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I. 下面是一那么关于歌手李玟来南京演出的消息。请认真听,看看她的日程安排吧:(20分)

Coco Lee will come to Nanjing on Friday, October________. On Saturday, she will sing for her fans in Fuzimiao Theatre at ________ and ________. In the evening, she will sing in Xuanwu Theatre at ________. Each concert will last ________ hours. On Sunday, she will go to Shanghai by ________to continue her tour of ________.

II. 选出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项:(15分)

1. I'm seven years old now. I can go to school.

A. I am seven

B. I have time

C. I am seven years

D. I'm very old

2. -Which is your favourite festival?

-The Mid-Autumn Festival.

A. well

B. best liked

C. very much

D. a lot

3. We call it dinner when we eat a lot.

A. breakfast

B. a big meal

C. lunch

D. supper

4. At Spring Festival, Chinese people usually eat some delicious food.

A. different

B. expensive

C. nice

D. well

5. Some Americans enjoy playing tricks at Halloween.

A. like...very much

B. spend

C. wait

D. be happy

III. 你对国内外的节日明白多少?请依照常识将b栏中的节日活动与a 栏中的节日对应起来:(10分)


A. Eat turkey with their family.

B. Knock at neighbour's doors and say "trick or


C. Eat chocolates, eggs and tell the story of Jesus


D. Watch lanterns at night.

E. Watch boating competitions and eat rice


IV. 下面的对话缺少部分词语(首字母已给出)。你能依照语境把对话补全吗?注意用正确的形式呀:(20分)

Lily and Lucy ask Han Mei, Lin Tao and Li Lei to come to their home at Thanksgiving Day. The doorbell rings (门铃响了).

Lliy: Come in, Han Mei, Lin Tao and Li Lei. W_______⑴ to our home.

Lin Tao: Thanks for a_______⑵ us for dinner.

Li Lei: Mmm, something smells (闻起来) good in here.

Lucy: You smell the dinner.

Han Mei: What are we going to eat?

Lucy: Turkey, of course!

Lily: And corn (玉米), salad, potatoes and two kinds of pie, apple and p_______⑶.

Li Lei: I can't wait to eat. I'm h_______⑷!

Mr King: Before we begin to eat, let's say w_______⑸ we are thankful for.

Mrs King: I'm thankful that we all have good h_______⑹.

Lucy: I'm thankful for my friends.

Lily: Hey, that's what I w_______⑺ to say. OK, I'm thankful for my friends coming for Thanksgiving dinner.

Han Mei: I'm thankful for the King f_______⑻.

Lin Tao: I'm thankful for my p_______⑼.

Mr King: And you, Li Lei?

Li Lei: I'm thankful for the d_______ ⑽ food!

Mr King: Me too. Let's eat!

V. 请依照短文内容及图片提示,在文中空缺处补上适当内容,使短文通顺完整:(15分)
