


II. Grammar and Vocabulary(24分)

Section A(15分)

Directions: Reading the following two passages .Fill in each blank with proper word or the proper form of the given word to make th e passage coherent.Male sure that your answers are grammatically correct.


Everyone in the UK should learn at least 1,000 words of another language, urges a new campaign.

The 1,000 Words Campaign stems from concerns____25___ the country is losing out on international trade and jobs because of poor language skills.

It aims to confront the view that only the brightest can learn a language.

"For too long people from the UK have 26 (suffer )from a reputation that we are lazy linguists" said supporter Vicky Gough of the British Council.

" 27 (Speak) another language is crucial to understanding another culture", said Ms Gough.

"So let's overturn our poor record in language learning and show that we are ready to engage with a multilingual world," she urged.

The group say a vocabulary of 1,000 words would allow a speaker to hold a simple conversation.

The challenge is part of Speak to the Future, a wider campaign 28 (back)by organizations including the British Council, the CBI, the British Academy and a range of embassies and language teaching bodies.

This year's A-level results showed a continued fall in those taking French and German, down by 10% and 11% respectively - though Spanish bucked the trend with a 4% rise in entries.

By contrast entries at GCSE for French, German and Spanish were up 16.9% on last year, reversing a long-term downward trend.

This has been put down to the introduction of the EBacc, a league table measure of pupils who achieve GCSE grades A* to C in maths, English, two sciences, a foreign language and history or geography.

However Teresa Tinsley of Speak to the Future told BBC News that because the EBacc is for pupils who achieve good grades, there is evidence that some schools are focusing their language teaching on more able students, whereas businesses need people with language skills at all levels of the workforce.

"Top managers often have language skills but in fact staff 29 jobs involve chasing invoices or buying stock abroad also need to speak another language", said Ms Tinsley.

"A worrying divide is opening up".

Campaign director Bernadette Holmes said: "The idea that everyone can learn the basics of

another language is both realistic and attainable.

"We are not expecting instant fluency. Yet 30 everyone were capable of at least 1,000 words in a new language, social attitudes and economic prospects would be significantly enhanced - young people would be better prepared for the challenges of globalization and our cultural and intellectual levels 31 .(raise)

"I urge everyone in a position of influence to join the campaign and help us achieve this aim."

Speak to the Future is funded by the British Academy and the university-based programme Routes into Languages.


A woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight. She hunted for a book in the airport shops, 32 (buy)a bag of cookies and found a place to sit.

She was absorbed in her book but happened to see that the man 33 (sit) beside her, as bold as could be, grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between.She tried to ignore to avoid a quarrel. 34 she munched(用力咀嚼) the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy cookie thief kept eating.

She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking,"If I wasn't so nice, I would blacken his eye." With each cookie she took, he took one too. When only one was left, she wondered 35 he would do.

36 a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her half, as heate the other. She snatched it from him and thought...oooh, brother. This guy has some nerve and he's also rude. Why he didn't even show any gratitude!

She had never known when she had been so galled and sighed with relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, 37 (refuse) to look back at the rude thief. She boarded the plane, and sank in her seat. Then she sought her book, which was almost complete.

As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise. There was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes. If mine is here, she moaned in despair, the others were 38 , and he tried to share.

Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, 39 she was the rude one, the thief.

Section B(9)

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more that you need.

Pilot exhaustion grabbed the headlines this week when a newspaper reported two pilots on a British long-haul flight fell asleep in the cockpit, leaving the packed jet travelling 40 on autopilot.

The survey, released by BALPA, came ahead of a vote in the European Parliament on Monday on new rules which could 41 British regulations.

BALPA, a trade union for pilots, voiced concerns that these proposed changes would water down British safety 42

The rule changes would mean that pilots could work a maximum of 110 hours in a two-week period, more than the 95-hour limit under British regulations, and at night could be expected to fly for up to 11 hours, against a 43 10-hour limit.

"Tiredness is already a major challenge for pilots who are deeply concerned that unscientific new EU rules will cut UK standards and lead to 44 levels of tiredness, which has been shown to be a major contributory 45 in air accidents," BALPA General Secretary Jim McAuslan said in a statement.

British lawmakers, in a report published earlier this month, expressed concern that the new European rules set the limit for the flight duty period at night too high.

But the Association of European Airlines, which represents 31 European airlines, urged 46 for the proposals, saying they would ensure all airlines followed the same rules.

"The new rules would ensure that Europe will continue to have one of the strictest rules in the world, even stricter than today," the body's acting Secretary-General Athar Husain Khan said in a statement.

The Civil Aviation Agency, Britain's aviation regulator, 47 worries about the new rules.

"We think the new European flight time limitation regulations 48 the UK's current high safety levels, and will actually increase safety for UK passengers travelling on some other European airlines," it said in a statement.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A (15’)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 49 to how they can be best adapted such changes. Growing bodies need movement and 50 , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 51 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self conscious and need the 52 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 53 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 54 to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, 55 , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 56 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.

A variety of small clubs can provide 57 opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful 58 dynamics(互动). Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the security of some kind of organization with a 59 adult visible in the background.

In these activities, it is important to remember that the young teens have 60 attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized 61 participants can remain active as long as

they want and then go on to something else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants down.This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. 62 ,they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by 63 for roles that are within their capability and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.

49.[A] thought [B]idea [C] opinion [D] advice

50.[A] care [B] nutrition [C] exercise [D] leisure

51.[A] If [ B] Although [C] Unless [D] Because

52.[A] assistance [B] guidance [C] confidence [D] tolerance

53.[A] claimed [B] admired [C] ignored [D] overtaken

54.[A] improper [B] risky [C] fair [D] wise

55.[A] in effect [B] as a result [C] for example [D] in a sense

56.[A] displaying [B] describing [C] creating [D] exchanging

57.[A] rare [B]reasonable [C] unique [D]multiple

58.[A] group [B] individual [C] personnel [D] corporation

59.[A] sensitive [B] supportive [C] superior [D]serious

60.[A] similar [B] long [C] different [D] short

61.[A] if only [B] now that [C] so that [D] even if

62.[A] On the contrary [B] On the average [C] On the whole [D] On the other hand

63.[A] making [B] standing [C] planning [D] taking

Section B(24)

Directions: Read the following four passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


In 1993, New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage (饮料) containers. Within a year, consumers had returned millions of aluminum cans and glass and plastic bottles. Plenty of companies were eager to accept the aluminum and glass as raw materials for new products. But because few could figure out what to do with the plastic, much of it would end up buried in landfills (垃圾填埋场). The problem was not limited to New York. Unfortunately, there were too few uses for second-hand plastic.

Today, one out of five plastic soda bottles is recycled (回收利用) in the United States. The reason for the change is that now there are dozens of companies across the country buying discarded plastic soda bottles and turning them into fence posts, paint brushes, etc.

As the New York experience shows, recycling involves more than simply separating valuable materials from the rest of the rubbish. A discard remains a discard until somebody figures out how to give it a second life —— and until economic arrangements exist to give that second life value. Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling, throwaways actually depress prices for used materials.

Shrinking landfill space, and rising costs for burying and burning rubbish are forcing local governments to look more closely at recycling. In many areas, the East Coast especially, recycling is already the least expensive waste-management option. For every ton of waste recycled, a city avoids paying for its disposal, which, in parts of New York, amounts to saving of more than $100 per ton. Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.

64 What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers?

A) A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling

B) Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling

C) Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them

D) Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles

65. The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is ___________.

A) how to reduce their recycling costs

B) to sell them at a profitable price

C) how to turn them into used things

D) to lower the prices for used materials

66. Recycling had become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because ____________.

A) recycling causes little pollution

B) other methods are more expensive

C) recycling has great appeal for the jobless

D) local governments find it easy to manage

67. It can be concluded from passage that _________.

A) recycling is to be recommended both economically and environmentally

B) local governments in the U.S. can expect big profits from recycling

C) rubbish is a potential remedy for the shortage of raw materials

D) landfills will still be widely used for waste disposal


Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study to compare honesty across a range of communications media has found that people are twice likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded and can come back to haunt (困扰) you — appears to be the key to the finding.

Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock then

worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails, 21 per cent of instant messages, 27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of phone calls.

His results, to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected e-mailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment (非直接接触) of emailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practised at that form of communication.

But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.

People are also more likely to lie in real time — in an instant message or phone call, say —than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are spontaneous (脱口而出的) responses to an unexpected demand, such as :“Do you like my dress?”

Hancock hopes his research will help companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium for sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But given his results, work assessment, where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email.

68. Hancock’s study focuses on _________ .

[A] the consequences of lying in various communications media

[B] the success of communications technologies in conveying ideas

[C] people’s references in selecting communication technologies

[D] people’s honesty levels across a range of communications media

69. According to the passage, why are people more likely to tell the truth through certain media of communication?

[A] They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.

[B] They believe that honesty is the best policy.

[C] They tend to be relaxed when using those media.

[D] They are most practised at those forms of communication.

70. According to Hancock, the telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because

_________ .

[A] salesmen can talk directly to their customers

[B] salesmen may feel less restrained to exaggerate

[C] salesmen can impress customers as being trustworthy

[D] salesmen may pass on instant messages effectively

71. It can be inferred from the passage that _________ .

[A] honesty should be encouraged in interpersonal communications

[B] more employers will use emails to communicate with their employees

[C] suitable media should be chosen for different communication purposes

[D] email is now the dominant medium of communication within a company


The question of how to deal with the growing number of retired people has recently been seen as chiefly a financial puzzle: how to pay for the leisure of those ageing layabouts. When Vibram 5 Fingers Bismarck first introduced state pensions in the 1880s, they kicked in at the age of 70, about 20 years more than the typical life span. Nowadays state and company pension schemes kick in at or before 65, almost 20 years less. But the issue is more than just a financial one: it raisesVibram Bikila social as well as economic questions, and its resolution will involve governments, employers and people.

The baby-boom generation, which started to turn 60 this year, contains the largest number of people ever voluntarily to give up work in such a short time. Because it is far larger than the generation that follows it—or any that preceded it—it casts a shadow over the companies it is set to leave behind Vibram Five Fingers Bikila (see article). Japan expects its workforce to shrink by 16% (some 10m people) over the next 25 years. Europe will see the number of workers nearing retirement grow by a quarter. Some companies are already Vibram kso complaining of a shortage of skills, even before they have started to dole out carriage clocks and fountain pens by the barrow-load.

There are several ways of dealing with a falling supply of labour: work might be shifted offshore, to take advantage of abundant cheaper workers in poorer countries; laxer immigration rules mightVibram kso trek allow in more skilled labour from abroad; new equipment could enhance the productivity of a better-educated workforce. But one of the readiest sources of skilled labour is closer to hand.

If staying on at work were up to older employees alone, many would jump at the chance. That is partly because they will no longer be able to retire in the style that they have been led to expect. Corporate pension schemes and health benefits are becoming ever less generous. Last week General Motors joined the line of revisionists with an announcement that it will cap health-care spending by its retired workers. That will not be the last cut.

Baby-boomers say they want to stay in the workforce for more than money. Many also want to carry on working beyond the standard retirement age for the mental stimulation (try that on the next bored-looking 20-year-old you meet in the lift). Their productivity may decline as they get older—although people gain in experience, their capacity for sharp thinking falls off—but the traditional pattern of retirement, in which one day an employee is in a bustling office busy as a bee and the next he is good only for the potting shed and the fireside chair does not make sense for the economy, for companies or for people.

Lastly, older workers need to adapt. In many cultures, age is related to seniority, and therefore to pay. The older the worker, the more expensive he is. Boomers will find work only if they accept that their wages will be based on what they are worth to the company—rather than their salary at the top of their career. Although a shortage of skills might well push up wages for all workers, older ones may nevertheless have to accept a relative decline in salary and status. Baby-boomers have been changing the world since the 1960s. They're about to do it again by turning the world of work upside down.

72. According to the passage, some companies are already concerned about____________.

A)the proper way of giving out retirement souvenirs

B) the growing number of employees leaving the labour force.

C) the impact of ageing employees quitting their jobs

D) the revision of retirement age and pension plans.

73. Old employees may agree to stay on at work beyond the retirement age partly


A) they can still expect a handsome salary at the top of the career.

B) they are concerned that production will decline as they retire.

C) an upper limit will be set of pension and othe retirement benefit

D) they still need physical and mental stimulation to sharpen theit thinking

74. The passage predicts that they baby-boomers are about to change the world again in


A) a brand-new perfomance-based wage system will inevitably be introduced.

B) social productivity will remain high as it has always done.

C) they will be a complete change in training the younger workforce.

D) the current compulsory retirement system will probably cease to exist.

75.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A) Potentially Productivity Ageing Workforce.

B) Social Concern over Pension Plans

C) Resolution of the Financial Puzzle

D) Baby-boomers and their Retirement life

Section C (8%)

Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

Exceptional children are different in some significant ways from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding - the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.

Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

"All men are created equal," we heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this country's founders to indicate equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children - the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capability, whether that capability is small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children - disabled or not - to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In

response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)

76. This passage is concerned primarily with the necessity of adapting ________________.

77. What affects the growth of exceptional children according to the author?

78. People have shown great interest in the education of exceptional children over the last three decades because they believe that ________________________________________.

79. According to the passage, what does "All men are created equal" mean to the country's founders?


I. Translation (20%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the brackets.






II. Guided Writing (25)

Directions: Wire an English composition in 120 –150 words according the instructions given below in Chinese.



阅读A :64-67CCBA

阅读B :68-71 DABC


https://www.360docs.net/doc/c116841904.html,cation to exceptional children

77. Their family and the society.

78. all citizens deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities

79. It means/indicates everyone/anyone is equal before the law.


2020学年东城区171中学高三第一学期化学月考试卷 第I卷(单选题 42分) 1.下列物质的用途不正确的是 A B C D 硅(Si)生石灰(CaO)液氨(NH3)亚硝酸钠(NaNO2)物质 用途半导体材料抗氧化剂制冷剂食品防腐剂 2.关于营养物质的下列说法不正确的是 A.油脂属于有机高分子化合物B.淀粉能水解为葡萄糖 C.鸡蛋煮熟过程中蛋白质变性D.食用新鲜蔬菜和水果可补充维生素C 3.关于钠及其化合物的化学用语正确的是 A.钠原子的结构示意图: B.过氧化钠的电子式: C.碳酸氢钠的电离方程式:NaHCO3 == Na+ + H+ + CO32- D.碳酸钠水溶液呈碱性:CO32- + H2O HCO3- + OH- 4.用所给试剂与图示装置能够制取相应气体的是(夹持仪器略)

A B C D X 中试剂 稀硝酸 浓盐酸 浓硫酸 浓氨水 Y 中试剂 Cu MnO 2 Cu CaO 气体 NO Cl 2 SO 2 NH 3 5.将下列气体通入溶有足量SO 2的BaCl 2溶液中,没有沉淀产生的是 A .NH 3 B .HCl C .Cl 2 D .NO 2 6.下列实验现象与氧化还原无关的是 A .铜遇浓硝酸产生红棕色气体 B .过氧化钠放置于空气中逐渐变白 C .氨气与氯化氢气体相遇产生白烟 D .石蕊溶液滴入氯水中先变红后无色 7.2019年是元素周期表发表150周年,期间科学家为完善元素周期表做出了不懈努力。中国科学院院士张青莲教授曾主持测定了铟49In 等9种元素相对原子质量的新值,被采用为国际新标准。铟与铷(37Rb)同周期。下列说法不正确的是 A .铟是第五周期第IIIA 族元素 B . 115 49 In 的中子数为66 C .原子半径:In > Al D .碱性:In(OH)3 > RbOH 8.下列解释事实的方程式不正确的是 A .Fe(OH)2暴露于空气中出现红褐色:4F e (O H )2 + O 2 + 2H 2O == 4Fe(OH)3 B .用硫酸铜溶液除去 C 2H 2中的气体:H 2S + Cu 2+ == CuS ↓ + 2H + C .NaClO 溶液中加白醋可增强漂白性:H + + ClO - == HClO D .将Na 块放入水中,放出气体:2Na + 2H 2O == 2NaOH + H 2↑


江苏省高三上学期化学10月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共7题;共14分) 1. (2分) (2018高二下·六安期末) 已知向溶液X中滴加溶液Y可生成两种沉淀,所得沉淀的物质的量(n)与所加入的溶液Y的体积(V)的关系如图所示,则X、Y分别为() A B C D X NH4Al(SO4)2Ba(OH)2明矾Ba(AlO2)2 Y Ba(OH)2明矾Ba(OH)2硫酸铝 A . A B . B C . C D . D 2. (2分) (2016高二上·上海期中) 将氯化铁溶液蒸干,再灼烧得到的固体物质是() A . FeCl3 B . Fe2O3 C . Fe(OH)3 D . Fe3O4 3. (2分) (2020高二下·大庆期中) Y是合成香料、医药、农药及染料的重要中间体,可由X在一定条件下合成:

下列说法错误的是() A . Y中有三种官能团 B . 由X制取Y的过程中可得到乙醇 C . 一定条件下,Y能发生加聚反应和缩聚反应 D . 等物质的量的X、Y分别与NaOH 溶液反应,最多消耗NaOH的物质的量之比为3∶2 4. (2分) (2018高一下·宁波期末) 下列说法正确的是() A . 光照下,1 mol CH4最多能与4 mol Cl2发生取代反应,产物中物质的量最多的是CCl4 B . 苯与液溴在一定条件下能发生取代反应 C . 甲烷与乙烯混合物可通过溴的四氯化碳溶液分离 D . 乙烯和苯分子中均含独立的碳碳双键,都能与H2发生加成反应 5. (2分) (2018高一上·大庆月考) 如图表示某条件下H2S气体的体积与质量的关系,则该条件下的气体摩尔体积为() A . 22.0 L·mol-1 B . 22.4 L·mol-1 C . 23.2 L·mol-1


黑龙江省高三上学期数学10月月考试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共9题;共18分) 1. (2分)(2018·山东模拟) 已知全集,集合, ,则中元素的个数是() A . 0 B . 1 C . 2 D . 3 2. (2分)《九章算术》是中国古代的数学专著,有题为:今有良马与驽马发长安至齐,齐去长安三千里,良马初日行一百九十三里,日增十三里,驽马初日行九十七里,日减半里,良马先至齐,复还迎驽马,问几何日相逢及各行几何?用享誉古今的“盈不足术”,可以精确的计算用了多少日多少时相逢,那么你认为在第几日相遇() A . 13 B . 14 C . 15 D . 16 3. (2分) (2015高一上·莆田期末) 函数的最小正周期为π,若其图象向左平移个单位后得到的函数为奇函数,则函数f(x)的图象() A . 关于点对称 B . 关于点对称

C . 关于直线对称 D . 关于直线对称 4. (2分)下列函数f(x)中,满足“对任意的x1 ,x2∈(0,+∞)时,均(x1﹣x2)[f(x1)﹣f(x2)]>0”的是() A . f(x)=()x B . f(x)=x2﹣4x+4 C . f(x)=|x+2| D . f(x)=log x 5. (2分) (2019高二下·哈尔滨月考) 已知函数的定义域为 ,为函数的导函数,当 时,且,,则下列说法一定正确的是() A . B . C . D . 6. (2分) (2019高三上·朝阳月考) 已知函数是奇函数, 是偶函数,则() A . B . C .


东阳中学2014届高三10月月考英语试题 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题:每小题0.5分,满分10分) 1. ----You really appreciate John Lenon’s performances, don’t you? ----______ I just like his soft voice. A. Not at all B. Not exactly C. I can’t say anything more D. I couldn’t agree more 2. During Civil War thousands of people __________ the country. A. fled B. escaped C. ran away D. got away 3. Why must you ________ when we are having a heated discussion about our travel plan? A. drag him behind B. drag his subject in C. drag him D. drag on 4. Walking in the forest, he felt _______ by the world. A. abandoning B. abandoned C. to abandon D. abandonment 5. I must tell him that I can’t go to his graduation ceremony, but I don’t quite know how to ______ the subject. A. deal B. approach C. cope D. settle 6. You can’t complain about being left out _______ you don’t make any effort to share your joys and sorrows with others. A. once B. unless C. when D. though 7. Ignoring people’s main concern about the environment, his proposal became the __________ of criticism. A. privilege B. target C. witness D. concept 8. When you write an essay, please remember not to ________ off the point. A. wander B. leave C. drop D. interrupt 9. The flowers ________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt 10. Luckily, I ______your advice; otherwise I couldn’t have made a breakthrough in my research. A. took B. am taking C. will take D. had taken 11. The flight usually arrives at 2 o’clock ________, but today it will arrive at twenty past two. It’ll be 20 minutes late. A. quarter B. sharp C. narrowly D. steeply 12. I will be surprised if you can get Calvin, who is very busy, ________these tickets for you. A. buy B. buying C. buys D. to buy 13. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ________ to the topic. A. associate B. relevant C. relate D. independent 14. If the chair is too high you can ________ it to suit you. A. accustom B. adapt C. adjust D. adopt 15.__________ the danger of their bad habits, many young people fail to make their dreams come true. A. Not well aware that B. Not very aware of C. Not well aware of D. Not aware to 16. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point __________ he can walk correctly and safely. A. when B. where C. which D. whose 17. ----Is Tony a man with good manners? ----I don’t think so. As a matter of fact, he is _______but polite. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 18. David couldn't tell _______from far away whether the green traffic light meant going straight or turning left. A. on purpose B. at random C. in short D. for sure 19. Humans are sending out more greenhouse gases in recent years, _______, of course, will lead to more extreme weather. A. which B. when C. who D. where


2021-2022年高三化学上学期10月月考试题(VII) 一、选择题:(每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题3分,共48分) 1. 化学与生产、生活、社会密切相关,下列有关说法不正确的 是() A.多用电子邮件、MSN、QQ等即时通讯工具,少用传真打印机属于“低碳生活”方式 B.我国神七宇航员所穿航天服主要成分是由碳化硅、陶瓷和碳纤维复合而成的,它是一种新型无机非金属材料 C.日本福岛核电站爆炸时释放的2种放射性核素的中子数不等 D.食品保鲜膜、一次性食品袋的主要成分是聚氯乙烯 2. 弱电解质在水溶液里达到电离平衡时,溶液中已电离的电解质分子数占原总分子总数的百分数叫做该电解质的电离度。现欲粗略测定一未知浓度的醋酸溶液中醋酸的电离度,应做的实验和所需的试剂(或试纸)是() A.电解、NaOH溶液 B.蒸馏、Na 2CO 3 溶液 C.中和滴定、pH试纸 D.酯化反应、石蕊试液 3. 下列观点正确的是 ( ) A.化合物电离时,生成的阴离子是氢氧根离子的是碱B.某化合物的熔融状态能导电,该化合物中一定有离子键C.某化合物的水溶液能导电,该化合物一定是电解质

D.某纯净物在常温下为气体,则组成该物质的微粒一定含有共价键 4. 可能存在的第119号未知元素,有人称为“类钫”,它位于碱金属族,根据周期表结构及元素性质变化趋势,下列关于碱金属某些元素原子的结构和性质的判断,错误的是() ①锂与水反应比钠剧烈②碱金属单质都需要密封保存在煤油中③锂的氧化物暴露在空气中易吸收二氧化碳④锂的阳离子的最外层电子数和钠的相同⑤“类钫”单质是强还原剂⑥“类钫”在化合物中是+1价⑦“类钫”单质的密度大于l g·cm-3⑧“类钫”单质有较高的熔点 A.①②④⑧ B.①②③⑦ C.③④⑤⑧ D.①③④⑦ 的混合气体通入装满水倒立在水槽中的量筒内,一段时间后,5. 将10mL NO和NO 2 最后剩余4mL气体,原混合气体中含NO体积为() A.1mL B.3mL C.5mL D.7mL 6.常温下,向0.25 mol·L-1的硫酸氢钠溶液中逐滴加入物质的量浓度相同的氢氧化钡溶液,生成沉淀的量与加入氢氧化钡溶液的体积关系如图所示,a、b、c、d 分别表示实验不同时刻的溶液,下列有关说法中正确的是 ( )。 A.硫酸氢钠溶液的体积为10 mL B.溶液的导电能力:c


高三化学检测题2019.10 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分100分,考试时间为90分钟。 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自已的姓名、考号、考试科目、试卷类型(A)涂写在答题卡上。考试 结束时,将试题和答题卡一并交回。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选 涂其他答案标号,不能答在试题卷上。 可能用到的相对原子质量: H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Si 28 S 32 Cl 35.5 K39 Cr52 Fe 56 第I卷(选择题共42分) 一.选择题(本题共14小题, 每小题3分, 共42分;每小题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1.改革开放四十年,我国在航天、军事等领域的发展受到世界瞩目。下列叙述正确的是() A.长征二号运载火箭用偏二甲肼(C2H8N2)作燃料, N2O4作还原剂, 利用反应产生的巨大能量 B.“辽宁舰”上用于舰载机降落的阻拦索是一种特种钢缆,属于新型无机非金属材料 C.“天宫二号”空间实验室的太阳能电池板的主要材料是硅 D. 用乙醚从黄花蒿中萃取青蒿素发生了氧化还原反应 2.中国传统文化博大精深, 源远流长,下列叙述错误的是() A.《抱朴子》中“以曾青涂铁,铁赤色如铜”,“曾青”是可溶性铜盐 B.《本草纲目拾遗》写道:“性最烈,能蚀五金……其水甚强,五金八石皆能穿滴,惟玻璃可盛。” “强水”是指盐酸 C.唐诗《放灯》中“火树银花不夜天, 游人元宵多留连”,“火树银花”指的是金属元素的焰 色反应 D.《本草纲目》中“冬月灶中所烧薪柴之灰,令人以灰淋汁,取碱浣衣”中的“碱”是K2CO3 3.下列化学用语使用正确的是() A.二氧化硅的分子式为SiO2 B.氨气分子的球棍模型为: C. HClO的结构式为H-Cl-O D.基态Cu原子的价电子排布式为3d94s2 4.下列实验操作或装置能达到目的的是()


2016-2017学年高三级上学期10月月考 理科数学 2016年10月本试卷共4页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项:略 第Ⅰ卷(选择题部分,共60分) 一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题 目要求的) 1.已知集合,则( ) A. B. C. D. 2.若复数是纯虚数(为虚数单位),则的值为( ) A. B. C. D.或 3.下列命题中, 是真命题的是() A. B. C.已知为实数, 则的充要条件是 D.已知为实数, 则是的充分条件 4.在各项均为正数的等比数列中,且成等差数列,记S n是数列{a n}的前n 项和,则 ( ) A.32 B.62 C.27 D.81 5.已知函数的最小正周期为,且其图像向左平移个单位后得到函数的图像,则函数的图像( ) A.关于直线对称 B.关于直线对称 C.关于点对称 D.关于点对称

6.甲、乙、丙、丁、戊五位同学站成一排照相留念,则在甲乙相邻的条件下,甲丙也相邻的概率为( ) A. B. C. D. 7.已知定义在R上的函数满足,,且当时,,则= ( ) A. B. C. D. 8.若如下框图所给的程序运行结果为S=41,则图中的判断框①中应填入的是( ) A. B. C. D. 9.设为椭圆的两个焦点,点在椭圆上,若线段的中点在轴上,则的值为( ) A. B. C. D. 10.已知变量满足若目标函数取到最大值,则的值为 ( ) A. B. C. D. 11.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线及粗虚线画出的是某 多面体的三视图,则该多面体外接球的表面积为( ) A. B. C. D. 12.定义在区间(0,+∞)上的函数f(x)使不等式恒成立,其中为f(x)的导数,则( )

江苏省苏州五中2014届高三10月月考语文试题 Word版含答案

2.在下面一段话空缺处依次填入成语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 专业作家在作品中展现出的才华也许令青年读者们觉得▲,然而阅读活动应当是一个平等的交流过程,因此无须对作者▲,而不妨运用自己的思维大胆地去质疑,去挑战。在思想的碰撞中才能真正对作品的深刻意蕴▲。 A.鞭长莫及顶礼膜拜心领神会 B.望尘莫及毕恭毕敬心照不宣 C.鞭长莫及毕恭毕敬心照不宣 D.望尘莫及顶礼膜拜心领神会 3.根据下面一段文字,简要概括歌坛“神曲”的特点。(不得超过15字)(6分) 曾经一首《忐忑》在非常短的时间里蹿红大江南北,被人们称为歌坛“神曲”,创下了歌曲流传速度最快的奇迹。这几年里,迅速蹿红的歌曲不在少数,随着社会的发展,很多歌手和音乐人抓住热点话题来制作歌曲,和人们的生活、思想紧密联系,所以短时间被人们接受不足为奇,但一首歌曲火爆之后很快就会消失或被新的“神曲”所替代,也就出现了红一曲就不见踪影的遗憾,这也说明了一点,“神曲”一般只注重市场需求和短时间的商业利益,并不在歌曲的艺术化和经典化上下功夫,如果说现在的“神曲”都能称之为经典歌曲的话,人们也不会长久地翻阅当年的“经典老歌”。 答:▲、▲、▲ 4.根据例子,分析“响当当”一词的双关义。(3分) “双关”是文学作品中常见的修辞手法,如唐代诗人刘禹锡《竹枝词》中的“东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴”,天晴之“晴”与爱情之“情”双关。又如现代作家梁实秋的《雅舍小品·婚礼》:“从前乡村铁匠是当地尽人皆知的一个响当当的人物。”在这里,“响当当”既指▲又指▲,真是形象生动,幽默风趣。

二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成5~8题。 老苏先生墓志铭 欧阳修 有蜀君子曰苏君,讳洵,字明允,眉州眉山人也。君之行义修于家,信于乡里,闻于蜀之人久矣。当至和、嘉祐之间,与其二子轼、辙偕至京师,翰林学士欧阳修得其所著书二十二篇献诸朝。书既出,而公卿士大夫争传之。其二子举进士,皆在高等,亦以文学称于时。眉山在西南数千里外,一日父子隐然名动京师,而苏氏文章遂擅天下。君之文博辩宏伟,读者悚然想见其人。既见而温温似不能言,及即之,与居愈久,而愈可爱。间而出其所有,愈叩而愈无穷。呜呼!可谓纯明笃实之君子也。 曾祖讳祜,祖讳杲,父讳序,赠尚书职方员外郎。三世皆不显。职方君三子:曰澹、曰涣,皆以文学举进士,而君少,独不喜学,年已壮犹不知书。职方君纵而不问,乡闾亲族皆怪之。或问其故,职方君笑而不答,君亦自如也。年二十七始大发愤,谢其素所往来少年,闭户读书为文辞。岁余,举进士再不中,又举茂才异等不中,退而叹曰:“此不足为吾学也。”悉取所为文数百篇焚之。益闭户读书,绝笔不为文辞者五六年,乃大究六经百家之说,以考质古今治乱成败、圣贤穷达出处之际,得其精粹,涵畜充溢,抑而不发。久之,慨然曰:“可矣!”由是下笔顷刻千言。其纵横上下,出入驰骤,必造于深微而后止。盖其禀也厚,故发之迟;其志也悫①,故得之精。自来京师,一时后生学者皆尊其贤,学其文,以为师法。以其父子俱知名,故号老苏以别之。 初,修为上其书,召试紫微阁,辞不至。遂除秘书省校书郎。会太常修纂建隆以来礼书,乃以为霸州文安县主簿,使食其禄,与陈州项城令姚辟同修礼书,为《太常因革礼》一百卷。书成,方奏未报而以疾卒,实治平三年四月戊申也。享年五十有八。天子闻而哀之,特赠光禄寺丞,敕有司具舟载其丧归于蜀。治平四年十月壬申葬于彭山之安镇乡可龙里。君生于远方而学又晚成,常叹曰:“知我者唯吾父与欧阳公也。”然则非余谁宜铭? (选自《欧阳文忠公文集》,有删节)注:①悫:笃实。 5.对下列句子中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分) A.闻于蜀之人久矣闻:闻名


广州大学附中2011届高三十月份理科综合月考试题 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全卷满分300分,考试时间150分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H∶1 C∶12 O∶16 Na∶23 Al∶27 Cl∶35.5 K∶39 Fe∶56 Cu∶64 2021年高三10月月考(理综)缺答案 一、单项选择题(本题包括16小题,每小题4分,共64分。每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意) 1、下列关于蛋白质代谢的叙述,错误 ..的是() A.噬菌体利用细菌的酶合成自身的蛋白质 B.绿色植物可以合成自身的蛋白质 C.肺炎双球菌利用人体细胞的核糖体合成自身的蛋白质 D. tRNA、rRNA、mRNA都参与蛋白质的合成 2、下列各图所表示的生物学意义,哪一项是错误 ..的() A.甲图中生物自交后代产生AaBBDD的生物体的概率力1/8 B.乙图中黑方框图表示男性患者,由此推断该病最可能为X染色体隐性遗传病 C.丙图所示的一对夫妇,如产生的后代是一个男孩,该男孩是患者的概率为1/2 D.丁图细胞表示二倍体生物有丝分裂后期 3、红眼雌果蝇与白眼雄果蝇交配,子代雌、雄果蝇都表现红眼,这些雌雄果蝇交配产生的后代中,红 眼雄果蝇占1/4,白眼雄果蝇占1/4,红眼雌果蝇占1/2,红眼雌果蝇占1/2。下列叙述错误 ..的是()A.红眼对白眼是显性B.眼色遗传符合分离规律 C.红眼和白眼基因位于X染色体上D.眼色和性别表现自由组合

4、图Ⅰ表示细胞分裂和受精过程中核DNA和染色体含量的变化,图Ⅱ表示二倍体生物细胞分裂过程中染色体的行为。据图分析,下列说法正确的是 A.Ⅰ中染色体数目加倍发生在①、④、⑧和⑨4个时期 B.Ⅰ中只有③、⑥、⑦和⑨时期的染色体数目与DNA数目相等 C.Ⅱ中含有两个染色体组的细胞有A'、B'、C、C'、D D.Ⅱ中与Ⅰa对应的细胞是B和B',与Ⅰb段对应的是C和C' 5、下列叙述中,正确的是 A.二倍体西瓜的体细胞中含两对同源染色体 B. 二倍体西瓜幼苗经秋水仙素处理,可得到四倍体西瓜植株 C. 二倍体西瓜的花粉经离体培养,可得到无子西瓜 D. 二倍体西瓜的体细胞经离体培养,可得到单倍体西瓜植株 6、我国首只“虎狮兽”于xx年南京红山动物园诞生,“虎狮兽”是由雄虎和母狮杂交产生的后代。下列对此现象的叙述,正确是的 A.虎狮兽无繁殖能力,因为其细胞核中无同源染色体 B.虎狮兽再与虎或狮杂交,能生出杂种后代 C.雄虎与母狮能杂交且能产生后代,所以不属于生殖隔离 D.虎狮兽是属于动物中的一个新物种 7.某学习小组讨论辨析下列说法:①漂白粉和酸雨都是混合物②煤和石油都是可再生能源③不锈钢和目前流通的硬币都是合金④硫酸、纯碱、醋酸钠和生石灰分别属于酸、碱、盐和氧化物⑤水晶、光导纤维和硅石的化学成分主要都是SiO2,正确的是 A.①③⑤B.①②④C.②③④D.③④⑤ 8.用铁片与稀硫酸反应制取氢气时,不合理的是 A.加热B.不用稀硫酸,改用98%浓硫酸 C.滴加少量CuSO4溶液D.不用铁片,改用铁粉 9.某无色透明溶液能与铝反应放出氢气,在此溶液中一定能够大量存在的离子组是 核DNA的数目染色体数目 ①② ③ ④⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧⑨ a c b 相对值 ⅠA B C D A'B'C'D' Ⅱ

高三化学10月月考试题 (I)

2019届高三化学10月月考试题 (I) 一、选择题:(每小题3分,共36分,只有一个选项符合题意) 1、“一带一路”贸易使国外的特色产品走入百姓的日常生活,下列商品的主要成分所对应 的是() 的材料类型不正确 ... A B C D 泰国银饰埃及棉制品捷克水晶饰品土耳其彩瓷 金属材料天然高分子材料合成高分子材料无机非金属材料 选项 A B C D 物质纯碱白醋烧碱菜籽油 分类碱类混合物抗酸药纯净物 3、元素铬(Cr)的几种化合物存在下列转化关系: 已知:2CrO42-+2H+Cr2O72=+H2O。下列判断不正确的是() A、反应①表明Cr2O3有酸性氧化物的性质 B、反应②利用了H2O2氧化性 C、反应③中溶液颜色变化是由化学平衡移动引起的 D、反应①②③中铬元素的化合价均发生了变化 4、下列变化中,气体被还原的是() A、二氧化碳使Na2O2固体变白 B、氯气使KBr溶液变黄 C、乙烯使Br2的四氯化碳溶液褪色 D、氨气使AlCl3溶液产生白色沉淀 的是() 5、下列解释事实的方程式表达不正确 ... A、碳酸氢钠可作食品膨松剂:2NaHCO3Na2CO3+CO2↑+H2O B、铝制容器不能盛装碱液:2Al+2OH-+2H2O=2AlO2-+3H2↑ C、氯气可用于消毒:Cl2+H2O=2H++Cl-+ClO- D、过氧化钠可用于呼吸面具:2Na2O2+2CO2=2Na2CO3+O2↑

6、下列说法不正确 的是() ... A、利用植物油的加成反应可以制得人造黄油 B、75%的酒精可使蛋白质变性从而起到消毒作用 C、纤维素在人体内可水解成葡萄糖,供人体组织的营养需要 D、可用和HCHO 为原料合成 达到目的的是() 7、下列实验不能 .. A、向Na2SiO3溶液中滴加酚酞,溶液变红,证明Na2SiO3发生了水解反应 B、向HClO溶液中通入SO2,生成H2SO4,证明H2SO4的酸性比HClO强 C、将铝箔在酒精灯火焰上加热,铝箔熔化但不滴落,证明氧化铝的熔点高于铝 D、将饱和氯水滴到蓝色石蕊试纸上,试纸先变红后褪色,证明氯水具有漂白性 8、下列说法正确的是() A.、天然油脂的分子中含有酯基,属于酯类 B.、煤经处理变为气体燃料的过程属于物理变化 C、Al2O3可以与水反应得到其对应水化物Al(OH)3 D、可以用加热使蛋白质变性的方法分离提纯蛋白质 9、为了除去括号中的少量杂质,采用的试剂和方法均正确的是() 选项物质加入试剂方法 A甲苯(苯酚)浓溴水过滤 B溴乙烷(Br2)热氢氧化钠溶液分液 C乙酸乙酯(乙酸)饱和碳酸钠过滤 D苯甲酸(NaCl)水重结晶10、普伐他汀是一种调节血脂的药物,其结构简式如图所示。下列关于普伐他汀的性质描述 的是() 不正确 ... A、分子式为C23H34O7 B、能使酸性KMnO4溶液褪色 C、能发生加成、取代、消去反应


河南省高三上学期化学10月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共12题;共24分) 1. (2分) (2017高一上·台州期末) 下列分散系中,能产生“丁达尔效应”的是() A . Na2SO4溶液 B . NH4Cl溶液 C . 石灰乳 D . Fe(OH)3胶体 2. (2分)要研究金属钠跟酒精反应以及金属钠跟水反应的异同点,下列的研究方法中用不到的是() A . 实验法 B . 观察法 C . 分类法 D . 比较法 3. (2分) (2016高一上·吉安期中) 在盛有碘水的试管中,加入少量CCl4后振荡,静置片刻后() A . 上层为无色,下层为紫红色 B . 整个溶液变为棕黄色 C . 整个溶液变紫色 D . 下层无色,上层紫红色 4. (2分) (2016高一上·黄山期末) 下列有关叙述中不正确的是() A . 只用试管和胶头滴管就可区分纯碱溶液和稀盐酸 B . Fe(OH)3是难溶于水的碱,但能通过化合反应生成 C . 在FeCl3溶液中加入足量Cu充分反应后,溶液中的溶质只有CuCl2

D . 有Al2O3制取Al(OH)3的途径如下图,则X可能是NaOH,也可能是HCl 5. (2分)对于金属,下列叙述正确的是() A . 点燃镁、铝前应用砂纸打磨,除去表面的氧化膜 B . 用砂纸打磨的铝条,放在酒精灯上加热至熔化,铝会滴落下来 C . 铁在氧气中燃烧的产物主要成分是Fe2O3 D . 金属单质在自然界中都以化合物存在,因为它们都有较强的还原性 6. (2分)(2018·芜湖模拟) NA为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是() A . 常温下pH=2的CH3COOH溶液中,H+的数目为0.01NA B . 常温常压下,18 gD2O含有的质子数为10NA C . 标准状况下,11.2 L乙烯和环丙烷(C3H6)的混合气体中,共用电子对数目为3NA D . 0.1 molCu溶于足量稀硝酸中,转移的电子数为0.2 NA 7. (2分)下列叙述错误的是() ①一束平行光线照射蛋白质溶液时,从侧面可看到光亮的通路 ②一定温度和压强下,气体体积主要由其分子的物质的量决定 ③气体摩尔体积是指单位物质的量气体所占的体积,其单位是L ④在同温同体积时,气体的物质的量越大,则压强越大 ⑤蒸发操作时,应使混合物中的水分完全蒸干后,才能停止加热 ⑥标准状况下,将1g铝片投入20mL 18mol/L的硫酸中,铝片完全溶解. A . ①②④ B . ③⑤⑥ C . ②③⑥


福建省罗源第一中学2021届高三数学10月月考试题 一、单选题(每小题5分) 1.复数 1 1i i -+(i 为虚数单位)的虚部是( ) A. -1 B. 1 C. i - D. i 2.αβ≠是cos cos αβ≠的( )条件. A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 3.已知sin(π+θ)=-3cos(2π-θ),|θ|<π 2 ,则θ等于( ) A .-π6 B .-π3 C.π6 D.π3 4.函数1ln sin 1x y x x +=?-的图象大致为( ) 5.已知a >0且a ≠1,函数f (x )=? ????a x ,x ≥1 ax +a -2,x <1在R 上单调递增,那么实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .(1,+∞) B .(0,1) C .(1,2) D .(1,2] 6.已知△ABC 中,AB =2,B =π4,C =π6 ,点P 是边BC 的中点,则AP →·BC → 等于( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 7.若函数f (x )=sin ? ????ωx -π6(ω>0)在[0,π]上的值域为???? ??-12,1,则ω的最小值为( ) A.23 B .34 C.43 D .3 2 8.在ABC ?中,已知点P 在线段BC 上,点Q 是AC 的中点, AQ y AB x AP +=,0,0>>y x ,则 y x 11+的最小值为( )

A .2 3 B .4 C. 22 3 + D. 223+ 二、多选题(每小题5分,部分选对得3分) 9.在ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,则下列结论中正确的是( ) A .若a b >,则sin sin A B > B .若sin 2sin 2A B =,则AB C 是等腰三角形 C .若cos cos a B b A c -=,则ABC 是直角三角形 D .若2220a b c +->,则ABC 是锐角三角形 10.设点M 是ABC 所在平面内一点,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .若11 22 AM AB AC = +,则点M 是边BC 的中点 B .2AM AB AC =-若,则点M 在边BC 的延长线上 C .若AM BM CM =--,则点M 是ABC 的重心 D .若AM x AB y AC =+,且1 2x y +=,则MBC △的面积是的ABC 面积的12 11.要得到函数x y cos =的图像,只需将函数)3 2sin(π +=x y 的图像上所有的点( ) A .先向右平移 6π个单位长度,再将横坐标伸长到原来的2 1 (纵坐标不变) B .先向左平移个 12 π 单位长度,再将横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变) C .横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再向左平移 6 π 个单位长度 D .横坐标伸长到原来的 21(纵坐标不变),再向右平移3 π 个单位长度 12.设函数f (x )=sin ? ????ωx +π5(ω>0),已知f (x )在[0,2π]有且仅有5个零点.下述四个结论: A .f (x )在(0,2π)上有且仅有3个极大值点 B .f (x )在(0,2π)上有且仅有2个极小值点 C .f (x )在? ????0,π10上单调递增 D .ω的取值范围是???? ??125,2910 其中所有正确结论是( ) 三、填空题(每小题5分)


2021年高三10月月考(历史)缺答案 一、选择题(每小题4分,共48分) 1、春联是日常生活中对书画艺术的实际应用。春联之设,自明太祖始。朱元璋始用朱砂纸作底,用黑墨写字,并取名为“万年红”,因“红”与“朱”义同。朱元璋此举用意主要在于() A祈盼专制政权的长治久安 B强调“朱”姓的尊贵显赫 C营造红红火火的新年气氛 D改革节日的风俗习惯 2、18世纪英国诗人雪莱曾写道:“我们的法律、文学、宗教和艺术都起源于希腊。如果没有希腊,我们现在可能蒙昧、无知,与野人无异。”雪莱认为希腊文明与近代西方文明的关系是() A希腊人创出的法学体系沿用至今B近代西方文明复原了古希腊文明 C希腊文明完全涵盖了近代西方文明D希腊文明是近代西方文明的源头 3、西方国家的“三权分立”并不是什么神秘的东西,它和中国儿童游戏中的“锤子、剪刀、布”同一原理,即一物降一物。对此种说法你认为() A正确,讲出来三权分立的实质 B贴切,道出了三种权力之间的关系 C不妥,三种权力关系并不是简单的单项制约 D不妥,三种权力的关系应是你中有我,我中有你 4、1853年,英国一家报纸曾登文指出:“叛乱运动的最后成功将是敌视在中国的外国人的信号,我们的损失将是很大的,我们所得将是零。”下列说法正确的是() ①文中的叛乱运动指太平天国运动②表明中外民族矛盾趋于缓和③暗示太平天国运动面临双重敌人④说明侵略者极端仇视中国革命 A①②③④B①②③C①③④D②③④ 5、《杂文月刊》曾刊登过一篇名为《中国简史》的文章,其中有:“林则徐说:我销;洪秀全说:我反;康有为说:我变;孙中山说:看我的。”对其认识正确的是() A纯属缺乏历史依据的文学夸张B反映近代中国人的救国探索 C都提出了具有资本主义性质的改革方案D四者的斗争对象和斗争方式基本一致 6、1942年国统区某报纸评论:“平时军人开小差,一般人夸为精明干练。今日壮丁逃兵役,人人骂为冷热动物。”这主要反映了() A民众的普遍的厌战心理B舆论对军人的评价很低 C民众救亡意识的增强D舆论对抓壮丁的抗议 7、新华社迎接十七大特稿《在历史关节点上——中国共产党八十六年回眸》一文中用以下一些关键词概括了中国新民主主义革命的重要关节点,按先后顺序排列正确的是()A日出东方力挽狂澜星火燎原进京赶考 B力挽狂澜进京赶考日出东方星火燎原


广东省珠海市第二中学【精品】高三10月月考化学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.化学与科学、技术、社会、环境密切相关。下列有关说法中错误的是 A .土壤胶体带负电荷,有利于铵态氮肥的吸收 B .加工后具有吸水性的植物纤维可用作食品干燥剂 C .太阳能电池板中的硅在元素周期表中处于金属与非金属的交界位置 D .燃放的焰火是某些金属元素焰色反应所呈现出来的色彩 2.分类是化学学习和研究的常用手段,下列分类依据和结论都正确的是 A .冰醋酸、纯碱、芒硝、生石灰分别属于酸、碱、盐、氧化物 B .Na 2O 、NaOH 、Na 2CO 3、NaCl 、Na 2SO 4、Na 2O 2都属于钠的含氧化合物 C .漂白粉、福尔马林、冰水、王水、氯水均为混合物 D .HClO 、H 2SO 4(浓)、HNO 3均具有强氧化性,都是氧化性酸 3.下列有关物质的性质和该性质的应用均正确的是 A .常温下浓硫酸能使铝发生钝化,可在常温下用铝制容器贮运浓硫酸 B .二氧化硅不与任何酸反应,可用石英制造耐酸容器 C .工业上通常用电解钠、铁、铜对应的氯化物制得该三种金属单质 D .铜的金属活泼性比铁的差,可在海轮外壳上装若干铜块以减缓其腐蚀 4.下列有关化学反应的叙述正确的是 A .将Na 2O 2投入NH 4Cl 溶液中只可能生成一种气体 B .铁分别与稀盐酸和氯气反应,产物中铁元素的化合价相同 C .SO 2通入BaCl 2溶液有白色沉淀BaSO 3生成 D .向滴有酚酞的Na 2CO 3溶液中加入足量CaCl 2溶液,溶液红色褪去 5.下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是 A .向次氯酸钠溶液中通入足量SO 2气体:ClO -+SO 2+H 2O=HClO +HSO 3- B .向海带灰浸出液中加入稀硫酸、双氧水:2I -+2H ++H 2O 2=I 2+ 2H 2O C .磨口玻璃试剂瓶被烧碱溶液腐蚀:SiO 2+2Na ++2OH -=Na 2SiO 3↓+H 2O D .NaHCO 3溶液和少量Ba(OH)2溶液混合:HCO 3-+ OH -+ Ba 2+=H 2O+BaCO 3↓ 6.常温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是 A .10.1mol L -?氨水溶液:Na +、K +、OH -、NO -3


福建省厦门市湖滨中学2021届高三化学10月月考试题 可能用到的相对原子质量:N 14 O 16 Cu 64 一、选择题(只有一个正确答案,每小题3分,16题共48分) 1.下列化学与生活知识中叙述正确的是() A.汽车尾气导致白色污染B.甲醛是某些劣质装饰板材释放的常见污染物之一 C.酸雨是指pH<7的雨水,主要由于空气中SO2含量偏高引起 D.臭氧空洞的形成与二氧化碳的过量排放有关 2.下列不存在丁达尔效应的分散系是①有尘埃的空气、②溴水、③蒸馏水、④沸水中加几滴 FeCl3浓溶液、⑤淀粉溶液() A.② B.②③⑤ C.②③ D.①②③⑤ 3.下列有关无机非金属材料的说法中,不正确的是( ) A、高纯硅可用于制造半导体材料 B、SiO2制成玻璃纤维,由于导电能力强而被用于制造光缆 C、玻璃、水泥、陶瓷其成分均含有硅酸盐 D、Si3N4是一种新型无机非金属材料,可用于制造发动机 4.氯气是一种化学性质很活泼的单质,它具有较强的氧化性,下列叙述中不正确 ...的是( ) A.红热的铜丝在氯气里剧烈燃烧,生成棕黄色的烟 B.氯气通入品红溶液中,溶液会褪色;氯气通入紫色石蕊试液,溶液变红不褪色 C.纯净的H2在Cl2中安静地燃烧,发出苍白色火焰 D.氯气能与水反应生成HClO和HCl,久置氯水最终变为稀盐酸 5.有三个氧化还原反应:①2FeCl3+2KI2FeCl2+2KCl+I2;

②2FeCl2+Cl22FeCl3;③2KMnO4+16HCl(浓)2KCl+2MnCl2+5Cl2↑+8H2O。 若某溶液中有 Fe2+和I-共存,要除去I-而不影响Fe2+,可以加入的试剂是( ) A.Cl2 B.FeCl3 C.HCl D.KMnO4 6.下列各组物质作用时,反应条件(温度、反应物用量比)改变,不引起产物种类改变的是( ) A.Na和O2 B.NaOH溶液和CO2 C.Na2O2和CO2 D.NaOH溶液和Ca(HCO3)2溶液 7.实验中常将溶液或试剂进行酸化,下列试剂选择和酸化处理正确的是() A.检验SO42-,将BaCl2溶液用HNO3酸化 B.为了提高KMnO4溶液的氧化能力,用盐酸将其酸化 C.检验某溶液中是否含Cl-,用HNO3酸化的AgNO3溶液 D.配制FeCl2溶液时通常加少量HNO3酸化,以避免其变质 8.在实验室用MnO2与浓盐酸混合加热制Cl2,可以代替MnO2的物质为() A.酸性比MnO2更强的P2O5或SO3 B.碱性比MnO2更强的Na2O或MgO C.氧化性比MnO2更强的KMnO4或K2Cr2O7 D.还原性比MnO2更强的H2S或HI 9.用下面的方案进行某些离子的检验,其中方案设计得最严密的是() A.检验试液中的SO42-:试液无沉淀 ? ? ?→ ?溶液 2 BaCl 白色沉淀 B.检验试液中的Fe2+:试液无明显现象红色溶液 C.检验试液中的I_:试液 22 H O ???→ 棕黄色溶液 ????→ 淀粉溶液 蓝色溶液
