




I have had my eyes tested and the report says that my _______ is perfect.

A) outlook C) horizon

B) vision D) perspective




He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in _______ with the Imperial Museum.

A) collection C) collaboration

B) connection D) combination




In those days, executives expected to spend most of their lives in the same firm and, unless they were dismissed for _______, to retire at the age of 65.

A) integrity C) incompetence

B) denial D) deduction




Others viewed the findings with _______, noting that a. cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains to be shown.

A) optimism C) caution

B) passion D) deliberation




The 1986 Challenger space-shuttle _______ was caused by unusually low temperatures immediately before the launch.

A) expedition C) dismay

B) controversy D) disaster




When supply exceeds demand for any product, prices are _______ to fall.

A) timely C) subject

B) simultaneous D) liable




The music aroused an _______ feeling of homesickness in him.

A) intentional C) intense

B) intermittent D) intrinsic




I bought an alarm clock with a(n) _______ dial, which can be seen clearly in the dark.

A) supersonic C) audible

B) luminous D) amplified




The results are hardly _______; he cannot believe they are accurate.

A) credible C) critical

B) contrary D) crucial




This new laser printer is _______ with all leading software.

A) comparable C) compatible

B) competitive D) cooperative




The ball _______ two or three times before rolling down the slope.

A) swayed C) hopped

B) bounced D) darted




He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and _______ it in a single nod, a gesture boys .used then for O.K. when they were pleased.

A) shrugged C) jerked

B) tugged D) twisted




Many types of rock are _______ from volcanoes as solid, fragmentary material.

A) flung C) ejected

B) propelled D) injected




With prices _______ so much, it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.

A) vibrating C) fluttering

B) fluctuating D) swinging




The person who _______ this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise.

A) originated C) generated

B) speculated D) manufactured




_______ that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate.

A) Concerning C) Assuming

B) Ascertaining D) Regarding




Her jewelry _______ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball.

A) glared C) blazed

B) glittered D) dazzled




Connie was told that if she worked too hard, her health would _______.

A) deteriorate C) descend

B) degrade D) decay




We find that some birds _______ twice a year between hot and cold countries.

A) transfer C) migrate

B) commute D) emigrate




As visiting scholars, they willingly _______ to the customs of the country they live in.

A) submit C) subject

B) conform D) commit




More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother tongue and _______ to the Roman Catholic faith.

A) caters C) ascribes

B) adheres D) subscribes




The professor found himself constantly _______ the question: “How could anyone do these things?

A) presiding C) pondering

B) poring D) presuming




Weeks _______ before anyone was arrested in connection with the bank robbery.

A) terminated C) overlapped

B) elapsed D) expired




In order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which _______ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.

A) relieve C) reclaim

B) reconcile D) rectify




How much of your country’s electrical supply is _______ from water power?

A) deduced C) derived

B) detached D) declined




She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company’s client data, which she intended to _______ in starting her own business.

A) dwell on C) base on

B) come upon D) draw upon




The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are _______.

A) intricate C) subtle

B) fragile D) crisp




Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only _______ the crisis.

A) accelerates C) ascends

B) prevails D) precedes




He blew out the candle and _______ his way to the door.

A) converged C) strove

B) groped D) wrenched




Often such arguments have the effect of _______ rather than clarifying the issues involved.

A) obscuring C) tackling

B) prejudicing D) blocking





Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree, is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of the business world’s favorite academic title: the MBA (Master of Business Administration).

The MBA, a 20th-century product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed (贪婪) on the tree-lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature.

But even with the recession apparently cutting into the hiring of business school graduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993. This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960, a testimony to the widespread assumption that the MBA is vital for young men and women who want to run companies some day.

“If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have one,” said Donald Morrison, professor of marketing and management science. “But in the last five years or so, when someone says, ‘Should I attempt to get an MBA,’ the answer a lot more is: It depends.”

The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped inspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught.

The Harvard Business Review printed a lively, fictional exchange of letters to dramatize complaints about business degree holders.

The article called MBA hires “extremely disappointing” and said “MBAs want to move up too fast, they don’t understand politics and people, and they aren’t able to function as part of a team until their third year. But by then, they’re out looking for other jobs.”

The problem, most participants in the debate acknowledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura

(光环) of future fiches and power far beyond its actual importance and usefulness.

Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career could do without one. The growth was fueled by a backlash (反冲) against the anti-business values of the 1960s and by the women’s movement.

Business people who have hired or worked with MBAs say those with the degrees often know how to analyze systems but are not so skillful at motivating people. “They don’t get a lot of grounding in the people side of the business,” said James Shaffer, vice-president and principal of the Towers Per-fin management consulting firm.

1. According to Paragraph 2, what is the general attitude towards business on campuses dominated by purer disciplines?

A) Scornful C) Envious.

B) Appreciative. D) Realistic.

2. It seems that the controversy over the value of MBA degrees has been fueled mainly by ______.

A) the complaints from various employers

B) the success of many non-MBAs

C) the criticism from the scientists of purer disciplines

D) the poor performance of MBAs at work

3. What is the major weakness of MBA holders according to The Harvard Business Review?

A) They are usually serf-centered.

B) They are aggressive and greedy.

C) They keep complaining about their jobs.

D) They are not good at dealing with people.

4. From the passage we know that most MBAs _______.

A) can climb the corporate ladder fairly quickly

B) quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmates

C) receive salaries that do not match their professional training

D) cherish unrealistic expectations about their future

5. What is the passage mainly about?

A) Why there is an increased enrollment in MBA programs.

B) The necessity of reforming MBA programs in business schools.

C) Doubts about the worth of holding an MBA degree.

D) A debate held recently on university campuses.








German Chancellor (首相) Otto V on Bismarck may be most famous for his military and diplomatic talent, but his legacy (遗产) includes many of today’s social insurance programs. During the middle of the 19th century, Germany, along with other European nations, experienced an unprecedented rash of workplace deaths and accidents as a result of growing industrialization. Motivated in part by Christian compassion (怜悯) for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the support of the socialist labor movement, Chancellor Bismarck created the world’s first workers’ compensation law in 1884.

By 1908, the United States was the only industrial nation in the world that lacked workers’ compensation insurance. America’s injured workers could sue for damages in a court of law, but they still faced a number of tough legal barriers. For example, employees had to prove that their injuries directly resulted from employer negligence and that they themselves were ignorant about potential hazards in the workplace. The first state workers’ compensation la w in this country passed in 1911, and the program soon spread throughout the nation.

After World War II, benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living. In fact, real benefit levels were lower in the 1970s than they were in the 1940s, and in most states the maximum benefit was below the poverty level for a family of four. In 1970, President Richard Nixon set up a national commission to study the problems of workers’ compensation. Two years later, the commission issued 19 key recommendations, including one that called for increasing compensation benefit levels to 100 percent of the states’ average weekly wages.

In fact, the average compensation benefit in America has climbed from 55 percent of the states’ average weekly wages in 1972 to 97 percent today. But, as most studies show, every 10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims. And with so much more money floating in the workers’ compensation system, it’s not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a large slice of the growing pie.

1. The world’s first workers’ compensation law was introduced by Bismarck _______.

A) to make industrial production safer

B) to speed up the pace of industrialization

C) out of religious and political considerations

D) for fear of losing the support of the socialist labor movement

2. We learn from the passage that the process of industrialization in Europe _______.

A) Was accompanied by an increased number of workshop accidents

B) resulted in the development of popular social insurance programs

C) required workers to be aware of the potential dangers at the workplace

D) met growing resistance from laborers working at machines

3. One of the problems the American injured workers faced in getting compensation in the early 19th century was that ______.

A) they had to have the courage to sue for damages in a court of law

B) different sums in the U.S. had totally different compensation programs

C) America’s average compensation benefit was much lower than the cost of living

D) they had to produce evidence that their employers were responsible for the accident

4. After 1972 workers’ compensation insurance in the U.S. became more favorable to wor kers so that _______.

A) the poverty level for a family of four went up drastically

B) there were fewer legal barriers when they filed for claims

C) the number of workers suing for damages increased

D) more money was allocated to their compensation system

5. The author ends the passage with the implication that ______.

A) compensation benefits in America are soaring to new heights

B) the workers are not the only ones to benefit from the compensation system

C) people from all walks of life can benefit from the compensation system

D) money floating in the compensation system is a huge drain on the U.S. economy








When school officials in Kalkaska, Michigan, closed classes last week, the media flocked to the story, portraying the town’s 2,305 students as victims of stingy (吝啬的) taxpayers. There is some truth to that; the property-tax rate here is one-third lower than the state average. But shutting their schools also all owed Kalkaska’s educators and the state’s largest teachers’ union, the Michigan Education Association, to make a political point. Their aim was to spur passage of legislation Michigan lawmakers are debating to increase the state’s share of school funding.

It was no coincidence that Kalkaska shut its schools two weeks after residents rejected a 28 percent property-tax increase. The school board argued that without the increase it lacked the $1.5 million needed to keep schools open.

But the school system had not done all it could to keep the schools open. Officials declined to borrow against next ear’s state aid, they refused to trim extracurricular activities and they did not consider seeking a smaller-perhaps more acceptable-tax increase. In fact, closing early is costing Kalkaska a significant amount, including $600,000 in unemployment payments to teachers and staff and $250,000 in lost state aid. In February, the school system promised teachers and staff two months of retirement payments in case schools closed early, a deal that will cost the district $275,000 more.

Other signs suggest school authorities were at least as eager to make a political statement as to keep schools open. The Michigan Education Association hired a public relations firm to stage a rally marking the school closings, which attracted 14 local and national television stations and networks. The president of the National Education Association, the MEA’s parent organization, flew from Washington, D. C., for the event. And the union tutored school officials in the art of television interviews. School supervisor Doyle Disbrow acknowledges the district could have kept schools open by cutting programs but denies the moves were politically motivated.

Michigan lawmakers have reacted angrily to the closings. The state Senate has already voted to put the system into receivership (破产管理) and reopen schools immediately; the Michigan House plans to consider the bill this week.

1. We learn from the passage that schools in Kalkaska, Michigan, are funded ______.

A) by both the local and state governments

B) exclusively by the local government

C) mainly by the state government

D) by the National Education Association

2. One of the pumoses for which school officials closed classes was _______.

A) to avoid paying retirement benefits to teachers and staff

B) to draw the attention of local taxpayers to political issues

C) to make the financial difficulties of their teachers and staff known to the public

D) to pressure Michigan lawmakers into increasing state funds for local schools

3. The author seems to disapprove of _______.

A) the Michigan lawmakers’ endless debating

B) the shutting of schools in Kalkaska

C) the involvement of the mass media

D) delaying the passage of the school funding legislation

4. We learn from the passage that school authorities in Kalkaska are more concerned about _______.

A) a raise in the property-tax rate in Michigan

B) reopening the schools there immediately

C) the attitude of the MEA’s parent organization

D) making a political issue of the closing of the schools

5. According to the passage, the closing of the schools developed into a crisis because of ______.

A) the complexity of the problem

B) the political motives on the part of the educators

C) the weak response of the state officials

D) the strong protest on the part of the students’ parents








Early in the age of affluence (富裕) that followed World War 12, an American retailing analyst named Victor Lebow proclaimed, “Our enormously productive economy ... demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption. ... We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded at an ever increasing rate.”

Americans have responded to Lebow’s call, and much of the world has followed. Consumption has become a central pillar of life in industrial lands and is even embedded in social values. Opinion surveys in the world’s two largest economies-Japan and the United Sates -- show consumerist definitions of success becoming ever more prevalent.

Overconsumption by the world’s fortunate is an envi ronmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth. Their surging exploitation of resources threatens to exhaust or unalterably spoil forests, soils, water, air and climate.

Ironically, high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms, too. The time-honored values of integrity of character, good work, friendship, family and community have often been sacrificed in the rush to riches.

Thus many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world of plenty is somehow hollow-that, misled by a consumerist culture, they have been fruitlessly attempting to satisfy what are essentially social, psychological and spiritual needs with material things.

Of course, the opposite of overconsumption-poverty-is no solution to either environmental or human problems. It is infinitely worse for people and bad for the natural world too. Dirpossessed (被剥夺得一无所有的) peasants slash-and-burn their way into the rain forests of Latin America, and hungry nomads (游牧民族) turn their herds out onto fragile African grassland, reducing it to desert.

If environmental destruction results when people have either too little or too much, we are left to wonder how much is enough. What level of consumption can the earth support? When does having more cease to add noticeably to human satisfaction?

3. Why does the author say high consumption is a mixed blessing?

A) Because poverty still exists in an affluent society.

B) Because moral values are sacrificed in pursuit of material satisfaction.

C) Because overconsumption won’t last long due to unrestricted population growth.

D) Because traditional rituals are often neglected in the process of modernization.

4. According to the passage, consumerist culture ________.

A) cannot thrive on a fragile economy

B) will not aggravate environmental problems

C) cannot satisfy human spiritual needs

D) will not alleviate poverty in wealthy countries

5 It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A) human spiritual needs should match material affluence

B) there is never an end to satisfying people’s material needs

C) whether high consumption should be encouraged is still an issue

D) how to keep consumption at a reasonable level remains a problem









When women do become managers, do they ring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and __1__ than male managers?

Some research __2__ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater __3__, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a __4__ to bring emotional factors to bear __5__ making workplace decisions. These differences are __6_ to carry advantages for companies, __7__ they expand the range of techniques that can be used to __8__ the company manage its workforce __9__.

A stud y commissioned by the International Women’s Forum __10__ a management style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that __11__ from the command-and-control style __12__ used by male managers. Using this “interactive leadership” approach, “women__13__ participation, share power and information, __14__ other people’s self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these __15__ reflect their belief that allowing __16__ to contribute and to feel __17__ and important is a win-win __18__-good for the employees and the organization.” The study’s director __19__ that “interactive leadership may emerge __20__ the management style of choice for many organizations.”

1. A) confronted B) commanded C) confined D) committed

2. A) supports B) argues C) opposes D) despises

3. A) combination B) cooperativeness C) coherence D) correlation

4. A) willingness B) loyalty C) sensitivity D) virtue

5. A) by B) in C) at D) with

6. A) disclosed B) watched C) revised D) seen

7. A) therefore B) whereas C) because D) nonetheless

8. A) help B) enable C) support D) direct

9. A) evidently B) precisely C) aggressively D) effectively

10. A) developed B) invented C) discovered D) located

11. A) derives B) differs C) descends D) detaches

12. A) inherently B) traditionally C) conditionally D) occasionally

13. A) encourage B) dismiss C) disapprove D) engage

14. A) enhance B) enlarge C) ignore D) degrade

15. A) themes B) subjects C) researches D) things

16. A) managers B) women C) employees D) males

17. A) faithful B) powerful C) skillful D) thoughtful

18. A) situation B) status C) circumstance D) position

19. A) predicted B) proclaimed C) defied D) diagnosed

20. A) into B) from C) as D) for























2020年9月英语四六级考试真题含答案 【1四级第一套】 听力答案: 1.A) Ship traffic in the Atlantic. 2.D) They may be affecting the world’s climate. 3.C) To call for a permanent security guard. 4.A) It had already taken strong action. 5.B) The road was blocked. 6.D) A track hit a barrier and overturned. 7.B) It was a hard task to removing the spilled substance. 8.A) She wanted to save for a new phone. 9.D) They are less aware of the value of their money. 10.B) More non-essential things. 11.C) It may lead to excessive spending. 12.C) He had a problem with the furniture delivered. 13.B) Describe the furniture he received. 14.A) Correct their mistake. 15. с) She apologized to the man once more. 16. B) Tidying up one's home. 17. A) Things that make one happy. 18. C) It received an incredibly large number of donated books. 19. A) Give free meals to the homeless. 20. D) Follow his example. 21. C) Sending him had-made bags. 22. A) To solve word search puzzles. 23. B) They could no longer concentrate on their task. 24. C) A reduction in the amount of sleep. 25. C) Realize the disruptive effects of technology. PART I Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionaries. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文: With the growing popularity of smartphones and the high coverage rate of wireless network, online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular for students in daily study. It seems to be a trend that online dictionaries would replace paper ones. However, just as the saying goes, “different strokes for different folks.” Some students are more prone to use online dictionaries and have two points to support it. First, online dictionaries are more portable, and make it possible to look up any new words that we met anytime and anywhere only via a small phone in our hands. Second, we can improve both written and oral skills, as online dictionaries allow us to hear the native pronunciation of each


四六级经典真题答案解析 考试一直以来都是中国大学英语教学的重要评估方式之一,几乎所有大学生都会参加这个考试。这个考试对于学生来说,具有很大的挑战性,因为它涉及到很多方面的知识和技能。在接下来的文章中,我将对一些经典的真题进行解析,并提供一些答案解析的建议。 首先,让我们来看一个经典的阅读题: Passage 1 A preteen boy sits in a doctor’s office. “Do you have any chest pain? Does your heart ever flutter?” his mother asks. He answers, “Sometimes, but only when I do sports or run a lot.” The boy has a type of asthma called exercise-induced asthma (EIA) which affects as many as 90% of people with asthma, frequently severe enough to limit or prevent exercise or sports participation, a new study finds. Dr. Jill Murray, a pediatrician and researcher at Georgia State University, presented the study at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Question: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The negative effect of exercise on the heart. B. A new study on exercise-induced asthma. C. A pediatrician's experience in treating asthma.


2023年6月大学生英语四级真题试卷及详细答案(三套) 前言 2023年6月的大学生英语四级考试即将到来,为了帮助广大考生更好地备战,本文提供了三套2023年6月大学生英语四级真题试卷及详细答案。希望本文可以对考生们的备考提供一定的帮助。 试卷一 第一部分:听力理解(共25小题) 听力理解部分包含了五个听力材料,每个材料后面有五个 问题。请考生根据所听到的内容选择正确的答案。 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题) 阅读理解部分包含了四篇文章,每篇文章后面有五个问题。请考生根据文章内容选择正确的答案。 第三部分:完型填空(共15小题) 完型填空部分包含了一篇短文,短文中有15个空格。请考生根据上下文选择合适的词语填入空格处。

辨析词义部分包含了10个句子,每个句子中都有一个加下划线的单词,考生需要根据句子的上下文选择最合适的词义。 第五部分:写作(共两个任务) 写作部分包含了两个任务,第一个任务是写一篇关于城市交通问题的短文,第二个任务是根据一幅图画写一篇短文。 试卷二 第一部分:听力理解(共25小题) … 试卷三 第一部分:听力理解(共25小题) … 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题) …

… 第四部分:辨析词义(共10小题)… 第五部分:写作(共两个任务) … 答案及解析 试卷一答案及解析 听力理解 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5. C …

阅读理解 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5. A …完型填空 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5. C …辨析词义 1.B 2.A 3.C

4.D 5. B … 写作 任务一:城市交通问题的短文 (此处省略正文) 任务二:根据一幅图画写一篇短文 (此处省略正文) 试卷二答案及解析 … 试卷三答案及解析 … 注意:本文只是提供了试卷的框架和部分内容,实际的试卷内容和答案需要参考真实的2023年6月大学生英语四级考试。希望本文可以帮助考生们更好地备考,祝大家顺利通过考试!


四六级真题及答案解析 近年来,全民英语潮流盛行,英语成为了人们日常生活中不可或 缺的一部分。其中,大学英语四六级考试就扮演着至关重要的角色。 四六级考试激发着无数学子的紧张与期待,渴望通过这一关才能进入 理想的大学或获取更好的职业发展机会。本文将对四六级真题进行解析,帮助考生更好地准备考试。 首先,了解四六级考试的内容和形式对备考非常重要。四六级考 试分为听力、阅读、写作和翻译四大部分。听力考试主要测试考生对 英语口语的理解能力,要求学生能够听懂不同语速和口音的英语,并 能正确回答问题。阅读理解部分则要求考生快速阅读文章,掌握文章 的主旨和细节,并能根据问题选择正确答案。写作部分要求考生能够 用流利、准确、规范的英语表达观点和想法。最后,翻译部分会给出 一个中文句子要求考生翻译成英文。 其次,掌握过去几年的四六级真题是备考的关键。通过分析过去 几年的四六级真题,可以总结出一些常见的出题点和考点。例如,在 听力考试中,常见的题型有听对话、听短文、听长对话等。在阅读理 解部分,常见的题型有选择题、匹配题、判断题等。写作部分通常需 要根据所给的提示或图表进行写作。翻译部分则以句子翻译为主。通 过不断练习和掌握这些题型和技巧,可以提高自己的应试能力。 第三,解析四六级真题的答案时需要注意一些技巧。有时候,答 案并不是那么明显,需要通过一些关键词或上下文推断。在听力部分,可以通过听到的关键词或关键句来推测答案。在阅读理解部分,可以 通过逐行阅读来找到关键信息,然后结合问题来确定答案。在写作和 翻译部分,要注重语法和词汇的准确使用。

此外,备考四六级还需要注重平时的积累。词汇和语法是四六级 考试的重点和难点,需要通过大量的练习和记忆才能够掌握。平时可 以通过背单词、阅读英语书籍和与外国人交流来提高自己的英语水平。 总之,备考四六级考试需要有系统性和持续性的学习。通过了解 四六级考试的内容和形式,掌握过去几年的真题,运用解题技巧和科 学方法,在平时注重积累,相信每个考生都能够在考试中取得好成绩。

大学英语四六级 考试真题及参考答案

之 2001年1月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案

2001年1月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案 一、单选题 第1题: Starting with the ________ that there is life on the planet Mars, the seientst went on to develop his argument. A) premise B) pretext C) foundation D) presentation 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】:无 第2题: After several nuclear disasters, a ________ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy. A) quarrel B) suspicion C) verdict D) controversy 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】:无 第3题: Their diplomatic principles complely laid bare their ________ for world conquest. A) admiration B) ambition C) administration D)orientation 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】:无 第4题: The director gave me his ________ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. A) warrant B) obligation C) assurance D) certainty 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第5题: The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ________ such as colored lights and glass balls. A) ornaments B) luxuries C) exhibits D) complements


四六级真题文章解析及答案 近年来,英语四六级考试已成为大学生们的常态化考试之一。随 着考试的临近,考生们纷纷开始备考,除了平时的课堂练习和模拟测 试外,真题的解析也成为他们备考的重要一环。本文将从阅读理解和 写作两个方面对四六级真题进行解析及答案讲解,希望能够对考生们 的备考有所帮助。 一、阅读理解 四六级阅读理解分为长篇阅读和短文填词两部分。其中,长篇阅 读要求考生在有限的时间内阅读一篇较长的文章,并回答与原文相关 的若干问题。短文填词则要求考生根据所给的短文内容,在文章中空 缺的地方填入一个恰当的词语。 在长篇阅读部分,历年来的真题中,涉及的话题包括教育、科技、环境保护等多个方面。针对这些话题,考生们在备考过程中要加强对 相关词汇和句型的积累。同时,为了更好地理解文章,考生们要学会 运用推理和归纳的能力,通过上下文的线索进行判断,找出正确答案。 短文填词部分则是对考生词汇的考察和应用。在解析短文填词时,考生们要注意上下文的语境,通过对前后句的理解,推测空缺处应填 入的词汇。此外,备考过程中,积累不同主题词汇表达也是十分关键 的一环。考生们不仅要记住单词的词义,还要学会运用词汇搭配和短 语表达。 二、写作部分 四六级写作分为短文写作和作文两部分。其中,短文写作要求考

生根据所给的提纲写一篇短文,作文则要考生根据所给话题写一篇较 长的文章。在备考写作时,考生们除了要多写多练外,还要注意以下 几点。 首先,考生们要掌握各种写作的基本技巧,如如何开头、如何衔 接等。另外,要学会运用不同的句型结构和过渡词来使文章更具连贯性。此外,写作时要让自己的观点和论据更加明确,适当运用举例、 对比等方法来增强说服力。 其次,考生们要注重语法和拼写的准确性。写作过程中,错误的 语法和拼写会导致文章不通顺,甚至影响到对读者观点的理解。因此,在备考期间,考生们要多读多写,积累一定的语法和拼写知识。 最后,考生们要扩大自己的知识面。写作中所涉及到的话题往往 是与时事话题相关的,因此,考生们要关注国内外的热点事件,并对 热门话题进行思考和写作训练。同时,要压缩时间,陈述自己的观点,并用好相关词汇和表达方式来说明自己的观点。 综上所述,四六级真题的解析及答案是考生备考过程中十分重要 的一环。通过对真题的细致研究,考生们可以更好地了解考试的形式 和要求,提高备考的针对性。同时,要注重扩大词汇量,加强阅读和 写作的训练。相信只要认真备考,做到有计划、有方法,考生们一定 能够取得优异的成绩。



2016-2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案 一、单选题 第1题: It seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting. A) eccentric B) impossible C) absurd D) unique 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第2题: This area of the park has been specially __________ for children, but accompanying adults are also welcome. A) inaugurated B) designated C) entitled D) delegated 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】:无 第3题: The girl?s face __________ with embarrassment during the interview when she couldn?t answer the tough question. A) beamed B) dazzled C) radiated D) flushed 【正确答案】:A 【参考解析】:无 第4题: Slavery was __________ in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin land A) diluted B) dissipated C) abolished D) resigned 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】:无 第5题:


四六级真题以及答案解析 过去几十年来,英语考试一直是中国学生的挑战之一。而在这项英语考试中,四六级考试是最受关注的一项。四六级考试旨在考察学生的英语水平,包括听力、阅读、写作和翻译等方面。为了更好地应对这一考试,了解是非常有必要的。 首先,了解四六级真题的内容和形式对于备考至关重要。四六级考试的试题设计旨在测试学生在日常英语交流中的理解和运用能力。真题中的听力部分主要包括听对话、短文和长对话,并配有相应的选择题。阅读部分则包括多篇短文或文章,并提供相关的问题和选项。写作部分通常要求学生根据提示完成一篇短文或写一篇作文。最后,翻译部分要求学生将一段中文翻译为英文或将一段英文翻译为中文。 其次,对于四六级真题的答案解析要有一个全面、深入的了解。仅仅知道答案是不够的,更应该知道为什么这个答案是正确的,以及其他选项为什么是错误的。对于听力部分,学生需要注意听清问题的关键词和提示词,从而更好地理解和选择正确的选项。阅读部分则需要学生掌握一定的阅读技巧,如快速浏览和查找关键信息。写作部分要求学生掌握良好的组织结构和文章表达能力,同时要注意语法和拼写错误。翻译部分则需要学生掌握一定的翻译技巧和词汇量。 在备考四六级考试时,参考历年真题是非常有益的。通过做真题,学生可以熟悉考试的形式和内容,并且可以评估自己的英语水平。做真题还可以帮助学生发现自己在哪些方面存在问题,并及时纠正。同时,学生还可以通过查阅相关的答案解析和参考书籍来进一步理解和掌握考试的知识点和技巧。 此外,备考四六级考试还应该注重平时的英语学习和训练。只有

通过长期的积累和不断的练习,才能在考试中取得好成绩。学生可以 多听英语广播、音乐或者看英语电影、电视剧来提高听力能力。阅读 英文报纸、杂志或者书籍可以帮助学生提高阅读理解能力。多写英文 日记、作文或者参加英语辩论可以提高写作和口语表达能力。此外, 学生还可以参加英语角、英语培训班或者找外教进行口语练习。 综上所述,备考四六级考试需要进行系统、全面的准备。了解真 题的内容和形式,掌握答案解析的技巧和方法,参考历年真题进行练习,并注重平时的英语学习和训练,这些都是备考四六级考试的关键。通过合理的学习方法和坚持不懈的努力,相信每个学生都可以取得理 想的成绩。

大学英语四六级 考试真题及参考答案

之 1999年1月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案

1999年1月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案 一、单选题 第1题: The Space Age ______ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A) initiated B) originated C) embarked D) commenced 【正确答案】:D 【参考解析】:无 第2题: John said that he didn't quite _______ and asked me to repeat what I had said. A) snatch up B) summon up C) catch on D) watch out 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第3题: When he tried to make a ______ , he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention. A) complaint B) claim C) reservation D) decision 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第4题: A budget of five dollars a day is totally _______ for a trip round Europe. A) inadequate B) incapable C) incompatible D) invalid 【正确答案】:A


大学英语四级考试真题试卷及答案Introduction 大学英语四级考试(CET-4)是中国各大院校对英语水平进行评估的重要指标之一。考试内容涵盖听力、阅读、写作和翻译四部分,是考生测试综合英语能力的重要途径。本文将为您提供一份关于大学英语四级考试真题试卷及答案的综合介绍。 I. 听力部分(Listening Comprehension) 听力部分是CET-4考试的第一部分,目的是测试考生对英语听力的理解和应用能力。这一部分的试卷包括多个听力任务,如听短对话回答问题、听长对话回答问题、听独白回答问题等。以下是一道CET-4听力部分的例题及答案: Question: What is the woman's excuse for being late? Options: A. A traffic jam. B. An alarm clock not ringing. C. Overslept. D. A flat tire. Answer: C. Overslept. II. 阅读部分(Reading Comprehension)

阅读部分是CET-4考试的第二部分,目的是测试考生对英语文章的理解和阅读能力。这一部分的试卷包括多篇短文,每篇短文后都有几道相关问题。以下是一道CET-4阅读部分的例题及答案:Passage: Many people suffer from insomnia, or difficulty in sleeping. It is a common problem that can have serious effects on both physical and mental health. Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help improve sleep quality. Question: What is the main topic of the passage? Options: A. The effects of insomnia on health. B. Strategies for improving sleep quality. C. The causes of insomnia. D. Mental health issues related to insomnia. Answer: B. Strategies for improving sleep quality. III. 写作部分(Writing) 写作部分是CET-4考试的第三部分,目的是测试考生的写作能力。这一部分的试卷通常包含一篇短文写作任务,考生需要根据提供的题目或图表进行写作。以下是一道CET-4写作部分的例题及答案:


2023年6月英语四级真题及参考答案 四级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,找准具体选项内容,忽略套数! 网络版: 听力: Q1.A woman was charged withallegedly violating a Rhode Island City law agaict feedingwild animals. The fifty-year-oldwoman's neighbors blame herfor making the area's rat problem worse. newly installedcameras captured several ratsactive in the middle of the day.Neighbors say that it'syepworse during the night. Thewoman and her parents whoown the home told reportersthat she's been charged for feeding birds who would haveknown just loving animals getsyou that much trouble she said.It is prohibited to feed any wildanimals including birds in RhodeIsland City. Nevertheless, whilethe woman's intention was tofeed hirds, it is clear that ratswere aiso benefiting Q2.intanyMoradi, director of the cityadministration, said he sawmore than 20 rats near the woman's home. He siitjwilltake months to get the problemunder control. Qugstion one. What do we iearnfrom the report about the fifty-year-old woman? Question two. What did thedirector of the city administration say at the end of the news report? To prepare for eventually sendingastronauts to-Mars, NASA began taking applications Friday for fourpeople to live for a yearpin MarsJune Alpha. That's a 1700-square-foot Martian habitat, inside abuilding in Houston.


2023年6月份,英语四级真题答案(完整版) 四级听力理解答案 听力新闻第1套 1.A) The return of a bottled message to its owner' s daughter. 2.B) She wanted to honor her father's promise. 3.B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified. 4.C) It lost a huge stock of bees. 5.A) It stayed in the air for about two hours. 6.C) Inadequate funding. 7.D) It is more environmentally friendly. 听力新闻第2套 1.B) Scared. 2.D) It was covered with large scales. 3.A) A Study of the fast-food service. 4.C) Increased variety of products. 5.C) US government's approval of private space missions. 6.A) Deliver scientific equipment to the moon. 7.B) It is promising. 听力长对话第1套 8.A) It seems a depressing topic. 9.D) They can't make it to the theatre in time. 10.C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.


(精选)(精选)英语四级真题及参考答案完整版 四六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,请找具体选项内容,忽略套数。 注:对题目和选项内容,不要纠结套数、ABCD顺序的问题 搜集整理了各个版本(有文字也有图片,图片可以自由拉伸),仅供大家参考。 网络综合版: 听力 NEWS 1 And finally in tonight's news, a nine-year-old boy named Joe told not to draw in class wins a job decorating a restaurant with his drawings rather than shutting down the habit of drawing in his school's workbook. (1) Joe's parents decided to encourage his creativity by sending their son to an after-school art class. His teacher recognized Joe's talent and posted all his work online, which led to something pretty wonderful. (2) A restaurant named Number 4 in Newcastle contacted Joe's teachers to ask if the nine-year-old could come and decorated the dining room with his drawings.Every day after school, Joe's dad drives him to theOY restaurant, so he can put his ideas straight on the wall. Once he's all done, the work will remain there permanently. Joe's dad says, Joe is a really talented little boy. He's excellent at school. He's great at football, but drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about. Q1. What did Joe's parents decide to do? Q2. what did the restaurant, Number 4, do? NEWS 2 Christine Marshall, a-34-year-old mum of one posted a tearful video on social media, Wednesday, begging for the safe return of her beloved pet dog. After


大学英语四级考试真题及答案完整版 本文展示的是2019年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答 案完整版,供参考。 一、听力部分 Section A 1. A) Work overtime. 2. B) Attend a party. 3. D) Solve a problem. 4. C) Go to a travel agency. 5. B) It is taking longer than expected. 6. D) She is under a lot of pressure. 7. A) It is too expensive. 8. A) Attend a lecture. 9. B) Attend a party. 10. C) Lend her a belt. Section B 11. D) Paying extra for a seat with more leg room. 12. C) Designing a more comfortable seat. 13. A) Have a baby-sitter look after the children. 14. B) The more we learn, the more we realize how much we don't know. 15. C) It is an attitude rather than a fixed set of abilities. 16. D) She is more patient and listens carefully.

17. A) It expands one's knowledge of other cultures. 18. B) They don't have enough time to read books. 19. C) They are more likely to suffer from depression. 20. A) It can improve computer speed. Section C 21. C) His picture was taken. 22. A) He is wearing a hat. 23. B) They look quite similar. 24. D) There are a lot of people in the queue. 25. C) He considers it as a kind of adventure. 26. B) The destination is still undecided. 27. D) He wants to forget about the worries of life. 28. A) Interacting with others. 29. B) They love all kinds of movies. 30. C) Karen. Section D 31. G) The role of social media in job hunting. 32. J) The challenges of job hunting for university graduates. 33. A) The importance of face-to-face communication. 34. D) Employers' expectations of job seekers. 35. L) The effect of internships on job opportunities.



Part 1 Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完毕该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and them comment on this kind of modern life. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. THIS MODERN LIFE: WORK HOME PLAY SLEEP 请用黑色签字笔在答题卡1指定区域作答作文题,在试题册上旳作答无效。

Part II Listening Comprehension (30minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will bear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each questions there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 1 with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答 1. A) He is pleased to sit on the committee C) He will tell the woman his decision later B) He is willing to offer the woman a hand D) He would like to become a club member 2. A) Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpriced B) They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one
