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Warmingup: What makes a good essay?_________________________________________

TASK1. Accuracy 先准确(蠢错不犯:有则改之,无则加勉)


1.主谓不一致My father and I likes going fishing by the lake./ There have many students in the classroom.

2.时态、语态混用Last night, I was won the first prize./ A speech contest was hold in the school lecture hall.

3.句子成分残缺I stood up and saw there a boy. / The young man running in the street.

4.习惯搭配误用I once heard from the animal like this.

5.名词单复数不分We can get some informations from the Internet.

6.动词单、复数不分Mr. Smith, together with some students, are coming to our school.

7.赘词现象多发We'll hold a party on next Sunday

8.基本词汇拼写错误Nowdays,the pollution of the envireoment is serious. Benefical /healthy/writing

9.前后人称不一致The boy was born in a poor family but she works hard

10.动词原形作主语/宾语Take a walk after dinner is very good for you.

11.逻辑主语与主句主语不一致Walking in the street, a car hit an old man.

12.一个简单句出现两个谓语There was no work to do, he went back home.

13.中式英语Next week have a party. / I very like the book.

TASK 2: Advanced 后高级

A:Advanced words 高级词汇

多实少虚原则:He is a good teacher. __________________________________

弃旧取新原则:We have much homework to do. _________________________

短语优先原则:I can’t bear it. ________________________________________

I like English. ___________________________________________________

We want to hold a party for you. _____________________________________________________________ Most students hold the opionion that. _________________________________________________________

I plan to visit your hometown. ________________________________________________________________ The College Entrance Examination is coming. __________________________________________________ Nowadays, people think education is important. __________________________________________________ B: Advanced phrase高级短语

I want to do something for the society. _____________________________________________

I’ll try my best to offer the best service._____________________________________________

I am good at English. _______________________________________________

I am for learning English online. ______________________________________________________________ Suddenly I thought out a good idea.

I suddenly ________ __________ _______ a good idea.\A good idea _________________ me.
