



Chinese Dragon

Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or Loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.




Dumplings are one of the Chinese people's favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint-Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, freshen and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There's an old saying that claims, "Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings." During the Spring Festival and other holidays or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year.




Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the "main and collateral channels" theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body's yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that "internal diseases are to b e treated with external therapy"/ the main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient's body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient's acupoints so as to stimulate the channels and relieve pain. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been handed down generation after generation and has

now spread all over the world. Nowadays, acupuncture, along with Chinese food, kungfu (otherwise known as Chinese martial arts), and traditional Chinese medicine, has been internationally hailed as one of the "four new national treasures".


Chinese characters

Chinese characters were initially meant to be simple pictures use to help people remember things. After a long period of development, it finally became a unique character system that embodies phonetic sound, image, idea, and rhyme at the same time. The writing system, which was extremely advanced in ancient times, began with inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells, and these are regarded as the original forms of Chinese characters. Afterwards, Chinese characters went through numerous calligraphic styles: bronze inscriptions, official script, regular script, cursive script, running script, etc. Chinese characters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs of an orbicular sky and a rectangular Earth. The five basic strokes of Chinese characters are " 一" (the horizontal stroke), " 丨" (the vertical stroke), "丿" (the left-falling stroke), " 捺" (the right-falling stroke), and "乙" (the turning stroke). 中国筷子

中国人使用筷子就餐的方式在世界独树一帜。有史记载用筷的历史已有三千多年。筷子古时称为箸,它看似简单,但却同时具有夹、拨、挑、扒、拌、撮、戳、撕等多种功能。中国民间视筷子为吉祥之物,如婚俗中将筷子隐喻为快生贵子的祝福等。与使用刀叉以及手抓的方式不同,成双结对的筷子含有"和为贵"的意蕴。西方人赞誉筷子是古老的东方文明。Chinese chopsticks

The Chinese way of eating with chopsticks is unique in the world. The recorded history of chopsticks started more than three thousand years ago. Chopsticks were named zhu in ancient Chinese. They look deceptively simple to use, but possess multi-various functions, such as clamping, turning over, lifting up, raking, stirring, scooping, poking, tearing, and so on. Chopsticks were taken as an auspicious mascot by ordinary people in ancient China. For example, the partial tone of chopsticks is often used by people as a metaphor at weddings to indicate a blessing or benediction for the couple to have a baby soon. Unlike using a knife and fork or one's own hands, a pair of chopsticks also implies the meaning of "Harmony is what matters". Chopsticks are highly praised by westerners as a hallmark of ancient oriental civilization.



Chinese seal

A seal can also be defined as a stamp. Both the Chinese official and private seal of various dynasties have different titles, such as stamp, zhu not, contract, fu, lease and others. The seals used by the emperors of ancient China were called xi, yin, bao, etc.. According to historical records, seals were widely used during the Warring States period (475 BC ---221 BC). The making

of a seal is to engrave fonts, such as seal characters and official script and so on; or images in the form of intaglio and embossment into the seal, basically shaped as round or square. Covered with a vermilion overlay, the Chinese seal is not only used in daily life, but it is also used to represent signatures on paintings and calligraphies. It is gradually becoming one of China's unique artworks. 天干地支

天干地支是中国历法中用以记录和命名年岁的方法。十天干为:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸;十二天干为:子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥。古人观测朔望月,发现月亮圆缺12次大体上是一年的天数,而两个朔望月约是60天。古人以十天干与十二地支的顺序依次相配,记录不同年份,60年为一个轮回。干支纪年法从古沿用至今。按干支纪年法,2011年便是辛卯年。Chinese era

The Chinese era is the symbol that the Chinese calendar uses for recording and naming years. The ten Heavenly Stems are: jia, yi, bing, ding, wu, ji, geng, xin, ren, gui. The twelve Earthly Branches are: zi, chou, yin, mou, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, hai. After observing the lunar month, the ancients found that the moon always waxes and wanes roughly 12 times a year, and two lunar months account for about 60 days. So the order of the ten Heavenly Stems and the order of the twelve Earthly Branches are properly matched in turn. In terms of recording date, 60 years is considered to be a full time cycle. The Chinese ear chronology was first invented in ancient times and is still in use now. According to the chronology of the "ten Heavenly Stems", 2011 is the year of "the seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems" and "the fifth of the twelve Earthly Branches".



Dumplings are one of the Chinese people's favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint- Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There's an old saying that claims, "Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings." During the Spring Festival and other holidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people Like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year.



Chinese Kung Fu

Chinese Kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a traditional Chinese sport which applies the art of attack and defense in combat and the motions

engaged with a series of skill and tricks. The core idea of Chinese Kung fu is derived from the Confucian theory of both "the mean and harmony" and "cultivating qi" (otherwise known as nourishing one's spirit). Meanwhile, it also includes thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. Chinese kung fu has a long history, with multi-various sects and many different boxing styles, and emphasizes coupling hardness with softness and internal and external training. It contains the ancient great thinkers' pondering of life and the universe. The skills in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons named by the later generations mainly involve the skills of bare-handed boxing, such as shadow boxing (Taijiquan), form and will boxing (Xingyiquan), eight trigram palm (Baguazhang), and the skills of kung fu weaponry, such as the skill of using swords, spears, two-edged swords and halberds, axes, tomahawks, hooks, prongs and so on.

剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

Paper cutting is one of China's most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cutting are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.


Alcohol is one of the important drinks in Chinese people's life. Chinese alcohol-making has a long history and has been renowned at home and abroad. In China, no alcohol is more representative than Chinese liquor and at some point, Chinese alcohol culture is Chinese liquor culture. Alcohol is more of a communication tool in Chinese people's eyes. Alcohol has permeated 5000 years' civilization of the whole Chinese history, which plays an important role in every aspect of Chinese people's life, from literary and artistic creation and entertainment to food and cooking and health preservation.

中国武术(Chinese martial arts)是中国民族体育的主要内容之一,是几千年来中国人民用以锻炼身体和自卫的一种方法。中国武术主要内容包括搏击技巧,格斗手法,攻防策略和武器使用等技术,是以自立、自强、健体养生为目标的体育活动。它体现出中国人对攻防技术及策略的理解。中国武术对生命真理探索的人文哲学的特色对现今中国的大众文化有着深远的影响。

Chinese martial arts is one of the main contents of China's national sports. It is one means by which Chinese people have been building up their bodies and defending themselves. Chinese martial arts mainly includes skills like fighting skills, wrestling techniques, attacking and defending strategies and weapon applications. It is a kind of sport that aims at independence, self-reliance and health fitness. It reflects Chinese people's understanding of attacking and defending skills

and strategies. The humanistic philosophy of Chinese martial arts, which features the exploration of the truth of the life, has profound influence on Chinese mass culture nowadays.

瓷器是中国最为重要的手工艺之一。中国瓷器有3500多年的历史,明清时期尤其繁荣。瓷器不仅可以用作日常餐具(dinnerware)、花瓶等,精美的瓷器更是常常被人们用来装饰家居。作为高档艺术品的象征,真品瓷器常常具有极高的艺术价值和经济价值,因此,长被很多人视为珍藏品。中国瓷器受到各国人民的欢迎,经常被用作表达中外友谊的礼物。Porcelain is one of China's most important handicrafts. Chinese porcelain has a history of more than 3,500 years, its most prosperous period being Ming and Qing Dynasties. Porcelains can be used as daily dinnerware and vases, and delicate porcelains are even commonly used for home decoration by people. As symbols of high-end works of art, authentic porcelains are often of extremely high artistic and economic value and therefore they are often regarded as precious collections by many people. Chinese porcelains are popular with people around the world, and they are often used as presents for expressing friendship between Chinese and foreign people.

每年4月4日、5日或6日是清明节(the Qingming Festival)。清明节后气温升高,雨水增多。清明节既是中国的传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀(commemoration)节日。在这一天,汉族和少数民族都会供奉祖先,为逝去的人扫墓。清明节也是阳光明媚、草木吐绿的时节。自古以来,人们就有清明踏青(Spring outings)的习俗。人们还会在清明节放风筝。这时植树树苗存活率高,之后也长的快,因此清明节也是植树的好时候。

The Qingming Festival falls on April 4,5,or 6 each year. After the festival, the temperature rises up and rainfall increases. The Qingming festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important festival of commemoration. Both the Han nationality and minority nationality offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the deceased at this time. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. People love to fly kits during the Qingming Festival. The Qingming Festival is also a good time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later.

风筝是中国传统的民间艺术之一。中国风筝在春秋时期(Spring and Autumn Period)就已出现,距今有两千多年的历史了。最初的风筝常用作军事用途,如测量距离、测试风向和通讯。后来它逐渐与神话故事、花鸟瑞兽、吉祥寓意(auspicious meanings)等结合,从而形成了独具特色的风筝文化。阳光明媚的春日里,人们常常结伴去放风筝。中国风筝也受到世界各国人们的喜爱,很早以前就传到了世界各地。

The kite is one of the Chinese traditional folk arts. The Chinese kite came into being in the Spring and Autumn Period and since then it has had a history of over two thousand years. Kites were used for military purpose initially, like measuring distances, testing wind directions, and communications. Later, it is integrated with fairy tales, luck characters such as flowers, birds and beasts and auspicious meanings and thus a unique kite culture with characteristics has been formed. In sunny spring days, people usually go for company outings to fly kites. The Chinese kite has also been loved by people from all over the world, for it was introduced into the globe a long time ago.

中国结(Chinese knot)是中国古老文明的一个缩影,是中国特有的民间手工艺术。中国结有着悠久的历史,在明清时期尤为盛行。在现代,它通常被用作室内装饰、亲友间的馈赠礼物及个人的随身饰物。因其外观对称(symmetrical)精致,符合中国传统装饰的习俗和审美观念,故被命名为中国结。在北京申办2008年奥运会的过程中,中国结作为中国传统文化的象征,深受各国朋友的喜爱。

Chinese Knot is a miniature of the ancient Chinese civilization, and it is unique to Chinese traditional manual art. Chinese Knot has a long history, and is especially prevalent in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In modern times, it usually functions as interior decoration, gift among relatives and friends, and personal ornament. It is possessed of delicate and symmetrical appearance and accords with the conventions of Chinese traditional decoration and aesthetics, therefore, it is named Chinese Knot. Chinese Knot, which symbolizes Chinese traditional culture, is well received by people all over the world in the course of the China's bid for hosting the 2008 Olympics.

中国烹饪(Chinese cuisine)文化是中国文化中有关烹饪和休闲的重要组成部分。中国悠久的历史、广袤的疆土、好客的习俗孕育了这一独特的艺术。中餐以其"色、香、味、形"俱全而著称。它讲究原料的选配,食物的质地,佐料(seasonings)的调制,切菜的刀功,适时的烹调以及装盘艺术。最负盛名的菜系有南方粤菜,北方鲁菜,东部淮阳菜和西部川菜,以"南淡北咸,东甜西辣"见称。

Chinese cuisine culture is an important part of Chinese culture in the aspect of cooking and leisure. This unique art owes itself to the long history, vast territory and hospitable tradition of China. Chinese food is famous for its perfect combination of "color, aroma, taste and appearance". It gives emphasis to the selection of raw materials, the texture of food, the blending of seasonings, slicing techniques, the perfect timing of cooking and the art of laying out the food on the plate. among the best-known schools of cuisine are the Cantonese cuisine of the south, the Shandong cuisine of the north, the Huai-Yang cuisine of the east and the Sichuan cuisine of the west, noted as "the light flavor of the south, the salty flavor of the north, the sweet flavor of the east and the spicy-hot flavor of the west".



Chinese silk

China is the home of silk. Mulberry planting, sericulture, silk reeling and thickening are all great inventions of the ancient Chinese. As early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties (1600BC-256BC), the Chinese people's silk-weaving techniques had reached an extremely high level. During the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-25AD), Zhang Qian, an outstanding diplomat, travlled around central Asia and connected China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean, opening up a new era of Sino-foreign trade, exchange and communication. From then on, China's silk became well known for its extraordinary quality, exquisite design and color, and abundant cultural connotation. Hitherto, Chinese silk has been accepted as a symbol of Chinese culture and the emissary of oriental civilization.



Chinese classical garden

The Chinese classical garden is a precious treasure of our ancient Chinese architecture. It is an kind of environment art, which systematically combines artificial mountains and rivers, plants and buildings with the natural landscape. The construction standard of a Chinese classical garden is "artificial as it is, the garden must look ingenious and natural". When you go sightseeing in a Chinese classical garden, you should be able to appreciate its aristic concept which "makes use of the natural landscape to create the real fun of mountains and rivers for viewers." Of the world's three major garden systems, the Chinese classical garden is hailed as one of the origins of the world's garden due to its long history and abundant connotations.


笔墨纸砚是中国古代文人书房当中必备的宝贝,被称为"文房四宝"。用笔墨书写绘画在中国可追溯到五千年前。秦(前221-前206)时已用不同硬度的毛和竹管制笔;汉代(前206-公元220)以人工制墨替代了天然墨;有了纸张以后,简牍锦帛逐失其用;砚台则随笔墨的使用而发展。"文房四宝"到宋朝(960-1279)以后特指湖笔(浙江湖州)、徽墨(安徽徽州)、宣纸(安徽宣州)、端砚(广东肇庆,古称端州)。可以说文房四宝书写了整个中华文明。The four treasures of the study

The writing brush, ink stick, ink stone, and paper were requisite treasures in the study of the scholars of ancient China, and they are often referred to as the "Four Treasures of the Study". The writing brush and ink stick have been used by the Chinese to write and paint since 5,000 years ago. In the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC), people already used feathers of different hardness and bamboo trunks to make brushes. During the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), man-made ink was used instead of natural ink. After paper was invented by the Chinese, bamboo slips, wooden tablets, brocade and silk, which originally functioned as writing surfaces, gradually faded out. The ink stone was first developed with the use of writing brushes and ink. after the Song Dynasty(960AD-1279AD), the "Four Treasures of the Study" particularly referred to hubi, the writing brush produced in Huzhou, Zhejiang province; huimo, the instick produced in Huizhou, Anhui province; xuan paper, a kind of paper produced in Xuanzhou, Anhui province; and duanyan, the ink stone made in Zhaoqing, Guangdong province(Zhaoqing was earlier called Duanzhou). Indeed, the "Four Treasures of the Study" have written the whole Chinese civilization, as it is.



Antithetical couplets

The antithetical couplet (also called duilian) is also known as yinglian or duizi. An antithetical couplet is a kind of national writing style, which is composed by the skillful manipulation of the characteristic of the Chinese language that one character corresponds with one syllable. The philosophical origin and national cultural psychology of the antithetical couplet are the notion of yin-yang duality, according to which the Chinese recognize and master things. The feature of the antithetical couplet is an "antithesis": equal characters, the same part of speech, the level and oblique fitting with each other, the contents being related, and the rhythms corresponding. There are many types of antithetical couplets, such as Spring Festival couplets, marriage couplets, birthday couplets, elegiac couplets, and antithetical couplets about tea, etc.



Chinese Weiqi

The four art forms in ancient China are quqin, chess, penmanship, and painting. And chess particularly refers to Chinese Weiqi. Weiqi could be called the national chess of China. In ancient times, Weiqi was called Yi, with the alternative names Zuoyin and Shoutan. The regulations of Weiqi are both simple and complex at the same time. A full Weiqi set has 361 playing pieces and is plyed on a board with a 19 by 19 grid. The circumference of the board is less than 2/3 metre. Playing Weiqi may look like an arrangement of two sides' black and white pieces. However, it is actually a competition between two players and it tests their wisdom, courage, and patience. Weiqi symbolizes Heaven and Earth. It contains countless philosophical theories, such as the theories embodied in the image-numerology in The Book of Changes, the art of war, and theories on state administration and national security, which embodies the wisdom and the spirit of Chinese culture.



Chinese Beijing opera

Praised as "Oriental Opera," Beijing Opera is a genuine national quintessence of China. It originated from many kinds of ancient local operas, especially huiban in southern China. At the end of the 19th Century, Beijing Opera evolved and took shape, becoming the greatest kind of opera in China. Beijing Opera is a blend of performing arts-song, speech, performance, acrobatic fighting and dance. Beijing Opera portrays and narrates the plot and characters through stylized acting. The main types of roles in Beijing Opera are sheng (male), dan (young female), jing (painted face, male) and chou (clown, male or female).



Chinese Taoism

Taoism first originated in China. the founder of Taoism is Laozi, a philosopher and thinker who lived in the late Spring and Autumn Period(770BC-476BC). Tao Te Ching, whose authorship has been attributed to Laozi, is considered to e the main Taoist classic. Taoism advocates the value of a human being's life, recommends the discarding of all desires and worries from one's mind, and encourages the cultivation of moral character and the nourishment of human nature. The following is an example of Laozi's golden sayings:

The way that can be told of is not an unvarying way;

The names that can be named are not unvarying names.

It was from the nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang;

The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind.

Truly, only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the secret essences;

He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the outcomes.



Chinese Idioms

Chinese idioms refer to comprehensive and integrated fixed phrases and expressions. Idioms are established and accepted by constant usage and common practice. An idiom is a language unit hta is larger than a word, but has the same grammatical function as a word. Most Chinese idioms consist of four characters. For example, ziqiangbuxi(make unremitting efforts to improve oneself), qingchunyulan(bluer than indigo), and houjibofa (success comes with time and effort). Idioms are extracted from folk proverbs, ancient works of literature, poems, fables, allusions, and well-known sayings. Idioms are a part of the Chinese language that are concise and have great vitality.



The four art forms in ancient China are guqin, chess, penmanship, and painting. And painting particularly refers to traditional Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese painting is done with a brush dipped into black or colored ink and is painted on silk or xuan paper. In ancient China, it was called "ink-painting". In order to distinguish it from Western oil-paintings, the Chinese people term their works "traditional Chinese painting" (abbreviated to "Chinese painting"). The subject matters of Chinese paintings are typically figures, landscapes, birds and flowers. The drawing skills and techniques employed by the Chinese painters can be divided into two forms: fine brushwork and free-hand brushwork. The artistic characteristics lie in "the writing brush and ink". Chinese painting emphasizes using the shape to convey the feelings of the painter. Even though a painting is a finished product, it endlessly conveys a meaning. In terms of the artistic creation, traditional Chinese painting is a reflection of the aesthetic consciousness and artistic sentiment of the Chinese people.


中国传统节日以中国的农历为依据。农历年的岁首称为春节,俗称"过年",有祈年等多种习俗,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日,象征团结兴旺。其他主要的节日有元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中秋节、重阳节、冬至节、腊八节等等。各个节日都有其来源讲究和风俗习惯。农历节日与农历中的二十四节气不同。农历节日是中华民族凝聚力和生命力的体现。Traditional Chinese festivals are usually fixed according to the Lunar calendar. January 1st on the lunar calendar has been designated as the Spring festival (generally referred to as guonian). There are several customs during the Spring Festival, such as praying for a good harvest, etc. the spring

Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival in China and symbolizes unity and prosperity. Some other significant Chinese festivals include the Lantern Festival, the Pure Bright Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double-Seventh Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double-Ninth Festival, the Winter Solstice, and the Eighth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month, etc. Each festival has its own unique origin and custom. These Chinese festivals that follow the Lunar calendar are different from the 24 Solar Terms in the Lunar calendar. They embody China's cohesion and vitality.



As a traditional drink for Chinese people, Chinese tea is is believed to have first started with Chinese Emperor Shen Nong, and flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties(618AD-1279AD). Making tea was considered one of the seven basic daily necessities along with fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar, while drinking tea is an apt portrayal of daily life in China. Tea culture is the extension and generalization of the science and the humanities character of tea. In China, the tea spirit blends the thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and it aims to help people cultivate both mind and body, comprehend the truth, and elevate the realm of life through the art of drinking tea.



Chinese Grottoes

Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of Buddhist culture. In China, there are four major art landscapes of grottoes: the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang, the Yungagn Grottoes at Datong, the Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang, and the Maijishan Grottoes at Tianshui. Carved and painted on mountains, the Buddhist grottoes mingle both sublimity and secular feelings together, presenting us a vivid and natural appearance. They embody the systematic combination of both the exceptional artistry of great nature and the extremely fine craftsmanship of mankind. The Chinese Buddhist grottoes are regarded as a profound and stunning general art gallery, which are composed of architecture, painting, sculptures, etc. The artistic achievements of Chinese grottoes have attracted the attention of the world, and have become an important international cultural heritage.



Chinese classical literature

Chinese classical literature includes poetry, prose, fiction, and ci (new lyrics written to preexisting

tunes), fu ("descriptive poems" of prose-poetry), qu(a freer form based on the new popular songs and dramatic arias), and many other styles. Its artistic expressions are various in techniques. Four classics of Chinese literature are Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Journey to the West, and Dream of Red Mansions, which have extensive and far-reaching significance both on a national and international level. Through reading "the four famous novels" carefully, you can experience traditional Chinese society and human culture, and folklore customs. And it is an important way to absorb the quintessence of traditional culture as well as to pick up strategies and wisdom on how to get along with others.



Chinese Herbal medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine mainly consists of plant medicine (roots, stems, leaves, fruits), animal medicine (viscera, skins, bones, organs), and mineral medicine. Chinese herbal medicine is based on plant medicine. According to the unique application theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that it contains "four natures and five flavors." "Four Natures" refers to the properties of "coldness, heat, mildness, and coolness," while "five flavors" refers to the properties of being "pungent, sour, sweet, bitter, and salty". It is said that Chinese people have been conducting research into herbal medicine for thousands of years. Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine and its therapeutic methods have extensively been spread to the far corners of the globe.




Confucian thought, also called Confucianism, was established by Confucius, a great thinker and educator who live in the late Spring and Autumn Period (770BC-476BC). Some representatives of Confucianism throughout Chinese history include Mencius, Dong Zhongshu, Zhu Xi, and Wang Yangming. The main classics of Confucianism are the Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and Mencius) and the Five Classics (Zhouyi, Shangshu (collection of Ancient Texts), The Book of Songs, The Rites, and The Spring and Autumn Annals). The Confucian school regards "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity" as being at the core of its ethical system. Confucianism was the main ideology of feudal society for more than 2,000 years in China.



Chinese Chess

The earliest records of Chinese chess can be traced back to the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC). The early-stage Chinese chess was composed of six pieces carved out of ivory, and was therefore called "Six Boxing". Its final form of play was fixed at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty (960AD-1127AD) after a long period of development. The chessboard is a rectangular board that is 9 lines wide by 10 lines long. Composed of marshal or general, advisors (scholar or official), civil officials (elephant or minister), military officers (chariots, horses, and cannons), and soldiers (soldiers or pawns), Chinese chess is Chinese social institution and culture in miniature. It is also one of the four most popular chess games in the world, the other three being the Chinese Weiqi, the game of chess, and shogi (or general's chess).



The 24 Solar Terms

The ancient Chinese divided a year into 24 equal segments according to the positions of the sun on the ecliptic. Names were given with special connotations for these segments; such as vernal equinox (occurs on March 20 or 21) and pure brightness (occurs on April 4, 5, or 6); and hence they are called the 24 Solar Terms. Originating from the Reaches of the Yellow River, the 24 Solar Terms are basically a calendar to govern agricultural arrangements which takes into account the changes in climate and practical agricultural needs. The 24 Solar Terms are considered a great and unique creation of the ancient Chinese.



Chinese calligraphy

The four ancient Chinese artistic forms are called quyin, chess, penmanship, and painting; and penmanship particularly refers to Chinese calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy is a kind of art using a brush to write seal script, official script, regular script, running script, and cursive script, and other various writing styles of Chinese characters. The writing techniques of Chinese calligraphy are highlighted by the manner of using a brush, the way ink is used, the art of composition, and so on. Its harmonious beauty of art is reflected in between the lines. Chinese calligraphy exhibits its beauty in different poses, such as the uniqueness of the official script's "silkworm head and swallow tail," the regular script's requirement to "stick to the norm and rules," the characteristic of cursive script's "flying dragon and dancing phoenixes," and the distinctive "natural grace" of the running script. Indeed, Chinese calligraphy reflects the personality of Chinese people's straightforwardness, dignity, and reticence.




Chinese Guqin

As one of the four art forms (namely guqin, penmanship, and painting ) in ancient China, guqin is a kind of plucked string instrument which is also known as yaoqin, yuqin and qixian qin. According to the Chinese history book Shih Chi, qin appeared no later than the Yao and Shun eras. In order to distinguish it from similar musical instruments of the West, it was called guqin. The guqin's design imitates the shape of a phoenix. People also named different parts of the guqin after the names of various body parts of the phoenix. This naming method reflects Confucius' thoughts on music and the ideology of harmony that Chinese people value.



The Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac is the Chinese way of numbering the years. It attributes an animal to each year, according to a 12-year cycle. Since ancient times, the Chinese people began to use the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches to record the passing of years. At this same time, Chinese nomadic people who lived in northwest china instead used animals to number the years. The two ways of numbering the years were smoothly integrated, and the Chinese Zodiac took shape. The 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. The meaning of the symbolic animal of the birth year is that it can make people magnanimous and be of one mind in times of difficulty.



Tang Poetry and Song Ci

Tang Poetry represents the highest achievement of Chinese poetry. There were many distinguished poets in the Tang Dynasty, including Li Bai, and Bai Juyi, who are world-famous. There are various forms of Tang Poetry, such as pre-Tang poetry, regular poems, and short poems. Regular poems and short poems can also be divided into pentasyllabic and heptasyllabic according to the charaters contained in each line. There is an enormous collection of Tang Poetry, with a wide range of subjects, styles, and schools. Its artistic charm touches everyone deeply. Song Ci is anther summit in the history of classical Chinese literature. Tang Poetry and Song Ci have consistently been called the two literary giants. The main form of Song Ci is a king of poetry that chiefly consists of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter and longer ones. The writers poetize according to particular tunes. There are two major styles of Song Ci, called the Powerful and Free School, and the Soft and Tuneful School. Xin Qiji, Su Shi, Liu Yong and Li Qingzhao are the representatives of the two schools.




Chinese Wine and Spirits Culture

China is the home of wine and spirits. The functions of wine and spirits were classified by the ancients into three kinds: treating patients, keeping in good health, and showing politeness and respect to others. China's wine and spirits culture is an important part of Chinese food culture, and it embodies its values in many aspects, such as in social and political life, literature and art, life philosophies, aesthetics, and so on. There is an old saying which goes, "It is not a banquet without wine." Under the custom of having dinner together in China, drinking games were therefore introduced. There are many kinds of banquet betting and drinking games, like the morra (a finger-guessing game), wine/spirits words, wine/spirits chips (a drinking game), all with rich cultural connotations. In reality, it is difficult to win unless you have a card up your sleeve.


The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built originally to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against intrusions by various nomadic groups. Several walls have been built since the 5th century BC that are referred to collectively as the Great Wall, which has been rebuilt and maintained from the 5th century BC through the 16th century. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220-206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Little of that wall remains; the majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty.

The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east, to Lop Nur in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. The most comprehensive archaeological survey has recently concluded that the entire Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 8,851.8 km. This is made up of 6,259.6 km sections of actual wall, 359.7 km of trenches and 2,232.5 km of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.


Spring Festival

The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened.

Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, bedclothes and all their utensils.

Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. The content varies from house owners' wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year. Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.

The Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down, for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes", both being pronounced as "fudaole." What's more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall.

元宵节Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.

This day's important activity is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), Buddhism flourished in China. One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the cremation of Buddha's body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day. Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China. "Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.

People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the "Yuanxiao Festival."Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling. Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed. It tastes sweet and delicious. What's more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan", meaning reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.

清明节Qingming Festival

The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration.

The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.

The Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival. As our ancestors often extended the day to the Qingming, they were later combined.

On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

端午节Dragon Boat Festival

* The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar.

Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is

fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination. Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuan's body, but experts, after painstaking and meticulous research, conclude that dragon boat racing is a semi-religious, semi-entertaining program from the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). In the following thousands of years, the game spread to Japan, Vietnam and Britain as well as China's Taiwan and Hong Kong. Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit. In 1980, it was listed into the state sports competition programs and has since been held every year. The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup."

The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.

This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens. At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south. On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar. They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation.

Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back.

With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand. The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears. Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month. Hence their meeting date has been called "Qi Xi" (Double Seventh).

中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, usually in October in Gregorian calendar.

Folklore about the origin of the festival go like this: In remote antiquity, there were ten suns rising in the sky, which scorched all crops and drove people into dire poverty. A hero named Hou Yi was much worried about this, he ascended to the top of the Kunlun Mountain and, directing his superhuman strength to full extent, drew his extraordinary bow and shot down the nine superfluous suns one after another. He also ordered the last sun to rise and set according to time. For this reason, he was respected and loved by the people and lots of people of ideals and integrity came to him to learn martial arts from him. A person named Peng Meng lurked in them. Hou Yi had a beautiful and kindhearted wife named Chang E. One day on his way to the Kunlun Mountain to call on friends, he ran upon the Empress of Heaven Wangmu who was passing by. Empress Wangmu presented to him a parcel of elixir, by taking which, it was said, one would

ascend immediately to heaven and become a celestial being. Hou Yi, however, hated to part with his wife. So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being. Chang E hid the parcel in a treasure box at her dressing table when, unexpectedly, it was seen by Peng Meng.

One day when Hou Yi led his disciples to go hunting, Peng Meng, sword in hand, rushed into the inner chamber and forced Chang E to hand over the elixir. Aware that she was unable to defeat Peng Meng, Chang E made a prompt decision at that critical moment. She turned round to open her treasure box, took up the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp. As soon as she swallowed the elixir her body floated off the ground, dashed out of the window and flew towards heaven. Peng Meng escaped.

When Hou Yi returned home at dark, he knew from the maidservants what had happened. Overcome with grief, Hou Yi looked up into the night sky and called out the name of his beloved wife when, to his surprise, he found that the moon was especially clear and bight and on it there was a swaying shadow that was exactly like his wife. He tried his best to chase after the moon. But as he ran, the moon retreated; as he withdrew, the moon came back. He could not get to the moon at all.

Thinking of his wife day and night, Hou Yi then had an incense table arranged in the back garden that Chang E loved. Putting on the table sweetmeats and fresh fruits Chang E enjoyed most, Hou Yi held at a distance a memorial ceremony for Chang E who was sentimentally attached to him in the palace of the moon.

When people heard of the story that Chang E had turned into a celestial being, they arranged the incense table in the moonlight one after another and prayed kindhearted Chang E for good fortune and peace. From then on the custom of worshiping the moon spread among the people. People in different places follow various customs, but all show their love and longing for a better life. Today people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.

重阳节Double Ninth Festival

The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number "6" was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative, while number "9" was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival. Chong in Chinese means "double." Also, as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify "forever", both are "Jiu Jiu," the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. That's why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.

The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called "Height Ascending Festival". The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity. Even today, people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on this day

In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors' Day. Since then, all government units, organizations and streets communities will organize an autumn trip each year for those who have retired from their posts. At the waterside or on the mountains, the seniors will find themselves merged into nature. Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day.

冬至Winter Solstice Festival

As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.

The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.

In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors. They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.







Marriage is the most important thing in the life. In China, a traditional wedding is simple and lively, ceremonious, and joyful. There are some unique features in this ceremony, but in modern

society, especially in the city, it is hardly seen any more.

The bridal sedan is the core of the traditional wedding. In wedding, the bride should sit in the sedan, then be lifted from her mother's home to her husband' home. Generally, there are two kinds of sedan, that is, four-lifter and eight-lifter, also divided into "dragon sedan" and "phoenix sedan". There are so many suites that hold gongs, umbrellas, fans and so on, besides lifters, In group, there are more than ten people at least, and the occasion is very magnificent. In a traditional wedding, accompanied with a bridesmaid, the bride wearing a red veil and led along by the brides groom who holds a red silk in his hand, enters the bridal sedan. On the way to the husband's home, lifters jolt the sedan as it is necessary in a joyful wedding. Lifters swing the sedan from left to right, causing the bride to sit unsteadily inside. Sometimes the bridegroom has to substitute for his bride or beg to everyone else, while, all laugh to adding to the jubilance.

The wedding ceremony is the most important part of a traditional Chinese wedding. The newlyweds go to the table for heaven and earth where there is a dou (a kind of basket) full of grain. The dou is written with red paper. There are many coins placed in the four corners of the dou to provide the "luck" meaning to the guests. There is a cypress branch, called "ready source of money", decorated with copper coins. Besides, one steelyard, a mirror, a loom, a lamp or a candle are also placed near the dou. Afterwards, the groom stand on the left side, the bride right by his side, while the director prompts," First bow to the heaven and earth; second bow to the parents; third bow to each other". According to the folk saying, they will not be the formal couple until bowing to the heaven and earth. As a result, people pay a great attention to this ceremony. An interesting custom is that if the groom cannot come to this ceremony, he should ask his sister to hold a cock instead.

After taking the bridal sedan, bowing to the heaven, it's time for the newlyweds to go to the bridal chamber. According to custom, their relatives and friends get together in the bridal chamber to banter the newlyweds. At this time, the newlyweds will never get angry even if the teasing games are a bit outrageous, but will try to skillfully dissolve since the relatives and friends intend to delight them.







Cheongsam and Traditional Chinese Costumes

The cheongsam has its origin in the Manchu female's costumes in the Qing Dynasty and has been regarded as the model of Chinese traditional habilatory culture .As for the reason, the cheongsam not only accords with the characteristic of harmony within Chinese culture in terms of the style, but also shows rich oriental idiosyncrasy with regard to ornamental techniques. In addition, the cheongsam will give more prominence to a lady's slender figure ,and also help to heighten the center of gravity of human bodies together with high-heel shoes ,so that civility, elegance and dignity will be fully displayed. Therefore, the cheongsam developed its own trend, which has been long lasting.

As for the traditional clothes of Chinese men, the long gown and mandarin jacket are typical. Both of them have round necks and narrow sleeves. The mandarin jacket can be seen as a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front, mostly with sleeves like a horse's hoof. However, the front of long gowns, with buttons on the right, is basically large. There is also a type of garment combining the long gown and the mandarin jacket, and they will only have the under-half part, buttoning in the under lap of the mandarin jacket. The long gown and mandarin jacket will give the impression of comfortableness and ease as well as sobriety.

In 2001, the presidents struck a pose on the stage in Chinese style costumes at the APEC Forum, and thus a trend of wearing Chinese style costumes came into being. The very reason why clothing with Chinese style has been labeled as Chinese -style costumes is that the place where overseas Chinese reside in has been called "Chinese town "and consequently the costumes which the Chinese wear are called Chinese style costumes. Current Chinese-style costumes were transformed from the mandarin jacket of the Qing Dynasty, and there are four major characteristics in terms of design. First, Chinese-style costumes have a stand-up collar and buttons in very middle of the front of the jacket; second, there is no seam between sleeves and jacket; third, the costumes are jackets with buttons down the front or in diagonal way; last, they have right-angled buttons. In addition, with regard to the outside material, Chinese costumes are mostly made with silk.

Moreover, the feature of clothing varies with areas and nationalities. For instance, the bellyband is the traditional close-fitting costume in Central China and north of Shanxi. The bellyband is just like the front of vest with a lace tying to the neck and it can prevent children from catching a cold. The children's wearing of bellyband will also show their naivety. Most bellybands will be embroidered with the pattern of a tiger head and the "Five Poisons", which contain a parents' nice expectation of wishing their children health. To take the costumes of the Yi Nationality as another example, they are rather distinctive with three types of women's had wears including decorating brocade round the head and a cap with an embroidered case. Especially in the area of


1、桑梓:家乡 2、桃李:学生 3、社稷、轩辕:国家 4、南冠:囚犯 5、同窗:同学 6、烽烟:战争 7、巾帼:妇女 8、丝竹:音乐 9、须眉:男子 10、婵娟、嫦娥:月亮 11、手足:兄弟 12、汗青:史册 13、伉俪:夫妻 14、白丁、布衣:百姓 15、伛偻,黄发:老人 16、桑麻:农事 17、提携,垂髫:小孩 18、三尺:法律 19、膝下:父母

20、华盖:运气 21、函、简、笺、鸿雁、札:书信 22、庙堂:朝廷 1、唐宋八大家:韩愈、柳宗元、欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石、曾巩 2、并称“韩柳”的是韩愈和柳宗元,他们是唐朝古文运动的倡导者。 3、一门父子三词客:苏洵(老苏)、苏轼(大苏)、苏辙(小苏)。 4、豪放派词人:苏轼、辛弃疾,并称“苏辛”;婉约派词人:李清照(女词人) 5、李杜:李白、杜甫。小李杜:李商隐、杜牧。 6、屈原:我国最早的伟大诗人,他创造了“楚辞”这一新诗体,开创了我国诗歌浪漫主义风格。 7、孔子名丘,字仲尼,春秋时鲁国人,他是儒家学派的创始人,被称为“孔圣人”,孟子被称为“亚圣”,两人并称为“孔孟”。 8、苏轼称赞王维“诗中有画,画中有诗。” 9、杜甫是唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,其诗广泛深刻的反映社会现实,被称为“诗史”,杜甫也因此被尊为“诗圣”,有著名的“三吏”:《潼关吏》、《石壕吏》、《新安吏》;“三别”:《新婚别》、《垂老别》、《无家别》。 10、我国第一部纪传体通史是《史记》(又称《太史公书》),作者是汉朝的司马迁,鲁迅称《史记》为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”,有:12本纪、30世家、70列传、10表、8书,共130篇。 11、“四史”:《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》、《三国志》。 12、元曲四大家:关汉卿、郑光祖、白朴、马致远。


十二属相 中国民间有一个传统习俗,人一出生,就有一种动物做他的属相。属相,也叫“生肖”,是中国民间传统的纪年和计算年龄的方法。 中国古代的纪年法是帝王年号与“干支”并用,其中“干支纪年法”从史书上有明文记载的公元前841年(庚申年),一直沿用到现在。“干”是“天干”,有十个字组成,这十个字是:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。“支”是“地支”,由十二个字组成,这十二个字是:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。把天干的十个字和地支的十二个字按顺序配合起来,可以得到60种排列,如:甲子、乙丑、丙寅……这60种排列周而复始,循环使用,每六十年叫做“一个甲子”。如公历的2001年,是农历的辛巳年,公历的2002年,是农历的壬午年;而六十年后,2061年又是辛巳年,2062年又是壬午年。从东汉(25——220)时开始,人们又用鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪12种动物来配十二地支,组成了十二生肖,也叫十二属相。这就是子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。这样,子年是鼠年,丑年是牛年,寅年是虎年……于是,每个人一出生,就有一种动物作他的属相。子年出生的属鼠,丑年出生的属牛,寅年出生的属虎,以此类推。 现在,中国人在用公历纪年和计算年龄的同时,仍然习惯用属相纪年和推算年龄。

twelve symbolic animals it is traditional in China,when a perpon is born,one animal(shuxiang)is used to symbolize this year.Shuxiang,also called shengxiao(any ofthe 12 animals representing the Earthly Branches),is a traditional way in China to number the years and to record a person's age. The ancient Chinese people invented the method to designate the years by the Heavenly Stems consist of the characters:jia,yi,bing,ding,wu,ji,geng,xin,ren,and gui.And the Earthly Branches are composed of 12 characters:zi,shu,yin,mao,chen,si,wu,wei,shen,you,xu,,bining each of the 10 Heavenly Stems with one of the 12 Earthly Branches in sequence creates 60 chronological symbols.For example jiazi,yichou,bingyin,etc.These 60 symbols are used in circles and thus each year has a chronological symbol.For example,2001 corresponds to xinsi,2002 to renwu in the lunar calendar;after 60 years,2061,once again,corresponds to xinsi,and 2062,to,ter,people used 12 animalsto correspond to the 12 Earthly Branches,forming the 12Symbolic Animals,namely Earthly Branch One Rat,Earthly Branch Two Ox,Earthly Branch Three Tiger,Earthly Branch Four Rabbit,Earthly Branch Five Dragon,Earthly Branch Six Snake,Earthly Branch Seven Horse,Earthly Branch Eight Sheep,Earthly Branch Nine Monkey,Earthly Branch Ten Rooster,Earthly Branch Eleven Dog,Earthly Branch Twelve Pig.Thus the zi year is the Year of the Rat,and the chou Year is the year of the Ox,and the yin Year is the Year of the Year of Tiger,etc.Therefore,when a person is born,he has an animal as his aymbolic animal.The year 2002 was a renwu year under lunar calendar,also the year of Horse,and so children born in this yea are all Horse babies. Even though the Chinese people now number the years and their age under the Gregorian calendar,the still continue to use the symbolic animals.As long as people know a person' probable age and his symbolic animao,people can infer his exact age and year of birth.


Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist. The decision is partly based on an inability —or unwillingness —to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway. After all, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, math and science, all subjects in which Asian schools famously excel. Our main concern is the ability of our son —and indeed the whole family — to adapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese. Apprehension increases when talking to local friends. China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Dynasty.Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city’s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade


高考常考中国古代文化常识大全 一、文化常识 1、初唐四杰:王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王。 2、三国:魏、蜀、吴。 3、四大古典名着:《红楼梦》、《三国演义》、《水浒》、《西游记》。 4、四大民间 传说:《牛郎织女》、《梁山伯与祝英台》、《孟姜女》、《白蛇传》。5、世界四 大短篇小说巨匠:契诃夫、莫泊桑、马克吐温、欧亨利。6、苏轼的散文代表 北宋散文的最高成就,其诗与黄庭坚并称苏黄。7、马致远的散曲代表作《天 净沙秋思》,被誉为秋思之祖。8、曹雪芹披阅十载,增删五次创作了我国古 典小说中最伟大的现实主义作品《红楼梦》(又称《石头记》),它问世后就广 为流传,深受人们喜爱,还出现了专门研究该书的一门学问红学,红学现已 成为世界文学研究中的重要课题。9、鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人,陈毅被 称为元帅诗人;臧克家因诗作多为农村题材,有泥土诗人之称;田间被闻一 多誉为时代的鼓手(擂鼓诗人)。10、岁寒三友:松、竹、梅。11、花中四君子:梅、兰、竹、菊。12、文人四友:琴、棋、书、画。13、文房四宝:笔、墨、纸、砚。14、四库全书:经、史、子、集。15、《诗经》六义指:风、雅、颂(分类)、赋、比、兴(表现手法)。16、唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清小说。17、桂冠、鳌头、榜首、问鼎、夺魁:第一。18、三纲五常:三纲:父为子纲、君为臣纲、夫为妻纲;五常:仁、义、礼、智、信。19、四书五经是儒 家的主要经典:四书即《论语》《孟子》《中庸》《大学》;五经指《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》。20、三皇:天皇、地皇、人皇或伏羲、女娲、神农;五帝:黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜。21、五金:金、银、铜、铁、锡。 22、五味:酸、甜、苦、辣、咸。23、五行:金、木、水、火、土。24、永 字八法是说永字具有:点、横、竖、撇、捺、折、钩、提八种笔画。25、古


1、在下列餐具中,哪一项在吃西餐中不需要用到的是A.chopsticks(筷子)B.spoon(勺子)C.knife(刀)D.fork(叉子) 2、Halloween(万圣节)是哪一天? A.10月1日B.12月25日C.10月31日D.1月20日 在每年的11月1日是西方的万圣节。10月31日是万圣节前夕。通常叫做万圣节前夜(万圣夜)。每当万圣夜到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物。万圣节最广为人知的象征也正是这两样——奇异的“杰克灯”和“不给糖就捣乱trick or treat”的恶作剧。华语地区常将万圣夜(Halloween)误称为万圣节。 3、Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)是哪一天? A.11月的第一个星期四B.11月的第二个星期四 C.11月的第三个星期四D.11月的第四个星期四 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),美国和加拿大节日,在每年11月的第四个星期四,由美国首创的,原意是为了感谢印第安人,后来人们常在这一天感谢他人。在这一天起将休假两天,都要和自己的家人团聚,感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日. Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节在五月份第二个星期天Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June.父亲节在六月份第三个星期天 4.中号衣服的标志是? A. S B.L C. M D. Y

L大— Large M中— Medium S小— Small 5、我们每天____上学,____放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国_____ 。 A . am, pm, USA B . am, pm, PRC C . pm, am, UK D . pm, am, PRC (PRC中华人民共和国) 6.He is a fat cat(引申义). 他是一个大亨 7.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是__和__ A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X 8. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词 A. Red B. orange C. peach D. banana 9.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ___?英国女人不喜欢别人问她的年龄A.her name B. her age C. her home D. her child 10. UFO的意思是? A. 贵宾 B.不明飞行物 C. 人民币 D. 英国广播公司 11. VIP的意思是? A. 贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C. 人名币 D. 英国广播公司12. China有中国的意思;而china有___的意思 A. 中国人 B. 汉族 C.瓷器 D. 名族 13.what letter is a drink?哪个字母的读音可以理解为一种饮料? A. B B. V C.T(音同tea 茶) D. G 14. 生活中,我们经常能用到一些英文字母,如在医院中有 检查,书店中有《阿正传》,在家中我们看节目。


中国古代文化常识之——天文历法 作文辅导 1207 0018 : 【星宿】宿(xiu),古代把星座称作星宿。《范进中举》:“如今却做了老爷,就是天上的星宿。”“天上的星宿是打不得的。”古人认为人间有功名的人是天上星宿降生的,这是迷信说法。 【二十八宿】又叫二十八舍或二十八星,是古人为观测日、月、五星运行而划分的二十八个星区,用来说明日、月、五星运行所到的位置。每宿包含若干颗恒星。二十八宿的名称,自西向东排列为:东方苍龙七宿(角、亢kang、氐di、房、心、尾、箕);北方玄武七宿(斗、牛、女、虚、危、室、壁);西方白虎七宿(奎、娄、胃、昴mao、毕、觜zT、参shen);南方朱雀七宿(井、鬼、柳、星、张、翼、轸zhen)。唐代温庭筠的《太液池歌》:“夜深银汉通柏梁,二十八宿朝玉堂。”夸饰地描写星光灿烂、照耀宫阙殿堂的景象。王勃《滕王阁序》:“物华天宝,龙光射斗牛之墟。”是说物产华美有天然的珍宝,龙泉剑光直射斗宿、牛宿的星区。刘禹锡诗:“鼙鼓夜闻惊朔雁,旌旗晓动拂参星。”形容雄兵出师惊天动地的场面,参星即参宿。 【四象】参见“二十八宿”条。古人把东、北、西、南四方每一方的七宿想象为四种动物形象,叫作四象。东方七宿如同飞舞在春天夏初夜空的巨龙,故而称为东官苍龙;北方七宿似蛇、龟出现在夏天秋初的夜空,故而称为北官玄武;西方七宿犹猛虎跃出深秋初冬的夜空,故而称为西官白虎;南方七宿像一展翅飞翔的朱雀,出现在寒冬早春的夜空,故而称为南官朱雀。 【分野】古代占星家为了用天象变化来占卜人间的吉凶祸福,将天上星空区域与地上的国州互相对应,称作分野。具体说就是把某星宿当作某封国的分野,某星宿当作某州的分野,或反过来把某国当作某星宿的分野,某州当作某星宿的分野。如王勃《滕王阁序》:“豫章故郡,洪都新府。星分翼轸,地接衡庐。”是说江西南昌地处翼宿、轸宿分野之内。李白《蜀道难》:“扪参历井仰胁息,以手抚膺坐长叹。”参宿是益州(今四川)的分野,井宿是雍州(今陕西、甘肃大部)的分野,蜀道跨益、雍二州。扪参历井是说入蜀之路在益、雍两州极高的山上,人们要仰着头摸着天上的星宿才能过去。 二十八宿与国分野如下 星宿角亢氐房心尾箕斗牛女虚危室壁奎娄胃昴毕觜参井鬼柳星张翼轸 国郑宋燕越吴齐卫鲁魏赵秦周楚 星宿角亢氐房心尾箕斗牛女虚危室壁奎娄胃昴毕觜参井鬼柳星张翼轸 州兖州豫州幽州江湖扬州青州并州徐州冀州益州雍州三河荆州 【昴宿】西方白虎七宿的第四宿,由七颗星组成,又称旄头(旗头的意思)。唐代李贺诗“秋静见旄头”,旄头指昴宿。唐代卫象诗“辽东老将鬓有


第一章天文 1、五星:太白(金星)、岁星(木星)、辰星(水星)、荧惑(火星)、镇星(土星) 2、古人认为各种自然现象都有它的主持者,人们将它们人格化,并赋予一定的名字,例如:风师飞廉、雨师屏翳、云师丰隆、日御羲和、月御望舒 3、七政(七曜):日、月、金、木、水、火、土 4、五纬:金、木、水、火、土 ①金星:古曰明星,又名太白,因其光色银白。金星黎明见于东方叫启明,黄昏见于西方叫长庚 ②木星:古曰岁星,迳称为岁。古人认为岁星十二年绕天一周 ③水星:一名辰星,并不是指行星中的水星,而是指恒星中的定星(营室)④火星:古名荧惑,指恒星中的大火(心宿)⑤土星:古名镇星或填星 5、二十八星宿:古人先后选择了黄道赤道附近的二十八个星宿作为“坐标”,分别是: 东方苍龙七宿角亢氐房心尾箕北方玄武七宿斗牛女虚危室壁西方白虎七宿奎娄胃昴毕觜参南方朱雀七宿井鬼柳星张翼轸 6、四象:东方苍龙、北方玄武(龟蛇)、西方白虎、南方朱雀 7、有关天象的词: “月离于毕”:月亮附丽于毕宿“荧惑守心”:火星居于心宿“太白食昴”:金星遮蔽住昴宿 8、参商:指参宿和心宿,后世把兄弟不和睦比喻为参辰或参商。又因参宿居于西方,心宿居于东方,出没两不相见,所以后世把亲朋久别不能重逢也比喻为参商 9、三垣:紫微垣、太微垣、天市垣 古人在黄河流域常见的北天上空,以北极星为标准,集合周围其他各星,合为一区,名曰紫微垣。在紫微垣外,在星张翼轸以北的星区是太微垣;在房心尾箕斗以北的星区是天市垣10、北斗:天枢、天璇、天玑、天权、玉衡、开阳、瑶光。前四组成斗身,古曰魁;后三组成斗柄,古曰杓。北斗七星属于大熊座 北斗定季节:斗柄指东,天下皆春;斗柄指南,天下皆夏;斗柄指西,天下皆秋;斗柄指北,天下皆冬


中国龙 对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼,蛇,马,牛等动物与云雾,雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞,开拓变化的寓意和团结凝聚的精神。 Chinese Dragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or Loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion. 饺子 饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品。相传为古代医圣仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括:1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。民间有"好吃不过饺子"的俗语。中国人接亲待友。逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗,寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,"更岁交子"吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不可少的容。 Dumplings Dumplings are one of the Chinese people's favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint-Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, freshen and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There's an old saying that claims, "Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings." During the Spring Festival and other holidays or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year. 针灸 针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。按照中医的经络理论,针灸疗法主要是通过疏通经络、调和气血,来达到阴阳归于平衡,使脏腑趋于调和之目的。其特点是"病外治"。主要疗法是用针刺入病人身体的一定穴位,或用艾火的温热刺激烧灼病人的穴位。以达到刺激经络,治疗病痛的目的。针灸以其独特的优势,流传至今病传播到了世界,与中餐、功夫、中药一起被海外赞誉为中国的"新四大国粹"。 Acupuncture Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the "main and collateral channels" theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body's yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that "internal diseases are to b e treated with external therapy"/ the main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient's body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient's acupoints so as to stimulate the channels


一、饮食文化 1、西餐礼仪 the knife is on the right . 刀放置于右边 the fork is on the left. 叉置于左边 The spoon is beside the knife. 勺子置于刀的旁边 The plate is in the middle.盘子放在中间 2、饭后甜点dessert 的介绍 It’s something sweet, like pudding, fruit or ice-cream…饭后吃一些甜食,比如布丁、水果、冰激凌等等 3、Traditional Chinese food中国传统食品 sweet dumplings汤圆zongzi粽子mooncake月饼dumplings饺子 二、节日文化 1、Women’s Day妇女节 2、Children’s Day儿童节 3、Christmas 圣诞节 Merry Christmas圣诞快乐 Father Christmas圣诞老人 Christmas Tree 圣诞树turkey火鸡gifts礼物 4、西方节日 Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节在五月份第二个星期天 Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June.父亲节在六月份第三个星期天 In America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. 在美国,感恩节在十一月份的第四个星期四 In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October. 在加拿大,感恩节在十月份的第二个星期一 三、生活常识及日常标志的认识 1、出口、入口和卫生间标志: entrance入口exit出口women’s女卫生间men’s男卫生间 2、不同国家的紧急求救号码emergency number 3、水零度结冰膨胀 When water gets to 0 degrees, it becomes ice. 当温度达到0摄氏度时,水会结冰。 When water freezes, it expands, or gets bigger. If you want to freeze a bottle of water, leave some room for the ice to expand. 当水结冰了,它会膨胀变大。如果你要冷藏一杯水,要留足够的空间让它膨胀。 4、鲸鱼的介绍


高考英语传统文化相 关知识点

近几年,高考英语更重视考查学生阅读能力、跨文化交际能力和思维能力。掌握一些传统文化名词和背诵一些传统文化方面的范文,对提高听力、阅读理解、作文成绩有着很大的帮助! 一. 100个中国传统文化名词1.元宵节: Lantern Festival 2.刺绣:Embroidery 3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4.清明节:Tomb Sweeping Day 5.剪纸:Paper Cutting 6.书法: Calligraphy 7.对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8.象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9.雄黄酒:Realgar Wine 10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11.战国:Warring States 12.风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13.昆曲:Kunqu Opera 14.长城:The Great Wall 15.集体舞:Group Dance 16.黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17.红臼喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19.花鼓戏:Flower Drum Song 20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21.中国结:Chinese knotting

22.古装片:Costume Drama 23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25.越剧:Yue Opera 26.火锅:Hot Pot 27.江南:South Regions of the Yangtze River 28.《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29.谜语:Riddle 30.《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31.《红楼梦》:A Dream of Red Mansions 32.《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33.除夕:Chinese New Year's Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34.针灸:Acupuncture 35.唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36.二人转 : Errenzhuan 37.偏旁 :Radical 38.孟子:Mencius 39.亭/阁:Pavilion/Attic 40.黄梅戏 :Huangmei Opera 41.火药:Gunpowder 42.农历:Lunar Calendar 43.印/玺:Seal/Stamp 44.腊八节:The laba Rice Porridge Festival

中国文化 英文表达

1. 元宵节:Lantern Festival 2. 刺绣:embroidery 3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting 6. 书法:Calligraphy 7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 战国:Warring States 12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集体舞:Group Dance 16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附属学校:Affiliated school 22. 古装片:Costume Drama 23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火锅:Hot Pot


中国古代文化常识之服饰代称 古代的服饰以其鲜明的特性,显示了穿着者的贵贱尊卑或性别职业,因而不同特点的服饰就成了不同社会地位人的代称,有的甚至沿用至今。 1、黔首:黔,黑色。黔首,即以黑巾裹头,代指平民,具体而言指本业为农业与小手工业,末业为小商贾等各种不事生产的人。战国时期,黔首之称已经广泛使用,《吕氏春秋》中《执一》、《振乱》、《怀宠》和《战国策·魏策》、《韩非子·忠孝》、李斯《谏逐客书》、《礼记·祭义》等均曾出现。它的含义与当时常见的“民”、“庶民”同。秦统一天下后,秦始皇自以为得水德,衣服旄旌节旗皆尚黑。《史记·秦始皇本纪》记载,秦始皇二十六年(前221)下诏令谓民为“黔首”,这是秦统一中国后更定名物制度的内容之一。秦始皇三十一年,发布“使黔首自实田”的律令。占有土地的地主和自耕农,按照当时实际占有的田数,向封建政府呈报,即可取得国家的承认。从此,“黔首”一词便伴随着这套封建土地制度和法令就在全国范围内施行而成为固定称谓。 2、白丁:古代平民着白衣,所以常以“白丁”称呼平民百姓。刘禹锡《陋室铭》:“谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。”中的“白丁”可引申为没有学识的人。 3、白袍:旧指未得功名的士人。唐士子未仕者服白袍,故以为入试士子的代称。唐李肇《唐国史补》卷下:“或有朝客讥宋济曰:‘近日白袍子何太纷纷?’济曰:‘盖由绯袍子、紫袍子纷纷化使然也。’”宋洪迈《容斋三笔·叶晦叔诗》:“一闲十日岂天赐?惭愧纷纷白袍子。”宋苏轼《催试官考较戏作》诗:“愿君闻此添蜡烛,门外白袍如立鹄。”宋叶适《叶路分居思堂》诗:“白袍虽屡捷,黄榜未沾恩。” 4、布衣:麻布衣服,借指平民。古代平民不能衣锦绣,多穿布衣。汉·桓宽《盐铁论·散不足》:“古者庶人耋老而后衣丝,其馀则麻枲而已,故命曰布衣。”诸葛亮《出师表》:“臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。”布衣之交,即指贫贱之交。 5、袍泽:“袍”和“泽”都是古代衣服的名称。《诗经·无衣》:“岂曰无衣?与子同袍”、“岂曰无衣?与子同泽”在这里用来形容战士们互相友爱、同心同德的品质,因此“袍泽”就成了将士、战友的代名词。 6、青衿:亦作“青襟”,周代读书人常穿的服装,泛指有学识的人。曹操《短歌行》:“青青子衿,悠悠我心”。杜甫《题衡山县新学堂呈陆宰》诗:“金甲相排荡,青衿一憔悴。”明清科举时代则专指秀才。 7、苍头:原指战国时主人战旗下的军队,多以乡党的青年组成,因以青巾裹头,故名。《战国策·魏策一》:“今窃闻大王之卒,武力二十余万,苍头二千万。”《史记·项羽本纪》:“少年欲立婴,使为王,异军苍头特起。”裴骃集解引应劭曰:“苍头特起,言与众异也。苍头,谓士卒皁巾,若赤眉、青领,以相别也。”至汉代,战事减少,逐渐沦为奴隶,操持贵族邸宅的杂务。遭逢战乱,仍不失主人近侍军队的性质。魏晋以后,则纯为私家奴仆。《汉书·霍光传》:“(霍)云当朝请,数称病私出,多从宾客:张围猎黄山苑中,使苍头奴上朝谒,莫敢谴者。”《晋书.石崇传》:“有司薄阅崇水碓三十余区,苍头八百余人,他珍宝货贿称是。”《明会要·民政三》:“景泰中,杨杰上言:‘臣家苍头得官者十六人,乞停苍头杨钊等职。’诏许之。” 8、黄裳:黄色表示尊贵,穿黄裳意味着臣居尊位,因而黄裳成了将做君主的太子的别称。卢照邻《中和乐·歌储宫》:“黄裳元吉,邦家以宁。” 9、黄冠:古代指箬帽之类,蜡祭时戴之。《礼记·郊特牲》:“黄衣黄冠而祭,息田夫也。野夫黄冠;黄冠,草服也。”郑玄注:“言祭以息民,服像其时物之色,季秋而草木黄落。”孔颖达疏:“黄冠是季秋之后草色之服。”后即借指农夫野老之服。东汉末年,张角创立太平道,信奉


高中语文文学常识之中国古代文化常识:天文地理、官制科举、称谓礼俗 一、天文地理 1、天干地支 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸总称天干,子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥总称地支。天干表次序,地支表时间。十天干与十二地支,两两相配,按顺序组成六十对,可表年、月、日次序,周而复始,循环使用。60年一循环。 2、十二时 一日分十二时,每时2小时,23时至次日1时为子时,以下类推为丑时(鸡鸣)寅时(平旦)卯时(日出)辰时(食时)巳时(隅中)午时(日中)未时(日映)申时(晡时)酉时(日入)戌时(黄昏)亥时(人定)。每时前一小时为“初”,后一个小时为“正”。 “鸡鸣入机织”应为凌晨1~3点。“黄昏后”“人定初”应为晚9点。 3、望、朔、晦 阴历每月十五称“望”,十六称“既望”,每月第一天称“朔”,月底最后一天称“晦”。 4、节日 【上元】阴历正月十五,即“元宵节”。 【社日】(祭土神):春天在立春后,秋天在立秋后。 【上巳】(水边洗濯祭祖,又称“修禊”):阴历三月三。(会

于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也) 【寒食】亦称“禁烟节”、“冷节”、“百五节”。在夏历冬至后一百零五日,清明节前一或二日。 【七夕】阴历七月七。此日女子在月光下对着织女星穿针穿过七枚大小不同的针眼,称“乞巧”。 【中元】七月十五。 【四时】古代对春夏秋冬四季的称谓。每季三个月,每月用“孟”“仲”“季”命名。 我国传统节日主要有八个:小年/春节/元宵节/清明节/端午节/七夕节/中秋节/重阳节。 5、星宿 古人将天上恒星分为二十八组,每组一个星宿。然后又把地面的州郡邦国与之对应,这便是分野。二十八宿分为东方苍龙、南方朱雀、西方白虎、东方玄武(龟蛇)四大星区。古人把每一方的七宿连起来想象成四种动物形象,成为“四象”。四大星区常装饰在战旗上,作为部队序列。 “星分翼轸,地接衡庐”即翼、轸两星宿,对应地面的荆州。又如牛、女星宿对扬州(一说,斗、牛对越国,女宿对吴国)。 “月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间”“斗”即斗宿(即北斗星),“牛”即“牵牛星”。 “扪参历井仰胁息,以手抚膺坐长叹”参宿、井宿(参


1.中国文化篇中国教育篇中国教育相关表达 素质教育education for all-round development 应试教育exam-oriented education 填鸭式教学cramming method of learning 义务教育compulsory education 高等教育higher education 普通高校regular institution of higher learning 就业服务和职业培训employment services and vocational skills training 综合性大学comprehensive university 重点大学key university 减轻学生负担reduce burden for students 应届高校毕业生new college graduates 招生办公室admission office 入学考试entrance examination 高考college entrance examination 研究生入学考试postgraduate entrance examination 入学资格admission qualification 升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade 奖学金scholarship 学费tuition 专业课course within one's major 必修课required course

选修课optional course 学分制credit system 毕业论文graduation thesis 毕业证书graduation certificate 学生会students’union 学历record of formal schooling 中小学生primary and secondary school student 本科生undergraduate 研究生postgraduate 同学classmate 教授professor 副教授associate professor 讲师lecturer 助教teaching assistant 教育界education circle 教育投入input in education 学前教育preschool education 智力引进introduce talents 课外活动extracurricular activity 2.中国科技篇中国科技相关表达 科技是第一生产力science and technology constitute a primary productive force 科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system


文言文专项复习 中国古代文化常识检测题(一) 1、称杜甫为杜工部,称左光斗为左忠毅公,称陆游为陆放翁,分别是以_ _、_ _、_ _ 来称 呼人。 A.郡望、爵名、号 B.郡望、爵名、谥号 C.官职、爵名、号 D.官职、谥号、号 2.我国古代文人学士的作品集名称内涵丰富,各具特点。下列作品集《柳河东集》、《聊斋志异》、《范文正公集》、《李太白全集》、《稼轩长短句》、《王右丞集》、《白氏长庆集》命名方式为:A.地名、年号、谥号、字、号、官职、书房名 B.地名、书房名、谥号、号、字、官职、年号 C.书房名、地名、官职、号、字、谥号、年号 D.地名、书房名、谥号、字、号、官职、年号 3.下列各句的叙述,有错的一项是() A.古时以“泰山”喻岳父,以“伉俪”喻夫妇。对老师称“子”“夫子”“师”“先生”。 B.臣民称皇帝为“陛下”,皇帝对臣下表示宠爱时称臣下为“卿”“爱卿”。 C.古人在称谓前加个“先”字,表示已经死去,用于敬称地位高的人或年长的人。如已死的皇帝为先帝,已死的父亲为先考,已死的母亲为先妣,已死的有才德的人为先贤。 D.“卑己尊人”是中华民族的传统美德。古人在称别人的父亲时,敬词有令堂、令尊等;称自己的父亲时,谦词有家慈、家君、家尊等。 4.下列称谓中,全属谦称的一项是() A.孤足下不才 B.愚仆小子 C.妾寡人臣 D.孤不谷竖子 5.下列关于称谓的解释,错误的一项是() A.陛下是对帝王的称呼,古代不敢直称帝王,而称宫殿台阶下,表示敬畏。 B.臣早期是古人表示谦卑的自称,百姓也可以自称“臣”,后用作臣下对君主的自称。 C.卿早期是古代对人的敬称,适用范围较广,后来多用作君主对臣下的称呼。 D.朕是古人的自称,本来没有贵贱之分,自秦始皇开始专用为诸侯王或皇帝的自称。 6.下列对文化常识的解说,不正确的一项是 A古人有取字、号的习惯。男子20岁举行加冠礼时取字,女子15岁举行笄礼时取字。人们为了尊重别人,一般不直呼其名,而称其字、号。 B古人有一些表示特定关系的称呼。加“太”表示长一辈,加“先”表示已逝世的尊长,加“从”表示叔伯关系。 C谥号是古代帝王、诸侯、高官大臣等死后,朝廷根据他们的生平行为给予加以褒贬善恶的一种称号。庙号是皇帝死后,在太庙立室奉祀时特起的名号,唐宋以来的皇帝都改称庙号。 D新皇帝即位后,一般都要改变纪年的年号,称为“改元”。同一皇帝在位时也可以改元。到了清
