

1) HTTP Web Server: Item not found exception

错误解释:通过HTML操作某个域时(如document.all.input_name.value),这个input_name 必须有对应的域名。也就是,域名必须有对应的html名字,也就是域属性里的Html标志符。原解释: element added to the form as Pass-thru HTML with no corresponding Notes field of the same name. All text input elements must have the equivalent Notes field!

我:通过填写HTML标记里的标志符,或在“其它”里面加上id=input_name或name=input_name 就行了,不过name=input_name有时生效,有时不生效,没总结过``

2)Lotus Notes Exception - Note item not found


原解释:If your form has a Computed Subform and this Subform contains a field with the same name as one on the main form you will see this error.


3)Lotus Notes Exception - A view of that name cannot be found in the specified database 错误解释:@dblookup/column公式中制定的视图不存在,不可达或拼写错误。

原解释:The view specified in your @DBLookup/Column formula doesn't exist, is inaccessible or is spelt incorrectly

4)Lotus Notes Exception - Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: Text Expected 解释:很有可能是因为计算文本或公式,应该用字符串类型的地方使用了日期或数字类型。或者当代理名为空时,即运行@Command([ToolsRunMacro];"")时,也有这个报错。

原解释:Most probably one of your Computed Text areas or @Formulas is trying to concatenate a date or a number with a string. For example "The total amount is " + aNumberField or "The date is " + @Now would cause this error. Use @Text to convert dates and number to a string. They can be tricky to find in a complex form. Usually best to remove formulas one by one until you find the offending party.

Can also happen if you blank out the name of a query save/open agent so that it reads @Command([ToolsRunMacro]; "") instead of @Command([ToolsRunMacro]; ""). To rectify this, either remove the whole line and save the form or enter the name of the agent that you require. Note that you cannot simply type in "" to return it to the default.

5)HTTP Web Server: Invalid POST Request Exception

解释:很可能是因为试图提交的文档超过了服务器配置文档中定义的最大“Maximum POST data”(Internet Protocols->Domino Web Engine页面中)

原解释:Most probably that you are trying to post a document that is larger than the "Maximum POST data" setting in the Domino Web Engine section of the server document.

6)Lotus Notes Exception - Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: Number expected


原解释:Check for things like double ++ in your @Formulas. For example, I sometimes have "