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《一站到底》20130815期题目及答案 第一轮杨楠PK敖群 1、(图片题)请问这个2008年奥运会的图标是由哪个字设计而成的?京 2、(视频题)请问视频中竹子组成的是哪个著名的体育场馆?鸟巢 3、网络流行语“喵了个咪的”是模仿了哪种动物的叫声?猫 4、在干杯时,我们常常会说哪个以C开关的英文单词?Cheers 5、(图片题)图中隐藏了哪五个汉字?美丽的姑娘 6、(图片题)图中隐藏了哪五个汉字?老太婆 7、根据以下关键词说出一个数字:武艺罗汉地狱?十八 8、根据以下关键词说出一个数字:纳什豆蔻王守义?十三 9、(视频题)请问偷走了猫粮的是哪种被称为“干脆面君”的动物?浣熊 10、在巩汉林的小品《都市外乡人》中,广东话“母鸡啊母鸡”在普通话中是什么意思?我不知道 11、(视频题)请问视频中双胞胎用韩语说的KIYOMI在中文中是什么意思?小可爱 12、(音频题)这是哪一部著名美剧的片头曲?《生活大爆炸》 第二轮杨楠PK秦坤 1、网络流行语中,我们常说:“不怕神一样的对手,不怕什么”?猪一样的队友 2、在网络流行语中,“哥吃的不是泡面,吃的是哪种情绪?寂寞 3、(视频题)请问这个老爷爷演唱的是哪个美国年轻男歌手的歌曲?贾斯汀比伯 4、(音频题)这首歌是献给哪个职业的人的?老师 5、(音频题)这问Beyond乐队的这首歌是献给自己的什么人的?妈妈 6、请判断:张爱玲的曾外祖父是晚清重臣李鸿章?对 第三轮秦坤PK王梓 1、(图片题)图片中地面上的图案因为和哪种动物相似而被命名?斑马 2、(图片题)图片中的生活用品开关类似于哪一种昆虫的巢穴而被命名?蜜蜂 3、(图片题)图片中人物身边的神兽叫什么?哮天犬 4、(音频题)音频中的歌曲是哪一部国产动画片的主题曲?《海尔兄弟》 第四轮王梓PK陈嵘 1、在生活中,人们为了计数方便常常会写哪个只有五画的汉字?正 2、牵牛花的花朵和哪种管乐器相似?喇叭 3、(图片题)这个台北地铁的壁画取材自哪个漫画家的作品?几米 4、(图片题)这个乌克兰家庭是按照美泰儿公司的哪一款玩偶娃娃的外形整容的?芭比 5、(视频题)请问视频中是哪位巨星在83版《射雕英雄传》中饰演了龙套角色元兵乙?周星驰 6、(视频题)请问视频中箭头所指的依萍伴舞是现在哪个内地当红女星?A孙俪 B范冰冰?A孙俪 第五轮王梓PK斯琴塔娜 1、用来调侃单身人士,我们常说“一人吃饱”下一句是什么?全家不饿 2、僧尼和道士重新恢复普通人的身份和生活方式,我们常用哪两个字表示?还俗 3、(图片题)这是哪位明星的漫画肖像?葛优 4、(图片题)这是哪位明星的漫画肖像?冯小刚 5、(图片题)请猜出图中所示的成语?恩重如山 6、(图片题)请猜出图中所示的成语?乐在其中

big bang生活大爆炸主题曲歌词

our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密 then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧... the earth began to cool,地球开始降温 the autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄 neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具 we built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔) math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学历史揭开神秘 that all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始 "since the dawn of man" is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久 as every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短 a fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了 the bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走 the dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了 they tried to leap but they were late 想要突变没来得及 and they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石) the oceans and pangea大洋和泛古陆 see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜才不想学你 set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸 it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始 it's expanding ever outward but one day 宇宙向外膨胀但有一天 it will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动 collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt 向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼 our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸 australopithecus would really have been sick of us 南方古猿肯定不爽我们 debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑簿了) religion or astronomy, encarta, deuteronomy宗教天文e百科旧约申命记 it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始 music and mythology, einstein and astrology 音乐神化爱因斯坦占星术 it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始 it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始


Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... 140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧... The Earth began to cool, 地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物来起哄 Neanderthals developed tools, 穴居人发明工具 We built a wall (we built the pyramids), 我们建长城(我们建金字塔) Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, 数学自然科学历史揭开神秘 That all started with the big bang! 一切由大爆炸开始 "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, 其实人类历史没有多久 As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. 星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短 A fraction of a second and the elements were made. 元素在微秒间便形成了 The bipeds stood up straight, 两足动物直立行走 The dinosaurs all met their fate, 恐龙都得认命了 They tried to leap but they were late 想要突变没来得及 And they all died (they froze their asses off) 就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石) The oceans and pangea 大洋和泛古陆 See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya 拜拜才不想学你 Set in motion by the same big bang! 都是爆炸惹的祸 It all started with the big BANG! 一切从大爆炸开始 It's expanding ever outward but one day


好听的美剧插曲 制作人:艾漠@兮兮 让剧集加分,令人印象深刻的美剧插曲(都是我看过的美剧中听到的) (添加中……)

去虾米试听 曲目列表: ? 1 Boom Boom Ba -- Metisse “【Dead Like Me】(死神有约)主题曲” ? 2 Teardrop (Theme Song... -- Massive Attack “【House】主题曲” ? 3 Lose You -- Pete Yorn “【House】第五季第20集。Kutner的葬礼上,背景插曲” ? 4 Cosy In The Rocket -- Psapp “【Grey\\\'s Anatomy】(实习医生格蕾)前几季的片首曲” ? 5 Black Tables -- Other Lives “【Grey\\\'s Anatomy】(实习医生格蕾)第五季第1集插曲【Ugly Betty】(丑女贝蒂)第三季第16集片尾曲” ? 6 Somewhere Only We Kn... -- Keane “【Grey\\\'s Anatomy】(实习医生格蕾)第1季第2集插曲” ?7 Never Say Never -- The Fray “【The Vampire Diaries】(吸血鬼日记)第1季第1集插曲” ?8 You Know I'm No Good -- Amy Winehouse “【Secret Diary of a Call Girl】主题曲” ?9 Bad Things -- Jace Everett “【True Blood】(真爱如血)主题曲随着音乐,片头里驱魔、神秘仪式,还有那只在百倍速镜头腐化的小兽……所有的画面又一次闪过。忘不了Sookie可爱的牙齿和憨憨的傻笑”


生活大爆炸 一、简介 《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)是由查克·洛尔和比尔·普拉迪创作的一出美国情景喜剧,在2007年9月24日由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出。此剧由华纳兄弟电视公司和查克·洛尔制片公司共同制作,讲述的是四个宅男科学家的故事,2011年续拍第五季。2009年8月,该剧赢得了电视评论协会(TCA)最佳喜剧系列奖,吉姆·帕森斯亦赢得了喜剧类的个人奖项。目前该剧已更新至第七季,目前已成功突破此前的2000万收视人数。 每集20分钟左右 宇宙是个大火炉* Our whole universe was in a hot,dense state * 140亿年前大爆炸哦稍等* then nearly 14 billion years go expansion started... wait! * 地球开始冷却生物开始繁衍* The earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool, * 尼安得特尔人发明工具* neanderthals developed tools * 我们建造墙瓦* we built the wall * 我们创造金字塔数学科学历史* we built the pyramids * 揭露奥秘* math, science,history, unraveling the mystery * 就从宇宙大爆炸开始! * that all started with a big bang bang! 主题曲是由Barenaked Ladies演唱的The History of Everything 完整版歌词: Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait. 140亿年前终于爆了炸等着看吧! The Earth began to cool, 地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物来起哄 Neanderthals developed tools,


Hello, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 您好我是谢尔顿·库珀博士 And I'm Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. 我是艾米·菲拉·福勒博士 And welcome to the first "on location" episode of 欢迎收看首次出外景拍摄的 Dr. Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler present: 谢尔顿·库珀博士与艾米·菲拉·福勒博士之 Dr. Sheldon Cooper's Fun with Flags. 谢尔顿·库珀博士的《欢乐的旗帜》 Hit it. 奏乐 ? For joy and fun ? ? 论旗乐无穷 ? ? There's no better manner ? ? 什么比得上 ? ? Than to fly a pennant ? ? 三角旗飘扬 ? ? Flag or banner ? ? 旗与帜 ? ? What fills my heart ? ? 填满我的心 ? ? And makes my eyes moist ? ? 弄湿我眼眶 ? ? Sending a flag ? ? 把一面旗子 ? ? Up a pole on a hoist ? ? 升上旗杆顶 ? ? Fun with flags ? ? 欢乐的旗帜 ? ? Fun with flags ? ? 欢乐的旗帜 ? ? Oh! Say can you see ? ? 哦你可看见 ? ? Oh! Say can you see ? 这句出自美国国歌歌词 ? It's fun with flags ? ? 是欢乐旗帜 ? ? Fun with flags. ? ?欢乐的旗帜 ? As you may notice, just one of the changes around here 各位观众可能注意到了 节目其中一个改变 is our new house band. 是多了驻场乐队 Who haven't learned their place yet. 还没搞清谁主谁次的乐队 We're also coming to you live from a different apartment. 另一个改变是 我们在不同公寓给大家做直播 Dr. Fowler and I began an experiment in living together 我与富勒博士在她的公寓遭水灾后


好听的英语歌 生活大爆炸美国派 绯闻女孩豪斯医生摩登家庭 1 沉默之声The Sound Of Silence 2 爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush 3 阳光季节Seasons In The Sun 4 唱首忧郁的歌Song Sung Blue 5 在老橡树上系黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 6 雨的旋律Rhythm of The Rain 7 七个寂寞的日子Seven Lonely Days 8 超级迷你比基尼Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini 9 波夫Puff 10 柠檬树Lemon Tree 11 花落何处Where Have All The Flowers Gone? 12 顺其自然Let It Be 13 昨日重现Yesterday Once More 14 甜心Dear Heart 15 太年轻Too Young 16 低语的松树Whispering Pines 17 世界末日The End Of The World 19 大江东去The River Of No Return 20 田纳西华尔兹Tennessee Waltz 21 破晓Morning Has Broken 22 恶水上的大桥Bridge Over Troubled Water 23 让它是我Let It Be Me 24 再见,吾爱Bye Bye, Love 25 无法停止爱你I Can't Stop Loving You 26 只有你Only You 27 世事不可强求Que Sera, Sera 28 雨点不断落在我头上Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 29 某处,吾爱Somewhere My Love 30 在雨中哭泣Crying In The Rain 31 跳舞吧,小女孩Dance On, Little Girl 32 爱你在心口难开More Than I Can Say 33 玫瑰,玫瑰我爱你Rose, Rose, I Love You


《一站到底》20130418期题目及答案 第一轮熊汝疆PK马玲玉 1、被称为“一代天骄”的蒙古帝国可汗是谁?成吉思汗/铁木真 2、苏州古代曾用过的名称有“吴、姑苏”等,那么它是从哪个朝代开始被称为“苏州”的?隋朝 3、现代曲棍球运动起源于哪个欧洲国家?英国 4、王冰玉、岳清爽、周妍都是哪个冰上项目的运动员?冰壶 5、《水浒传》中的小霸王周通最早在哪座山落草为王?桃花山 6、位于苏州的我国四大名园之一,被誉为“中国园林之母”的是哪座园林?拙政园 7、“想留不能留才最寂寞”是信乐团演唱的哪首歌曲中的歌词?《离歌》 8、曲婉婷的代表作《我的歌声里》副歌部分,唱到“你存在,我深深的”什么地方?脑海里 9、中国生产棉花的第一大省是哪个省?新疆 10、蔗糖的第一大省是哪个省?广西 第二轮熊汝疆PK王成有 1、网友恶搞系列图片,“杜甫很忙”的原图出自哪个科目的教科书?语文 2、美剧《生活大爆炸》中谢耳朵是什么学科领域的天才?物理 3、与我国有着最长边界线的近邻是哪个国家?蒙古 4、江苏省的最高峰“花果山玉女峰”位于哪座城市?连云港 5、年号为“正德”,自封“总督军务威武大将军总兵官”的明朝皇帝是谁?朱厚照/明武宗 6、民国革命将领张学良的父亲叫什么名字?张作霖 7、“我怕来不及,我要抱着你,直到感觉你的皱纹有了岁月的痕迹”是林忆莲哪首歌中的歌词?《至少还有你》 8、周杰伦的《菊花台》中“北风乱,夜未央,你的什么剪不断”?影子 9、绰号“睡皮”,现效力于意甲尤文图斯队的意大利中场球员是谁?安德烈亚.皮尔洛 10、前中国男篮运动员,03年开始兼任吉林东北虎队教练和总经理的人是谁?孙军 11、金庸小说《飞狐外传》中,程灵素的名字取自《灵枢》和哪一本医学经典?《素问》 12、金庸小说《神雕侠侣》中,古墓派的创始人小龙女的祖师婆婆叫什么?林朝英 13、电影《虎虎虎》是讲述二战时期日本哪一次军事行动的电影?偷袭珍珠港 14、二战时期的硫磺岛战役中,日本最后使用的自杀性战术被称为什么?玉碎战 第三轮熊汝疆PK高烨 1、通常我们说钻什么来比喻死脑筋和做事一根筋?牛角尖 2、我们常用胡子和什么一把抓来形容比喻做事不分轻重缓急?眉毛 3、曾经7次入选NBA“全明星”阵容的中国著名篮球运动员是谁?姚明 4、20XX年获得劳伦斯新人奖的中国田径运动员是谁?刘翔 5、刘伟强执导的电影《血滴子》中,饰演女主角穆森的是哪一位女演员?李宇春 6、电影《西游降魔篇》中孙悟空被压在五行山下时能解除封印的是井口的什么花?莲花/荷花 7、“操干戚以舞”的神话人物刑天出自于哪一部古书?《山海经》 8、“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”出自于苏轼的哪首哲理诗?《题西林壁》 第四轮熊汝疆PK蔡婧 1、成语“攻其不备”下一句是什么?出其不意 2、歇后语“大姑娘坐轿”的下半句是什么?头一回 3、苏轼的词《江城子.密州出猎》中,“亲射虎,看孙郎”中的“孙郎”指哪一位三国人物?孙权 4、诗句“李白斗酒诗百篇”出自于哪位唐代大诗人的《饮中八仙歌》?杜甫


生活大爆炸:伯纳黛特之歌背后故事 难度:适中作者:沪江英语来源:好莱坞报道 Fans of The Big Bang Theory caught a glimpse of Kate Micucci's other talent Thursday when the recurring guest star penned Howard's heartfelt song for Bernadette. 《生活大爆炸》客串明星凯特·米库奇让观众们见识了一下她的多才多艺。在周四更新的剧集中、霍华德献给伯纳黛特的深情歌曲系为她所作。 During Thursday's "The Romance Resonance" episode, Micucci -- who plays Raj's ex-girlfriend Lucy -- and her Garfunkel & Oates writing partner Riki Lindhome penned "If I Didn't Have You (Bernadette's Song)" for the comedy. 在周四更新的《生活大爆炸》剧集“浪漫的共鸣”中,曾饰演拉杰前女友露西的女星米库奇与搭档芮琪·琳达冯共同为该剧创作了这首《如果没有你(伯纳黛特之歌)》。 The song, which featured nerdy references to Joss Whedon, Doctor Who, Steve Jobs and a verse in Klingon, was created as a romantic gesture from Howard to celebrate the anniversary of their first date. It featured star Simon Helberg performing the ode to his wife, Bernadette (Melissa Rauch), with backup from the rest of the cast in a whimsical chorus that poked fun at the former mama's boy. 这首歌的歌词中提到了导演乔斯·温登、科幻小说角色神秘博士、苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯,还有一段克林贡语,虽然书呆子气十足,却是霍华德献给爱人的约会周年纪念浪漫礼物。在这集剧集中,西蒙·赫尔伯格将这首情歌献给他的妻子伯纳黛特(梅丽莎·劳奇饰),该剧组的其他主要演员组成一只诡异的合唱团参加表演,一起拿这个从前一直和母亲同住的大男孩开玩笑。 For her part, Micucci has been writing and performing quirky songs with Lindhome for some time. (Fun fact: Lindhome has also guest-starred on Big Bang Theory in the past as a Sheldon-obsessed Caltech student.) Together,


M5U1 Warming up教学设计 镇海中学王俊杰 Teaching aims: In this lesson, students will be able to 1.listen to a video/the record and take down what the speakers said in the form of blank-filling tasks and Q&A. 2.listen for the gist of listening material by filling in the blank of a topic sentence. 3. describe the features and achievements of scientists in the “Who am I?” game. 4. talk about the characteristics and qualities of great scientists by filling out the resumes of some examples. 5. deliver an awarding speech to an Ig Nobel Prize laureate describing its research and presenting its quality.. 6. understand the significance of scientific jobs and the qualities great scientists should have. Difficult points: 1. Students will feel it difficult to extract the target words from authentic listening material at a relatively fast speed. 2. Students will find it difficult to summarize the central idea of a piece of listening material. 3.Students will find it difficult to deliver a speech as an oral presentation in class. Important points:In this lesson, 1. Students will mainly focus their attention on the topic of great scientists by describing their achievements and characteristics through listening and speaking activities. 2. Students will learn to put to use what they have acquired in the lesson in the output part by speaking in a set context (the Ig Nobel Prize awarding ceremony). Teaching Procedures: Step1. Lead-in. 1.Free talk Students will talk about what they want to be when they are kids. The classic answer “scientist” will be introduced. 【设计说明】:以问答形式引出科学家这一关键词,打开话题。 2. Listening to a song Students will watch the music video of The Big Bang Theory Theme Song and complete a sentence taken from the song. Scientists are our b and b figure that it’ll make a even bigger bang! Keys: best; brightest 【设计说明】:通过欣赏美剧《生活大爆炸》的主题曲,吸引学生对“科学家”这一话题的兴趣,以挖词填空的方式检验学生的理解同时使其对科学家的形象有一个宏观的印象。歌 曲取材切合学生兴趣点、紧扣话题并能激发学生学习热情。


托福培训班:https://www.360docs.net/doc/cd14174358.html,/kcnet420/ 《生活大爆炸》是一部以"科学天才"为背景的情景喜剧。剧中一个美女和四个科学阿宅的故事就这样在笑声中悄然开始上演并获得了众人对这部美剧的好评。而主题曲也成了人们欣赏的音乐,下面我们就来欣赏手绘版的《生活大爆炸》主题曲。 【歌词】 Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started.Wait.140亿年前终于爆了炸等着看吧! The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄 Neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具 We built a wall(we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔) Math,science,history,unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学历史揭开神秘 That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始 Since the dawn of man"is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久 As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短 A fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了 The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走 The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了 They tried to leap but they were late想要突变没来得及 And they all died(they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石) The oceans and pangea大洋和泛古陆 See ya,wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜才不想学你 Set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸 It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始 It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀但有一天 It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动 Collapsing ever inward,we won't be here,it wont be hurt向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼 Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸 Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们Debating out while here they're catching deer(we'recatching viruses)在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了) Religion or astronomy,Encarta,Deuteronomy宗教天文e百科旧约申命记 It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始 Music and mythology,Einstein and astrology音乐神话爱因斯坦占星术 It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始 It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始 托福培训班:https://www.360docs.net/doc/cd14174358.html,/kcnet420/

生活大爆炸 开头曲里面所有图片的解释

细胞有丝分裂,生命从这里开始,又称为间接分裂,由W. Fleming (1882)年首次发现于动物及E. Strasburger(1880)年发现于植物。特点是有纺锤体染色体出现,子染色体被平均分配到子细胞,这种分裂方式普遍见于高等动植物(动物和低等植物)。是真核细胞分裂产生体细胞的过程。 细胞核复制:细胞核(nucleus)是细胞中最大、最重要的细胞器,它是由核膜(nuclear membrane)、核骨架(nuclear scaffold)、核仁(nucleolus) 几部分组成。细胞核是细胞的控制中心,在细胞的代谢、生长、分化中起着重要作用,是遗传物质的主要存在部位。 水生生物:科学家认为这个多样性的世界是从海洋起源的,因此最早的动物应该是水生生物。

火山爆发:早期地球地壳活动频繁,常常有火山爆发,这虽然给生物带来了灾难的,但是却为大气层带来足够的二氧化碳等气体,对稳定地球温度起到非凡的作用。 桫椤:(Alsophila spinulosa(Hook.)Tryon),是现存唯一的木本蕨类植物,极其珍贵,被众多国家列为一级保护的濒危植物。隶属于较原始的维管束植物―蕨类植物门桫椤科。桫椤是古老蕨类家族的后裔。 两栖动物:经过漫长的进化过程,地球上原来生活在海洋里的生物开始从海里转到陆地上

生活,两栖动物出现,从而进一步进化出爬行动物。 海鬣蜥生活在厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯群岛的海岸上,外貌很像史前动物的爬行动物,乍一看它们,那古怪的样子着实令人生畏。有人把它们称作“龙”,其实并不是龙,而是海鬣蜥。海鬣蜥是世界上唯一能适应海洋生活的鬣蜥。它们和鱼类一样,能在海里自由自在地游弋。它们喝海水,吃海藻及其它水生植物。 梁龙:(学名:Diplodocus),是梁龙科下的一属恐龙,它的骨骼化石首先由塞缪尔·温德尔·威利斯顿(Samuel Wendell Williston)所发现。梁龙生活于侏罗纪末的北美洲西部,时代可追溯至1亿5000万至1亿4700万年前。是有史以来陆地上最长的动物之一。


Oh, my God, I can't believe how big Halley's getting. 天啊真不敢相信哈雷已经这么大了Yeah-- where's Howard? 对啊霍华德在哪呢 He's changing Michael. 他在给麦克换尿布 A-All done. You know, fun fact, 搞定分享个有趣小知识 did you know baby boys can pee straight up? 你们知道男婴儿可以往空中撒尿吗 Grown-up boys, too. 长大的男孩也可以 Why would we high-five that? 我们为啥要跟你击掌这事 So how are you guys? 你们俩还好吗 Really good. 很好啊 Except for when we went grocery shopping, 除了我们去超市买东西时 and the checkout lady asked when I was due. 结账的店员问我预产期是什么时候 But you handled it well. 但你处理得很好啊 Well, if you guys need help, I'd be happy to come over. 如果你们需要人帮忙我很乐意过去Oh, thanks, but we're really trying to enjoy this family time 谢谢了但我们想尽量在回岗位前before we both go back to work. 多享受这天伦之乐 Okay, well, we all miss you. 好吧我们都很想你们 - Bye. 我们也想你们 - - You guys, too. - 再见 Boy, seeing them all together like that 要命了看到他们一家和乐融融 has got my biological clock ticking like crazy. 让人家的生物钟疯狂加速到想要... Yeah, I don't think men have... 男人好像没有... I do. 人家有 - Hi. - Hello. -你们好 -来啦 Hey, guys. 你们来啦 Good news, we have save the date cards. 好消息我们有邀请函了 Huh, didn't go with my calligrapher. Interesting. 居然没用我的书法有意思 What is this picture? 这图案是什么


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 浅谈跨文化交际中的理解障碍 2 论托马斯?哈代诗歌中的死亡意识 3 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective 4 中式英语形成的原因以及在英语学习中克服中式英语的对策 5 高中英语课堂师生互动研究 6 English-Chinese Advertisement Translation 7 《晚安,妈妈》中公共汽车和洗衣机的象征寓意 8 高中英语阅读教学中学生自主学习能力的培养 9 跨文化交际下的中英文禁忌语的对比研究 10 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 11 英文征婚广告和中文征婚广告所体现的文化差异 12 Application of Cooperative Learning to English Reading Instruction in Middle School 13 《飘》中的家园意识探究 14 高中英语听力课中的文化教学 15 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company 16 《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中的性别歧视现象和女权主义 17 从委婉语的研究中看中西文化差异 18 The Victims of Upper Class: A Comparative Study on the Two Heroes of The Great Gatsby and Tender Is the Night 19 会话含义在商务谈判中的运用 20 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略 21 沮丧与感情的冲突 22 论杰克伦敦的个人经历和信仰对《野性的呼唤》主人公巴克命运的影响 23 A Preliminary Survey of Translating San in Chinese Idioms 24 英汉基本颜色词文化内涵之对比研究 25 《鲁滨逊漂流记》--世纪典型的殖民主义叙事文本 26 论《儿子与情人》的现实主义表现手法 27 从文化差异角度来分析习语的翻译 28 从功能翻译理论看《功夫熊猫》电影字幕翻译 29 论“孔雀东南飞”英译本的译者主体性 30 中美饮食文化差异及其相互影响 31 从中英广告词中分析概念隐喻 32 论海明威《一天的等待》的冰山原则写作风格 33 论教师的非语言行为在课堂教学中的作用 34 人性的扭曲,堕落与回归——希刺克厉夫的人性简析 35 浅析《我们共同的朋友》中的象征手法 36 浅谈古希腊罗马神话对《哈利波特》系列小说(前四部)的影响 37 从海尔的品牌成功探讨中国企业在全球化环境下的品牌战略 38 功能对等理论下罗慕士《三国演义》英译本成语翻译研究 39 The Symbolic Meanings of Colors in Chinese and Western Cultures


《生活大爆炸》主题曲,太可爱了。 Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,?宇宙一度又烫又稠密?Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...?140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧...?The Earth began to cool,?地球开始降温?The autotrophs began to drool,?自养生物来起哄?Neanderthals developed tools,?穴居人发明工具?We built a wall (we built the pyramids),?我们建长城(我们建金字塔)?Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,?数学自然科学历史揭开神秘?That all started with the big bang!?一切由大爆炸开始 "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,?其实人类历史没有多久?As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.?星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短?A fraction of a second and the elements were made.?元素在微秒间便形成了?The bipeds stood up straight,?两足动物直立行走?The dinosaurs all met their fate,?恐龙都得认命了?They tried to leap but they were late?想要突变没来得及?And they all died (they froze their asses off)?就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石) The oceans and pangea?大洋和泛古陆?See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya?拜拜才不想学你?Set in motion by the same big bang!?都是爆炸惹的祸?It all started with the big BANG!?一切从大爆炸开始 It's expanding ever outward but one day?宇宙向外膨胀但有一天?It will cause the stars to go the other way,?星球会反方向运动?Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt?向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼?Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!?我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸 Australopithecus would really have been sick of us?南方古猿肯定不爽我们?Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)?在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了)?Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy?宗教天文e百科旧约申命记?It all started with the big bang!?一切从大爆炸开始 Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology?音乐神化爱因斯坦占星术?It all started with the big bang!?一切从大爆炸开始?It all started with the big BANG! 一切从大爆炸开始
