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Test 1

1.Had we (手头有足够的现金),we would have bought the apartment without hesitation.

Were; should\would\might\could; had

On hand

Had enough cash on hand;

Had sufficient money on hand

Had enough money on hand

2. (我们在学习中付出的努力越多),the better results we will get from it.

The more…., the more………..

Put into…

The more effort we put into study;

The more labor we devote to study;

The more effort we give for study

If you go there tomorrow, I will go, too.

3. (不管你是20岁还是80岁),it is never too late to ,make every day interesting and inspiring.

Whether you are 20 or 80,

No matter you are 20 or 80,

No matter when\where\who\what\how…..

=whenever\ wherever\whoever\whatever\however…. Though\although….

4.In fact, it is advisable that (我们提前完成项目).


finish/complete the project

ahead of time; in advance

we (should) finnish/ complete the project ahead of time/ in advance

5.He may be a little careless in his work but no one can (对他的领导能力提出质疑).

Throw /cast

Put forward

Raise doubt on his leadership

Call in question his leadership

Question one’s ability

Test 2

1.We had better struggle for the future (而不是为过去而懊悔).

Rather than ……

Regret for/ be sorry for

Rather than regret for the past

2.It is a waste of your life (如果只是为了赚钱而赚钱).

If you earn money for itself

If you only earn money for the sake of moeny

3. (除了缺少经验),the crew faced various challenges during the production process.

Besides the lack of experience

Inaddition to the shortage of experience

Besides the deficiency in experience

Except for

In addition to

But for…

….do/ does/did/done/doing ….Have nothing but do / do…

4.I had (把找工作限制于)the IT industry and apportunities were limited. restricted my job research to….

Confine sth. to doing

Keep sth within…….

5.Not only (这家工厂完成生产任务)last year,but it also doubled its output.

Not only did the factory fulfill /complete/ accomplish/ finish the production……..

Test 3

1.Young as he is, the child has developed the ability to look at



As/ though/ although…….

From an adult’s perspective,

From an adult’s point of view/viewpoint/ ideas/ opinion From an adult’s angle

In terms of

As regard to

According to

For sake of

On the basis on

Based on/upon

2.We are a small class, which (使互动更加有趣).

Make sth. Interesting/boring

Makes our interaction more interesting

Leads to more funs to our interaction

Lets / haves our interaction funnier


3.I appreciate (两年前给我的进修的机会).

Avoid/deny/enjoy/ mind/ dislike/ finish / give up/ doing sth…….

having been given the opportunity / chance for further study two years ago

4.I have to be careful of not falling into the trap of (把事情留到最后一分钟).

Leaving things/ matters to the last moment/ minute/second
