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Translator’s note: the numbering in this document follows the source text.



The original English language version of these Terms and Conditions is the legally-binding version. The translated version is for information only.




1. Interpretation解释

1.1 In these Conditions: 在这些条件下:

‘charges’ means the fees, charges and expenses for the Specified Services as set

out in the Order

“收费” 指定单所述的特定服务的报酬、收费和费用

‘the Client’ means any person to whom the Company has agreed to provide the Specified


“客户” 指公司同意向其提供特定服务的任何人

‘the Company’ means Eclipse Translations Limited whose registered office is at European

Translation Centre Lionheart Enterprise Park Alnwick Northumberland NE66

2HT (Company Number: 03290358)

“公司” 指Eclipse翻译有限公司,公司注册地址:诺森伯兰郡Alnwick,Lionheart

企业园,欧洲翻译中心,邮编:NE66 2HT(European Translation Centre

Lionheart Enterprise Park Alnwick Northumberland NE66 2HT)(公司编号:


‘the Conditions’ means the standard conditions of purchase set out in this document

“条款” 指本文陈述的购买标准条款

‘the Contract’ means the contract for the sale and purchase of the Specified Services on

these Conditions

“合同” 指按照这些条款对特定服务进行销售和购买的合同

‘delivery Address’ means the address stated on the Order

“交付地址” 指定单上所述的地址

‘Input Material’ means any documents, materials, elements of text, images, graphics,

designs, photographs and any data or other information provided by the

Client to the Company relating to the Specified Service “输入材料” 指客户向公司提供的、与特定服务有关的任何文件、材料、和文本、图象、


‘Order’ means the Client’s purchase order to which these Conditions are annexed “定单” 指符合这些条款的客户购买定单

‘Output Material’ means any documents, transcripts, translations, materials, elements of

text, images, graphics, designs, photographs and any data or other

information provided by the Company to the Client relating to the

Specified Services

“输出材料” 指公司向客户提供的、与特定服务有关的任何文件、抄本、译文、材料、文


‘Specified Services’ means the services to be provided by the Company to the Client and

referred to in the Order

“特定服务” 指公司向客户提供的、并在定单中提及的服务

2.2 The headings in these conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their



2.3 Unless the context otherwise requires words importing one gender include all other genders and

words incorporating the single include the plural and vice versa 除非上下文另有要求,否则所用词语含一种性别的也包括所有其它各种性别,表现为单数的也包括复2.4 数,反之皆然。

2. Basis of sale 销售的总则

1.1 The Company shall provide the Specified Services to the Client subject to these Conditions. Any

changes or additions to the Specified Services or these Conditions must be agreed in writing by the Company and the Client


1.2 These Conditions shall apply to the Contract to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions

on which any quotation has been given to the Client or subject to which the Order is accepted or purported to be accepted by the Company.


1.3 The Client shall at its own expense supply the Company with all necessary Input Material within

sufficient time to enable the Company to provide the Specified Services in accordance with the Contract. The Client shall ensure the accuracy of all Input Material



2.4 The Client shall at its own expense retain duplicate copies of all Input Material and insure

against its accidental loss or damage. The Company shall have no liability for any such loss or damage however caused. All Output Material shall be at the sole risk of the Client from the time of delivery to the Client


6.6 The Specified Services shall be provided in accordance with the Order and otherwise in

accordance with the Company’s current brochure or other published literature relating to the Specified Services from time to time but subject to these Conditions


6.7 The Company may correct any typographical or other errors or omissions in any brochure or other

published literature relating to the provision of the Specified Services without any liability to the Client


2.8 The Company may at any time without notifying the Client make any changes to the Specified

Services which are necessary to comply with statutory requirements or which do not materially affect the nature or quality of the Specified Services


3. Charges服务收费

1.1 Verbal quotations are given for guidance only, they are not binding upon the Company and are

subject to written confirmation in the Order on receipt of the Input Material.

