





1. 2. 3. 4.

( )( ) ( ) ( )

5. 6.7 8

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

9 10

( ) ( )


1. 2.

3. 4.










(1) boat coat (2) lake cake (3) gate late (4) wood foot (5) bag bed (6) key knee (7) cat bag (8) cup hut

(9) kite bike (10) cat kite


()1. A. Hello, boys and girls!

B. Hi, Lingling!

()2. A. Good morning, Maomao!

B. Good morning, Lingling!

()3. A. My name is Maomao.

B. I am Maomao.

()4. A. Come here, please.

B. Sit down, please.

()5, A. I see a key on his knee.

B. I see a bee on his arm.


()Good morning, Lingling!

()Good afternoon, Miss Wang!

(1 )Hello, boys and girls!

()Goodbye, Guoguo!

()What’s your name?

( ) Good night!



1.cat bag

2. wood foot

3. kite bike

4. key bee

5. cake gate


A. Kate

B. Maomao

C. Lingling

D. wood

E. Lala



1. bag

2. knee

3. bee

4. kite

5. key

6. bike


1. I have a hut.

2. I see a cat.

3. I like my coat.

4. It’s a bike.

5. We each have a cute yo-yo.


bee cook cat hut kite foot 六.将问句和答语连起来,组成对话。3分

1. What’s your name? Good night, mom!

2. Good morning, Yangyang My name is Guoguo.

3. Good evening, Lingling! Good morning, Guoguo!

4. Good night! Good evening!


1. ---What’s your name!


A. My name is Maomao.

B. Hello, Miss Wang.

2. Good evening, mom !


A. Good evening, Kate.

B. Hello, Kate.


c a k e f o o t b a g k n e e n u t h u t k i t e




1. a boat

2. a bag

3. a gate

4. a cup

5. a dog

6. a knee

7. a bee

8. a key

9. a coat 10. a book



1. a book

2. eyes

3. a UFO

4. a star

5. a knee


1.a gate, house, a kite 3 2 1

2.a cat, the moon, a girl 3 2 1

3.a dish, a box, a foot, a bird 3 1 4 2


1. boat

2. coat

3. gate

4. wood

5. bag

6. knee

7.bag 8. cup 9. bike

10. cat


1. Hello, boys and girls. A

2. Good morning, Lingling! B

3. My name is Maomao. A

4. Sit down, please. B

5. I see a key on his knee. A


( 2 )Good morning, Lingling!

( 3 )Good afternoon, Miss Wang!

(1 )Hello, boys and girls!

( 6 )Goodbye, Guoguo!

( 4 )What’s your name?

( 5 ) Good night!


小学六年级毕业英语试卷 姓名班级分数 听力部分 一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。10 ()1. A. pupil B. people C. paper D. purple ()2. A. son B. sun C. some D. Sam ()3. A. tree B. sweet C. street D. straight ()4. A. right B. write C. white D. what ()5. A. coat B. can’t C. count D. come ()6. A. cake B. take C. make D. lake ()7. A. thank B. think C. thin D. thing ()8. A. price B. prince C. prize D. piece ()9. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something ()10. A. earache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache 二. 根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内:10 ()1. A. That’s all right. B. Yes, I can. C. Thank you. ()2. A. Yes, I have. B. OK. Here you are. C. Yes, I can. ()3. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are. ()4. A. It’s in Shanghai. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. No, I can’t. ()5. A. No, I’m not B. All right. C. You’re welcome. ()6. A. There are two. B. Yes, there are C. I have two. ()7. A. From Shanghai B. In Class One. C. In the classroom. ()8. A. It’s three yuan. B. They’re sixty yuan C. They’re made in China.()9. A. I want a shirt. B. I don’t like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. ()10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isn’t here. 三、听短文,判断正误,用“√”,“×”,表示在括号内。10


四年级上全册教材分析 一、全册知识点梳理和分析 (一)本册主题和相关知识点 1、本册将学习 1)询问他人情绪原因;Why are you look …?(Unit One) 2)“打电话”;May I speak to……? (Unit Two) 3)请求帮助;Would you please(mind)……for me? (Unit Three) 4)商店购物:Which kind would you like? (Unit Five) 5)餐厅点餐;What would you like to eat? (Unit Six) 6)自然现象;What falls down from the sky in winter? 等六大话题。2、语法: 第一单元 1.Be 动词的用法 2.助动词do 的用法 3.动词过去式go-went do- did 4.动词与形容词的区分 5to+ 动词原形 6.Don’t be…I’m sure… 7.一般将来时He will come back soon. 第二单元 1.May I speak + to 2.电话用语表示我是…. It’s… 3.祈使句:Please do… 第三单元 1.Would you please +动词原形 Would you mind + 动词ing 2.borrow/lend 的用法: 3.物主代词的用法:your—yours my—mine his—his her—hers its—its our—ours their—theirs 第五单元 1.动词三单This kind look s nice. This shop sell s jackets. 2.will + 动词原形 3.Kind/kinds 的区别 4.情态动词Would的用法 5.different kinds 中different---same 的区别及用法。 6.May, can, should 等词的区别与用法。 7.how much are they? How much—how many 的区别和用法。


丰台区2017~2018学年度第一学期二年级英语第三单元试卷 学校_________ 班级_________ 姓名_________ 成绩_________ 听力部分 一、听写字母,在四线三格内写出相应的大小写。 二、听单词,根据听到的顺序用数字给下列图排序。第一组: 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 第二组: 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 三、听句子,根据听到的顺序用数字给下列图排序。第一组: 11. ( )12. ( ) 第二组: 13. ( )14. ( ) 四、听对话,根据听到的顺序用数字给下列图排序。第一组: 15. ( )16. ( ) 第二组: 17. ( )18. ( ) 第三组: 19. ( )20. ( )五、看图,听单词,完成下列单词的拼写。 21. ig22. orse 23. irl 24. uck25. ow 26. oy 笔试部分 六、根据字母表的顺序重新排列下列大写字母。 X M F Z C G 七、请选出每小题字母中的元音字母,并将该答案的字母标号填入括号。 ( ) 33. A. u B. c C. g ( ) 34. A. m B. z C. e ( ) 35. A. i B. p C. m 八、看图、读句子,将下面人物说的话与图片连线。 九、看图,读对话,根据问句和图片选择合适的单词并抄写在句中的四线三格中。 farm How many rabbits do you have on your farm? We have 40. rabbits on our farm. How many ducks do you have on your farm? We have 41. ducks on our farm. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 36. My number is nineteen. 14 17 16 twenty twelve thirteen fifteen 37. My number is sixteen. 38. My number is fourteen. 39. My number is seventeen. 1.2. 3. 4. 19


每一个人的成功之路或许都不尽相同,但我相信,成功都需要每一位想成功的人去努力、去奋斗,而每一条成功之路,都是充满坎坷的,只有那些坚信自己目标,不断努力、不断奋斗的人,才能取得最终的成功。但有一点我始终坚信,那就是,当你能把自己感动得哭了的时候,你就成功了! 四年级英语测试题 一、把下面的字母或字母组合填到所给的单词中(20分) ow ay air al ea ar u i ee oo h____sework d____ p____ s____t s____ ____t t____l t____cher c____p l___k 二、判断下列划线单词的读音是否一致,是T 否F (12分) 1. come above ______ 2. up nut ______ 3. cake make ______ 4. show bowl ______ 三、读一读,把下面短语写在相应的图下面(24分) do housework go swimming water the flowers drink a lot of water stay in bed open the door call your friends close the window ______________ __________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ __________________ _________________ __________________ 四、读单词,选出同类别的单词填写在横线上(9分) tired angry boots draw dance sneakers glad upset ______________ __________ swim sing ______________ __________


北京小学英语试卷完形填空题分类汇编(附答案) 一、完形填空 1.完形填空完形填空 Today it is 1 to get on-line(上网). 2 people use the Internet every day. People can do many things at home with the 3 of the Internet, for example, shopping, seeing a doctor, booking a plane ticket. 4 you want to know some information but the library is far away, the Internet can give you a hand. 5 E-mail is more and more popular among people. The Internet is important in our work and life. 1. A. easy B. difficult C. different 2. A. Millions B. Million of C. Millions of 3. A. computer B. help C. need 4. A. If B. Because C. why 5. A. Sending B. Building C. Making 【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍网络用途的短文。 (1)句意:今天上网很......。A选项是:容易的;B选项是:困难的;C选项是:不同的。根据后面叙述和实际,A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (2)这是考查短语的题目。这是短语Millions of“许许多多的”,A选项和B选项结构和用 法错误。故答案为:C。 (3)这是短语with the help of“在......的帮助下”,computer“电脑”和need“需要”意思搭配 不合适。故答案为:B。 (4)这是条件状语从句,用if“如果”正确。because“因为”引导原因状语从句,这里意思不 合适。Why不引导状语从句。故答案为:A。 (5)句意:......邮件在人们中越来越流行。这里是短语send E-mails(发电子邮件)。buid:建造和make“制作”都不合适。故答案为:A。 【点评】这是考查所学知识综合运用的题目。要注意句意和句子结构的提示。 2.完形填空完形填空 There are five people in Tom's family, his grandma, his father, his mother, his twin sister, Mary and Tom. Grandma can do the 1 and she can make very nice cakes. She can't speak 2 . But Tom's father can 3 Chinese well. He is now in Beijing. He can sing a 4 Chinese songs, too. Tom's mother is a nurse. She can do the washing and cleaning. Mary can sing very well. And she can draw very 5 pictures. But she can't make model planes. Tom can 6 model planes and ships and cars. And he had got many of them in his room. Let's count them, one, two, three, he has twenty-two model cars in his room. 1. A. cooking B. washing C. swimming 2. A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese 3. A. say B. speak C. talk


北京版小学生英语知识点总结 【基础知识】 1、动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am,你you用(are),is跟着他(he),她(she),他(it).单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not 加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号某丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。 2、this,that和it用法 (1)this和that是指示代词,it是人称代词。 (2)距离说话人近的人或者物用this,距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:This is a flower.这是一朵花。(近处)That is a tree.那是一棵树。(远处) (3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this,后说that。如:This is a pen.That is a pencil.这是一支钢笔,那是一支铅笔。 (4)向别人介绍某人说This is...,不说That is...。如:This is Helen.Helen,this isTom.这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。 (5)This is不能缩写,而That is可以缩写。如:This is a bike.That's a car.这是一辆自行车,那是一辆轿车。 (6) 打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。如:-Hello! Is that Miss Green?喂,是格林小姐吗?-Yes,this is.Who's that?是的,我是,你是谁?注意:虽然汉语中使用”我“和”你“,但

英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am...,Are you...?Who are you? (7)在回答this或that做主语的疑问句时,要用it代替this 或者that。如:①-Is this a notebook?这是笔记本吗?-Yes,it is.是的,它是。②-What's that?那是什么?-It's a kite.是只风筝。 3、these和those用法 this, that, these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。 ①This is my bed. That is Lily’s bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。 ②These pictures are good. 那些画很好。 ③ Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗? 在回答主语是these或those的疑问句时,通常用they代替these或those以避免重复。如:④Are these/those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。 4、名词+’s所有格单数名词后直接加“’s ” Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff’s mother杰夫的妈妈 以s结尾的复数名词,只加“’”Teachers’ Day教师节 the twins’ books双胞胎的书 不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“’s ”Children’s Day 儿童节 men’s shoes男式鞋 表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加’sLucy and Lily’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈) 表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加’sLucy’s and Kate’

北京版 一年级英语上册期末试卷

一年级英语期末试卷 二、听力部分 一Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)16分1. 2. () ()( ) ( ) ()3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ()5. 6. ()()()()7. 8. ()( )( ) ( ) 二Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出听到的内容)16分 1. fish dish 2. cake lake 3. morning evening 4. car card 5.ear beard 6. boat coat 6.I can jump. I can swim. 7.Happy Chinese New year! Happy New year!

8.This is my uncle. This is my auntie. 三Listen and number. ( 听录音,根据听到的顺序编号)16分1. ()()()() 2. ()()()() 四Listen and choose ( 听录音,圈出正确的应答句)12分 1.Good morning Good afternoon. 2.Fine, thank you. No, I can’t. 3.Merry Christmas. Happy Chinese New year. 4.Goodbye. Hello. 5.I can dance. Kitty can dance. 6.Nice to meet you. I can fly. 五Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符的用“√”表示,不符的用“×”表示)10分 ()()()()


北京市三年级上学期英语期末考试试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、 Write the letters. (共1题;共5分) 1. (5分)比比看谁写的好 (1) G M N L H________ (2) q r h i k________ (3) T O q k b________ (4) J I Q s x________ 二、 Look and match。 (共1题;共1分) 2. (1分)看图选出相应的单词。 A. schoolbag B. grapefruit C、coconut D. activity book E. watermelon F. apple ⑴ ________ ⑵ ________ ⑶ ________ ⑷ ________

⑸ ________ ⑹ ________ 三、 Read and choose.根据所给句子的意思,从A、B (共5题;共5分) 3. (1分)我不喜欢吃芒果,我可以说:________ A . I don't like mangoes. B . I'm not like mangoes. 4. (1分)假如你是John,当别人问你“What's your name?”时,你应该说: A . Me too. B . My name's John. C . Great! 5. (1分) How many students are there in your class? A . There is one. B . There are twenty. 6. (1分)我们在哪里见面?() A . Where shall we meet? B . Where shall we go? 7. (1分) _____,where is the zoo ? A . Excuse me B . Sorry C . Hello 四、 Read and choose. (共1题;共5分) 8. (5分)给下列句子选择合适的图片。 A. B. C.


作文范文: 周末的活动(第一人称和第三人称) l/He did many things last Sun day. I/He did homework. I/He lear ned to sing En glish son gs. I/He went shopp ing with my mom. I/He visivted my gran dpare nts. I/He had a great time. 假期旅行 I/He went to Hangzhou with my parents this summer vacation. I/He went there by train. I/He visited many places. I/He bought some things. I/He was very happy. I /He enjoyed my holiday. 奥运会 The Olympic Games have a very long history. The an cie nt Olympic Games bega n in 776BC in Greece. Only men could take part. It stopped a long time ago. People held the first moder n Olympic Games in 1896 in Athe ns. Men and wome n could take part. th Beijing hosted the 29 Olympic Games. The Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals, 21silver medals and 28br onze medals. We all were proud of our coun try. 介绍一位朋友 I have a good frie nd. Her n ame is Lily. She is tall. She likes singing. She ofte n wears a nice dress. She is 1.70m and her size is large. 介绍自己 My n ame is …I was born in the years of Mon key. I like mon keys very much. Because my birth-year ani mal is also Mon key. I 'm as smart as a mon key. I am 1.60m. my size is Medium . Football is my favorite sport.


(北京版)小学英语毕业考试试卷 听力部分 I. Look, listen and write“√”or“×”听句子,判断图片是否与听到的内容相符,相符用“√”表示,不相符用“×”表示。 II. Look, listen, number.听句子,选择图片,按A——H的顺序将字母填入括号。 III. Listen and answer the questions根据听到的对话回答问题: 1. What was the weather like yesterday? A. It was sunny. B. It was cloudy. C. It was rainy. 2. What would Peter like to drink? A. A piece of cake. B. A cup of tea. C. A glass of water. 3. Where are they? A. In a shop. B. In a hospital. C. In a park. 4. What’s wrong wi th Jean? A. She’s ill. B. She’s happy. C. She’s sad. 5. Will they go to the park tomorrow? A. No, they won’t. B. Yes, they will.

C. Sorry, I don’t know. IV. Listen and write“√”or“×”听短文,判断所给问题是否与短文内容相符,用√,×表示。 1. Li Yan has a new friend.() 2. Alice lives in America.() 3. Alice’s father isn’t a lawyer.() 4. Alice’s mother works in a factory.() 5. Alice is a student in a primary school.() 6. Alice usually plays at the park on Sunday.() V. Listen and note.听短文,根据短文内容填写下列表格。 Name Age Hobby Pet animal Favourite colour E-mail address 笔试部分 I. Read, think and write.按字母表顺序在横线上写出相应的字母 Jj______ Ll______ Nn Oo______ Qq______ Ss Tt….Xx______Zz II. Read and write:读单词,并在横线上写出一个同类的词。 1. ____________ A. eyes B. hands C. mouth 2. ____________ A. snake B. tiger C. rabbit 3. ____________ A. Canada B. Japan C. France 4. ____________ A. play B. write C. listen 5. ____________ A. shirt B. dress C. skirt III. Multiple Choice:选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。 1. I’ve got a toothache. I’m going to see the _______________. A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital 2. —May I _______________ your bike? —Sure. A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride 3. —Whose ruler is it? —Maybe it’s _______________. A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s D. Peters’ 4. I want to see a film. I’m going to the _______________. A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank


四年级英语测试题 一、把下面的字母或字母组合填到所给的单词中(20分) ow ay air alea aruiee oo h____sework d____p____s____ts____ ____tt____l t____cher c____pl___k二、判断下列划线单词的读音是否一致,是T否F(12分) 1. come above ______ 2. up nut ______ 3.cake make ______ 4. show bowl ______ 三、读一读, 把下面短语写在相应的图下面(24分) do housew orkgo swimming water theflowers drink a lotofwater stay in bedopen thedoor call your friends closethe window ______________ __________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ __________________ _________________ __________________ 四、读单词,选出同类别的单词填写在横线上(9分) --

tir ed a ngry b oots dra w dance s nea kers glad ups et ______________ __________ swim sing ______________ __________ slippers s and als ______________ __________ 五、看图,读句子,选择合适的单词写在相应的横线上(8分) --Where i s Ms Wu? --______ i s by the lake. --I s she happy? --Y es, sh e ______. --Whe re i s the bo y? --______ is in the hou se . --Where a re the gra ndp aren ts? --They ______ t he hill. 六、看图,读对话,填上所缺的单词(8分) Mi ke: Hell o, ____I spe ak to Maoma o, please? Maoma o: Speak in g. _______ that? Mike: Hell o, Mao mao. This is M ike. This S und ay is my _____. W ill y ou pl ea se come to my p arty? Maomao: T hat ’s _____. I will get there on time. Mi ke: Than k you. See yo u. Mao mao: S ee yo u. 综合运用 七.读对话,根据对话内容选择合适的语句,将其抄写在横线上。( 10分) You should have a good rest. No problem. Sorry, I’m not. Because my dog is missing. birthday great may Who’s

北京版小学英语, 教学设计.doc

北京版小学英语三年级下Unit 2 Lesson5 I Like The Shape教学设计 学情分析:小学三年级学生之前学习过有关数字和颜色的单词,可以作为新知识的学习储备;三年级的学生,年龄小,又加上生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。三年级是小学生学习英语的基础阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。另外,三年级的学生可能不太了解各国国旗,因此教师要形象呈现使学生了解这方面的知识。 教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标:①能听、说、认读rectangle等有关形状的单词。 ②、能听懂、会说句型How many ... are there ...?There are ... 2、过程与方法目标:能用英语正确表达所学形状和句型。 3、情感、态度与价值观目标:①、能在对话过程中培养学生的识别能力。②、能培养学生合作的意识。③、能激发学生的英语学习兴趣。

教学流程: 热身 T: Hello, everyone. Before our class, let’s enjoy a video together. Q: shapes song (设计意图:利用视频资源,引出主题,导入课文情境。) 导入 T: Wow, (a surprised expression), We can use shapes to draw many things. It is very beautiful. What do you see in this video? Any volunteers? S: circles, triangle...... (positive assessment) T: And how many shapes are there? You can count it, one two, three……S: ten. T: Ok, let’s learn the shapes!!! (设计意图:利用视频歌曲引出本节课主题,激发学生兴趣和学习动机。在此环节中让学生对于shapes具有初步的印象) 呈现: ①教师出示形状及单词(star circle rectangle triangle square) 带读三遍。 T: What shape is the football? S: It's circle. ... ②教师在电脑上点读课文,让学生心里跟读、第二次点读课文,让学


小学六年级毕业英语试卷 姓名 __________ 班级 __________ 分数 ___________ 听力部分 ( )1. A. That ' s all right. C. Thank you. ( )2. A. Yes, I have. ( )7. A. thank B. think C. thin D . thing ( )8. A. price B. prince C. prize D . piece ( )9. A. nothing something B. everything C. anything D . ( )10. A. earache B. headache C. toothache ) C. make B. take D. lake come ( stomachache 二.根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句, 10 将字母代号填入括号内: ( ) 1. A . pupil purple ( ) 2. A . son ( ) 3. A . tree straight ( ) 4. A . right what ( ) 5. A . coat B. people C. paper D. B. sun C. some D. Sam B. sweet C. street D. B. write C. white D. B.can ' t C. count D. B. Yes, I can. B. OK. Here you are. C. 6. A. cake 、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。 10

()3. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. Yes, they are. ()4. A. It 's in Shanghai. B. Sorry, I know . C. No, I can 't. ()5. A. No, I 'm not B. All right. You' re welcome. ()6. A. There are two. B. Yes, there are Yes, I can. I have two. ()7. A. From Shanghai B. In Class One. In the classroom. ()8. A. It ' s three yuan. B. They' re yuan C. They ' re made in China. ()9. A. I want a shirt. B. I don ' t like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. ()10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isn ' t here. 三、听短文,判断正误,用“ /,x”,表示在括号内 C. don' t C. C. C. sixty 10 1. Tom is ten years old. 2. Tom has a brother. 3. To m doesn' t have any hobbies. ( )4. Tom likes playing chess. ( )5. Tom watches football games on TV every day. 四、听对话,选择正确的单词填在横线 上: 10


北京版小学英语必背单词——一年级( 上) 单词 音标中文单词 音标中文 (短语)(短语) moon [mu:n] 月亮ear [ ? ? (r)] 耳朵star [st ɑ:(r)] 星星foot [f ? t] 脚night [na ? t] 晚上knee [ni:] 膝盖lake [le ? k] 湖bed [bed] 床house [ha ? s] 房子coat [k ? ? t] 外套boat [b ? ? t] 船box [b ? ks] 盒子key [ki:] 钥匙book [b ? k] 书gate [ge ? t] 大门pen [pen] 钢笔car [k ɑ :(r)] 汽车card [k ɑ:d] 卡片 kite [ka ? t] 风筝UFO [ ? ju:ef' ? ? ] 飞船 girl [g ? :l] 女孩hut [h ? t] 小屋 uniform [ju:n ? f 制服wood [w? d] 木材? :m] bike [ba ? k] 自行车skirt [sk ? :t] 裙子bag [b ? g] 包bird [b ? :d] 鸟cake [ke ? k] 蛋糕deer [d ? ? (r)] 鹿dish [d ? ? ] 盘子bee [bi:] 蜜蜂nut [n ? t] 坚果cat [k ? t] 猫cup [k ? p] 杯子dog [d ? g] 狗spoon [spu:n] 勺子,匙mouse [ma? s] 老鼠eye [a ? ] 眼睛fish [f ? ? ] 鱼

北京版小学英语必背单词——一年级( 下) 单词 音标中文单词 音标中文 (短语)(短语) cap [k ? p] 鸭舌帽tiger [ ? ta ? g? 老虎(r)] head [hed] 头zoo [zu:] 动物园 uniform [ ? ju:n ? f 制服snake [sne ? k] 蛇? :m] nose [n ? ? z] 鼻子elephant [ ? el ? f ? 大象nt] hair [he ? (r)] 头发zebra [ ? zebr ? ] 斑马vest [vest] 背心monkey [ ? m? ? ki] 猴子 wall [w? :l] 墙lion [ ? la ? ? 狮子n] yard [j ɑ:d] 院子fox [f ? ks] 狐狸 window [ ? w? nd? 窗户king [k ? ? ] 国王? ] ball [b ? :l] 球queen [kwi:n] 皇后oil [ ? ? l] 石油gift [g ? ft] 礼物van [v ? n] 货车park [p ɑ:k] 公园apple [ ? ? pl] 苹果leaf [li:f] 叶子 jam [d ? ? m] 果酱river [ ? r ? v? 河(r)] ice [a ? s] 冰ox [ ? ks] 牛,公牛 banana [b ? ? nɑ:n 香蕉duck [d ? k] 鸭子? ] ice cream [a ? s 冰激凌egg [eg] 鸡蛋kri:m] orange [ ? ? r ? nd 橙子kitten [ ? k? tn] 小猫? ] peach [pi:t ? ] 桃子rabbit [ ? r ? b? 兔子t] [ ? j ? ? g


北京市小学英语完形填空复习题(含答案) 一、完形填空 1.完形填空根据文章内容,选择最佳的答案。 Robert is eleven years old. He is a 1 of class 1, Grade 5. At school, he likes English, Chinese, music and some other 2 , but he doesn't like 3 . He thinks it's 4 , and he often 5 in history classes. It is Friday today. Robert 6 a history class. His history teacher Mrs Wang is giving a lesson. But Robert is drawing a picture and isn't 7 his teacher. Mrs Wang finds and asks him, “Robert, please tell me something about Lincoln." Robert stands up and says, "I'm sorry. I don't know 8 and he isn't in our school." The other students laugh. 1. A. teacher B. student C. doctor 2. A. subjects B. jobs C. games 3. A. PE B. art C. history 4. A. easy B. difficult C. cool 5. A. sleeps B. swims C. skates 6. A. is B. have C. has 7. A. listening to B. listen to C. look at 8. A. him B. you C. me 【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)A;(8)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】大意:Robert是一个小学生,描述了Robert喜欢的科目,以及他不喜欢 的科目。 (1)句意:他是一个五年级一班的学生。A选项:老师;B选项:学生;C选项:医生。 根据原文Robert is eleven years old.可知,Robert才11岁。故答案选:B。 (2)句意:在学校,他喜欢英语、语文、音乐和其他学科。A选项:科目;B选项:工作;C选项:游戏。英语、语文、音乐都是学科。故答案选:A。 (3)句意:但是他不喜欢历史。根据原文:he often sleeps in history classes.可知,他不喜 欢历史。A选项:体育;B选项:美术;C选项:历史。故答案选:C。 (4)句意:他认为它很难。A选项:容易的;B选项:困难的;C选项:凉爽的。上文描 述他不喜欢历史,故符合题意的是B。故答案选:B。 (5)句意:他经常在历史课上睡觉。A选项:睡觉;B选项:游泳;C选项:滑冰。符合 题意的只有A。故答案选:A。 (6)句意:Robert有一节历史课。have表示“有”,主语是Robert,谓语动词用单三形式,have-has。故答案选:C。 (7)句意:Robert正在绘画,没有听老师说。根据drawing可知,本句为现在进行时,and连接的两个短语时态保持一致。故答案选:A。 (8)句意:我不认识他,而且他不在我们学校。根据he可确定,前面提及的是他,know 后面跟人称代词宾格形式,he-him。故答案选:A。 【点评】考查完形填空。注意理解文章大意,结合上下文,选择最佳选项。
