心理学导论 英文

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Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
What is Cognitive Psychology?
• Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes
What is Cognitive Psychology?
What is Cognitive Psychology?
• Cognitive Psychology versus Artificial Intelligence (AI)
– – – – – AI: what’s the best way to do this? Cognitive Psych: how do humans do this? Both try to model some form of mind The difference is fidelity Brain is optimal: If AI truly wants to find optimality they should study Cognitive Psychology.
– We will learn about categorization and invariant representation
Why study Cognitive Psychology
• • • • • • • • Understanding the mind Education Medicine Therapy Artificial Intelligence Tool/Interface Design Gaming/Entertainment Etc.
– E.g. attention may be part of perception; language may be part of memory and decision-making, etc.
Complexity of Cognition
Figure 1.1 (p. 3) - Complexity of Cognition
What is involved in Cognition
• The book lists:
– Perception, Attention, Memory, Problem-Solving, Language, Reasoning, & Decision-making
• This is not a comprehensive list of mental processes • These processes are not independent of one another
• Cognitive Psychology versus Behaviorism
– Behavioral Psych: how S maps onto R – Cognitive Psych: what happens in the mind – Both can use formulas to map S onto R – The difference is level of complexity
What we are aware of…
The complexities of cognition are usually hidden from our consciousness.
The Magic of Cognition
• In our lives we are likely to NEVER encounter the same retinal input twice! EVER!
Sarah is walking toward her friend, who is waving in the distance. She is aware of her friend, but has little awareness of the stranger who is passing on her right, even though he is much closer.
– Neurobiologists:
• “Check this out, the harddrive and the RAM are both connected to the motherboard!” But what does that mean?
– Cognitive Psychologists:
What is Cognitive Psychology?
• Metaphor: mind = Windows
– Behaviorists:
• “What happens when I press Alt-Tab? Cool! It switched to my last open application!!” But how does that work?
• “Pressing Alt-Tab switches me between applications, and I know that Windows uses STM… Let’s propose a model of Windows where it stores which apps are open in STM, and when a user hits Alt-Tab, it switches between open apps.”
S Environment Mind
What is Cognitive Psychology?
• Cognitive Psychology versus Neurobiology
– Neurobiology: how does the brain do it? – Cognitive Psych: how does the mind do it? – Both can use neurons to describe mind – The difference is behaviFra Baidu bibliotekr (the big picture)