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my 1. __fu_t_ur_e_c_a_re_e_r__. They want me to be a lawyer, simply because they think lawyers are more 2. _r_es_p_e_c_te_d__ and the pay is good.
Task 1StFeipll1i听n 音th填e空blanks
• 职位:boss老板 manager经理 chairman董事长 director主管 assistant助理 secretary秘书
• 部门:head office总公司 branch office分公司 sales department销 售 部 research and development department 研 发 部 human resources department 人 力 资 源 部 finance department 财 务 部 administration department行政部
Enjoy a song and complete balnks
You raise me up so I can __s_t_a_n_d__ on the mountains You raise me up to _w__a_lk__ on stormy seas I am strong when I am on your _s_h_o_u_l_d_e_rs_ You raise me up To _m_o_r_e__ than I can be
Text 3 M: Hello, Pamela. Can you join a meeting on 5.
_F_r_id_a_y_? W: I’m not sure. Let me check my schedule. What
time is the meeting? M: We’re planning on having it around noon. W: Let me 6. _r_in_g_y_o_u__b_a_c_k_ in a few minutes.
hospital choose from school
(related information)
• 职业:scientist科学家 firefighter消防员 policeman警察 journalist新 闻记者 lawyer律师 pilot飞行员 engineer工程师 painter画家 actor 演员 writer/author作家 businessman商人 doctor医生 dentist牙医 nurse护士 player/athlete运动员 accountant会计 barber理发师
Do you still remember the following listening? Ready to listen again.
What is the woman? (百校联考) A. A student B. A secretary C. A teacher
M: I hear that this is your llaassttlleessssoonn here. W: Yes. I’ve accepted a better tteeachhiinngg ppoossititioionn in
Task S1t.eFpi1ll听in音th填e空blanks
Text 4 W: I can’t believe our boss is making me work
together with Mike. M: Why not? He’s very 7. _e_x_p_e_r_ie_n_c_e_d___. W: But he looks a little stupid. M: Don’t judge a book 8. __b_y_i_ts__c_o_v_e_r _. He has
Text 2 M: Nice to hear from you again after all these years.
What have you been doing? W: Well, I have tried many things after 3. _le_a_v_in_g__s_c_h_o_o_l .
another city.
salesman Fra Baidu bibliotekcashier/…
other related information
sales/ discount/ customers…
I’m now working for a food processing company, 4. i_n_c_h_a_r_g_e_o_f_s_a_l_e_s_. So I travel a lot. M: Oh, that’s great. You must really enjoy it.
Task 1StFeipll1i听n 音th填e空blanks
Task 1. Fill in the blanks
Activity 一.
Write down the answers on your paper if necessary
TaskS1t.eFpi1ll听in音t填h空e blanks
Calm and be careful
Text 1
W: Hi, Jack. You look unhappy. What’s up? M: I’ve had an argument with my parents about
been working here since he graduated from Harvard University ten years ago.
TaskS1teFpil1l 听in音t填he空blanks