






Motoring Technology

1.2 million road deaths worldwide occur each year, plus a further 50 million injuries. To reduce car crash rate, much research now is focused on safety and new fuels-though some electric vehicle and biofuel research aims at going faster.

Travelling at speed has always been risky. One cutting edge area of research in motoring safety is the use of

digital in--car assistants. They can ensure you don't miss crucial road signs or fall asleep. The use of artificial intelligence software allows these assistants to monitor your driving and makes sure your phone or radio doesn't distract you at a vital moment. Most crashes result from human and not mechanical faults.

Some safety developments aim to improve your vision. Radar can spot obstacles in fog, while other technology “sees through” high-sided vehicles blocking your view.

And improvements to seat belts, pedal controls and tyres are making driving smoother and safer. The colour of a car has been found to be linked with safety, as have, less surprisingly, size and shape.

And alternatives to fossil-fuel based petrol, such as plant oils, are a hot area of research. Fuel cells based on hydrogen burn cleanly, and are the subject of a serious research effort.

But whatever is in the fuel tank, you don't want a thief in the driving seat and there have been many innovations, some using satellite tracking and remote communications, to fight against car theft. These communication systems can also come into play if you crash, automatically calling for help.

Accidents cause many traffic jams, but there are more subtle interplays between vehicles that can cause jams even on a clear but busy road. Such jams can be analysed using statistical tools. Robotic drivers could be programmed to make traffic flow smoothly and will perhaps one day be everyone's personal chauffeur, but their latest efforts suggest that won't be soon.

3l What are researchers interested in doing as the road accidents worldwide increase to a shocking rate? _________

A They are developing faster electric vehicles.

B They are analyzing road deaths occurring worldwide every year.

C They focus their research on safety and new fuels.

D They are designing fully automatic cars.

32 According to the second paragraph, most road accidents happen _________

A because drivers fall asleep

B because drivers make mistakes

C because of engine failure

D because of speeding

33 Which of the safety developments is NOT mentioned in the passage? _________

A Radars that can help drivers to see obstacles in fog.

B Devices that can help drivers to see through big vehicles.

C Improvements in seat belts, pedal controls and tyres.

D Windscreens that can help drivers to improve their vision.

34 What is NOT the purpose of innovations that use satellite tracking and remote communications? _________

A To prevent car thieves from getting into your car.

B To call for help when one's car crashes.

C To call for help when the car gets jammed in the traffic.

D To track the car down when it is being stolen.

35 What is true of robotic drivers? _________

A It will take some time before robotic drivers can be put to practical use.

B Robotic drivers are not allowed to drive on busy roads.

C Robotic drivers can never replace human drivers.

D Robotic drives are too expensive to use.


How to Forgive

To forgive may be divine, but no one ever said it was easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your grudge. But forgiveness is

possible-and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. “People who forgive show less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness,”says Frederic luskin, Ph. D., author of Forgive for Good (Harper Collins, 2002). “So it can help save on the wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune system and allow people to feel more vital.”

So how do you start the healing? Try following these steps: Calm yourself. To defuse your anger, try a simple stress-management technique. “Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful

scene in nature, someone you love,” laskin says. Don't wait for an apology. “Many times the person who hurt you has no intention of apologi zing,” luskin says. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way. So if you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.” Keep in mind that forgiveness does

not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action. Take the control away from your offender. Mentally replaying your hurt gives power

to the person who caused you pain. “Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you,” luskin says. Try to see things from

the other person's perspective. If you empathize with that person, you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear-even love. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Research has shown that people who forgive report more energy, better appetite and better sleep patterns. Don't forget to forgive yourself. “ For people, forgivin g themselves is the biggest challenge,” luskin says. “ But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don't.”

36 According to the passage, which of the following statements of forgiveness is NOT true? _________

A Forgiveness is easy.

B Forgiveness is possible.

C Forgiveness can benefit your physical and mental health.

D Forgiveness is great.

37 The underlined word “grudge” (Para. l) most probably means“_________”.

A understanding

B forgiveness

C anger

D jealousy

38 “Take a couple of breaths and think of... someone you love” is a good way to _________.

A take the control away from your offender

B see things from the other person's perspective

C recognize the benefits of forgiveness

D calm yourself

39 According to luskin, you should not wait for an apology. There are several reasons EXCEPT that _________.

A the person who hurt you may have no intention of apologizing

B forgiveness means reconciliation with the person who hurt you

C the person who hurt you may have wanted to hurt you

D people just don't see things the same way

40 What is the biggest challenge? _________

A To have better appetite and better sleep when you are hurt by others.

B To stop replaying your hurt.

C To remember to forgive yourself.

D To write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.



Hawaii's native minority is demanding a greater degree of sovereignty over its own affairs. But much of the

archipelago's political establishment, which includes the White Americans who dominated until the Second World War and people of Japanese, Chinese and Filipino origin, is opposed to the idea.

The islands were annexed by the US in l898 and since then Hawaii's native peoples have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups. They make up over 60 percent of the state's homeless, suffer levels of unemployment and their

life span is five years less than the average Hawaiians. They are the only major US native group without some degree of autonomy.

But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaii's first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives' cause a major boost be recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation.

However, the Hawaiian natives are not united in their demands. Some just want greater autonomy with the state--as enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education. This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in l978 to represent to natives' interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement. More ambitious in the Ka lahui group, which declared itself a new nation in l987 and wants full, official independence from the US.

But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from clear how many people this will apply to. The state

authorities only count as native those people with more than 50 percent Hawaiian blood.

Native demands are not just based on political grievances, though. They also want their claim on 660,000 hectares of Hawaiian crown land to be accepted. It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities. In l933, the state government paid the OHA US

$l36 million in back rent on the crown land and many

officials say that by accepting this payment the agency has given up its claims to legally own the land. The OHA has vigorously disputed this.

4l Hawaii's native minority refers to _________.

A people of Filipino origin

B the Ka lahui group

C people with 50% Hawaiian blood

D Hawaii's ethnic groups

42 Which of the following statement is true of the Hawaiian natives? _________

A They are the only native group without sovereignty.

B Their life span is 5 years shorter than average Americans.

C Sixty percent of them are homeless or unemployed.

D Their life is worse than that of other ethnic groups

in Hawaii.

43 Which of the following is NOT true of John Waihee? _________

A He suggested that the native people decide for themselves.

B He is leading the local independence movement.

C He is Hawaii's first native governor.

D He has set up a sovereignty advisory committee.

44 Which of the following groups holds a less radical attitude on the matter of sovereignty? _________

A The Hawaiian natives.

B American Indian natives.

C Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

D The Ka lahui group.

45 Various native Hawaiians demand all the following EXCEPT _________.

A more back rent on the crown land

B full independence from the US

C a greater autonomy within the state

D a claim on the Hawaiian crown land


2014年职称英语 阅读理解(41) +Too Little for Global Warming

第四十一篇 Too Little for Global Warming Oil and gas will run out1 too fast for doomsday global warming scenarios2 to materialize, according to a controversial new analysis presented this week at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. The authors warn that all the fuel will be burnt before there is enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to realize predictions of melting ice caps and searing temperatures. Defending their predictions, scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change3 say they considered a range of estimates of oil and gas reserves, and point out that coal-burning could easily make up4 the shortfall. But all agree that burning coal would be even worse for the planet. The IPCC’s predictions of global meltdown pushed forward5 the 1997 Kyoto Protocol6, an agreement obliging signatory nations to cut CO2 emissions. The IPCC considered a range of future scenarios, from unlimited burning of fossil-fuels to a fast transition towards greener energy sources. But geologists Anders Sivertsson, Kjell Aleklett and Colin Campbell of Uppsala University say there is not enough oil and gas left even the most conservative of the 40 IPCC scenarios to come to pass7. Although estimates of oil and gas reserves vary widely, the researchers are part of a growing group of experts who believe that oil supplies will peak as soon as 2010, and gas soon after. Their analysis suggests that oil and gas reserves combined amount to the equivalent of about 3,500 billion barrels of oil considerably less than the 5,000 billion barrels estimated in the most optimistic model envisaged by the IPCC. Even the average forecast of about 8,000 billion barrels is more than twice the Swedish estimate of the world’s remaining reserves. Nebojsa akicenovic, an energy economist at the University of Vienna, Austria who headed the 80-strong IPCC team that produced the forecasts, says the panel’s work still stands8. He says they factored in9 a much broader and internationally accepted range of oil and gas estimates than the “conservative”Swedes. Even if oil and gas run out. “there’s a huge amount of coal underground that could be exploited.” He says that burning coal could make the IPCC scenarios come true, but points out that such a switch would be disastrous. Coal is dirtier than oil and gas and produces more CO2for each unit of energy, as well as releasing large amounts of particulates. He says the latest


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare


2016职称英语考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有下划线,请为每处下划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1、Have you talked to her?lately? https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf11404696.html,stly B.finally C.shortly D.recently 2、 About?one quarter of?the workers in the country are employed in factories. A.third B.fourth C.tenth D.fifteenth 3、 The dentist has decided to?extract?her bad tooth. A.take out B.repair C.push in D.dig 4、 We shall keep the money in a?secure?place. A.clean

B.secret C.distant D.safe 5、 This table is strongand?durable. A.long-lasting B.extensive C.far reaching D.eternal 6、 He endured agonies before he finally?expired. A.fired B.resigned C.died D.retreated 7、 There are only five minutes left, but the?outcome?of the match is still in doubt. A.result B.judgement C.estimation D.event 8、 The great changes of the city?astonished?every visitor to that city A.attacked


职称英语等级考试试题-综合A6 第三篇Play Play is the principal business of childhood, and in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs opportunity and the right materials for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. To succeed in this they must be good toys, which children will play with often, and will come back to again and again. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child’s development. In recent years research on infant development has shown that the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. So a baby’s ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully. In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jigsaws(七巧板)and construction toys; painting, scribbling(涂鸦) and making things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others. Bt the third stage of play development-from five to seven or eight years-the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier to see which type of toys the chills most enjoys.


Taking Pictures of the World Meet Annie Griffiths Belt,a National Geographic photographer.Belt has worked for National Geographic since 1978,and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world.In fact,Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasn't seen yet. Belt's photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality.They also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world.Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra, Jordan,as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England.Recently,her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America. Everywhere that Belt goes,she takes pictures of people. Belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language." The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into people's lives,"she has said."The camera is like a passport,and I am often overwhelmed by how quickly people welcome me!"


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf11404696.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.


2020年综合类职称英语考前押题练习:阅读判断备考 Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take the fact of friendship for granted, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few - for example, the average among students is about 6 per person. Moreover, a great many relationships come under the blanket term "friendship". In all cases, two people like each other and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of intimacy between them and the reasons for their mutual interest vary enormously. Initially, much depends on how people meet, and on favourable first impressions. As we get to know people, we take into account things like age, race, physical attractiveness economic and social status, and intelligence. Although these factors are not of prime importance, it is more difficult to relate to people when there is a marked difference in age and background. On a more immediate level, we are sensitive to actual behaviour, facial expression, and tone of voice. Friends will stand closer together and will spend more time looking at each other than mere acquaintances. Smiles and soft voices also express friendliness, and it is because they may transmit the wrong signals that shy people often have difficulty in making friends. A friendly gaze with the wrong facial expression can turn into an aggressive stare, and nervousness may be misread as hostility. People who do not


职称英语阅读理解 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-MG129]

【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 第二十七篇Driven to Distraction Joe Coyne slides into the driver’s seat, starts up the car and heads1 to town. The empty stretch of interstate gives way to urban congestion2, and Coyne hits the brakes as a pedestrian suddenly crosses the street in front of him. But even if he hadn’t stopped in time, the woman would have been safe. She isn’t real. Neither is the town. And Coyne isn’t really driving. Coyne is demonstrating a computerized driving simulator that is helping researchers at Old Dominion University3 (ODU) examine how in-vehicle guidance systems affect the person behind the wheel.4 The researchers want to know if such systems, which give audible or written directions, are too distracting — or whether any distractions are offset5 by the benefits drivers get from having help finding their way in unfamiliar locations.6 “We are looking at the performance and mental workload of drivers,” said Caryl Baldwin, the assistant psychology professor lending the research, which involves measuring drivers reaction time and brain activity as they respond to auditory and visual cues7. The researchers just completed a study of the mental workload8 involved in driving through different kinds of environments and heavy


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.


2015职称英语综合类C真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词语或短语画有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1 Railways are the most important mode of transport for the economy. A way B factor C objective D source 2 The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A message B punishment C guilt D obligation 3 He said some harsh words about his brother. A proper B normal C unclear D unkind 4 I am going as a favor to Ann because I have to. A partner B help C drive D guide 5 We need to identify the potential problem. A man B possible C immediate D common 6 When did you first encounter these difficulties? A create B experience C present D resolve 7 Don’t tempt thieves by leaving valuable clearly visible. A attract B alarm C catch D spot 8 There is a need for radical changes in education.


2014年职称英语综合类考试教材阅读理解文章及译文(4)2014年职称英语考试时间为3月29日。小编为您整理职称英语教材中,阅读理解部分的文章及译文,希望对您有所助益。 Motoring Technology 1.2 million road deaths worldwide occur each year, plus a further 50 million injuries. To reduce car crash rate, much research now is focused on safety and new fuels-though some electric vehicle and biofuel research aims at going faster. Travelling at speed has always been dangerous. One advanced area of research in motoring safety is the use of digital in-car assistants. They can ensure you don’t miss important road signs or fall asleep. Most crashes result from human and not mechanical faults. Some safety developments aim to improve your vision. Radar can spot obstacles in fog, while other technology "sees through" big vehicles blocking your view. And improvements to seat belts, pedal(脚踏)controls and tyres are making driving smoother and safer. The colour of a car has been found to be linked with safety, as have, less surprisingly, size and shape. But whatever is in the fuel tank, you don’t want a thief in the driving seat and there have been many innovations(创新).Satellite tracking and remote communications can also come into play if you crash, automatically calling for help. Accidents cause many traffic jams, but there are more subtle interplays between vehicles that can cause jams even on a clear but busy road. Such jams can be analyzed using statistical tools. Robotic drivers could be programmed to make traffic flow smoothly and will perhaps one day be everyons’s personal chauffeur(司机),but their latest efforts suggest that won’t be soon. 1.To reduce car crash rate,many scientists are working hard to A.design fully automatic cars. B.develop faster electric vehicles. C.analyze road deaths occurring worldwide each year. D.improve the safety of cars and develop new fuels.


2015职称英语理工类A真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. control B. observe C. regulate D. accept 2. She showed a natural aptitude for the work. A. sense B. talent C. flavor D. taste 3. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. refusal D. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. A. deadly B. open C. actual D. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. tempt D. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. A. clear B. necessary C. special D. correct 8. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. A. Service B. danger C. disorder D. threat 9. He believes that Europe must change or it will perish. A. survive B. last C. die D. move


2019 年职称英语考试综合类考前押题试卷(4) 1.The news will horrify everyone. A. attract B. terrify C. tempt D. excite 2.The article sketched the major events of the decade. A. described B. offered C. outlined D. presented 3.I won't tolerate that kind of behavior. A. bear B. accept C. admit D. take 4.Their style o playing football is utterly different. A. barely B. scarcely C. hardly D. totally

5.Her sister urged herto apply for the job. A. advised B. caused C. forced D. promised 答案: 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 1.The news will horrify everyone. A. attract B. terrify C. tempt D. excite 2.The article sketched the major events of the decade. A. described B. offered C. outlined D. presented 3.I won't tolerate that kind of behavior. A. bear B. accept C. admit D. take 4.Their style o playing football is utterly different.


Stress Level Tied to Education Level 1.Stress level is closely related to. social status. 2.The1,031adults were interviewed. on a daily basis for 8 days. 3.Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days? People with college degrees. 4.The less advantaged people are, the greater. the impact of stress on their health is. 5.Less-educated people report fewer days of stress possibly because. Stress is too common a factor in their life. Medical Journals 1.The main readers of medical journals are. health professionals. 2.Which of the following statements is NOT true? Most medical journals publish only online. 3.How many major types of articls are mentioned in the passage? Five. 4.An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is called. A research article. 5.Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on. Articles published in that journal. Need for Emphasis on Treatment 1.Which is true of many AIDS sufferers in developing countries? They are not receiving any treatment. 2.The WHO publishes its World Health Report. Once a year. 3.According to Lee, our response to the AIDS disease is. A matter of great significance. 4.AIDS treatment programs may also result in. more effective prevention. 5.How many people have died of AIDS so far? More than 20 million. Heat and Health 1.More than 600 people died from heat in Chicago. In 1995. 2.What can piople learn from the Mean Heat Index? The average temperature of an extrem ely hot day. 3.A heat wave is a period of time during which. The weather is much hotter than usual. 4.Muscle pain in hot weather means that. Y our body needs more water. 5.For people who are not in good health,heat can. Be deadly. Losing W eight 1.The study showed that most of the girls. Had a healthy body weight. 2.What percentage of the girls considered themselves overweight? Nearly 30 percent. 3.The survey participants were girls. Who were 10 to 1 4. 4.What kind of institution does the lead researcher work with? A hospital. 5.Unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food may. Lead to an eating disorder. Pushbike Peril 1.According to the passage, some engineers are trying to improve the handlebars because. they are not noble enough. 2.In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of serious abdominal iniuries. To tell us why Kristy Arbogast began the projict. 3.Paragraph 3 mainly discusses. how serious injuries occur. 4.The passage implies that. It is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design. 5.In which of the following ways the handgrip work? It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents. Aate-night Erinking 1.The author mentions “pick-me-up”to indicate that. coffee is a stimulant. 2.Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep? Caffeine halves the body’s levels of sleep hormone. 3.What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. 4.What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone. 5.The author of this passage probably agrees that. we should not drink coffee after supper. Attitudes to AIDS Now 1.What do activists worry about? People may stop worrying about AIDS. 2.According to the passage, people’s attitude toward the cure of AIDS is. realistic. 3.The Gallup Poll shows that the number of people. Who think AIDS is the country’s top health killer has fallen. 4.According to the Kaiser Poll, which of the following is NOT correct? More and more people die of AIDS now.
