劳感,无法真正达到提高听力水平的目标。再次,听力课堂忽视了听力策略的培养。国内外


精心整理 让阅卷老师眼前一亮的100条英语谚语,用就加分 一、勤奋、意志与成功 1.Wherethereisawill,thereisaway.有志者事竟成。 2.Nopains,nogains.没有付出就没有收获。 舟。 10.Nowayisimpossibletocourage.勇者无惧。 11.Successbelongstothepersevering.坚持就是胜利。 12.Thefinestdiamondmustbecut.玉不琢,不成器。 13.Adversitymakesamanwise,notrich.逆境出人才。

精心整理 二、学习方法与态度 14.Practicemakesperfect.熟能生巧。 15.Itisnevertoooldtolearn.活到老,学到老。 16.Readingistothemindwhileexercisetothebody.读书健脑,运动 问。 精。 23.Knowledgeadvancesbystepsandnotbyleaps.知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。 24.Amancandonomorethanhecan.凡事都应量力而行。 25.Amancannotspinandreelatthesametime.一心不能二用。

精心整理 三、健康与心态 26.Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway.一天一苹果,不用请医生。 27.Preventionisbetterthancure.预防胜于治疗。 28.AllworkandnoplaymakesJackadullboy.只工作,不玩耍,聪明小 欢乐 36.Contentisbetterthanriches.知足者常乐。 四、品行与操守 37.Honestyisthebestpolicy.诚实不欺为上策。
