






我们研究导线的线元dl受到的力d F的值。我们应该对(9.40) 式中线元dl包含的所有载流子取平均:

=e[(<>+<μ>),B]=e[<μ>,B] (9.41)

(B是线元dl所处的磁感应强度)。这线元包含nSdl 载流子。(n是单位体积所带的电荷量,而S是导线的横截面积)。叠加方程式Eq.(9.41)中的所有电量,我们得到我们感兴趣的力:

d F=nSdl=[(ne<μ>),B]Sdl

把ne记作电流密度j,把Sdl所代表的导线体积记作体积元d V,写为



Fμ,υ=[j B] (9.43) 由方程Eq.(9.42)得出

d F=[j B]Sdl

代入方程(9.27) j S d l=I d l,得出


这个方程给出磁场中电流元d l所受的外力。方程(9.44)称为安培定律,它是建立在安培的实验基础上的。对于磁力,我们已经在(9.33)的基础上得到安培定律。这个磁力表达式(9.44)实际上是在实验的基础上得出的。


d F=IBdlsinα(9.45) α是dl的方向与磁场B方向的夹角(图9.9).力与d l和B成正比。


(9.46) 方程(9.46)与方程(9.2)一致。







在开始推导库仑定律和相对关系力的基本原理方程(9.47)之前,让我们考虑以下影响。假定有无限长线有电量e相等的点电荷相隔微小距离l0排列着(图9.12)。由于l0很小,我们可以明确地说电荷的线密度λ0 为:


















的垂直于k和k’系运动时,(F⊥ ),转变为形式



只要看一眼这公式表明: 粒子受到外力在静止k’系中垂直于,而在k系


(9.52) 在k’系中,测量正负行的电荷密度有值[见方程(9.49)]


u’+ 和u’-是电荷+e 和–e 在k’系下测量的速度。根据从K系到k’系的转

换,粒子速度v0 方向投影到x方向转变有公式

(我们已经用u 和u’取代v 和v’)对于电荷+e,u x值相当于u值;对于




, (9.54) 为了简化计算,我们忽略相对速度:



(9.56) 通过解释这些方程式,我们对总的电荷密度得到如下表达式:







(9.58) [提醒一下读者,u0=1/ε0c2,见公式(9.51)].这个表达式只是在元素




Ampere’s law

If a wire carrying a current is in a magnetic field, then each of the current experiences the force


Here v is the velocity of chaotic motion of a carrier and u is the velocity of ordered motion. The action of this force is transferred from a current carrier to the conductor along which it is moving. As a result, a force acts on a wire with current in a magnetic field.

Let us find the value of the force dF exerted on an element of a wire of length dl. We shall average Eq.(9.40) over the current carriers container in the element dl:

=e[(<>+<μ>),B]=e[<μ>,B] (9.41)

(B is the magnetic induction at the place where the element dl is). The wire element contains nSdl carriers (n is the number of carriers in unit volume, and S is the cross-sectional area of the wire at the given place). Multiplying Eq.(9.41) by the number of carriers, we find the force we are interested in:

d F=nSdl=[(ne<μ>),B]Sdl

taking into account that ne is the current density j, and Sdl gives the volume of a wire element d V, we can write


hence, we can obtain an expression for the density of the force, i.e. for the force acting on unit volume of the conductor

Fμ,υ=[j B] (9.43)

Let us write Eq.(9.42) in the from

d F=[j B]Sdl

replacing in accordance with Eq.(9.27) j S dl=Idl ,we arrive at the equation


this equation determines the force exerted on a current element dl in a magnetic field. Equation (9.44) was established experimentally by Ampere and is called Ampere’s law.

We have obtained Ampere’s law on the basis of Eq.(9.33) for the magnetic force. The expression for the magnetic force was actually obtained from the experimentally established equation (9.44).

The magnitude of the force (9.44) is calculated by the equation

d F=IBdlsinα(9.45)

where αis the angle between the vectors dl and B (Fig.9.9). The forces normal to the plane containing the vectors dl and B.

Let us use Ampere’s law to calculate the force of interaction between two parallel infinitely long currents in a vacuum. If the distance between the currents is b (Fig.9.10), then each element of the current I2 will be in a magnetic field whose induction is B1=(μ0/4π)(2I1/b)[see Eq.(9.30)]. The angleαbetween the elements of the current I2and the vector B1 is a right one. Hence , according to Eq.(9.45), the force acting on unit length of the current I2 is


Equation (9.46) coincides with Eq.(9.2).

We get a similar equation for the force F12,u exerted on unit length of the current I1. It is easy to see that when currents flow in the same direction they attract each other, and in the opposite direction repel each other.

The further study :

Magnetism as a relativistic effect

There is a deep relation between electricity and magnetism. On the basis of the postulates of the theory of relativity and of the invariance of an electric charge, we can show that the magnetic interaction of charges and currents is corollary of Coulomb’s law. we shall show this on the example of a charge moving parallel to an infinite-line current with the velocityυ0 (Fig.9.11). According to Eq.(9.36), the magnetic force acting on a charge in the case being considered is


(The meaning of the symbols is clear from Fig.9.11). the force is directed toward conductor carrying the current (q>0).

Before commencing to derive Eq.(9.47) for the force on the basis of Coulomb’s law and relativistic relations , let us consider the following effect. Assume that we have an infinite linear train of point charges of an identical magnitude e spaced a very small distance l0 apart (Fig.9.12). owing to the smallness of l0 ,we can speak of the linear density of the chargesλ0 which obviously is


let us bring the charges into motion along the train with the identical velocity u. the distance between the charges will therefore diminish and become equal to

the magnitude of the charges owing to their invariance. However, remains the same. As a result, the linear density of the charges observed in the reference frame relative to which the charges are moving will change and become equal to


Now let us consider in the reference frame K two infinite trains formed by charges of the same magnitude, but of opposite signs, moving in opposite direction (Fig.9.13). the combination of these trains is equivalent to an infinite line current having the value


Where λis the quantity determined by Eq.(9.49).the total linear density of the charges of a train equals zero, therefore an electric field is absent. The charge q experiences a magnetic force whose magnitude according to Eqs.(9.47) and (9.50) is


Let us pass over to the reference frame k’ relative to which the charge q is at rest (Fig.9.13b).in this frame, the charge q also experiences a force (let us denote it by F’).this force cannot be of a magnetic origin, however , because the charge q is stationary . the force F’ has a purely electrical origin. It appears because the linear densities of the positive and negative charges in the trains are now different (we shall see below that the density of the negative charges is greater). The surplus negative charge q with the force F’ directed the train (see Fig.9.13b).

Let us calculate the force F’and convince ourselves that it “equals”the force F determined by Eq.(9.51). we have taken the word “equals” in quotation marks because force is not an invariant quantity. Upon transition from one inertial reference frame to another, the force transforms according to a quite complicated law. In a particular case, when the force F’ is perpendicular to the relative velocity of the frames K and K’ (F⊥v0), the transformation has the form

(v’ is the velocity of a particle experiencing the force F’ and measured in the frame K’).if v’ =0 (which occurs in the problem we are considering), the formula for transformation of the force is as follow:

A glance at this formula shows that the force perpendicular to v0 exerted on a particle at rest in the frame K’ is also perpendicular to the vector v0 in the frame K. the magnitude of the force in this case, however, is transformed by the formula


The densities of the charges in the positive negative trains measured in the frame K’have the values [see Eq.(9.49)]


Where u’+ and u’- are the velocities of the charges +e and –e measured in the frame K’. upon a transition from the frame K to the frame K’, the projection of the velocity of a particle onto the direction x coinciding with the direction of v0 is transformed by the equation

(we have substituted u and u’ for v and v’). for the charges +e , the component u x equals u , for

the charges –e it equals –u (see Fig.9.13a).hence


Since the remaining projections equal zero, we get

, (9.54)

to simplify our calculations , let us pass over to relative velocities:

equations (9.53) and (9.54) therefore acquire the form



With account taken of these equations , we get the following expression for the total density of charges:

It is easy to see that



An infinitely long filament carrying a charge of densityλ’ sets up a field whose strength at the distance b from the filament is

In this field, the charges q experiences the force

Introduction of Eq.(9.57) yields (we have omitted the minus sign)


[we remind our reader that u0=1/ε0c2; see Eq.(9.51)]. The expression obtained differs from Eq.(9.51) only in the factor 1/-----we can therefore write that

Where F is the force determined by Eq.(9.51),and F’is the force determined by Eq.(9.58). a comparison with Eq.(9.52) shows that F and F’are the values of the force determined in the frame K and K’.


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英译汉几个常见问题如下: 1)英译汉时语言组织不符合中文的讲话习惯。在不改变原文绝大部分意思的情况下,不需要字对字或者严格遵守英语语序,在获得原句含意后务必采用中文的思维将译文写出。要求是在读着看过译文后,不能让读着感觉到文章是翻译而得的,即不能留有丝毫翻译的痕迹。 2)英译汉时译文上下文的用词不一致。尤其是学术文献或论文的翻译,除了学术用语和专业用语需要准确,更重要的是全文上下文中同一个词或者短句翻译出的用词或短语必须一致。例如一开始将control panel翻译为“控制面板”,那么全文都不得改变这个译法。 3)英译汉时用词过于口语化。除了剧本,台词,字幕等需要口语化用词的翻译稿件以外。其余大部分翻译,例如文献,论文,合同,申请书,标书等,用词尽量书面化。例如“weight”在统计学和分析学中不可翻译为“给予数值”,必须翻译为“赋权”,两者意思相近,但是采用后者。 4)英译汉时词汇含意理解产生偏差。这是死记单词造成的后果。翻译中,在无上下文的情况下,除非是专有学术名词(例“diabetes”基本上永远都是糖尿病的意思),其余的单词很难说究竟是什么意思,我们只能说某个词大概是对照中文某个词的感觉,但是决不可死认一个意思,死认单词意思造成翻译不通、翻译错误等。当然也不能糊译,不能为了使句子翻译通顺而胡编一个意思。 5)英译汉时英语长句中的意群划分有误。原版的英语资料中长句较多,往往40-50个词之间没有一个标点,修饰成分和意群划分的错误会导致理解错误和翻译错误。原则上,英语中的各类从句,特别是状语从句在句子中的位置相对灵活,没搞明白其修饰对象就会错译。 汉译英几个常见问题如下: 1)汉译英时字对字翻译。这是翻译中最致命的错误,很多人以为认识对应的英语单词或者知道对应的英语单词,这句话才会翻译。其实不是,原则上四千词汇量就能解释大部分英语单词的含义,只不过大部分人不知道如何用简单词汇造句去描述或解释高难度单词。 2)汉译英时中式语序。何谓中式语序,即以“主+谓+宾”为主的句型。这种句子写多了,一旦遇上长句或者语法功能上缺少成分的句子就懵了。所以必须多读,多了解原版英语的句子是如何写的。 3)汉译英时短句太多。这里并不是指写英语短句不好,在考试中建议写短句,这是为了避免语法错误,当然也不要太短了。在较为正式的或专业性强的文本中,汉译英在必要时需要翻译成长句。例如不久前的某论文中的一句:筛选出对靶基因干扰效率最高的 HER2-shRNA慢病毒表达载体并成功包装成病毒去感染SKOV-3细胞而后在体外进行实验的结果显示Her2/neu的siRNA慢病毒载体可以显著抑制靶基因的表达并使卵巢癌SKOV3细胞的生物学行为明显受抑。因此,熟练掌握各类从句的写法和作用很重要。 4)汉译英时英语词汇词义辨析不清而导致误用,用词不准。大部分人的翻译习惯是,凡是中文有英文的对应单词,就二话不说直接用,其实这个是不对的。很多同义词意思相近,用法和所用的语境场合完全不同。例如“base”“basis”“foundation”,意思几乎相同,但是用法完全不同。尤其是学术文章,误用就导致歧义。 5)汉译英时逻辑混乱结构不清。汉译英中的逻辑和语句结构相当重要。逻辑混乱,即译文毫无章法,思绪混沌,不知所云。结构不清,即英语的从句或其他成分在句中的位置胡乱摆放,进行翻译的人员自然是清楚的指导这些英语句子的含义,因为是看着中文翻译过来的,想不知道中文含义都难,但是没看过中文的读着就会因此而看得云里雾里,从而导致读者难以理解译文。


专业应试题库 一,专业词汇翻译 A spherical system of coordinates 球坐标系Absolute scale绝对温标 Absolute temperature 绝对温度 Absolute zero 绝对零度 Acute angle锐角 Adiabatic process绝热过程 Adjacent邻近的 Amount of heat 热量 Amplitude振幅 Analytical expression解析式 Angular momentum角动量 Angular velocity角速度 Annihilate湮灭 Appreciable相当多的 Approximate solution近似解 Arbitrarily任意的变换莫测的 Assume that 假设 At constant pressure定压 At rest静止的, Axial symmetry轴对称 Axis of rotation转轴 Be independent of 独立的, Be proportional to 与……成正比 Bend使弯曲的 Capacitor电容器 Center of mass质心 Centripetal force向心力 Cgs厘米-克-秒制(Centimeter-Gram-Second)Change in jumps 突变 Chaotic无序的 Charge by conduct 接触起电 Charge by induction 感应起电 Circulation motion圆周运动 Classical mechanics经典力学 Coefficient系数 Coherent相干性 Combustion engine内燃机 Comparison 参照物 Compensate 补偿,抵消 Conductor导体 Consecutive 连贯的


物理专业词汇英语翻译 1/8 fluctuation 1/8 起伏 1/f noise 1/f 噪声 1/n expansion 1/n 展开 3k cosmic blackbody radiation 3k 宇宙黑体辐射 4 counter 4 计数器 a battery a 电池组 a posteriori probability 后验概率 a priori probability 先验概率 a15 structure a15 结构 abbe coefficient 阿贝数 abbe invariant 阿贝不变量 abbe number 阿贝数 abbe prism 阿贝棱镜 abbe refractometer 阿贝折射计abbe sine condition 阿贝正弦条件abel theorem 阿贝尔定理 abelian group 可换群 abelian integral 阿贝尔积分aberage life 平均寿命 aberration 象差 aberration constant 光行差常数aberration of light 光行差aberrational ellipse 光行差椭圆ablation 烧蚀 abm state abm 态 abnormal 反常的 abnormal cathode fall 反常阴极势 降 abnormal crystallization 异常晶化 abnormal dispersion 异常色散 abnormal glow 反常辉光放电 abnormal grain growth 反常晶粒生 长 abnormal liquid 反常液体 abnormal reflection 异常反射 abnormal series 反常系 abrasion 磨损 abrasion test 磨损试验 abrasives 研磨材料 abrikosov's structure of flux lines 阿布里科蓑磁通线结构 absence of gravity 失重 absolute 绝对的 absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute angular momentum 绝对 角动量 3 absolute atomic weight 原子的绝对 重量 absolute black body 绝对黑体 absolute configuration 绝对组态 absolute counting 绝对计数 absolute electrometer 绝对静电计 absolute electrostatic system 绝对 静电制 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute geopotential 绝对位势 absolute humidity 绝对湿度 absolute index of refraction 绝对折 射率 absolute instability 绝对不稳定性 absolute magnitude 绝对星等 absolute measurement 绝对测量 absolute motion 绝对运动 absolute ohm 绝对欧姆 absolute orbit 绝对轨道 absolute permeability 绝对磁导率 absolute permittivity 绝对电容率 absolute pressure 绝对压力 absolute rest 绝对静止 absolute rest frame 绝对静止系 absolute rotation 绝对转动


5.1 丨INFORMA TION FROM THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY Assume that we have a macroscopic system, i.e. a system formed by an enormous number of microparticles ( molecules, atoms, ions, electrons) ,in a given state. Assume further that a quantity x characteristic of the system can have the discrete values s k i x x x x x x ,...,...,,...,,,,321 Let us make a very great number N of measurements of the quantity x ,bringing the system before each measurement to the same initial state ? Instead of performing repeated measurements of the same system, we can take N identical systems in the same state and measure the quantity N once in all these systems. Such a set of identical systems in an identical state is called a statistical ensemble. Assume that N\ measurements gave the result X\, measurements the result x2,…,Ni measurements the result X\,and so on ( X) = TV is the number of systems in the ensemble) ? The quantity N^/N is defined as the relative frequency of appearance of the result xt while the limit of this quantity obtained when N tends to infinity, i.e. N N p i N i →∝ =lim (5.1) is called the probability of appearance of the result Xi. In the following , in order to simplify the equations, we shall write the expression for the probability in the form Ni/N ,bearing in mind that the transition to the


新《物理专业英语》范围 单词篇 1 、加速度acceleration 2 、速度 velocity 3 、角速度 angular velocity 4 、角动量angular momentum 5 、热量 amount of heat 6 、热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 7 、干涉 interference 8 、反射 reflection 9 、折射 refraction 10 、振幅 amplitude 11 、机械运动 mechanical motion 12、保守场 conservative field 13 、向心力 centripetal force 14、保守力 conservative force 15、摩擦力 friction force 16 、面积area 17 、体积 volume 18、阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro constant 19 、绝对零度 absolute zero 20 、电势能 energy of position 21、重力势能 gravitational potential energy 22 、重力场 the field of gravity force 23 、真空中的磁场 magnetic field in a vacuum 24 、电磁波 electromagnetic wave 25 、电流的相互作用interaction of current 1、(第3页)第四段的第3句 A typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time t when we know the state of the system at a certain initial moment to and also the law governing the motion. 翻译:机械运动的一个典型的问题的构成取决于一个系统在接下来的时间间隔t的状态,(因此)当我们知道了一个确切的最初的系统状态时,也可以知道运动的规律。 2、(第4页)第一段 A body whose dimension may be disregarded in the condition or a given problem is called a point particle (or simply a particle). 翻译:在一个给定的问题中,一个物体的形状和大小可以被忽略的情况被称为质点。 3、(第36页)第五段【注:选词和阅读会出】 For a stationary filed ,the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend only on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved .Forces having such a property are called conservative. 翻译:对于恒定场,这个场的力对粒子所做的功只依赖于粒子的初位置和末位置,不依赖于粒子运动的路径。具有这一特性的力被称为保守力。

物理专业英语翻译 56至62页 刚体运动

刚体运动 3.1刚体的运动 在第一章第一节,我们认识到了两种基本的刚体运动:平动和转动。平动时,刚体上各点位移的大小和方向在相同的时间间隔内都是相同的。因此,所有点的速度与加速度在任何时候都是相同的。所以也足够证明刚体上某点(例如刚体的质心)的运动完全可以代表整个刚体的运动。 转动时,刚体上各点做圆周运动。这些圆的圆心在同一条直线上,这条直线叫做转轴。为了描述转动,我们必须把转轴放在一个空间中。同时,测量每一个时刻刚体的角速度。 任何刚体运动都可以看作上面所提到的两种基本运动的叠加。我们将用平面运动加以证明。比如,刚体上各点在同一平面内运动的运动。平面运动的例子就是一个圆沿着平面滚动。(图3.1) 一个刚体的任意位移。从位置1到位置2(图3.2)可以看作这两种位移即从位置1到位置1’或1’’的平动和绕轴O’或O’’的转动的叠加。很明显地,将位移分为平动与转动可以有很多种方法,但是,在任何

情况下,转动都是通过相同的角实现的。 与上面提到的一样,刚体上某一点的基本位移可以分解为两种位移:平动和转动: =+ 这里表示刚体上的各点的位移。就像我们已经看到的,位移的这种分解方法也可以有很多种。在每种方法中,转动的位移都是经过相同的角度但与不同轴心相关的刚体转动中表现出来的。然而,和确是不相同的。 通过相同的时间间隔来分割,我们可以得到一个点的速度公式: === 这里的的是平动的速度,与刚体上各点的速度相同。指的是转速,刚体上不同的点有不同的转速。 所以,刚体的平面运动可以看作是伴随着速度平动与伴随着角 速度转动的叠加。关于复杂运动的分析,我们可以通过许多不同于这一标准的方法来完成。但是,得和相同的角速度致。


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics


物理专业英语 组别:19组 专业:物理学 姓名:

9.5 THE LORENTZ FORCE A charge moving in a magnetic field experiences a force which we shall call magnetic . The force is determined by the chang q,its velocity v ,and the magnetic induction B at the point where the charge is at the moment of time being considered .The simplest assumption is that the magnitude of the force F is proportional to each of the three quantities q,v,and B .In addition ,F can be expected to depend on the mutual orientation of the vectors v and B .The direction of the vector F should be determined by those of vectors v and B. To”construct”che vector F form the scalar q and the vectors v and B ,let us find the vector of v and B and then multiply then multiply the result obtained by the scalar q.The result is the expression q[vB (9.31)It has been established experimentally that the force F acting on a charge moving in a magnetic field is determined by the formula Fa=kq[vB] (9.32)Where k is a proportionality constant depending on the choice of the units for the quantities in the formula . It must be borne in mind that the reasoning which led us to expression(9.31)must by no means be considered as the derivation of Eq.(9.32)This reasoning does not have conclusive force .Its aim is to help us memorize Eq(9.32).The correctness of this equation can be established only experimentally . We must note that Eq.(9.32)can be considered as a definition of The magnetic induction B. The unit of magnetic induction B -the tesla-is determined so that the proportionality constant k in Eq.(9.32)equals unity .Hence,In SI units ,this equation becomes F=q[vB] (9.33)The magnitude of the magnetic force is F=qvBsin?(9.34) Where ?is the angle between the vectors v and B .It can be seen from Eq.(9.34) that a charge moving along the lines of a magnetic field does not experience the action of a magnetic


专业英语的翻译技巧 一、概论 1.翻译的标准 我国清末翻译家严复认为翻译的标准:信、达、雅。所谓“信”,就是忠实原作,不任意曲解;所谓“达”,即通顺,流畅;而“雅”,则是文字优美,高雅。由于专业英语本身注重表现技术问题的科学性、逻辑性、正确性和严密性,所以,专业英语的翻译标准更侧重于“信”和“达”(或“顺”)。 【例】The importance of building modern road can not be overestimated in the economic development. 在经济发展中,修建现代化道路的重要性无论怎么估计也不过分。 【例】A novel solution to car which runs out of control into bridge abutments and the like has become popular in North America although not yet in Europe. 对于如何避免汽车在失去控制时撞到墩柱上或别的类似的物体上,已经有了一种新的解决办法。这种办法在北美已普遍使用,然而在欧洲却未能做到这一点。 【例】Grouting of the tendons usually follows the freedom of the ducts from obstruction. 钢束灌浆之前,孔道应畅通无阻。 2.翻译的过程 (1)阅读理解 阅读理解阶段应注意:一是正确地理解原文的词汇含义、句法结构和习惯用法,二是要准确地理解原文的逻辑关系。 【例】Pavement are classified as “rigid” or “flexible”,depending on how they distribute surface loads. 按照传递表面荷载情况,路面可分为“刚性的”或“柔性的”。 (2)汉语表达 表达阶段的任务就是译者根据其对原文的理解,使用汉语的语言形式恰如其分地表达原作的内容。 【例】Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction.


2.1 Introduction(引言) We begin our study of the physical universe by examining objects in motion. The study of motion . whose measurement. more than 400 years ago gave birth to physics. is called kinematics. Much of our understanding of nature comes from observing the motion of objects. In this chapter we will develop a description for the motion of a single point as it moves through space. Although a point is a geometrical concept quite different from everyday objects such as footballs and automobiles, we shall see that the actual mot10n of many objects is most easily described as the motion of a single point (the "center of mass"). plus the rotation of the object about that point. Postponing a discussion of rotation. let us begin he-re with a description of a single point as it moves through space. Space and time Kinematics is concerned with two basic questions. "Where?" and "When?". Though the questions are simple. the answers are potentially quite complicated if we inquire about phenomena outside our ordinary daily experiences. For example. the physics of very high speeds, or of events involving intergalactic distances or submicroscopic dimensions. is quite different from our common-sense ideas. We will discuss the… interesting subjects in later chapters. For the present we shall adopt the space and time of Newton-those concepts we gradually developed as a result of our everyday experiences. Space is assumed to be continuously uniform and isotropic. These two terms mean that space has no 'graininess' and that whatever its properties may be, they are independent of any particular direction or location. in the words of Isaac Newton.


第一章:运动学 Vector quantity: A quantity that has both magnitude and direction 、 译文;矢量:一个既有大小又有方向的量 Scalar quantity A quantity that has magnitude, but no direction、 译文:标量:一个只有大小没有方向的量 Vector An arrow drawn to scale used to represent a vector quantity、 译文:矢:一个标有刻度的箭头去代表矢量 Motion A change of position、 译文:运动:位置的改变 Speed The distance traveled per time、 译文:速率:单位时间内走过的路程 Velocity The rate of change position and the direct of the motion、 译文:速度:沿运动方向位移的变化率 Acceleration Time rate of velocity :Acceleration=change in velocity/time it takes for change、译文:加速度:速度的变化率,加速度=速度的变化量/这段时间 第二章:守恒定律 Force : A quantity capable of producing motion or a change in motion、 译文:力:一个能够产生运动或该变运动的量 Net force: The equivalent or resultant force of two or more force、 译文:合外力:它等价于两个或多个力或者可由其合成 Newton’s first law of motion(law of inertia): An object remains at rest or in uniform motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by a net unbalanced force、 译文:牛顿第一定律:一切物体总保持静止或匀速直线运动知道有不平衡的力迫使她改变为止。 Inertia : the property if matter that resists change in motion 、mass is a measure of inertia 译文:惯性:它的特性总就是抵抗运动的改变,质量就是它的量度。 Newton’s second law of motion : F=ma、Relates force to acceleration、 译文:牛顿第二定律:联系力与加速 Friction : The force that opposes relative motion of contacting media、 译文:摩擦力:一个抵抗相接触的物体相对运动的力 Mass : The quantity of matter in an object 、More specifically, it is the measurement of the inertia or sluggishness that an object exhibits in response to any effort made to start it ,or change in any way its state of motion、 译文:质量:一个蕴含在物体中的量,更特别的就是它就是惯性的量度。 Free fall An object falling with only gravity acting on it、 译文:自由落体:只有重力作用下的下落 Power The time rate of work P=W/t 译文:功率:单位时间内所做的功 Energy : The property of a system that enables it to do work、 译文:能量:它的特性就是系统能够对外做功。 第四章:general information 普通信息


关于英文中数字的翻译方法 英语中的有些数词在汉译时可以等值翻译。但是,也有不少数词在汉译中不能等值翻译,或者完全不译出来。这种翻译处理方法是为了使汉译句子能符合汉语的表达习惯。以下分别举例说明。 (1)等值翻译: a drop in the ocean沧海一粟 within a stone's throw一箭之遥 ki11 two birds with one stone一箭双雕 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit..吃一堑,长一智。 (2)不等值翻译: at sixes and sevens乱七八糟 on second thoughts再三考虑 by ones and twos两两地,零零落落地 Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。 Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all. 你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价.

He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of the wine。 他才喝了半瓶酒就醉得七歪八倒了。 (3)不必译出 One man's meat is another man's poison.人各有所好。 I'll love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。 Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了。 His mark in math is second to none in the class. 他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。 She is a second Lei Feng。她是雷锋式的人物。 I always believe my sixth sense。我总相信我的直觉。 He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat. 每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈及你。 The parson official1y pronounced that they became one。牧师正式宣告他们成婚。 I used to study in France in the year one。我早年曾在法国学习。


物理专业英语复习题库 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

专业应试题库 一,专业词汇翻译 A spherical system of coordinates 球坐标系 Absolute scale绝对温标 Absolute temperature 绝对温度 Absolute zero 绝对零度 Acute angle锐角 Adiabatic process绝热过程 Adjacent邻近的 Amount of heat 热量 Amplitude振幅 Analytical expression解析式 Angular momentum角动量 Angular velocity角速度 Annihilate湮灭 Appreciable相当多的 Approximate solution近似解 Arbitrarily任意的变换莫测的 Assume that 假设 At constant pressure定压 At rest静止的, Axial symmetry轴对称 Axis of rotation转轴 Be independent of 独立的, Be proportional to 与……成正比 Bend使弯曲的 Capacitor电容器 Center of mass质心 Centripetal force向心力 Cgs厘米-克-秒制(Centimeter-Gram-Second) Change in jumps 突变 Chaotic无序的 Charge by conduct 接触起电 Charge by induction 感应起电 Circulation motion圆周运动 Classical mechanics经典力学 Coefficient系数 Coherent相干性 Combustion engine内燃机 Comparison 参照物 Compensate 补偿,抵消 Conductor导体 Consecutive 连贯的 Consequently结果,因此


3.2 专业英语阅读翻译 3.2.1 Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration (匀加速直线运动) A very common and simple type of one -dimensional motion occurs when the acceleration is constant, or uniform.(一种非常常见并且简单的一维运动发生时加速度是恒定的,或者说是匀速的。) Consequently, the velocity increases or decreases at the same rate throughout the motion.(因此,速度的增加或减少在整个运动过程中保持相同的速率。) For motion along a straight line, we choose a rectangular coordinate system that is oriented so that one of the axes (for example, the x -axis) is along the line.(对于沿直线运动,我们选择一个直角坐标系,该坐标系是使其中一个轴(例如x 轴)的方向沿直线运动。) Then, components of position vector, velocity, and acceleration lie along this direction, and the y and z components are zero.(然后,位置矢量、速度和加速度的分量沿这个方向,y 轴和z 轴的分量为零。) The vector equations then become scalar equations.(向量方程就变成了标量方程。) If thevelocity is v 0 at time t=0, and v at some later time t, the corresponding acceleration is (如果速度在t=0的时刻为v 0,在稍后的t 时刻变为v ,则对应的加速度为) t v v t v v t v a 000-=--=??= (3-1) A Case in Point -Freely Falling Bodies (一个自由落体运动的例子) It is well -known that all objects, when dropped, will fall toward the earth with nearly constant acceleration.(众所周知,当物体在掉落的时候,都会以几乎恒定的加速度落向地球。) In the idealized case, where air resistance is neglected, such motion is referred to as free fall .(在不考虑空气阻力的理想情况下,这种运动被称为自由落体运动。) We shall denote the acceleration due to gravity by the symbol g . (我们将用符号g 表示重力加速度。)The magnitude of g decreases with increasing altitude (g 的大小随高度的增加而减小。). Furthermore, there are slight variations in g with altitude.(此外,g 的值随海拔高度的改变而略有变化。) The vecor g is directed downward toward the center of the earth.(矢量g 的方向是竖直向下指向地心的。) At the earth's surface, the magnitude of g is approximately 9. 80 m/s 2.(在地球表面,g 的大小约等于9.80m/s 2。) If we neglect air resistance and assume that the gravitational acceleration does not vary with altitude, then the motion of a freely falling body is equivalent to motion in one dimension under constant acceleration.(如果我们忽略空气阻力,假设重力加速度不随高度变化,那么自由落体运动等效于恒定加速度下的一维运动。) Therefore our kinematic equations for constant acceleration can be applied. (因此,我们可以应用恒定加速度的运动学方程。)We shall take the vertical direction to be the y axis and call y positive upward. (我们取竖直方向为y 轴,称y 轴正方向为向上。)With this choice of coordinates, we have a=-g. (根据坐标的选择,我们有a=-g .)The negative sign simply indicates that the acceleration is downward. (负号表示加速度的方向向下。)We get the following expressions:(我们得到以下表达式:) gt v v -=0 (3-2) 20021gt t v y y - =- (3-3) )(20202y y g v v --=- (3-4)
