北京中考英语试卷英语 任务型阅读理解题分类汇编(附答案)

北京中考英语试卷英语 任务型阅读理解题分类汇编(附答案)
北京中考英语试卷英语 任务型阅读理解题分类汇编(附答案)




Boys and girls, welcome to our radio club! Our club is very important in our school now. It was started by Tom ten years ago. When he found it was too quiet during the lunchtime, Tom advised the headmaster to set up a radio club, and he agreed. What great advice! Thanks to Tom, we have had many different programmes to listen to at lunchtime from then on. There is Music Time for us to listen to popular music. And you can hear your favourite songs if you tell us ahead of time. We can give advice on problems too. For example, how should we prepare for exams and how should we make friends? And we can also send your best wishes to your friends or teachers on special days. Do you have a good voice? Can you come here to work on time? If the two answers are "Yes", join us now, please!


This is some information about a radio club.________ started the club.

There are ________ programmes in the club. Students can listen to music in Music Time. Students can get advice on ________. It can also send ________ to your friends and teachers. To join the club, you need to have a good ________ and work on time.

【答案】 Tom;many;problems;wishes;voice


(1)根据It was started by Tom ten years ago这是汤姆十年前开始的,可知Tom创办了这个俱乐部,故答案是Tom。

(2)根据we have had many different programmes,可知俱乐部有许多不同节目,故答案是many。

(3)根据We can give advice on problems too,可知学生可以就问题得到建议,故答案是problems。

(4)根据we can also send your best wishes to your friends,可知我们也可以向你的朋友转达你最美好的祝愿,故答案是wishes。

(5)根据Do you have a good voice,可知加入俱乐部需要好嗓子,故答案是voice。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。


What do you do when you begin to read an English newspaper?

You'd better know what sections there are. Usually, there is international news, business, science and technology, entertainment or lifestyle, sports and cartoons. You can choose your favourite section to read carefully.

That you come to the article itself. If you don't have time to read the

whole article, the headline(标题) and photo give you a general idea of the story.

Different kinds of articles

A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it. It usually puts the most important information at the very beginning. If you don't have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph.

A feature article is an in-depth(深人的) report on an event or a person. It usually has an interesting opening. You get to know the idea of the article as you read.

Another kind of article is an opinion article. Usually, some famous people give their own opinions about an important issue in a fun way. Opinion article is different from news stories that are all facts.

Be a critical(批判性的) reader

There are advertisements in newspapers. They can provide useful information about products, places, food or jobs. Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things. You don't have to do everything advertisements tell you to do. You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are useful and which are not.

(1)How can you catch the general idea of an article in a short time? (不超过6个词)

(2)Where is the most important information in a news article? (不超过4个词)

(3)How many kinds of articles does the writer talk about in the passage?(不超过1个词) (4)What is the passage mainly about? (不超过6个词)

(5)What do you usually do as a critical reader? (请自拟—句话作答)

【答案】(1)By reading the headline and photo.

(2)In the first paragraph.

(3)Three. /3.

(4)Tips for reading an English newspaper.

(5)I only read the information which is useful to me. /I just read the advertisements I am interested in, /I don't do everything advertisements tell me to do. /...


(1)根据If you don't have time to read the whole article, the headline(标题) and photo give you a general idea of the story.可知如果你没有时间阅读整篇文章,标题(照片)和照片给你一个故事的总体思路。故填By reading the headline and photo.。

(2)根据If you don't have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph.如果你没有太多的时间读故事,那就看看第一段。可知最重要的信息在第一段,故填In the first paragraph.。

(3)根据A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it.A feature article is an in-depth(深人的) report on an event or a person.Another kind of article is an opinion article.可知讲了新闻文章、专题文章和观点文章,一共3种文章,故填Three. /3.。(4)根据全文可知主要讲了开始读英语报纸时做什么,故填Tips for reading an English newspaper.。

(5)根据They can provide useful information about products, places, food or jobs. Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things. You don't have to do everything advertisements tell you to do. You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are

useful and which are not.可知它们可以提供有关产品、地点、食物或工作的有用信息。记住人们做广告是为了卖给你东西。你不必做广告告诉你做的每件事。你应该足够挑剔,判断哪些广告有用,哪些不有用,故填I only read the information which is useful to me. /I just read the advertisements I am interested in, /I don't do everything advertisements tell me to do. /...



Every year, during Chongyang Festival, citizens of China show their respect to the elders in their families and communities. It's a special tradition which is rooted in the deep value that Chinese culture places on honouring their elders.

Sadly, many of our aging population are seniors without sons, daughters or grandchildren to visit. While they may have great friends, they no doubt miss the tender and loving relationships unique to families. To fill this void(空虚),many volunteers turned up at nursing homes around the country in order to spend time with the residents(居民). In some cases, they performed humble(谦逊的) gestures(表示) of kindness, such as combing their hair or washing their feet.

While the kind acts were appreciated, one embarrassing story out of Anhui Province raised a valuable question. Reportedly, one old gentleman had his feet washed seven times during the day by different volunteers. Is this genuinely(真诚地) caring for the elderly? Many of the residents at the nursing home said that those gestures do not make them feel cared for at all. Their family members or community volunteers may drop by for a few hours of token(象征性) time, but soon they disappear back into their busy lives.

There is nothing we can give that is more valuable or appreciated than our time. While you may feel like there is barely enough time to care for your many responsibilities, might it be possible to spare just a moment as you walk home from school to sit with a senior who lives in your community? Just five minutes is not going to prevent you from getting your homework done, but it may totally change a day of loneliness into a day of joy for one old man or woman. Do you live far from your grandparents? Why not pick up the phone and let them know you're thinking of them? Or maybe you could remind them of the "good old days" and mail them a short letter. Imagine their surprise and joy!

We live in a complicated(复杂的) and busy world, but kindness and caring is still a very simple thing.

(1)How many times did one old gentleman have his feet washed during the day? (不超过2个词)

(2)Which gesture can make the elders feel cared for? (不超过8个词)

(3)What may the family members of the residents at the nursing home do? (不超过13个词) 【答案】(1)7 times.

(2)To sit with them and talk to them.

(3)Their family members may drop by for a few hours of token time.



(1)根据Reportedly, one old gentleman had his feet washed seven times during the day by different volunteers.可知一个老人的脚由不同的志愿者洗了7次,故填7 times.。

(2)根据might it be possible to spare just a moment as you walk home from school to sit with a senior who lives in your community? Why not pick up the phone and let them know you're thinking of them?可知坐下来和他们聊天,故填To sit with them and talk to them.。

(3)根据Their family members or community volunteers may drop by for a few hours of token(象征性) time,可知交通成员可能象征性的拜访几个小时,故填Their family members may drop by for a few hours of token time.。



Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31st, 2007. It calls on families and buildings to turn off the lights from 20: 30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday night of March. ________ A year later, on March 29, Earth Hour 2008 became a global activity and was supported by 50 million people from thirty-five countries. On March 28, 2010 over 100 cities in another eight countries took part in it. ________ In 2012 in China, there were many cities taking part in this activity, especially some large cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai… Many citizens consciously( 有意识的) turned off lights in the hour. ________ In colleges some students held some activities to make all the students leave their dormitories.

It was 20:30, Beijing time. ________ In Shanghai some people were taking a walk with their families or friends. And in Ningbo some young people were holding a party in a park, singing and dancing. ________

Earth Hour has a variety of activities, but the final goal is the same, that is focusing on(聚集) climate change and protecting the environment for individuals.

A. The people from the three cities felt very relaxed.

B. In 2007 more than 2.2 million homes and businesses turned off their lights.

C. And without lights, they could also enjoy themselves.

D. Some people in Beijing were having a nice talk with their friends.

E. Earth Hour came to China on that day, too.

【答案】 B;E;C;D;A


A. 来自三个城市的人们感到非常放松。

B. 在2007年超过220万家和企业关掉他们的灯。

C. 没有灯,他们也能够玩得开心。

D. 在北京的人们和他们的朋友进行了非常好的谈话。

E. 地球一小时在那天也来到了中国。








Global warming is a big problem that we have to stop. One of the best things we do is to plant more trees. Trees can take in CO2 in the air and stop global warming. ________

A team of scientists at Boston University has been working with NASA to study Earth's green vegetation (植被). They used a special NASA camera and found that global leaf area had increased by 5 percent since the early 2000s. ________ That's about one-quarter of the size of the entire Amazon rainforest.

The growth mainly came from China's forest protection programs, NASA said. For example, since 1962, China has been planting trees in Saihanba, Hebei Province. It was once a desert. ________

________ Ant Forest, a feature in Alipay app, gives users points for doing eco-friendly things such as walking and going paperless in the office. Users can then use these points to water and grow their own virtual (虚拟的) trees. When the virtual trees are big enough, Ant Forest will plant real trees somewhere in the world. ________


The People's Bank of China will come out the fifth edition(版本)of the renminbi (RMB) from August 30, 2019. These banknotes(纸币)will have brighter colors and new security features(防伪特征).

We've been using banknotes for around 1,000 years. Back in the Northern Song Dynasty, Chinese people made the worlds earliest paper money to replace(代替) metal coins. These banknotes were called jiaozi.

Paper money is cheaper to make and easier to carry. These advantages made it more popular than other forms of money. But now, in the digital (数码的)age, paper money seems to be disappearing for the same reason.

China seems to be heading towards becoming a cashless(不用现金的) society. From supermarkets to street stores, people pay by using the We Chat Wallet and Alipay apps on their mobile phones. Sweden is even closer to a future without paper money. Many Swedish banks no longer even have cash on hand.

But there are worries about creating cashless societies. Some say it is unfair to the poor and people without much education. It's not easy for them to open bank accounts( 账户)or deal with mobile phones. And if all of your money is" digital, it may not be safe enough.

Is paper money going away? Although paper money is used less than electronic payment (电子支付) in some countries, it won' t disappear at once in most parts of the world.

(1)When will the fifth edition of RMB come out?

(2)Which country made the world 's earliest paper money to replace metal coins?

(3)Why is paper money more popular than other forms of money?

(4)Do many Swedish banks have any cash on hand?

(5)what does the writer want to tell us?

【答案】(1)August 30, 2019.

(2)Northern Song Dynasty.

(3)Because paper money is cheaper to make and easier to carry.

(4)No, they don't.

(5)Paper money won' t disappear at once in most parts of the world.


;Because it serves to glue their ties.


Qu Juanru is the official inheritor(官方传承人)of Jiaxing City Tongxiang flower—drum opera. She began to be on the stage when she was a teenager." My mother died when I was 14. I've lived with my father since then. In the old days, women were not allowed to perform opera. However, my father always supported me when I tried to sing." Qu said.

Qu started performing in the local troupe(剧团)called Aimin Flower—Drum Opera. Later, the troupe was disbanded (解散), and she went back to farming.

After that, the young girl tried to set up the troupe several times but failed. She really lived a hard life at that time. But she didn't give up.

In 2001, some developers planned to rebuild Wuzhen. They thought a place which has no culture is of little significance(意义).So they wanted to bring back local customs, including the Tongxiang flower—drum opera. Qu was their only hope.

Knowing she could sing again, Qu was so excited. Whether it's cold or hot. Qu always gives her everything on stage in Wuzhen. She has six rounds(场)of performing every day and each round lasts 30 minutes. In 2017, she was badly ill, yet it didn't stop her.

"I can still sing and perform. I'd love to be here." Qu said. In her opinion,opera life is a wonderful dream that can't be missed.

(1)When did Qu begin to be on the stage?

(2)Why did Qu go back to farming?

(3)Did Qu return to the stage or give up performing at last?

(4)How long does Qu perform every day?

(5)What does Qu think of the opera life?

【答案】(1)When she was a teenager.

(2)Because the troupe was disbanded.

(3)She returned/went back to the stage.

(4)180 minutes./3 hours.

(5)(It is)a wonderful dream(that can't be missed).


Mr. Reynolds, my teacher, handed us a list of thoughts, and asked us to write a paper on one of those thoughts. I chose the topic" I wonder why things are the way they are."

I wrote down all the questions that puzzled(困扰)me about life. I realized that many of them were hard to answer,and perhaps others could not be answered at all. When I handed in my paper,I was afraid that I might fail because I did not answer the questions.

The next day, Mr. Reynolds handed me the paper and asked me to read it for the class. The other students became quiet as I began to read my story:

Mum, why are the roses red? Why is the grass green and the sky blue? Why do I have to graduate(毕业)?Why do I have to grow up? Why do I have to be called "Grandma" one day?

Dad, why can't I stay out until 12: 00? Why do I miss my old friends? Why do I miss being at home? Why do you love me so much?

Mum, Dad, why did you have to leave me? I need you.

At the end of my story, I looked at Mr. Reynolds, and I saw a tear slowly coming down his face. Then I realized that life is not built on the answers we receive, but on the questions we ask. (1)Why was the writer afraid that she might fail?(不超过10个词)

(2)What did the teacher ask the writer to do for the class?(不超过15个词)

(3)What did the writer realize at the end of the story?(不超过15个词)

【答案】(1)Because she did not answer the questions(she wrote down).

(2)The teacher asked her to read her paper for the class. /To read her paper for the class.(3)The writer realized that life is built on the questions we ask. /Life is not built on the answers we receive, but on the questions we ask.


(1)根据I wrote down all the questions that puzzled我写下了所有使我困惑的关于生活的问题和I was afraid that I might fail because I did not answer the questions我害怕我会失败,因为我没有回答问题,可知,害怕失败是因为她没有回答问题她只是写了下来,故答案是Because she did not answer the questions(she wrote down)。

(2)根据Mr. Reynolds handed me the paper and asked me to read it for the class雷诺兹先生把试卷递给我,让我为全班朗读,可知老师要求作者为班级读她的课堂论文,故答案是The teacher asked her to read her paper for the class. /To read her paper for the class。

(3)根据Then I realized that life is not built on the answers we receive, but on the questions we as,可知作者在故事的结尾意识到了到生活建立在我们问的问题上。/生活不是建立在我们得到的答案上,而是建立在我们提出的问题上,故答案是The writer realized that life is built on the questions we ask. /Life is not built on the answers we receive, but on the questions we ask。



The Grand Canyon(科罗拉多大峡谷) is a large river canyon in Arizona. It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. Its widest point is 18 miles wide. The canyon is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Over millions of years, the Colorado River wore away rocks as it passed through the area. Slowly, the river made the path deeper and deeper. Now, the canyon is surrounded by steep walls on either side, while the river continues to flow at the bottom of the canyon.

Besides its large size, the Grand Canyon is also known for its magnificent colors. The canyon is made of layers of rock(岩层), and each layer of rock has a different depth and color. Geologists have identified almost 40 different layers of rock exposed by the rivers erosion.

The climate in canyon area is primarily desert, with both high and low temperatures. The upper rims of the canyon often receive snowfall. The air quality is usually very high, although dust

storms and smoke from fires can change the air.

The Grand Canyon is home to a variety of plants and animals. Plants range from various species of cactuto pine forests. Many types of animals live in the area, including the bald eagle, bobcats, bats and gila monsters. Six different kinds of rattlesnakes have been found in the area.

Today, the canyon is part of the Grand Canyon National Park. About five million tourists visit the park each year.

⑴________ ⑵________ ⑶________ ⑷________ ⑸________

【答案】 size;climate;home;a mile deep;layer


(1)细节理解题,根据It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. Its widest point is 18 miles wide. The canyon is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. 它长220多英里,在某些地方有一英里深,最宽的地方有18英里宽,峡谷被认为是世界七大自然奇观之一,故答案是size。

(2)细节理解题,根据The climate in canyon area is primarily desert, with both high and low temperatures. 峡谷地区的气候主要是沙漠,高温和低温并存. 故答案是climate。

(3)细节理解题,根据 The Grand Canyon is home to a variety of plants and animals. 大峡谷里有各种各样的动植物。故答案是home。

(4)细节理解题. 根据It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. 它长220多英里,有些地方有一英里深,故答案是a mile deep。

(5)细节理解题,根据each layer of rock has a different depth and color. 每层岩石有不同的深度和颜色,故答案是layer。




(2020最新模拟江苏省宿迁市 A) 根据句意及所给中文提 示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。每小题1分) 46. My neighbours are very ▲ (友好的) to us. 47. Do you ▲ (同意) with what I say? 48. We had a very cold ▲ (冬季) last year. 49. Are you ▲ (有空的) this evening? 50. I can’t ▲ (买得起) to go to the 2020最新 模拟 World Cup. 51. The tourists had no c ▲ but to wait for the next bus. 52. Tom is a ▲ (a good sense of humour) boy, so everyone likes him. 【答案】46.friendly 47.agree 48.winter 49.free 50.afford 51.choice 52.humo(u)rous (2020最新模拟.江苏省无锡市.B根据句意和汉语注释,在 答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式,每小题1 分) 6.Sometimes ______________(深厚的) feelings are hard to put into words. 7.Mr Wang was busy,but he_____________ (坚持) on seeing me off at the airport. 8.Will you join us in the _____________(讨论)about the teenage problems.


专项训练五校园生活 时间:8~10分钟/篇分值:2分/小题 Passage 1(2018贵港) Mahalya Daye is a student in Grade 8 at Lamberton Middle School in Pennsylvania, US. Every afternoon at 2 o'clock, she runs to a store at her school, she is not running to buy snacks. Instead, she works as the storekeeper and helps count change(零钱) for customers. “I d idn't k now t hat i t t ook s o m uch w ork. I d idn't d o a nything l ike t his,”M ahalya told The Sentinel, a local newspaper. In fact, she and another 11 students work as the storekeepers at Bison Bargains, the school's first student-run store. It started on February 22, and it opens each school day during break time from 2 to 2∶30 p.m. It mainly sells stationery and snacks. Through this, students see what a business is like. Christian Ilg, a 14-year-old student, was really surprised by how hard it was to not make mistakes and do the transactions(交易). “It's kind of a challenge to learn all the information on the stock(供应物) lists and remember all the prices of the products,”Christian told the newspaper. To help them learn about business, they took a class. The class taught students how to use money and some simple business rules. The school did a survey on what products students would buy from a school store. In the future, they plan to sell things made by the students themselves. For example, students can sell their homemade pencil boxes and phone cases. ()1. Mahalya runs to a store in her school to________. A. buy some snacks B. learn about customers C. work as the storekeeper D. learn about the information ()2. What does the underlined word “stationery”mean in Chinese? A. 文具 B. 餐具 C. 道具 D. 家具 ()3. How long does Bison Bargains open each school day during break time? A. 60 minutes. B. 50 minutes. C. 40 minutes. D. 30 minutes. ()4. The purpose of having a student-run store is to ________. A. teach students to learn from mistakes B. help students see what a business is like C. sell more stationery and snacks to students D. start a class on how to use money in the store ()5. What is this passage mainly about? A. The school's new program, a student-run store. B. The results of a survey on the student-run store. C. The reasons of opening a student-run store. D. The rules of the student-run store. Passage 2(2018丽水)


北京中考英语阅读理解训练一 Want a glance of the future of health care? Take a look at the way the various networks of people about patient care are being connected to one another, and how this new connectivity is being exploited to deliver medicine to the patient —no matter where he or she may be. Online doctors offering advice based on normal symptoms(症状) are the most obvious example. Increasingly, however, remote diagnosis(远程诊断) will be based on real physiological data(生理数据) from the actual patient. A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using personal data assistance plus a mobile phone, it is perfectly practical to send a patient's important signs over the telephone. With this kind of equipment, the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past. Other medical technology groups are working on applying telemedicine to rural(countryside) care. And at least one team wants to use telemedicine as a tool for disaster need—especially after earthquakes. On the whole, the trend is towards providing global access to medical data and experts' opinions. But there is one problem. Bandwidth(宽带) is the limiting factor for sending complex(复杂的) medical pictures around the world — CT photos being one of the biggest bandwidth users. Communication satellites may be able to deal with the short-term needs during disasters such as earthquakes or wars. But medicine is looking towards both the second-generation Internet and third-generation mobile phones for the future of remote medical service. Doctors have met to discuss computer-based tools for medical diagnosis, training and telemedicine. With the falling price of broadband communications, the new technologies should start a new time when telemedicine and the sharing of medical information, experts' opinions and diagnosis are common. 1. The writer chiefly talks about _______. A. the use of telemedicine B. the on-lined doctors C. medical care and treatment D. communication improvement 2. The basis of remote diagnosis will be _______. A. personal data assistance B. some words of a patient C. real physiological information D. medical pictures from the Internet 3. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A. Patients don't need doctors in hospitals any more. B. It is impossible to send a patient's signs over the telephone. C. Many teams use telemedicine dealing with disasters now. D. Broadband communications will become cheaper in the future. 4. The “problem” in the fourth paragraph refers to the fact that _______.


名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .


中考英语英语阅读理解训练经典题目 一、英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Radios, telephones and televisions are widely used in the world. When you switch on the radio, you can listen. But when you use the telephone, not only can you listen to others, but also you can chat with them. However, you cannot see anything at all. Television is much better than both of them. People can watch TV and listen to it, but they cannot take part in what they see. Today, some people are using a new type of telephone called vision phone. With it two people who are talking can see each other. Vision phones can be of great use when you have something to show the person whom you are calling. It may also have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to call up a library and ask to read a book right over your vision phone. You may be able to do the shopping through it too. Perhaps in the near future, vision phones will come into our everyday life. (1)According to the passage, we can guess that the was invented last. A.radio B.television C.telephone D.vision phone (2)Maybe the vision phone can take the place of some day. A.the radio B.the telephone C.the television D.A, B&C (3)Through a vision phone we can. A.take medicine B.order what we need C.travel around the world D.try on clothes (4)can be both used to listen and see. A.The radio B.The television C.The vision phone D.B&. C (5)In the future, you can use a vision phone to . A.read a library book B.ask a librarian to read a book for you C.ask a librarian to bring you a book D.ask a librarian to do some shopping for you 【答案】(1)D (2)D (3)B (4)D (5)A 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章重点介绍了一种新电话——可视电话的用途,以及发展前景。 (1)逻辑推理题,根据Today, some people are using a new type of telephone called vision phone.可知可视电话可以是两人彼此通话,彼此视频,比电话和电视都更先进了一步,可以推测可视电话是最后发明的。故答案是D。 (2)逻辑推理题,根据文章的描述,可视电话的功能越来越齐全,很有可能将原来这些像电视,收音机和电脑取代。故答案是D。 (3)逻辑推理题,根据Some day you may be able to call up a library and ask to read a book right over your vision phone. You may be able to do the shopping through it too. 可知用可视电话可以从图书馆给你预定书,从商场预定商品。故答案是B。 (4)细节理解题,根据People can watch TV and listen to it, 和With it two people who are


北京市2020年高级中等学校招生考试 英语 姓名准考证号考场号座位号. 知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Mr. Jackson is a popular writer,and we all like reading books. A. his B. her C. their D. your https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc13192972.html,ually I make breakfast for my family Saturdays. A. at B. in C. on D. to 3.Wash your hands before meals,you may get ill. A. and B. but C. or D. so 4.—you give me a hand? I can't move the box by myself —No problem. A.Could B. Should C. Must D. Need 5.—do you visit your grandparents,Tom? —Twice a month. A.How much B. How often C. How long D. How soon 6.Zhaozhou Bridge is one of stone bridges in the world A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest 7.If you take this train,you in Shanghai in five hours.

最新-2018中考英语真题分类汇编 精品

2018中考英语真题分类汇编:单选非谓语动词 (2018山东省潍坊市19. 1)At least 300 million people are using QQ________by Ma Huateng to chat on line. A.create B.creates C.creating D.created 【答案】D (2018四川省成都市42. 1)-Where's your brother now,Bob? --I saw him _______in the street a moment ago and I told him_________. A.playing;don't do so B.playing;not to so C.play;to do so 【答案】B (2018·吉林省通化市,46,1)The woman made his son_____finally after she told him some jokes. https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc13192972.html,ughed B.to laugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc13192972.html,ugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc13192972.html,ughing 【答案】C (2018·河南省,24,1)( ) Father often tells me--too much time on computer games. A don't spend B not spend C not to spend D not spending 【答案】C (2018·湖北省黄冈市,43,1)-How would your family like to travel? --It's a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel,while father always sticks ______to travel. A.to drive B.to driving C.driving D.drive 【答案】B (2018·山东省聊城市,34,1)The teachers often tell their pubils ________aeross the road when the traffic light is red. A.not go B.not to go C.don't go D.didn't go 【答案】B (2018·陕西省,25,1)Don't forget _________an umbrella _______you.It's going to rain.


中考英语阅读理解分类解读 一、人物故事类 【命题趋势】 人物故事以记述人物生平故事为主。体裁一般是记叙文,包含记叙文的时间、地点、人物、事件等要素。写作手法多采用时间、空间或逻辑线索贯穿文章始终。命题以细节为主,推理为辅。近年来,人物传记类阅读文章在高中阅读理解题中有所减 少。 【应试对策】 人物故事类文章多为记叙文,为了支撑所要描述的人物,短语往往会出现大量细节,这些细节有时很直接,理解字面意思即可,有时则很间接,需要综合、归纳、推理才能判断。准确理解细节是做好这类题的关键。那么,怎样准确理解细节呢? 首先,从问题中找到关键词;然后以此为线索,运用略读和查阅的技巧在文中迅速找细节;找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读,认真比较选项和文中细节的区别;最后,在正确理解细 节的前提下,确定最佳答案。 【典型考题】 (1) When we asked students what they want to be, they often

talk about unusual jobs, things like teachers and doctors. But if you think about it, many people don’t plan to do their jobs. They just start doing them by accident. We have talked to two people with unusual jobs. Emily is a dentist but she doesn’t work with people. She works with horses. After university she took care of animal’s health for several years, but she notices that there were few people who could help horse s’ teeth. She deicide to go to college and study again. Then she had to buy special tools, but she is never out of work. She’d always very busy taking care of horses’ teeth. “I couldn’t be a dentist for people now,” Emily said, “because I really enjoy working with horses.” As soon as David could read, he read books about robots, but the robots he build today don’t look like the strange robot people in his books. He build robots for industry. Early one he made up his mind to study math, science and computers so that he could break into the world of robot engineering. “Some of the math is very difficult.” say David, “but you must study math to be an engineer.” Fortunately he got top marks in all his math exams. 1. Emily doesn’t want to be a dentist because _________. A. the pay is low B. she has to buy special


北京中考英语阅读练习题带答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《北京中考英语阅读练习题带答案》的内容,具体内容:阅读能力是北京中考英语考试中的重要考察能力之一,只有做好英语阅读部分才能提高英语科目的考试成绩。下面我为大家带来北京中考英语阅读练习题,供考生阅读练习。北京中考英语阅读练习题(... 阅读能力是北京中考英语考试中的重要考察能力之一,只有做好英语阅读部分才能提高英语科目的考试成绩。下面我为大家带来北京中考英语阅读练习题,供考生阅读练习。 北京中考英语阅读练习题(一) More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunt-ing with his men. He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle, which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunt-ing, Gelert ran out to meet his master. He wagged his tail and jumped up to put his paws on the Princes chest. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelerts jaws and head. "What have you done?" the Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on


(英语)中考英语试题真题分类汇编介词及解析 一、初中英语介词 1.I've ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive _____ two hours. A. in B. after C. over D. for 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:我已经给奶奶订了一些花儿,它们两个小时后就会到达。in+时间段,表示将来,意思是“……以后”;after+时间段,表示过去;over+时间段,表示“经过……时间”,通常用现在完成时;for+时间段,表示动作或状态的延续。根据句中的will arrive 可知此处表示一般将来时,故答案为A。 【点评】考查介词辨析。注意in、after和for后跟时间段时各自的常用时态。 2.I'll be at home __________ Sunday morning. You can phone me then. A. on B. in C. at D. to 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:在周日早上我将在家,那时你可以给我打电话。on+具体时间;in+the+morning/afternoon/evening,在早上/下午/晚上;at+时间点。Sunday morning指的是周日早上,指的是具体日期,所以用on,故选A。 【点评】考查介词辨析,注意平时识记on、in、at的区别。 3.I will go around the city of Dalian by light-rail vehicle(轻轨) subway because I haven't taken it before. A. instead of B. in the face of C. along with D. across from 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我打算不坐地铁,坐轻轨车参观大连,因为我以前从没有坐过。 A.而不是; B.面对; C.和……一起; D.在……对面。因为原来没有坐过轻轨,所以这里是坐轻轨而不是坐地铁,故答案是A。 【点评】考查短语辨析,注意识记短语instead of的意思。 4.My mother often says, "Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud who you are." A. of B. with C. at D. in 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我妈妈经常说,像向日葵一样挺起胸膛,为自己感到骄傲。be proud of,固定搭配,为……骄傲,故选A。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意be proud of的用法。 5.The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 【答案】 D


最新中考英语阅读理解分类训练 环境保护类短文阅读 1. 阅读理解 It is reported that some developed counties have shipped broken parts of computes to China.Such a thing can be founded every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones send from Japan. Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with is not an easy job because dangerous poison like mercury(汞)and lead (铅)can be found in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be deal with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really goes in the earth. Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong province is one of them. This town is named as”the e-waste capital of the world”. It has to deal with 1.5mllion kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million years. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poison in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers, Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in G uiyu badly polluted. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesn;t do harm to the environment life. This year,China presents a new protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer and people’s complies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the complies that make computers know best to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in near future. 61. The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from ________. A.France B.Japan C.Germany D. Aus tralia 62. The underlined word buried probably means _______ in the passage. A.焚烧 B.障碍 C.回收 D.掩埋 63. The town of Guiya in Guangdong Province _________. A.is the e-capital of the world B.has serious e-waste pollution C. Deals with e-waste safely D.speeds much money on e-waste 64. This year,the Chinese government __________.


2017北京中考英语阅读理解训练:Mr.David When Mr. David retired,he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were visitors outside the house. They kept looking in to the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into the house. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,“If you want to satisfy your curiosity,come in and look David was sure that the around. Price: twenty dollars.”Mr. visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide”,he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away. 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 31. Mr. David’s house was that many visitors came to see it. A. so small B. so quiet C. so interesting D. such interesting
